
ZUN - Lunar Clock ~ Luna Dial

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, May 16, 2011 at 7:52:37 PM

Artist: ZUN
Title: Lunar Clock ~ Luna Dial
Source: Touhou
Tags: Sakuya Izayoi Theme TH 06 EoSD Embodiment of Scarlet Devil _LRJ_ Crimson_SoulZ
BPM: 146
Filesize: 4152kb
Play Time: 01:18
Difficulties Available:
  1. Crimson's Misdirection (2.81 stars, 81 notes)
  2. LRJ's Luna Clock (5 stars, 300 notes)
  3. Marionette (4.96 stars, 316 notes)
Download: ZUN - Lunar Clock ~ Luna Dial
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
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_LRJ_ wrote:

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lol random stars with not even half diff complete
you guys must really love da song
Sakuya :) Love her so much XD

hitsound is too loud ~ lol
Woops , lag , sorry for double post~
Here's the updated version. I added hitsounds. You may change it to your liking
Kyonko Hizara

Some suggestions

<<Crimson's Misdirection>>

00:49:353 (6) - new combo?

<<LRJ's Luna Clock>>

00:12:367 (7) - new combo to legalise jump here
00:15:243 (6) - ^


Slider tick rate 1?

That's all
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Thunderstorm wrote:


Some suggestions

<<Crimson's Misdirection>>

00:49:353 (6) - new combo? Fixed.

<<LRJ's Luna Clock>>

00:12:367 (7) - new combo to legalise jump here
00:15:243 (6) - ^
They're readable.


Slider tick rate 1? Fixed.

That's all
ho yeah hell lunar clock !

[Crimson] :
Slider tick 2 ???? just odd
00:20:175 (5) - spacing ???

[LRJ] :
normal whistles do no fit the music I guess
00:32:093 (7,8,9) - nothing bad, but it's seems better if you move left these 3 circles and make a kind of diamond pattern with the last circle of the stream;
00:55:928 (2) - flip vertically ?;

[Marionette] :
00:17:195 (5,6,7,8,9) - just awful and not readable :(
00:20:894 (9,1) - 00:22:538 (10,1) - do not use a new combo on the last circle of the stream
00:21:202 (2) - ugly under the previous circle ...
00:21:819 (4) - circles instead of the slider ?
00:27:367 (9) - new combo here not on the slider
no mistake but I really don't like the diff... Streams with such sliders are so horrible

well... I can't star this for now 'cause of the hardest diff
I've been waiting for this version :3 *STAR*
Just a few suggestins i had:

Crimson's Misdirection:
0032:504 - (6) - maybe add finish?

00:16:065 - (1,2,3) - Spacing does'nt look right if you use DSx0,8 here.
01:07:024 - (1) - Put the slider beginning a few grids up so that it is in a row with the stream before.
01:20:175 - (1) - ^ same here just move it down.

Though it definitly needs a nice taiko diff :P

EDIT: ... always forgetting the star XD
K a m a h L
Belo mapa, Teta.. Star.
IRC modded some Of the visual problems, Attempted to barter the insanes OD to lower, but it needs to be the hardest by star rating so, cant.
00:11:956 (4) - WTF slider? Something like that could be better.

Teta, your mapset is really good, please rank it, and Kudosu is no need, because my mod was ridiculous XD
[Crimson's Misdirection]

[LRJ's Luna Clock]

4 notes are unsnapped ;_;
00:51:613 (7,8,9) - Not recommended pattern. I tried this pattern on Kechadon2000 but ignored ;_;

Nice set :3
But as this is Touhou, needs 1 more MAT's confirm :3
Or 3 other modders :3
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[Crimson's Misdirection]
00:20:997 (1) - 1 grid up :3

nazi lol

Have my star, couldn't find anything weird~ •u•

The random pulsing storyboard in the background is sort of random, distracting, not too insteresting, and mostly simply lag inducing. In other words, it's useless.
Hitsounds are pretty loud.

[Crimson's Misdirection]:
00:47:298 (5) - Too fast for this difficulty, and... be more creative o3o You could probably just easily replace it with two 1 beat long sliders, with whistle.
00:53:873 (7) - ^ Try a slider with only 1 repeat, then another one at 54:695, then a final note at 55:517.
00:55:517 - 00:58:805 - Lazy? I think you should fill it in... It's a really messed up spot to place a break.

...Why would you even have grid spacing on if they're that small?
00:17:709 (1) - Would look better unstacked. The way the slider is shaped a bit weird, but you can just adjust that.
00:18:531 (4) - Filler note doesn't really fit. Or, you can turn it into a slider and combine it with (5)
00:21:202 (1,2,3) - wat
This next section is really really confusing and should be kept within a Taiko diff. Like really, this song is strange, not intuitive, so don't do this. I don't like to suggest remapping sections, but just try to stick with the main tune, instead of the beat ._.
00:50:586 (1) - I don't really know what you should do with this... but the colours are ugly next to each other, so maybe make the next note the new combo.
00:55:106 (8) - Arghh, inconsistent @_@
01:01:579 (6) - ^
01:14:730 (6) - ^
01:16:476 (6) - ^
Part of me feels that you should end the map with a spinner.

[LRJ's Luna Clock]:
The confusing section was mapped a bit more predictably in this diff, but that's only because they're all triple and quintuple notes.
00:48:428 (4) - A little covered, although it's only a little, and I don't know how to solve this one.
Oh... that's it.

Well, nice looking old map you got here! But I think you should fix up the thing and make it less... old... I guess. I'll give you your star once this map gets cleaned up a bit~
Crimson's Misdirection
00:16:065 (4) Confusing for begginer
00:47:504 (5) No one will see these many reverses coming
00:53:873 (7) No one will see these many reverses coming
01:17:709 (3,Reverse Slider) No one will see that reverse slider coming
Comment : What's up with the distance snap , it changes during the map

LRJ's Luna Clock

00:26:750 (2) Make it more readable
00:32:298 (8) Clap
01:03:120 (4) No one will see these many reverses coming

Nice map , starred.
Topic Starter
3/3 done :3
And I think it's ready for something :3
Teta's Hair (???)

Bubbled :3
-The source should just be Touhou, everything else always goes in tags

Crimson's Misdirection:
-The hitsounds could do with some improvement on this difficulty, the claps fit the song much more than whistles in general and I would try and get rid of as many of those sliders whistles as you can (they really sound out of place to me)
00:12:778 (5) - I would expect the new combo on this note not the one after it (same for all of the ones like this)
00:44:832 (1) - remove new combo
00:45:654 (6) - new combo
01:05:380 (3) - new combo to follow your previous pattern?
01:18:531 (1) - add a finish?

LRJ's Luna Clock:
(The whistles used here are still slightly overpowering for the song)
00:32:504 (9) - make this a finish instead?
00:58:394 (1,2) - kind of an unexpected jump

-I can live with AR 9 but I think both AR/OD being 9 is kind of pushing it, do at least OD -1 ?
00:32:504 (10) - add a finish here
00:59:421 (4,6) - move this pattern so the repeat isn't hidden by the previous hit bursts
01:12:572 (4,6) - ^

Call me back after fixes and I will rebubble (I would take a good look at Easy first though)

Epilepsy warning added for the pulsing during the kiai but not 100% sure if it is needed, next BAT can decide on that
Hitsounds sound much better now with the whistles removed, source + hidden repeats fixed so..

I think you should add a diff between insane and easy. IMO, the diff spread is bad because you have two flat out insanes and 1 really easy [easy] diff
oh god bubbled

btw , my diff is so old , it sucks' ;_;

Mon Nov 01, 2010 2:51 pm (over 7 months ago)
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_LRJ_ wrote:

oh god bubbled

btw , my diff is so old , it sucks' ;_;

Mon Nov 01, 2010 2:51 pm (over 7 months ago)
all diffs in this suck :3
I'm not quite keen on LRJ's difficulty to be honest, those spacing changes irk me, but nothing too major, and it seems technically sound sooo

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Thanks doomy onii-sama <3

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:D inb4 someone votes 1 ;3;
ohgod ohgod congrats
I love this song :D
What's with the AR on LRJ's diff, SIGH.
Patchouli Desu
I'd like to make a guest difficulty for this.

EDIT: Read the Osu! wiki on guest difficulties and it says the uploader must be the one who creates the majority of the difficulties. Since I planned to make several I need to upload another song.
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This has been ranked 4 years ago, what are you talking about.
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