
Panic! At The Disco - Emperor's New Clothes

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Finish this please!

ps. you should use a differente sliderball the current one looks a bit off compared to the colour scheme
Topic Starter
Now there's no way back. Gonz himself asked me to finish that.
оффест на -15, еще у тебя нет превью
Topic Starter
THanks to Sieg's amazing hitsounds we're ready to roll! Pending!
Fatfan Kolek
  1. 01:22:692 (1) - Make a normal slider out of it and add another one starting here 01:23:962 - ?
  1. 00:41:740 (7) - I'd make a NC here for emphasize.
  2. 00:49:359 (4,5,1) - I don't think that this is beginnerfriendly at all. Either stack all or nothing i'd suggest.
  3. 01:53:168 (4,5,6,7) - If you make a rhythm pattern like this, then you should make proper (louder) hitsounds for all of the notes. It makes playing it feel more comfortable.
  1. 00:41:740 - I think this should be clickable. So making the slider shorter and adding a circle here would be fine in my opinion.
  2. 01:30:153 (9) - Overmapped? It's just a holding sound starting here 01:29:994 - , so maybe replace it with a slider?
Topic Starter
Pretty sure that I've fixed everything except the hitsound thingy. Will think about it. On the last diff. 00:41:740 - I've dragged the break to that point, so it feels better.

Thank you!

as your request!

  • General
  1. missing cursormiddle.png in skin set
  2. inconsistency in tags
  3. inconsistency in preview point
  • Nervous
  1. 00:21:422 (5,1) - i think you can avoid that overlap for better reading
  2. 01:29:994 (5) - if you added nc for past one, i think you should add here too. i mean with here 00:41:740 (1) -
  3. 01:32:851 (1,2,3,4) - i think its better to if you remove those objects and how about make same with your last diff for them?
  • Panic!
  1. 00:26:502 (6,1) - / 01:14:756 (7,1) - feels bit weird when i play those part cause its same parts and one have big jump and other have antijump. isnt better to make them consistent?
  2. 00:29:994 (3,4,5,6) - i think you can make their spacing/shape better. basically they has same term but current one. try to make them consistent. will help reading when play.
  3. 00:41:422 (6) - i'm pity cause you ignored clickable part in last diff. your next same part really nice to play 01:29:994 (8) - hope you change like 01:29:994 (8) - here.
  4. 01:44:280 (1,2,3,4) - your first kiai part feels better to play. because vocals are stronger than other instruments
nice song fren good luck with it c:

hello, from "i wanted to mod this" laksjd

  1. Maybe you could add a "!" in the name Calm!
  2. 00:37:613 (2,3,4] suggetion, this sounds so weird, isn't following the rhythm, may you could add a reverse mover for the (3) and move the (5), imo
  3. 01:01:740 (6,7) they could be a slider
  4. 01:30:311 (1) I don't think that this slider is a good idea, because is so close to the passed notes, i'd let a break
  5. 01:54:438 (3) this could be a blanket for (2)
  6. 01:56:661 (5) delete and listen, it sounds so better <3
  7. 02:36:026 (3) ^

  8. the "!" too, all the panic's songs have the "!" in all the diffs <3
  9. AR 6
  10. 00:21:422 (5) this shouldn't be over the other slider
  11. 00:54:756 (1,2) these sliders are ugly to me, maybe you could try with another form
    I played a lot of times because.. I feel that this diff is rare, sometimes is so quiet and sometimes so fast and confused, i can't describe :/

  12. 01:18:883 (4) ctrl + g?
  13. 02:04:438 (6) isn't following the rhythm, i'd delete it
  14. 02:05:232 (3) ^
  15. 02:12:057 i'd map from here, because i think that is more funny following the voice of Brendon
  16. 02:17:295 (4) maybe follow the voice, it'd be funnier (i don't know if the word "funnier" exists)
  17. 02:22:375 (4) a blanket here would be better
No more to say, it's a really good map, I loved it, so take a star
Oh my god, this mapping style
Topic Starter

Euny wrote:

as your request!

  • General
  1. missing cursormiddle.png in skin set no longer an issue since the entire cursor set is gone now :p
  2. inconsistency in tags fixed!
  3. inconsistency in preview point
  • Nervous
  1. 00:21:422 (5,1) - i think you can avoid that overlap for better reading done
  2. 01:29:994 (5) - if you added nc for past one, i think you should add here too. i mean with here 00:41:740 (1) - I'd rather keep it. The delayed break does emphasize the thing
  3. 01:32:851 (1,2,3,4) - i think its better to if you remove those objects and how about make same with your last diff for them? I'll let Auxent handle that
  • Panic!
  1. 00:26:502 (6,1) - / 01:14:756 (7,1) - feels bit weird when i play those part cause its same parts and one have big jump and other have antijump. isnt better to make them consistent? True.
  2. 00:29:994 (3,4,5,6) - i think you can make their spacing/shape better. basically they has same term but current one. try to make them consistent. will help reading when play.
  3. 00:41:422 (6) - i'm pity cause you ignored clickable part in last diff. your next same part really nice to play 01:29:994 (8) - hope you change like 01:29:994 (8) - here.
  4. 01:44:280 (1,2,3,4) - your first kiai part feels better to play. because vocals are stronger than other instruments should be better now \w/
nice song fren good luck with it c:

Thank you!

ThoomyyxD wrote:

hello, from "i wanted to mod this" laksjd Hey!

  1. Maybe you could add a "!" in the name Calm! Sure!
  2. 00:37:613 (2,3,4] suggetion, this sounds so weird, isn't following the rhythm, may you could add a reverse mover for the (3) and move the (5), imo I think I'll keep things this way as it seems to be following vocals in a really neat way
  3. 01:01:740 (6,7) they could be a slider I've to use 1/2s here, so the difficulty introduces enough 1/2s to make gap from this to Nervous! acceptable
  4. 01:30:311 (1) I don't think that this slider is a good idea, because is so close to the passed notes, i'd let a break it's fine, given the fact that BPM is low and the spinner is pretty long
  5. 01:54:438 (3) this could be a blanket for (2) I want to give more space to players, so I place things in a way that they feel more.. "wild"
  6. 01:56:661 (5) delete and listen, it sounds so better <3 I wouldn't say so
  7. 02:36:026 (3) ^ Good catch!

  8. the "!" too, all the panic's songs have the "!" in all the diffs <3 Sure!
  9. AR 6 It went to 6 from 8,5, things went down quicklly, haha
  10. 00:21:422 (5) this shouldn't be over the other slider sure
  11. 00:54:756 (1,2) these sliders are ugly to me, maybe you could try with another form mapped tothe ooooooo~h, yeaaaaa~h sounds, I'd prefer to keep the shapes
    I played a lot of times because.. I feel that this diff is rare, sometimes is so quiet and sometimes so fast and confused, i can't describe :/ I'd probably blame it on the way we shift from drums to vocals, but I somehow like it. It matches with the song's nature if you ask me

  12. 01:18:883 (4) ctrl + g? would be too big of a jump for this part
  13. 02:04:438 (6) isn't following the rhythm, i'd delete it sounds fine with the vocals
  14. 02:05:232 (3) ^ killed it, you're right
  15. 02:12:057 i'd map from here, because i think that is more funny following the voice of Brendon done!
  16. 02:17:295 (4) maybe follow the voice, it'd be funnier (i don't know if the word "funnier" exists) it does exist, also fixed the thing
  17. 02:22:375 (4) a blanket here would be better I doubt I can make a blanket and keep the flow here, though
No more to say, it's a really good map, I loved it, so take a star
Thanks a lot!

XinCrin wrote:

Oh my god, this mapping style
Yes! Love P!atD mapped this way a lot :3
Topic Starter
You forgot the bubble icon, Mao!

Bakari wrote:

You forgot the bubble icon, Mao!

RIP Kenezz
I'll always have some time to mod a p!atd map c:


  1. Combo Colours: What about adding a new combo colour? I think only two makes the map monotonus in some way, I always prefer at least three hehe. It's up to you, but keep that in mind.
  2. 02:18:565 (T) - I think a flash kiai would cover perfect this part, because the vocals pitch increase considerably. Would be great if you add it c:

  1. 00:42:057 - I'm going to mention a really small thing here xDD.. the start of this break is unsnapped make sure to snap it just in case :P
  2. 01:30:311 (Spin) - What about reducing this slider by 1/1 (ending it on 01:32:216 - ) ? I'm suggesting that to cover the "weird" part in vocals and leave the "and if you don't know, now you know" section without anything. If you do that, maybe you'd like to drag the break start till 01:32:851 - . Give it a try and let me know what do you think c:
  3. 01:41:740 (1,2) - I don't know why the distance between these objects is just 1.09x, looking that you're using ~1.20x in general in all the map. Make sure to fix this spacing, anyway is pretty simple to do it by moving (1) some grids down.
  4. 01:56:343 (4,5) - Another spacing problem here, I don't see a reason to increase the spacing considerably in that kind of difficulties xD. Use the regular one please xD.

    - Anything else to say here. Really well mapped! :D

  1. 00:41:899 (break) - You should drag the beginning of this break till 00:42:057 - to have some consistent with the other difficulties.
  2. 00:48:407 (3,1) - I'd avoid the overlap between these objects. You can perceive during the gameplay and it doesn't look really good during the gameplay.
  3. 01:03:645 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - I'd change some of these into a 1/4 slider instead, basically because it could be pretty hard to follow looking the difficulty. I see the difficulty is more like a Normal+ due to the high spacing and some sliders here could help a bit to don't complain the rhythm a lot.
  4. 01:14:438 (4) - Move this note some grids down, it doesn't look overlapped with (2) in the editor but appears during the gameplay and looks bad in my opinion.
  5. 01:29:676 (4) - Same as before looking that it's the same pattern but rotated.
  6. 01:30:311 - 01:35:391 (break) - Hmm.. If I were you, I'd use the same break section for all difficulties, especially looking that Calm! and Panic! have the same having the middle difficulty with other break looks weird for me, and, in addition you did the same as other difficulties in the first pre-chorus, what makes this weirdest xD. Anyway, this is up to you but I wanted to remark this point.
  7. 01:39:200 (1) - Try doing a horizontal flip in this slider and placing it around x:88 y:312 for a better flow. Give it a try pls!
  8. 01:54:280 (x) - Hmm.. Add a note here? Maybe a personal like, but I like how it sounds xD.
  9. 02:37:930 (2) - A bit nazi, but a little curve on this slider to any place will make this pattern better. This stright slider looks kinda meh.. :lol:

    - Not bad in general, but some patterns sounds a bit weird for me such as 01:03:645 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - , 01:53:168 (4,5) - and similar ones, the rhythm becomes kinda broken and it's not really fun during the gameplay, but sincerely I didn't find an according rhythm for this difficulty either, that's why I didn't mention a lot of them in my mod.
    Other things to mention, I expected a normal diff. when I was to mod and it wasn't exactly a "Normal" xD, maybe you can mention that in the description of the map hehe.
    And... to complete that, a spinner would be good for a variety in the score (you know) and I think you can place at least one here or there, and a little storyboard in the collab would be good to know who map a part (or at least mention it in the description).
    The rest looks ok for me.

  1. 00:17:295 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - That's not the best rhythm selection for this part if you ask me, I know that you tried to follow drums in this section but they don't sound really high to follow them, at least at the beginning of the map. I recommend you something a bit simpler making a mix between vocals and drums, as I'll show you below
  2. 00:29:994 (3) - I'm so f*cking perfeccionist if I want :roll: .. Anyway, maybe move one grid the slider end to avoid a tiny overlap between the slider start and slider end.
  3. 00:41:581 (x) - Hmm.. this sounds pretty empty in my opinion. Add a note maybe (?)
  4. 00:54:121 (7,8,9,10) - I don't want to complain you, but in this fast section this 4-notes stack breaks the flow considerably. At least try to unstack (9,10).
  5. 01:18:883 (4) - Well, this will break your symetry (sorry for that if you decide to change this point :c) but would be better for the rhythm and a nicer challenge if you reduce this slider in 1/4 and then add a single note in 01:19:200 - to follow a good sound that appear in the song (a similar sound as the one you followed in 01:13:803 (4,5,6,7) -) . Give it a try and lemme know your thoughts.
  6. 01:23:645 (2,4) - Maybe a bit curved like this will look better than a just stright slider xD, and they also give a good flow.
  7. 01:29:041 (4) - Try reducing this slider in 1/4 and add a note in 01:29:518 - , same reason as 01:18:883 (4) -
  8. 01:30:311 (Spin) - Same suggestion as Calm! about this Spinner.
  9. 01:46:819 (1) - This is a stupid and little thing, but looking the symetry this is not 100% symetric xDD. Move the centre waypoint to x:256 y:264 and it'll be ok c:
  10. 02:04:438 (6) - Why don't you keep this section only for 1/2 and 1/1 patterns? It's a slow section and you suddenly added a note in 1/4 that it doesn't fit really well in my opinion. I recommend you to remove this note.
  11. 02:16:502 (x) - Following your patterns and the music itself, a note is necessary here. Make sure to add one pls.

    - That high slider speed on kiai reminds me gonz' style xDD. Not major things to say here.
This set has potential, I hope to see it ranked soon!
Have some stars to show you my support baka!
I hope this mod can help you! Good Luck!
Wait what? Auxent banned?
Why? ;w;
Seen ✓✓

mancuso_JM_ wrote:

I'll always have some time to mod a p!atd map c:


  1. Combo Colours: What about adding a new combo colour? I think only two makes the map monotonus in some way, I always prefer at least three hehe. It's up to you, but keep that in mind.
  2. 02:18:565 (T) - I think a flash kiai would cover perfect this part, because the vocals pitch increase considerably. Would be great if you add it c:

  1. 00:42:057 - I'm going to mention a really small thing here xDD.. the start of this break is unsnapped make sure to snap it just in case :P
  2. 01:30:311 (Spin) - What about reducing this slider by 1/1 (ending it on 01:32:216 - ) ? I'm suggesting that to cover the "weird" part in vocals and leave the "and if you don't know, now you know" section without anything. If you do that, maybe you'd like to drag the break start till 01:32:851 - . Give it a try and let me know what do you think c:
  3. 01:41:740 (1,2) - I don't know why the distance between these objects is just 1.09x, looking that you're using ~1.20x in general in all the map. Make sure to fix this spacing, anyway is pretty simple to do it by moving (1) some grids down.
  4. 01:56:343 (4,5) - Another spacing problem here, I don't see a reason to increase the spacing considerably in that kind of difficulties xD. Use the regular one please xD.

    - Anything else to say here. Really well mapped! :D

  1. 00:41:899 (break) - You should drag the beginning of this break till 00:42:057 - to have some consistent with the other difficulties.
  2. 00:48:407 (3,1) - I'd avoid the overlap between these objects. You can perceive during the gameplay and it doesn't look really good during the gameplay.
  3. 01:03:645 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - I'd change some of these into a 1/4 slider instead, basically because it could be pretty hard to follow looking the difficulty. I see the difficulty is more like a Normal+ due to the high spacing and some sliders here could help a bit to don't complain the rhythm a lot.
  4. 01:14:438 (4) - Move this note some grids down, it doesn't look overlapped with (2) in the editor but appears during the gameplay and looks bad in my opinion.
  5. 01:29:676 (4) - Same as before looking that it's the same pattern but rotated.
  6. 01:30:311 - 01:35:391 (break) - Hmm.. If I were you, I'd use the same break section for all difficulties, especially looking that Calm! and Panic! have the same having the middle difficulty with other break looks weird for me, and, in addition you did the same as other difficulties in the first pre-chorus, what makes this weirdest xD. Anyway, this is up to you but I wanted to remark this point.
  7. 01:39:200 (1) - Try doing a horizontal flip in this slider and placing it around x:88 y:312 for a better flow. Give it a try pls!
  8. 01:54:280 (x) - Hmm.. Add a note here? Maybe a personal like, but I like how it sounds xD.
  9. 02:37:930 (2) - A bit nazi, but a little curve on this slider to any place will make this pattern better. This stright slider looks kinda meh.. :lol:

    - Not bad in general, but some patterns sounds a bit weird for me such as 01:03:645 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - , 01:53:168 (4,5) - and similar ones, the rhythm becomes kinda broken and it's not really fun during the gameplay, but sincerely I didn't find an according rhythm for this difficulty either, that's why I didn't mention a lot of them in my mod.
    Other things to mention, I expected a normal diff. when I was to mod and it wasn't exactly a "Normal" xD, maybe you can mention that in the description of the map hehe.
    And... to complete that, a spinner would be good for a variety in the score (you know) and I think you can place at least one here or there, and a little storyboard in the collab would be good to know who map a part (or at least mention it in the description).
    The rest looks ok for me.

  1. 00:17:295 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - That's not the best rhythm selection for this part if you ask me, I know that you tried to follow drums in this section but they don't sound really high to follow them, at least at the beginning of the map. I recommend you something a bit simpler making a mix between vocals and drums, as I'll show you below
  2. 00:29:994 (3) - I'm so f*cking perfeccionist if I want :roll: .. Anyway, maybe move one grid the slider end to avoid a tiny overlap between the slider start and slider end.
  3. 00:41:581 (x) - Hmm.. this sounds pretty empty in my opinion. Add a note maybe (?)
  4. 00:54:121 (7,8,9,10) - I don't want to complain you, but in this fast section this 4-notes stack breaks the flow considerably. At least try to unstack (9,10).
  5. 01:18:883 (4) - Well, this will break your symetry (sorry for that if you decide to change this point :c) but would be better for the rhythm and a nicer challenge if you reduce this slider in 1/4 and then add a single note in 01:19:200 - to follow a good sound that appear in the song (a similar sound as the one you followed in 01:13:803 (4,5,6,7) -) . Give it a try and lemme know your thoughts.
  6. 01:23:645 (2,4) - Maybe a bit curved like this will look better than a just stright slider xD, and they also give a good flow.
  7. 01:29:041 (4) - Try reducing this slider in 1/4 and add a note in 01:29:518 - , same reason as 01:18:883 (4) -
  8. 01:30:311 (Spin) - Same suggestion as Calm! about this Spinner.
  9. 01:46:819 (1) - This is a stupid and little thing, but looking the symetry this is not 100% symetric xDD. Move the centre waypoint to x:256 y:264 and it'll be ok c:
  10. 02:04:438 (6) - Why don't you keep this section only for 1/2 and 1/1 patterns? It's a slow section and you suddenly added a note in 1/4 that it doesn't fit really well in my opinion. I recommend you to remove this note.
  11. 02:16:502 (x) - Following your patterns and the music itself, a note is necessary here. Make sure to add one pls.

    - That high slider speed on kiai reminds me gonz' style xDD. Not major things to say here.
This set has potential, I hope to see it ranked soon!
Have some stars to show you my support baka!
I hope this mod can help you! Good Luck!
Topic Starter
Holy moly, thanks man! Totally overlook the mod \w/

Sorry about the late reply.

01:54:280 this on Nervous will stay as it is, I feel like a circle here is unnecessary, sorry. The Nervous is like an Advanced/Normal+/Light Hard.


  1. 00:17:295 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - That's not the best rhythm selection for this part if you ask me, I know that you tried to follow drums in this section but they don't sound really high to follow them, at least at the beginning of the map. I recommend you something a bit simpler making a mix between vocals and drums, as I'll show you below the vocals go wild and drums give a good fround to go wild with the sliders here, I'll keep it. Sorry
  2. 00:41:581 (x) - Hmm.. this sounds pretty empty in my opinion. Add a note maybe (?) I'll keep it empty, sorry. I want to put more emphasis on the last circle in this combo
  3. 01:18:883 (4) - Well, this will break your symetry (sorry for that if you decide to change this point :c) but would be better for the rhythm and a nicer challenge if you reduce this slider in 1/4 and then add a single note in 01:19:200 - to follow a good sound that appear in the song (a similar sound as the one you followed in 01:13:803 (4,5,6,7) -) . Give it a try and lemme know your thoughts. I did it and it sounds better, the symmetry is not THAT important here, anyway
  4. 01:23:645 (2,4) - Maybe a bit curved like this will look better than a just stright slider xD, and they also give a good flow. But I prefer straight sliders, they make it feel more rough, just the way I want it to be

    - That high slider speed on kiai reminds me gonz' style xDD. Not major things to say here.
Thanks a lot, the rest was applied! Appreciate your help, man!

Перейдем сразу к делу


  1. Зачем тебе Countdown и Widescreen? Убери
  2. Фоллоу поинт слишком темный имо. Сделай его светлее так как на черном фоне его почти не видно. Предлагаю такой вариант


  1. 00:23:010 (2,4) - предлагаю сделать бланкет. Будет очень даже симпатично смотреться
  2. 00:37:930 (3) - давай его как то так
  3. 00:40:787 (7,8) - этих бы тоже сделать бланкетами
  4. 00:54:756 (3,4) - ^
  5. 01:07:454 (1) - я бы сделал именно эту ноту громче. Примерно может быть 60%?
  6. 01:20:153 (4) - НК потерял?
  7. 01:21:422 (6,7) - вот тут я бы подвинул (7) правее. Даже если сравнить с 01:20:153 (4,5) - то сильно заметно разные углы. Лучше сделать их похожими
  8. 01:25:232 (4) - Опять НК? Кстати также я думаю его можно согнуть вправо.
  9. 01:29:041 (3) - А его бы градусов на -40 повернуть. Получается более логичная и удобная для игры структура. Также можно было бы подвинуть еще правее.
  10. Дальше все окей вроде как.


  1. 00:18:565 (5,2) - имо этот оверлап не очень приятный
  2. 00:31:899 (1,2) - (1) более изогнут чем (2). Считаю что это не красиво с учетом того что следующие слайдеры копии (2)
  3. 00:56:026 (3) - Последнюю точку на 332;184 для бланкета с (2)
  4. 01:04:914 (1,2) - Не помню как такая штука называлась, но исправь ее она немного кривая (она ведь должна как то так выглядеть или же это другой паттерн?
  5. 01:14:756 (5,2,4) - стак
  6. 01:32:851 (1,2,3,4) - Я все понимаю, но я не вижу смысла. Ты не стал мапать это в других сложностях, и я считаю что тут тоже не надо, тем более что играется не самым приятным образом.
  7. 02:19:200 (2) - Давай так

Не умею модить инсы, но пытаюсь


  1. 00:20:787 (5,6) - Их изгибы разные. Имо лучше сделать одинаково.
  2. 01:06:184 (3,4) - бланкет
  3. Больше нечего мне сказать.

Удачи и спасибо за то что позвал помочь :З
Topic Starter

Shmiklak wrote:


Перейдем сразу к делу


  1. Зачем тебе Countdown и Widescreen? Убери WS убрал, каунтдаун мне нравится :c
  2. Фоллоу поинт слишком темный имо. Сделай его светлее так как на черном фоне его почти не видно. Предлагаю такой вариант


  1. 00:23:010 (2,4) - предлагаю сделать бланкет. Будет очень даже симпатично смотреться флоу испортится, да и прямые слайдеры круто выглядят
  2. 00:37:930 (3) - давай его как то так не-а, хочу прямой
  3. 00:40:787 (7,8) - этих бы тоже сделать бланкетами
  4. 00:54:756 (3,4) - ^ они уже, в какой-то мере
  5. 01:07:454 (1) - я бы сделал именно эту ноту громче. Примерно может быть 60%? Зачем? Там и так неплохой уровень громкости
  6. 01:20:153 (4) - НК потерял? Не-а, все по паттерну идет
  7. 01:21:422 (6,7) - вот тут я бы подвинул (7) правее. Даже если сравнить с 01:20:153 (4,5) - то сильно заметно разные углы. Лучше сделать их похожими ага
  8. 01:25:232 (4) - Опять НК? Кстати также я думаю его можно согнуть вправо. Не-а, все идет как надо
  9. 01:29:041 (3) - А его бы градусов на -40 повернуть. Получается более логичная и удобная для игры структура. Также можно было бы подвинуть еще правее. Повернул
  10. Дальше все окей вроде как.


  1. 00:18:565 (5,2) - имо этот оверлап не очень приятный Убрал
  2. 00:31:899 (1,2) - (1) более изогнут чем (2). Считаю что это не красиво с учетом того что следующие слайдеры копии (2) немного иначе пофиксил
  3. 00:56:026 (3) - Последнюю точку на 332;184 для бланкета с (2) Сейчас как-то лучше выглядит, извини
  4. 01:04:914 (1,2) - Не помню как такая штука называлась, но исправь ее она немного кривая она как-то так и выглядит, просто чуть изменена для флоу
  5. 01:14:756 (5,2,4) - стак ну ладно
  6. 01:32:851 (1,2,3,4) - Я все понимаю, но я не вижу смысла. Ты не стал мапать это в других сложностях, и я считаю что тут тоже не надо, тем более что играется не самым приятным образом. Окей, выпилил
  7. 02:19:200 (2) - Давай так не-а, мне нравятся прямые слайдеры

Не умею модить инсы, но пытаюсь


  1. 00:20:787 (5,6) - Их изгибы разные. Имо лучше сделать одинаково. ага
  2. 01:06:184 (3,4) - бланкет там и так сложный паттерн из нескольких бланкетов. Без линейки выглядит аккуратно
  3. Больше нечего мне сказать.

Удачи и спасибо за то что позвал помочь :З


Фоллоупоинт оставил таким, мне нравится как он не режет глаза, но при этом заметен.
Perfect <3 :D
ты потерял хитсаунды 01:46:184 (4,5) - и 02:12:851 (5) - и вроде еще где-то
Topic Starter
У тебя, случайно, не осталось архива с драм машиной? Я уже не знаю, что делать. Третий или четвертый раз копировал.
вроде нет
Random modding.
  1. Highly reconsider your followpoint skin. It is hard to see intuitively since it easily gets merged with the bg, and it makes it hard to read the same combo.
  2. 02:18:565 - Why is the kiai so short here unlike previous 2 sections? o.o
  1. 01:10:946 (2) - Consider Sampleset normal. I felt this less audible.
  2. 01:29:041 (3,4) - Is this a serious jump? I hope not.
  1. 00:19:835 (2) - Not a bad jump, but this was the only jump for similar sounds. I'd rather remove this inconsistent spacing for structure.
  2. 01:06:819 (4,5,1) - 01:56:343 (4,1) - Inconsistent spacing due to the sv change didn't look well organized.
  3. 01:09:994 ~ 01:29:994 - Nicely organized. However, the spacing being 1.4x without a sv change felt lacking in overall structure.
  4. 01:39:200 (1) - Is this spacing inconsistency inevitable?
  1. 00:18:724 (7,8) - I personally felt (8) having a jump resulted in less emphasis of (1). Imo (1) having a jump would be more natural, but fine if you prefer this playing experience.
  2. 01:56:978 - Volume felt a bit high for this section. You may want to lower it to make a difference with the previous kiai.
Nice map. Good luck!
Topic Starter

Sonnyc wrote:

Random modding.
  1. Highly reconsider your followpoint skin. It is hard to see intuitively since it easily gets merged with the bg, and it makes it hard to read the same combo. That was the intention behind it. Guess it didn't work
  2. 02:18:565 - Why is the kiai so short here unlike previous 2 sections? o.o it sounds differently and takes the song closer to the end
  1. 01:10:946 (2) - Consider Sampleset normal. I felt this less audible. Up to my saviour
  2. 01:29:041 (3,4) - Is this a serious jump? I hope not. Sure thing it is not. Fixed.
  1. 00:19:835 (2) - Not a bad jump, but this was the only jump for similar sounds. I'd rather remove this inconsistent spacing for structure.
  2. 01:06:819 (4,5,1) - 01:56:343 (4,1) - Inconsistent spacing due to the sv change didn't look well organized.
  3. 01:09:994 ~ 01:29:994 - Nicely organized. However, the spacing being 1.4x without a sv change felt lacking in overall structure. It's a collab part that also goes with the emphasis on the vocals taking the intensity here. Hopefully it'll work
  4. 01:39:200 (1) - Is this spacing inconsistency inevitable? Nope
  1. 00:18:724 (7,8) - I personally felt (8) having a jump resulted in less emphasis of (1). Imo (1) having a jump would be more natural, but fine if you prefer this playing experience. Should be better now
  2. 01:56:978 - Volume felt a bit high for this section. You may want to lower it to make a difference with the previous kiai. Sieg did the HS I'll notify him
Nice map. Good luck!

Sonnyc wrote:

[*]01:10:946 (2) - Consider Sampleset normal. I felt this less audible.
ofc it must be soft, someone just broke all my hitsounding :\

[*]01:56:978 - Volume felt a bit high for this section. You may want to lower it to make a difference with the previous kiai.
i can't understand why you compare this with with the previous kiai because this sections are completely different, apart from this i think volume level is fine
Topic Starter
Thankies, we'renow ready to go! ♥
Small sugestion,

  1. Is this set even have a storyboard I don't see any element was played tho
  2. Afaik most comboburst is a character or something, but your comboburst on this set was a flashes. So consider on adding an epilepsy warning would be good imo
  3. So the metadata is correct?
  1. 01:09:994 - until 01:30:311 - your comboing is not consistent, especially 01:09:994 (1,2,3,4,1) - because it seems your nc pattern is on every two downbeats
  2. 01:28:407 (2,3) - Spacing too far not consistent
  1. 01:04:121 (6,7) - I don't understand that rhythm, imo its rhythm prety confusing since this part 01:02:375 - you follow vocal and that (6,7) not really well on emphsizing the vocal. I think the rhythm be like so player less confuse while playing
  2. 01:53:962 - Try to add a circle for the vocal? or you can use another 1/4 slider on that point
Very neat :)
Topic Starter

Got rid of useless code in .osb, remoced comboburst to avoid any possible issues. The rest was applied exactly as suggested. Thank you very much!
Yaaay rank it pls ^_^
Anytime bakari, bubbled!
Quick Check

  1. 01:04:121 (6) - Maybe add an repeat in this slider, so it follows the vocals completely. It was included in the second chorus, so yeah.
  1. AR 8.6 intentional? o.o I was thinking AR 8.5 lol.
Topic Starter
Should be fixed now, thank you!
Have Fun~
Gratz Mr Bakarino! ^^
grats bakari! symmetry is cool
Congratz Bakari~~ ;)
Congratz my friend! :D
Nice mapset have you here! Congratulations Bakari! \w/

Namki wrote:

Why special thanks to Gonzvlo? ;___;?
Is not fair

I also want to be able to thank him for anything

Xanandra wrote:

Why special thanks to Gonzvlo? ;___;?
Is not fair

I also want to be able to thank him for anything
because duh...

Congrats Bakari, such an excellent map and song!

Topic Starter
Thank you <3
Where can i download this skin?
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