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Dorans Shield is overpowered on tanky defense tree abusing champions.

People all in too much bottom lane and I like to abuse that. I pretty much only play support Warwick now because it's too hilarious.

Navizel wrote:

LoL PH: Trashtalk, kill steal, role steal, and non-existent supports.

I don't really want to criticize lol ph more but I just can't help it. Is Yi and Teemo still overused there?
Teemo and Yi are no longer overused here.
I'm not proud of it, in fact I'm ashamed of it, but yeah gaming etiquette here in the Philippines is close to non-existent. Its just Blame here and blame that accompanied with endless trash talking and people shouting "KS amputa!!" with is roughly translated to "You sole my kill. FUCK YOU!!!".
There is occasionally the really nice, good and supportive player that you just love to play with. But chances are, unless you play with friends that you know, you'll end up playing with really rude players.

And I was plat 2 last season. I hope these people would start using some brain cells.

SoG Tava wrote:

BrokenArrow wrote:

Most of those tips are either common sense
maybe for u , but thats not the case for every one
I have to agree with SoG Tava, if both supports are skilled (thing I am not) if one of them doesn't have doran's shield probably he's fucked, and it's really hard to trade since the reduction damage it's fucking op

Miyu wrote:

ItsukiKun wrote:

"Meh... Whatever, this always happens anyway."
*Queues, Finds match*

This is how it ends.
Legit then EUW
But then... it's NOT EUW! (It's PH, the EUW of Garena servers)

Ceph23 wrote:

Navizel wrote:

LoL PH: Trashtalk, kill steal, role steal, and non-existent supports.

I don't really want to criticize lol ph more but I just can't help it. Is Yi and Teemo still overused there?
Teemo and Yi are no longer overused here.
I'm not proud of it, in fact I'm ashamed of it, but yeah gaming etiquette here in the Philippines is close to non-existent. Its just Blame here and blame that accompanied with endless trash talking and people shouting "KS amputa!!" with is roughly translated to "You sole my kill. FUCK YOU!!!".
There is occasionally the really nice, good and supportive player that you just love to play with. But chances are, unless you play with friends that you know, you'll end up playing with really rude players.

And I was plat 2 last season. I hope these people would start using some brain cells.
If you play with friends and get matched with other premades, then sometimes the people are actually really fun to play with, but you can just mute everyone in soloq 95% of the time without missing out on anything important.
doorman shield is fucking strong on any support nowadays

ur dumb if u go without it
Guess I'm dumb then
it still works
Today I saw BrokenArrow ragequitting so hard from a game

Im climbing quite nicely, even though I had a bad streak recently and I got a bit pissed of some tards :<

PS: Why +29 and I have 26? I had to dodge a queue because we were gonna play with 3 junglers... and nah, I didnt want to get even more stressed
With the removal of clamping I expect a ton of people to start abusing the MMR system to get free LP soon. LOL

I already see people in high diamond with like 50 loses over wins... LMAO
????? how

haven't safety nets at the bottom of leagues been removed
You still have to lose a lot of games to get demoted and you get a warning before so.

GeeNX wrote:

Today I saw BrokenArrow ragequitting so hard from a game
Yo just for clarification, I ragequit when the game was already over, not during the game. I don't do that anymore :p
But yeah when you have a 0/15 top lane Riven and a jungle Renekton feeding intentionally while your adc and you as a midlaner get fed as fuck but still aren't able to pull out a win because all of the enemies are just as fed as you sucks
And in the next game you literally lose the whole game because your freaking Zhonya's was placed on the wrong hotkey sucks even more. ;-;
No LP gains today, sad day.
Also I'm planning to buy Vi since she has been giving me lots of trouble. Do I have to be scared of he getting nerfed soon?

Malz jungle. Terrifying/10. Or as Sync says it, "a solid spooky."
I think Snoopeh did Jungle malza on stream with great succes
The sensation is so good when you win a 3v5 game :D. Game lasted 50 minutes!. The funny thing is that I couldn't connect to the game the first 5-10 min, Blitz dc around 35 and Warwick at 40.
Meh. Meanwhile I'm on a losing streak but still can't stop picking Katarina.

After not picking her for a long time she's incredibly fun. The damage she does in a shortest amount your enemy is vulnerable is incredible, but I don't feel like you can carry the game reliably solo with her. Her laning is incredibly safe in a majority of matchups. She can get a team with a slight advantage whole lot more ahead or capitalise on a slightest throw in deadliest way, but something is missing. Maybe I'm still doing something wrong.

I guess I'll keep picking her unless I get demoted past G3. Into the jungle till plat then and back to Katarina spam.

i have no regrets buying her, amazing champ
How to carry as support? If i'm last pick all the time I better learn how.
Learn to properly posture and trade in lane. Keep bush control. The amount of supports I see who just sit behind me (AD main) and not do anything at all makes me sad. Have presence and make sure the enemy knows you're there ready to fuck them up if they step too close. When a fight happens, position yourself so that the enemy wants to hit you instead of the AD. Don't stand on the edge of auto attack range and try to take as little damage as possible. I see people try to play support like they're a carry and it's wrong way to play. Every ability or auto put on you instead of the AD significantly improves the chance of winning the fight.

Or just play Annie.
Annie, got it.
But seriously, thanks.
It's either Annie where you go and outdamage everything 1v2.

Or Leona, where you go melee lvl 1 and start slapping people in the gabber. If your AD is following and shooting while enemies are like "wtf dis guy doin", you back off and keep getting levels waiting to smack opponents. If your AD is all "wtf Leona noob don't go in I need to cs" start pleading your jungler to gank.

But in all seriousness, just try to create opportunities for your team or at least notice those that people miss being too busy pvping or gathering creep gold. Your damage is going to be lacking later in the game, given you build traditionally, so build to be able to tank some hits and elude forth the enemy backline and back to those in need during fights. Disrupt as much as you can (seriously, as much as you can, build a bloody Rylai's on Soraka and be a Singed). Watch out for useful auras not picked up by your team and situations where you should build a Crucible.

Ward things. Don't underestimate pink ward baiting potential.

Don't be a Leona ulting and Zenith blading enemy carry only to leave your silly AD behind to be destroyed by that top laner.

scottyyy wrote:

Learn to properly posture and trade in lane. Keep bush control. The amount of supports I see who just sit behind me (AD main) and not do anything at all makes me sad. Have presence and make sure the enemy knows you're there ready to fuck them up if they step too close. When a fight happens, position yourself so that the enemy wants to hit you instead of the AD. Don't stand on the edge of auto attack range and try to take as little damage as possible. I see people try to play support like they're a carry and it's wrong way to play. Every ability or auto put on you instead of the AD significantly improves the chance of winning the fight.

Or just play Annie.
At least with Annie you need the slightlest idea of how to support , my friends that main support say that with her it's the easiest to carry on soloQ, but if you suck at it, just go for leona, leona is FULL YOLO. EASY, and you can 1vs1 the ad carry way too easy
Leona is simply perfect for soloq. An initiate that is signalised fast enough for your enemies to be unable to walk out of it completely without losing a dash but not fast enough for your teammates to miss it and not react properly.

Gap closer that stuns chainable into another stun.

Resistance steroid that makes you just brush off most mistakes you do.

And free damage for teammates that will be fully procked in teamfights even if you suck dick at chaining the passive well.

Just get that 40 armor page and go for it, champion.

Sun fucking power.
Annie and Leona, got it. How about Lulu, any opinions or advice?
Doubt we have any Lulu enthusiasts around here.

She's strong but whole lot less forgiving if you misuse/miss something.
f i z i k

TKiller wrote:

Doubt we have any Lulu enthusiasts around here.

She's strong but whole lot less forgiving if you misuse/miss something.
lulu is fun but takes a lot of dedication to not mess up on. been tryin' to pick her up again but i'd have to spam her for like 30 games to get decent again so whatever,but i guess it will be worth it
also legit thresh counter

Blaziken wrote:

How to carry as support? If i'm last pick all the time I better learn how.
Depends on tier you're in. Leona is basically a free win below Platinum. She's strong in every division but she can literally carry Bronze/Silver/Gold games alone. Otherwise, Annie and Thresh are strong picks.

Lulu is great if you have hypercarries or just carries that can provide consistent damage in teamfights, but not champions like Varus, Ez or Miss Fortune (unless of course you just want to wreck enemies in laning phase, in which case she goes really well with those champions. But I personally pick her more for survivability she provides for ADC in teamfights so I avoid having those ADCs in team when picking Lulu). She requires more skill than Leona/Annie and is usually less rewarding. But she is certainly fun to play.

TKiller wrote:

Doubt we have any Lulu enthusiasts around here.

She's strong but whole lot less forgiving if you misuse/miss something.

what do you say about Lulu? when I play support I always pick her xD
Website name?
omg lost my first ranked game as quinn


i hate it when jax gets cocky and thinks he can dive a rengar
La Volpe

BrokenArrow wrote:

Website name?
Pretty sure it's
This was supposed to be a support Warwick game until my Riven told me on vent that she was a first time riven about 10 minutes in the game so I started taking CS and kills. LOL

Bottom lane Warwick is OP. I pretty much forced their Caitlyn to build QSS in the laning phase. LMAO

Blaziken wrote:

Annie and Leona, got it. How about Lulu, any opinions or advice?
Lulu's extremely fun but unless you have 100+ game supporting with her like me you won't have much fun in lane. She is one of the best supports for turning a fight and has good damage in general.

However if you want to carry as support easily, Leona's good but you really need to know when to Xenith Blade without killing yourself, (it's not a poke!), Annie's good if you aa a lot and stun with good ADC synergy, and if you can land a good tibbers late game you'll be winning a hell of a lot, hook champs, thresh XPECIALly needs some knowledge and timing but it's not too hard, Blitz is hard to lose with but good enemies will rarely get caught, Morgana has an beautiful kit that counters a lot of the before-mentioned picks and does tons of damage, Nami, oh Nami, beautiful kit, does it all, but if you get caught you're as dead as a Sona; landing her stuff is tough, but if you do, it's done.

Those are some (too many) of the supports I'd recommend.
sadly thresh, leona, annie and lulu reign the meta now
that's a lie and the only champion who is in control of the meta is heimerdinger

dem dragons

It was a bit weird seeing that I got paired up with challengers o.o

tyrael6192 wrote:

that's a lie and the only champion who is in control of the meta is heimerdinger
dim get off classes and play pls

GeeNX wrote:

dem dragons

It was a bit weird seeing that I got paired up with challengers o.o
Damn we have a pro over here , hehe wp man :)
Today, so far the worst s4 rankeds evening. You can't imagine how the fuck it was, I never ever saw people playing this bad, losing on purpose, going afk, flaming whole game.What is this, bronze?

GeeNX wrote:

Today, so far the worst s4 rankeds evening. You can't imagine how the fuck it was, I never ever saw people playing this bad, losing on purpose, going afk, flaming whole game.What is this, bronze?
Can confirm, I didn't make it to Gold again because 2 games someone decided to go afk. Fun thing is that the games we won were with 2 instalock adcs botlane. They were surprisingly good at sharing their farm and dem kills :p
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