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GeeNX ... s_forfeit/


+1 pls :D
Yeah I feel taric just got farkin OP'd
That minus armor just became one hell of a debuff

new champion confirmed

core build featuring exhaust and kassadin

Probably the first time I won with a Yi in my team.

- O n i - wrote:

]we haven't heard about jayce's rework in forever
putting 6 ranks in his abilities was a horrible idea
Wasn't much detail on it to begin with other than "It's going to happen".

Champions like Jayce and Rengar should never have made it past the Riot testing phase. It was so bad that I actually quit the game a few months when those 2 were popular picks

Vulf wrote:

- O n i - wrote:

]we haven't heard about jayce's rework in forever
putting 6 ranks in his abilities was a horrible idea
Wasn't much detail on it to begin with other than "It's going to happen".

Champions like Jayce and Rengar should never have made it past the Riot testing phase. It was so bad that I actually quit the game a few months when those 2 were popular picks
Well then i have bad news for u rengar is popular again atleast he is in Korea But i guess he will also be in Na and Eu soon
200 armor, which is easily achievable, becomes 50 FLAT Armor reduction. I ended one game with 400 once

SoG Tava wrote:

Well then i have bad news for u rengar is popular again atleast he is in Korea But i guess he will also be in Na and Eu soon
That's fine because he will get nerfed again. At least riot knows he is a stupid champion and doesn't let him stay in a strong spot for very long like when he was released.
- O n i -

support income is so high its ridiculous

since when?

Otonashi07 wrote:

since when?
random cheat, sadly the enemy team can only ban 2 champs in this case T_T
Kanye West
I like how the entire twitch chat gets mad when Madlife picks Taric when Thresh is open lol.

Also, I was in a Stonewall jungle video, I'm the terrible Orianna lol. Also with Mythol on Thresh, Zeraph on Lucian, I think M A I D on riven and KRZY on rammus


this is how people treat me when i play tryndamere

Kanye West wrote:

I like how the entire twitch chat gets mad when Madlife picks Taric when Thresh is open lol.

Also, I was in a Stonewall jungle video, I'm the terrible Orianna lol. Also with Mythol on Thresh, Zeraph on Lucian, I think M A I D on riven and KRZY on rammus

Lucian is fotm in Korea, lol.
so who's one of the strongest supports right now?
I would say Taric, Thresh and Annie are the top picks right now. Sona is still pretty strong and safe too
Taric is definitely the strongest support right now.

My support *cough* KS Warwick games have been pretty funny though. lol

55 minute 4/0/4!?

totally not an error
maybe just farmed up?
It's a known error. Generally means those games were a surrender or ended before 20 mins

Vulf wrote:

It's a known error. Generally means those games were a surrender or ended before 20 mins
Wondering, do you really need the chalice? Seems like a gold waste since the mana should be manageable.
Really depends on the matchup bottom lane and it was mostly built for crucible. My ADC in all those games was a Jinx so she needed all the peel possible. If the enemy team consist of a ton of CC I will rush chalice for crucible as a support Warwick because it heavily benefits both me and the ADC.

Chalice is never a bad item on Warwick because he has the second lowest base mana pool in the game and also has one of the highest mana cost on his abilities. At level 6 a full Q, R Q combo will put you oom. You need some form of mana or mana regen if you want to harass constantly in lane.

Also just to point out my last game in that image we were against a solo Teemo bot lane so there really was no need to get chalice in lane and their team had no CC other than Heimerdinger so a wits end rush was fine. I bought tear as a troll item because the game became a 4v5 at around the 15 minute mark when I killed their master yi at his red buff. Rage quit lol

Don't get tear on Warwick it's bad and he can't stack it reliably lol.

Got my second penta with Akali today. :)
I just can't make Warwick jungle work in pre-made 5's when you are against people who have brains. Where is my Warwick rework at!? :(

After a losing streak I decided to solo queue, and had a great game to end it all.

Kayle + Vayne top is so dumb.
Kayke's ult is useless when you are dead. lol
Diamond dream is so hard to reach..

Ceph23 wrote:

Kayke's ult is useless when you are dead. lol

lol. Wasn't trying to be mean I just hate kayle.

I hate her ult so much because it has little to no counter play other than insta killing her possible target or CC and killing kayle in a team fight. Immunity over time abilities really have no place in this game other than sucking the fun out of that match. Hence why poppy, olaf and now kayle have been nerfed so many times or intentionally kept weak (Olaf is probably really strong atm though :D).

psKirika wrote:

Diamond dream is so hard to reach..
it's not really a dream now :c it was, 2 seasons before yeah x_x I guess only challenger is really hard to reach now

am i really that great of a person lmao
Kanye West

Nofool wrote:

psKirika wrote:

Diamond dream is so hard to reach..
it's not really a dream now :c it was, 2 seasons before yeah x_x I guess only challenger is really hard to reach now
Diamond didn't even exist 2 seasons ago.

Kanye West wrote:

Diamond didn't even exist 2 seasons ago.
We are now in s4 right ? I'm pretty sure that there was a diamond tier in s2
No we aren't.
one day i'll man up and get into bronze 5
Kanye West

Nofool wrote:

Kanye West wrote:

Diamond didn't even exist 2 seasons ago.
We are now in s4 right ? I'm pretty sure that there was a diamond tier in s2
o true lol
Not liking S4 so far... I just can't get used to it, specially supporting. For some reason my Nami doesn't feel as effective as before.
I used to have a 20-2 Nami record in ranked (and I don't even main support), and now it's like 20-5 and im scared to go on..
I don't have a picture of the 20-2 but I have one I took some weeks before that:
It's Diamond btw.
The thing is this is not even the worst case, I feel like I'm less effective in every role this season, and even if I do well, the throws are just so common. Oh and I hate the disappearance of oracles :/. I was Diamond II with around 50 LP last season and now I'm DIII with 30-50ish (it's the first time I go down a division actually). Let's just hope it's just me playing badly and having bad days and soon I will improve a lot.

Snepif wrote:

Not liking S4 so far... I just can't get used to it, specially supporting. For some reason my Nami doesn't feel as effective as before.
I used to have a 20-2 Nami record in ranked (and I don't even main support), and now it's like 20-5 and im scared to go on..
I don't have a picture of the 20-2 but I have one I took some weeks before that:
It's Diamond btw.
The thing is this is not even the worst case, I feel like I'm less effective in every role this season, and even if I do well, the throws are just so common. Oh and I hate the disappearance of oracles :/. I was Diamond II with around 50 LP last season and now I'm DIII with 30-50ish (it's the first time I go down a division actually). Let's just hope it's just me playing badly and having bad days and soon I will improve a lot.
I don't really feel like Nami was changed all that much. Her passive now scales of AP, so the speed increase isn't flat anymore.
She's the only support I've been using.
It might be the items change or the fact that melee supports like Alistar and Leona can use Targons and ranged ones can't. As an example anyway.

I like that oracles is out now. You have to be smarter with your pink wards and sweeping lens. If you pick up oracles, you run through the jungle and kill every ward. Not nearly as stretigic imo.

Throws are suppose to be less common I believe. Snowballing's a little harder since dead inhibitors no longer buff minions in other lanes. So I find that a touch strange.

My thoughts anyway. I don't discount what you're saying since I'm Bronze 1 and my worst role is support.
Taric op. pls nerf.
Yasen Baka

xEvolution wrote:

Taric op. pls nerf.
I lost to a duel against Taric top, and I was a fed MF full hp. Taric too stronk.

MetalGearSnake wrote:

xEvolution wrote:

Taric op. pls nerf.
I lost to a duel against Taric top, and I was a fed MF full hp. Taric too stronk.
Taric with Icebournce Gaunlet. Can 1 v 2.
He molested Ezreal for his blue build. gg

Snepif wrote:

Not liking S4 so far... I just can't get used to it, specially supporting. For some reason my Nami doesn't feel as effective as before.
I used to have a 20-2 Nami record in ranked (and I don't even main support), and now it's like 20-5 and im scared to go on..
I don't have a picture of the 20-2 but I have one I took some weeks before that:
It's Diamond btw.
The thing is this is not even the worst case, I feel like I'm less effective in every role this season, and even if I do well, the throws are just so common. Oh and I hate the disappearance of oracles :/. I was Diamond II with around 50 LP last season and now I'm DIII with 30-50ish (it's the first time I go down a division actually). Let's just hope it's just me playing badly and having bad days and soon I will improve a lot.
At this point I'm welcoming any sort of change. Season 3 was the worst season out of the previous 2 by far. Almost all of season 3 was even more stagnant and boring to play than the end of season 2 which was pretty bad. Change is good!

Nami is essentially fine. Problem is non traditional supports got an enormous buff with the new items and ambient gold gain change during the pre-season. If Nami turns out to be too weak she will get buffed trust me.
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