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taric is way too stronk now, the armor is so good

Justykanna wrote:

I don't really feel like Nami was changed all that much. Her passive now scales of AP, so the speed increase isn't flat anymore.
She's the only support I've been using.
It might be the items change or the fact that melee supports like Alistar and Leona can use Targons and ranged ones can't. As an example anyway.

I like that oracles is out now. You have to be smarter with your pink wards and sweeping lens. If you pick up oracles, you run through the jungle and kill every ward. Not nearly as stretigic imo.

Throws are suppose to be less common I believe. Snowballing's a little harder since dead inhibitors no longer buff minions in other lanes. So I find that a touch strange.

My thoughts anyway. I don't discount what you're saying since I'm Bronze 1 and my worst role is support.

Vulf wrote:

At this point I'm welcoming any sort of change. Season 3 was the worst season out of the previous 2 by far. Almost all of season 3 was even more stagnant and boring to play than the end of season 2 which was pretty bad. Change is good!

Nami is essentially fine. Problem is non traditional supports got an enormous buff with the new items and ambient gold gain change during the pre-season. If Nami turns out to be too weak she will get buffed trust me.
I don't think Nami is weaker, what I think is that other supports outclass her at the moment (Fid, Annie, Taric) and it's much harder for me to be succesful with her. Maybe it was just some bad games, but it's my general thoughts. Annie is the best by far...

#diamondlucian #yoloswag #420blazeit #hashtag #nofilter

Love wrote:

#diamondlucian #yoloswag #420blazeit #hashtag #nofilter
maybe he was just drunk 8D jk wp, (#farm? hue)
I don't get it :/

Hmm...Nami doesn't seem to change -whistles-
Korean name translations I believe?

I'd like to think the "Tariq" for Taric is a reference from when Taric used to have a really dark skin tone. lol

Love wrote:

#diamondlucian #yoloswag #420blazeit #hashtag #nofilter

Makes me sad, just because you win in a normal vs a diamond player, allows you to flame on him so much?? Don't get this behaviour and how people don't understand they:

1. probably play a new champs
2. don't try hard
3. might have terrible support/jungler or get camped by enemy jungler. Which is more likely to happen if they see he is diamond.

SiFly wrote:

Love wrote:

#diamondlucian #yoloswag #420blazeit #hashtag #nofilter

Makes me sad, just because you win in a normal vs a diamond player, allows you to flame on him so much?? Don't get this behaviour and how people don't understand they:

1. probably play a new champs
2. don't try hard
3. might have terrible support/jungler or get camped by enemy jungler. Which is more likely to happen if they see he is diamond.

but no i agree, surely he didnt flame him, but not need to be cocky about it
but everyone knows diamond is worse than bronze

tyrael6192 wrote:

but everyone knows diamond is worse than bronze
so if i'm bronze, it's worse than.... something like 4 leagues under bronze o_o ? this game >_< too complicated

edit : 7777th post, np
ill just take 7777th reply then

anyway are these plans to be able to queue by role that you want to play still a thing?
LOOOL trolling in champ select is so fun
So someone wrote "hi please don't feed this is my last promo game" and I was like "hi I'm playing on my boyfriend's account, I'm only lvl 15 but I want to play ranked no hate plz" and he instantly dodged
I guess someone didn't know the consequences of dodging during promo 8)
I was about to write something like "lol jk I'm diamond smurf" but it was too late
th-that wasn't my intention at all >_>

BrokenArrow wrote:

LOOOL trolling in champ select is so fun
So someone wrote "hi please don't feed this is my last promo game" and I was like "hi I'm playing on my boyfriend's account, I'm only lvl 15 but I want to play ranked no hate plz" and he instantly dodged
I guess someone didn't know the consequences of dodging during promo 8)
That's terrible. =/
In the current state of the Korean meta where mobility is pretty much everything it makes some champions obsolete while bringing in new champions such as Karma. Positioning and vision control have become increasingly more important as it is easy to be caught out of the position and die to roaming high mobility champions. Due to how tanky champions like Olaf, Rengar, and Mundo can get, we will probably start to see more Vayne play even after her nerfs. Along with Vayne we might see Blade of the Ruined King being built more often on other Marksmen and champions with long ranged initiation like Leona.

Also there top picks are :
Top:Rengar , Mundo
Jungle: Evelyn
Adc:Lucian , jinx , sivir
Supp: Karma is beiing spammed in Korean Solo Q

Source :

Justykanna wrote:

BrokenArrow wrote:

LOOOL trolling in champ select is so fun
So someone wrote "hi please don't feed this is my last promo game" and I was like "hi I'm playing on my boyfriend's account, I'm only lvl 15 but I want to play ranked no hate plz" and he instantly dodged
I guess someone didn't know the consequences of dodging during promo 8)
That's terrible. =/
Yeah even if it wasent youre intention u still kinda ruined that guys promotion series , U gotta be more carefull when saying that kind of stuff
Kanye West
Vayne is still really strong despite the nerfs. Only reason she's tier 2 in competitive play is her bad laning.

Kanye West wrote:

Vayne is still really strong despite the nerfs. Only reason she's tier 2 in competitive play is her bad laning.
And doesn't fit any sieging/poking comps.

SiFly wrote:

Kanye West wrote:

Vayne is still really strong despite the nerfs. Only reason she's tier 2 in competitive play is her bad laning.
And doesn't fit any sieging/poking comps.
still has the strongest late game potential though

gotta agree though, jinx lucian are prolly the strongest atm imo
Twitch or Kog'maw should have higher potential than Vayne.

those wrote:

Twitch or Kog'maw should have higher potential than Vayne.

I agree the 'Burst' is higher on Twitch and Kog'Maw but the skill cap on vayne is much higher .
Not discussing skill cap. Discussing late game potential.

those wrote:

Not discussing skill cap. Discussing late game potential.
I know just wanted to add that ^^

Kanye West wrote:

Vayne is still really strong despite the nerfs. Only reason she's tier 2 in competitive play is her bad laning.

Needs to stay that way. If you have a ridiculously strong late game your laning phase or early game shouldn't be good. This is currently the issue with Nasus since pretty much everything that wrecked him in lane was nerfed into the ground.

Vulf wrote:

Kanye West wrote:

Vayne is still really strong despite the nerfs. Only reason she's tier 2 in competitive play is her bad laning.

Needs to stay that way. If you have a ridiculously strong late game your laning phase or early game shouldn't be good. This is currently the issue with Nasus since pretty much everything that wrecked him in lane was nerfed into the ground.

I agree Nothing can move nasus out of the lane with the new masteries

Damn those translations
Kanye West

Vulf wrote:

Kanye West wrote:

Vayne is still really strong despite the nerfs. Only reason she's tier 2 in competitive play is her bad laning.

Needs to stay that way. If you have a ridiculously strong late game your laning phase or early game shouldn't be good. This is currently the issue with Nasus since pretty much everything that wrecked him in lane was nerfed into the ground.
I agree. But I think the opposite should be true as well. If you have a strong earlygame, you shouldn't have a strong lategame. All these new ad carries are really badly designed by Riot imo. Jinx, Lucian and the new Sivir are way too strong early and midgame and still have a strong lategame

those wrote:

Twitch or Kog'maw should have higher potential than Vayne.
In terms of raw damage/AoE, sure. But I think Vayne still has the strongest all-around lategame because of high single target damage, mobility and self-peel.
In my opinion the ADCs with the hardest skill caps are the ones who don't have mobility, so I disagree with Vayne having a high skillcap (you can basically spam Qs and Condemns and be relatively safe), whereas the likes of Ashe and Kog'Maw require WAAAAAY smarter positioning.

SoG Tava wrote:

Damn those translations
"Master this"

Kanye West wrote:

I agree. But I think the opposite should be true as well. If you have a strong earlygame, you shouldn't have a strong lategame. All these new ad carries are really badly designed by Riot imo. Jinx, Lucian and the new Sivir are way too strong early and midgame and still have a strong lategame.
Of course. Still pissed what they did to Leblanc, because I think she was fine where she was the big problem was that other assassins just did her job WAAAAAY better in the late game and that was fine. She is a very strong early game champion with some severe limitations late game and that was the trade off for picking her.

Another issue is riot is making champions that are good at all stages of the game (Elise for example) so they have no trade off and it severely powercreeps specific champs that would fill a certain role of being early/lategame specific. Having champions that are good at all stages of the game is okay essentially, but they shouldn't be as strong as a champion that is designed to shine at a specific time. I'm not a game designer (yet), but there is a lot of things that Riot does that just makes zero sense whatsoever.

Vulf wrote:

Kanye West wrote:

I agree. But I think the opposite should be true as well. If you have a strong earlygame, you shouldn't have a strong lategame. All these new ad carries are really badly designed by Riot imo. Jinx, Lucian and the new Sivir are way too strong early and midgame and still have a strong lategame.
Of course. Still pissed what they did to Leblanc, because I think she was fine where she was the big problem was that other assassins just did her job WAAAAAY better in the late game and that was fine. She is a very strong early game champion with some severe limitations late game and that was the trade off for picking her.

Another issue is riot is making champions that are good at all stages of the game (Elise for example) so they have no trade off and it severely powercreeps specific champs that would fill a certain role of being early/lategame specific. Having champions that are good at all stages of the game is okay essentially, but they shouldn't be as strong as a champion that is designed to shine at a specific time. I'm not a game designer (yet), but there is a lot of things that Riot does that just makes zero sense whatsoever.
Well we can't really expect Riot get get it right all the time.
Easter Egg between Vayne and Lucian vayne quotes '' i smell black magic '' , Lucian quotes '' some call it magic ''

Riot = Racist ? :o

Ceph23 wrote:

Well we can't really expect Riot get get it right all the time.
Except it's pretty much been champion after champion at this point. I am so glad riot will be slowing down the champion release rate to fix a lot of issues with the current ones and reworking the ones that have severe balance issues. Not saying Riot should be perfect but the past year has been really obnoxious lol.

The pre-season has been great so far definitely the most fun I've had on LoL in over a year. :)
tbh Vayne is shat at the moment. Doesn't really matter that she has the best scaling, if she gets shat on in lane every high ranked game.

Vulf wrote:

Ceph23 wrote:

Well we can't really expect Riot get get it right all the time.
Except it's pretty much been champion after champion at this point. I am so glad riot will be slowing down the champion release rate to fix a lot of issues with the current ones and reworking the ones that have severe balance issues. Not saying Riot should be perfect but the past year has been really obnoxious lol.

The pre-season has been great so far definitely the most fun I've had on LoL in over a year. :)
Keep in mind that this might actual not be an issue in their view. I think Riot is managing champions really carefully to make sure new ones reach the competitive scene continiously and keep it interesting and refreshing, while nerfing too often picked champs to make them played way less.

Some champs/kits have actual flaws indeed, but I think a big balancing thing is that Riot wants to rotate OP champs

Just watching OGN, thought I had a fancy lvl 1 strategy for first blood camping. Koreans immediatly steal it a week later ;(

That feel when you go to toilet during champion select, thinking you took smite even though you didn't

Well who needs smite to jungle anyways. Counterjungling is much more fun with ignite. :D

i just played with wunderguy wow

SiFly wrote:

Keep in mind that this might actual not be an issue in their view. I think Riot is managing champions really carefully to make sure new ones reach the competitive scene continiously and keep it interesting and refreshing, while nerfing too often picked champs to make them played way less.

Some champs/kits have actual flaws indeed, but I think a big balancing thing is that Riot wants to rotate OP champs

Just watching OGN, thought I had a fancy lvl 1 strategy for first blood camping. Koreans immediatly steal it a week later ;(
I don't think this is the case at all since top, jungle and support (kinda) almost all of season 3 was pretty much the same 3 (give or take 3 more different picks) champions being spammed every game. If your true goal is to have variety then this is definitely not the direction you should go.

In a perfect world you would want all your characters to be competitively viable if it is your goal to make this game an esport in which Riot does. Some will be weaker yes, but there should still be a reason to pick those specific champions through niches if possible. This is not the case anymore because newer stuff just does what older stuff does but better. Take Warwick for example he has essentially been remade about 4 times through Skarner, Vi, and Zac and even Aatrox to an extent. Not saying they are carbon copies, but a lot of elements are similar. There is absolutely 100% no reason to ever pick Warwick competitively over Vi or even Zac because they do everything he does but better (something would have to get severely gutted and I mean a giant nerf) it's called powercreep and it's starting to get ridiculous in this game. Then there is the mobility creep issue in which case riot does little to resolve this. How do players deal with this? By playing stuff that is just as mobile as their opponent because there is no trade off for being super mobile when you compare them to less mobile champions.

I'm not saying older stuff is obsolete because that's obviously not true, but you can't deny a lot of the older stuff has been powercreeped to hell and back. Fortunately Riot see's this, hence them slowing down new champion release in season 4 a lot to address this issue they let sit for so long.
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