
SOUND HOLIC - Detarame Yousei Daisensou

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Nie umiem ustawiać precyzyjnie offsetu + 60fps w edytorze, ale prawie na pewno jest za późno, spróbuj -10 / -15

Póki co słabo to widze jeśli chodzi o rankowanie :( Nie wskazywałem często wszystkich pojedynczych przykładów bo ogólnie brakuje podstaw


Diff do remapu,

1) Na easy trzeba używac jednego DS ciągle, tu widzę na zmianę 1,0 0,8 0,6 i stacki.

2) Design, wynika trochę ze złego użycia DS, ale patterny jak 00:21:997 (2,3) - są dość niechlujne. Także obiekty ktore nie sa bezpośrednio obok siebie czasowo nie powinny o siebie przypadkowo zachodzić, np 00:22:970 (3,2) - . 01:09:663 (4,1,2,3) - :roll:

3) Rytm - 00:23:618 (1,2) - pasuje do wokalu niby, ale staraj się używać tylko białych ticków. Do tego praktycznie same 1/1 slidery, używaj więcej 2/1. 01:00:581 (2) - także staraj się używać max jeden repeat na te slidery.

Poprawny easy do podobnej piosenki -

recu's normal

Generalnie - za dużo stacków, overlapów, sporo nienaturalnych na taki diff rytmów i niepotrzebnych NC (dawaj nowe combo co dwa takty i nie kombinuj)

00:40:159 (4) - przesuń w dół, prawie offscreen + będzie zahaczał o sporo hp barów

00:57:348 (1,1) - usuń NC

00:59:294 (4) - confusing, poprzednie mają jeden repeat, widziałbym tu raczej 2 x 1/1 slidery

01:00:916 (1,1,1) - nope, usuń NC

01:04:159 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - nie będę wspominał kolejnych

01:10:808 (3,1,1,1) - nie kombinuj z overlapami, nieczytelne na default skinie

01:28:483 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - zmapuj jak pierwszą zwrotkę, nie mapuj tak synkopowanych (przesuniętych) rytmów na normalach

03:45:348 (1,1) - za blisko spinnera

Pierwsza zwrotka całkiem udana oprócz blanketów, potem zacząłeś kombinować niepotrzebnie, zobacz jak zmapowane są nowe ranked normale do podobnych piosenek

impek's WIP hard

1,50 sv do kiai to za duży skok.

Unikaj takich repeatów 01:01:240 (4) - na 1/2, niezręczne

00:24:754 (4,5,6,7) - antijumpy, nie polecam, użyj jednego DS. 00:28:970 (2,3,4,5) - to samo, spacing sugeruje 1/2 wszędzie a są 1/1


To samo co z easy, przekombinowany rytm do samych wokali, dużo pustych miejsc, mapuj główny beat i używaj odpowiednio sliderów do zaakcentowania wokalu. Patterny też nierówne i niezbyt fajnie zrobione, zobacz jak są zrobione nowsze ranked hardy, znowu polecę mapę Natsu bo jest do podobnej piosenki.

HiPat's hyper

1) za dużo pustych miejsc, mapuj beat nie same wokale

2)dziwne slidery typu 01:03:186 (3,5) - , 00:42:591 (1) -

3) za dużo kółek pod rząd jak na taki średniej-trudności diff np 00:35:618 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) -

4) za bardzo wygięte slidery np, 02:10:159 (2,4) - nie wygląda dobrze + psują delikatnie flow

5) zero struktury, jeden pattern 02:23:294 (1,2,3,4,5) - to trójkąt, nastepny to prostokąt 02:24:429 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - przechodzący przez poprzedni pattern, niepotrzebne i forsowane overlapy 02:44:700 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - , nie tworzy to wszystko jednej spójnej całości.


Znowu za dużo samych wokali, piosenka składa się z większej ilości elementow (bębny, bas, synth etc). Na insane + trzeba się starać mapować jak najwięcej na raz jeśli to jest możliwe, akcentując wokal i inne instrumenty przez zmiane spacingu, kierunku/flow itp. Np 00:46:402 (8) - Pomijanie czegoś takiego na 4*+ to średni pomysł, mogłeś spokojnie użyć 1/4 repeat sliderów , 00:51:835 (6,1) - podobna historia, potem nagle to jednak mapujesz jak 01:06:429 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -

00:45:997 (7) - 01:08:051 (2) - etc - nie koncz sliderów na mocniejszych nutkach, te powinny być klikane przez gracza (grane aktywnie nie pasywnie)

Design też do poprawy, potrzeba więcej doświadczenia w robieniu patternów, blankety, równe odstępy między obiektami itp, teraz całość jest dość słaba pod tym względem.


Troszkę lepiej rytmicznie, ale znowu randomowy spacing i flow, już na samym początku 00:10:645 (1,2,3) - zaczynasz od 1,40 żeby potem dać takie "skupione" coś 00:15:186 (5,6,1,2,3,4) - . Poza tym nie utylizujesz całego ekranu, zaznaczę pierwsze 20 sekund
jak widzisz flow kręci się w jednym miejscu koło środka, musisz być świadomy gdzie gracz się porusza i używać całej płaszczyzny, tutaj zostawiłeś 1/3 nienaruszoną.

00:25:889 (3,4,1) - znowu ignorujesz rytmy 00:29:132 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - mimo że ten jest mniej istotny to jest zmapowany

00:44:700 (3) - ten sam problem ze sliderendami

itp itd

Skellen's lunatic

Najbardziej ogarnięty diff :) Brakuje fajnego designu ale jest w miarę sensowny

Repeat slidery w streamach - staraj się używać "dwustrzałkowców" jeśli chcesz je wstawiać w streamy, np 00:17:781 (8,9) -
wynika to z tego że te slidery zazwyczaj zaczynają się na mocnym/akcentowanym rytmie a kończą na słabym, przez co następująca po nich nutka jest klikana = bardziej czytelny i naturalny rytm. 00:19:078 (7) - tak samo, itp. Nie musisz też overlapować/uzywać tego samego ds po sliderach, np możesz swobodnie użyć po nich takiego spacingu (ze względu na to jak działają slidery, mają większy rzeczywisty grywalny obszar niż wizualnie by się zdawało) 00:20:375 (3,4) - tak samo możesz je rozdzielić zeby to wszystko lepiej wyglądało i było bardziej fun2play

00:22:970 (2,3) - liniowy flow, staraj się go unikać przy 1/2 sliderach, zwłaszcza że reprezentują one tutaj dość mocne nutki w muzyce. ctrl+G (3), zwiększ spacing itp. Też w przypadku wygiętych sliderów polecam copypaste +rotacje żeby wyglądały podobnie, te są zauważalnie różne co sprawia wrazenie niedbałości 00:27:024 (4,5) - tak samo, etc, 00:28:159 (1,2) - też za blisko siebie itd

Patternom i jumpom brakuje regularności + spacing często przypadkowo strasznie się zmniejsza co jest dość niezręczne, tak jak wcześniej polecam mapę Natsu do

Przepson's FineLadyHell

Praktycznie te same problemy co poprzednie insane diffy, za dużo pustych miejsc, sliderendy kończące się na mocnych rytmach, słaby design, dziwne slidery,

Momenty typu 00:57:348 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - zaczyna sie refren i zamiast jumpów i większego spacingu zmuszasz gracza do siedzenia w jednym miejscu i klikania dziwnych rzeczy pośrodku żeby potem nagle włączyć jumpy 01:00:754 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - , lub 01:04:483 (5,6,7,8) - w nagły kwadrat 01:05:456 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -

Ignorowanie bębnów/rytmów np 01:01:889 (8) - niepotrzebne

01:06:673 (4,5) - bez sensu

01:08:375 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - bez sensu

01:15:835 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - confusing spacing, daj przynajmniej nowe combo na stream,

Także polecam dla porównania


Podsumowując, póki co nie ma opcji żeby jakikolwiek BN się tym zainteresował, potrzeba więcej doświadczenia i podstawowej wiedzy. :( Nie wiem czy inni moderzy nie ogarniają, ale przesuwanie pojedynczych obiektów póki co tego nie uratuje. Jeśli coś jest niejasne albo trzeba lepiej wytłumaczyć/pokazać jak zrobić lepiej na przykładzie = PM ingame

Momizi wrote:

[Skellen's Lunatic]
first look flow is good,but you should make full use of all edit area.i maen you can ctrl +a to see all notes, corner have no can make your map more extend. Corners will be empty for now

00:15:916 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - nice rhythm here,i mean clap here used very well? Thanks (?)

00:23:294 (3,4) - slider will be better,vocal here like 00:22:970 (2) - Applied

01:09:673 (1,3) - avoid touch(overlap) like this Fixed

01:17:456 (4,5,6) - use same ds?or 5 to 6 jump bigger Left unchanged

01:39:510 (4,5) - avoid touch Fixed

02:59:132 (6,7) - use slider here?Applied

umm,not bad,but also not a good map in editor,a little messy. I've seen messy maps ranked :^)
sorry for being super late!

  1. Source should be 東方Project
  2. AiMod
  1. the SV is way too low for an extra diff like this. i'd suggest u to use 1.8 or 1.9 SV ya know
  2. i'd highly suggest you not to start mapping with symmetrical with the low spacing for a new mapper, cuz it'll ruin the consistent flow of the play of this diff :/
  3. NC play will do after the 4/1 note (white tick for the reference) as your help
  4. 00:11:934 (1,2,3) - i don't get the flow of the sliders to (3). it's not pretty neat though
  5. 00:19:069 (4,5,6,1) - i think you should make a jumps or better make sth consistent with spacing
  6. 00:26:204 (2,3,4) - weird flow
  7. 00:33:339 (1,2) - make the spacing more further since this is an extra diff
  8. 00:40:961 (4,1) - weird spacing that doesn't even emphasize to sth
  9. 00:46:961 (12,13) - i don't think i can hear any 1/4 note for these 2 slider reverse. just use a 1/2 note only
  10. 00:52:150 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,1) - the way how you used the streams were really weird and confusing by adding a 1/4 slider like 00:53:123 (1) - 00:53:772 (1) - and setting a 1/2 slider like 00:54:745 (1) - 00:55:393 (1) - are too confusing for them to play. try something like death stream or using a 7 notes + 1/4 slider jump blablabla example (use a slider, then Ctrl + F the slider to make the stream more neater)
  11. 00:57:988 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - i don't get the emphasize of the beat and its spacing .-.
  12. 01:06:420 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - ohh no, this is completely unrankable. try to do sth like i told you from above
  13. 01:09:015 (6) - since you want to follow the vocal only, use NC on this
  14. 01:15:826 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - this one is kinda confusing
  15. 01:16:961 (1) - just using a note here will be ok rather than using a 1/16 slider stuff
  16. 01:16:961 (1,2,3) - don't start with a big spacing jumps since it's not even an intense part
  17. 01:17:447 (4) - NC this
  18. 01:23:285 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,1) - same reason
  19. 01:27:177 (1,2,3,4,5) - i don't think they are a 1/8 note. they're just a 1/4 note .-.
  20. 01:28:474 - why break? u can just map them rather than leaving a break here .-.
  21. 01:34:961 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - overmapped. just use a 1/2 note instead
  22. 01:40:799 (1,2) - make the spacing more further
  23. 01:45:826 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - same reason about overmapped
  24. 01:46:636 (9) - NC
  25. 01:48:096 (1,2,3,4,5) - u can make the star pattern more neater by using Ctrl + Shift + D, 5 Points, then just play ctrl+g the circles to make it as a star pattern \o/
  26. 01:53:772 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - i told you about it, right?
  27. 01:57:015 (9,10) - 01:58:312 (12,13) - well the spacing for me... i don't totally get a reason why though since it doesn't even emphasize rly well to the beat
  28. 01:59:609 (1,2,3) -
  29. 02:00:907 (1,2) - ^
  30. 02:02:204 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - the spacing is kinda rly low and just a triplet? maybe you should make a stream here instead
  31. 02:04:799 (1,2) - if u want to try sth symmetrical with a neat flow, try this
  32. 02:07:555 (1,2,3,1) - try this rhythm. this one will suit you better
  33. 02:07:880 (1) - remove NC
  34. 02:08:691 (5) - NC
  35. 02:09:988 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - just use a 1/2 slider for this or a 4 1/2 notes cuz (2) and (5) are overmapped (means that the note doesn't exist to the music)
  36. 02:13:880 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - how about
  37. 02:20:366 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - same reason about the overmap triplet
  38. 02:21:664 (4) - NC, 02:21:826 (1) - remove NC, 02:21:988 (1) - remove NC
  39. 02:24:420 (7,8,9,10,11,12) - same reason from the 1st KIAI part, but i think you can get this one properly :D
  40. 02:25:555 - would be better to set a note here
  41. 02:41:123 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - would be better if u can set a stream here
  42. 02:43:069 (3) - add another 1/4 slider reverse at 02:43:069 - rather than making it rly longer ya know
  43. 02:43:718 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3) - u can use the suggestion that i told you
  44. 02:51:501 (1,2,3,4) - don't start the stream like this at first. it'd be better if u do this instead or just remap the streams with the suggestion that i gave you before xd
  45. 02:53:447 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  46. 02:59:447 (10) - NC, then 02:59:934 (1) - remove NC
  47. 03:07:069 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - overmapped 1/4 notes
  1. same reason about the SV from the highest diff. i'd highly suggest about 1.7 SV
  2. same reason about the NCs
  3. so about the streams... take a look at the highest diff that i have pointed it out by giving a good suggestion + a help how to make it rly neat
  4. i kinda agreed what Momizi said that there are not even a single note at any corner, so that'd be like a less chance of being "playable" enough :/
  5. 00:18:105 (1,2,3) - ohh no. that'd be a combo break by a 100% chance or getting a low acc .-. try same goes for the rest (all of them)
  6. 01:17:618 (5,6) - u can make the distance more further like 01:17:456 (4,5) -
  7. 01:33:024 (4,5,6,7,1) - u can map sth like cuz it suits rly well with the song and playable enough
  8. 01:34:159 (4,5,6) - use a triangle pattern by rotating a slider to 120 degrees and copy pasting it + do the same thing
  9. 01:39:186 (2) - 01:39:835 (5) - due to having a downbeat or a loud beat on these 2 notes, i'd highly suggest you to make a big spacing jumps
  10. 01:47:132 (4) - u forgot to add a 1/2 slider like u did on 01:34:159 (4,5,6) -
  11. 01:59:537 (5) - this note doesn't even exist to the music at all
  12. 02:23:618 (1,2,3) - will do. don't worry. it's still playable enough
  13. 02:25:564 - add a note here
  14. 02:27:510 (1,2) - 02:30:105 (1,2) - 02:32:700 (1,2) - make the spacing a little bit further. i can't see any reason why u set a low spacing that aren't even emphasize with the beat (the spacing about the loud and soft beat like that)
  15. 03:21:348 (1,2,3,4,5) - try this
  16. 03:27:510 (1) - this looks different and inconsistent with 01:17:781 (6) - 02:25:240 (6) -
  17. 03:37:564 (1,2) - use a stream notes or just a 1/4 slider reverse is enough
  18. 03:37:889 (2,1,2) - and the rest until 03:43:078 (5) - u can map sth like rather than leaving what u did there. it'll be really perfect and neat if u do that
  19. 03:47:943 (1,2,3) - go for a big spacing jump
brb i'm not done with this yet
Topic Starter
Ok then. I had to delete two difficulties (impek's hard and przepson's LoliHell).
Reason why I deleted the diffs.
impek's hard was incomplete and impek decided to stop mapping.
przepson decided to not want to update his diff and wanted to create a seperate map outside of the mapset.
[MTF] Wolfette

00:11:123 (3) - move to 216, 304
00:11:772 (3) - Move to 356, 268
00:12:582 (3) - NC
00:12:907 (4) - NC
00:13:880 (3,4) - NC
00:14:528 (5,6) - NC
00:15:339 (8) - Move to 184, 184
00:15:501 (9) - Move to 324, 200
00:18:096 (8) - Move to 304, 168
00:20:366 (1,2,3) - Make these a stack
00:21:826 (4) - NC
01:04:474 (5) - Rotate 90* anti-clockwise and move to 60, 160
01:45:177 (4) - Move to 172, 200
01:50:042 (3) - NC
01:58:799 (3) - Move to 152, 256
02:41:123 (1) - Move to 356, 136
02:41:609 (4) - Move to 424, 212

More of an aesthetics mod since the timing is spot-on
Topic Starter

AsrielDr33murr wrote:


00:11:123 (3) - move to 216, 304
00:11:772 (3) - Move to 356, 268
00:12:582 (3) - NC
00:12:907 (4) - NC
00:13:880 (3,4) - NC
00:14:528 (5,6) - NC
00:15:339 (8) - Move to 184, 184
00:15:501 (9) - Move to 324, 200
00:18:096 (8) - Move to 304, 168
00:20:366 (1,2,3) - Make these a stack
00:21:826 (4) - NC
01:04:474 (5) - Rotate 90* anti-clockwise and move to 60, 160
01:45:177 (4) - Move to 172, 200
01:50:042 (3) - NC
01:58:799 (3) - Move to 152, 256
02:41:123 (1) - Move to 356, 136
02:41:609 (4) - Move to 424, 212

More of an aesthetics mod since the timing is spot-on
Done most of the things in the said mod expect few things such as "00:20:366 (1,2,3) - Make these a stack".
Thank you very much :D

  • Skellen's Lunatic
    00:11:285 (4) - this slider is breaking the flow, I don't see why, since the rest of sliders are not breaking it (00:11:934 (1,4,1) - ) so change its shape or ctrl+g and move
    00:12:420 (3) - stack this with 00:11:285 (4) - head?
    00:14:366 (6,1) - spacing here should be the same as 00:13:718 (3,4) - (and like the others before, because this one 00:14:366 (6,1) - is short?
    00:13:231 (1,4) - both sliders has a slighty more curved shape than the others, if it is not intentional you should use the same shape in all of them (or curvy and straight)
    00:14:853 (2,3,4) - check spacing
    00:15:826 - start the stream at the white tick always
    00:16:474 (8) - the NC should be here where the sound changes, doesn't it?
    00:18:339 - don't start the stream at blue tick also check this 00:18:745 (7,8,9,10) -
    00:19:312 (2) - don't start the stream here, start it at white tick
    00:19:961 (2,3,4,5,6) - the shape of this stream can be improved
    00:21:015 (1,4) - the overlap here doesn't look good, stack the end of this 00:21:826 (4) - with 00:21:015 (1) - or smth--
    00:21:339 (2,5) - avoid the overlap pls
    00:23:609 (4,5) - this two circles has less spacing than spacing used before 00:21:015 (1,2,3) - so fix that
    00:23:609 (4,1,3) - this overlap :c maybe.. stack the two circles and the slider end?
    00:25:555 (6,7) - ctrl+g these two and move them to its original position? the slider fits better in the white tick imo
    00:26:528 (2,6) - stack them properly
    00:28:150 (1,2) - whut happen to the spacing here? so.. ctrl+g this? or something else
    00:31:718 (5,6,1) - spacing of 6-1
    00:33:177 (6,1) - spacing
    00:33:988 (1) - stack stream start with 00:33:177 (6) - ?
    00:37:231 - there is a beat here, not too loud but there is.. and you didn't skipped it at 00:21:664 - so I recommend changing this to a slider 00:37:069 (4) - or add a circle
    00:38:042 (1,2,3) - spacing of 2
    00:39:826 - same of above
    00:41:366 - what I said at the beginning of the mod.. blue tick, stream :T
    00:42:096 (2) - spacing? move this further since its 1/2 gap
    00:43:555 (7,8) - spacing
    00:46:555 (4) - you know~
    00:47:934 (4) - change this into two circles :p?
    00:47:285 (2) - move this up?
    00:48:907 (7,8) - Hmm I thin you wanted to empathize the vocals on the song but the strongest sound is on 00:48:907 (7) - and not on 00:49:069 (8) - so I recommend to make the jump between 00:48:582 (6,7) - these (00:48:907 (7) - move this further)
    00:54:988 (8) - you know
    00:55:636 (3) -
    00:54:988 (8,9,10,11) - I think you can improve this stream shape in order to make a better curve here
    01:05:934 (7,8) - more spacing
    01:10:150 (4) - I think a slider should be here because the vocals "end" here
    01:11:447 (5,6) - spacing?
    01:14:528 (8) - make this into two circles
    01:17:772 (6,4) - stack?
    01:24:826 (2) -
    01:26:772 (2,8,1) - seriously, please, don't start the stream at blue ticks, never ><
    01:33:826 (2,3,4) - whut happen to the spacing here?
    01:36:907 - missed a beat (yea, following the vocals, but you didnt skipped them in the first part ( 00:21:015 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - and you shouldn't skip the beat tho)
    01:38:853 (1,2) - and 01:39:501 (4,5) - should have the same spacing (this and every part like this, in the case the music doesnt reaaally change)
    01:39:988 (6,1) - spacing
    01:44:691 - well, then.. skip the beat in the first part :p
    01:47:447 (5) - move this down, to avoid overlap with 01:46:636 (1) - and the shape fits better to 01:47:772 (6) -
    01:48:258 (2) - make this into two circles?
    01:44:528 (4,5) - spacing here should be like 01:52:312 (4,5) - (more spacing since its 1/1 gap)
    01:57:664 (2) - I think you can make this shape better!
    01:59:366 (3) -
    02:01:150 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - this stream shape can be improved (Well I recommend to check almost all stream shapes like this one 02:02:528 (1,2,3,4,5) - because It looks like handly-placed stream
    02:04:636 - this sound should be clickable
    02:05:609 (4,5,7,8) - space them MORRRe!
    02:07:555 (4,5) - both sliders should either start at the white tick that has a strong beat or change into 2 circles because the white tick has a strong beat that you shouln'd skip
    02:10:636 (3,8) - stack?
    02:15:826 (3,4,5) - spacing here is slight less than the other part before
    02:16:474 (6,7,8) - spacing ?
    02:18:745 (7,4) - stack
    02:25:231 (6) - stack its end with some of the circles of the triplet
    02:27:826 (2) - this one should be two circles imo-
    02:30:096 (1,2) - at least make another shape or smth xD?
    02:32:691 (1,2) - the spacing o.o
    02:39:664 (6,1) - why the spacing is less here?
    02:43:961 (2,2,2) - :T
    02:48:096 (2) - two circles instead of slider?
    02:50:528 (2) - stack its end with 02:49:880 (4) -
    02:51:177 (4) - triplet?
    02:54:745 (1) - why there is only one -reverse that shoulnd't be there because the next stream starts at blue tick- here?
    03:10:961 (7) - move this to 184/260
    03:02:204 (5) - make a blanket with 03:01:231 (4) - ?
    03:15:177 (3) - two circles?
    03:21:664 (3) - move to 188/140?
    03:25:231 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - stream shape can be improved.. like this.. looks like handy-placed stream :T
    03:27:988 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - what happened to the spacing here? I mean.. why is it soo short? make it like the beginning of the song :p
    03:33:582 (8,1) - ? why stack this?

    00:16:474 (3,4) - why the spacing suddenly changed here?
    00:17:123 (5,7,1) - avoid overlapping these
    00:20:691 (5) - why not add a reverse slider here to fill up the sound :p?
    00:30:582 (6,8) - blanket?
    00:43:069 (4,5) - theeh blanket.. you should use more spacing bertween 00:43:069 (4,5) - >these circles there
    00:49:069 (5) -
    00:50:204 (3,6) - stack
    00:54:420 (5,6,7,8) - Hmm I don't know why or what are doing these circles there because.. they doesnt seem to follow the vocals.. idk you can improve this
    01:01:231 (8,9,10) - why so short spacing here?
    01:02:204 (1,4) - stack?
    00:58:799 (2,5) - stack?
    01:07:555 (11,1,2) - use more spacing here since its 1/2 gap
    01:08:366 (6) - spacing
    01:10:961 (3) - is this intentional?
    01:17:447 (5) - more spacing? since its a stroong sound :p
    01:31:393 (2) - don't make this a reverse :T
    01:33:664 (1,5) - stack?
    01:46:474 (7,1) - ? spacing?
    01:48:258 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - Well, there are more parts with spacing like this, just in case I didn't notice, you always map the same sounds with this spacing right? you're not just randomly changing the spacing like this, just to be sure check it in case you don't while mapping
    01:54:258 (7,1,2,3) - this is confusing (no need to change but...... mehh idk)
    01:56:042 (3,4,1) - this circle is drowning!!
    01:58:961 (1) - this slider shouldn't be there since the music is more intense here, circles - jumps- fits better, doesn't it?
    02:15:826 (6) - move this further
    02:21:015 (6) - same-
    02:22:636 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this part has less spacing than before, but the song goes more intense here..
    02:48:907 (1,2,3) - spacing..
    03:07:393 (3,4) - is the first and the only part that has kicksliders, either add more kicksliders in this last kiai or delete them, consistency please~
    03:28:312 (3,4,6,7) - spacing?
    03:31:555 (5,6,7) - spacing?.. consistency.. where is the consistency? ><
    03:33:015 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - well, just in case I didn't notice.. If you're using the same spacing in the other parts of the song like this, don't change
    03:41:934 (6,1,2) - avoid overlap :<
    03:47:934 (1,2,3,4) - more spacing :p?
Hope my mod helps, GL!
Topic Starter

Itasha_S13 wrote:


  • Skellen's Lunatic
    00:11:285 (4) - this slider is breaking the flow, I don't see why, since the rest of sliders are not breaking it (00:11:934 (1,4,1) - ) so change its shape or ctrl+g and move
    00:12:420 (3) - stack this with 00:11:285 (4) - head?
    00:14:366 (6,1) - spacing here should be the same as 00:13:718 (3,4) - (and like the others before, because this one 00:14:366 (6,1) - is short?
    00:13:231 (1,4) - both sliders has a slighty more curved shape than the others, if it is not intentional you should use the same shape in all of them (or curvy and straight)
    00:14:853 (2,3,4) - check spacing
    00:15:826 - start the stream at the white tick always
    00:16:474 (8) - the NC should be here where the sound changes, doesn't it?
    00:18:339 - don't start the stream at blue tick also check this 00:18:745 (7,8,9,10) -
    00:19:312 (2) - don't start the stream here, start it at white tick
    00:19:961 (2,3,4,5,6) - the shape of this stream can be improved
    00:21:015 (1,4) - the overlap here doesn't look good, stack the end of this 00:21:826 (4) - with 00:21:015 (1) - or smth--
    00:21:339 (2,5) - avoid the overlap pls
    00:23:609 (4,5) - this two circles has less spacing than spacing used before 00:21:015 (1,2,3) - so fix that
    00:23:609 (4,1,3) - this overlap :c maybe.. stack the two circles and the slider end?
    00:25:555 (6,7) - ctrl+g these two and move them to its original position? the slider fits better in the white tick imo
    00:26:528 (2,6) - stack them properly
    00:28:150 (1,2) - whut happen to the spacing here? so.. ctrl+g this? or something else
    00:31:718 (5,6,1) - spacing of 6-1
    00:33:177 (6,1) - spacing
    00:33:988 (1) - stack stream start with 00:33:177 (6) - ?
    00:37:231 - there is a beat here, not too loud but there is.. and you didn't skipped it at 00:21:664 - so I recommend changing this to a slider 00:37:069 (4) - or add a circle
    00:38:042 (1,2,3) - spacing of 2
    00:39:826 - same of above
    00:41:366 - what I said at the beginning of the mod.. blue tick, stream :T
    00:42:096 (2) - spacing? move this further since its 1/2 gap
    00:43:555 (7,8) - spacing
    00:46:555 (4) - you know~
    00:47:934 (4) - change this into two circles :p?
    00:47:285 (2) - move this up?
    00:48:907 (7,8) - Hmm I thin you wanted to empathize the vocals on the song but the strongest sound is on 00:48:907 (7) - and not on 00:49:069 (8) - so I recommend to make the jump between 00:48:582 (6,7) - these (00:48:907 (7) - move this further)
    00:54:988 (8) - you know
    00:55:636 (3) -
    00:54:988 (8,9,10,11) - I think you can improve this stream shape in order to make a better curve here
    01:05:934 (7,8) - more spacing
    01:10:150 (4) - I think a slider should be here because the vocals "end" here
    01:11:447 (5,6) - spacing?
    01:14:528 (8) - make this into two circles
    01:17:772 (6,4) - stack?
    01:24:826 (2) -
    01:26:772 (2,8,1) - seriously, please, don't start the stream at blue ticks, never ><
    01:33:826 (2,3,4) - whut happen to the spacing here?
    01:36:907 - missed a beat (yea, following the vocals, but you didnt skipped them in the first part ( 00:21:015 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - and you shouldn't skip the beat tho)
    01:38:853 (1,2) - and 01:39:501 (4,5) - should have the same spacing (this and every part like this, in the case the music doesnt reaaally change)
    01:39:988 (6,1) - spacing
    01:44:691 - well, then.. skip the beat in the first part :p
    01:47:447 (5) - move this down, to avoid overlap with 01:46:636 (1) - and the shape fits better to 01:47:772 (6) -
    01:48:258 (2) - make this into two circles?
    01:44:528 (4,5) - spacing here should be like 01:52:312 (4,5) - (more spacing since its 1/1 gap)
    01:57:664 (2) - I think you can make this shape better!
    01:59:366 (3) -
    02:01:150 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - this stream shape can be improved (Well I recommend to check almost all stream shapes like this one 02:02:528 (1,2,3,4,5) - because It looks like handly-placed stream
    02:04:636 - this sound should be clickable
    02:05:609 (4,5,7,8) - space them MORRRe!
    02:07:555 (4,5) - both sliders should either start at the white tick that has a strong beat or change into 2 circles because the white tick has a strong beat that you shouln'd skip
    02:10:636 (3,8) - stack?
    02:15:826 (3,4,5) - spacing here is slight less than the other part before
    02:16:474 (6,7,8) - spacing ?
    02:18:745 (7,4) - stack
    02:25:231 (6) - stack its end with some of the circles of the triplet
    02:27:826 (2) - this one should be two circles imo-
    02:30:096 (1,2) - at least make another shape or smth xD?
    02:32:691 (1,2) - the spacing o.o
    02:39:664 (6,1) - why the spacing is less here?
    02:43:961 (2,2,2) - :T
    02:48:096 (2) - two circles instead of slider?
    02:50:528 (2) - stack its end with 02:49:880 (4) -
    02:51:177 (4) - triplet?
    02:54:745 (1) - why there is only one -reverse that shoulnd't be there because the next stream starts at blue tick- here?
    03:10:961 (7) - move this to 184/260
    03:02:204 (5) - make a blanket with 03:01:231 (4) - ?
    03:15:177 (3) - two circles?
    03:21:664 (3) - move to 188/140?
    03:25:231 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - stream shape can be improved.. like this.. looks like handy-placed stream :T
    03:27:988 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - what happened to the spacing here? I mean.. why is it soo short? make it like the beginning of the song :p
    03:33:582 (8,1) - ? why stack this?

    00:16:474 (3,4) - why the spacing suddenly changed here?
    00:17:123 (5,7,1) - avoid overlapping these
    00:20:691 (5) - why not add a reverse slider here to fill up the sound :p?
    00:30:582 (6,8) - blanket?
    00:43:069 (4,5) - theeh blanket.. you should use more spacing bertween 00:43:069 (4,5) - >these circles there
    00:49:069 (5) -
    00:50:204 (3,6) - stack
    00:54:420 (5,6,7,8) - Hmm I don't know why or what are doing these circles there because.. they doesnt seem to follow the vocals.. idk you can improve this
    01:01:231 (8,9,10) - why so short spacing here?
    01:02:204 (1,4) - stack?
    00:58:799 (2,5) - stack?
    01:07:555 (11,1,2) - use more spacing here since its 1/2 gap
    01:08:366 (6) - spacing
    01:10:961 (3) - is this intentional?
    01:17:447 (5) - more spacing? since its a stroong sound :p
    01:31:393 (2) - don't make this a reverse :T
    01:33:664 (1,5) - stack?
    01:46:474 (7,1) - ? spacing?
    01:48:258 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - Well, there are more parts with spacing like this, just in case I didn't notice, you always map the same sounds with this spacing right? you're not just randomly changing the spacing like this, just to be sure check it in case you don't while mapping
    01:54:258 (7,1,2,3) - this is confusing (no need to change but...... mehh idk)
    01:56:042 (3,4,1) - this circle is drowning!!
    01:58:961 (1) - this slider shouldn't be there since the music is more intense here, circles - jumps- fits better, doesn't it?
    02:15:826 (6) - move this further
    02:21:015 (6) - same-
    02:22:636 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this part has less spacing than before, but the song goes more intense here..
    02:48:907 (1,2,3) - spacing..
    03:07:393 (3,4) - is the first and the only part that has kicksliders, either add more kicksliders in this last kiai or delete them, consistency please~
    03:28:312 (3,4,6,7) - spacing?
    03:31:555 (5,6,7) - spacing?.. consistency.. where is the consistency? ><
    03:33:015 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - well, just in case I didn't notice.. If you're using the same spacing in the other parts of the song like this, don't change
    03:41:934 (6,1,2) - avoid overlap :<
    03:47:934 (1,2,3,4) - more spacing :p?
Hope my mod helps, GL!
Used all the ideas for my difficulty at least :D
Waiting for Skellen to respond to mods (He should do it on Friday :) )
I'm failing to find the time needed to make all the changes. I'll be doing them little by little even though it may take more time than I first anticipaded.

Edit: Ok i'm done. Applied most of the changes in the mods. some few werent since i thought what I did fitted more :p

Aaaand i will remember not to start streams on dem blue ticks :D
Louis Cyphre

[Skellen's Lunatic]
00:41:123 (4) - well, it's hard to expect double repeat.
00:42:582 (4) - since it's antispacing i'd add new combo here.
01:07:393 (2) - make repeat sliders 1/8?
01:11:934 (7) - i'd made a jump here.
02:14:853 (3) - crtl+h and fix position
02:19:069 (1,2,3,4,5) - adjust this pattern by using ctrl+shift+d feature to make perfect polygon shape
02:23:934 (3) - reverse the position
02:45:664 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - squares, this reminds me sweet 2007 times
02:59:934 (3,4,5,1,2,3) - i'd made this part jumpy
03:27:826 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - during whole this part you used different style of spacing. I don't get really why, consider to make it consistent.
03:48:582 (4) - add finish or remove other finish sounds in all difficulties.


00:15:988 (2) - move to x320 y304
00:27:501 (7) - new combo
00:36:582 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - random text about 2007th
00:38:366 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - why did you place here this stream...?
00:45:826 (4,5,6) - adjust the spacing. It is unfairly inconsistent.
00:46:961 (1,2,3,4) - ^
00:50:528 (4,5,6) - ^
00:57:339 (1) - add finish
01:00:420 (3,4) - ctrl + g
01:01:231 (8) - new combo
01:09:664 (4,5,6,7) - the square shape is not perfect
01:11:285 (4) - make this similar to previous 2 sliders?
01:28:474 (1,2,3,4) - adjust the pattern, it's not well consistent
01:43:393 (1) - em. Do you really find this slider attractive?
02:38:528 (1,2,3,4,1) - adjust pattern to perfect star shape.


01:11:609 (8) - new combo
02:19:718 (9) - adjust the shape, please.
02:24:907 (4) - ^
02:52:636 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^ not going to mantion anymore, there are tones of such inconsistency.
03:48:582 (4) - why did

[HitHat's Hyper]
00:30:258 (6) - new combo
00:39:177 (1) - double repeat slider is too sudden.
00:57:988 (3) - No such square shapes D:

I've looked through all other difficulties and i've found same inconsistency in patterns and shape. You should totally run over through your map and fix it. Nothing else to say, good luck ~
Topic Starter
Commenting to Louis Cyphre's mod on my diffs:


00:15:988 (2) - move to x320 y304 - fixed
00:27:501 (7) - new combo - agreed
00:36:582 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - random text about 2007th - Modified to correspond to the next pattern
00:38:366 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - why did you place here this stream...? - ^
00:45:826 (4,5,6) - adjust the spacing. It is unfairly inconsistent. - Partly fixed
00:46:961 (1,2,3,4) - ^ - agreed
00:50:528 (4,5,6) - ^ - May change it if another modder points that out. The reason I want this is that I want the 00:51:177 (6) to be on the same place as 00:50:204 (3)
00:57:339 (1) - add finish - Agreed
01:00:420 (3,4) - ctrl + g - This works well there, but what should I do with 01:01:069 (7)?
01:01:231 (8) - new combo - agreed
01:09:664 (4,5,6,7) - the square shape is not perfect - fixed
01:11:285 (4) - make this similar to previous 2 sliders? - agreed
01:28:474 (1,2,3,4) - adjust the pattern, it's not well consistent - agreed
01:43:393 (1) - em. Do you really find this slider attractive? - What I meant by doing that slider is to make it stand out from all the other ones. However changed the slider.
02:38:528 (1,2,3,4,1) - adjust pattern to perfect star shape. - I tried to correct it, but I don't know whether it looks now better or not.


01:11:609 (8) - new combo - Agreed
02:19:718 (9) - adjust the shape, please. - Agreed
02:24:907 (4) - ^ - Agreed
02:52:636 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^ not going to mantion anymore, there are tones of such inconsistency. - Fixed I wanted to create a star but it went badly :P
03:48:582 (4) - why did - Because I thought it would fit there. Also, I have used it at the majority of the end clicks in the kiai mode, so yeah May change it if another modder points that out

Louis Cyphre wrote:

[HitHat's Hyper]
00:30:258 (6) - new combo Done
00:39:177 (1) - double repeat slider is too sudden. Done
00:57:988 (3) - No such square shapes D: Done
Yup, I was looking to change few sliders. Thanks!! :)

PS. Im not firetrucking HitHat >:C
from mod request nm

00:26:204 (1,3) - Ugly overlap :c

01:04:799 - i think should have a note here

01:44:691 (2,3,4) - ugly overlap tho


00:27:988 (1) - why nc

00:40:961 (4,1,2,1,2,3) - it seems confuse

02:47:447 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,1) - ^

03:15:177 (1,1,1) - remove spam nc

Skellen's Lunatic

00:25:555 (7,8) - it should be more spaced, i guess

00:42:258 (3,4) - inconsistent distance lol

sure i cant mod this dif

actually i cant mod those style of map, then apologize for the short mod
Topic Starter

- Anna - wrote:

from mod request nm

00:26:204 (1,3) - Ugly overlap :c - I wanted the head of the 3rd slider to be at the tail of 1st slider, however SV prevents that and I want to keep the SV consistent...

01:04:799 - i think should have a note here There is a circle on the higher diffs, however I kept it off this one since there would be too many circles in a row without much break. Please note this is EASY diff!

01:44:691 (2,3,4) - ugly overlap tho Disagreed. As you can clearly see, these are meant to be half-blankets, so it should be ok keeping it.


00:27:988 (1) - why nc Fixed

00:40:961 (4,1,2,1,2,3) - it seems confuse - Partly fixed.
02:47:447 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,1) - ^ Going to leave this one as is. If another modder mentions it, I may change it

03:15:177 (1,1,1) - remove spam nc - Forgot to get rid of the NCs when I was copying the sliders. Thanks :)
Hollow Delta
From #modreqs doing M4M

Buff that HP up to 5. (It doesn't need to be this low for a Hard.)
00:13:231 (1,2) - It'd look prettier if these notes weren't touching.
00:14:366 (2) - I think moving it here would be better: x:216 y:244
00:17:285 (1,2) - Same concept as the first mod, but I can see it working here because it's a triple, and not a double.
00:25:393 (3,4) - These 2 sliders are either uncomfortably close, or slightly touching. Keep the structure, but make sure the whole pattern has equal distance.
00:41:285 (2,1) - ^
00:55:393 (1) - You can do something more creative than a spinner. Try to map it.
01:00:582 (3,4) - This pattern would look good if both sliders were at the same angle.
01:01:880 (5) - This slider digs under the 2 sliders before. It doesn't look very good, and neither does it play well. I'd suggest changing the direction, or the slider all together.
01:28:474 (1,2) - I'll refrain from pointing these out anymore, because I think you get that notes these close don't look good.
02:06:745 (3,4) - These look better if they were perfect anchor-sliders.
03:40:799 (1) - You had a good flow going, and you ruined it with this spinner. :(
Topic Starter

Bubblun wrote:

From #modreqs doing M4M

Buff that HP up to 5. (It doesn't need to be this low for a Hard.) Agreed
00:13:231 (1,2) - It'd look prettier if these notes weren't touching.Fixed
00:14:366 (2) - I think moving it here would be better: x:216 y:244 I like that :)
00:17:285 (1,2) - Same concept as the first mod, but I can see it working here because it's a triple, and not a double. Gonna leave it as is for now.
00:25:393 (3,4) - These 2 sliders are either uncomfortably close, or slightly touching. Keep the structure, but make sure the whole pattern has equal distance.
00:41:285 (2,1) - ^
00:55:393 (1) - You can do something more creative than a spinner. Try to map it. Mapped that part with my favourite Copypasta-rotate by 40 degrees sliders :D
01:00:582 (3,4) - This pattern would look good if both sliders were at the same angle. #Copypasta 40 degrees slider for the win :D
01:01:880 (5) - This slider digs under the 2 sliders before. It doesn't look very good, and neither does it play well. I'd suggest changing the direction, or the slider all together. I wanted 01:01:231 (1,2,3,4) to be parallel to that slider, so no change
01:28:474 (1,2) - I'll refrain from pointing these out anymore, because I think you get that notes these close don't look good. Fixed
02:06:745 (3,4) - These look better if they were perfect anchor-sliders.Is that what you had in mind? If so, this looks better :)
03:40:799 (1) - You had a good flow going, and you ruined it with this spinner. :( Fixed :)
Hey from #modreq . It seems you are open for m4m. So if you find this mod useful, pls mod this mapset:

  1. Fix DS 00:17:123 (2,3) -
  2. It seems your easy difficulty actually used the same value of distance for different snaps. While in the start of the song you have 2/1 gaps between objects that are 1.2x. Here you started to map everything 1/1 00:20:366 (2,1,2,3,1) - but using the same distance. This will probably be an issue considering that easy must be REALLY consistently spaced.
  3. Gap between spinner and hitcircles in this diff could be 2/1. 00:31:393 (1,1) - .
  4. Overlap 00:36:582 (1,3) -
  5. Blanket fix 00:38:528 (3,1) -
  6. ^ 00:41:772 (1,2) -
  7. ^ 00:44:366 (1,2) -
  8. Blanket this sliders 01:02:528 (1,2) -
  9. Jump lol 01:06:420 (3,1) -
  10. Fix blanket 01:10:961 (1,2) -
  11. ^ 01:17:123 (3,4) -
  12. ^ 01:29:772 (2,3) -
  13. Fix symemetric pattern 01:37:555 (3,4) -
  14. Gap between spinners and objects 01:38:853 (1,1,1) -
  15. Overlap 01:50:528 (4,5,6,1) -
  16. Fix both overlap and blanket issues 01:50:528 (4,5,6,1) -
  17. Blanket 02:20:366 (1,2) -
  18. Overlap 03:07:069 (1,3) -
  19. Blanket 03:17:772 (1,2) -
  20. Ok, I'll stop with blanket and overlap 'couse I believe you got the point. Try to see if the doesn't have those, specially in this difficulty.
  1. Fix DS 00:24:258 (3) - . Currently is 1,17x
  2. ^ 01:01:231 (4) - 1,18x
  3. ^ 01:07:069 (6) - 1,15x
  4. ^ 01:08:366 (2) - 0,96x
  5. ^ 01:10:961 (2) - 0,98x
  6. ^ 01:12:907 (1) - 1,03x
  7. Jump 01:55:718 (4) - 1,40x lol
  8. DS 01:56:691 (6) - 1,18x
  9. ^ 01:57:015 (1) - 1,05x
  10. ^ 02:13:231 (2) - 1,15x
  11. ^02:16:475 (4) - 1,04x.
  12. I could keep going but it's for the best that you also double check spacing and blanketing in the normal difficulty as well.

Most of the issues are technicals, so fixing that will improve a lot the map. Good luck o/
Topic Starter

Net0 wrote:

Hey from #modreq . It seems you are open for m4m. So if you find this mod useful, pls mod this mapset:

For now I will mod Easy since I would have to wait for Recu to finish remapping his diff, and not only that, but he has to do the response later to his Normal, so yeah.

  1. Fix DS 00:17:123 (2,3) - No need.
  2. It seems your easy difficulty actually used the same value of distance for different snaps. While in the start of the song you have 2/1 gaps between objects that are 1.2x. Here you started to map everything 1/1 00:20:366 (2,1,2,3,1) - but using the same distance. This will probably be an issue considering that easy must be REALLY consistently spaced. I'll consider it if another modder mentions that
  3. Gap between spinner and hitcircles in this diff could be 2/1. 00:31:393 (1,1) - .I really would feel guilty if I had to have way-back-way slider to be shortened to reverse slider...I'll change it if another modder points that out.
  4. Overlap 00:36:582 (1,3) - Done on purpose. The head of the 3 is meant to be at tail of 1.
  5. Blanket fix 00:38:528 (3,1) - Fixed
  6. ^ 00:41:772 (1,2) - Fixed
  7. ^ 00:44:366 (1,2) - Fixed
  8. Blanket this sliders 01:02:528 (1,2) - I think that's fixed...
  9. Jump lol 01:06:420 (3,1) - Oops. I didn't catch that while mapping. :p Thanks :)
  10. Fix blanket 01:10:961 (1,2) - Fixed
  11. ^ 01:17:123 (3,4) - Fixed
  12. ^ 01:29:772 (2,3) - Fixed
  13. Fix symemetric pattern 01:37:555 (3,4) - Please explain what you mean by that because I don't understand what you mean...
  14. Gap between spinners and objects 01:38:853 (1,1,1) - It is kinda meant to be there... May remove it if someone else mentions it
  15. Overlap 01:50:528 (4,5,6,1) - Fixed
  16. Fix both overlap and blanket issues 01:50:528 (4,5,6,1) - Changed the pattern to something else
  17. Blanket 02:20:366 (1,2) - Fixed
  18. Overlap 03:07:069 (1,3) - Changed the pattern to my <3s - 40 degrees copypastas :D
  19. Blanket 03:17:772 (1,2) - I guess fixed...
  20. Ok, I'll stop with blanket and overlap 'couse I believe you got the point. Try to see if the doesn't have those, specially in this difficulty.

Most of the issues are technicals, so fixing that will improve a lot the map. Good luck o/
I may mod your map tomorrow, since it is pretty late and I have to go to sleep.
Easy diff
01:37:555 (3,4) -
About the symmetric fix, it's about this
Topic Starter
Ok. thanks :)
I will edit it later on :)

Louis Cyphre wrote:


[Skellen's Lunatic]
00:41:123 (4) - well, it's hard to expect double repeat. I have no idea what else to put there
00:42:582 (4) - since it's antispacing i'd add new combo here. Applied
01:07:393 (2) - make repeat sliders 1/8? Applied (fits more)
01:11:934 (7) - i'd made a jump here. More jumpy
02:14:853 (3) - crtl+h and fix position Applied
02:19:069 (1,2,3,4,5) - adjust this pattern by using ctrl+shift+d feature to make perfect polygon shape Reshaped into something else
02:23:934 (3) - reverse the position Applied
02:45:664 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - squares, this reminds me sweet 2007 times
02:59:934 (3,4,5,1,2,3) - i'd made this part jumpy Some space added
03:27:826 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - during whole this part you used different style of spacing. I don't get really why, consider to make it consistent. I think it's pretty consistent
03:48:582 (4) - add finish or remove other finish sounds in all difficulties. Added

Liena wrote:

Skellen's Lunatic

00:25:555 (7,8) - it should be more spaced, i guess Applied

00:42:258 (3,4) - inconsistent distance lol Not really

I guess i'll mod normal diffs ( Easy and Recu's Normal )


1) 00:24:907 - it realy feels like there have to be a note
2) 00:31:393 - end spinner here 00:33:015 and add one more spinner from 00:33:339 to 00:35:934
3) 00:47:285 - feels like there have to be a note
4) Make a reverse slider 00:48:582 -00:49:231
5 ) 00:52:150 - insted of spinner make it this way: 00:52:150 put a note or slider here. Then 00:53:447 put a note or slider here. Then put spinner from 00:54:582 to 00:56:691.
6) 01:29:772 - instead of slider use a single note
7) 01:47:609 - feels like there have to be a note
8) 01:48:907 - feels like there have to be a note
9) 01:54:420 - 2:04:799 why is there a break ... make something there.
10) 02:31:393 - 02:35:609 mb add spinner here ?
11) 02:49:880 - feels like there have to be a note
11) 02:56:691 - break should end there 03:01:880. Make something from 03:01:880 to 03:06:745

Recu's Normal ( this one is not that bad btw :) ) :

1) 01:29:123 - wierd sliderform
01:30:420 - wierd sliderform
01:31:718 - wierd sliderform
01:33:664 - wierd sliderform
well... There's more of this wierd sliders throughout the map.

2) 00:15:826 - 00:20:366 - this spinner is a bit to long. It would be better if you make 00:15:826 - 00:18:420 playable and then add spinner 00:18:420 - 00:20:366.

3) I guess this map is still in wip ? There is empty space 03:27:826 - 03:48:582 but music is still going.

Hope it'll help~ :)
Topic Starter

871 wrote:


I guess i'll mod normal diffs ( Easy and Recu's Normal )


1) 00:24:907 - it realy feels like there have to be a note I agree...but where to put it? Anywhere you would put a circle it would overlap with other things.
2) 00:31:393 - end spinner here 00:33:015 and add one more spinner from 00:33:339 to 00:35:934Agreed
3) 00:47:285 - feels like there have to be a note Agreed
4) Make a reverse slider 00:48:582 -00:49:231 I like this...but then the the rest would have to be remapped.[/color]
5 ) 00:52:150 - insted of spinner make it this way: 00:52:150 put a note or slider here. Then 00:53:447 put a note or slider here. Then put spinner from 00:54:582 to 00:56:691.Done
6) 01:29:772 - instead of slider use a single noteDone
7) 01:47:609 - feels like there have to be a note Look at 1)
8) 01:48:907 - feels like there have to be a noteDone
9) 01:54:420 - 2:04:799 why is there a break ... make something there.Done
10) 02:31:393 - 02:35:609 mb add spinner here ? Will think about it if another modder points out that I have to do that for all my diffs.
11) 02:49:880 - feels like there have to be a noteAgreed
11) 02:56:691 - break should end there 03:01:880. Make something from 03:01:880 to 03:06:745 Look at 10)

Recu's Normal ( this one is not that bad btw :) ) :

1) 01:29:123 - wierd sliderform
01:30:420 - wierd sliderform
01:31:718 - wierd sliderform
01:33:664 - wierd sliderform
well... There's more of this wierd sliders throughout the map.

2) 00:15:826 - 00:20:366 - this spinner is a bit to long. It would be better if you make 00:15:826 - 00:18:420 playable and then add spinner 00:18:420 - 00:20:366.

3) I guess this map is still in wip ?Look at description please :) There is empty space 03:27:826 - 03:48:582 but music is still going.

Hope it'll help~ :)
Hello, M4M

  1. There are some metadata errors:
    1. Romanized Title: Detarame Daisensou *
    2. After changing the title, do not tag "Dull Great Fairy Wars" because it's an incorrect fanmade translation of the title
    3. Add "幻想★あ・ら・もーどIV" and "Gensou A La Mode IV" to the tags for the album name
    4. Add "年中夢中の好奇心", "Nenjuu Muchuu no Koukishin" and "Year-Round Absorbed Curiosity" for the original Touhou theme
    5. Source for metadata: image, website
  2. 2 slider ticks on lower diff seems excessive. It highlights every 1/2 notes in the map and 1/2 notes aren't really strong enough in this song
  3. I advise you to set a combo color in setting to fit the bg/song better

  1. 00:31:393 (1,1) - These spinners do not give enough break to the new players. Rule requires around 3~4 beats after a spinner to help beginners recover from the spin as it is the most difficult object for them. It is also highly discouraged to make two consecutive spinners like this. Instead, you should create a one giant spinner so beginners will be able to complete them.
  2. 01:03:177 (2) - Avoid using 1/2 beat in Easy difficulty
  3. 01:08:366 (2) - ^
  4. 01:38:853 (1,1,1) - Inconsistent with the first pair of spinners and same rule applies
  5. 02:10:636 (2) - Avoid excessive stacking in easy difficulty like this, and also 1/2 rhythm

[Recu's Normal]

  • 00:10:637 (1,2,3,4) - Avoid having rhythm like this that starts on weaker rhythm and end on strong rhythm because it can be uncomfortable to play. Start a slider on 1st or 3rd beat in the measure and end them on 2nd or 4th.
    00:36:582 (1) - You'll need to be careful starting the note so far away from the center after a spinner on easier difficulties. New players have hard time recovering from spinners and notes at the center of the playfield is easier to find for them
    02:40:474 (1) - Start the spinner 02:41:123, that's where the phrase begin


  • Overall note density is very low due to the strict vocal following and there's many uncomfortable pauses throughout the map. It also does not show the intensity of the music well, pausing often
    Distance snap should be used more often
    01:03:988 - could use a note, there's a distinct vocal here
    01:14:366 - ^
    03:12:258 (1,2,3) - There's a huge gap in spacing despite the note having similar duration and intensity

[HiPat's Hyper]

  • Same problem exist as Hard (lack of note density)
    00:10:637 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - I'm not exactly sure what you were trying to map here. Maybe shift 00:11:285 (4,3,4,3,4,3,4,3) - 1/2 a beat?

Sorry, I don't think I can really mod anymore difficulties because I'd be repeating myself often :/.
Good luck on this mapset!
Topic Starter

-[Koinuri] wrote:

Hello, M4M

[General] Full Fix
  1. There are some metadata errors:
    1. Romanized Title: Detarame Daisensou *
    2. After changing the title, do not tag "Dull Great Fairy Wars" because it's an incorrect fanmade translation of the title
    3. Add "幻想★あ・ら・もーどIV" and "Gensou A La Mode IV" to the tags for the album name
    4. Add "年中夢中の好奇心", "Nenjuu Muchuu no Koukishin" and "Year-Round Absorbed Curiosity" for the original Touhou theme
    5. Source for metadata: image, website
  2. 2 slider ticks on lower diff seems excessive. It highlights every 1/2 notes in the map and 1/2 notes aren't really strong enough in this song
  3. I advise you to set a combo color in setting to fit the bg/song better

[Easy] All fixed
  1. 00:31:393 (1,1) - These spinners do not give enough break to the new players. Rule requires around 3~4 beats after a spinner to help beginners recover from the spin as it is the most difficult object for them. It is also highly discouraged to make two consecutive spinners like this. Instead, you should create a one giant spinner so beginners will be able to complete them.
  2. 01:03:177 (2) - Avoid using 1/2 beat in Easy difficulty
  3. 01:08:366 (2) - ^
  4. 01:38:853 (1,1,1) - Inconsistent with the first pair of spinners and same rule applies
  5. 02:10:636 (2) - Avoid excessive stacking in easy difficulty like this, and also 1/2 rhythm


  • Overall note density is very low due to the strict vocal following and there's many uncomfortable pauses throughout the map. It also does not show the intensity of the music well, pausing often
    Distance snap should be used more often
    01:03:988 - could use a note, there's a distinct vocal here Fixed
    01:14:366 - ^ Fixed
    03:12:258 (1,2,3) - There's a huge gap in spacing despite the note having similar duration and intensity Done for effect (blanket) + Where would the other objects go. MAY FIX IT IF OTHER MODDER SAYS SO.

Sorry, I don't think I can really mod anymore difficulties because I'd be repeating myself often :/.
Good luck on this mapset!

-[Koinuri] wrote:

[HiPat's Hyper]

  • Same problem exist as Hard (lack of note density)
    00:10:637 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - I'm not exactly sure what you were trying to map here. Maybe shift 00:11:285 (4,3,4,3,4,3,4,3) - 1/2 a beat? - Remapped
M4M from my queue

[HiPath Hiper Diff]

00:12:582 (5) - Ugly ._. do a beatiful slide or a normal.
00:15:177 (4) - ugly format
00:19:718 (3) - Blanket
00:28:474 (3,1,2,3,4) - ok, have a problem here, first is the color, the combo finish, but the color keep the same? change.

00:27:988 (1) - 172,124
00:28:150 (2) - 240,52
00:28:474 (3) - 444,132
00:28:799 (1) - 244,124
00:28:961 (2) - 296,208
00:29:123 (3) - 392,208
00:29:285 (4) - 444,132
00:29:609 (5) - 265,52 (in box)


00:36:907 (3) - Blanket
00:46:961 (1,2) - Try make this 2 slides in the same form
00:52:150 (1,2) - ^
01:10:961 (3) - geomtric e more open like the image
01:11:609 (6) - ^
01:28:799 (3) - more symetric, make the start and end in same line
01:32:528 (1,2,3) - more symetric, open more this slides (Box)

01:34:150 (8) - 460,44
01:44:366 (3) - change form to this slide 01:44:042 (2)
01:53:285 (1,2) - Try make this 2 slides in the same form
01:59:934 (2) - Blanket this slide with 02:00:420 (4) and 02:00:420 (4) you made a right angle (Box)
02:21:664 (1,2,3) - Mirror the slides and put 2 in center
02:38:528 (1) - ugly
02:44:366 (8) - geometric
02:45:015 (3) - ^
03:14:204 (4) - 432,324
Make a "X" between - 03:13:880 (2,3,4) and 03:14:528 (1,2,3)]
03:47:934 (1,2) - Ugly

[Skellen's Lunatic]

00:10:637 (1,2) - Blanket
00:11:285 (4,5) - Blanket
00:27:339 (5,6) - Blanket
00:39:664 (4,5) - Mirror
00:42:582 (1,2) - look the angles, wrong
01:12:664 (2) - 80,204
01:12:745 (3) - 68,164
01:17:042 (2) - 412,224
01:37:069 (1,2) - Mirror
02:06:258 (7,8) - Blanket
02:07:393 (3,4) - Blanket
02:36:582 (4,5) - ^
02:37:231 (1,2) - ^
02:38:528 (1,2) - ^
02:39:177 (4,5) - ^
02:39:177 (4,5) - ^
02:47:772 (1,2) - Mirror
03:01:231 (4,5) - Blanket
03:18:420 (5,6) - Blanket
03:31:231 (5,6) - This Blanket is wrong, make right

This map have too many parts with blanket missing. In the first opportunity make blanket because is beatiful and have a good view.

Tomori Maru

iHatePeople wrote:

[HiPath Hiper Diff]

00:12:582 (5) - Ugly ._. do a beatiful slide or a normal. - Done
00:15:177 (4) - ugly format - Done
00:19:718 (3) - Blanket - Done
00:28:474 (3,1,2,3,4) - ok, have a problem here, first is the color, the combo finish, but the color keep the same? change. - On default skin everything is fine (Will change it if other mods will point that out)

00:27:988 (1) - 172,124 - Done
00:28:150 (2) - 240,52 - Done
00:28:474 (3) - 444,132 - Done
00:28:799 (1) - 244,124 - Done
00:28:961 (2) - 296,208 - Done
00:29:123 (3) - 392,208 - Done
00:29:285 (4) - 444,132 - Done
00:29:609 (5) - 265,52 (in box) - Done


00:36:907 (3) - Blanket - Done
00:46:961 (1,2) - Try make this 2 slides in the same form - Done
00:52:150 (1,2) - ^ - Done
01:10:961 (3) - geomtric e more open like the image - Done
01:11:609 (6) - ^ - Done
01:28:799 (3) - more symetric, make the start and end in same line - Done
01:32:528 (1,2,3) - more symetric, open more this slides (Box) - Done

01:34:150 (8) - 460,44 - Done
01:44:366 (3) - change form to this slide 01:44:042 (2) - Done
01:53:285 (1,2) - Try make this 2 slides in the same form - Done
01:59:934 (2) - Blanket this slide with 02:00:420 (4) and 02:00:420 (4) you made a right angle (Box) - Done
02:21:664 (1,2,3) - Mirror the slides and put 2 in center - Done
02:38:528 (1) - ugly - Done
02:44:366 (8) - geometric - Done
02:45:015 (3) - ^ - Done
03:14:204 (4) - 432,324 - Done
Make a "X" between - 03:13:880 (2,3,4) and 03:14:528 (1,2,3)] - Done
03:47:934 (1,2) - Ugly - Done
That's a pretty good mod, thanks!! :D

iHatePeople wrote:

M4M from my queue

[Skellen's Lunatic] All Applied

00:10:637 (1,2) - Blanket
00:11:285 (4,5) - Blanket
00:27:339 (5,6) - Blanket
00:39:664 (4,5) - Mirror
00:42:582 (1,2) - look the angles, wrong
01:12:664 (2) - 80,204
01:12:745 (3) - 68,164
01:17:042 (2) - 412,224
01:37:069 (1,2) - Mirror
02:06:258 (7,8) - Blanket
02:07:393 (3,4) - Blanket
02:36:582 (4,5) - ^
02:37:231 (1,2) - ^
02:38:528 (1,2) - ^
02:39:177 (4,5) - ^
02:39:177 (4,5) - ^
02:47:772 (1,2) - Mirror
03:01:231 (4,5) - Blanket
03:18:420 (5,6) - Blanket
03:31:231 (5,6) - This Blanket is wrong, make right

This map have too many parts with blanket missing. In the first opportunity make blanket because is beatiful and have a good view.
From my queue

-Hitsounding Requested for the Following Difficulties:-

HiPat's Hyper
Skellen's Lunatic

-Confirm Your Request via PM-

  1. Those combo colours are blending too much lol try swapping the colour order around a bit so you won't get blue and red combos consecutively.
Since there are a lot of things you can improve I will go on some quick points to give you the general idea instead of the actual modding.


  1. 00:28:799 (1,2) - Try not to do stuff like 2+ reverses on a repeat slider in lower diffs, in these days you won't be seeing them much anymore cuz it's kinda confusing for players and doesn't express the song really well.
  2. 01:06:420 (3,2) - Aesthetically would be a lot neater if you don't overlap a circle under/over the sliderbody. Stuff like 02:05:447 (2,4,5) should be taken care off as well.
  3. 01:44:691 (2,4,1) - Also complicated(like, overlapping several objects) overlaps like this should be avoided in Easy, also this one doesn't look really neat imo.
  4. Basically when you do an overlap, just make sure you do it with a reason in mind, the way you use overlap can reflect/express the song so try not to use it too randomly. (By this I mean some mappers use overlap on certain rhythms or based on special instrument in the song, or even for aesthetic purposes)
  5. Slider shapes should be improved too, try not to use too curvy shapes like 00:45:664 (3) - 02:12:258 (5) - etc they look really cramped lol. When you do the slider shapes and you don't know where to start from, just create a really good slider shape (in your perspective) and then copy-pasted it throughout the map so you won't have to recreate curved sliders all the time(also the map would look more appealing aesthetically if you have the exact same shapes on those sliders so yeah that's also the reason)
  6. 02:13:880 (1) - 02:41:123 (1) - 02:43:718 (1) - 03:16:150 (1) - You have to leave more empty beats after the spinner(this is mainly because so players in this level can recover) at this bpm I would recommend leaving at least 4 white ticks empty after the spinner to ensure a proper recovery time.
The way you used volumes could be improved too. (Referring to this)
  1. Basically you can use different scales of volumes based on the intensity of the song, if the song is more intense then use a higher volume. Vice versa, if the song is calmer then use a lower volume. In this case, you can see that all kiais/choruses is more intense and 02:56:691 is clearly calmer than other parts.
  2. Also don't use 100% volume lol it's ear-blasting. The scales are different based on each mapper but usually things won't go above 70~80% so try not to go farther than that.
[Recu's Normal]

  1. 00:26:204 (1,3) - Please don't do overlap on a reverse arrow lol it's unrankable. (The actual reason is players can't react to those arrows when they are overlapped)
  2. 00:28:799 (1,2,3) - 00:37:231 (3,6) - Same thing about slider shapes as I mentioned in Easy.
  3. This diffs plays like Easy imo, try adding more 1/2 rhythms(aka red ticks) so your rhythms won't be too bland for Normal. Try looking at other ranked maps with the same bpm as a reference on how much they use 1/2 rhythms. You have to find a good balance with the rhythm density so the gameplay won't be too Easy/Hard and not too boring. (The gameplay can be boring if you don't have good enough rhythm variations between 1/1 and 1/2 rhythms, from what I see in the current state you have too much 1/1 rhythms)

  1. SV increase in kiai is kinda too much lol, it's sort of subjective but normally you won't see a harsh SV change like this, something like 1.10~1.20 would be more proper for this case.
  2. 00:25:393 (3,4,5,1,2,3) - I said earlier overlaps should be done with a reason so try asking yourself if this is intentional for you. Let's say if the overlaps here are intentional, then same thing should occur at 01:32:853 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3) as well since it has a pretty much same rhythm. In this case I'm not telling you to make both parts overlapped or vice versa, my point is you should be consistent on how you reflect/express the song based on what you do.
  3. 00:42:907 (2,4) - Same as what I mentioned in Normal about the reverse arrow.
  4. 00:52:150 (1,2,3) - 00:53:285 (4,5) - Vocal plays the same thing twice right? So the rhythms here should be the same too to express vocals properly.
  5. 00:45:826 (5,1,2) - Don't do stacks like this when they have different beat spacing. Generally in gameplay, players will expect 00:46:312 (1,2) to have a 1/2 beat spacing instead of 1/1 because 00:45:826 (5,1) . More like, they will expect the same beat spacings cuz you mapped the stacks 00:45:826 (5,1) - 00:46:312 (1,2) in the same way so this is pretty much confusing/misleading for players.
  6. 00:56:042 (1,2) - 00:56:691 (3,4) - Both of these shouldn't be mapped in the same way. 00:56:042 (1,2) is clearly more intense than 00:56:691 (3,4) so you have to do something to express that 00:56:691 (3,4) is calmer/weaker. This could be like, using a less dense rhythm, making them aesthetically noticeably different from 00:56:042 (1,2) etc.
  7. 01:04:799 (4,5,6,1) - 01:09:015 (1,2,3,1) - Pretty much the same beat spacing idea as I mentioned at 00:45:826 (5,1,2) . It would mislead the players because you spaced 01:04:961 (5,6,1) visually the same but they actually have different beat spacings.
aaa too tired gonna stop here, you should take a look at Hyper and Insane too cuz my general ideas of these can be applied to those as well. (Didn't look at the Lunatics though so idk) and I'll drop some useful links I guess so you can know where to start from this:
  1. t/514122
  2. p/3987869 (pishifat's mod, the mapper hasn't updated anything from that point so you can download the map and see what he had pointed out)
  3. ... GGoLIrQtOx (basically a youtube playlist)
Good luck~
Topic Starter
Slowly editing easy :)
Topic Starter

Electoz wrote:


  1. Those combo colours are blending too much lol try swapping the colour order around a bit so you won't get blue and red combos consecutively. I have changed the colours in general and the colours I am going to apply to all diffs are on easy. Hopefully the green won't blend too much.
Since there are a lot of things you can improve I will go on some quick points to give you the general idea instead of the actual modding.


  1. 00:28:799 (1,2) - Try not to do stuff like 2+ reverses on a repeat slider in lower diffs, in these days you won't be seeing them much anymore cuz it's kinda confusing for players and doesn't express the song really well. Certainly changed that. Thanks :)
  2. 01:06:420 (3,2) - Aesthetically would be a lot neater if you don't overlap a circle under/over the sliderbody. Stuff like 02:05:447 (2,4,5) should be taken care off as well. That happened by accident because I was attempting to do a blanket, however the slider shape did not curve properly to do a blanket.
  3. 01:44:691 (2,4,1) - Also complicated(like, overlapping several objects) overlaps like this should be avoided in Easy, also this one doesn't look really neat imo.
    Changed it.
  4. Basically when you do an overlap, just make sure you do it with a reason in mind, the way you use overlap can reflect/express the song so try not to use it too randomly. (By this I mean some mappers use overlap on certain rhythms or based on special instrument in the song, or even for aesthetic purposes) I hope that it looks alright now. :)
  5. Slider shapes should be improved too, try not to use too curvy shapes like 00:45:664 (3) - 02:12:258 (5) - etc they look really cramped lol. When you do the slider shapes and you don't know where to start from, just create a really good slider shape (in your perspective) and then copy-pasted it throughout the map so you won't have to recreate curved sliders all the time(also the map would look more appealing aesthetically if you have the exact same shapes on those sliders so yeah that's also the reason) I attempted to have the same slider shape throughout the map however when the first 2 white tick slider came about, I started to freak out :P
  6. 02:13:880 (1) - 02:41:123 (1) - 02:43:718 (1) - 03:16:150 (1) - You have to leave more empty beats after the spinner(this is mainly because so players in this level can recover) at this bpm I would recommend leaving at least 4 white ticks empty after the spinner to ensure a proper recovery time.
I changed this to have a consistent amount of time between the spinner and the first circle/slider after the spinner.

The way you used volumes could be improved too. (Referring to this)
  1. Basically you can use different scales of volumes based on the intensity of the song, if the song is more intense then use a higher volume. Vice versa, if the song is calmer then use a lower volume. In this case, you can see that all kiais/choruses is more intense and 02:56:691 is clearly calmer than other parts.Applied 60/70/80% scale throughout the map.
  2. Also don't use 100% volume lol it's ear-blasting. The scales are different based on each mapper but usually things won't go above 70~80% so try not to go farther than that.
No wonder I did not find out about this when I use 15% of volume on Windows and 80% on osu. :P. As said earlier, changed to 60/70/80% scale.

[Recu's Normal]

  1. 00:26:204 (1,3) - Please don't do overlap on a reverse arrow lol it's unrankable. (The actual reason is players can't react to those arrows when they are overlapped)
  2. 00:28:799 (1,2,3) - 00:37:231 (3,6) - Same thing about slider shapes as I mentioned in Easy.
  3. This diffs plays like Easy imo, try adding more 1/2 rhythms(aka red ticks) so your rhythms won't be too bland for Normal. Try looking at other ranked maps with the same bpm as a reference on how much they use 1/2 rhythms. You have to find a good balance with the rhythm density so the gameplay won't be too Easy/Hard and not too boring. (The gameplay can be boring if you don't have good enough rhythm variations between 1/1 and 1/2 rhythms, from what I see in the current state you have too much 1/1 rhythms)
[Hard] Haven't fully looked into this difficulty, so I can't fully reply to this diff...

  1. SV increase in kiai is kinda too much lol, it's sort of subjective but normally you won't see a harsh SV change like this, something like 1.10~1.20 would be more proper for this case. The SV on this map is actually 1.2 . You may have looked at kiai mode where it is multiplied by 1.5 to get 1.8...
  2. 00:25:393 (3,4,5,1,2,3) - I said earlier overlaps should be done with a reason so try asking yourself if this is intentional for you. Let's say if the overlaps here are intentional, then same thing should occur at 01:32:853 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3) as well since it has a pretty much same rhythm. In this case I'm not telling you to make both parts overlapped or vice versa, my point is you should be consistent on how you reflect/express the song based on what you do.
  3. 00:42:907 (2,4) - Same as what I mentioned in Normal about the reverse arrow.
  4. 00:52:150 (1,2,3) - 00:53:285 (4,5) - Vocal plays the same thing twice right? So the rhythms here should be the same too to express vocals properly.
  5. 00:45:826 (5,1,2) - Don't do stacks like this when they have different beat spacing. Generally in gameplay, players will expect 00:46:312 (1,2) to have a 1/2 beat spacing instead of 1/1 because 00:45:826 (5,1) . More like, they will expect the same beat spacings cuz you mapped the stacks 00:45:826 (5,1) - 00:46:312 (1,2) in the same way so this is pretty much confusing/misleading for players.
  6. 00:56:042 (1,2) - 00:56:691 (3,4) - Both of these shouldn't be mapped in the same way. 00:56:042 (1,2) is clearly more intense than 00:56:691 (3,4) so you have to do something to express that 00:56:691 (3,4) is calmer/weaker. This could be like, using a less dense rhythm, making them aesthetically noticeably different from 00:56:042 (1,2) etc.
  7. 01:04:799 (4,5,6,1) - 01:09:015 (1,2,3,1) - Pretty much the same beat spacing idea as I mentioned at 00:45:826 (5,1,2) . It would mislead the players because you spaced 01:04:961 (5,6,1) visually the same but they actually have different beat spacings.
aaa too tired gonna stop here, you should take a look at Hyper and Insane too cuz my general ideas of these can be applied to those as well. (Didn't look at the Lunatics though so idk) and I'll drop some useful links I guess so you can know where to start from this: Will try and apply the concepts to Insane and Lunatics, however since I am very slow at applying the concepts on hard it is a bit problematic.
  1. t/514122 I still have to look at that
  2. p/3987869 (pishifat's mod, the mapper hasn't updated anything from that point so you can download the map and see what he had pointed out) I still have to look at that/color]
  3. ... GGoLIrQtOx (basically a youtube playlist)
[color=#0000FF]I have seen all the videos and liked them, thanks :)
Good luck~
Sorry for not replying earlier on however I was lately either really tired or basically demotivated to play osu at all.
BTW, thank you :)
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