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Anyone on euw wanna play together sometime?
the most entertaining game I had in a while now.
Orianna said she's going jungle, then IMMEDIATELY swapped from Udyr to Orianna and "oh nvm going mid". that resulted everyone of us to start the shitstorm, and we ended up picking 5 ignites. I was sure it's gonna be lost, but it turned so lawl

I wonder if I really need one of these.

TKiller wrote:

I wonder if I really need one of these.
You should probably pick up Naut and Orianna
Kanye West

kawaii_uguu wrote:

TKiller wrote:

I wonder if I really need one of these.
You should probably pick up Naut and Orianna
Don't buy Trundle he sucks


Queuing with some friends who are bad
managed to go up to 460 ad, was hitting like a truck

TKiller wrote:

I wonder if I really need one of these.
Anivia and Naut are really worth it imo
French people shouldn't play LoL.

It's just impossible to win.
Kanye West

Keksi wrote:

French people shouldn't play LoL.

It's just impossible to win.
Are French people on EU servers the same as Brazilians on NA? :P


Kanye West wrote:

Keksi wrote:

French people shouldn't play LoL.

It's just impossible to win.
Are French people on EU servers the same as Brazilians on NA? :P
I dont know, if you read Je suis, or things like this on your team, is GG , just sypher team are good, other french people.... just sux XD
Kanye West

Glass wrote:


sidenote: Shouldn't it be "Lablanc" because she's female?

Kanye West wrote:

sidenote: Shouldn't it be "Lablanc" because she's female?
Then it should be "Lablanche"
Kanye West
Miss Fortune: Win lane, win game

Last Whisper is so OP
First time Ryze .. carried team and OP



Shiirn wrote:


two doran blades
I used to think like you, Haseo.

But then I didn't.
oh god, they finally did it. best skin evarrr

3250 RP... wait, WAT?

Lostprophet wrote:

oh god, they finally did it. best skin evarrr

3250 RP... wait, WAT?
Not in the first 4 days.
If u really want the skin you should get it in those 4 days for ~15 dollars.

AP Poppy is hilarious
so is ashe with ghostblade and stinger
and udyr with thornmail rofl
Dat build.... well, what do I want? Its a normal game xD

kawaii_uguu wrote:

Lostprophet wrote:

oh god, they finally did it. best skin evarrr

3250 RP... wait, WAT?
Not in the first 4 days.
If u really want the skin you should get it in those 4 days for ~15 dollars.
that's what riot wants you to do.

first game in ages
we were so behind at the start, then i stopped farming and we won :D
was premade with kayle and ryze there, we're all noobs :P
no triforce on nasus?

i cried inside. get a triforce instead of a frozen heart next time and you're golden

Ephemeral wrote:

no triforce on nasus?

i cried inside. get a triforce instead of a frozen heart next time and you're golden
At most, nasus needs a sheen. Early-game. Triforce is a waste on him. It gives him attack speed (which he doesn't need) attack damage (which he doesn't need) crit (which he doesn't really need) ability power (which he REALLY doesn't need), a slow proc (which he doesn't need) and no CDR or tank stats other than some health. Admittedly, the movement speed is nice, but hey - Wither. And he already has ghost if he really, really, really wants to catch someone.

Frozen heart is far better on a nasus that can farm. - he gains from every single one of the stats - Mana, Armor for tank, CDR for more Q spam (CDR is far more effective the more you have, considering his reverie that 20% cd gives him way more damage, and he has the attack speed aura to boot. On top of that, his build gives him plenty of HP already, so the defensive stats of the FH are compounded - while a trinity would just add another 350hp with no extra mitigation. Seeing as most of the entire enemy team is AD, he likely rushed the glacial shroud to stay strong in lane (likely against Tryndamere or Warwick, if it was tryndamere even better), which is a very good idea.

If you really wanted a triforce on that nasus, he'd need to finish the randuin's, then sell the aegis and get a full tri-force at end-game, which this game was nowhere near. At that point, it's even more arguable that if he kept farming, a triforce would be needed even less, because the bonus dmg from tri is flat while he can keep farming Q.

Buying a trinity force on nasus is like buying ~50CS for your Q. It's pretty silly. CDR is far better for near 90% uptime on wither, more Q farming, and more Qs overall.

tl;dr, sheen and triforce are respectively paying 1.2k for 20-30cs on q and 4k for ~50cs on q, far better to get more tanky and CDR at all points in the game.

lesson over
Kanye West

Shiirn wrote:

Ephemeral wrote:

no triforce on nasus?

i cried inside. get a triforce instead of a frozen heart next time and you're golden
At most, nasus needs a sheen. Early-game. Triforce is a waste on him. It gives him attack speed (which he doesn't need) attack damage (which he doesn't need) crit (which he doesn't really need) ability power (which he REALLY doesn't need), a slow proc (which he doesn't need) and no CDR or tank stats other than some health. Admittedly, the movement speed is nice, but hey - Wither. And he already has ghost if he really, really, really wants to catch someone.

Frozen heart is far better on a nasus that can farm. - he gains from every single one of the stats - Mana, Armor for tank, CDR for more Q spam (CDR is far more effective the more you have, considering his reverie that 20% cd gives him way more damage, and he has the attack speed aura to boot. On top of that, his build gives him plenty of HP already, so the defensive stats of the FH are compounded - while a trinity would just add another 350hp with no extra mitigation. Seeing as most of the entire enemy team is AD, he likely rushed the glacial shroud to stay strong in lane (likely against Tryndamere or Warwick, if it was tryndamere even better), which is a very good idea.

If you really wanted a triforce on that nasus, he'd need to finish the randuin's, then sell the aegis and get a full tri-force at end-game, which this game was nowhere near. At that point, it's even more arguable that if he kept farming, a triforce would be needed even less, because the bonus dmg from tri is flat while he can keep farming Q.

Buying a trinity force on nasus is like buying ~50CS for your Q. It's pretty silly. CDR is far better for near 90% uptime on wither, more Q farming, and more Qs overall.

tl;dr, sheen and triforce are respectively paying 1.2k for 20-30cs on q and 4k for ~50cs on q, far better to get more tanky and CDR at all points in the game.

lesson over
tl;dr get 4 bloodthirsters and an infinity edge on nasus and never die
triforce was gonna be my next item. but then they surrendered.
i usually get sheen near the start, after i get my 2 gp5 items, but i just skipped it this time

and yea i was up against tryndamere in lane (who i destroyed btw:P) i also had the ninja tabi at the start but sold it for merc threads when i had plenty of armor.
good man.
Colin Hou
triforce is kind of too expensive as a normal game with less than 30 minutes long, as if your jungler is not that tanky, your team will fall quite soon in group battle.

frozenheart is a really nice item for anti-carriers and top solo fighters, of course not for the first item.
aegis is really nice as a first choice, if you can join the dragon battles (it's not hard to get before the 2nd dragon
when i used to play lee sin, i noticed a huge drop in my effective power around the 13:00 mark. Around when people start getting more hp and armor naturally. At the time, I rushed phage-mercs-mallet-atma's, maybe a wriggles if i was ahead. It was rather disappointing to end the game feeling much weaker than I had been early with a mallet/atma/wits combo (Any longer than this, and I got progressively weaker).

I found the solution.

Rushing brutalizer. It gave me a chunk of attack damage, cooldown, and armor pen that let me extend my REE SINGAH EARLY GAME for several more minutes, until my allies reached THEIR midgame and I could build straight bruiser from there to peel and burst. Brut->Phage->mallet/mercs-> BT/atma's has made me feel much stronger from beginning to end. It feel great to not be an ult-bot peeler endgame, and be able to actually burst down the enemy carry while protecting my own, like a bruiser should.
i used to rush brutalizer on ashe, then when i got my core items i sold it again.
I've built Youmuu's on ad carries like 50 times 'cause glorious normal games.

As for brutaliser - I don't really like building it unless I'm running an arp page (preferably full), which I never do for solo top Lee Sin. In a generic game case the damage gain just isn't that glorious without some more armor penetration aside from brutaliser's 15. It also upgrades into an item which you don't really want on late game Lee most of the time. Neither I find 10% cdr improving anything much.

It will do it's work if you're going to put pressure on other lanes though as they're likely to have less armor resulting in higher damage gain. I remember building it on jungle Lee twice for stronger ganks. Then again, I run a mix of arp and ad runes on junglers like Lee so it's a bit different.

I really like brutaliser on Wukong, J4, Garen and Renekton because of wonderful base damage, % armor reduction skills which obviously are counted before flat arp and because I always go for 25(+6) arp pages on them. But this is nothing unusual therefore not interesting at all.
I generally got brut, then got the avarice blade whenever i had an extra 750g, and waited to upgrade to youmuu's until i A) needed that slot for wards or B) really needed it in teamfights. Youmuu's active makes lee a far better burster, since he can use his passive extremely well at that point.
I really dont like brutalizer on AD Carrys I think is just useful on tops like wukong, or this kind of off tanks. With ad carrys I build triforce with ez/corki, and osmetimes with vayne, depending on their team. Btw 3 doran's give you a lot of advantage is soo op. Graves+Taric best botlane , graves like... 100+ armor at lv 5? xD Just vayne or other can beat them
ad carries generally have the most inflexible builds. At endgame, they want to have IE, PD, LW for maximized autoattack damage. Everything else is sustain or survival (BT or GA/QSS/banshee's)

Option one: Boots/3 -> BF sword -> greaves/BT -> PD -> IE -> LW -> GA/QSS
Option two: Boots/3 -> 2 doran's/greaves -> BF + vamp -> Zeal -> IE -> PD -> LW -> GA/QSS
Option three: Boots/3 -> 2 doran's/greaves -> IE + vamp -> PD -> LW -> GA/QSS
generally any combination of rushing big AD then rushing LW, getting BT if you need sustain and IE if you're winning and want to get further ahead, or need to rush it to catch up. (I've actually won many games where I lost HARD early game but rush-farmed my IE while he went BT, since I outscaled him as soon as I got IE, i was way more useful) 2 doran's + greaves VS Bf sword is probably the biggest choice you make all game, do you need a bit more sustain and tankiness RIGHT NOW or more raw damage to push for lategame

compare this to a plethora of builds and build options for any other role (except maybe support, rush Gp5 -> build auras)
So where does my Wriggles, Youmu's, stark's Cleaver+vamp-scepter build come in? :)
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