
Denny Savage, Henrik Wikstrom - Deliverance

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on mercredi 10 février 2016 at 20:26:16

Artist: Denny Savage, Henrik Wikstrom
Title: Deliverance
Tags: okoratu collab elevator lol league of legends
BPM: 136
Filesize: 3729kb
Play Time: 02:03
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,59 stars, 142 notes)
  2. Freedom (3,8 stars, 426 notes)
  3. Hard (2,99 stars, 305 notes)
  4. Normal (1,78 stars, 201 notes)
Download: Denny Savage, Henrik Wikstrom - Deliverance
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
(#9) Elevator #4

Full set collab with Okoratu
Play with NC, sounds really good!

The part division in Easy and Hard and Normal and Freedom are identical.

If you guess correctly Ill mod your map c:

00:31:736 (2,3) - The slider density allows for the player to transit onto (3) earlier than intended. Look into it.
00:33:280 (4,1) - Damn blanket.
01:47:839 (1,2) - Same thing with the slider density here.


00:19:162 (5,6,1) - These seem a bit too hard to read and tap properly. Same thing exists further on.
00:28:206 - Add a not please. (And on other same parts for consistency).
00:39:677 (4,5) - Correct me if I am wrong but you haven't used this rhythm for this sound before. Why do it now and break consistency? Did something change in the music?
00:50:265 (4,5) - Same here. (And probably further on).
00:45:192 (3,4) - Idk, the overlap here seems a bit ugly.
01:17:839 (3,4,5) - This rhythm is much better compared to this 01:14:309 (4) -. (Aaand you use the same further on).
01:23:133 (1,4) - Touchy touchy.


00:04:162 - Why skip this? (Nvm you skip handful of these so I guess it's cool).
- I think this diff is fine overall :3


00:04:162 - Why skip this? (Nvm you skip handful of these so I guess it's cool).
00:59:751 (5) - This is too big to look good imo ;o;
- I also find nothing else wrong with this diff.


- Offset is 1955

Part Division

00:00:000 - to 00:16:074 - is Noz
00:16:074 - to 00:30:192 - is Oko
00:30:192 - to 00:44:309 - is Noz
00:44:309 - to 00:58:427 - is Oko
00:58:427 - to 01:12:545 - is Noz
01:12:545 - to 01:40:780 - is Oko
01:40:780 - to 01:51:368 - is Noz
01:51:368 - to 02:03:721 - is Oko
Topic Starter

Exa wrote:


00:31:736 (2,3) - The slider density allows for the player to transit onto (3) earlier than intended. Look into it. - Finally fix it lol.
00:33:280 (4,1) - Damn [/url=]blanket[/url[]. - Nazi but fixed.
01:47:839 (1,2) - Same thing with the slider density here. - Same as before.


00:19:162 (5,6,1) - These seem a bit too hard to read and tap properly. Same thing exists further on. - Because it's a repetitive pattern on the diff,
00:28:206 - Add a not please. (And on other same parts for consistency). - Ok.
00:39:677 (4,5) - Correct me if I am wrong but you haven't used this rhythm for this sound before. Why do it now and break consistency? Did something change in the music? - it's intended here to don't let players into a repetitive rhythm, to offer some diversity on this part. Also change it would break pattern and I want to keep it.
00:50:265 (4,5) - Same here. (And probably further on). - ^
00:45:192 (3,4) - Idk, the overlap here seems a bit ugly. - NO MURDER (for real that's probably one of the best pattern on the diff ;w;).
01:17:839 (3,4,5) - This rhythm is much better compared to this 01:14:309 (4) -. (Aaand you use the same further on). - It follow a consistent rhythm here, and I think it fit pretty well the song.
01:23:133 (1,4) - Touchy touchy. - Fix rhythm for consistency so pattern too.


00:04:162 - Why skip this? (Nvm you skip handful of these so I guess it's cool). - XD
- I think this diff is fine overall :3 - :)


00:04:162 - Why skip this? (Nvm you skip handful of these so I guess it's cool). - :3
00:59:751 (5) - This is too big to look good imo ;o; - I don't think this is a problem here, flow works well and that's not look that bad imo. If you have a suggestion feel free to post it :)
- I also find nothing else wrong with this diff.


- Offset is 1955 - If I have an other complain about it ok, but 2ms is really...really too close.

Part Division

00:00:000 - to 00:16:074 - is Noz
00:16:074 - to 00:30:192 - is Oko
00:30:192 - to 00:44:309 - is Noz
00:44:309 - to 00:58:427 - is Oko
00:58:427 - to 01:12:545 - is Noz
01:12:545 - to 01:40:780 - is Oko
01:40:780 - to 01:51:368 - is Noz
01:51:368 - to 02:03:721 - is Oko
Failed to guess all correctly, and it's different for the other diff.
Thx for the mod (ofc this mod was checked by me and oko !) :3

00:31:736 (2,3) - The slider density allows for the player to transit onto (3) earlier than intended. Look into it.
00:31:736 (2,3) - The slider leniency allows the player to transit onto (3) earlier than intended. Please look into it. I still think this has to be changed :x
Ujimatsu Chiya
Moe Moe //w//
I'm lazy

  1. 00:20:927 (5,6) - Make a symmetric with 00:20:045 (2,3) - better to design
  2. 00:36:589 (5,6) - swap notes can more playable here 00:36:809 (6,1) -
  3. 01:44:530 (2,3) - this DS should be longer then 01:44:309 (1,2) -
  4. same above 01:45:412 (5,6) - should be longer then 01:45:192 (4,5) -

  1. wow cool diff xD

  1. 00:39:677 (4,5) - swap notes?? 00:39:898 - sounds heard stronger then 00:40:118 -
  2. 00:43:206 (4,5) - same above
  3. 01:03:501 (4) - move a note to 01:03:059 - you can emphasize more the music.
  4. 01:10:339 (3,4,5) - how about don't stack notes?? 01:10:559 (4,5) - heard better if there seems to emphasize.

  1. nothing to me owo~

goooooooooooooooood luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
Topic Starter

eINess wrote:

Moe Moe //w//
I'm lazy but moe :3

  1. 00:20:927 (5,6) - Make a symmetric with 00:20:045 (2,3) - better to design - Fix
  2. 00:36:589 (5,6) - swap notes can more playable here 00:36:809 (6,1) - - Fix
  3. 01:44:530 (2,3) - this DS should be longer then 01:44:309 (1,2) - - Fix
  4. same above 01:45:412 (5,6) - should be longer then 01:45:192 (4,5) - - Fix

  1. 00:39:677 (4,5) - swap notes?? 00:39:898 - sounds heard stronger then 00:40:118 - - This was intentional.
  2. 00:43:206 (4,5) - same above - This was intentional too.
  3. 01:03:501 (4) - move a note to 01:03:059 - you can emphasize more the music. - Fix
  4. 01:10:339 (3,4,5) - how about don't stack notes?? 01:10:559 (4,5) - heard better if there seems to emphasize. - There is no real way to unstack them here, also sounds not that bad imo. If we get more complain about it we'll try to change it.

goooooooooooooooood luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
Thx moe :3
Eh y u do dis to me Noz Q.Q here u go

00:40:780 (1,2) - blanket
00:54:898 (1) - making it a curve slider instead of straight would have a better flow
01:01:074 (3,1) - blanket
01:03:721 (3,4) - those two sliders almost touch each other, making 4 a bit more straight or move it a bit up would be a good idea
01:40:780 (1) - Kinda weird slider, would change it to something more simple

00:25:780 (5,6,7,1) - weird flow
00:45:192 (3,4) - also weird flow
01:19:604 (1) - Noz-senpai plz

Hard (cool diff lmao)
01:00:633 (2,3) - kinda weird flow

Insane ~ fine as for me

hope I helped at least a bit o/
I have no idea


00:01:957 (1) - Oko 2
00:30:192 (1) - Noz 1
00:44:309 (1) - Oko 1
00:58:427 (1) - Noz 2
01:26:662 (1) - Oko 1
01:40:780 (1) - Noz 1,5


00:01:957 (1) - Noz 1
00:16:074 (1) - Oko 2
00:44:309 (1) - Noz 1
00:58:427 (1) - Oko 1
01:12:545 (1) - Noz 2
01:40:780 (1) - Oko 1,5

Ill eat a steak if thats wrong pls be wrong im hungry
eat the steak
That makes me a winner

00:14:089 (2) - l'autre sens rend mieux imo >
00:16:074 (1) - Là tu pourrais bien ajuster le red anchor milieu du slider sur son tick
00:36:809 (4,1) - Descendre le hitcircle (pour le spacing) et le slider de mannière a stack ces 2 là : 00:35:265 (2,1) - serait une bonne idée, si tu le fais, faudra corriger le spacing ici : 00:37:251 (1,2) -


00:27:545 (2,3,4) - maybe un peu complexe pour une normal..? j'aurais pensé a virer 00:28:206 (4) - et mettre un reverse sur ce qui précède, et de le replacer pour garder le spacing
01:24:236 (3,4) - ^


00:28:206 (5) - del NC ?
00:28:648 (1) - add NC ?


00:09:897 (4,5) - J'vois mieux ça pour le flow, comme ton prochain hitcircle est vers le bas >

Tu mappes trop bien et du coup j'trouve presque rien, donc c'est bon signe pour toi :D
Rank nous ça, my friend who says Kappa. ;D
Topic Starter

NekoLumi wrote:


00:14:089 (2) - l'autre sens rend mieux imo > - Fix
00:16:074 (1) - Là tu pourrais bien ajuster le red anchor milieu du slider sur son tick - Fix
00:36:809 (4,1) - Descendre le hitcircle (pour le spacing) et le slider de mannière a stack ces 2 là : 00:35:265 (2,1) - serait une bonne idée, si tu le fais, faudra corriger le spacing ici : 00:37:251 (1,2) - - Pas worth de péter le reste du pattern pour ça.


00:27:545 (2,3,4) - maybe un peu complexe pour une normal..? j'aurais pensé a virer 00:28:206 (4) - et mettre un reverse sur ce qui précède, et de le replacer pour garder le spacing
01:24:236 (3,4) - ^ - Bof ça passe imo.


00:28:206 (5) - del NC ? - Fix
00:28:648 (1) - add NC ? - Fix


00:09:897 (4,5) - J'vois mieux ça pour le flow, comme ton prochain hitcircle est vers le bas > - Les 2 sliders en parallèle sont mieux.

Tu mappes trop bien et du coup j'trouve presque rien, donc c'est bon signe pour toi :D
Rank nous ça, my friend who says Kappa. ;D
Kappa~ thx
M4M Mod

It might just be me, but I'm hitting a bit early. Tried the Hard with OD8 and DT, score meter showed approximately the same. It's still well timed and it's pretty hard to tell, though. Perhaps change offset to 1950?


Great Easy! I don't have much to point out since there isn't really anything wrong. :P

1) 00:16:074 (1) - Not a big deal, but I'd move the second curve of this slider a bit to make it (imo) look better, something like this:

2) 01:09:898 (2) - There's a spacing difference here between (1,2) and (2,3), would look better to even out the spacing. A bit weird that AiMod didn't pick it up, though it's still visually noticeable.

3) 01:23:133 (1) - Point the slider vector just a liiiittle bit lower so there's a perfect line between (2), the end of (1) and the start of (1).

4) 01:56:662 (3) - Just something really subjective, but I think it could be fitting to emphasize this part of the song with a reverse slider, to follow those high notes in the song. It's fine the way it is now as well though, up to you.


I like the Normal too. There's some more things here that I think could be adjusted a bit. Nothing that major though.

1) 00:05:486 (1,2) - I think the red anchor on these sliders should be one grid space more to the right / left so that the curve is centered, I suppose it's alright if you want to leave them like this too.

2) 00:07:471 (4) - Very slight spacing difference here, not really noticeable and doesn't really matter that much but I thought I'd point it out. lol

3) 00:12:104 (5) - Same here.

4) 00:12:545 (1) - The slider end here isn't horizontally centered with 00:13:427 (2) - (one grid space too much to the left)

5) 00:25:780 (5) - There's also a slightly noticeable spacing difference here. I can also tell by the approach circle.

6) 00:28:427 (5) - Should turn the slider vector just a bit to the left so it points directly at 00:29:309 (6) - since it's a bit off.

7) 00:32:618 (4) - Maybe uncurve this so that you can get a little down-up slider pattern going on with 00:32:618 (4,1) - ? Can't say the curve atm looks too good imo, probably because you run out of space to put 00:33:280 (5,1) -

8) 00:39:677 (4) - It's nice to have variety in the map, but this pattern caught me off guard, since I expected the sound on 00:39:898 - to be hittable like in the previous sections, especially because it's a quite relevant and noticeable high note in the song. I guess it's alright to keep it like this but it felt a bit unintuitive for me, that's all. I guess a pattern idea you could try would be to reverse 00:38:795 (3) - and place a half beat slider on 00:39:898 - but up to you

9) 00:44:971 (2) - Slight spacing difference here.

10) 00:50:265 (4) - Move the slider vector just a liiittle bit to the top-right so it points directly at (5) - since it's a bit off.

11) 00:56:442 (4) - Same here.

12) 01:03:280 (3,4) - Perhaps adjust the curve a bit better here so that it's like a distant blanket? It's a bit off.

13) 01:09:015 (1) - Even though flow like this is nice and I like it, perhaps point this one straight at 01:09:898 (2) - ? Fine either way.

14) 01:13:868 (3,4) - I think you could distantly blanket these.

15) 01:19:162 (6,1) - Form a perfect line out of these?

16) 01:20:927 (3) - Spacing difference here. (prev: 1,19x next: 1,13x)

17) 01:21:368 (4) - Rotate this by -12 degrees so that the slider vector points straight at 01:20:927 (3) - ? Though you would have to adjust the positioning of 01:22:912 (5,1) - in that case. It works ok this way too, your call.

18) 01:29:088 (4) - The slider vector could be moved just a liiittle bit to the lower left so it points directly straight at (5) and forms a line. Not a big deal though.

19) 01:30:191 (1) - Maybe curve this a bit less for a sort of better distant blanket with 01:29:750 (5) - ? I think it's alright this way too though.

20) 01:31:073 (2) - Same as 1)?

21) 01:36:147 (5) - Same as 18)?

22) 01:47:839 (1) - Lower the curve point just by one grid space for a better blanket.

23) 01:54:015 (6) - Lower this just a bit (snap it on the grid) so that 01:53:133 (5) - points straight to it.


Fun Hard, and best AR lol, had fun playing it on DT as well. Really again not a lot to point out, just some small stuff.

1) 00:07:030 (4) - Position the end point of the slider so that it's horizontally aligned with the start point.

2) 00:08:353 (7) - Direct the slider vector so that the end point forms a perfect line between 00:07:912 (5,6,7) -

3) 00:13:427 (3) - Maybe position this evenly between 00:12:545 (1,4) - ?

4) 00:20:265 (2,3,4) - Position the slider so that these form a perfect line, it's a bit off. Well, not a big deal I guess.

5) 00:21:368 (1) - Move the end point one grid space to the left?

6) 00:31:074 (3,5) - The blanket between (3)'s end point and (5)'s start point is slightly off.

7) 00:39:898 (7,8) - Same as 4)?

8) 01:06:368 (3) - Should place this one grid space lower so that 01:07:030 (4) - is perfectly between it.

9) 01:16:074 (1) - Move the red anchor and the slider end point one grid space to the left so that the reversing slider vector points directly at 01:16:736 (2) -

10) 01:17:839 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - These are great patterns but why not map to one of the triplets in the song here like you did at 01:05:045 (5,6,7) - and 01:47:398 (5,6,7) - ? This is good too though.

11) 01:20:927 (4,1,2) - Same as 4)

12) 01:22:251 (4,5,6,7) - Blanket perhaps?

13) 01:26:221 (6,1) - The sort of blanket here is a bit off. Could move (1) one grid space to the right.

14) 01:36:148 (5) - Snap the slider end point on the grid so that it forms a perfect line with (6)

15) 01:38:133 (3) - Center this between the start and end points of 01:37:251 (1) - ? (move it slightly to the right)

16) 01:44:309 (1,2) - Move these just a bit to the left so that 01:43:868 (6) - points directly at the start of (1)?

17) 01:46:956 (4) - Move the end point one grid space higher so that the slider direction matches 01:47:398 (5,6,7) -

18) 01:48:501 (2,3) - Do the same to these as you did to 01:49:162 (4,1) - maybe?

19) 01:51:368 (1) - Maybe stack on the end point of 01:50:045 (3) - ?


I think this map is quite well mapped as well but the BPM makes the streams pretty challenging. As you can probably tell by now, most of the things I'll be pointing out are very minor things regarding alignment and a couple blankets and formations etc. so good job!

1) I think you should drop the OD a bit. I think it's difficult enough to get a good acc on the streams as it is. And I'm not sure how well the difficulty of the map goes with it either since it's kind of a Light Insane I guess?

2) 00:07:471 (2) - Place the slider end point one grid space to the right for a proper line.

3) 00:08:133 (4) - Not a big deal at all, but snap the end point to the grid (a bit to the right) so that the slider's start and end circles are vertically aligned.

4) 00:12:986 (2,3) - Blanket with (2) is actually just a bit off. The (3) slider's end circle is a bit too much to the top left.

5) 00:14:530 (2) - Horizontally align the slider start and end circles maybe?

6) 00:18:280 (3) - Up to you, but maybe even out the spacing between 00:18:059 (2,3) - and 00:18:280 (3,4) - ?

7) 00:21:148 (6) - Move this 2 grid spaces down and 2 grid spaces to the right for a proper line between 00:20:486 (4,5,6) -

8) 00:31:295 (4) - Stack under the end point of 00:30:192 (1) - ? Could then also move 00:31:074 (3) - so that 00:30:633 (2) - points directly at it. Maybe also make 00:30:633 (2,4) - symmetrical. Or at least snap the anchor on 00:31:295 (4) - so that the slider direction is straight horizontal.

9) 00:36:368 (4,6,1) - Move one grid space to the left so it's neatly between 00:35:265 (1,2) - and also redirect the end of 00:37:251 (1) - so that it points towards 00:36:148 (3,5) - or then move 00:36:148 (3,5) - to the right

10) 00:41:883 (4) - Position this so that 00:40:339 (5,2,4) - form a neat triangle?

11) 00:46:295 (2) - I think this should point directly at 00:46:736 (3) - because the start of 00:46:956 (4) - shares a similar direction back towards 00:46:736 (3) -

12) 00:50:486 (4,5) - Blanket? It's a bit off.

13) 00:52:912 (1) - Place this one grid space to the left so it's centered and adjust the blanket accordingly.

14) 00:55:339 (2,4) - Align these horizontally. They're a bit off.

15) 01:00:412 (1) - Move this a bit to the top right so that 00:59:751 (5) - points directly towards it?

16) 01:01:956 (1,4) - The sort of blanket thing going on with these is a bit off.

17) 01:06:368 (3,5,6,7) - These should be 2 grid spaces more to the left so that 01:06:148 (2) - is neatly between 01:06:368 (3,4) -

18) 01:20:486 (3) - This should be one grid space more to the left so that 01:20:265 (2) - is neatly in between the start and end points of the slider.

19) 01:21:368 (1) - Maybe point this towards 01:22:030 (2) - ? Doesn't really matter.

20) 01:31:735 (1) - Maybe move this a bit more to the left so that 01:31:073 (3) - reverses straight to it?

21) 01:36:368 (4) - Move this one grid space up so that 01:36:148 (3) - is neatly between its start and end points.

22) 01:37:692 (2,3) - Blanket? A bit off.

23) 01:43:427 (6) - Snap this so that 01:43:206 (5,6) - form a line?

24) 01:43:096 - I don't know, I just felt like you should map this quarter beat since the song would sort of imply that a stream would work here. I guess it's fine without it but it's the Insane after all.

25) 01:44:089 (8,9) - I think you should move these and make a triplet out of 01:43:868 (7,8,9) - instead, since there's a sound there but I don't hear any sound for a triplet on 01:44:089 (8,9,1) - and I think it would be more intuitive and fitting there anyway.

26) 01:51:368 (1) - Maybe move this so that the first curve surrounds the approach circle of 01:50:927 (4) - which you kinda do here 01:53:133 (1) -

27) 01:54:236 (4,5,6,7,8,1) - Move these by about one grid space down so that 01:53:795 (2) - is in the center?

Well, I think this is a really well-made mapset. I like the song too, good luck for rank!~ :D

PS I bet Oko mapped from 00:30:192 - to 01:12:545 - and 01:26:662 - to 02:00:081 - on Freedom and Normal, 00:00:000 - to 00:30:192 - and 01:12:545 - to 01:26:662 - on Hard and Easy, anywhere near close? xD
Topic Starter

J1NX1337 wrote:

M4M Mod

It might just be me, but I'm hitting a bit early. Tried the Hard with OD8 and DT, score meter showed approximately the same. It's still well timed and it's pretty hard to tell, though. Perhaps change offset to 1950? - Do 1955 ^^'


Great Easy! I don't have much to point out since there isn't really anything wrong. :P

1) 00:16:074 (1) - Not a big deal, but I'd move the second curve of this slider a bit to make it (imo) look better, something like this: - Fix

2) 01:09:898 (2) - There's a spacing difference here between (1,2) and (2,3), would look better to even out the spacing. A bit weird that AiMod didn't pick it up, though it's still visually noticeable. - Fix

3) 01:23:133 (1) - Point the slider vector just a liiiittle bit lower so there's a perfect line between (2), the end of (1) and the start of (1). - Fix

4) 01:56:662 (3) - Just something really subjective, but I think it could be fitting to emphasize this part of the song with a reverse slider, to follow those high notes in the song. It's fine the way it is now as well though, up to you. - Fine like this.


I like the Normal too. There's some more things here that I think could be adjusted a bit. Nothing that major though.

1) 00:05:486 (1,2) - I think the red anchor on these sliders should be one grid space more to the right / left so that the curve is centered, I suppose it's alright if you want to leave them like this too. - Fix

2) 00:07:471 (4) - Very slight spacing difference here, not really noticeable and doesn't really matter that much but I thought I'd point it out. lol - Fix

3) 00:12:104 (5) - Same here. - Fix

4) 00:12:545 (1) - The slider end here isn't horizontally centered with 00:13:427 (2) - (one grid space too much to the left) - Fix

5) 00:25:780 (5) - There's also a slightly noticeable spacing difference here. I can also tell by the approach circle. - Fix

6) 00:28:427 (5) - Should turn the slider vector just a bit to the left so it points directly at 00:29:309 (6) - since it's a bit off. - Fix

7) 00:32:618 (4) - Maybe uncurve this so that you can get a little down-up slider pattern going on with 00:32:618 (4,1) - ? Can't say the curve atm looks too good imo, probably because you run out of space to put 00:33:280 (5,1) - - Not it's ok.

8) 00:39:677 (4) - It's nice to have variety in the map, but this pattern caught me off guard, since I expected the sound on 00:39:898 - to be hittable like in the previous sections, especially because it's a quite relevant and noticeable high note in the song. I guess it's alright to keep it like this but it felt a bit unintuitive for me, that's all. I guess a pattern idea you could try would be to reverse 00:38:795 (3) - and place a half beat slider on 00:39:898 - but up to you - Intended and works fine since you follow the slider there is nothing to be surprised.

9) 00:44:971 (2) - Slight spacing difference here. - Fix

10) 00:50:265 (4) - Move the slider vector just a liiittle bit to the top-right so it points directly at (5) - since it's a bit off. - Fix

11) 00:56:442 (4) - Same here. - Fix

12) 01:03:280 (3,4) - Perhaps adjust the curve a bit better here so that it's like a distant blanket? It's a bit off. - Fix

13) 01:09:015 (1) - Even though flow like this is nice and I like it, perhaps point this one straight at 01:09:898 (2) - ? Fine either way. - No changes.

14) 01:13:868 (3,4) - I think you could distantly blanket these. - Fix

15) 01:19:162 (6,1) - Form a perfect line out of these? - Fix

16) 01:20:927 (3) - Spacing difference here. (prev: 1,19x next: 1,13x) - Fix

17) 01:21:368 (4) - Rotate this by -12 degrees so that the slider vector points straight at 01:20:927 (3) - ? Though you would have to adjust the positioning of 01:22:912 (5,1) - in that case. It works ok this way too, your call. - No needed tbh.

18) 01:29:088 (4) - The slider vector could be moved just a liiittle bit to the lower left so it points directly straight at (5) and forms a line. Not a big deal though.

19) 01:30:191 (1) - Maybe curve this a bit less for a sort of better distant blanket with 01:29:750 (5) - ? I think it's alright this way too though.

20) 01:31:073 (2) - Same as 1)?

21) 01:36:147 (5) - Same as 18)?

22) 01:47:839 (1) - Lower the curve point just by one grid space for a better blanket. - Fix

23) 01:54:015 (6) - Lower this just a bit (snap it on the grid) so that 01:53:133 (5) - points straight to it.


Fun Hard, and best AR lol, had fun playing it on DT as well. Really again not a lot to point out, just some small stuff.

1) 00:07:030 (4) - Position the end point of the slider so that it's horizontally aligned with the start point.

2) 00:08:353 (7) - Direct the slider vector so that the end point forms a perfect line between 00:07:912 (5,6,7) - - Fix

3) 00:13:427 (3) - Maybe position this evenly between 00:12:545 (1,4) - ? - Fix

4) 00:20:265 (2,3,4) - Position the slider so that these form a perfect line, it's a bit off. Well, not a big deal I guess.

5) 00:21:368 (1) - Move the end point one grid space to the left?

6) 00:31:074 (3,5) - The blanket between (3)'s end point and (5)'s start point is slightly off. - Fix

7) 00:39:898 (7,8) - Same as 4)?

8) 01:06:368 (3) - Should place this one grid space lower so that 01:07:030 (4) - is perfectly between it.

9) 01:16:074 (1) - Move the red anchor and the slider end point one grid space to the left so that the reversing slider vector points directly at 01:16:736 (2) -

10) 01:17:839 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - These are great patterns but why not map to one of the triplets in the song here like you did at 01:05:045 (5,6,7) - and 01:47:398 (5,6,7) - ? This is good too though.

11) 01:20:927 (4,1,2) - Same as 4)

12) 01:22:251 (4,5,6,7) - Blanket perhaps? - Fix

13) 01:26:221 (6,1) - The sort of blanket here is a bit off. Could move (1) one grid space to the right.

14) 01:36:148 (5) - Snap the slider end point on the grid so that it forms a perfect line with (6)

15) 01:38:133 (3) - Center this between the start and end points of 01:37:251 (1) - ? (move it slightly to the right)

16) 01:44:309 (1,2) - Move these just a bit to the left so that 01:43:868 (6) - points directly at the start of (1)?

17) 01:46:956 (4) - Move the end point one grid space higher so that the slider direction matches 01:47:398 (5,6,7) -

18) 01:48:501 (2,3) - Do the same to these as you did to 01:49:162 (4,1) - maybe?

19) 01:51:368 (1) - Maybe stack on the end point of 01:50:045 (3) - ? - Fix


I think this map is quite well mapped as well but the BPM makes the streams pretty challenging. As you can probably tell by now, most of the things I'll be pointing out are very minor things regarding alignment and a couple blankets and formations etc. so good job!

1) I think you should drop the OD a bit. I think it's difficult enough to get a good acc on the streams as it is. And I'm not sure how well the difficulty of the map goes with it either since it's kind of a Light Insane I guess? - OD 7.6 XD

2) 00:07:471 (2) - Place the slider end point one grid space to the right for a proper line.

3) 00:08:133 (4) - Not a big deal at all, but snap the end point to the grid (a bit to the right) so that the slider's start and end circles are vertically aligned.

4) 00:12:986 (2,3) - Blanket with (2) is actually just a bit off. The (3) slider's end circle is a bit too much to the top left. - Fix

5) 00:14:530 (2) - Horizontally align the slider start and end circles maybe?

6) 00:18:280 (3) - Up to you, but maybe even out the spacing between 00:18:059 (2,3) - and 00:18:280 (3,4) - ?

7) 00:21:148 (6) - Move this 2 grid spaces down and 2 grid spaces to the right for a proper line between 00:20:486 (4,5,6) -

8) 00:31:295 (4) - Stack under the end point of 00:30:192 (1) - ? Could then also move 00:31:074 (3) - so that 00:30:633 (2) - points directly at it. Maybe also make 00:30:633 (2,4) - symmetrical. Or at least snap the anchor on 00:31:295 (4) - so that the slider direction is straight horizontal. - Did on purpose.

9) 00:36:368 (4,6,1) - Move one grid space to the left so it's neatly between 00:35:265 (1,2) - and also redirect the end of 00:37:251 (1) - so that it points towards 00:36:148 (3,5) - or then move 00:36:148 (3,5) - to the right - Same

10) 00:41:883 (4) - Position this so that 00:40:339 (5,2,4) - form a neat triangle? - Fix

11) 00:46:295 (2) - I think this should point directly at 00:46:736 (3) - because the start of 00:46:956 (4) - shares a similar direction back towards 00:46:736 (3) -

12) 00:50:486 (4,5) - Blanket? It's a bit off. - Fix

13) 00:52:912 (1) - Place this one grid space to the left so it's centered and adjust the blanket accordingly.

14) 00:55:339 (2,4) - Align these horizontally. They're a bit off. - Fix

15) 01:00:412 (1) - Move this a bit to the top right so that 00:59:751 (5) - points directly towards it?

16) 01:01:956 (1,4) - The sort of blanket thing going on with these is a bit off. - Fix

17) 01:06:368 (3,5,6,7) - These should be 2 grid spaces more to the left so that 01:06:148 (2) - is neatly between 01:06:368 (3,4) - - Fix

18) 01:20:486 (3) - This should be one grid space more to the left so that 01:20:265 (2) - is neatly in between the start and end points of the slider.

19) 01:21:368 (1) - Maybe point this towards 01:22:030 (2) - ? Doesn't really matter.

20) 01:31:735 (1) - Maybe move this a bit more to the left so that 01:31:073 (3) - reverses straight to it?

21) 01:36:368 (4) - Move this one grid space up so that 01:36:148 (3) - is neatly between its start and end points.

22) 01:37:692 (2,3) - Blanket? A bit off. - Fix

23) 01:43:427 (6) - Snap this so that 01:43:206 (5,6) - form a line?

24) 01:43:096 - I don't know, I just felt like you should map this quarter beat since the song would sort of imply that a stream would work here. I guess it's fine without it but it's the Insane after all. - I don't feel the necessity to place a triplet here. The pattern works well here.

25) 01:44:089 (8,9) - I think you should move these and make a triplet out of 01:43:868 (7,8,9) - instead, since there's a sound there but I don't hear any sound for a triplet on 01:44:089 (8,9,1) - and I think it would be more intuitive and fitting there anyway. - Keep it like this.

26) 01:51:368 (1) - Maybe move this so that the first curve surrounds the approach circle of 01:50:927 (4) - which you kinda do here 01:53:133 (1) - - Fine like this.

27) 01:54:236 (4,5,6,7,8,1) - Move these by about one grid space down so that 01:53:795 (2) - is in the center? - You won't notice it ingame.

Well, I think this is a really well-made mapset. I like the song too, good luck for rank!~ :D

PS I bet Oko mapped from 00:30:192 - to 01:12:545 - and 01:26:662 - to 02:00:081 - on Freedom and Normal, 00:00:000 - to 00:30:192 - and 01:12:545 - to 01:26:662 - on Hard and Easy, anywhere near close? xD
Thx but pls for your future mods, avoid these 'align circle and slider'. It's not important at all, and was zzz to reply.

PS : You get I would say...~50% right. HAHA you did great on it. Better than anyone. But not a 100% sadly.
Hello! M4M ♥

00:26:660 (1,2) - make it symmetrical, the 2 following slider are symmetrical
00:35:263 (2,1) - very ugly overlay
00:40:778 (1,3) - ^
01:03:719 (3,4) - maybe blanket? idk

00:08:572 (6,2) - overlay
00:39:675 (4,5) - doesn't fit with the music, change!!!
00:43:204 (4,5) - ^
00:53:793 (4,5) - ^
00:45:190 (3,4) - ugly, blanket

00:40:778 (1,4) - ugly overlay
00:47:837 (1,5) - ^
00:52:910 (5,8) - ^
00:54:896 (1,5) - ^
00:56:440 (5,2) - ^
01:02:616 - circle
01:03:499 - ^
01:04:381 (3,4,1) - ugly overlay
01:05:484 (1,1) - ^
01:31:072 (3,6,7) - ^
01:42:543 (1,2,3) - not a fan of this
01:44:969 - circle
01:45:852 - ^
01:47:837 (1,4) - ugly overlay
01:51:366 (1,6) - ^
01:52:910 (6,4) - ^
01:52:249 (4,3) - ^
01:53:793 (3,1) - ^
01:59:528 (4,5) - remove that stack
01:59:749 (5) - NC
01:58:425 (1,2,5,6) - Finish

Good luck!
Don't forget modding my map! ♥

Prismetical wrote:

Hello! M4M ♥

00:26:660 (1,2) - make it symmetrical, the 2 following slider are symmetrical ?? these are symmetrical, to be precise point symmetrical around a certain point on the playfield, though 00:28:425 (3,4) - were intended to be completely symmetrical but actually aren't so that's an error on my side
00:35:263 (2,1) - very ugly overlay this slider has actually already disappeared in gameplay so i don't think this matters
00:40:778 (1,3) - ^ literally same
01:03:719 (3,4) - maybe blanket? idk these aren't designed to blanket in the first place, if they were the next pattern after would have to look different o.o

00:08:572 (6,2) - overlay ??
00:39:675 (4,5) - doesn't fit with the music, change!!! to what??????, welp i changed them to 1/2 sliders cuz that's what the rest did, please explain yourself better when claiming something
00:43:204 (4,5) - ^
00:53:793 (4,5) - ^
00:45:190 (3,4) - ugly, blanket I, fhe, i don't even what the hell ?___????

00:40:778 (1,4) - ugly overlay uhh best solution here without destroying distance snapped patterns etc is to make it look a bit more planned, so i did that
00:47:837 (1,5) - ^ these aren't even visible together .__.
00:52:910 (5,8) - ^ kinda same and you don't even focus on them while playing so
00:54:896 (1,5) - ^ same as the first one
00:56:440 (5,2) - ^ i don't think that matters
01:02:616 - circle why? a pause actually works to highlight it
01:03:499 - ^ same
01:04:381 (3,4,1) - ugly overlay that pattern is pretty practical and designed to just play nicely, the overlaps were a sacrifice for smooth gameplay
01:05:484 (1,1) - ^ w hat do you testplay stuff with EZ mod or something?
01:31:072 (3,6,7) - ^ uhhhhh
01:42:543 (1,2,3) - not a fan of this do you have any better idea???
01:44:969 - circle no, as explained above
01:45:852 - ^ same
01:47:837 (1,4) - ugly overlay the end of 01:49:160 (4) - is stacking with the edge point of 01:47:837 (1) - , this is 100% intentional patterning
01:51:366 (1,6) - ^ I'm pretty sure you play EZ only or something by now
01:52:910 (6,4) - ^ .__.^
01:52:249 (4,3) - ^ this is 100% intentional
01:53:793 (3,1) - ^ like really
01:59:528 (4,5) - remove that stack why, it works to actually have people think while playing the diff and to have them move on the most prominent sounds only
01:59:749 (5) - NC nah
01:58:425 (1,2,5,6) - Finish yeah, done on all diffs!

Good luck!
Don't forget modding my map! ♥
thanks for modding!
this song is godly

Kinda m4m with Nozaweed.


Note that i'm not a osu player (and nearly neither a modder / mapper), so my mod may be odd.

Especially for the easiest diff, why not having hitsounds on siderticks (example at 00:16:513), because they sounds shy compared to the global hitsounds sounds.


00:05:484 : I would curve this slider. Even if the current one is good, curve on the right will made the flow a bit better and since the previous pattern got a curve slider, that would make more sense to have one here too.
00:09:013++ : I'm a bit in disagree with the current patterns on this combo and after. I accept accept the changes on this one because on the new sounds that differs this combo for the other but for the next combo, the reverse slider at 00:14:087 makes it a bit strange and un consistent with the previouses structures. Yet i agree with the 1/1 slider at 00:15:190 that you made the whole combo completly different but since the "battery streams" lasts 1/1 later, i don't think it's a solution. So i would keep the same rythmic structure as you did before.

I may be a bit complicated here for you, just arguing with some points eh.

00:24:896 : More up to you but maybe the red point could be in the middle, the current slider is "a bit" ugly.
00:27:543 : It seems that the next double slider (3 and 4) are on the same point about the y position value, but for 1 and 2 they are not. Why? I think i would be better if 3 and 4 have an offset too. Or at least just being consistent.
00:37:249 : I don't know if ppl talked about it, but it's close to the overlapp. But it seems fine tho.
00:44:307 : Same thing as 00:24:896. For the next one it's the same, up to you.
01:19:160 : Why here, you have a 1/2 slider and on the previous combo not? Seems a bit unconsistent.
01:23:131 : Why not a 2/1 sliders like the previous combos?
01:44:304 : Maybe down a bit the whole pattern, the first slider has a bit overlapp with a previous slider.
01:49:602 : Looks nice, but the flow a bit less imo D:

Same thing in terms of structure for the last kiai ofc.

Overall, that's quite good. The structure is good. Jusr Some issues for me.


00:02:837 : It's up to you, but maybe you should go for a 1/2 slider + circle, imo it's a better transition with easy -> normal -> hard considered on the actual structures.
00:14:969 : Most of the time, these circles are stacked with the next slider. Imo this one should be too. (There's severel ones).
00:45:852 : Not sure if necessary, but i don't find it nice, the overlapp can be easily avoided too.
00:48:719 : Imo the flow is off. Doing something like the next image can be done easily.
olala puush doesn't want me to use capture area
01:06:146 : The current section is kinda full, maybe a delete here or a bit before would make some breathe imo.
01:11:660 : Wat NC?

Quite nice overall.


00:21:366 : Nice structure here.
00:42:102 : Even with play mode, i don't find nice the overlapp.
00:42:322 : Imo, for the flow, i prefer a ctrl-g here, the jump doesn't seems to be so hard to pass too.

Honestly i really find nothing special to say here. It's quite consistent, not shocking stuff of jump, is quite safe. Maybe not in my mapping style but still safe.


00:13:425 : I prefer having triple slider then circle than 2 slider 1 circle 1 slider, even in terms of pattern, you can even accentuate by doing like i did in paladin (or uprise too iirc) which means by not having a reverse path with these slider (meaning by right order way sliders but left way moving slider (aaaa hard to explain).

00:24:896 : Imo thse sliders are a bit too close, maybe some space would be nice because right now there's a small overlapp.
00:30:631 : I doubt these 2 sliders are the same, plus if the middle can be on the red tick, that would be nicer (yeah nazi stuff D:)
01:16:072 : Tbh, i don't think this is a good idea, right know the slider is close of the stream, during the play, the player may not be focus on this slider and beeing suprise.
01:17:837 : Compared to the other streams, you don't use to stack long ones, maybe not a good plan.

Quite nice diff, tried to make different patterns with the same rythmic structure.

FreeSM confirmed
beginning - 00:30:190 - okoratu
00:30:190 - 00:44:307 - nozhomi
00:44:307 - 00:58:425 - okoratu
00:58:425 - 01:12:543 - nozhomi
01:12:543 - 01:40:778 - okoratu
01:40:778 - end nozhomi

beginning - 00:30:190 - nozhomi
00:30:190 - 00:44:307 - okoratu
00:44:307 - 00:58:425 - nozhomi
00:58:425 - 01:12:543 - okoratu
01:12:543 - 01:40:778 - nozhomi
01:40:778 - end - okoratu

Aldwych wrote:


Kinda m4m with Nozaweed.


Note that i'm not a osu player (and nearly neither a modder / mapper), so my mod may be odd.

Especially for the easiest diff, why not having hitsounds on siderticks (example at 00:16:513), because they sounds shy compared to the global hitsounds sounds. I like your usage of the word shy in that sentence :D Anyways, this is a good idea, applied to Easy!


00:05:484 : I would curve this slider. Even if the current one is good, curve on the right will made the flow a bit better and since the previous pattern got a curve slider, that would make more sense to have one here too. I don't see how this makes flow better, honestly easy diffs don't have enough momentum to flow badly and the current slidershape works nicely
00:09:013++ : I'm a bit in disagree with the current patterns on this combo and after. I accept accept the changes on this one because on the new sounds that differs this combo for the other but for the next combo, the reverse slider at 00:14:087 makes it a bit strange and un consistent with the previouses structures. Yet i agree with the 1/1 slider at 00:15:190 that you made the whole combo completly different but since the "battery streams" lasts 1/1 later, i don't think it's a solution. So i would keep the same rythmic structure as you did before. the problem is that the same rhythmic structure wouldn't work at all because 00:15:190 (3) - completely interrupts it and so far i found the repeat slider to be the best bridge between those patterns

I may be a bit complicated here for you, just arguing with some points eh.

00:24:896 : More up to you but maybe the red point could be in the middle, the current slider is "a bit" ugly. idk i think the other one is equally ugly but done whatever
00:27:543 : It seems that the next double slider (3 and 4) are on the same point about the y position value, but for 1 and 2 they are not. Why? I think i would be better if 3 and 4 have an offset too. Or at least just being consistent. dudeee it's a simple design choice because just copy paste rotate looks lazy af so at least 2 of these sliders have an offset because i thought that's more interesting
00:37:249 : I don't know if ppl talked about it, but it's close to the overlapp. But it seems fine tho. moved 00:39:675 (3) - down a bit!
00:44:307 : Same thing as 00:24:896. For the next one it's the same, up to you. changed
01:19:160 : Why here, you have a 1/2 slider and on the previous combo not? Seems a bit unconsistent. got rid of all 1/2 sliders with an 1/2 break after altogether for this diff i think the diff is better off being less complicated when it comes to short sliders
01:23:131 : Why not a 2/1 sliders like the previous combos? ??? 00:26:660 - and 01:51:366 - are the reasons why
01:44:304 : Maybe down a bit the whole pattern, the first slider has a bit overlapp with a previous slider. good catch, fixed
01:49:602 : Looks nice, but the flow a bit less imo D: uhhh idk what to do here

Same thing in terms of structure for the last kiai ofc.

Overall, that's quite good. The structure is good. Jusr Some issues for me.


00:02:837 : It's up to you, but maybe you should go for a 1/2 slider + circle, imo it's a better transition with easy -> normal -> hard considered on the actual structures. the main problem i have with this structural suggestion is that this is areally calm part and putting more objects than most other parts of it have in the calmes part is uuh hh h
00:14:969 : Most of the time, these circles are stacked with the next slider. Imo this one should be too. (There's severel ones).
00:45:852 : Not sure if necessary, but i don't find it nice, the overlapp can be easily avoided too. 100% necessary
00:48:719 : Imo the flow is off. Doing something like the next image can be done easily. idk i don't think this is broken flow, in fact i'm quite fond of it
olala puush doesn't want me to use capture area
01:06:146 : The current section is kinda full, maybe a delete here or a bit before would make some breathe imo. it's the climax of the song ofc it's more dense o.o
01:11:660 : Wat NC? yeah what the fuck lol

Quite nice overall.


00:21:366 : Nice structure here. :D/
00:42:102 : Even with play mode, i don't find nice the overlapp. rearranged entire pattern
00:42:322 : Imo, for the flow, i prefer a ctrl-g here, the jump doesn't seems to be so hard to pass too. irrelevant due to rearrangement

Honestly i really find nothing special to say here. It's quite consistent, not shocking stuff of jump, is quite safe. Maybe not in my mapping style but still safe.


00:13:425 : I prefer having triple slider then circle than 2 slider 1 circle 1 slider, even in terms of pattern, you can even accentuate by doing like i did in paladin (or uprise too iirc) which means by not having a reverse path with these slider (meaning by right order way sliders but left way moving slider (aaaa hard to explain). i don't understand this, though i think the rhythm currently is fine

00:24:896 : Imo thse sliders are a bit too close, maybe some space would be nice because right now there's a small overlapp. whut i think this pattern is ok
00:30:631 : I doubt these 2 sliders are the same, plus if the middle can be on the red tick, that would be nicer (yeah nazi stuff D:) fixed!
01:16:072 : Tbh, i don't think this is a good idea, right know the slider is close of the stream, during the play, the player may not be focus on this slider and beeing suprise. that's why that slider has a different color than the stream!
01:17:837 : Compared to the other streams, you don't use to stack long ones, maybe not a good plan. why? it takes away from the monotous nature of the song a bit by requiring people to actually pay attention o.o

Quite nice diff, tried to make different patterns with the same rythmic structure.

FreeSM confirmed
Thank you !
Topic Starter
Thx Sandwych~

@dqs01733 sadly not a 100%

Kinshara wrote:

this song is godly

Cherry Blossom
Hello, as requested.
Livemodding on twitch is real www

Please, reply to this mod and tell me why you didn't change without saying "it's my style" or "there are already ranked maps with the same kind of pattern" or other reasons like this.
Some things may have been already fixed.


  1. 01:10:778 (4) - This should be a blanket in order to provide a better motion between objects, a straight slider isn't that bad, but a blanket is really better imo for this case.
  2. 01:42:543 (2,3) - These sliders should be smoother, it would give a better impression and the motion will be smoother, and also more comfortable to play.


  1. 00:47:837 (1,2) - This isn't really a good idea when the direction of 00:47:837 (1) - is downward, because you can see 00:48:719 (2) - which is on the left of the previous slider's head, and the player will not really play 00:47:837 (1) - properly, and he might get a 100 at the end. It could be better if the direction of 00:47:837 (1) - is towards the next slider, will be smoother.
  2. 01:14:307 (4) - I don't really think that this should be done on Normal diff, i mean the hitsounded slidertick. This normal uses a lot of 1/2 in order to avoid polarity issues and follow all white ticks. You should change this reversed slider and use something else that follows 01:14:749 - or make it clicked.
    And same for 01:21:366 (4) -


  1. 00:25:337 (2,3,4,5) - The transition between these objects is a little weird, because the motion between 00:25:337 (2,3,4) - is long and linear, and that could be difficult or not comfortable to play for a Hard player, even if it's just 136BPM. Why don't to try something else with more "angles", like a ctrl+g here 00:25:999 (4,5) - ?
  2. 00:39:675 (6,7,8) - It could be better for visual if you make an equilateral triangle here, for a better impression.
  3. 01:07:249 (1,2) - Same reasoning as Easy, they work better if they are less curved and smoother.
  4. 01:18:940 (4,5,6) - Here the distance between notes is a little weird, there are too many spacing changes imo, and that's not really good even if the song is slow. The player could be lost and he could miss due to these spacing changes. So it could be better if you tidy them, and avoid so many spacing changes in order to make this pattern more comfortable to play.
  5. 01:18:278 (2,3) - Here the rhythm could be improved, it is more intuitive to make a "kick" sound, so the white tick, clicked by the player even if i know you're following violins. try a ctrl + g rhythm for 01:18:278 (2,3) -
    Same for 01:36:146 (5,6) -


  1. 00:16:072 (1) - It could be better for visual if it is moved downward a little, in order to make a perfect circle with the previous stream.
  2. 00:17:837 (1,2,3,4) - And also here, it could be better if it is an equilateral triangle for visuals and a good impression.
  3. 00:46:734 (3) - Here i don't really get your idea, the higher distance should be between 00:46:734 (3,4) - in order to emphasize the violin which is here 00:46:954 - . And you almost did the same for the next patterns like 00:50:263 (3) - or 00:52:690 (4,1) - etc.
  4. 01:21:366 (1) - It could be better if it is moved a bit on the right, in order to make this pattern more airy, more comfortable to play. The little distance between 01:20:925 (4,1) - doesn't really give a good impression.

Good map overall, but it needs more work on it, call me back when you feel ready for a recheck later, when you've found more mods.
Topic Starter

Cherry Blossom wrote:

Hello, as requested.
Livemodding on twitch is real www

Please, reply to this mod and tell me why you didn't change without saying "it's my style" or "there are already ranked maps with the same kind of pattern" or other reasons like this.
Some things may have been already fixed.


  1. 01:10:778 (4) - This should be a blanket in order to provide a better motion between objects, a straight slider isn't that bad, but a blanket is really better imo for this case. - Fix
  2. 01:42:543 (2,3) - These sliders should be smoother, it would give a better impression and the motion will be smoother, and also more comfortable to play. - Fix


  1. 00:47:837 (1,2) - This isn't really a good idea when the direction of 00:47:837 (1) - is downward, because you can see 00:48:719 (2) - which is on the left of the previous slider's head, and the player will not really play 00:47:837 (1) - properly, and he might get a 100 at the end. It could be better if the direction of 00:47:837 (1) - is towards the next slider, will be smoother. - Fix
  2. 01:14:307 (4) - I don't really think that this should be done on Normal diff, i mean the hitsounded slidertick. This normal uses a lot of 1/2 in order to avoid polarity issues and follow all white ticks. You should change this reversed slider and use something else that follows 01:14:749 - or make it clicked.
    And same for 01:21:366 (4) - - Fix


  1. 00:16:072 (1) - It could be better for visual if it is moved downward a little, in order to make a perfect circle with the previous stream. - Fix, I think that's better now.
  2. 00:17:837 (1,2,3,4) - And also here, it could be better if it is an equilateral triangle for visuals and a good impression. - Fix
  3. 00:46:734 (3) - Here i don't really get your idea, the higher distance should be between 00:46:734 (3,4) - in order to emphasize the violin which is here 00:46:954 - . And you almost did the same for the next patterns like 00:50:263 (3) - or 00:52:690 (4,1) - etc. - Fix
  4. 01:21:366 (1) - It could be better if it is moved a bit on the right, in order to make this pattern more airy, more comfortable to play. The little distance between 01:20:925 (4,1) - doesn't really give a good impression. - Fix

Good map overall, but it needs more work on it, call me back when you feel ready for a recheck later, when you've found more mods.
Uhhhh so hard to find mods ;w;
But thx was nice~ Will call you back I hope soon.

Btw : oko will answer for Hard :3
all answers in green regardless of what i did

Cherry Blossom wrote:

Hello, as requested.
Livemodding on twitch is real www

Please, reply to this mod and tell me why you didn't change without saying "it's my style" or "there are already ranked maps with the same kind of pattern" or other reasons like this. hey, can i claim that this is nozhomi's style then??
Some things may have been already fixed.


  1. 00:25:337 (2,3,4,5) - The transition between these objects is a little weird, because the motion between 00:25:337 (2,3,4) - is long and linear, and that could be difficult or not comfortable to play for a Hard player, even if it's just 136BPM. Why don't to try something else with more "angles", like a ctrl+g here 00:25:999 (4,5) - ? Nozhomi said he fixed it and i don't even remember original pattern so I have no idea
  2. 00:39:675 (6,7,8) - It could be better for visual if you make an equilateral triangle here, for a better impression. he said he did something
  3. 01:07:249 (1,2) - Same reasoning as Easy, they work better if they are less curved and smoother. these are less curved than i remember them
  4. 01:18:940 (4,5,6) - Here the distance between notes is a little weird, there are too many spacing changes imo, and that's not really good even if the song is slow. The player could be lost and he could miss due to these spacing changes. So it could be better if you tidy them, and avoid so many spacing changes in order to make this pattern more comfortable to play. you just made me remap like the whole pattern and the following 2 patterns after it because fixing anything with this style = remap entire sections
  5. 01:18:278 (2,3) - Here the rhythm could be improved, it is more intuitive to make a "kick" sound, so the white tick, clicked by the player even if i know you're following violins. try a ctrl + g rhythm for 01:18:278 (2,3) - nah, doing that rhythm would destroy what i was trying to do here: 01:18:940 (4,5,6) - have a melodic triplet or however i'll word this (these 3 have distinct background sounds) which are stronger than what's on the white tick in 01:18:719 - so having this not clickable feels most natural to me
    Same for 01:36:146 (5,6) - Same for 00:32:616 (6,7,8) - 00:36:146 (6,7) - 00:43:204 (6,7,8) - 00:50:263 (6) - , i guess we started doing this for variety because the song is so constant that just clicking the same rhythm over and over and we decided to do that to ensure that people are actually paying attention while clicking stuff in this diff, i don't see how it benefits or degrades the map in any way if this is changed or not so i'd prefer not destroying 20 other patterns by changing this
Good map overall, but it needs more work on it, call me back when you feel ready for a recheck later, when you've found more mods.
additionally i deleted the circle in 01:33:499 - because it seemed nonsensical to have this clickable in this diff
I forgot, but there isnt much to mod anyway. Most of the stuff is pixel shit or subjective "move a bit to the whatever", which is irrelevant. The beat is straightforward too, so there really isnt much to fuck up.

I'd probably also set the Normal OD to 4.5 or something.

■ 00:15:962 (8,1) - stack why pls ;w; at least adjust it so that it's stacked correctly (where 8 would be if 1 wasnt a part of the stream).
■ 00:20:043 (2,3,4,5,6) - you could probably add some symmetry into this. 00:20:263 (3,5) - kind of triggers me
■ 00:36:807 (6) - I'd almost say that this should be spaced a bit further so that it's empathizing the beat more, but that'd be a difficult task, as we're already at the top of the playfield. Maybe you could make that entire combo more interesting in the process.
■ 00:58:314 (10,1) - consistency with 15:962 pls
■ 01:30:631 (2,3) - Mind adjusting the spacing so that they at least look consistent with 01:30:190 (1,2) - ? (visual spacing stuff)

■ 00:24:013 (3) - flip and place on 288/336 maybe?
■ 01:58:425 (1,2,3) - should probably equalize the spacing here or un-equalize on the same beat at the very end :v
Topic Starter

Yauxo wrote:

I forgot, but there isnt much to mod anyway. Most of the stuff is pixel shit or subjective "move a bit to the whatever", which is irrelevant. The beat is straightforward too, so there really isnt much to fuck up.

I'd probably also set the Normal OD to 4.5 or something. - 4.4 because why not.

■ 00:15:962 (8,1) - stack why pls ;w; at least adjust it so that it's stacked correctly (where 8 would be if 1 wasnt a part of the stream). -'s stacked correctly :/
■ 00:20:043 (2,3,4,5,6) - you could probably add some symmetry into this. 00:20:263 (3,5) - kind of triggers me - Fix
■ 00:36:807 (6) - I'd almost say that this should be spaced a bit further so that it's empathizing the beat more, but that'd be a difficult task, as we're already at the top of the playfield. Maybe you could make that entire combo more interesting in the process. - But stack is cool so that's ok I guess.
■ 00:58:314 (10,1) - consistency with 15:962 pls - Fix
■ 01:30:631 (2,3) - Mind adjusting the spacing so that they at least look consistent with 01:30:190 (1,2) - ? (visual spacing stuff) - Fix

■ 00:24:013 (3) - flip and place on 288/336 maybe? - Fix
■ 01:58:425 (1,2,3) - should probably equalize the spacing here or un-equalize on the same beat at the very end :v - Fix

Thx dude~
  1. 00:46:072 - I thought the structure of the section from 00:44:307 until the Kiai was that there are no unmapped 1/1-gaps but this is the only one, so I'd map that one too
  2. 00:54:454 (5,6,1) - Unstack the (1) since there's a prominent sound there like at 00:43:866 (5,6,1) - 00:47:396 (5,6,1) - 00:50:925 (5,6,1) - etc which all have been spaced out
  3. 01:23:793 (2) - I don't really see a reason for this one being off-beat, there's the very strong strings on its tail and barely anything on the head o:
  4. 01:26:881 and 01:28:425 and 01:31:954 not being mapped suggested to me that this is one of the very calm sections again like the one from 00:30:190 until 00:44:307 -, but then there are so many of them mapped that it seems rather random - How about mapping them all but only with slidertails? Like 01:33:278 (5) - 01:34:822 (6) - 01:38:352 (4) -? That would be a good compromise imo and not feel inconsistent
  5. 01:40:668 (8,1) - Why not stack it like at 00:58:314 (10,1) - and 00:15:962 (8,1) -? (and maaybe 01:12:432 (10,1) - too but that is a bit different so I understand it being mapped differently too ^^)
  1. 00:47:616 - Similar to that section in Freedom, I think this should be mapped as all of the beats are mapped starting from 00:44:307
  2. Everything else looks good, I kinda dislike that all of the beats like 00:04:822 (8) are mapped off-beat because I don't see a reason to, the beat on the tail is stronger than the one on the head naturally because of the upbeat and the strings are on both of them equally strong, so it feels unnatural to me, but you did it very consistently throughout the whole diff so it's not an issue at all I guess, just something that makes me a bit sad ^^
  1. 00:21:366 (3,4,5) and 01:17:837 (3,4,5) are not properly stacked, thanks AiMod lol
Nothing else to be found, very beautiful song and the maps are a joy to play too <3
(same @aesthetics as Yauxo ^^ but it's nice to see something 'uncommon' again :D)

  1. I find the combo colours a bit too... flashy? They don't go too well together too imo, how about:
    Combo1 : 220,60,100
    Combo2 : 6,120,150
    Combo3 : 200,40,80
    Combo4 : 30,160,200
  2. the fug is up with all those decimal values for the diffculty settings
  1. I really don't like the way it looks to be honest, sliders too "tight" like 00:03:940 (2) - , 01:31:071 (3) - or 01:29:307 (4) - , lack of consistency in their shapes (00:12:543 (1,2,4) - ), maybe stack leniency a bit too high too
  2. It plays fine, but I think it'd play a lot better with a higher SV, this will even fix some of the aesthetic issues by making the sliders longer thus less cramped and tight, allowing cleaner shapes n all
  3. 00:15:962 (8,1) - meh, i guess it makes for an interesting pattern, but I don't think it fits here, (1) has quite a big accentuation and this stack just doesn't emphasize it well
  4. 00:23:572 (3,6) - copy (6), mirror it then replace (3) with it so they have the same shape
  5. 00:58:314 (10,1) - like earlier
  1. 00:02:616 (2,3) - , 00:03:278 (4,5) - , etc - I'd make most of those stacks on the previous slider's end instead to emphasize the note on the next slider, make sure to change them all if you agree
  2. 01:09:013 (1,3,5) - why the sausage sliders holy
  3. make 01:19:602 (1) - symmetrical and/or make 01:20:484 (3) - parallel to it
  1. For aethetics, either drop the overlaps completely or make them a bit more obvious
  2. 00:51:807 (2) - bring the white anchor a bit more down for a rounder, less sausage-like shape:
  1. 00:07:910 (3) - make the curve in the other way, so this part looks smoother:
good luck, i'm really picky with aethetics but eh it plays fine so whatever
Topic Starter

Bonsai wrote:

  1. 00:46:072 - I thought the structure of the section from 00:44:307 until the Kiai was that there are no unmapped 1/1-gaps but this is the only one, so I'd map that one too - Added the 'missing' circle XD.
  2. 00:54:454 (5,6,1) - Unstack the (1) since there's a prominent sound there like at 00:43:866 (5,6,1) - 00:47:396 (5,6,1) - 00:50:925 (5,6,1) - etc which all have been spaced out - I agree was inconsistent.
  3. 01:23:793 (2) - I don't really see a reason for this one being off-beat, there's the very strong strings on its tail and barely anything on the head o: - I did like that because the next circle is the strong beat for me, when this one is less important, so I did a slider.
  4. 01:26:881 and 01:28:425 and 01:31:954 not being mapped suggested to me that this is one of the very calm sections again like the one from 00:30:190 until 00:44:307 -, but then there are so many of them mapped that it seems rather random - How about mapping them all but only with slidertails? Like 01:33:278 (5) - 01:34:822 (6) - 01:38:352 (4) -? That would be a good compromise imo and not feel inconsistent - it's consistant with the first part, 00:44:307 - these note is the delimitation where we stop to put break, so that's the same for this part.
  5. 01:40:668 (8,1) - Why not stack it like at 00:58:314 (10,1) - and 00:15:962 (8,1) -? (and maaybe 01:12:432 (10,1) - too but that is a bit different so I understand it being mapped differently too ^^) - Keep it because changed first one with a suggestion from Alheak ><
  1. 00:47:616 - Similar to that section in Freedom, I think this should be mapped as all of the beats are mapped starting from 00:44:307 - I just add one circle at 00:47:616 - because yeah make the whole part now consistent.
  2. Everything else looks good, I kinda dislike that all of the beats like 00:04:822 (8) are mapped off-beat because I don't see a reason to, the beat on the tail is stronger than the one on the head naturally because of the upbeat and the strings are on both of them equally strong, so it feels unnatural to me, but you did it very consistently throughout the whole diff so it's not an issue at all I guess, just something that makes me a bit sad ^^ - Well it emphase music imo and follow violin like that so it's good for us.
  1. 00:21:366 (3,4,5) and 01:17:837 (3,4,5) are not properly stacked, thanks AiMod lol - Fix
Nothing else to be found, very beautiful song and the maps are a joy to play too <3
(same @aesthetics as Yauxo ^^ but it's nice to see something 'uncommon' again :D)

Alheak wrote:


  1. I find the combo colours a bit too... flashy? They don't go too well together too imo, how about: - Ben heu bof j'aime pas trop, j'ai juste rendu mon violet moins flashy du coup.
    Combo1 : 220,60,100
    Combo2 : 6,120,150
    Combo3 : 200,40,80
    Combo4 : 30,160,200
  2. the fug is up with all those decimal values for the diffculty settings - We like it~
  1. I really don't like the way it looks to be honest, sliders too "tight" like 00:03:940 (2) - , 01:31:071 (3) - or 01:29:307 (4) - , lack of consistency in their shapes (00:12:543 (1,2,4) - ), maybe stack leniency a bit too high too - Hmmm consistency on slider shape ? Well nop~ and stack leniency is the same for all diff, nothing bad here.
  2. It plays fine, but I think it'd play a lot better with a higher SV, this will even fix some of the aesthetic issues by making the sliders longer thus less cramped and tight, allowing cleaner shapes n all - Sorry I won't fix all the diff for a SV change when it's fine as is it right now. And honestly I like how it is ^^
  3. 00:15:962 (8,1) - meh, i guess it makes for an interesting pattern, but I don't think it fits here, (1) has quite a big accentuation and this stack just doesn't emphasize it well - So I stack it with (2) so it's not stack at the end of stream for the emphasis.
  4. 00:23:572 (3,6) - copy (6), mirror it then replace (3) with it so they have the same shape - Fix
  5. 00:58:314 (10,1) - like earlier - Fix
  1. 00:02:616 (2,3) - , 00:03:278 (4,5) - , etc - I'd make most of those stacks on the previous slider's end instead to emphasize the note on the next slider, make sure to change them all if you agree
  2. 01:09:013 (1,3,5) - why the sausage sliders holy
  3. make 01:19:602 (1) - symmetrical and/or make 01:20:484 (3) - parallel to it
  1. For aethetics, either drop the overlaps completely or make them a bit more obvious - They are enough imo, and because it's a low BPM that's even more fine to make them readable.
  2. 00:51:807 (2) - bring the white anchor a bit more down for a rounder, less sausage-like shape: - Fix
  1. 00:07:910 (3) - make the curve in the other way, so this part looks smoother:
good luck, i'm really picky with aethetics but eh it plays fine so whatever
Thx a lot guys ♥
Cherry Blossom

Hard :
- 01:25:116 (2,3) - Move it a little downward, it may overlap HP bar.
Topic Starter

Cherry Blossom wrote:


Hard :
- 01:25:116 (2,3) - Move it a little downward, it may overlap HP bar.
Fixed ! Arigato~
Cherry Blossom
Ok now it should be fine.
Topic Starter
Ayyyyyyyyy thx CB
As requested o/

  1. 00:35:263 (2,3) - Move (3) more to the left, slider ends are placing too close together, it do affects in gameplay
  2. 00:40:778 (1,3) - I don't think it is good to overlap the sliders, you can try placing like the following:
  3. 00:52:910 (2,3) - Same as 00:35:263 (2,3)
  4. 01:03:719 (3,4) - nazi, but the sliders nearly touch each other :v
  1. 00:10:557 (3) - Try to place it higher, the current angel of flow is too sharp in my opinion
  2. 00:28:204 (4,5) - 01:24:675 (4,5) - I think switching these in timeline sounds better
  3. 01:19:602 (1) - The red point isn't necessary lol..
  1. 01:42:543 (1,2,3) - This is hard to read in my opinion
  2. 01:47:837 (1) - This look weird lol, especially when the distance after the second red point is too short

Call me back :3
Topic Starter
Fixed everything except 01:19:602 (1) - in Normal. The red point is necessary to have the same straight start than 01:18:278 (5) - .

Thx Chaoslitz nya~
Looks fine now
Topic Starter
Thx a lot Chaoslitz-nya~ ♥

Elevator #4
now decide on a song for #5
ooo gz guys *_*
Topic Starter

Okoratu wrote:

now decide on a song for #5
Already decided somehow~

Bonsai wrote:

ooo gz guys *_*
Thx dude :3
When is this getting ranked?
in 7 days if we didn't fuck up
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