
Cady Groves - This Little Girl (Speed Up Ver.)

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Mr Point
I really liked this map, or at least the "Little Girl" diff.
Hopefully it gets more attention :)
hope this get rank :D
Loved it, great job!
The BPM feels wrong between 02:10:370 and 02:21:222, and it doesn't match correctly afterwards.
Try looking into that.

Otherwise great map, loving the jumps.
Skull Kid
00:43:466 - Preview point

Little Girl

00:32:699 -
01:16:108 -
Delete finish hitsounds

02:46:827 - Finish kiai


00:42:194 (3) -
Finish slider here 00:42:534 -
hey :D im just started mapping this song. I was about to search for examples but I told myself ima map this one by myself LOL

ur maps probably good :3
I love this map ^-^ Good Job ^-^
gooood ! :)
IRC mod
19:00 agusch: hola
19:00 agusch: una pregunta
19:00 agusch: aceptas mapas para mod?
19:01 ErunamoJAZZ: cual mapa sería?
19:01 *agusch is listening to [ Cady Groves - This Little Girl (Nightcore Mix)]
19:02 ErunamoJAZZ: oh
19:02 ErunamoJAZZ: NC
19:02 ErunamoJAZZ: puede ser...
19:07 agusch: el mapa lo empece ya hace un tiempo pero recien ahora termino las difs mas faciles
19:09 *ErunamoJAZZ is editing [ Cady Groves - This Little Girl (Nightcore Mix) [Easy]]
19:09 ErunamoJAZZ: con quién hiciste el collab?
19:09 agusch: skull kid, el le agrego hitsounds
19:09 ErunamoJAZZ: y mapeó alguna parte?
19:09 ErunamoJAZZ: o solo hizo los hitsounds?
19:09 agusch: arreglo algunos sliders
19:11 agusch: el nombre de la dificultad capaz se lo cambio a "Little girl" como era en un principio
19:12 ErunamoJAZZ: juega el collab
19:12 ErunamoJAZZ: te especto
19:15 ErunamoJAZZ: hahaha
19:15 ErunamoJAZZ: bien
19:15 ErunamoJAZZ: espectame a mi
19:16 agusch: la juego mal igual
19:16 ErunamoJAZZ: a ver si la tableta me deja jugarla sin fallar
19:16 agusch: no se porque
19:16 ErunamoJAZZ: voy a intentarlo con mouse
19:21 agusch: que feo que suena xd
19:24 agusch: rip
19:25 agusch: antes era mas rapida
19:25 agusch: va, mas dificil
19:26 agusch: pero me la marcaba como hard
19:26 agusch: entonces la hice mas facil para que tenga las estrellas de una normal
19:27 ErunamoJAZZ: mm..
19:27 ErunamoJAZZ: bueno, si te la marcaba como hard, había que ver qué patrones simplificar :P
19:27 ErunamoJAZZ: porque, por la velocidad que tiene tu normal, se siente más como un easy
19:29 agusch: si, tendria que cambiarle la velocidad al los sliders
19:30 ErunamoJAZZ: por cual quieres empezar?
19:30 agusch: me da lo mismo, la que quieras modear
19:30 agusch: por la easy si quieres
19:31 ErunamoJAZZ: mejor por el collab
19:31 agusch: ok
19:32 ErunamoJAZZ: lo principal sería, tienes un problema con el spread
19:32 agusch: que es el spread?
19:32 ErunamoJAZZ: el spread se refiere al cambio de dificultad entre los mapas
19:32 agusch: es muy malo mi vocabulario mapper
19:33 agusch: osea que de la hard a la insane aumenta mucho la diff?
19:33 agusch: collab*
19:33 ErunamoJAZZ: osea, que el cambio de dificultad entre el easy y el nomal, sea masomenos el mismo entre normal y hard, y entre hard e insane, y así
19:33 agusch: ah
19:34 ErunamoJAZZ: en tu mapa, el hard es como un Insane, pero con stats bajos
19:34 ErunamoJAZZ: y el collab es un extra con stats bajos
19:34 ErunamoJAZZ: jajaja
19:34 agusch: entonces el problema esta mayormente en el cambio de la normal a la hard?
19:34 ErunamoJAZZ: todos tienen sus problemas :P
19:34 ErunamoJAZZ: es tu primer mapa?
19:34 agusch: no
19:35 agusch: mis primeros no estaban ni bien timeados
19:35 ErunamoJAZZ: cuantos has hecho? busca tu nick a ver cuantos mapas te salen
19:35 ErunamoJAZZ: :P
19:35 ErunamoJAZZ: me da curiosidad saber
19:35 ErunamoJAZZ:
19:35 agusch: el 4to
19:36 ErunamoJAZZ: El mapa en sí no está mal, tienes bueno el timing (al menos así se siente), pero...
19:36 ErunamoJAZZ: lo principal es que "podría ser mejor"
19:36 ErunamoJAZZ: no sé si me explico
19:37 agusch: se, tambien concuerdo
19:37 ErunamoJAZZ: en el mapa seguiste muucho la voz
19:37 ErunamoJAZZ: casi que todo el mapping se fue detrás de la voz
19:37 ErunamoJAZZ: y.. eso es un poco raro
19:37 ErunamoJAZZ: sobretodo en un mapa de nightcore, donde el ritmo es la base de la canción
19:38 ErunamoJAZZ: por ejemplo
19:38 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:04:889 - acá se siente la falta de algo para precionar
19:38 ErunamoJAZZ: presionar*
19:39 agusch: ah si
19:39 ErunamoJAZZ: además, que con 00:05:059 (2) - tienes lo que llaman un polarity issue
19:39 ErunamoJAZZ: hay un video de Charles donde explica bien el tema de la polaridad
19:39 agusch: khe?
19:39 ErunamoJAZZ:
19:40 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:10:994 (3,4) - desde acá el ritmo empieza a surgir
19:41 ErunamoJAZZ: en 00:11:503 - 00:12:181 - podrías poner circulos
19:43 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:15:233 (4) - este slider tan largo podrías convertirlo en algo como
19:44 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:21:846 (3) - algo similar:
19:44 agusch: el principio de la cancion no me gusta mucho
19:44 agusch: como pongo el tiempo de una parte?
19:45 ErunamoJAZZ: mientras uno empieza a tomar un estilo de mapeo, hay que experimentar mucho
19:45 ErunamoJAZZ: y algo que uno aprende mientras mapea y le hacen mods, es que hay veces toca cambiar las cosas que uno mapea, así que, no te duela cambiar cosas xD
19:45 ErunamoJAZZ: copia la nota en el editor
19:45 ErunamoJAZZ: y la pegas acá
19:45 ErunamoJAZZ: el pone el tiempo
19:46 agusch: 00:22:694 (4) -
19:46 agusch: eso lo sentis bien cuando lo jugas?
19:47 ErunamoJAZZ: sí, supongo
19:47 agusch: me perdi en una parte
19:47 ErunamoJAZZ: cuando tengas dudas de si algo va en un sitio o no, usa el control de veliocidad, pon la canción lenta
19:48 ErunamoJAZZ: y escucha
19:48 agusch: 00:21:846 (3) -
19:48 ErunamoJAZZ: ese era el slider
19:48 agusch:
19:48 agusch: el numero 8 es un slider?
19:48 ErunamoJAZZ: sí
19:49 ErunamoJAZZ: pero...
19:49 ErunamoJAZZ: podrías mejor hacerlo un circulo, y luego un slider
19:49 ErunamoJAZZ: pega mejor con la voz
19:50 agusch: ya entendi
19:50 ErunamoJAZZ: o no sé, seguir la voz queda un poco raro ahí, porque la voz va a destiempo
19:52 agusch:
19:52 agusch: lo tengo asi
19:52 agusch: como sugeris que lo cambie
19:52 ErunamoJAZZ: eso no lo sé xD
19:52 agusch: me refiero
19:52 agusch: a lo de arriba
19:52 ErunamoJAZZ: a..
19:52 agusch: lo de abajo esta desordenado
19:52 agusch: tampoco te voy a pedir que me hagas el mapa xD
19:53 ErunamoJAZZ: al (8)
19:53 ErunamoJAZZ:
19:53 ErunamoJAZZ: y así, no sé si me captas la idea
19:54 agusch: me pasas el tiempo del 8?
19:54 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:23:203 (8) -
19:54 ErunamoJAZZ: lol, es que tu skin es muy raro
19:54 ErunamoJAZZ: hay una opción de usar el skin por defecto en el editor
19:55 ErunamoJAZZ: yo lo suelo usar, porque justamente minimiza esas confuciones a la hora de modear xD
19:55 agusch: es el de rafis creo
19:55 agusch: salgo y lo cambio al skin de osu
19:55 ErunamoJAZZ: no necesitas cambiarlo
19:56 agusch: listo
19:56 ErunamoJAZZ: en las opciones, busca las del editor
19:56 ErunamoJAZZ: y hay una que hace que cuando entras a ediar, usa el por default
19:56 ErunamoJAZZ: y al jugar, usa el tuyo
19:56 agusch: ahh
19:56 agusch: ahi me fijo
19:57 agusch: listo
19:57 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:24:559 (3) - de este, algo similar:
19:59 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:25:916 (8) - de este, yo lo pondía solo hasta la mitad, y el final podría más bien un circulo, o haría un slider hasta la mitad y lo repetiría
19:59 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:27:781 - 00:28:459 - acá podrían ir circulos, para mantener el ritmo
20:00 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:31:512 (6) - este lo acortaría hasta 00:32:020 - , y podría más cosas después
20:03 ErunamoJAZZ: etc etc...
20:04 ErunamoJAZZ: en general, mi recomendación es que no opaques el ritmo por seguir solo la voz
20:04 ErunamoJAZZ: acabo de subirle el OD a 8 para ver cómo va...
20:04 ErunamoJAZZ: y creo que el OD7 no hace falta xD
20:04 agusch: 00:31:512 (6) -
20:05 agusch: ese lo acorto y todo el espacio que queda lo lleno?
20:05 ErunamoJAZZ: mm...
20:05 ErunamoJAZZ: podrías hacer lo siguiente
20:05 ErunamoJAZZ: conoces la herramienta de escalado?
20:05 ErunamoJAZZ: Ctrl+Shif+S
20:06 agusch: no
20:06 ErunamoJAZZ: w
20:06 agusch: que flashera que es
20:07 ErunamoJAZZ: aunque, esa figura no es muy simetrica que digamos xD
20:07 agusch: si lo acabo de hacer xd
20:07 ErunamoJAZZ: y ponés un circulo en 00:32:359 -
20:07 ErunamoJAZZ: y ya ahí debería de quedar mejor
20:08 agusch: si, lo noto :P
20:08 ErunamoJAZZ: como en todo el mapa están esos slider que siguen la voz, pero que opacan el ritmo, ya es tu tarea encontrarlos, y organizarlos
20:08 agusch: algo no me gusta con el espacio todo lleno
20:08 ErunamoJAZZ: tienes buen manejo del flow, eso es bueno también
20:08 agusch: como se llama
20:08 agusch: no me sale el nombre
20:09 agusch: la parte que se repite en la cancion
20:09 agusch: cuando dice every girl is capable of murder
20:09 agusch: como era el nombre de esa parte
20:09 ErunamoJAZZ: el kiai?
20:09 ErunamoJAZZ: donde le subes la velocidad y eso?
20:10 agusch: si eos
20:10 agusch: eso
20:10 agusch: en el kiai hay muy pocos sliders largos
20:10 ErunamoJAZZ: en parte, la razón por la que se siente como un extra... es por eso
20:10 ErunamoJAZZ: jajajaj
20:11 agusch: salvo en la parte que dice i*m not the only one bla bla bla
20:11 *ErunamoJAZZ is listening to [ S3RL - Bass Slut (Original Mix)]
20:11 ErunamoJAZZ: has visto este mapset?
20:12 agusch: lo jugue
20:12 agusch: que es mapset?
20:12 agusch: todas las difs juntas?
20:12 ErunamoJAZZ: si
20:12 ErunamoJAZZ: el conjunto de mapas de una canción
20:12 ErunamoJAZZ: si te fijas, lo que hace que un mapa sea más dificil que el otro es casi que solo el espaciado
20:13 ErunamoJAZZ: cuando colocas notas muy lejos y eso
20:13 ErunamoJAZZ: muchos mapas ahora solo rellenan el mapset con diffs que están llenas de jumps sin sentido xD
20:13 ErunamoJAZZ: solo por el morbo de subirle las estrellas :P
20:14 ErunamoJAZZ: lo chistoso es, que en tu mapa lo mapeaste dificil (porque la canción lo da), y tratas de hacerlo más "facil"
20:14 ErunamoJAZZ: jajaja
20:14 agusch: la idea es que yo la pueda jugar tambien xD
20:15 agusch: a ver
20:15 ErunamoJAZZ: el mapa dificil para el jugador que le gusta lo dificil, pienso yo :P
20:15 agusch: teniendo en cuenta
20:15 ErunamoJAZZ: aun así, está el tema del spread
20:16 agusch: los cambios en la primera parte los uso como referencia para el resto entonces
20:16 ErunamoJAZZ: con respecto a lo de los sliders largos que opacan el ritmo, sí
20:16 ErunamoJAZZ: una buena tecnica es oir la canción a baja velocidad
20:18 agusch:
20:18 agusch: 01:04:747 (1) -
20:18 agusch: le hago variaciones?
20:19 agusch: osea, cambiar de lugar un slider por circulos?
20:19 agusch: me refiero al orden
20:19 agusch: o asi esta bien?
20:19 ErunamoJAZZ: pues...
20:19 ErunamoJAZZ: se puede, así no queda igual todo
20:19 ErunamoJAZZ: pero ten en cuenta lo siguiente
20:20 agusch: como quedar igual no va a ser tanto ya que cambiar todos los patrones
20:20 ErunamoJAZZ: cuando le hagas variaciones, haslas que tengan sentido..
20:20 ErunamoJAZZ: eso es dificil de explicar, solo se detecta jugando
20:20 ErunamoJAZZ: jajaja
20:21 agusch: tendria que hacer otra dificultad entre la hard y normal?
20:21 agusch: si obviamente, si siento que la variacion no queda bien no la hago
20:21 ErunamoJAZZ: por ejemplo
20:22 ErunamoJAZZ: si pusieras un slider en ves delos circulos en 01:06:443 -
20:22 ErunamoJAZZ: queda feo
20:22 ErunamoJAZZ: aunque la razón es que el tick blanco, el que dice cual es el inicio de compas, queda al final del slider
20:22 ErunamoJAZZ: en vez*
20:23 agusch: si entiendo
20:23 ErunamoJAZZ: eso sí es importante, y aun más en las dificultades más faciles. Trata de evitar eso.
20:23 agusch: al final no termine de ver el video que me pasaste
20:23 agusch: de la polarity
20:23 ErunamoJAZZ: generalmente en el incio de compas debe haber algo para presionar
20:23 ErunamoJAZZ: jejeje
20:24 ErunamoJAZZ: una ultima cosa de esta diff
20:24 agusch: con otra cancion tuve muchos problemas
20:24 agusch: los sigue teniendo en realidad
20:24 agusch: que el compas me queda en los rojos
20:24 agusch: en la easy y normal
20:24 ErunamoJAZZ: :o
20:24 agusch: pero bueno ahora no importa
20:25 ErunamoJAZZ: asdsd... el flow en el ultimo tramo de kiai deberías revisarlo
20:25 ErunamoJAZZ: si te fijaste al jugar, casi siempre se falla ahí
20:25 agusch: se jajaja
20:25 ErunamoJAZZ: cuando la gente falla siempre en el mismo lugar, eso es mejor corregirlo
20:26 agusch: 02:43:605 (4) -
20:26 agusch: a partir de ahi?
20:26 ErunamoJAZZ: 02:21:222 -
20:26 ErunamoJAZZ: pero en fin, eso es algo que con testplays y más mods puedes ir puliendo
20:27 ErunamoJAZZ: sigamos con el hard
20:27 *ErunamoJAZZ is editing [ Cady Groves - This Little Girl (Nightcore Mix) [Hard]]
20:27 ErunamoJAZZ: El OD que tiene esto deberías subirlo, a 6 o 7
20:27 ErunamoJAZZ: y el AR, no hay razón para ponerlo en 8.7, dejalo en 8
20:27 agusch: ah una ultima cosa
20:27 agusch: sobre la collab
20:27 agusch: sobre ciertas partes
20:27 agusch: 02:26:988 (2) -
20:28 agusch: 02:29:022 (4) -
20:28 agusch: 02:33:601 (1) -
20:28 agusch: 02:38:009 (1) -
20:28 agusch: 02:23:427 (10) -
20:29 agusch: algunas antes las podia hacer faciles pero ahora las siento incomodas
20:29 agusch: por ejemplo la primera que te pase
20:29 agusch: y sobre la segunda
20:29 ErunamoJAZZ: sí, eso siempre pasa
20:29 agusch: eso esta bien?
20:29 ErunamoJAZZ: uno mapea las cosas
20:29 agusch: todos esos triangulos
20:29 ErunamoJAZZ: pero a los días, ya no le parecen tambien hechas
20:30 ErunamoJAZZ: el todo es ir probando
20:30 ErunamoJAZZ: y viendo qué tal van quedando las cosas
20:30 agusch: la parte del 02:29:022 (4) -
20:30 ErunamoJAZZ: una tactica es ver cómo otros mappers hacen cosas similares
20:30 agusch: no me resulta dificil
20:31 agusch: pero como que puede que sea un poco rara?
20:31 agusch: si generalmente miro otros mapas
20:31 agusch: y los patrones que me gustan los uso
20:32 ErunamoJAZZ: es dificil de explicar por qué un patron se siente raro, y otro no xD
20:32 agusch: 02:36:314 (1) - ese lo vi en el mapa de hoshizo
20:32 agusch: que hvich lo hizo dt
20:32 ErunamoJAZZ: sí
20:33 agusch: 00:55:421 (3) -
20:33 agusch: ese de dango dango
20:33 agusch: ba dum dass
20:33 agusch: o algo asi
20:33 ErunamoJAZZ: el patron que pienso que es más dificil, y que en lo personal, pienso que podrías cambiar, sería 02:26:988 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
20:33 agusch: ah
20:34 agusch: ese es de mythologis end
20:34 agusch: se siente re plagio jajaj
20:34 agusch: si lo tenia pensado cambiar
20:34 agusch: pero no se me ocurria como
20:34 ErunamoJAZZ: en cuanto al hard....
20:34 agusch: es como que no engancha bien
20:34 ErunamoJAZZ: yo pensaría que lo conviertas en un insane
20:35 agusch: ar9?
20:35 ErunamoJAZZ: no, 8.5
20:35 agusch: ok
20:35 ErunamoJAZZ: una cosa tipo light insane
20:35 ErunamoJAZZ: si te queda de 4.2 sería bueno
20:35 agusch: era de 4.1
20:35 agusch: la hice mas facil
20:35 agusch: le aumente el tamaño a los circulos
20:35 agusch: y achique un poco los jumps
20:35 ErunamoJAZZ: y que mapees un hard (más tirando a Advanced que a hard)
20:36 agusch: me cuesta mucho mapear hards
20:36 ErunamoJAZZ: nadie nace aprendido
20:36 agusch: no nasi sapiendo
20:36 ErunamoJAZZ: pero, mapear mapas faciles ayuda a mejorar en los más dificiles
20:36 agusch: empece con faciles yo
20:36 agusch: cuando jugaba mal
20:37 agusch: mapeba lo que podia jugar
20:37 ErunamoJAZZ: eso es lo que hay que hacer
20:37 ErunamoJAZZ: :D
20:37 agusch: y a medida que mejoraba mapeaba cosas como para jugar yo
20:37 ErunamoJAZZ: voy a cenar
20:37 ErunamoJAZZ: ahrita seguimos con el normal
20:37 agusch: si yo tmb
20:37 agusch: te iba a decir lo mismo
20:37 agusch: ok
20:38 ErunamoJAZZ: con el hard, van las mismas sugerencias respecto al ritmo que en el collab
20:50 ErunamoJAZZ: me avisas cuando regreses
20:56 agusch: ya estoy
20:58 *ErunamoJAZZ is editing [ Cady Groves - This Little Girl (Nightcore Mix) [Normal]]
20:59 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:04:889 - puede ser buena idea agregarle un slider en 00:04:889 -
20:59 ErunamoJAZZ: una cosa, es que en un normal, no debes hacer jumps
21:00 agusch: ah
21:00 ErunamoJAZZ:
21:00 agusch: hoy a la tarde la estuve arreglando mucho porque tenia muchos overlaps
21:00 agusch: ok xd
21:01 agusch: me queda una duda con lo del slider
21:01 agusch: en donde lo pongo
21:01 agusch: hasta donde
21:01 agusch: de la linea blanca a la otra?
21:02 agusch: borro el slider de 00:05:568 (1) - ?
21:02 agusch: ah no ya entendi creo
21:02 agusch:
21:03 agusch: me habias dicho que era muy lenta tambien
21:03 agusch: le aumento la velocidad en el kiai?
21:05 agusch: ahora esta 1,00 y pasa 1,30 en el kiai
21:09 ErunamoJAZZ: el cambio de 1 a 1.3 puede ser un poco alto
21:09 ErunamoJAZZ: mejor a 1.2
21:09 ErunamoJAZZ: (perdón la demora, estaba arreglado unos asuntos)
21:10 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:54:403 (1,2) - el flow acá puede hacerse más suave
21:10 agusch: no hay problema
21:10 ErunamoJAZZ: en las dificultades fáciles, hay que procurar ser obvio en cuanto al flow
21:11 agusch: le bajo la velocidad a 1,20?
21:11 ErunamoJAZZ: que no hayan muchas ambiguedades de hacia donde hay que clickear
21:11 ErunamoJAZZ: síp
21:11 agusch: y sobre los jumps saco todos
21:11 ErunamoJAZZ: sí
21:11 agusch: 00:27:272 (1) - los de este estilo tambien?
21:11 ErunamoJAZZ: con jumps no te los dejan rankear los normales
21:11 ErunamoJAZZ: ajá
21:11 agusch: jumps con ctrl+g
21:12 agusch: ok
21:12 ErunamoJAZZ: 01:18:482 (4) - y estos también
21:12 agusch: pero entonces quedaria como easy esta no?
21:12 ErunamoJAZZ: nmmm... no sé
21:12 ErunamoJAZZ: igual el sistema lo toma como un normal
21:12 ErunamoJAZZ: aunque, en este ultimo, también lo tienes raro, porque los sliders terminan sobre el inicio de compas
21:14 *ErunamoJAZZ is editing [ Cady Groves - This Little Girl (Nightcore Mix) [Easy]]
21:14 ErunamoJAZZ: de este, sí tiene una cosa terrible xD
21:14 agusch: jajajaa
21:15 ErunamoJAZZ: hay una regla que dice que el tiempo entre el final de un spinner, y el la siguiente nota, debe haber un tiempo prudencial segun la dificultad
21:15 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:41:855 (1) -
21:15 ErunamoJAZZ: en un easy, debe ser de un compas
21:15 ErunamoJAZZ: en un normal debe ser de medio compas
21:15 ErunamoJAZZ: en un hard de 1/4 de compas
21:16 ErunamoJAZZ: y de ahí en adelante, como sea conveniente (casi siempre es igual que en un hard)
21:16 agusch: entonces saco el spiner o lo termino antes?
21:16 ErunamoJAZZ: en el caso del easy, mejor quitalo
21:17 agusch: la easy es muuy lenta, eso esta mal?
21:17 ErunamoJAZZ: no es malo
21:17 ErunamoJAZZ: hay gente que no es capaz con los normales
21:17 ErunamoJAZZ: y juegan mapas como este
21:17 ErunamoJAZZ: (niñas (?))
21:17 agusch: AJJAJAJ
21:18 ErunamoJAZZ: mi primita por ejemplo no puede con los normales
21:18 ErunamoJAZZ: cuando viene, la pongo a jugar mapas lentos como este
21:18 ErunamoJAZZ: entonces no es tan malo
21:18 agusch: no mejoran rapido los chicos?
21:18 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:47:621 (3) - los repeat pueden ser dificiles de leer. mejor haz un slider
21:19 ErunamoJAZZ: ella nunca juega esto de todas formas
21:19 ErunamoJAZZ: 01:25:265 (1) -
21:20 ErunamoJAZZ: 01:34:761 (6,1) -
21:20 ErunamoJAZZ: en los easy, es mejor evitar los stack
21:20 ErunamoJAZZ: cuando empiezan a jugar, no los saben leer
21:20 ErunamoJAZZ: eso dejalo para un normal
21:20 ErunamoJAZZ: 01:47:309 (2,3) -
21:21 agusch: los pongo separados? o hago un slider?
21:21 ErunamoJAZZ: como quieras
21:21 agusch: oka
21:22 ErunamoJAZZ: igual, con las diffs habría que entrar en demasiados detalles si me pusiera a hacer un mod muchisimo más completo
21:22 ErunamoJAZZ: por eso traté de ser mas bien general
21:23 ErunamoJAZZ: el flow del easy podría mejorar, ten siempre la idea de que el siguiente circulo o slider, debe ser muy obvio de clickear
21:23 ErunamoJAZZ: procura no poner todas las cosas apeñuscadas (todas juntas)
21:23 ErunamoJAZZ: porque puede llegar a ser confuso
21:24 ErunamoJAZZ: cuando quieras saber si un easy está bien hecho, pon a alguien en tu casa a jugarlo
21:24 ErunamoJAZZ: :P
21:25 agusch: me das un par de ejemplos para arreglar el flow asi tengo de referencia?
21:26 ErunamoJAZZ: 02:45:640 (3,4) -
21:26 ErunamoJAZZ: el slider apunta hacia abajo, y el circulo va hacia arrba
21:26 ErunamoJAZZ: arriba*
21:26 agusch: true
21:27 ErunamoJAZZ: 01:20:178 (2,4) -
21:27 agusch: es muy complicado el proceso para rankear un mapa?
21:27 agusch: no se bien como es
21:27 ErunamoJAZZ: la flecha del 4 esta muy cerca del 2, y se pueden confundir y darle ahí en vez del (3)
21:27 agusch: como hacer para que entre en qualified
21:27 ErunamoJAZZ: bueno,
21:27 ErunamoJAZZ: eso depende
21:28 ErunamoJAZZ: de qué tan rapido aprendas :D
21:28 agusch: por ejemplo monstrata mete mapas en qualified a lo loco
21:29 ErunamoJAZZ: porque ya sabe qué cosas no hacer xD
21:29 ErunamoJAZZ: (y porque tiene fanboys)
21:29 ErunamoJAZZ: el proceso de rankeo implica primero, pasar la etapa de aprender a mapear
21:30 ErunamoJAZZ: luego la de poner el mapa al escrutinio de la comunidad, eso es, que la gente lo modee
21:30 ErunamoJAZZ: en el modeo es donde vas a aprender más
21:30 ErunamoJAZZ: la forma más facil de conseguir mods, es haciendo m4m
21:30 agusch: osea, arreglo todo lo que me dijiste y le pido mod a otra persona
21:30 ErunamoJAZZ: (mod for mod)
21:31 agusch: que es m4m
21:31 agusch: ah
21:31 agusch: no se modear xd
21:31 ErunamoJAZZ: lol
21:31 ErunamoJAZZ: modeando se aprenden muchas cosas
21:31 agusch: vi unos videos tuyos de modeo que me sirvieron pero como que no me animo (?
21:32 ErunamoJAZZ: jajajaa
21:32 ErunamoJAZZ: lo otro es que hay mods más exxigentes que otros
21:33 ErunamoJAZZ: normalmente los mods más duros son los de los BN, o gente que ha sido BN
21:33 ErunamoJAZZ: trata de conseguir de esos
21:33 agusch: que es bn
21:33 ErunamoJAZZ: beatmap Nominator
21:33 ErunamoJAZZ: en el pasado los llamaban BAT
21:33 agusch: quien decide cuando un mapa esta para entrar en quilified
21:33 ErunamoJAZZ: ajá
21:33 ErunamoJAZZ: los BN son los que lo deciden
21:33 agusch: era una pregunta xd
21:33 agusch: ah
21:34 agusch: y en qualified que se supone que hace
21:34 ErunamoJAZZ: cuando un BN piensa que un mapa está listo, le da una burbuja
21:34 ErunamoJAZZ: si un segundo BN piensa que está listo para rank, entonces lo manda a qualified
21:34 ErunamoJAZZ: allí se queda por una semana
21:34 ErunamoJAZZ: en ese tiempo los QAT lo revisan
21:35 ErunamoJAZZ: si ven algo que no es buena idea o así, lo desrankean
21:35 agusch: quienes son los qat?
21:35 ErunamoJAZZ: Los QAT con BN con mucha más experiencia que el pomedio. Su trabajo es asegurar la calidad de los mapas
21:35 ErunamoJAZZ: son*
21:35 agusch: pero te dicen que es lo que esta mal o lo desrankean y punto?
21:36 ErunamoJAZZ: ellos dicen
21:36 ErunamoJAZZ: ya te busco un ejemplo
21:40 ErunamoJAZZ: p/4775322
21:43 ErunamoJAZZ: Bueno, voy a poner el chat en el foro, así lo tienes de referencia para después
21:44 agusch: ok
21:44 agusch: una ultima cosa aparte
21:44 ErunamoJAZZ: dime
21:44 agusch: sabes como arreglo esto?
21:44 agusch: la cosa blanca
21:44 agusch: que se me aparece
21:44 ErunamoJAZZ: lol
21:44 ErunamoJAZZ: hace cuanto no actualizas los drivers de tu tarjeta de video?
21:44 agusch: es medio trucha esta version de osu (?
21:44 ErunamoJAZZ: deberías de actualizarlos :P
21:45 agusch: ah
21:45 ErunamoJAZZ: jejeje
My mod!

14:57 Athaleas: need a mod (im not one of the best mappers/mods)
14:57 Athaleas: ?
14:58 agusch: it's ok
14:58 Athaleas: may i mod only hard and insane?
14:58 Athaleas: cuz i cant mod hard songs ^^ ill only make it bad
14:59 agusch: ok np, mod what you think u can
15:01 Athaleas: 01:10:343 (8) -
15:01 Athaleas: in hard
15:01 Athaleas: maybe that little slider is to late?
15:03 agusch: why?
15:04 Athaleas: Wait ignore that ^^
15:04 Athaleas: it's ok
15:04 Athaleas: dont worry
15:04 Athaleas: be happy ;)
15:04 Athaleas: is this your first map?
15:04 Athaleas: cuz your mapping skill is really good
15:05 agusch: i try putt it one before and sounds better how its now xd
15:05 Athaleas: yeah thats also nice
15:05 agusch: no its no my first
15:05 Athaleas: Ah
15:05 Athaleas: u got allready ranked?
15:05 agusch: 4
15:05 agusch: no
15:05 Athaleas: ;(
15:06 Athaleas: u will probely rank this one
15:06 Athaleas: its a nice song
15:06 Athaleas: ur a great mapper
15:06 agusch: no, it's really hard to rank a song
15:06 Athaleas: (just something: Try to find someone to make a storyboard it will look better!)
15:06 agusch: and get mods are really hard too
15:07 Athaleas: ah :(
15:07 Athaleas: i know how it feels
15:07 agusch: xD
15:07 Athaleas: i tried to rank 1 time my map
15:07 agusch: i hope i could ranked
15:07 Athaleas: mod req's 10 times
15:07 Athaleas: still no mods
15:07 Athaleas: now i know that feeling that nobody gets mods
15:08 Athaleas: so i started with modding
15:08 Athaleas: its fun
15:08 agusch: i should learn to mod
15:08 agusch: it's easier get mods if you know modding
15:08 agusch: mod for mod
15:08 Athaleas: m4m
15:08 Athaleas: yeah
15:10 Athaleas: only that little thing in hard
15:10 Athaleas: and the rest (im still beginner dont blame me ^w^) is perfect in my opinion
15:11 Athaleas: so ill try hard jnow
15:11 Athaleas: now*
15:11 Athaleas: insane i did hard xD
15:11 Athaleas: my typing today is really bad
15:13 agusch: i think insane its the worst dif
15:14 Athaleas: maybe this thingy little bit easier
15:14 Athaleas: 01:18:906 (1,2,3,4) -
15:14 Athaleas: insane
15:15 agusch: u mean the overlap?
15:15 Athaleas: y
15:16 Athaleas: the rest is also good
15:16 Athaleas: maybe wait
15:16 Athaleas: need to find that place
15:17 Athaleas: maybe instead a fast slider here a little stream? 01:50:530 (7) -
15:18 agusch: thats good
15:18 Athaleas: its still insane! ;)
15:20 agusch: it was a hard in the beginning
15:20 Athaleas: real?
15:21 Athaleas: gonna try your map
15:21 Athaleas: if it plays good
15:25 Athaleas: 8i think its ok
15:25 Athaleas: should i post it now?
15:27 agusch: ok

There u go ;)


  1. Wrong offset? Change it to 148 or 150 and listen to it with 25% speed at some parts. It sounds better imo! e.g. here 01:50:538 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1)
  2. The combo colors are too flashy imo and they to not fit the BG well.

[Little Girl]

  1. 00:12:350 (1,2,3) - Maybe increase distance snap to 1.8 or 2.0. I don't like it that way. (I mean, it's the main diff with like 5.2 stars)
  2. 00:13:537 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - I would make the spacing more even between these two combos.
  3. 00:47:960 (3,7,8,9,10,1) - I think you could make the stream into slider a lot nicer. It just feels weird to play, because of the cursor movement from the jumps before. Maybe do a straight stream with a ds like 0.4?
  4. 00:53:895 (5) - That way it's difficult to read (ds change in one combo + AR9.3 you know) Maybe do it the same way you did here 01:37:304 (1).
  5. 01:28:147 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - These jumps are weird imo. Try to make the same pattern, but with constantly increasing ds.
  6. 01:31:030 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This star looks weird. Make it more symmatric please.
  7. Move 02:28:005 (8) to x:428 y:171
  8. 02:44:792 (1) - Put nc here.
  9. Many times you have combos that go up to 13 or even 14. I personally don't like that, but if you're comfortable with it, it's ok. Example: 01:07:969 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14)
  10. Maybe consider using AR9, since this looks to me like a typical AR9 map.

I hope this helps you~

Good luck with the map :)

Topic Starter

-M4x wrote:


  1. Wrong offset? Change it to 148 or 150 and listen to it with 25% speed at some parts. It sounds better imo! e.g. here 01:50:538 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1)
  2. The combo colors are too flashy imo and they to not fit the BG well.

[Little Girl]

  1. 00:12:350 (1,2,3) - Maybe increase distance snap to 1.8 or 2.0. I don't like it that way. (I mean, it's the main diff with like 5.2 stars)
  2. 00:13:537 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - I would make the spacing more even between these two combos.
  3. 00:47:960 (3,7,8,9,10,1) - I think you could make the stream into slider a lot nicer. It just feels weird to play, because of the cursor movement from the jumps before. Maybe do a straight stream with a ds like 0.4?
  4. 00:53:895 (5) - That way it's difficult to read (ds change in one combo + AR9.3 you know) Maybe do it the same way you did here 01:37:304 (1).
  5. 01:28:147 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - These jumps are weird imo. Try to make the same pattern, but with constantly increasing ds.
  6. 01:31:030 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This star looks weird. Make it more symmatric please.
  7. Move 02:28:005 (8) to x:428 y:171
  8. 02:44:792 (1) - Put nc here.
  9. Many times you have combos that go up to 13 or even 14. I personally don't like that, but if you're comfortable with it, it's ok. Example: 01:07:969 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14)
  10. Maybe consider using AR9, since this looks to me like a typical AR9 map.

I hope this helps you~

Good luck with the map :)

I changed everything you told me, except AR9 for now, if someone mention it again then I will change it (I feel more comfortable AR 9,3 in this diff)
Thanks for your mod! :) :)
Lince Cosmico
Little Girl:

01:57:828 (8) - Ctrl + G? :O

02:14:445 (1) - x: 352 - y:108


00:52:714 (2) - movelo a 00:52:544 -
00:53:053 (3) - movelo a 00:52:883 -

02:40:220 (1) - Parece ser un spinner un poco cruel xD
OD: 2?
Topic Starter

Chekito wrote:

Little Girl:

01:57:828 (8) - Ctrl + G? :O Lo siento muy raro eso, ¿Por qué creés que queda mejor?

02:14:445 (1) - x: 352 - y:108 cambiado


00:52:714 (2) - movelo a 00:52:544 -
00:53:053 (3) - movelo a 00:52:883 - Esto me parece muy confuso, de repente cambia de las lineas blanca a las rojas, y el slider en lugar de empezar en la linea grande queda atravesándola

02:40:220 (1) - Parece ser un spinner un poco cruel xD Lo saqué
OD: 2? La cambié
Lince Cosmico

00:13:713 (1) - no crees que este slider seria mejor acortarlo a 00:13:883 - y agregar un circulo?
para que quede asi:
y despues lo dejas asi:

00:15:069 (7) - acortando este slider igual que el anterior
01:26:118 (6) - x: 72 y: 276... No se mueve mucho pero se nota xD (igual es opcional)
01:31:036 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - proba algo asi: Pone distance snap en 1/4 y hace tipo un va y vuelve como esta foto

Por si no se entendio x'D cosa que creo que va a pasar: priimero el 4 lo ubicas en x: 217 y:189 despues con el distance snap reposicionas el 5 y cuando volves el 6 tiienee que estar en la misma posicion que el 4... asi con las demas ... el 8 lo pones igual que el 4 y el 9 ya lo seguis para llegar al slider. en todo caso preguntame ingame haber si te puedo explicar mejor S: es complicado

01:47:484 - El Kiai terminalo acá xD
01:50:536 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - No estaría de mas aplicar el mismo timing de sonido que usaste para la dificultad Little Girl en este stream
01:58:167 (1) - NC

Espero que te haya ayudado :D
Lince Cosmico

ErunamoJAZZ wrote:

IRC mod
21:35 ErunamoJAZZ: Los QAT con BN con mucha más experiencia que el pomedio. Su trabajo es asegurar la calidad de los mapas
21:35 ErunamoJAZZ: son*
21:35 agusch: pero te dicen que es lo que esta mal o lo desrankean y punto?
21:36 ErunamoJAZZ: ellos dicen
21:36 ErunamoJAZZ: ya te busco un ejemplo
21:40 ErunamoJAZZ: p/4775322

He aqui un mejor ejemplo: t/277231/start=75

Ups doble post
Topic Starter

Chekito wrote:


00:13:713 (1) - no crees que este slider seria mejor acortarlo a 00:13:883 - y agregar un circulo?
para que quede asi:
y despues lo dejas asi:

00:15:069 (7) - acortando este slider igual que el anterior
01:26:118 (6) - x: 72 y: 276... No se mueve mucho pero se nota xD (igual es opcional)
01:31:036 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - proba algo asi: Pone distance snap en 1/4 y hace tipo un va y vuelve como esta foto

Por si no se entendio x'D cosa que creo que va a pasar: priimero el 4 lo ubicas en x: 217 y:189 despues con el distance snap reposicionas el 5 y cuando volves el 6 tiienee que estar en la misma posicion que el 4... asi con las demas ... el 8 lo pones igual que el 4 y el 9 ya lo seguis para llegar al slider. en todo caso preguntame ingame haber si te puedo explicar mejor S: es complicado

01:47:484 - El Kiai terminalo acá xD
01:50:536 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - No estaría de mas aplicar el mismo timing de sonido que usaste para la dificultad Little Girl en este stream
01:58:167 (1) - NC

Espero que te haya ayudado :D
La estuve arreglando, ya la re-subí
Gracias :)
Hi, from my modding queue~ If you got any questions you can ask me in game. And I haven't mod anything for a few days so my mod will become a bit rusty, sry for that in advance.


  1. The bitrate for .mp3 is 320 kb/s, which is above the maximum of 192 kb/s. So you must convert it because this is an unrankable issue.
  2. Seems like you have changed your offset in your previous mod. Changing offset will cause all inherited points(aka green lines) became unsnapped. So make sure to resnap every single of them.
  3. I'd recommend you to uncheck widescreen support and letterbox during breaks in song setup. It's unnecessary since you didn't have a storyboard.
  4. Continuation from above, I wouldn't recommend countdown as well, enabling countdown is very rare to see nowadays.
  5. Check this box so you can hear your custom hitsounds.
  6. Tags must be same in every diffs.
  7. Some of the settings like that countdown, enable custom sound thing, mostly everything in song setup should be same in all diffs (Except difficulty settings like cs hp ar od) . So make sure whatever you applied in song setup, you have to do the same thing in every diffs.

  1. SV changes shouldn't happen in Easy. It's unlikely that beginners will be able to catch up with the changes of speed.
  2. You should have a constant DS in Easy. Well, I see that you put 1.4 DS on kiai and 1.1 on the other parts. That wouldn't look too good in Easy. The reason here is similar to above, a change of DS is probably one of the factors that can confuse beginners.
  3. From those two things I pointed out, it will be quite a pain to fix. So I won't mod it for now, you can call me to mod later whether you decided to fix this or not. (If you decided to fix these things then you can call me later for a mod after you're done fixing these.)

  1. AR,OD and HP should be higher imo. I would recommend 5 for AR, and then 3-4 fo OD and HP.
  2. Some spacing errors. > 00:42:540 (5,1) - 01:02:549 (1,2) - 01:26:966 (1,2) .
  3. Objects are pretty dense in my opinion, some of them are almost overlapping each other. I would recommed you to increase your DS. (Personally I think 1.3-1.4 would be preferable)
  4. Well, I guess I'll be a bit lazy(LOL). But I strongly recommended that you should increase your DS in non-kiai parts. Spacing in kiai looks fine for me due to a higher SV. But yeah, I'll probably mod this later after you're done fixing this, same as Easy.

  1. 00:06:422 (5) - Feels a bit weird to me because the end of this slider didn't match anything in the song.
  2. 00:16:426 (8) - NC?
  3. 00:21:174 - I think you should map sth here because you should have a player clicking on the white tick after the break, it will be easier to follow the rhythm that way.
  4. 00:22:361 (4,5,6) - I would move these to the left a bit so the spacing on the side of 00:21:852 (3) will become more balanced.
  5. 00:23:378 (8) - I would shorten this slider to end it here 00:23:717 and put a circle here 00:23:887 instead because you made every piano beats clickable so far so this shouldn't be on the sliderend.
  6. 00:25:074 (2) - The sliderend here should be clickable with the same reason from above.
  7. 00:47:627 (5,6,7,8) - They're almost overlapping each other lol, not really a big problem but personally I think they don't look neat.
  8. 01:40:532 (1,2,3) - The symmetry here isn't 100% perfect if you take a look closely. >
  9. 01:53:419 - I wouldn't skip this beat here because there's still a drum going on there.
  10. 02:24:620 (3) - Well, this slider kinda stood out because the rest of sliders in the same combo are all straight ones. And I think the flow here is kinda weird for some reason 02:24:620 (3,4,5) .
  11. 02:28:520 (7,8) - Why the spacing here just went smaller for no reason lol. About 0.1 DS smaller or so.
  12. 02:33:098 (3,5) - Not the best overlap I've ever seen.
  13. Some clickable things are pretty much random, so if you think it doesn't needed then I'd recommend you to ignore them.
Well, I guess I'll stop here. If the mod is too long then it will be too much a pain to read. Hope my mod helped somehow.
Good luck~
Topic Starter

Electoz wrote:

Hi, from my modding queue~ If you got any questions you can ask me in game. And I haven't mod anything for a few days so my mod will become a bit rusty, sry for that in advance.


  1. The bitrate for .mp3 is 320 kb/s, which is above the maximum of 192 kb/s. So you must convert it because this is an unrankable issue. Fixed up
  2. Seems like you have changed your offset in your previous mod. Changing offset will cause all inherited points(aka green lines) became unsnapped. So make sure to resnap every single of them. Fixed up
  3. I'd recommend you to uncheck widescreen support and letterbox during breaks in song setup. It's unnecessary since you didn't have a storyboard. Fixed up
  4. Continuation from above, I wouldn't recommend countdown as well, enabling countdown is very rare to see nowadays. Fixed up
  5. Check this box so you can hear your custom hitsounds. Done
  6. Tags must be same in every diffs. Fixed up
  7. Some of the settings like that countdown, enable custom sound thing, mostly everything in song setup should be same in all diffs (Except difficulty settings like cs hp ar od) . So make sure whatever you applied in song setup, you have to do the same thing in every diffs. Done


  1. SV changes shouldn't happen in Easy. It's unlikely that beginners will be able to catch up with the changes of speed. Removed SV changes
  2. You should have a constant DS in Easy. Well, I see that you put 1.4 DS on kiai and 1.1 on the other parts. That wouldn't look too good in Easy. The reason here is similar to above, a change of DS is probably one of the factors that can confuse beginners. Fixed up
  3. From those two things I pointed out, it will be quite a pain to fix. So I won't mod it for now, you can call me to mod later whether you decided to fix this or not. (If you decided to fix these things then you can call me later for a mod after you're done fixing these.)Ok


  1. AR,OD and HP should be higher imo. I would recommend 5 for AR, and then 3-4 fo OD and HP. Changed to 4 HP, 5 AR and 3 OD
  2. Some spacing errors. > 00:42:540 (5,1) - 01:02:549 (1,2) - 01:26:966 (1,2) . Fixed up
  3. Objects are pretty dense in my opinion, some of them are almost overlapping each other. I would recommed you to increase your DS. (Personally I think 1.3-1.4 would be preferable)
  4. Well, I guess I'll be a bit lazy(LOL). But I strongly recommended that you should increase your DS in non-kiai parts. Spacing in kiai looks fine for me due to a higher SV. But yeah, I'll probably mod this later after you're done fixing this, same as Easy.DS changed to 1.4 in non-kiai parts


  1. 00:06:422 (5) - Feels a bit weird to me because the end of this slider didn't match anything in the song. Changed the end with a cirle
  2. 00:16:426 (8) - NC? Ok
  3. 00:21:174 - I think you should map sth here because you should have a player clicking on the white tick after the break, it will be easier to follow the rhythm that way. Agree
  4. 00:22:361 (4,5,6) - I would move these to the left a bit so the spacing on the side of 00:21:852 (3) will become more balanced. Done
  5. 00:23:378 (8) - I would shorten this slider to end it here 00:23:717 and put a circle here 00:23:887 instead because you made every piano beats clickable so far so this shouldn't be on the sliderend. Fixed up
  6. 00:25:074 (2) - The sliderend here should be clickable with the same reason from above. Fixed up
  7. 00:47:627 (5,6,7,8) - They're almost overlapping each other lol, not really a big problem but personally I think they don't look neat. Changed
  8. 01:40:532 (1,2,3) - The symmetry here isn't 100% perfect if you take a look closely. > In that push the slider doesn't appear completed. The end of the slider is in the middle of the grid and the other two are done with Ctrl+h
  9. 01:53:419 - I wouldn't skip this beat here because there's still a drum going on there. Fixed up
  10. 02:24:620 (3) - Well, this slider kinda stood out because the rest of sliders in the same combo are all straight ones. And I think the flow here is kinda weird for some reason 02:24:620 (3,4,5) . Changed
  11. 02:28:520 (7,8) - Why the spacing here just went smaller for no reason lol. About 0.1 DS smaller or so. My bad
  12. 02:33:098 (3,5) - Not the best overlap I've ever seen. Changed, I don't know if now it's good but I think that it's better than how it was before
  13. Some clickable things are pretty much random, so if you think it doesn't needed then I'd recommend you to ignore them.
Well, I guess I'll stop here. If the mod is too long then it will be too much a pain to read. Hope my mod helped somehow.
Good luck~
Thanks For modding!! :) :) :D :D
Thoughts on insane:
  1. 01:50:531 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ) move all up 1/16 beat. It feels a bit off this fixed it for me
  2. 02:39:209 (6) This note does not correspond to the lyrical beat would say remove it but that creates pattern issues not sure what to do
  3. 02:40:294 ( 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ) Move all up 1/4 beat
I'm continuing to play with this but that is what I feel thus far
Topic Starter

defenastrator wrote:

Thoughts on insane:
  1. 01:50:531 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ) move all up 1/16 beat. It feels a bit off this fixed it for me It'll be unrankable if I do that. 1/16 is not
    recommended to use for anyone.
  2. 02:39:209 (6) This note does not correspond to the lyrical beat would say remove it but that creates pattern issues not sure what to do Not the best part of the song, I remake it
  3. 02:40:294 ( 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ) Move all up 1/4 beat This doesn't match with the song
I'm continuing to play with this but that is what I feel thus far
Sorry about the insane delay.

  1. This is a Speed Up Ver. no a Nightcore mix, google what nigtcore is and you'll get the idea.
  2. The source field is for stuff like movies, games and such. In this case it should be empty.
  3. Work on the hitsounds. The monotonous ticks do not fit with the song and do not help you to emphasize the song in any way.
  1. Comboing: try to use New Combos more often. Generally speaking, combos should be consistent and follow the music. Also, it's better to keep combos in Eassy diffs around 3-6 objects long.
  2. 00:46:308 (1) - minor - not really happy with the curve here. It doesn't follow anything and makes the slider feel glitched.
  3. 00:51:395 (2) - this one can be removed. Doesn't really fit with the music and makes the chain of overlapped hitobjects too long.

    Pretty unusual choice of the rhythm. That's a good start for a beginner-mapper!
  1. 00:06:968 (3) - minor - the same thing here. Slidercurve does not fit with the song and makes it feel forced.
    Note: 00:53:091 (3) - this one is something similar with the suggestion above, but it looks a bit less untidy.
  2. 00:35:795 (1,2,3) - this short combo here is a nice choice for emphasising what the song is going for, but it'd confuse the target audience who are quite used to consistent combos. So, I'd recommend you to keep combos more consistent in Normal, too.
  3. 01:45:318 (5,3,4) - that was quite sudden. Provided that you don't really use stacks in this difficulty this one feels extra.
  4. 02:07:362 (4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3) - try to avoid long chains of circles. While they make sense with the vocals, they require insane amount of accuracy and feel rather boring at the same time. Use those carefully!

    The velocity multiplier during kiais feels a bit too harsh to me. I'd probably go with smething like x1.15 or so, but the difficuly doesn't introduce any 1/2 beats. So, it is probably not a bad choice.
  1. The whole intro is packed with sliders like 00:03:577 (4) - beginning and ending on equally strong beats. Try to avoid this kind of things and make strong beats clickable. Relacing such sliders with two circles or shorter sliders should be a good idea.
  2. A lot of rhytmical inconsistencies are here. Let's point a few examples. Here, 00:44:104 (2) - we have a slider going for the vocals ignoring the drums and making a strong beat at the white tick unclickable. But later on we also ignore vocals at 00:45:121. Those things are catchable via testplay, so you can go through the song paying more attention to those things.
    Note: *Click here* to get a better idea of what I am talking about.
  1. I disagree with your choice of Distance Spacing here. x1.8 doesn't seem to be working here. It makes slider feel considerably slower than the rest of the map, resuling in a very choppy feeling during the gameplay. Feel free o get more opinions, it could be just me, though.
  2. Something similar applies to jumps. Those are also used here incorrectly. For example, here 02:14:483 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - they are used to make the slow part jumpy while the song isn't calling for it.

    Try to make sure that everything including your DS choice and jump usage follows the song. Also, rhythmical issues listed in hard are still present here to a certain deegree. A few of those things also appear in the Little Girl difficulty. Be sure to focus your beatmapping in following the song as close as possible.
Not a bad set for the start of your mapping career!


Good luck!
Topic Starter

Bakari wrote:

Sorry about the insane delay.

  1. This is a Speed Up Ver. no a Nightcore mix, google what nigtcore is and you'll get the idea.
  2. The source field is for stuff like movies, games and such. In this case it should be empty.
  3. Work on the hitsounds. The monotonous ticks do not fit with the song and do not help you to emphasize the song in any way.
  1. Comboing: try to use New Combos more often. Generally speaking, combos should be consistent and follow the music. Also, it's better to keep combos in Eassy diffs around 3-6 objects long.
  2. 00:46:308 (1) - minor - not really happy with the curve here. It doesn't follow anything and makes the slider feel glitched.
  3. 00:51:395 (2) - this one can be removed. Doesn't really fit with the music and makes the chain of overlapped hitobjects too long.

    Pretty unusual choice of the rhythm. That's a good start for a beginner-mapper!
  1. 00:06:968 (3) - minor - the same thing here. Slidercurve does not fit with the song and makes it feel forced.
    Note: 00:53:091 (3) - this one is something similar with the suggestion above, but it looks a bit less untidy.
  2. 00:35:795 (1,2,3) - this short combo here is a nice choice for emphasising what the song is going for, but it'd confuse the target audience who are quite used to consistent combos. So, I'd recommend you to keep combos more consistent in Normal, too.
  3. 01:45:318 (5,3,4) - that was quite sudden. Provided that you don't really use stacks in this difficulty this one feels extra.
  4. 02:07:362 (4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3) - try to avoid long chains of circles. While they make sense with the vocals, they require insane amount of accuracy and feel rather boring at the same time. Use those carefully!

    The velocity multiplier during kiais feels a bit too harsh to me. I'd probably go with smething like x1.15 or so, but the difficuly doesn't introduce any 1/2 beats. So, it is probably not a bad choice.
  1. The whole intro is packed with sliders like 00:03:577 (4) - beginning and ending on equally strong beats. Try to avoid this kind of things and make strong beats clickable. Relacing such sliders with two circles or shorter sliders should be a good idea.
  2. A lot of rhytmical inconsistencies are here. Let's point a few examples. Here, 00:44:104 (2) - we have a slider going for the vocals ignoring the drums and making a strong beat at the white tick unclickable. But later on we also ignore vocals at 00:45:121. Those things are catchable via testplay, so you can go through the song paying more attention to those things.
    Note: *Click here* to get a better idea of what I am talking about.
  1. I disagree with your choice of Distance Spacing here. x1.8 doesn't seem to be working here. It makes slider feel considerably slower than the rest of the map, resuling in a very choppy feeling during the gameplay. Feel free o get more opinions, it could be just me, though.
  2. Something similar applies to jumps. Those are also used here incorrectly. For example, here 02:14:483 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - they are used to make the slow part jumpy while the song isn't calling for it.

    Try to make sure that everything including your DS choice and jump usage follows the song. Also, rhythmical issues listed in hard are still present here to a certain deegree. A few of those things also appear in the Little Girl difficulty. Be sure to focus your beatmapping in following the song as close as possible.
Not a bad set for the start of your mapping career!


Good luck!
Thanks Bakari! I'll be working on this
Hi~ From my modding queue

Umm, the BPM 176.92 ? Not 177 ?


In a Easy diff, the better is to make NC regularly, all new combos all the 4/1 beats, for exemple, but we can't really apply something like this in a map where the bpm changes for exemple ;)


00:04:933 - Add Circle

00:05:612 (4) - NC

00:11:038 (8,9,10,11) - 4 circles in Easy diff... Not really good.

00:11:038 (8) - NC

00:25:960 (1) - Delete NC

00:27:316 (2) - NC

00:30:029 (1) - Delete NC

00:32:743 (3) - NC

00:49:021 (4) - NC

00:50:378 (1) - Delete NC

00:51:734 (2) - NC

00:54:447 (4) - NC

00:59:873 (6) - NC

01:02:587 (11) - NC

01:13:439 (1) - Delete NC

01:16:152 (3) - NC

01:18:187 (1) - Delete NC

01:21:578 (4) - NC

01:32:431 (3) - NC

01:40:570 (1) - Delete NC

01:43:283 (2) - NC

01:44:639 (1) - Delete NC

02:34:832 (1) - Delete NC

02:37:545 (2) - NC


00:32:743 (1,2,3) - Add 1 or 2 circles in this pattern.

00:46:308 (1,2) - Delete 2 & add reverse

01:23:274 (3) - Make the same slider with (2) and make symmetry

01:45:996 (1) - Don't make a straight slider

02:16:179 (1,2,3,4,5) - Add some circles and delete 1 or 2 sliders

That's all for me ;)
Topic Starter

Dono027 wrote:

Hi~ From my modding queue

Umm, the BPM 176.92 ? Not 177 ? I tried with 177 but in the end it feels out of time


In a Easy diff, the better is to make NC regularly, all new combos all the 4/1 beats, for exemple, but we can't really apply something like this in a map where the bpm changes for exemple ;)


00:04:933 - Add Circle

00:05:612 (4) - NC

00:11:038 (8,9,10,11) - 4 circles in Easy diff... Not really good.

00:11:038 (8) - NC

00:25:960 (1) - Delete NC

00:27:316 (2) - NC

00:30:029 (1) - Delete NC

00:32:743 (3) - NC

00:49:021 (4) - NC

00:50:378 (1) - Delete NC

00:51:734 (2) - NC

00:54:447 (4) - NC

00:59:873 (6) - NC

01:02:587 (11) - NC

01:13:439 (1) - Delete NC

01:16:152 (3) - NC

01:18:187 (1) - Delete NC

01:21:578 (4) - NC

01:32:431 (3) - NC

01:40:570 (1) - Delete NC

01:43:283 (2) - NC

01:44:639 (1) - Delete NC

02:34:832 (1) - Delete NC

02:37:545 (2) - NC
New Combos done


00:32:743 (1,2,3) - Add 1 or 2 circles in this pattern. done

00:46:308 (1,2) - Delete 2 & add reverse done done

01:23:274 (3) - Make the same slider with (2) and make symmetry done

01:45:996 (1) - Don't make a straight slider changed

02:16:179 (1,2,3,4,5) - Add some circles and delete 1 or 2 sliders done

That's all for me ;)
Thanks for your Mod :) :) :)
Hi from my queue :D

  1. The first Kiai in Normal and the second Kiai in Little Girl is different than the the other diffs
  2. I suggest you put some more hitsounds on the chorus because it feels kinda bland right now. At least add a cymbal at the downbeat or a clap on each second and fourth white tick. Or you can try to imitate the hitsounds on Little Girl diff for your other diffs
  3. Lower Little Girl tick rate to 1
  1. 00:21:890 (1) - This shape could use some improvement
  2. 01:05:300 (1,2) - Balance their corners?
  3. 01:27:004 (1) - The corner is covered up by the sliderend and it's not allowed in Easy. I recommend you balance the corner to avoid this
  4. 01:59:561 (1) - It almost looks like a straight slider. Why not just remove the anchor points altogether?
  5. 02:15:840 (1,2,3) - These look really imbalanced
  1. 00:26:977 - Circle here
  2. 00:54:108 (4,2) - Fix slight overlap
  3. 00:54:447 (1,3) - ^
  4. 01:39:892 (4,5) - Make (4) a slider and (5) a circle then add a circle at the downbeat
  5. 02:02:275 (1,3) - I think you could change this to a better shape. Its path is pretty bad with its current lenngth
  6. 02:04:988 (7) - NC here, remove NC here 02:05:666 (1) -
  7. 02:09:057 (1,4) - Fix slight overlap
  8. 02:11:770 (1) - Move this (the head) to x:60 y:56 and this 02:14:483 (2) - to x:452 y:324
  9. 02:38:901 (3,1) - Fix overlap
  10. 02:40:258 (1) - Remove all the repeats and make a sliderart with the long slider
  11. 02:42:632 (1) - Change this to a circle then add another circle where the slider used to end
  1. My NC suggestions are to keep consistency because in the chorus you seem to alternate the new NC between every big white tick and every two big thite ticks.
  2. 00:24:603 (1) - Balance the corner
  3. 00:36:812 (7) - NC
  4. 00:44:951 (6) - ^
  5. 00:50:378 (6) - ^
  6. 00:53:091 (7) - ^
  7. 01:01:230 (6) - ^
  8. 01:28:361 (6) - ^
  9. 01:33:787 (6) - ^
  10. 01:36:500 (7) - ^
  11. 01:44:639 (6) - ^
  12. 01:50:574 (7) - NC here maybe?
  13. 01:55:491 (1,2,3,4) - Imperfect pattern here. (1) and (2) is rotating anti0clockwise but (3) and (4) goes clockwise which breaks the rotating flow
  14. 02:22:623 (6) - NC
  15. 02:28:049 (6) - ^
  16. 02:30:762 (7) - ^
  17. 02:32:119 (1,2,3) - Fix the slight overlap
  18. 02:38:901 (6) - NC
  19. 02:42:971 (5) - NC for downbeat
  20. 02:45:684 (7) - NC here too
  21. Sory for NC spam. Everything else is good already. The only issues are the NCs and some little things here.
Little Girl
  1. Same NC thing. Try to apply the same thing that I pointed out on Insane
  2. 00:02:899 (6) - NC here, remove NC here00:03:577 (1) - , NC here 00:05:612 (5) - and here 00:06:968 (8) - , remove NC here00:07:816 (1) - , and NC here 00:08:325 (4) -
  3. 00:05:612 (5,6) - Sudden jump really confusing
  4. 00:06:968 (8,1) - ^
  5. 00:13:073 (3) - Shape can be improved
  6. 00:23:416 (9) - You don't need the second last point to make the curve
  7. 00:31:556 (7) - This is imbalanced
  8. 00:35:117 (10,1,2,3,4) - Fix overlap
  9. 00:39:186 (5,7,9) - ^
  10. 00:40:882 (1,2) - Blanket
  11. 00:49:699 (4,5) - ctrl+g this and ctrl+g this 00:50:039 (6,7) -
  12. 00:54:447 (1,2) - Fix overlap
  13. 01:36:670 (1,2,3,4,5) - Do a proper star pattern
  14. 01:37:856 (1,2) - Fix overlap
  15. 01:48:709 (1,3,4) - ^

That's all for my mod! Hope this helps and good luck with your map! :D
Topic Starter

Cagrux wrote:

Hi from my queue :D

  1. The first Kiai in Normal and the second Kiai in Little Girl is different than the the other diffs Fixed, all diffs with same kiai now.
  2. I suggest you put some more hitsounds on the chorus because it feels kinda bland right now. At least add a cymbal at the downbeat or a clap on each second and fourth white tick. Or you can try to imitate the hitsounds on Little Girl diff for your other diffs ur right, I'll try to add more hitsounds but I'm not really good at this.
  3. Lower Little Girl tick rate to 1 Done
  1. 00:21:890 (1) - This shape could use some improvement I made it more symmetrical
  2. 01:05:300 (1,2) - Balance their corners? done
  3. 01:27:004 (1) - The corner is covered up by the sliderend and it's not allowed in Easy. I recommend you balance the corner to avoid this fixed
  4. 01:59:561 (1) - It almost looks like a straight slider. Why not just remove the anchor points altogether? I made a straight slider
  5. 02:15:840 (1,2,3) - These look really imbalanced I re-made it
  1. 00:26:977 - Circle here Done
  2. 00:54:108 (4,2) - Fix slight overlap fixed
  3. 00:54:447 (1,3) - ^ Fixed
  4. 01:39:892 (4,5) - Make (4) a slider and (5) a circle then add a circle at the downbeat Done
  5. 02:02:275 (1,3) - I think you could change this to a better shape. Its path is pretty bad with its current lenngth I re-made it
  6. 02:04:988 (7) - NC here, remove NC here 02:05:666 (1) - Done
  7. 02:09:057 (1,4) - Fix slight overlap Fixed
  8. 02:11:770 (1) - Move this (the head) to x:60 y:56 and this 02:14:483 (2) - to x:452 y:324 Done
  9. 02:38:901 (3,1) - Fix overlap Fixed
  10. 02:40:258 (1) - Remove all the repeats and make a sliderart with the long slider I tryed a few sliderarts but no one convinced me, I just made a blancket, maybe I'll try other sliderarts later
  11. 02:42:632 (1) - Change this to a circle then add another circle where the slider used to end Changed, but in place to put a circle in the downbeat I preferred to made a slider
  1. My NC suggestions are to keep consistency because in the chorus you seem to alternate the new NC between every big white tick and every two big thite ticks.
  2. 00:24:603 (1) - Balance the corner
  3. 00:36:812 (7) - NC
  4. 00:44:951 (6) - ^
  5. 00:50:378 (6) - ^
  6. 00:53:091 (7) - ^
  7. 01:01:230 (6) - ^
  8. 01:28:361 (6) - ^
  9. 01:33:787 (6) - ^
  10. 01:36:500 (7) - ^
  11. 01:44:639 (6) - ^
  12. 01:50:574 (7) - NC here maybe?
  13. 01:55:491 (1,2,3,4) - Imperfect pattern here. (1) and (2) is rotating anti0clockwise but (3) and (4) goes clockwise which breaks the rotating flow
  14. 02:22:623 (6) - NC
  15. 02:28:049 (6) - ^
  16. 02:30:762 (7) - ^
  17. 02:32:119 (1,2,3) - Fix the slight overlap
  18. 02:38:901 (6) - NC
  19. 02:42:971 (5) - NC for downbeat
  20. 02:45:684 (7) - NC here too
  21. Sory for NC spam. Everything else is good already. The only issues are the NCs and some little things here.
  22. All fixed
Little Girl
  1. Same NC thing. Try to apply the same thing that I pointed out on Insane
  2. 00:02:899 (6) - NC here, remove NC here00:03:577 (1) - , NC here 00:05:612 (5) - and here 00:06:968 (8) - , remove NC here00:07:816 (1) - , and NC here 00:08:325 (4) - Done
  3. 00:05:612 (5,6) - Sudden jump really confusing
  4. 00:06:968 (8,1) - ^ both fixed
  5. 00:13:073 (3) - Shape can be improved I made it more symmetrical
  6. 00:23:416 (9) - You don't need the second last point to make the curve Fixed
  7. 00:31:556 (7) - This is imbalanced fixed up, now it's perfectly symmetrical
  8. 00:35:117 (10,1,2,3,4) - Fix overlap
  9. 00:39:186 (5,7,9) - ^ Fixed both
  10. 00:40:882 (1,2) - Blanket Done
  11. 00:49:699 (4,5) - ctrl+g this and ctrl+g this 00:50:039 (6,7) - Interesting, I did it
  12. 00:54:447 (1,2) - Fix overlap Fixed
  13. 01:36:670 (1,2,3,4,5) - Do a proper star pattern Done
  14. 01:37:856 (1,2) - Fix overlap Fixed
  15. 01:48:709 (1,3,4) - ^ Fixed too

That's all for my mod! Hope this helps and good luck with your map! :D
Thanks for your mod! :) :) :)
Chibi Maruko
Hi. From my queue


  1. 00:05:612 (1) - Sliderwave can be improved. Please fix this. That slider can't be sliderwave
  2. 00:09:681 (5) - NC here
  3. 00:15:786 (5) - Blanket can be improved. this is nice
  4. 00:23:247 (8) - NC here
  5. 00:36:812 (8) - ^
  6. 00:44:273 (3,4,5,6) - Why is these random spacing? Please fix these to normally DS
  7. 00:53:939 (10) - Please fix this to blanket or something. I guess this is not sliderwave. I think it is random slider O.o
  8. 00:55:804 (5) - NC here
  9. 01:09:369 (6) - ^
  10. 01:13:439 (6) - ^
  11. 01:30:565 (6) - I think this slider too much random. Please change into blanket or something
  12. 01:48:709 (1) - Please remove clap. It's confusing for hitsounds. Add finish
  13. 01:56:848 (5) - NC here
  14. 01:59:561 - stop at this time idk what Im saying :p
  15. 02:29:405 (6) - NC here
  16. 02:30:762 (6) - ^
  17. 02:37:206 (6) - ^
  18. 02:38:901 (6) - ^
  19. 02:45:684 (4) - ^

Ok, gl with ur map \:D/
sorry /me run away
Topic Starter
Wow that was fast!

Chibi Maruko wrote:

Hi. From my queue


  1. 00:05:612 (1) - Sliderwave can be improved. Please fix this. That slider can't be sliderwave fixed
  2. 00:09:681 (5) - NC here done
  3. 00:15:786 (5) - Blanket can be improved. this is nice yep, fixed
  4. 00:23:247 (8) - NC here donex2
  5. 00:36:812 (8) - ^
  6. 00:44:273 (3,4,5,6) - Why is these random spacing? Please fix these to normally DS I made the same patern using diferent DS between notes.
  7. 00:53:939 (10) - Please fix this to blanket or something. I guess this is not sliderwave. I think it is random slider O.o Fixed
  8. 00:55:804 (5) - NC here donex3
  9. 01:09:369 (6) - ^
  10. 01:13:439 (6) - ^
  11. 01:30:565 (6) - I think this slider too much random. Please change into blanket or something I like how it's now, I don't think it's random
  12. 01:48:709 (1) - Please remove clap. It's confusing for hitsounds. Add finish fixed
  13. 01:56:848 (5) - NC here done
  14. 01:59:561 - stop at this time idk what Im saying :p I think it's good how it's now, if it's mentioned again I will consider changing it
  15. 02:29:405 (6) - NC here donex5
  16. 02:30:762 (6) - ^
  17. 02:37:206 (6) - ^
  18. 02:38:901 (6) - ^
  19. 02:45:684 (4) - ^

Ok, gl with ur map \:D/
sorry /me run away
Really Thanks for modding!! :) :) :D :D
From my queue

1pc test play
[Little Girl]
00:44:782 (6) - NC
00:58:687 (4) - ^
02:34:662 (7,1) - awkward spacing, since this part is jumpy, suggest to make it bigger
02:37:545 (8) - NC
02:38:053 (1) - NC off
02:38:901 (6) - NC
give you some place that was overlapped, suggest to change the shape, stick together or remap it, your map it would be more clean after you fixed these
00:29:012 (2,4) - 00:33:251 (2,4,4) - 00:34:269 (2,6) - 00:36:812 (1,2,3,4) - 00:37:490 (3,1) - 00:45:969 (12,3,4) - 00:46:308 (1,5) - 00:59:365 (8,1) - 01:26:326 (7,1) - 01:28:700 (4,8) - 01:32:770 (2,4) - 01:35:652 (3,6) - 01:40:231 (5,1) - 01:51:931 (3,5) - 01:57:188 (2,4) - 02:22:792 (7,9,12) - 02:44:836 (1,3) -

1pc test play
i always hit faster =w=, try offset 196
00:42:578 (6,7,8) - stick at the end of slider 4
00:44:782 (5) - stick with 2
01:03:774 (6) - the vocal sound like a 1/1 slider here
01:13:269 (9) - stick to the end of slider 5
01:20:222 (7) - NC
01:47:183 - same with 01:03:774 (6)
01:51:253 - the vocal actually start here..., move 01:51:422 (1) - to 01:51:253 -
01:58:205 (1,2,3,4,5) - make DS bigge or stick all together, really weird to play, especially HR OWO
02:46:871 - same with 01:03:774 (6)
same like Little Girl diff, some overlap need to fix 00:29:012 (6,1) - 00:33:251 (2,4,5) - 00:34:099 (5,7) - 00:53:091 (1,3) - 01:19:543 (4,5,7) - 01:33:618 (5,4) - 01:39:383 (4,6) - 01:52:440 (4,6) - 02:27:540 (4,1) - 02:30:253 (5,1) - 02:31:609 (5,1) -

i dont think overlap is really a problem in Insane diff, cause it doesnt effect the player playing the maps, but i still need to mention it cause im modding it XD, but in Little Girl diff i think you really need to consider remap some parts
and i think Insane diff is better then Little Girl diff LOL
shoot a star :D (for Insane diff and the song :33
Hey from my queue o/
I wrote that i'm not going to mod it yesterday since i won't find any mistakes. i'm gonna try it nevertheless since i like this map and would love to see it ranked :3


- 02:40:258 i understand what you did there but i would consider not doing this sudden break in kiai. aimod also suggests it.
- I guess you already know that hitsounds are missing in most difficulties
- It seems to be mostly fine but there are some parts in i guess every difficulty where the new combo's don't look right. try to use this as a guideline:

monstrata wrote:

NC (New Combo) Pattern Issues
This is a general issue. Once you've mastered how to do NC's, you'll know them for life!
NC's should be placed on the downbeat because that is the start of a new measure in a song. Lets look at the timeline: The large white ticks are the downbeats. Always try to have a New combo there. For easier difficulties, you may choose to NC every second downbeat, but make sure your pattern is consistent! If you NC every downbeat, don't randomly switch to every two downbeats. Only do so if the music shifts (for example, during a calm section or a slow-down).

Essentially, you want every downbeat to be the beginning of a New Combo, as such:

Another reason to NC may be because you are using a different slider-velocity.
NC'ing the slider gives the player a better visual cue that the slider may be faster, or slower, and because of your NC, they will have more time to prepare.

- 00:42:238 i would add a note here. maybe stacked to the end of the last slider but that's up to you.
- It wouldn't be bad if there was a spinner somewhere. It is a guideline to have at least 1 spinner in every difficulty. I think this is especially important in easy difficulties since there are people doing this with fl+hr+hd+dt and in that case it's good to have a spinner to get a definite first place in my opinion :x for reference: t/385507


- Think about adding a spinner here as well although it's not aaaas important as in easy imho.


- Looks perfectly fine to me.


- 01:47:343 I would personally change the sampleset to normal.
- 02:25:336 wow, this pattern looks hard. think about making it a little easier. just a suggestion though. (edit: it looks harder than it plays. i'll still let that suggestion here)

Little Girl:

- Looks fine as well

good luck with this :3 If i get enough kudosu i might shoot a star sometime since i really like it :3

Yo, NM mod from queue.
Remember, I'm just expressing my opinion, so please don't take critism as offense, thanks~ c:


● Nice Hitsounds!
● BG is 1 pixel to small for me, but that shouldn't be a problem.
● I really dislike the blue combo colour. It's so strongly coloured, could you make it darker or brighter please?


● Well, you have to fix all snapping issues in the AIMod. Listed in the difficulty appropriate gameplay elements.

● That's all for Easy.


● Same with AIMod

● 00:06:629 (2,3) - The following slider of 2 flows not fluently. I recommend changing the slider shape.
● That's all for Normal.


● 00:10:360 (7,1) - These are overlapping. Doesn't really look nice, does it?
● 00:32:064 (7) - X431 for perfect stack.
● 00:37:830 (9,2) - Overlapping~
● 00:44:612 (4) - I'd prefer the slider looking somehow like this.

● 00:47:665 (5,6,7,8) - Please change them somehow like the puush below, so they don't look so squished into one place. It looks waaaay better.

● 00:52:752 (4,6) - Overlapps. Meeeeeh.
● 01:31:413 (6,7) - How about CTRL+G these to make things more interesting?
● 01:34:465 (7,1) - Dem overlapps tho
● 01:37:857 (1,2,3) - Tbh, these slider look boring. Make them more interesting please.
● 01:41:587 (3) - Move 6 up so it doesn't touch the previous sliders.
● 01:53:287 (7) - X191 for perfect stack.
● 02:14:992 (2) - Y148 ^
● 02:24:997 (4,5,6,7,8) - This looks messy~ :c
● 02:27:032 (2) - X393 Y205 for perfect stack.
● 02:32:119 (1,2,3) - Looks messy as well.
● 02:34:832 (1,2,3) - The stacks could be better. (too lazy to do it myself =w=)
● 02:45:006 (3,5) - Overlapping.


● 00:22:568 (3,6) - These are slightly touching each other.
● 00:27:316 (1,3) - Pull these further away and correct the blanket.
● I'll actually skip this difficulty, I'd rather make the hardest difficulty more fun! >:3

Little Girl

● Pull the AR to 9,5 please.
● 00:37:151 (9) - X376 Y72 and 00:37:490 (10) - X174 Y314 to make the jump more interesting. Last move 00:37:830 (11) - to X224 Y48

● 00:45:630 (10) - X395 Y337 to stack with 00:44:612 (5) - and make the jump more interesting.
● 00:46:647 (3,4) - Pull these away from - 00:45:969 (12) -
● 00:50:378 (1,2,3) - How about copy and pasting instead of these - 00:50:886 (4,5,6) - to make the pattern less messy?
● 01:01:060 (5,1,2,3,4,5) - This pattern is quite messy due to the overlapping~
● 01:11:235 (2) - Move like 5 down to avoid this one staying to close to the previous sliders.
● 01:40:231 (5) - X234 Y204 for stack with -01:40:570 (1) -
● 01:42:774 (8) - Move this one ontop of the next slider. Looks less messy~
● 01:56:509 (4) - Move to X331 Y229 for stack and more distance.
● 02:25:336 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Moving this pattern to the upper right would cause to too look less messy.

That's it with my mod! Good luck rankin'! C:
Topic Starter
I'm having troubles with the HDD, I will be updating the mods as fast as I fix it.
Topic Starter

SnowNiNo_ wrote:

From my queue

1pc test play
[Little Girl]
00:44:782 (6) - NC Donex2
00:58:687 (4) - ^
02:34:662 (7,1) - awkward spacing, since this part is jumpy, suggest to make it bigger Fixed
02:37:545 (8) - NC Donex3
02:38:053 (1) - NC off
02:38:901 (6) - NC
give you some place that was overlapped, suggest to change the shape, stick together or remap it, your map it would be more clean after you fixed these
00:29:012 (2,4) - 00:33:251 (2,4,4) - 00:34:269 (2,6) - 00:36:812 (1,2,3,4) - 00:37:490 (3,1) - 00:45:969 (12,3,4) - 00:46:308 (1,5) - 00:59:365 (8,1) - 01:26:326 (7,1) - 01:28:700 (4,8) - 01:32:770 (2,4) - 01:35:652 (3,6) - 01:40:231 (5,1) - 01:51:931 (3,5) - 01:57:188 (2,4) - 02:22:792 (7,9,12) - 02:44:836 (1,3) - I'm working on this, I will be re-maping some parts of the song

1pc test play
i always hit faster =w=, try offset 196 I tried 194 (I've been listening carefully and I can't find the correct offset)
00:42:578 (6,7,8) - stick at the end of slider 4 Done
00:44:782 (5) - stick with 2 Done
01:03:774 (6) - the vocal sound like a 1/1 slider here Fixed
01:13:269 (9) - stick to the end of slider 5 Done
01:20:222 (7) - NC done
01:47:183 - same with 01:03:774 (6) Done
01:51:253 - the vocal actually start here..., move 01:51:422 (1) - to 01:51:253 - I wanted to follow the drums in that part and that's why I place it there, I like how it's now but I will change it if it's mentioned again
01:58:205 (1,2,3,4,5) - make DS bigge or stick all together, really weird to play, especially HR OWO Disagree, I don't feel this weird, I think it's good even with hr
02:46:871 - same with 01:03:774 (6) Fixed
same like Little Girl diff, some overlap need to fix 00:29:012 (6,1) - 00:33:251 (2,4,5) - 00:34:099 (5,7) - 00:53:091 (1,3) - 01:19:543 (4,5,7) - 01:33:618 (5,4) - 01:39:383 (4,6) - 01:52:440 (4,6) - 02:27:540 (4,1) - 02:30:253 (5,1) - 02:31:609 (5,1) - Not all but I changed some of this overlaps, there are someones that I don't feel them necesary to change.

i dont think overlap is really a problem in Insane diff, cause it doesnt effect the player playing the maps, but i still need to mention it cause im modding it XD, but in Little Girl diff i think you really need to consider remap some parts yep, agee with this, it's the first mapset diff I made and it's from 1 year ago. I was bad at mapping then, at least worst than now.
and i think Insane diff is better then Little Girl diff LOL
shoot a star :D (for Insane diff and the song :33 thankss so much :)
Sorry for answering late but I had a problem with the computer :( :? and Thanks for modding!! :)
Topic Starter

mulraf wrote:

Hey from my queue o/
I wrote that i'm not going to mod it yesterday since i won't find any mistakes. i'm gonna try it nevertheless since i like this map and would love to see it ranked :3


- 02:40:258 i understand what you did there but i would consider not doing this sudden break in kiai. aimod also suggests it. The kiai break feels good imo, the aimod suggests to don't use it less than 15 seconds, but the song finishes there
- I guess you already know that hitsounds are missing in most difficulties yes, I'll hitsound all difs soon
- It seems to be mostly fine but there are some parts in i guess every difficulty where the new combo's don't look right. try to use this as a guideline: thanks I'll have this on mind

monstrata wrote:

NC (New Combo) Pattern Issues
This is a general issue. Once you've mastered how to do NC's, you'll know them for life!
NC's should be placed on the downbeat because that is the start of a new measure in a song. Lets look at the timeline: The large white ticks are the downbeats. Always try to have a New combo there. For easier difficulties, you may choose to NC every second downbeat, but make sure your pattern is consistent! If you NC every downbeat, don't randomly switch to every two downbeats. Only do so if the music shifts (for example, during a calm section or a slow-down).

Essentially, you want every downbeat to be the beginning of a New Combo, as such:

Another reason to NC may be because you are using a different slider-velocity.
NC'ing the slider gives the player a better visual cue that the slider may be faster, or slower, and because of your NC, they will have more time to prepare.

- 00:42:238 i would add a note here. maybe stacked to the end of the last slider but that's up to you. Done
- It wouldn't be bad if there was a spinner somewhere. It is a guideline to have at least 1 spinner in every difficulty. I think this is especially important in easy difficulties since there are people doing this with fl+hr+hd+dt and in that case it's good to have a spinner to get a definite first place in my opinion :x for reference: t/385507 I can't find a part to use a spinner :cry:


- Think about adding a spinner here as well although it's not aaaas important as in easy imho.


- Looks perfectly fine to me.


- 01:47:343 I would personally change the sampleset to normal. good idea
- 02:25:336 wow, this pattern looks hard. think about making it a little easier. just a suggestion though. (edit: it looks harder than it plays. i'll still let that suggestion here) I think it's fine, maybe I'll reduce the DS if someone mentiont it again

Little Girl:

- Looks fine as well

good luck with this :3 If i get enough kudosu i might shoot a star sometime since i really like it :3 sorry for answering to late and Really thanks for the star :) :)
Thanks for modding!! :D :)

G3m4sSt4ffLP wrote:

Yo, NM mod from queue.
Remember, I'm just expressing my opinion, so please don't take critism as offense, thanks~ c:


● Nice Hitsounds! all difs will be hitsounded soon
● BG is 1 pixel to small for me, but that shouldn't be a problem.
● I really dislike the blue combo colour. It's so strongly coloured, could you make it darker or brighter please? Changed


● Well, you have to fix all snapping issues in the AIMod. Listed in the difficulty appropriate gameplay elements. Fixed

● That's all for Easy.


● Same with AIMod

● 00:06:629 (2,3) - The following slider of 2 flows not fluently. I recommend changing the slider shape. Changed
● That's all for Normal.


● 00:10:360 (7,1) - These are overlapping. Doesn't really look nice, does it? Fixed
● 00:32:064 (7) - X431 for perfect stack. Done
● 00:37:830 (9,2) - Overlapping~ fixed
● 00:44:612 (4) - I'd prefer the slider looking somehow like this. Good idea

● 00:47:665 (5,6,7,8) - Please change them somehow like the puush below, so they don't look so squished into one place. It looks waaaay better. u right, fixed

● 00:52:752 (4,6) - Overlapps. Meeeeeh. Fixed
● 01:31:413 (6,7) - How about CTRL+G these to make things more interesting? good idea
● 01:34:465 (7,1) - Dem overlapps tho fixed
● 01:37:857 (1,2,3) - Tbh, these slider look boring. Make them more interesting please. Why boring? I like the patern
● 01:41:587 (3) - Move 6 up so it doesn't touch the previous sliders. Done
● 01:53:287 (7) - X191 for perfect stack. Done
● 02:14:992 (2) - Y148 ^ Done
● 02:24:997 (4,5,6,7,8) - This looks messy~ :c Fixed
● 02:27:032 (2) - X393 Y205 for perfect stack. changed
● 02:32:119 (1,2,3) - Looks messy as well. Changed
● 02:34:832 (1,2,3) - The stacks could be better. (too lazy to do it myself =w=) Fixed
● 02:45:006 (3,5) - Overlapping. fixed


● 00:22:568 (3,6) - These are slightly touching each other. Fixed
● 00:27:316 (1,3) - Pull these further away and correct the blanket. why? I like how it's now
● I'll actually skip this difficulty, I'd rather make the hardest difficulty more fun! >:3

Little Girl

● Pull the AR to 9,5 please. I think it's too much 9.5, it's a 177bpm song
● 00:37:151 (9) - X376 Y72 and 00:37:490 (10) - X174 Y314 to make the jump more interesting. Last move 00:37:830 (11) - to X224 Y48 I changed it but not exactly how u say

● 00:45:630 (10) - X395 Y337 to stack with 00:44:612 (5) - and make the jump more interesting. I made something similar
● 00:46:647 (3,4) - Pull these away from - 00:45:969 (12) - changed
● 00:50:378 (1,2,3) - How about copy and pasting instead of these - 00:50:886 (4,5,6) - to make the pattern less messy? changed
● 01:01:060 (5,1,2,3,4,5) - This pattern is quite messy due to the overlapping~ fixed
● 01:11:235 (2) - Move like 5 down to avoid this one staying to close to the previous sliders. Done
● 01:40:231 (5) - X234 Y204 for stack with -01:40:570 (1) - done
01:42:774 (8) - Move this one ontop of the next slider. Looks less messy~ changed
● 01:56:509 (4) - Move to X331 Y229 for stack and more distance. Done
● 02:25:336 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Moving this pattern to the upper right would cause to too look less messy. I want the pattern to stay in the middle of the grid

That's it with my mod! Good luck rankin'! C:
Thanks!! and sorry for aswring late.
Thanks for modding, help a lot :) :)
hi! random person who found you map and wanted it ranked enough to mod it.

before i begin mod, I FC'd sight read so it's readable as is, but imo there are some things that can be done to possibly improve flow (if anything in my mod feels invasive to your style, please omit the mod, im cool with that C:). plz first tho, move offset on all difficulties -29, red tic should start at 00:00:165 (it's noticeable everywhere but 02:10:393 made me certain xD)

Little Girl
-Again, fix offset
-You change the DS when you space notes like 02:41:762 (2,4,6,2) and 01:30:375 (5,1,6) that it's hardly worth using (this map's flow would be so much better if you could get this down, I'm honestly excited for this map xD)
-Your streams are awesome and fit very nicely
-Your rhythm is on point, nothing overmapped to rhythm in this one C:
-I personally agree with your Kiai timings
-Your background is dope as fuck and let's just be honest, IA is waifu status I mean c'mon

00:13:052 (3,2) - only notes in the intro that stack awkwardly, can be fixed by (imo) selecting 00:13:730 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) and snapping 00:13:900 (2) to the start of 00:13:052 (3)

00:45:609 (5,6) - Ctrl+G imo

00:48:322 (5,6) - Ctrl+G imo

00:49:339 (2,4,2) - inconsistent distance spacing (only noticed because it's going in the same direction)

00:52:391 (3) - make second note and 00:52:222 (2) - make fourth note imo

00:58:835 (2,3) - Ctrl+G imo

01:14:097 (2,1) - directional stacking thing again (sry i guess im anal retentive xD)

01:18:675 (2,3) - Ctrl+G as well as 01:19:353 (6,7) - Ctrl+G imo

01:22:066 (2,7,11) - double check that to make sure the snapping is right

01:30:205 (4,5) - Ctrl+G imo

01:35:801 (4) - make second, 01:35:462 (2) - make third, 01:35:631 (3) - make fourth imo

01:56:488 (4,3) - stacking thing again (fuck me right lmao)

01:59:540 - the break should start here, add some more notes

02:24:297 (3,4) - Ctrl+G

02:29:723 (3,6,8) - fix directional snapping / stacking in this section, here is most noticeable

02:33:624 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - you should make the second triangle slightly rotated (using correct DS) to improve reading for people here (and it will look nicer)

02:38:541 (7,8) - Ctrl+G imo

02:39:898 (7,8) - Ctrl+G imo

02:41:762 (2,4,6,2) - directional snapping / stacking fix

02:43:628 (4,5) - Ctrl+G
I hope good things will happen to this map C: , now please enjoy this complimentary meme that comes with all my mods
Complimentary meme that comes with all of my mods
When someone tells you

Your response
Topic Starter
The ones I don't quote is cause they have been fixed or the pattern has been changed.

- Yoshimaro - wrote:

hi! random person who found you map and wanted it ranked enough to mod it.

before i begin mod, I FC'd sight read so it's readable as is, but imo there are some things that can be done to possibly improve flow (if anything in my mod feels invasive to your style, please omit the mod, im cool with that C:). plz first tho, move offset on all difficulties -29, red tic should start at 00:00:165 (it's noticeable everywhere but 02:10:393 made me certain xD) Fixed

Little Girl
-Again, fix offset Fixed again (?
-You change the DS when you space notes like 02:41:762 (2,4,6,2) and 01:30:375 (5,1,6) that it's hardly worth using (this map's flow would be so much better if you could get this down, I'm honestly excited for this map xD)
-Your streams are awesome and fit very nicely
-Your rhythm is on point, nothing overmapped to rhythm in this one C:
-I personally agree with your Kiai timings
-Your background is dope as fuck and let's just be honest, IA is waifu status I mean c'mon

00:13:052 (3,2) - only notes in the intro that stack awkwardly, can be fixed by (imo) selecting 00:13:730 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) and snapping 00:13:900 (2) to the start of 00:13:052 (3)

00:45:609 (5,6) - Ctrl+G imo

00:48:322 (5,6) - Ctrl+G imo I prefer the current pattern, still a good sugestion

00:49:339 (2,4,2) - inconsistent distance spacing (only noticed because it's going in the same direction)

00:52:391 (3) - make second note and 00:52:222 (2) - make fourth note imo

00:58:835 (2,3) - Ctrl+G imo

01:14:097 (2,1) - directional stacking thing again (sry i guess im anal retentive xD)

01:18:675 (2,3) - Ctrl+G as well as 01:19:353 (6,7) - Ctrl+G imo

01:22:066 (2,7,11) - double check that to make sure the snapping is right

01:30:205 (4,5) - Ctrl+G imo

01:35:801 (4) - make second, 01:35:462 (2) - make third, 01:35:631 (3) - make fourth imo

01:56:488 (4,3) - stacking thing again (fuck me right lmao)

01:59:540 - the break should start here, add some more notes Done

02:24:297 (3,4) - Ctrl+G

02:29:723 (3,6,8) - fix directional snapping / stacking in this section, here is most noticeable

02:33:624 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - you should make the second triangle slightly rotated (using correct DS) to improve reading for people here (and it will look nicer) Fixed

02:38:541 (7,8) - Ctrl+G imo

02:39:898 (7,8) - Ctrl+G imo

02:41:762 (2,4,6,2) - directional snapping / stacking fix

02:43:628 (4,5) - Ctrl+G
I hope good things will happen to this map C: , now please enjoy this complimentary meme that comes with all my mods
Complimentary meme that comes with all of my mods
When someone tells you

Your response
Thankss for modding !!!!! :) :) :) :)
- Frontier -

From this shit queue

00:13:731 (4) - just copy 00:12:375 (3) to make a pattern
00:22:041 (1) - move to 00:21:872
00:42:222 (5) - you can move to 116|180 to make blanket
00:51:719 (1) - NC
01:48:700 - note here or move break time to here
02:02:267 (3) - 152|92 for blanket

This diff should have 1/2 note.
00:02:878 (4) - slider
00:41:883 (1) - NC
00:44:936 (1) - ^
00:46:292 (1) - ^
01:40:899 (6) - ^
01:48:700 - note here or move break time to here

If you have Advanced diff, then you should have Hard diff. Advance and Hard diff aren't the same !!
00:27:977 (3) - ctrl+g
00:42:901 (7) - 172|204 for blanket
00:56:128 (5,6,7) - too hard jump
01:15:376 - Note here
01:47:683 - 01:48:700 - There are sounds here !! Don't skip it !!
01:58:197 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - single tap part :o Too hard for play with DT
02:32:115 (9) - NC

Good map !! Good luck :)
Get my stars XD
Topic Starter

- Frontier - wrote:

From this shit queue

00:13:731 (4) - just copy 00:12:375 (3) to make a pattern done
00:22:041 (1) - move to 00:21:872 wops! fixed
00:42:222 (5) - you can move to 116|180 to make blanket I don't wanna blanket it, I like the 00:40:187 (3) - and 00:42:222 (5) - spaced
00:51:719 (1) - NC done
01:48:700 - note here or move break time to here Done

02:02:267 (3) - 152|92 for blanket done

This diff should have 1/2 note.
00:02:878 (4) - slider no, cause I placed the notes only in the piano notes in that part.
00:41:883 (1) - NC
00:44:936 (1) - ^
00:46:292 (1) - ^
01:40:899 (6) - ^ Done all
01:48:700 - note here or move break time to here Done

If you have Advanced diff, then you should have Hard diff. Advance and Hard diff aren't the same !! then changed the name to hard
00:27:977 (3) - ctrl+g I prefer the current patern
00:42:901 (7) - 172|204 for blanket I'm not looking for a blanket there, the notes are vertical on purpose
00:56:128 (5,6,7) - too hard jump It's fine imo, but I'll have it on mind if it's mentioned again
01:15:376 - Note here I don't find any reason to place a note there, I don't hear a drum and I didn't place any kind of pattern like that i any part of the diff, I think it'll be a random note.
01:47:683 - 01:48:700 - There are sounds here !! Don't skip it !! It's ok imo, It's a little break, here 01:47:513 - finish the vocals and here 01:48:700 - start the drums
01:58:197 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - single tap part :o Too hard for play with DT alternating pls, the DS has been reduced there, it's not really hard
02:32:115 (9) - NC Done

Good map !! Good luck :)
Get my stars XD
Thanks for modding!! :) :) and really thanks for the star!!! :D :D :D
hi, from my queue
sorry for late :(

  1. 01:14:105 - add whistle
  2. 01:47:344 (2,3) - this part isn’t still calm part in contrast to around 01:03:929 - , so I prefer if there’re some hitsounds. so…
    1. 01:47:344 (2) - add whistle
    2. 01:48:700 (3) - add finish
    also keeping Kiai by 01:48:700 - is better.
  3. 02:42:968 (3) - NC this because there’s heavy finish sound.
  4. 02:44:325 (1) - then, remove NC.

  1. 00:36:795 (4) - to keep straight flow from 00:35:778 (1,2,3) - is better imo.
  2. 01:27:672 (2,3,4,5,6) - how about this flow?
  3. 01:47:344 (4,5,1) - same as Easy
  4. 02:14:478 (2,1) - fix this large spacing.
  5. 02:19:565 - it’s just my preference but try spinner like this.
  6. 02:44:664 - add clap

  1. 00:21:702 (3) - add NC because of heavy finish sound.
  2. 01:05:286 (3) - ^
  3. 01:47:174 (5) - same as Easy
  4. 02:10:408 (1) - add finish. cymbal is ringing.
  5. 02:19:396 (1) - how about shorten this spinner by 02:20:583 - ? something rings here.
  6. 02:23:635 (8,9,1) - you may be able to make better flow like this.
  7. 02:42:968 (5) - there’s first heavy finish sound so add NC.
  8. 02:44:325 (1) - then, this is just second so remove NC
  9. 02:45:682 (5) - and third, add NC.

  1. 00:56:807 (7,1) - I prefer if there’s a little jump. try to move 00:56:807 (7) - to (124,296)
  2. 01:47:174 (1,1) - same as Easy
  3. the vocal starts at 01:51:244 - so you should end stream by here.
  4. 02:10:408 (1) - add finish, same as Hard
  5. 02:19:396 (1) - same as Hard
  6. 02:42:968 (5) - add NC
  7. 02:44:325 (1) - remove NC
  8. 02:45:682 (7) - add NC

[Little Girl]
  1. spacing of 00:38:661 (2,4) - and that of 00:38:830 (3,5) - should be same imo.
  2. I would Ctrl+G 01:01:216 (1,2) - and 01:01:895 (5,6) - if I were you.
  3. 01:13:257 (7,1) - same spacing as 01:13:087 (6,7) - is better imo.
  4. 01:47:174 (1,1) - same as Easy
  5. 02:10:408 (1) - put finish, same as Hard
  6. 02:19:311 (1) - same as Hard
gl~ :)
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