
extremely slow pp gain

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I have the feel that I don't get any pp rewards anymore (or at least extremely low pp rewards). I usually play 4k at around 4-5 stars, ranked only.

At first I thought it was just my imagination, but then I played almost S and got - 1pp.
Is that normal? How do I get more pp?
don't play for pp, play for fun
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I find playing for pp fun, what now?

Jk i just want to get to first page of germany, im so close :P
Full Tablet
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EDIT: tried them now, nothing. Not. a. single. pp.

This is one of the best scores I have ever achieved, and I didn't get any pp at all. Is that normal?
click to show global rankings before playing the maps, your scores aren't being submitted
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I have never done that before. that doesn't even make sense to me
EDIT: just replayed the map and made sure to show global scores first, but score still didn't get send.
look at the top left of your monitor, if the map is showing a (?) your score isn't going to be submitted, it needs to show a heart to do it, showing global rankings is the easiest way, its somewhat a bug that happens from time to time and i don't know exactly how it happens

edit: did it correctly show the global scores and the heart at the top?
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Yes. I made sure that the map I played was ranked and up to date. As you can see Full tablet sugested it a few minutes ago, and I did not have that map before so I just got a fresh copy (which means it must be up to date). The heart is showing up as usual and I can see the global scores.
scroll down after playing a map(during the result screen), and post results
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Oh wow I have never seen this part of the game before. the text "retrieving online ranking statistics..." I waving as is it is currently loading, but nothing loads.
if it doesn't load at all, make sure your internet connection is stable and your client is updated, if everything is regular(and bancho isn't down) you should try to report it to the support/help forums
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It is. I am currently skyping with a friend and he can see that I am online through osu. He is able to spectate me, so that cannot be the problem

EDIT: going to sleep now
The reason you need to get the heart icon instead of the question mark icon to submit score is because of how osu works internally.

When you are looking at local scores, osu does not ask the server what the ranked status of the map is. Any time you see a question mark icon instead of something else, it means osu doesn't actually know whether the map is ranked or not.

Switching to global scoreboards causes osu to check with the server to see if the map is ranked before it asks the server to send it the leaderboard.

Now, another thing to consider is how PP calculations work. Osu doesn't just add up the PP for every score you get.

Look at your top scores list:

See the part that says "Weighted"? That tells you how much of that big PP number is actually added to your PP (the actual PP that is added together is the number in the brackets). This is designed so you can't just farm hundreds of plays on songs at the same level and keep getting the same amount of points each time.

Your first page of top scores has the lowest score worth 104pp, but that score is only actually worth 8pp in the rankings because it's so low in your top scores list. If you got another 104pp score you would bump every score below it down another spot in the list. By the way, all the math to calculate the weighting and the actual PP values use decimal numbers, not just whole numbers like the page shows you. Sometimes when a score bumps another one down near the bottom of the list it's possible to lose 1 pp when it happens because of how the rounding in numbers works.

If you want to get a lot of PP quickly you need to do 2 things: play harder maps (because if a map is only worth 100pp maximum, it doesn't matter if you get a high 98, a 99, or a 1 million score on it, the difference between those scores is almost nothing, but if you play a song worth maximum 400pp, even barely passing can be worth more than that 100pp song) and get better at the game (even if you get 5 or 10 more 200pp scores, each one will be worth less points than the last). For example, if you got 5 scores all worth 210 points, the 5th score's Weighted value (the actual amount added to your PP rating) would only be 162pp.

The most efficient way to get more PP is to get a new #1 top score.
Your PP spread gives me a feeling that you haven't played enough maps. Group by ranked status and filter by "mode=mania". I have 1758 ranked mania maps.
Count how many maps are worth about 120+pp for 1mill, because unless you count bonus PP there's no value in even playing anything worth less than that, given his skill level.
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I know the heart thing, i tried it and it didnt work. I also know how the pp sytem works, but i can see that the problem is something different - my plays dont get subitted. When i check the global scores ingame, get a new highscore and then check again. Ican see that it is still showing the old score of mine. When i go to global scores and play a map i havent played before, i still says "no score submitted" afterwards. The play doesnt appear on my profile.

I have 3.5k beatmaps and more than 2k of those are mania. I sorted by ranked and difficulty and played all maps above 3.5stars, and most of those below.
Then it sounds liker something is flat out preventing your scores from being uploaded in the first place. Perhaps posting about this in the tech support forum would be better. I'm not sure what would be preventing scores from going through if your connection is stable and chat etc. all work fine.
Bei solchen Maps kriegst du Heutzutage kaum pp mein tipp spiel maps auf denen du mit 97-99% abschneidest je mehr acc/score =mehr pp könnte also
Sein das du zb bei ner 3.7* map auf SS mehr pp bekommst als ein 95-96% S auf 4,3* (nur son beispiel) wenn du allerdings only 4k spielst wirst du mit der PP nicht weit kommen du MUSST 7k spielen um in den -700/800 rang bereich zu kommen das ist auch der grund warum so viele extrem gute spieler z.b staiain,etiennexc,Halogen- zwischen rang 500-600 sind

Allerdings könnte es sein das dir wie bei mir der rang irgendwann egal ist wenn du alle ziele erreicht hast deswegen würde ich da nicht so viel wert drauf legen und aus spaß spielen und einfach mal pp und rang vergessen
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Bitte das nächste mal alles lesen bevor du postest. Wie sich inzwischen herausgestellt hat werden meine plays garnicht erst gesendet. Und angenommen sie würden doch - ich hab auf der map inzwischen fast 98% FC willst du mir ernsthaft verklickern so ein play ist keinen einzigen pp wert?

chris20194 wrote:

Bitte das nächste mal alles lesen bevor du postest. Wie sich inzwischen herausgestellt hat werden meine plays garnicht erst gesendet. Und angenommen sie würden doch - ich hab auf der map inzwischen fast 98% FC willst du mir ernsthaft verklickern so ein play ist keinen einzigen pp wert?
Bei dir müsste das noch PP geben ich will nur sagen das du besser auf acc spielen sollst anstadt krampfhaft zu versuchen irgendwelche zu schweren maps grade so zu S ranken gibt mehr pp
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