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Justykanna wrote:

Hika wrote:

I always go Vayne. Always. ALWAYS. When I see a Renekton, I will always go Vayne. I mean, I go adc naturally anyway, but if I was partying and a friend wanted to go bot, then I'd give it up and take top. So Renekton is fun to mess around with. I'm not sure, but I always wreck a Renekton with my Vayne. My Vayne is pretty decent, too. I'd recommend that.. at least try it or something.
Eh, I'm generally really bad at ranged champions. I played Vayne a few times when she was free and didn't overly like her. What makes Vayne good against him?
I'm more so looking for tips to fight him (so I don't lose lane to him EVERY time I need to face him), not as much counter picks.
A friend of mine told me to play Vayne up against a Renekton once and I just kept doing ever since. It's just the generic 'tank vs vayne vayne win l0l' bullshit, honestly. But I play passive until level 6 then go ahead and be a little more aggressive, depending on which side I play on and the team's jungler. It doesn't really take any type of skill, you just have to be smart about farming and staying consistent. I'd just be a little careful if the Renekton was going straight damage (which I doubt would happen), because you don't wanna stay pushed up to tower. You need the advantage to condemn, that's pretty much the way to initiate anything with a Renekton.
Kanye West

Justykanna wrote:

So, serious question.
How do you lane against a Renekton? Seeing them everywhere left and right and always losing.
I can't reliably fight him with any of my top laners except Garen (and even then it's a coin flip), and I have several teams that don't like Garens because of lack of team fight ability. I never win lane against one. My main top laners are Gangplank, Irelia and Malphite, sometimes Wukong.

Help? =(
Garen is a hard counter to him but he falls off even harder in lategame compared to Renekton so it's not the best pick. To straight up counter him early game you need range or some way to punish his aggression. Basically, pick Ryze, Elise, or Vayne but generally it's a bad idea to pick an earlygame counter to him because they're bad for even worse reasons. Picking Ryze can be bad if your jungler/support don't build tanky. Elise top is worse than jungle and Vayne top dies to jungle ganks easily and if you make a small mistake and get stunned by him you instalose lane.

Best way to deal with him is just play a meta toplaner like shyvana, jax, trundle or irelia/jayce if you play it well but they're riskier. Learn to predict his aggression. If his fury bar is red, he is going to initiate a trade on you so get ready to cc and if he uses both his dashes to chase you then punish him for it. Also get good at last hitting under tower, if you can't do this then you will lose lane to him 100% unless he's bad.

Btw picking Vayne top is a bad idea in general because the enemy jungler is going to camp you and you will die to ganks without flash 99 times out of 100 unless you are doublelift.
P r o m i s e s

Justykanna wrote:

So, serious question.
How do you lane against a Renekton? Seeing them everywhere left and right and always losing.
I can't reliably fight him with any of my top laners except Garen (and even then it's a coin flip), and I have several teams that don't like Garens because of lack of team fight ability. I never win lane against one. My main top laners are Gangplank, Irelia and Malphite, sometimes Wukong.

Help? =(
I tend to play Jayce against Renekton. You may not have the sustain you have, but you harass nicely while in ranged mode and you have 2 escapes. Whenever he just comes up to you to stun, just go into melee mode and knock him away and then harass him from a distance in ranged mode with your Hyper Charge (W ability). However people do say that Jayce gets countered by Renekton, but I don't think it's true.
If you can't play Jayce, then take Jax, just farm into late game and be a carrying monster.
Do you have range indicators enabled? That might fix the issue because I've never had this problem when playing Cass.
Let me know if it was any helpful.~

Justykanna wrote:

So, serious question.
How do you lane against a Renekton? Seeing them everywhere left and right and always losing.
I can't reliably fight him with any of my top laners except Garen (and even then it's a coin flip), and I have several teams that don't like Garens because of lack of team fight ability. I never win lane against one. My main top laners are Gangplank, Irelia and Malphite, sometimes Wukong.

Help? =(
You ain't gonna do shit with Gankplank, Wukong or Malphite 1v1 if Renekton player knows his game. Honestly, don't pick Gankplank at all, he's only good at the moment if you get early kills or in very specific ad-scaling teams against even more certain picks. He's also stupid easy countered by building Tabi and fighting back with anything that has a gapcloser. You can win with him, sure that, just don't expect to win as much as you want if you start climbing the ladder. Malphite and Wukong might outscale towards mid-late game with superior utility but you're very unlikely to cheese through the Renekton lane with them.

Irelia is stronger here and is more of a both sided skill matchup rather than the above where you wait for Renekton to ouplay himself and capitalise on that. Start cloth 5 every time. Play passively and get pushed under turret but don't get chunked hard trying to get leftover minions when most of your wave is dead, this shit loses lanes. Don't get hot-headed level 4-5 and keep playing passively keeping trades to a forced minimum. If you go close but noone takes a kill, you should start getting stronger than Renekton towards level 7 or 9. 9th page is made specifically to beat or at the very least stand your ground against strong AD laners as Renekton or Pantheon with Irelia or Tryndamere. I know it looks ridiculous. Armor improves healing effectivity. 15% aspd are a lot superior to AD on them, not only because they have autoattack steroids but you can also hit'n'run a lot quicker, be it a minion or a champion. You're not too strong first 2-4 levels without HP runes though. Get at least 1 Doran's Blade on Irelia with this page, I prefer 2.

If everything fails, take teleport into every single Renekton matchup and hope you can do good with your second teleport use, first one likely used to save your lane.

Justykanna wrote:

So, serious question.
How do you lane against a Renekton? Seeing them everywhere left and right and always losing.
I can't reliably fight him with any of my top laners except Garen (and even then it's a coin flip), and I have several teams that don't like Garens because of lack of team fight ability. I never win lane against one. My main top laners are Gangplank, Irelia and Malphite, sometimes Wukong.

Help? =(
Play Riven.

Always play Riven Top Lane

Then troll

Also Irelia's a good pick too if you got early lane presence and dominance
LB hitting tower showed a weird visual effect bug, instead of the usual "magic splash" effect upon hitting the tower with basic AAs, I got the "Flash" icon instead, all flashy with strange colors...
Witch Mercy
I hate J4 junglers... -_-
La Volpe

Graciee wrote:

I hate J4 junglers... -_-
It's not that bad if you can dodge his combo.
Xin Zhao is more annoying than J4. Red buff + gap closer is bs. You're fucked if you don't have flash or escape mechanism.
hahahaha xin zhao e hahahah

so annoying
[- Alex -]
Well . Need to play 1 rank with a friend.

Eren Yaeger

Sonatora wrote:

Justykanna wrote:

So, serious question.
How do you lane against a Renekton? Seeing them everywhere left and right and always losing.
I can't reliably fight him with any of my top laners except Garen (and even then it's a coin flip), and I have several teams that don't like Garens because of lack of team fight ability. I never win lane against one. My main top laners are Gangplank, Irelia and Malphite, sometimes Wukong.

Help? =(
Play Riven.

Always play Riven Top Lane

Then troll

Also Irelia's a good pick too if you got early lane presence and dominance
Riven gets super hardcore counter by Renekton I would never lane against him with her ;w;
I love vayne omfg gonna main her


Justykanna wrote:

So, serious question.
How do you lane against a Renekton? Seeing them everywhere left and right and always losing.
I can't reliably fight him with any of my top laners except Garen (and even then it's a coin flip), and I have several teams that don't like Garens because of lack of team fight ability. I never win lane against one. My main top laners are Gangplank, Irelia and Malphite, sometimes Wukong.

Help? =(
Nothing really beats Renekton in the lane phase. Stuff like Ryze and Jax have the potential to beat him after a few levels, but they can still lose to him.
Most games make it passed 30 minutes now so you are better off picking something that will not die to him if played properly and has a better late game in team fights.

I've been seeing a lot of Kennen picked against him lately because he is safe and his late game ulti is ridiculous in team fights.
Having a major slump in my gameplay. Incredibly annoying also hampered by people thinking they should farm jungle to get FF stacks, never appearing in lane ever. I need a break from this game. Simply not having fun with any of my mains. Too bad my frustrations simply come back if I take break.

Eren Yaeger wrote:

Riven gets super hardcore counter by Renekton I would never lane against him with her ;w;
I got 3/0/1 on my Riven vs. Renek top lane

Back then, Riven is super OP
Anyone got tips on how to counter Syndra in mid lane? Every time my team is against her, she just bursts down whoever goes near her :/

Infernocash wrote:

Anyone got tips on how to counter Syndra in mid lane? Every time my team is against her, she just bursts down whoever goes near her :/

IMO a Good Zed can counter Syndra

Zed deals burst physical, which puts you on an advantage

Try it for once

Kanye West wrote:

Justykanna wrote:

So, serious question.
How do you lane against a Renekton? Seeing them everywhere left and right and always losing.
I can't reliably fight him with any of my top laners except Garen (and even then it's a coin flip), and I have several teams that don't like Garens because of lack of team fight ability. I never win lane against one. My main top laners are Gangplank, Irelia and Malphite, sometimes Wukong.

Help? =(
Garen is a hard counter to him but he falls off even harder in lategame compared to Renekton so it's not the best pick. To straight up counter him early game you need range or some way to punish his aggression. Basically, pick Ryze, Elise, or Vayne but generally it's a bad idea to pick an earlygame counter to him because they're bad for even worse reasons. Picking Ryze can be bad if your jungler/support don't build tanky. Elise top is worse than jungle and Vayne top dies to jungle ganks easily and if you make a small mistake and get stunned by him you instalose lane.

Best way to deal with him is just play a meta toplaner like shyvana, jax, trundle or irelia/jayce if you play it well but they're riskier. Learn to predict his aggression. If his fury bar is red, he is going to initiate a trade on you so get ready to cc and if he uses both his dashes to chase you then punish him for it. Also get good at last hitting under tower, if you can't do this then you will lose lane to him 100% unless he's bad.

Btw picking Vayne top is a bad idea in general because the enemy jungler is going to camp you and you will die to ganks without flash 99 times out of 100 unless you are doublelift.
Hard counter huh? I mean. I at least have a chance against him with Garen so I'll take that over saying 'Renekton > All, I'll just lose lane'.
Speaking of Elise, I actually never see her anymore? What happened to her that made her fall out of favour... everywhere. lol.
Irelia would be my pick on that list you gave me. How would you predict aggression though? Are you talking player to player? I mean, I know how each of his skills change when each one has 50 Rage, I know how he works.
I can farm under turret with some champions, but even turret doesn't really help me a lot. He can dive. =(

TKiller wrote:

Justykanna wrote:

So, serious question.
How do you lane against a Renekton? Seeing them everywhere left and right and always losing.
I can't reliably fight him with any of my top laners except Garen (and even then it's a coin flip), and I have several teams that don't like Garens because of lack of team fight ability. I never win lane against one. My main top laners are Gangplank, Irelia and Malphite, sometimes Wukong.

Help? =(
You ain't gonna do shit with Gankplank, Wukong or Malphite 1v1 if Renekton player knows his game. Honestly, don't pick Gankplank at all, he's only good at the moment if you get early kills or in very specific ad-scaling teams against even more certain picks. He's also stupid easy countered by building Tabi and fighting back with anything that has a gapcloser. You can win with him, sure that, just don't expect to win as much as you want if you start climbing the ladder. Malphite and Wukong might outscale towards mid-late game with superior utility but you're very unlikely to cheese through the Renekton lane with them.

Irelia is stronger here and is more of a both sided skill matchup rather than the above where you wait for Renekton to ouplay himself and capitalise on that. Start cloth 5 every time. Play passively and get pushed under turret but don't get chunked hard trying to get leftover minions when most of your wave is dead, this shit loses lanes. Don't get hot-headed level 4-5 and keep playing passively keeping trades to a forced minimum. If you go close but noone takes a kill, you should start getting stronger than Renekton towards level 7 or 9. 9th page is made specifically to beat or at the very least stand your ground against strong AD laners as Renekton or Pantheon with Irelia or Tryndamere. I know it looks ridiculous. Armor improves healing effectivity. 15% aspd are a lot superior to AD on them, not only because they have autoattack steroids but you can also hit'n'run a lot quicker, be it a minion or a champion. You're not too strong first 2-4 levels without HP runes though. Get at least 1 Doran's Blade on Irelia with this page, I prefer 2.

If everything fails, take teleport into every single Renekton matchup and hope you can do good with your second teleport use, first one likely used to save your lane.
Well, saying x-champion isn't good isn't the solution either. I've always been taught to stick to a small pool of champions and those four happen to be my top laners because I like using them and I'm comfortable with them. Five if you include Garen. Changing the champions to use all the time just because they're good in the meta, without having much skill isn't 'really' a solid solution, is it? =/
Especially after telling me "don't pick Gangplank at all" when he's far and away my favourite champion.
Okay, so stay under turrets, avoid engages during all of laning phase? Wouldn't that be complete free farm for him then? I feel like teams wouldn't like that sort of thing. I mean. Giving him free kills is probably worse but still.

Vulf wrote:

Justykanna wrote:

So, serious question.
How do you lane against a Renekton? Seeing them everywhere left and right and always losing.
I can't reliably fight him with any of my top laners except Garen (and even then it's a coin flip), and I have several teams that don't like Garens because of lack of team fight ability. I never win lane against one. My main top laners are Gangplank, Irelia and Malphite, sometimes Wukong.

Help? =(
Nothing really beats Renekton in the lane phase. Stuff like Ryze and Jax have the potential to beat him after a few levels, but they can still lose to him.
Most games make it passed 30 minutes now so you are better off picking something that will not die to him if played properly and has a better late game in team fights.

I've been seeing a lot of Kennen picked against him lately because he is safe and his late game ulti is ridiculous in team fights.
Noted. What makes Jax good for him though? Thought he was more meant for fighting auto attackers like Xin Zhao, Tryndamere and to an extent, Gangplank.

Justykanna wrote:

Well, saying x-champion isn't good isn't the solution either. I've always been taught to stick to a small pool of champions and those four happen to be my top laners because I like using them and I'm comfortable with them. Five if you include Garen. Changing the champions to use all the time just because they're good in the meta, without having much skill isn't 'really' a solid solution, is it? =/
Especially after telling me "don't pick Gangplank at all" when he's far and away my favourite champion.
Okay, so stay under turrets, avoid engages during all of laning phase? Wouldn't that be complete free farm for him then? I feel like teams wouldn't like that sort of thing. I mean. Giving him free kills is probably worse but still.
You listed champions, I told you what to expect. Play Gankplank all you want but expect to be stomped by people who know what they're doing.

"Free farming Renekton" is an oxymoron. You won't really deny a champion that has that much resourseless aoe healing through damage.

I forgot to mention that you can max W on Gankplank and sit through the lane and use flat AD + lasthit masteries + some AD runes on Malphite to lasthit more reliably, especially under tower which can lead into more efficient shield usage, a bit hard to explain. But I don't like those since first one makes you lose even more power time with Gankplank who falls off greatly towards late game in any build and using that stuff on Malphite makes you even more team-reliant for damage.

Oh, also Malphite Q is useless during laning phase since early Renekton will outheal it unless you go big on AP and mana pots. And if he builds any magic resist, he will outheal it even if you max it towards level 9. So unless your jungler pays attention to your lane put 3 or at least 2 points into E for waveclear. Still max Q after that since you're more likely to use it on other champions by then.

Anyway, point is Renekton lane 1v1 is mostly about Renekton and not you. If he's doing well and doesn't do stuff like using Q at full health without hitting you or failing to hit W after charging it up, then just focus on scaling yourself into game. You might not even outscale Renekton sometimes but that doesn't stop you from impacting the game.

TKiller wrote:

Justykanna wrote:

Well, saying x-champion isn't good isn't the solution either. I've always been taught to stick to a small pool of champions and those four happen to be my top laners because I like using them and I'm comfortable with them. Five if you include Garen. Changing the champions to use all the time just because they're good in the meta, without having much skill isn't 'really' a solid solution, is it? =/
Especially after telling me "don't pick Gangplank at all" when he's far and away my favourite champion.
Okay, so stay under turrets, avoid engages during all of laning phase? Wouldn't that be complete free farm for him then? I feel like teams wouldn't like that sort of thing. I mean. Giving him free kills is probably worse but still.
You listed champions, I told you what to expect. Play Gankplank all you want but expect to be stomped by people who know what they're doing.

"Free farming Renekton" is an oxymoron. You won't really deny a champion that has that much resourseless aoe healing through damage.

I forgot to mention that you can max W on Gankplank and sit through the lane and use flat AD + lasthit masteries + some AD runes on Malphite to lasthit more reliably, especially under tower which can lead into more efficient shield usage, a bit hard to explain. But I don't like those since first one makes you lose even more power time with Gankplank who falls off greatly towards late game in any build and using that stuff on Malphite makes you even more team-reliant for damage.

Oh, also Malphite Q is useless during laning phase since early Renekton will outheal it unless you go big on AP and mana pots. And if he builds any magic resist, he will outheal it even if you max it towards level 9. So unless your jungler pays attention to your lane put 3 or at least 2 points into E for waveclear. Still max Q after that since you're more likely to use it on other champions by then.

Anyway, point is Renekton lane 1v1 is mostly about Renekton and not you. If he's doing well and doesn't do stuff like using Q at full health without hitting you or failing to hit W after charging it up, then just focus on scaling yourself into game. You might not even outscale Renekton sometimes but that doesn't stop you from impacting the game.
Well if I faced people who "knew what they were doing", I'd assume they'd be diamond or something. Not Silver 5 with me, lol. Anyways.

I actually started doing that on Gangplank starting two weeks ago out of necessity, since my usual Crit-Plank build wasn't getting me anywhere. Crit-Plank build involved leveling Q first and going for Statikk/Infinity Edge first where as the build I recently swapped to maxes W first and goes either Gauntlet (as dumb as it sounds) or Trinity Force first. It makes early-mid game a little more tolerable. I lose power yeah, but it allows me to sustain a little better since I don't usually get much lifesteal. This all worked for the past week or so but yeah... I'm starting to see less results as I play more (especially against... yeah... Renektons poping up everywhere).
(Added to my frustrations, I played with a buddy of mine whose Silver 3 (two ranks above me), picked Gangplank up a few days ago, and made the Crit-Plank build work and demolished people, then carried a game... Something I can't do with my most played champion anymore using that build.)

Malphite I really only use if my team is screaming for an AP champion. He's stupidly boring to me vs the other top laners I use. But I'm 8-3 in ranked with him so far so hey, results.
Ah, I might have to swap to the E then for Malphite. Never considered that.

People are so focused on laning phases (at least from most of the games I see) that impacting the game (with proper team fights and ultimate usage with Gangplank in the mid game) doesn't really seem to go noticed. I'm not exactly looking for pats on the back, but if you do mediocre or worse in lane, it'd be nice not to catch the added toxicity that already comes from using unpopular champions to begin with. Have a mediocre or worse laning phase -> have decent team fights or global ultimate usage -> get blamed for a loss by two or three people.

Thanks for the help, I do appreciate it.

Infernocash wrote:

Anyone got tips on how to counter Syndra in mid lane? Every time my team is against her, she just bursts down whoever goes near her :/
Dodge skills especially the stun. Poke works too.
Syndra is very prone to all-ins. If her stun and ulti are down she is pretty much free food for a lot of things.
also Yasuo

BrokenArrow wrote:

also Yasuo
Didn't yasuo get nerfed?

Toyface wrote:

BrokenArrow wrote:

also Yasuo
Didn't yasuo get nerfed?
His W still blocks all her shit and he will always be strong if they don't touch his passive
P r o m i s e s

BRBP wrote:

How to play veigar in silver ranked when you're bored
1,5k AP stronk
#1 build on mobafire i swear to god
HAHA, nice
[- Alex -]

BRBP wrote:

I asked for a gank and our nautilus tried to hook over a wall.

BrokenArrow wrote:

Let me know if it was any helpful.~
Played two games as Cass it didn't happen. I'll try a few more games to be sure~

How to play veigar in silver ranked when you're bored
1,5k AP stronk
#1 build on mobafire i swear to god

Dat Snoop Nasus skin tho. Nice build :p
La Volpe
Damn I love Sivir.<3

Sivir a scary mofo when done right.
[- Alex -]

BRBP wrote:

o_o I got the green great teammate tag next to my name on lobbies.

one day after my chat restriction ended lol
does that mean I'm both loved and hated
Wait? Do they still exist? (the red/green/etc tags.)

My red one is gone for some time ;_;
Kanye West
Dade is such a god on this patch. Wow.

WingsOfDeadthx wrote:

Wait? Do they still exist? (the red/green/etc tags.)

My red one is gone for some time ;_;
Well I found this.

if your ribbon goes away because you did not continue to earn enough honor to maintain it
The honor system is one of the worst and most pointless things they have added.
If you want to reward people for good behavior this isn't the way to do it.

I only see the Ribbons in bot matches now.
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