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P r o m i s e s wrote:

Are you kidding me? I thought I was going to be one of the few that had TPA skins but you can fucking buy them in the shop again for 750RP per skin :/.
Man that sucks.
On the other hand I FINALLY got promoted to Gold :3
You make me so jelly its been like 2weeks ore so that i am silver I just cant get that Gold :p, anyway Gratz !! ;)

also saw a diamond I dude on stream who mains sejuani ap mid, and it looks pretty strong tbh inb4 secret op
Ow yeah btw kassa legit op again

TKiller wrote:

Jax balance issue is hilarious.

He is once again in a spot where he's too tanky while building damage.

It keeps happening.

Mkay it's more complicated than just base stats, more of an interaction of unreasonably high base stats with the kit and meta shifts. But on the recieving end we get a 2-item Jax annihilating carries while ignoring rest of the team.

The Counterstrike 25% damage reduction from anything AoE is damn overpowered though but I think like 1 in 5 Jax pickers pays attention to that.
That's more of a generic bruiser problem. It's really not that hard to adjust a bunch of stats to force stuff to either be tanky or deal a lot of damage. Doing both creates some pretty toxic gameplay.

P r o m i s e s wrote:

Are you kidding me? I thought I was going to be one of the few that had TPA skins but you can fucking buy them in the shop again for 750RP per skin :/.
Man that sucks.
On the other hand I FINALLY got promoted to Gold :3
They are legacy so they will probably be in the store once or twice a year. You pretty much had to play back in beta to get extremely rare skins. Only limited edition skins I have you got for free (Silver Kayle, CS Riven) everything else that i had that was limited was changed to legacy back when they released them.
Witch Mercy
I'm glad they put it in back in the shop because I was broke around the time TPA skins were in shop and I missed out lol

Vulf wrote:

It's really not that hard to adjust a bunch of stats to force stuff to either be tanky or deal a lot of damage.
Oh absolutely. I meant they just never do it in time with Jax and for whatever reason players forget about him as well which produces pretty hilarious results.
I feel similar with lane bullies like Renekton and Darius. Though they require a couple kills (Jax can just farm, even being 0/3/0). But with that, they are very high damage tanks.

BrokenArrow wrote:

That 4v5 hahahahahahahahahahaha
Yasuo could solo baron at some point while I was splitpushing, even when 5 people came bot I still managed to kill 2 of them and get away :D
Garen didn't touch me the entire game even though he was pretty damn fed in the first 20 minutes, kiting op

On another note, I don't really like SKT T1 Vayne in comparison to Heartseeker Vayne. Needs less clothes :V
Enemy Team Soraka : I'm a fucking tank
Kanye West
nidalee needs to be removed from the game or reworked so badly holy shit

it's not even her spears that are OP, it's just the fact that you aren't rewarded for catching her out of position and she has a dash on 1 second cd and free ult. and the fucking heal is OP too.

I think the heal needs to be reworked to something different and cougar form needs to become an actual ult which lasts maybe 20 seconds and then goes on a 2 minute cd
She is getting a rework, but knowing Riot it's not going to solve the actual problems of that champion. I understand they like to keep the core identity of champions when they rework them, but when their identity is the problem they should completely remake the champion.

This is also the case for Kassadin who is still problematic even after his rework and quite honestly I'll give it another month before people realize this and his 95% ban rate returns.

Rengar is another example, but they lowered his numbers to the point he is kinda in an odd spot. I think he is current in a spot to where a tiny number adjustment would make him batshit broken again.

Kanye West wrote:

nidalee needs to be removed from the game or reworked so badly holy shit

it's not even her spears that are OP, it's just the fact that you aren't rewarded for catching her out of position and she has a dash on 1 second cd and free ult. and the fucking heal is OP too.

I think the heal needs to be reworked to something different and cougar form needs to become an actual ult which lasts maybe 20 seconds and then goes on a 2 minute cd
I find this to be the biggest problem. You either instaburst her or you'll never kill her.
Spear hitbox plz
[- Alex -]
Almost 1000 games on aram. 480 wins 380 lose. I love aram ^_^
ARAM es best mode
Witch Mercy
Arams are fun with friends. :3
[- Alex -]

Graciee wrote:

Arams are fun with friends. :3
Yeap. My friend with ryze 5 roa. Me only blue card TF . :))))

Flash blue card Q Zonya.
Riot better not reschedule the patch again, I finally wanna see the patch notes. ;_;
Please bring back snowballing and nerf the fuck out of Nidalee already
Cookiesack :O

Possibly my best ARAM game ever.

BRBP wrote:


Miss 50 Qs and feed in lane, hit one grab late game to win the game.
Hit 50 Qs and don't die in lane, their malphite flashes to your grab and you lose the game.

Why does this champion even exist?
You're rewarded for actually being able to land his hooks. He's great in lower elo because people don't position themselves to counter him as much.
[- Alex -]

BRBP wrote:


Miss 50 Qs and feed in lane, hit one grab late game to win the game.
Hit 50 Qs and don't die in lane, their malphite flashes to your grab and you lose the game.

Why does this champion even exist?
Hey , im like that Blitz. Worst Blitz Oceania , Korea , Na , Eu , Eune , Euw , Russia .

Nice 69/69 win/lose (Kappa) #69

BRBP wrote:


Miss 50 Qs and feed in lane, hit one grab late game to win the game.
Hit 50 Qs and don't die in lane, their malphite flashes to your grab and you lose the game.

Why does this champion even exist?
That's why Thresh is better. imo

edit: When is the good time to pop Vayne's ult? Is it better to just kite enemies and save tumble for dodging skills? Surprised I got a quadra 1v4.

BrokenArrow wrote:

I finally wanna see the patch notes. ;_;
Jarvan top has always been a cool off-meta top lane pick for me because people misjudge his damage, now even more.
Also Kha Zix nerfs, yay
hi im dragon
the day people realise how strong quinn top is, will be a bad day
If I have to pick a ranged lane bully on top I'd better go for Teemo
That heal nerf hurts.
[- Alex -]

hi im dragon wrote:

the day people realise how strong quinn top is, will be a bad day
I was main Quinn , but bot lane. OP champ rly. I want my Kha back tho.... When he was a mid/top not a jungler . RITO PLS :(

Navizel wrote:

That heal nerf hurts.
Heal was too strong :P I'm surprised that they nerfed heal but not exhaust
hi im dragon

Ninth IX wrote:

If I have to pick a ranged lane bully on top I'd better go for Teemo

quinn does everything teemo does, just better, with more mobility, an escape/gap closer, free vision and she's AD
Probably I main ADC and it hurts for me that I can't kite to get lifesteal in early game with grievous wounds on me.
It's as if everyone forgot how stupid heal was back in season 2.
Not like it was nerfed 5 times in season 1 buffed in season 2 and then nerfed like 3 patches in a row afterwards. Riot isn't even trying anymore since it is being nerfed for the exact same reason lol.
trinity force mf inc?
[- Alex -]

Jordan wrote:

trinity force mf inc?
Yea. Or maybe ap Mf.
That Kassadin nerf is kinda hilarious.
blue kassadin lives

Jordan wrote:

trinity force mf inc?
That is what I always build in MF lol
Kanye West
rip in pepperonis feral flare

and rip nocturne, xin zhao, yi, warwick and everyone that used it
I don't think so. Every single one of those champions will still be very much viable.

They were viable before FF. Feral Flare just made them beyond overpowered (and frustrating to play with) to the point they became THE junglers or you lose. Not how you balance a game.

Kanye West wrote:

rip in pepperonis feral flare

and rip nocturne, xin zhao, yi, warwick and everyone that used it

Vulf wrote:

I don't think so. Every single one of those champions will still be very much viable.
I used Xin Zhao since the end of last season and he's done well for me as a jungler without Feral Fire. It's kinda sad but I'm glad they're nerfing it for the key reason that I don't wanna see my main jungler banned or even picked as much. Makes my life easier.
Euhm i don't realy get the point of adding ap ratios on double up, dident they removed the ap ratios on make it rain cause they where against ap miss fortune ?
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