
Lily Allen - Somewhere Only We Know

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Freitag, 20. November 2015 at 22:34:24

Artist: Lily Allen
Title: Somewhere Only We Know
Tags: John Lewis Christmas Advertisement 2013 The Bear & And The Hare snow winter Keane
BPM: 79
Filesize: 16613kb
Play Time: 01:56
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,79 stars, 122 notes)
  2. Normal (2,08 stars, 145 notes)
Download: Lily Allen - Somewhere Only We Know
Download: Lily Allen - Somewhere Only We Know (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
The Bear & The Hare

There once was an animal who had never seen Christmas. As autumn winds turn to winter snow, the bear begins his annual retreat into hibernation to sleep his way through the best part of the year. The festive spirit is strong though, and his friend the hare is determined to give him a gift he has never received before - Christmas.

Merry early Christmas everyone!

big thanks to ezek for doing the video-stuff for me :D
and thanks to phaZ and Oko for sort-of helping me with hitsounding (basically saying whistle-spam is the way to go :^))
higher-pitched whistle taken from here <3

M4M requested from my queue :3
Since my mapset is hella huge, feel free to skip as many diffs you want from it. In that case I'd rather have the hardest diffs modded, thanks :3

  • -- The Ranking Criteria say that only the last diff can have a custom diff name. In this case I'd suggest not using any custom name at all, since they are only 2 diffs (or even keep the Lost diff as a name for the last diff, not the lowest xD)

  • -- 00:46:871 (6) - Imo you should move this circle of the line, since there is a change in the vocals' pitch. Try moving at 311|118

    -- 00:47:598 (8) - I'd suggest a NC, since the SV decreases considerably (you used at 01:25:019 (1) - too xD)

    -- 00:57:176 (2) - This object, and the previous one too, are misplaced. The slider ends at 00:57:772 - (1/8 snap) and the circle after it should fall at 00:58:028 -

    -- There is a problem with the last object: it is misplaced. Add a timing section at 01:56:137 - (red section) and place the last object on it. That's where the highest pitch note of the piano plays. If you want to map another note see if other previous snaps work, but imo this is the better one

  • -- This diff should be an Easy, right? Well... it isn't. The DS is inconsistent and the general spacing is too high for such a diff.
    See if you can do something about the DS and call me back for a check

That's all from me :3
Topic Starter

MrSergio wrote:

M4M requested from my queue :3
Since my mapset is hella huge, feel free to skip as many diffs you want from it. In that case I'd rather have the hardest diffs modded, thanks :3 I already modded it though lol, did exactly that ^^

  • -- The Ranking Criteria say that only the last diff can have a custom diff name. In this case I'd suggest not using any custom name at all, since they are only 2 diffs (or even keep the Lost diff as a name for the last diff, not the lowest xD) well it is allowed to have diffnames that have a continuity that makes it understandable which one is lower / higher or smth like that, but since I already get confused myself sometimes and I'm not sure they really fit anyways I'll probably change them, I just leave them be for now so maybe someone else gets an inspiration of how I could call it ^^ changed it back to Easy/Normal

  • -- 00:46:871 (6) - Imo you should move this circle of the line, since there is a change in the vocals' pitch. Try moving at 311|118 true, changed it some other way

    -- 00:47:598 (8) - I'd suggest a NC, since the SV decreases considerably (you used at 01:25:019 (1) - too xD) oh whoops, yeah I'll put one here too :D

    -- 00:57:176 (2) - This object, and the previous one too, are misplaced. The slider ends at 00:57:772 - (1/8 snap) and the circle after it should fall at 00:58:028 - uuhh dunno what you mean exactly, I mapped the vocals here (and can't really anything on that 1/8), so I won't change the slider but I'll move (3) to the white tic, sounds better like that

    -- There is a problem with the last object: it is misplaced. Add a timing section at 01:56:137 - (red section) and place the last object on it. That's where the highest pitch note of the piano plays. If you want to map another note see if other previous snaps work, but imo this is the better one I'm aware of that, but I feel like people won't get that the two small hits before are ignored, so they'll probably all hit too early - I'll get a timing check anyways and I pointed out this and two other notes with bookmarks bc those are the ones I'm unsure with, so we'll see what someone timing-experienced will say ^^

  • -- This diff should be an Easy, right? Well... it isn't. The DS is inconsistent and the general spacing is too high for such a diff.
    See if you can do something about the DS and call me back for a check Do you mean the minor differences between x1,2 and x1,1 or x1,3? Those are mainly because of the different timing sections having different bpm and therefore changing the multiplicator a bit so I 'fixed' those so the absolute distance is the same, it doesn't make much sense otherwise since the timing sections influence the spacing between the last prior note too although it only changes after the next one if you understand what I mean ^^ those two kinda-stacks should be readable, if not I can space them out easily but I don't think that's necessary, and the general spacing isn't too high, where do you get that from? It's not like beginners have problems aiming that, just reading mainly

That's all from me :3

thank you :D

EDIT: talked about the Easy in irc real quick, turns out it's all fine except for 00:31:476 (5,6) and 00:57:347 (5,6) which I have changed now
also, timing has been checked by pishifat :D
Hi, I am here from the modrequest chat <3
I am in need for mod for mod :^) Here is my beatmap
Honestly, the timing isn't wrong. But the bpm changes are NOT necessary at ALL. By my experience, if timing changes are not needed, they are unrankable. You don't need all those red offsets, trust me, any modder would tell you so. I know it may seem like it does not affect the gaming experience but the bpm changes make it unrankable. The bpm should be 86 ALL THE WAY, unless a BN tells you other wise. (It sounds best that way) Once you change the bpm, resnap all the notes by going to timing<Resnap notes. It really makes beatmapping ALOT easier. Also, two difficulties? I would think this song would be able to have a hard or possibly insane. Areas like where the piano is playing in the beginning can be easily mapped.
Lower the circle size to 2.5
Lower AR to 4, (Last time I check the wiki, the max are for easy should be 4)
00:24:550 (4,5,6) - The structure of this part is very unorganized, it looks messy and not pretty. It should look something like this
00:33:977 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Move all of this to the far left, it does not look right in the middle.
00:48:874 (7,8) - This are in the same area as 00:46:871 (4,5) - Which can be hard to read for an easy/beginner player, I would suggest moving combo 7 and 8 somewhere else.
00:56:666 (4) - Get rid of this and put a hitcircle on 00:56:666 -
00:57:347 (5) - Move this to 00:57:006 -
00:58:028 - Add a hitcircle.
01:09:124 (7) - There is not enough room for a slider like this, plus it just looks bad. I would suggest not putting sliders like this in easy.
Oh god, please lower the circle size. 4.5 is waaaay too much for a normal. Lower it to a three.
AR 6 is too much for normal in my opinion, lower it to a 5.
Nothing much wrong.
Hope I helped you in anyway <3
Topic Starter

MikasaSerket wrote:

Hi, I am here from the modrequest chat <3
I am in need for mod for mod :^) Here is my beatmap I also wrote "->pm" concerning m4m though :( but I'll mod it anyways ^^
Honestly, the timing isn't wrong. But the bpm changes are NOT necessary at ALL. By my experience, if timing changes are not needed, they are unrankable. You don't need all those red offsets, trust me, any modder would tell you so. I know it may seem like it does not affect the gaming experience but the bpm changes make it unrankable. The bpm should be 86 ALL THE WAY, unless a BN tells you other wise. (It sounds best that way) Once you change the bpm, resnap all the notes by going to timing<Resnap notes. It really makes beatmapping ALOT easier. Also, two difficulties? I would think this song would be able to have a hard or possibly insane. Areas like where the piano is playing in the beginning can be easily mapped. uuhmm it is necessary though, constant bpm doesn't even sound remotely accurate at all, I don't want to sound rude but "by my experience" isn't a very valid reason when you don't seem to be very experienced, whereas I am pretty experienced with timing live-performances by now ^^ There is absolutely no benefit in making the timing inaccurate (except I wouldn't have to manually snap the length of sliders that go through multiple sections but that's the price) but it makes it impossible to get good accuracy when the song isn't timed properly. I won't say anything more about that, trust me that I know what I'm doing here ^^ (and the timing has been checked by pishifat too, but that doesn't really matter here)
@harder diffs: well, maybe it is mapable for some, I myself can't think of a way to map it any harder and still meet my mapping-style and -standards ^^
Lower the circle size to 2.5
Lower AR to 4, (Last time I check the wiki, the max are for easy should be 4) dunno what you read exactly, but there are no hard rules about the difficutly settings, it all depends on the maps themselves. AR should be somewhat fitting to the note density and CS is just a matter of 'taste' - here you can find a lot of guidelines, but they are only guidelines, hard rules are found in the ranking criteria
00:24:550 (4,5,6) - The structure of this part is very unorganized, it looks messy and not pretty. It should look something like this uh I didn't find it 'messy' or something like that and 'pretty' is very subjective but I changed it a bit anyways ^^
00:33:977 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Move all of this to the far left, it does not look right in the middle. oh true, fixed that as far as possible
00:48:874 (7,8) - This are in the same area as 00:46:871 (4,5) - Which can be hard to read for an easy/beginner player, I would suggest moving combo 7 and 8 somewhere else. nah, ingame the first notes disappear early enough so it doesn't actually cover the second notes - that's one reason why the AR is a bit higher than 4,4 :^)
00:56:666 (4) - Get rid of this and put a hitcircle on 00:56:666 - I started to map the instrumental downbeats with the second verse, as you can see I already mapped 00:53:876 (1) and continued doing so through most of the map
00:57:347 (5) - Move this to 00:57:006 - nah, I try to have a good balance between vocal and instrumental rhythms and it fits best this way
00:58:028 - Add a hitcircle. didn't change the previous point so nope ^^
01:09:124 (7) - There is not enough room for a slider like this, plus it just looks bad. I would suggest not putting sliders like this in easy. But how come it already exists when there isn't enough room? :^) jk, but it's ok, there is no reason not to put sliderart in an Easy, and imo it looks good enough ^^
Oh god, please lower the circle size. 4.5 is waaaay too much for a normal. Lower it to a three. again this is just a matter of taste, and it works
AR 6 is too much for normal in my opinion, lower it to a 5. again there's no exact rules for this, I feel like the lower note density that is caused by the higher AR conveys a more 'empty' feeling which suits the song imo. Also, things like 00:32:160 (6,7) don't work that great already, lowering the AR would make it even worse ^^
Nothing much wrong.
Hope I helped you in anyway <3 A little bit, yeah, thanks for taking the time ^^

Hey Bonsai! Random pick from Christmas queue :3/

:idea: General

* 01:56:070 (1) - Not really sure which instrument to follow here in terms of timing the map. It's more snapped to the piano now, but the bell-like sound is much louder, which makes it sound a bit off... This note in particular feels like it could use a +10~15 or so, but not really sure. This song is a mess lol.
* 00:38:000 - Repeat here, . Guess this won't be allowed, might need to change the timing here.
* Add to the tags "keane" and "hopes and fears"? Artist and the album of the original version.


* Felt that the AR was a bit high for such a calm song. You didn't go too crazy with stuff in this anyways... consider AR3.5/4 instead?
* 00:46:871 (4,5,6,7,8) - Not sure if putting them at the same place, along with those BPM changes is a good combination.
* 00:49:318 (8,9) - Hmm.. I disagree with stuff like this being done in the easiest difficulty of the mapset tbh, might lead to some confusion for newbs.
* 01:09:124 (7) - Same here.. questionable slider for an easy difficulty as the path is not that clear. Love the idea tho <3

Some questionable things in this difficulty. I absolutely love the ideas, but not sure about rankability. Would go through this with a QAT member just to be safe!


* 00:39:936 (2) - Would be cool if you made these circles instead, as the piano notes combined with the vocals are pretty loud here. Would give a nice effect like 01:16:544 (1,2,3,4) - imo.
* 00:45:132 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Compared to the rest of every circle-based pattern in this difficulty, this was a bit uncomfortable to play due to it's straight movements. I hope you kinda get what I mean, hehe.

Aaah what a nice calming song & map! I think I like this version more than the original version ww

If you need me later on the ranking process, you can call me back <3
Good luck for now c:
Topic Starter

appleeaterx wrote:

Hey Bonsai! Random pick from Christmas queue :3/ oh yey \:D/

:idea: General

* 01:56:070 (1) - Not really sure which instrument to follow here in terms of timing the map. It's more snapped to the piano now, but the bell-like sound is much louder, which makes it sound a bit off... This note in particular feels like it could use a +10~15 or so, but not really sure. This song is a mess lol. I'm going for the piano here (as that's the more important one), and I'm aware it's not 100% accurate, that's bc I think that a player would guess that the last hit of the piano got the same intervall from the second hit as the second hit got from the first, so that's why it's a bit early. Timing has been checked by pishifat and I especially pointed out that note too, so I guess it's fine ^^
* 00:38:000 - Repeat here, . Guess this won't be allowed, might need to change the timing here. oops, changed timing
* Add to the tags "keane" and "hopes and fears"? Artist and the album of the original version. yeah why not, but I don't think anyone will search for the album ^^


* Felt that the AR was a bit high for such a calm song. You didn't go too crazy with stuff in this anyways... consider AR3.5/4 instead? 4 it is
* 00:46:871 (4,5,6,7,8) - Not sure if putting them at the same place, along with those BPM changes is a good combination. The AR is still high enough so the first circle fully disappears before the second appears, and about the BPM-changes: I don't understand how BPM-changes are supposed to be mapped, bc if I would follow distance snap then the last two notes would actually overlap, and I don't understand how much sense it would make to give a bigger time intervall smaller spacing - making it more spaced would make sense in that aspect, but is that really what I'm supposed to do here? imo hearing the music should be enough to notice that the BPM is changing : \
* 00:49:318 (8,9) - Hmm.. I disagree with stuff like this being done in the easiest difficulty of the mapset tbh, might lead to some confusion for newbs. that's why I set the AR higher :^)
* 01:09:124 (7) - Same here.. questionable slider for an easy difficulty as the path is not that clear. Love the idea tho <3 I'll ask a QAT about these two points

Some questionable things in this difficulty. I absolutely love the ideas, but not sure about rankability. Would go through this with a QAT member just to be safe!


* 00:39:936 (2) - Would be cool if you made these circles instead, as the piano notes combined with the vocals are pretty loud here. Would give a nice effect like 01:16:544 (1,2,3,4) - imo. oh yeah, I even did that in the Easy too ^^
* 00:45:132 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Compared to the rest of every circle-based pattern in this difficulty, this was a bit uncomfortable to play due to it's straight movements. I hope you kinda get what I mean, hehe. mh I see, changed! :D

Aaah what a nice calming song & map! I think I like this version more than the original version ww <3 shameless advertising: If you enjoy this, you might also like this which will be finished soon ^_^

If you need me later on the ranking process, you can call me back <3 Thank you very very much for modding, I will do that! :D
Good luck for now c:
EDIT: I asked alacat about the two things in the Easy, they think if I spaced the slidertail from the head & the two pseudo-stacks a bit more it should be okay, so that's what I did! thanks :D

also, added a silent slidertick.wav

alot of the stuff i'll point out might just be opinions, the map is cool already

easy :

00:16:914 - i find it kind of awkward you didn't map the downbeat on any of those, especially since you mapped them during the beginning. If you change this one i'd suggest to add a note or something to the other missing ones too

00:23:178 (2,3) - this would be pretty cool if you did some repeating slider that mapped the blue tick like It would fit better with the vocals but would require you to chnge the position of your objects so i don't know if you wanna do this lol

00:25:235 (6,7) - the transition would be a bit better if 6 was vertical-ish. This is reeeeally minor though

00:39:591 (1,2,3,4) - having long (lel) sections of circles like that might be a bit hard for an easy

00:47:598 (6,7,8) - timing change might make these circles a bit hard to hit correctly too tbh

01:16:544 (1,2,3,4) - hard stuff here again

01:26:724 (8) - timing seems a bit ew here idk

01:25:019 (6,7) - the transition here also is a bit awkward cuz the next note is "out" of the curve. there is also the bpm change that makes things hard here but i mentionned that earlier

01:42:267 (1,2) - i'd avoid stacks in easy

normal :

od and hp could be higher considering the gap on other diff settings on the other diff

00:11:320 (1,2) - spacing here is inconsistent with 00:08:500 (1,2) - and 00:05:738 (1,2) - for some reason

00:31:989 - i'd add a note here to keep things consistent with what you did earlier. I think vocals support this

00:45:132 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - probably dumb to mention that considering the mapping you used in easy but this is hardcore for a normal

00:49:318 (4) - i'm instinctively following instruments more than vocals so this might be just me but it feels off

00:58:368 - add a note here

01:01:433 (4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - haaaard

01:06:187 (3) - sliders like that that have a completely vertical part are kind of ugly, i'd say tilt it a little bit

01:07:737 (1) - same for this, i know you wanted to make some symmetry here but it usually looks better when almost vertical or almost horizontal

that's it for me i think, the rest looked good
if anything isn't clear feel free to catch me ingame
Good luck with your map!
Topic Starter

BOUYAAA wrote:


alot of the stuff i'll point out might just be opinions, the map is cool already aw yeah 8-)

easy :

00:16:914 - i find it kind of awkward you didn't map the downbeat on any of those, especially since you mapped them during the beginning. If you change this one i'd suggest to add a note or something to the other missing ones too I understand but that's how I differentiate the very calm first verse from the second one where way more stuff is happening

00:23:178 (2,3) - this would be pretty cool if you did some repeating slider that mapped the blue tick like It would fit better with the vocals but would require you to chnge the position of your objects so i don't know if you wanna do this lol It would fit here but it wouldn't fit in the diff as a whole as almost all of the vocal rhythms are simplified and there are zero notes on blue tics

00:25:235 (6,7) - the transition would be a bit better if 6 was vertical-ish. This is reeeeally minor though mh, changed it :D

00:39:591 (1,2,3,4) - having long (lel) sections of circles like that might be a bit hard for an easy ^^ well it's a pretty difficult Easy, I don't think this is too challenging, and four simple circles fit best to "oh simple things"

00:47:598 (6,7,8) - timing change might make these circles a bit hard to hit correctly too tbh changed timing! jk I know what you mean but I don't think it'll be an issue, from the repeat-slider it's not big of a change and this is a rhythm game after all, even bad players should be able to feel the decreasing speed imo

01:16:544 (1,2,3,4) - hard stuff here again ~

01:26:724 (8) - timing seems a bit ew here idk timed to the vocals, it's the asynchronism (is that even a word) of vocals and piano that's ew, can't do anything about that :( (pishifat checked it and I pointed it out though)

01:25:019 (6,7) - the transition here also is a bit awkward cuz the next note is "out" of the curve. there is also the bpm change that makes things hard here but i mentionned that earlier I don't think that's bad when it's after a repeat-slider, and I kinda 'introduced' the 'flow-out-of-sliderpath' already with 01:23:468 (4,5,6)

01:42:267 (1,2) - i'd avoid stacks in easy but I don't like spacing this out at all bc it takes away the emphasis from (2) D: - should be okay

normal :

od and hp could be higher considering the gap on other diff settings on the other diff changed OD to 4,5 bc why not, but I think the HP is fine as this is still pretty easy and lower HP fits calm songs imo

00:11:320 (1,2) - spacing here is inconsistent with 00:08:500 (1,2) - and 00:05:738 (1,2) - for some reason oh oops

00:31:989 - i'd add a note here to keep things consistent with what you did earlier. I think vocals support this oh yeah, I originally had that but changed it bc I changed 00:57:176 (2,3) although they don't need to be consistent at all

00:45:132 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - probably dumb to mention that considering the mapping you used in easy but this is hardcore for a normal ψ(`∇´)ψ

00:49:318 (4) - i'm instinctively following instruments more than vocals so this might be just me but it feels off hm, in songs like this I always follow the lyrics in my head when it comes to timing, as those are the main-element of the song, and I also focused on lyrics the whole map so yeah

00:58:368 - add a note here but I don't map random instrumentals o:

01:01:433 (4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - haaaard ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

01:06:187 (3) - sliders like that that have a completely vertical part are kind of ugly, i'd say tilt it a little bit it's not 100% vertical though :^^^) rotated it by 1° lol, rotated the previous slider a bit more though as the aesthetical thing I followed wasn't completely accurate

01:07:737 (1) - same for this, i know you wanted to make some symmetry here but it usually looks better when almost vertical or almost horizontal that's the complete opposite though O: uhhhh don't really know what you mean, wouldn't change it anyways as I don't see anything bad about it ^^ just taste I guess

that's it for me i think, the rest looked good
if anything isn't clear feel free to catch me ingame
Good luck with your map! thanks a lot! :D
01:54:270 (4) - tbh sounds better later since vocal emphasis is on the "o" rather than "n" (plus it'll be closer to the piano that way)
01:56:070 (1) - also being a little later is better tbhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

01:09:124 (7) - i guess since you asked a qat about it so you're not gonna change it but if i were a qat id say not to have head/tail overlapping at all g
01:30:187 (1,2) - spacing seems unusually low if you're going for the same visual spacing everywhere (excluding the end bit)

00:37:835 (9) - aimod isnt picking it up for whatever reason, but a reverse unsnapped by 7ms (according to other programs) isnt gonna work. differnet rhythm or screwing with the timing would tho
01:29:153 (1,1) - yeah dont think this is gonna work either. spinner being so short was already concerning, then the 1 beat of recovery is also pretty ugh. i get that you can say it's mapped as double bpm, but like last time someone tried to say that they were still told to make it 2 beats regardless z

apply whatever you feel is necessary then pm me for a bub
Topic Starter

pishifat wrote:

01:54:270 (4) - tbh sounds better later since vocal emphasis is on the "o" rather than "n" (plus it'll be closer to the piano that way) mh true, not that much though as I still have the reflex of pressing when I hear the N and it still sounds better to me on 100% for some reason, maybe bc now it lands on the first piano-hit
01:56:070 (1) - also being a little later is better tbhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that's exactly one ms lol, done

01:09:124 (7) - i guess since you asked a qat about it so you're not gonna change it but if i were a qat id say not to have head/tail overlapping at all g yeah if you still bubble it I'd rather leave it D:
01:30:187 (1,2) - spacing seems unusually low if you're going for the same visual spacing everywhere (excluding the end bit) oh yeah that was an accident

00:37:835 (9) - aimod isnt picking it up for whatever reason, but a reverse unsnapped by 7ms (according to other programs) isnt gonna work. differnet rhythm or screwing with the timing would tho asdf I thought I did that already in apple's mod, maybe I fixed another one of those by accident lol (changed timing)
01:29:153 (1,1) - yeah dont think this is gonna work either. spinner being so short was already concerning, then the 1 beat of recovery is also pretty ugh. i get that you can say it's mapped as double bpm, but like last time someone tried to say that they were still told to make it 2 beats regardless z oh wow the thing with still insisting on it when double-bpm is pretty bs imo so I'm ready to fight, the circle isn't visible much earlier anyways, buttt I understand the spinner length thingy and made it start one 1/4 (= 514 ms) earlier as that still fits just as much

apply whatever you feel is necessary then pm me for a bub bubububub
also, I didn't notice this was in WIP/Help all the time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whoops
if another qat finds that stuff a big deal, it's an simple change so not like it matters that much
yaaay! almost qualified! :D
Hey uh, in Easy I'd get 01:09:124 (7) - changed up. The overlapping head/tail is pretty extreme for this level of difficulty. You might want to consider using a higher SV multiplier here so that you can get a better heart shape. I found 1.15x to transition well and give you enough space to make a better looking molarheart shape.
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

Hey uh, in Easy I'd get 01:09:124 (7) - changed up. The overlapping head/tail is pretty extreme for this level of difficulty. You might want to consider using a higher SV multiplier here so that you can get a better heart shape. I found 1.15x to transition well and give you enough space to make a better looking molarheart shape.
Oh, I never thought about slightly increasing the SV o: Uhm, while I appreciate it very much, changing it like this so it doesn't overlap at all anymore looks rather bad imo (not like it doesn't already but w/e), the red control point isn't on the significant beat anymore which feels kinda weird to me and flow-wise I can't really get to work it either, so I reeeaaally don't wanna do that - I'm sorry for questioning higher forces here but my own opinion is that almost-beginners aren't that bad at this stuff, so I tried to get some extremely low-ranked players to testplay it (which is really difficult lol, 95% probably don't know how to answer lol) but got only two, one of them didn't have any ranked FC at all and struggled quite a lot with it but didn't have a problem with this or any other generally questionable section, and the other had a few FCs on easier Easy-diffs and almost FC'd it without any problem there at all either - both playing the map as it was before increasing the SV and making it slightly better to read (previous - now) nvm I somehow broke the whole diff when trying to snap the slider length lol - Anyways, the further I move the circles away, the crappier it looks as it doesn't look like a heart anymore the more I do it - Sorry for being kinda arrogant here, I know getting just two random testplays isn't the most valid argument, but do players on that level reeaally have that much problems with this or is this more like a general assumption of how bad players behave?

If there really is no other way I'll just make it a regular slider as everything else looks really bad imo, but I'd really like to discuss this, sorry :(
It was a crappy example that I threw together after fiddling for 30 seconds, but it was only for example - not something to copy directly off from.

I think if you want to keep such an extreme overlap, it'd be better if you kept the flow more natural in a circular shape rather than jutting at 90 degree angles like this combo is doing so that the direction is more intuited and doesn't need to rely as much on the visual distinction of the slider path. That said, I still would like a little less overlap with the start and end points just on the angle of clarity of the path itself - you especially want to make it obvious in the easier level maps.

From my own experience and observations, new players actually have more difficulty figuring out which end of a slider is the beginning depending on the type of angle the flow is dictating. I suspect starting the slider wouldn't be as much of an issue, however the direction they need to go would definitely be much more ambiguous compared to having a much clearer starting point that isn't covered up. Even with the slowness of the slider and only having one tick, that they are confused on the slider path itself is concerning enough to warrant checking the slider out again.
Topic Starter
ctrl-g'ing / changing the flow is pretty doesn't work at all since then either the slidertail would cover the previous note bc of low spacing or the whole arrangement of objects would look really bad and random - The change of flow by 90°+against the flow of the sliderpath is happening directly before too with 01:07:737 (5,6) and when I make it like this, which is kinda the only for me acceptable version now, the spacing to the head is x1,01 versus x1,31 to the tail (although I guess that wasn't your point) - Would that be acceptable or still no? (sry for arguing so much here, irc would be nice but yeah)

(also, I tried a lot of ways to do it, not just like you showed it, but it's for a fact impossible to make them not overlap, look like a heart and still keep it symmetric / the slidertick on the right beat as the time-intervalls are symmetric too)
Things have been discussed, shape of the slider has been changed. pishi seemed to be okay with it as well!
Gratz Bonsy!
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Whoohoo, made it through qualified with the heart-slider <3

Thanks to everyone involved and Merry soonish Christmas, right on the first Advent Sunday~

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