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I'm talking about Joshua whatever his name is. The one that does the pick and ban for TSM.
👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌th 👌 ere👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
Tank vayne top is great success

The Platinum dream begins!
I wonder when will people notice that blind picking Kog'Maw in soloq where people don't give a shit about protecting you just doesn't work
That Muramana change has made it so much easier for retards to play Blue Ezreal. It's whatever, I sometimes forget to toggle Muramana anyways.
Also I'm loving that buff towards Sivir. No idea why but I feel like I always do so much damage with Sivir compared to any other ADC, and the stats support it; only ADC that beats her is Bue Ezreal.
Holy shit hahahahaha they're showing their retardation once again roflmaoooo

tf is that lol
Iirc Apollo did it once in LCS. Basically, the opponent would lose one minion because of the creep block if done right. It's not usually done in League but apparently it was possible. In Dota you can actually do it several times better. You can even do it the whole game. The patch is basically them saying "We don't like it so let's remove it. It also looks like we copied it from dota."
That was genuinely annoying though when you see people doing that in Diamond like complete tryhards. You'd come to lane having missed 3 minions and it was just an annoying exploit.

And it wasn't just once, they did it multiple times in the lcs.
I mean, I think it's completely stupid lol
hey hika please give me a lightspeed data connection so I can play on NA server without 210 ping :(
sry bb come live with me and u have 15 ping I promise
me and my friend did a garen mirror match

just imagine

that attack speed :^)
Played ranked today

Do or die match in series
Ally picks vayne top and goes 0/8 against fiora

sad lyf :(

Reva wrote:

me and my friend did a garen mirror match

just imagine

that attack speed :^)
Wtttf why

Yonakr wrote:

Reva wrote:

me and my friend did a garen mirror match

just imagine

that attack speed :^)
Wtttf why
because I'm bored and decided to do a little "fun" build.

I'm just that kind of player who prefers attack speed and crit. chance builds so...
That poor veigar had practically no one to ult.

OT: This game is gonna turn into cs:go with these chests. It's also going take me forever to get the Annie skin.

Rurree wrote:

EneT wrote:

As an ADC main, I'm gonna have to say that it is not true, at least in my case. I like to play Kog'Maw and he is really fun because seeing your opponents die in an instant is funny. Kiting is still pretty much important since you need your Q and E to fend off the assassins.

Jinx is my favourite champion and I have no idea how others think she's boring. But, well, opinions are opinions. 8-)
Well you must love boring champs if Jinx is your favourite. Seeing your opponents dying in an instant isn't fun when all you did was press W. That's like saying you had fun playing a sport and winning when all you did was sub in for 1 min.
What makes Jinx your favourite? What in her kit makes her so 'fun' to you and put her above the other ADCs?
Literally every other ADC is more fun than her.
I'm not a fan of boring champs, I hate playing Darius, Garen, Warwick, etc., those champs for me are the boring ones. Opponents dying in an instant makes me happy due to the fact that I know that when that happens, I did a good job in getting gold and kills to the point where in I'm really fed. Well, I know how to utilize Jinx's kit in a way where in she's fun, I'm guessing that you're not too experienced with her so I don't expect you to find her fun at all. :)

My favourite champions are Jinx, Corki, Viktor, LeBlanc, Lucian, and Graves. I have no idea if these champs are "boring" for you but whatever. Yes, there are AD Carries that aren't fun to play for me, like Sivir and Miss Fortune.

Jinx is my favourite champions because of her overall look, backstory, and kit. Her kit is amazing, only downside is that she has little mobility, apart from her passive, which is fine because that passive gets me hyped up whenever there's a clash and it makes kiting and positioning so much easier and fun.

Rurree wrote:

I'm not a fan of boring champs, I hate playing Darius, Garen, Warwick, etc., those champs for me are the boring ones. Opponents dying in an instant makes me happy due to the fact that I know that when that happens, I did a good job in getting gold and kills to the point where in I'm really fed. Well, I know how to utilize Jinx's kit in a way where in she's fun, I'm guessing that you're not too experienced with her so I don't expect you to find her fun at all. :)

My favourite champions are Jinx, Corki, Viktor, LeBlanc, Lucian, and Graves. I have no idea if these champs are "boring" for you but whatever. Yes, there are AD Carries that aren't fun to play for me, like Sivir and Miss Fortune.

Jinx is my favourite champions because of her overall look, backstory, and kit. Her kit is amazing, only downside is that she has little mobility, apart from her passive, which is fine because that passive gets me hyped up whenever there's a clash and it makes kiting and positioning so much easier and fun.
I've been an ADC main Season 1, end of season 3, season 4, 5 and this season; I'm pretty sure I'm experienced with every ADC mate. I don't hate Jinx; if you only took account her lore and character design then she would be one of my favourites. In fact, she is the only champion that I've bought on release with RP on EVERY single one of my accounts, and I have a lot of accounts. I've had my fair share of maining every single ADC and that goes for Jinx too.
But her kit is just boring.

Let's compare her to Sivir, which you, for some reason, find boring. Taking into account that Urgot and Graves aren't viable in the ADC position, Sivir has the lowest range out of any other ADCs. Her range sitting at 500, the only other ADC with 500 range is Kog, but this is off-set by the fact he can increase his range with W. This means that she has to be closer during fights. Her passive however, helps her out by giving her movespeed whenever she attacks an enemy champion and her Spell shield allows her to block 1 spell. Her kit overall, rewards good ADC players as it promotes good positioning, kiting and an awareness towards the capabilities of your enemies (What your enemies can do and what things you need to look out for). In fact, Sivir is the best champ to play to improve your skills as an ADC since those three things are the base skills needed to becoming a great ADC.
Sivir is quite a fun ADC to play and when it comes to her, the difference between a good ADC and a bad ADC is prevalent.

Jinx on the other hand, is not quite the same; she does not promote improvement. When it comes to Jinx, the difference between a good ADC and a bad ADC is not as distinct. The skill requirement and skill cap of the champion is incredibly low, Master Yi level. She allows for poor positioning due to her huge range and her role in the game isn't really 'fun' either; Turret killing and AOE crits in teamfights. In an ADC vs ADC scenario where both ADCs have equal items, Jinx only wins lategame, so unless the enemy ADC is shit, Jinx should be losing every single trade in lane since her kit isn't that strong and overall promotes passive play. Let's take a look at a pro player who has generally poor positioning in teamfights - WildTurtle; last season, Turtle underperformed heavily due to his poor positioning. The only champions he consistently performed well on during last season was Jinx. Why? Jinx allows for poor positioning.
She's basically another version of Tristana, difference is that Tristana promotes aggressive play, kills turrets faster, does more damage, better self peel and better mobility.
In general, I find that people who really like to play Jinx are the shit ADCs, since her playstyle is incredibly easy and generic to play; she's the Tryndamere/Master Yi of ADCs.

If you have fun playing Jinx then whatever, your opinion, but if you find Jinx to be the most fun champion to play then you must either be on some drugs, somewhat new to the game or just incredibly shit, since she literally has no entertaining mechanic in comparison to actual fun ADCs like saaaayy... Kalista.
holy shit
hold me guys
I think it's Immortal's time.

Get your asshole ready.

EneT wrote:

Rurree wrote:

I'm not a fan of boring champs, I hate playing Darius, Garen, Warwick, etc., those champs for me are the boring ones. Opponents dying in an instant makes me happy due to the fact that I know that when that happens, I did a good job in getting gold and kills to the point where in I'm really fed. Well, I know how to utilize Jinx's kit in a way where in she's fun, I'm guessing that you're not too experienced with her so I don't expect you to find her fun at all. :)

My favourite champions are Jinx, Corki, Viktor, LeBlanc, Lucian, and Graves. I have no idea if these champs are "boring" for you but whatever. Yes, there are AD Carries that aren't fun to play for me, like Sivir and Miss Fortune.

Jinx is my favourite champions because of her overall look, backstory, and kit. Her kit is amazing, only downside is that she has little mobility, apart from her passive, which is fine because that passive gets me hyped up whenever there's a clash and it makes kiting and positioning so much easier and fun.
I've been an ADC main Season 1, end of season 3, season 4, 5 and this season; I'm pretty sure I'm experienced with every ADC mate. I don't hate Jinx; if you only took account her lore and character design then she would be one of my favourites. In fact, she is the only champion that I've bought on release with RP on EVERY single one of my accounts, and I have a lot of accounts. I've had my fair share of maining every single ADC and that goes for Jinx too.
But her kit is just boring.

Let's compare her to Sivir, which you, for some reason, find boring. Taking into account that Urgot and Graves aren't viable in the ADC position, Sivir has the lowest range out of any other ADCs. Her range sitting at 500, the only other ADC with 500 range is Kog, but this is off-set by the fact he can increase his range with W. This means that she has to be closer during fights. Her passive however, helps her out by giving her movespeed whenever she attacks an enemy champion and her Spell shield allows her to block 1 spell. Her kit overall, rewards good ADC players as it promotes good positioning, kiting and an awareness towards the capabilities of your enemies (What your enemies can do and what things you need to look out for). In fact, Sivir is the best champ to play to improve your skills as an ADC since those three things are the base skills needed to becoming a great ADC.
Sivir is quite a fun ADC to play and when it comes to her, the difference between a good ADC and a bad ADC is prevalent.

Jinx on the other hand, is not quite the same; she does not promote improvement. When it comes to Jinx, the difference between a good ADC and a bad ADC is not as distinct. The skill requirement and skill cap of the champion is incredibly low, Master Yi level. She allows for poor positioning due to her huge range and her role in the game isn't really 'fun' either; Turret killing and AOE crits in teamfights. In an ADC vs ADC scenario where both ADCs have equal items, Jinx only wins lategame, so unless the enemy ADC is shit, Jinx should be losing every single trade in lane since her kit isn't that strong and overall promotes passive play. Let's take a look at a pro player who has generally poor positioning in teamfights - WildTurtle; last season, Turtle underperformed heavily due to his poor positioning. The only champions he consistently performed well on during last season was Jinx. Why? Jinx allows for poor positioning.
She's basically another version of Tristana, difference is that Tristana promotes aggressive play, kills turrets faster, does more damage, better self peel and better mobility.
In general, I find that people who really like to play Jinx are the shit ADCs, since her playstyle is incredibly easy and generic to play; she's the Tryndamere/Master Yi of ADCs.

If you have fun playing Jinx then whatever, your opinion, but if you find Jinx to be the most fun champion to play then you must either be on some drugs, somewhat new to the game or just incredibly shit, since she literally has no entertaining mechanic in comparison to actual fun ADCs like saaaayy... Kalista.
I don't care if a champion shows how good an ADC is. I have a good win-rate with Sivir, but does that make her fun? Probably, for others, but not for me, as I have said this is only an OPINION. No need to sound so condescending.

I don't really want to defend anymore why I like Jinx as a champion and why I have her as my favourite since it's obvious you would never agree, it's pretty pointless to argue over LoL, so carry on.
Kiwikid's Alistar against C9 was really funny for me. Rare for me to see an Alistar so squishy, even at late game.
what the fuck

edit: ... 0708864000

CLG comp too annoying to deal with though, hope my boys at C9 bounce back next week :^)
how2use jhin properly?
CLG really is this split's Gravity.

not that i mind though, seeing C9 lose is always worth it
I still refuse to watch any games this split because of how boring this patch is
C9 u suck n u suck in Smite too son
the Talon nerfs are triggering me so much

why him when there's Lux, Zed, Ahri with twice as big playrates and 54% winrate

i think riot doesnt realize how big of a nerf the cd on shadow assault really is
i mop u talon players on the floor with syndra fite me cuz
Zain Sugieres
I mop every player with Singed
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