
Primary - Awake

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2024年11月24日 at 14:38:43

Artist: Primary
Title: Awake
Tags: ゆいこんぬ yuikonnu Meis Clauson japanese pop jpop j-pop yuiko point fuyuyu- Mamayu Kanau Silky -Maruk- Laurier
BPM: 200
Filesize: 7071kb
Play Time: 03:40
Difficulties Available:
  1. Extra (5.96 stars, 987 notes)
  2. fyy's Normal (2.49 stars, 471 notes)
  3. Hard (3.8 stars, 671 notes)
  4. Insane (4.82 stars, 805 notes)
  5. Laurier's Extra (5.49 stars, 853 notes)
  6. Maruk's Insane (4.23 stars, 670 notes)
Download: Primary - Awake
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
song :

gest Normal by Silky done
Hard by me done
gest Insane by -Maruk done
Insane by me done
gest Insane by Laurier done
Extra by me done

BN( Fycho / momoyo ) ty !!
New Modder, everything I say could be complete crap.

00:02:841 (4) - Having this slider on a rest feels weird to me, or perhaps how it flows to the next note It's the only issue I found with the intro at all.

01:59:091 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2) - The stack ends too late, or feels like it does. I think taking out the first orange combo note at the end of it makes it sound/seem better.

02:28:041 (4) - This is the only note in the whole song that falls directly under the preceding slider. I think it flows better if it doesn't do that.

02:58:341 (1) - I think having this be slightly curved would be better (or curving the note before it). Before the preceding one fades out, it doesn't look like a slider and I almost thought it was only a circle.

Didn't notice anything else though and it was a lot of fun to play :D

Overall notes: Combos seem a little low. I know this is only a hard diff, but maybe either increase HP drain by .5 or increase the length of some of the combos.
00:09:441 (2,3) - I think it would be nice if these notes had a sharper angle by maybe 10-20 degrees

Fyy's Normal
00:14:541 (6) - The beat that I feel like I should be hitting on is half a count earlier.
02:32:991 (3,4,5,1) - I played/watched this part 6 times and it just seems... off? I can't really tell what's wrong with it though and it might be my imagination.
03:31:641 (7,1) - I think the last slider in the combo should be a bit longer.

And that's it! I'm only a lowly 49k so I can't play Awake diff :(
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