
Top 10 USA CTB players 2015 >:D

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He Ang CTB
Poll discontinued D: Thanks to PakaChan and diao for voting :33

Yes the title says it all D:

1. Troll votes, inadequate votes, will not be accounted for. (E.g. Non-American players in the Top 10, voting the same person twice, voting for players with insufficient convincing records, etc).
2. You can vote for yourself, but please follow Rule 1. (AKA if you know you are not #1 please don't vote as such).
3. Everyone despite rank or game mode is allowed to vote, as long as Rule 1 is not being broken.
4. Edits are allowed. Please use strike option to make any ammendment.
5. Players with grey username (AFK for more than a month), or have yet to make convincing records in the year 2015 are not qualified to be voted for.

Point system:
1. Voters are to rate the votees by points ranging from 1 to 5. 5 representing most skilled, and vice versa. Maximum of one decimal place is allowed. You are allowed to allocate the same points to 2 or more players if you deem fit.
2. Total points will be calculated through simple addition.
3. Voting will cease when any votee has accumilated 100 points.
4. Category specialist receive 10% points bonus on the vote itself. Overall category specialist will be decided by total number of votes received for that category.
5. Category specialisations include: NM(NoMod) HD(Hidden) FL(FlashLight) HR(HardRock) DT(DoubleTime) SP(Spinners) UR(Underrated) JK(JackOfAllTrades).
6. You can choose not to vote for any or all of the cat spec.
7. You can vote a player for more than 1 cat spec. (please do not over-rate)
8. You can vote 2 or more players for 1 cat spec. (please refarin from spamming)

My vote:
1. zSkill / 5.0
2. -itsy_v2- / 4.8
3. Jimmy Rustler / 4.5
4. Zak / 4.4
5. diao / 4.1
6. Yami Shoujo / 4.0
7. ralip / 3.8
8. TeruTeru / 3.7
9. Del / 3.6
10. GeTwReCkEd710 / 3.5
NM: -itsy_v2-
HD: Zak
HR: zSkill
DT: zSkill
FL: ----
SP: Jimmy Rustler
UN: TeruTeru
JK: -itsy_v2-

Some possible questions:
1. Why USA when you are not from USA?
Ans: Singapore has too small a player-base to have a comprehensive vote. I have quite a few Ameican friends. And I want to test my own voting system on others before using ot for myself.
2. Will there be a video?
Ans: Possibly, if this thread is well-received and has received well XD
3. I have a lot of questions and objections, can I post it on this thread?
Ans: Yes any constructive querries and disagreements are welcomed!

1. zSkill / 5.0
2. -itsy_v2- / 4.2
3. Zak /3.8
4. Del /3.8
5. Jimmy Rustler /3.7
6. Yami Shoujo /3.3
7. GeTwReCkEd710 / 3.3
8. diao / 3
9. chickenbible / 2.4
10. Amlink / 2.4

NoMod: zSkill
Hidden: Zak
Flashlight: zSkill
HardRock: zSkill
DoubleTime: zSkill
Spinners: Jimmy Rustler
Underrated: Del

2. You can vote for yourself, but please follow Rule 1. (AKA if you know you are not #1 please don't vote as such).
Please no.

PakaChan wrote:

2. You can vote for yourself, but please follow Rule 1. (AKA if you know you are not #1 please don't vote as such).
Please no.
Idk if any of the active players here are arrogant enough to do that anyways haha :P Unless trolling

was going to vote but idk anymore
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