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Except that Akali is balanced
Until Yasuo,Talon and a few other champs are nerfed she is.
Talon? Why Talon?

I said until then. Not that he needs it.

If I had the choice between playing Talon or Akali I would play Talon. Easier laning phase against more matchups.

I see Talon quite often in high Diamond it's freakin annoying but you can deal with him.
i said hes terribly designed because hes unbalancable
stop being stubborn and give reasons
Witch Mercy
why did talon suddenly get popular again
also when I play him I feel like I do no dmg LOL

Graciee wrote:

also when I play him I feel like I do no dmg LOL
me every single time lol

try armor pen reds + armor pen items
Eren Yaeger
I'm not sure why but recently I've been playing a ton of AD Nidalee and can say for sure that she's extremely fun, even when built AP she's still pretty strong. :>

Same with Akali, the amount of people that don't respect her level 6 power spike is ridiculous and I can get a kill nearly 70% of the time I hit 6.
AD Nidalee is fun. Most of the time, I play her against Nasus. Nidalee wrecks Nasus early game by harassing him with autos and Nidalee has much more to offer in teamfights than Nasus.
Eren Yaeger

Navizel wrote:

AD Nidalee is fun. Most of the time, I play her against Nasus. Nidalee wrecks Nasus early game by harassing him with autos and Nidalee has much more to offer in teamfights than Nasus.
I do the same but I build differently when I am fighting a Nasus or another really tanky toplaner and jng where I will usually buy sheen/phage then rush BotRK so I can actually do damage to them when they are trying to farm or get stacks. It also helps with split pushing when you buy a BotRK but you won't get as tanky sooner but you'll be more relevant late game cause you will still have the BotRK passive to help you still do dmg.

It's nice to have a top laner that actually has a ton of variety in what she can build unlike the typical rush BotRK then get tanky.
*Plays ADC fizz* lololol

Eren Yaeger wrote:

It's nice to have a top laner that actually has a ton of variety in what she can build unlike the typical rush BotRK then get tanky.
That's so mid-season 4 though, right now they go either for the Triforce or RoA rush
A lot of ranged top laners being played so "bork rush then tanky" is definitely not true..

I kinda miss Renekton being played every game.
Mofu kun
Hey guys, fairly new player here, i have experience midlane and jungle, but no so much support or top.

Can you guys give me champ recommendations and tips for support and top?
How new though

Top - tank damage, peel, kill enemy carry
Put points in your R whenever (q>e>w>w>w>r>w>e>w>>>>>)
Starting Items: Crystalline Flask, 3 health pot, trinket/Doran's Blade, 1 health pot, trinket
Core build: Triforce, Choice of boots (Ninja Tabi against AD, Merc Treads against AP or heavy cc team)
Optional: Blade of the Ruined King
Against AD: Randuin's Omen/Frozen Heart
Against AP: Banshee's Veil/Spirit Visage
Extension: Guardian Angel/Thornmail

Focus on farm, Q a minion if you can't land the last hit. If your enemy got too close, auto-attack them. They will attack back or will run, E them either way. Use your W and auto-attack them to death. If they run and you can't chase, use your q to close the gap. If you have Sheen, AA-E-AA-W-AA...-Q. Make sure to know your matchup though.

Also, ult+auto+ult+auto.. for Sheen procs.

For support

Vulf wrote:

I said until then. Not that he needs it.

If I had the choice between playing Talon or Akali I would play Talon. Easier laning phase against more matchups.

I see Talon quite often in high Diamond it's freakin annoying but you can deal with him.
What people don't seem to understand is that unlike champions like LB or Kass once Talon goes in he has no means of escape hence why he shouldn't be touched. The silence is short and you can do something about it as long as you survive the burst (as an assassin he's MEANT to burst people, I don't get all the whining). The only reason he's getting popular now is due to nerfs to other assassins, he was considered bad before but really nothing changed about him. There are so many middle lane picks that SHIT on him so hard (Ryze, Swain, Diana, Fizz, anything that can counter him with range) and his pre-6 is awful. If he gets nerfed he will probably fall to shit-tier and then be forgotten for months or years. I hope Riot won't listen to the reddit crybabies...
Yeah he is in the same situation as Akali: Godlike in low-mid elo due to his stealth, but chokes once people learn how to control him with pink wards. He is great in skirmishes at dragon or baron and he has, unlike most assassin's, strong AOE damage which can make him a strong pick even in competetive play. At least in the right hands. He can get most of his damage out before he gets bursted down so he isn't that risky of a pick, though he is mediocre at best when it comes to sieging.

I haven't seen a pro player play Talon well except for Voyboy yet, I guess people still need to figure out how to play him correctly.

I still think he deserves some changes, be it buffs or nerfs. His passive is a bit awkward and doesn't work well with his usual spell rotation.
As more things get nerfed the stronger others get.

Look at Warwick for example. He went from a troll pick to a strong Jungler and this was all due to buffs to his items and nerfs to other strong junglers. His kit was untouched other than bugs fixes which came with even more bugs.

It's already been said by Riot that if they ever decide to nerf Talon he will be losing his silence most likely.
Mofu kun
Thank you Navizel for the help.

I will try to learn how to play Irelia and Leona.

Navizel wrote:

AD Nidalee is fun. Most of the time, I play her against Nasus. Nidalee wrecks Nasus early game by harassing him with autos and Nidalee has much more to offer in teamfights than Nasus.
Early-Midgame maybe, but late game nasus one shot everyone while beiing super tanky so i doubt it.

Vulf wrote:

A lot of ranged top laners being played
As someone who uses mostly melee champions, I really hope it doesn't keep up... >_>

SoG Tava wrote:

Navizel wrote:

AD Nidalee is fun. Most of the time, I play her against Nasus. Nidalee wrecks Nasus early game by harassing him with autos and Nidalee has much more to offer in teamfights than Nasus.
Early-Midgame maybe, but late game nasus one shot everyone while beiing super tanky so i doubt it.
That's why you need to force teamfights early and get objectives so they can't get into late game. In case the game reached late game, Nidalee can splitpush just like Nasus.
as a tryndamere main i dont care whats popular top, all i want is that quinn is deleted from the fucking game because fuck that champ

^stats with tryndamere for reference, d5 71 lp atm
wait what didn't you use to main Quinn top?

Daesung-ah wrote:

as a tryndamere main i dont care whats popular top, all i want is that quinn is deleted from the fucking game because fuck that champ

^stats with tryndamere for reference, d5 71 lp atm
not even 1k kills...
Oh god those TSM vs. DIG games are so intense.. just heartattack after heartattack.
Witch Mercy

BrokenArrow wrote:

Oh god those TSM vs. DIG games are so intense.. just heartattack after heartattack.
That culling from turtle though LOL
Too funny.
What about that big lucky crit from zed again x_x happened two times in the game but he managed to end at the second one (CST vs ProLoL)

BrokenArrow wrote:

wait what didn't you use to main Quinn top?
hey man shut the fuck up quinn is cancer i'd never ever main that shit hard sarcasm

Justykanna wrote:

Vulf wrote:

A lot of ranged top laners being played
As someone who uses mostly melee champions, I really hope it doesn't keep up... >_>
Not sure what elo you are but anything under low-mid plat is too busy banning stuff like Jax.

Vulf wrote:

Not sure what elo you are but anything under low-mid plat is too busy banning stuff like Jax.
Currently mid-Silver.
Jax hasn't actually been banned a ton. Yasuo, Braum, Vi, Morgana and Maokai have been the common ones.
Eren Yaeger
I always ban against my team and sometimes one ban against the enemy, always hate seeing a Yasuo go 1/10 and still thinks he can 1v3
How come I don't see any Maokai bans and I'm mid-Silver too.

I still see a lot of players ban Jax. The only time I ban him is when I don't feel like going top and I doubt the guy who called top doesn't know how to counter or play against him.
Eren Yaeger
They nerfed Jax's early game so it's really hard for him to get going now which is why he isn't ban priority, Maokai on the other hand has 20% AoE DMG reduction that applies to his team and himself, a knockback, a root and a very large amount of self healing, all while having %HP dmg and scouting with his saplings.
That's exactly my point?

In lower elo's people are too busy banning stuff like Jax because the higher elo/pro play stuff hasn't trickled down there yet. I don't get why Maokai is banned or even picked much top because you can outpick that so easily. It was already demonstrated in competitive play. I have yet to lose a game against a Maokai top.
Zzzzz it sucks so hard to wait such a long time to see this CLG vs. CRS game and this is how the series starts.. and judging from the loser's faces after the game (don't want to spoiler) they're not gonna pull a win out today
Fml why do I even spend all my weekend nights watching this ):

Never will I ditch my friends to watch LCS again, afk
yeah, should've gone with my family instead of watching LCS. Yesterday's LCS is so much better than today's.

Vulf wrote:

That's exactly my point?

In lower elo's people are too busy banning stuff like Jax because the higher elo/pro play stuff hasn't trickled down there yet. I don't get why Maokai is banned or even picked much top because you can outpick that so easily. It was already demonstrated in competitive play. I have yet to lose a game against a Maokai top.
I'd rather see other champions banned than Maokai - he's not really one I'd personally ban.
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