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[AirCoN] wrote:

Who is, mechanically, the hardest champion to play effectively.
Orianna. That's not too hard to figure out. Though it could be argued that full effect of Twisted Fate's power may be a little difficult. He is all about timing windows. And Lee Sin too.

Those are the only champs that I feel are somewhat difficult to play to their full potential.
Stuff like Syndra and Cassiopeia come to mind. They are both really strong when played well, but incredibly easy to mess up with.
I can see why you mention Syndra but Cassiopea?

Just hit every fucking button.
Kanye West

[AirCoN] wrote:

Who is, mechanically, the hardest champion to play effectively.
depends on what you mean by "hardest to play effectively"

there's high skill floor champions - ones that are completely or close to useless if not played well, as well as high skill ceiling champions - those that are really good if played to maximum potential.

some high skill floor champs would be anivia, gragas, alistar, syndra, and cassiopeia. also orianna and janna to a lesser extent because they still both have targeted shields and orianna's aoe from the ball is fairly forgiving in range.

there are a ton of high skill ceiling champs, like lee sin, zed, vayne, nidalee, shaco, thresh etc

TKiller wrote:

I can see why you mention Syndra but Cassiopea?

Just hit every fucking button.
sure, in lane cassio can stomp anyone, kind of like draven in botlane, but the real difficulty behind her is using her to max potential in teamfights. you basically have to position perfectly for an ult and then spend the rest of the fight trying not to get killed from divers

TKiller wrote:

I can see why you mention Syndra but Cassiopea?

Just hit every fucking button.
Her skill shots are incredibly easy to dodge.
Ah yeah, forget about Zed. Hitting his Q is really important and those bitches are tiny :V
Draven is impossible to play, when you aa an enemy you have to direct toward where you want your axes to land and catch and repeat. This means.. you'll have to know where you want to be with your next autoattack, very quickly and constanly. Aiming the axe landing position is already very hard to do mechanically.

Vulf wrote:


SiFly wrote:

Draven is impossible to play, when you aa an enemy you have to direct toward where you want your axes to land and catch and repeat. This means.. you'll have to know where you want to be with your next autoattack, very quickly and constanly. Aiming the axe landing position is already very hard to do mechanically.
don't mind the fact that your early game is so ridiculously strong that you can kill the enemy adc 100-0 in 4 or 5 axes...
Glad his passive is getting reworked.

And now to patiently wait for the Yi rework so that I don't get a fucking AP Yi ruining my aram games every 2 or 3 games...

Why do I have to get always trolled on ranked? Damn
- O n i -
cheerleader on hit grapes build

Justykanna wrote:

Vulf wrote:

After harassing Morello constantly on both the LoL forums and Twitter about Warwick I finally got a response that he will be getting something eventually.
"Eventually", lol. Who knows when that'll be.

Who is, mechanically, the hardest champion to play effectively
I don't know who's the hardest but some tough ones are Draven, Orianna, Cassio, Syndra.
Also one thing I want to note about support champions, a good Janna is a blessing to your team. A bad Janna and the match is 4v6.
Pro tip: Don't play Shen if you're too stupid/blind to look at the minimap.

Shen in my game didn't ult once during laning phase because he had "a hard time in lane".

Devalix wrote:

Pro tip: Don't play Shen if you're too stupid/blind to look at the minimap.

Shen in my game didn't ult once during laning phase because he had "a hard time in lane".
You can even just watch the health bars of your allies and press the F2-5 keys to watch them quickly if you see something happen ;s

Igenatius wrote:

Also one thing I want to note about support champions, a good Janna is a blessing to your team. A bad Janna and the match is 4v6.
i want a team im from west im pro player ever best and no hacks
Throwin' bombs 'n stuff

I think I'm going to buy Ziggs next, only ball throwing champion I don't have yet.

Syndra and Ahri are tons of fun to play.
ziggs is gifted on oceania rofl. free 6.3k IP (Ziggs looks like a boring champ to play though. In fact, 90% of the pool does)
idk, you never really know until you play them. i thought vi was going to be fucking boring when she came out and i didn't buy her until a week ago, but damn have i been missing out she's so fun to play

edit also i got my promotion series this morning

watch me lose the next 3
But urgot is so fun, why is he one of the most unplayed champs.
Also, ADC sona is pretty strong actually.
doublelift played him a few days ago at lcs, i cant remember who against

he's fuckin strong early but drops off really really hard

also gold v weee
Because Urgot was overnerfed after the one time he saw tournament play.

He is still good in a solo lane imo, but he is terrible as an adc carry now.

Vulf wrote:

Because Urgot was overnerfed after the one time he saw tournament play.

He is still good in a solo lane imo, but he is terrible as an adc carry now.
Play him with an aggressive support and zone out fucking everyone.

Not even Draven can match his damage. Think of him as anti-AD carry.
Kanye West
I think draven vs urgot is even and probably decided by the supports, especially considering draven doesn't need mana to harass while urgot has mana problems in early laning

plus, urgot is very reliant on hitting his E+Q to get his damage off, while draven just needs to press q and auto.
that's it

looking for an NA plat duo who plays AD, I main support and top. getting sick and tired of shitheads who say NOTHING in champ select and gives me that "I DIDN'T WANT TO PLAY ADC" shit once they get in game and play like absolute shit.

how the fuck do you get to plat and still not have a preferred role

Kanye West wrote:

I think draven vs urgot is even and probably decided by the supports, especially considering draven doesn't need mana to harass while urgot has mana problems in early laning

plus, urgot is very reliant on hitting his E+Q to get his damage off, while draven just needs to press q and auto.
Yeah it's definitely up to the supports. Maybe Draven was a bad example, my point is that he can zone people out really easily if he can get E and max amount of Q once. That doesn't drain your mana too badly but it does drain their HP really badly.
Though Urgot is in a spot where you actually have to know how to play him to be succesful, a good urgot is still a nightmare for unwary ad carries.

Glass wrote:

how the fuck do you get to plat and still not have a preferred role
That's easy, say "taking anything needed" in champ select.

I guess they don't want to make a hassle in champ select by calling roles, but when they fail they blame it on whoever left them the role.
Bad way to do things, but not the worst.

Igenatius wrote:

Play him with an aggressive support and zone out fucking everyone.

Not even Draven can match his damage. Think of him as anti-AD carry.
Before he was nerfed he WAS an anti ADC. No ADC could win trades against him ever.

Glass wrote:

that's it

looking for an NA plat duo who plays AD, I main support and top. getting sick and tired of shitheads who say NOTHING in champ select and gives me that "I DIDN'T WANT TO PLAY ADC" shit once they get in game and play like absolute shit.

how the fuck do you get to plat and still not have a preferred role
Aren't you like plat 5? Everyone already knows that being at the bottom of a division is it's own hell because of the safety net this season.

Igenatius wrote:

Glass wrote:

how the fuck do you get to plat and still not have a preferred role
That's easy, say "taking anything needed" in champ select.

I guess they don't want to make a hassle in champ select by calling roles, but when they fail they blame it on whoever left them the role.
Bad way to do things, but not the worst.
The problem is people who say NOTHING in champ select. I'm shit at jungle and I let my team know before we start picking, I literally go into every champ select saying "pref top/spp, shit at jungle" so my team doesn't have suffer with a bad jungler like me. Even if you choose to fill the missing role every game, you'll most likely have one role that's weaker than the rest, and it's your responsibility to let your team know as soon as possible.

Vulf wrote:

Glass wrote:

that's it

looking for an NA plat duo who plays AD, I main support and top. getting sick and tired of shitheads who say NOTHING in champ select and gives me that "I DIDN'T WANT TO PLAY ADC" shit once they get in game and play like absolute shit.

how the fuck do you get to plat and still not have a preferred role
Aren't you like plat 5? Everyone already knows that being at the bottom of a division is it's own hell because of the safety net this season.
Yes I'm in plat5. We're supposed to get queued depending on our MMR, but once I got into plat 5 I've had nothing but SHIT TIER bot laners literally every time someone didn't call for the role, like bronze/silver level ADCs without any sense of how to play the damn game. I've tried to play ADC but it's the same story, the guy who gets forced into support plays like absolute shit and I get zoned to hell in lane.

This was my MMR when I was in promo for plat:

My MMR has dropped so fucking hard since then.
Kanye West

Igenatius wrote:

Glass wrote:

how the fuck do you get to plat and still not have a preferred role
That's easy, say "taking anything needed" in champ select.

I guess they don't want to make a hassle in champ select by calling roles, but when they fail they blame it on whoever left them the role.
Bad way to do things, but not the worst.
yeah follow this advice, when I'm close to last pick I usually say "filling in" because I know I'm not going to get my choice pick and I can play any role (like everyone should be able to do in ranked/draft anyways)

I've seen so many last picks call their roles and get mad if someone else locks before them, quite annoying tbh

also I don't really understand why so many people "can't support", it's literally the easiest role to pick up and learn
because as a support you have to know where and when to ward
it's pretty simple tho, tribrush and river, ezpz
support is literally the easiest role next to adc but jungling is so difficult for me, that's the only thing I can't do well
Support easiest role to learn, hardest role to play well.

silmarilen wrote:

because as a support you have to know where and when to ward
? this is true for all roles

feels bad playing mid with no wards

safest lane but still easy to get ganked when the enemy team realizes you're too stupid to buy wards
Kanye West
I figured out how to carry as support in solo queue

play support kha'zix

easiest to play is adc
click and attack
hardest to master is adc. kite, orbwalk, position.

Glass wrote:

how the fuck do you get to plat and still not have a preferred role
Hows this for preferred role Bik boiii


top mid jungle support adc in order

fill to win

>implying there's anything I can do when duobads on my team go 0/5 by 10 minutes every game

how much can I sell a plat5 account with about 90 champs and 30kRP on skins
Any role can be considered easiest to learn but hardest to master imo. Really depends on the player.
I consider ADC / APC (mages) the hardest because the delay that the auto attack takes to travel (for last hitting) drives me nuts.
Top's the easiest to me because you tend to face less damage-stacked players (so, bruisers or tanks) so there's less damage going out at a given pace and last hitting is easy to me (since all I play is melee). I know a few people that do not like top at all.
Probably depends on what limited skins you have. I was looking into buying an account with urf Warwick, but people wanted like $500+ for it.

The best duo in ranked from my experience is jungle+ mid. You feed mid and you basically have a jungler + a roamer. I went 8/0 with my placements in season 2 by doing this until my duo queue partner pussied out.
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