
JJ Lin - Cao Cao

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2015年5月11日 at 16:18:19

Artist: JJ Lin
Title: Cao Cao
Tags: Hollow Wings 林俊杰 jun jie
BPM: 144
Filesize: 6514kb
Play Time: 03:58
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.6 stars, 204 notes)
  2. Hard (2.94 stars, 511 notes)
  3. HW's Insane (3.75 stars, 533 notes)
  4. Normal (2.13 stars, 348 notes)
Download: JJ Lin - Cao Cao
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
林俊杰 - 曹操

JJ Burst - 草草
  1. 00:55:963 (6) - 02:02:421 - 可以试下用1/2代替
  2. 02:47:213 (2,5) - 不如也用单点,比较有力度
  1. 00:26:796 (1) - 这部分比n稍微近了点。。。
  2. 00:47:213 - 叠的有点eggpain,试下错开些
  3. 02:25:130 - 并不十分顺手,试下两个三分折加个圈
  4. 03:23:046 - 03:29:713 - 加圈
[HW's Insane]
  1. ar+1
  2. 美丽

[HW's Insane]
00:02:630 (1) - 00:05:963 (1) - 00:09:296 (1) - 感觉NC有点多..
00:13:463 (1) - 这里事先没听过歌的人打很容易断,速度变化太大了
00:13:463 (1,1) - 这里不做1下blanket吗?
00:25:130 (1,2,3,4) - 这里感觉可以做下DS渐增
01:57:838 (5) - 间距大一点?
02:26:171 (8) - 加NC
03:59:296 最后转盘到这里结束 后面已经完全没声音了,顺便转盘末尾可以降一下音量

00:07:629 (2,3,4,5) - 4和2的间距改成和3和2的一样,好看一点
00:24:296 (3) - 放在左边也许好一点?现在这样和前面滑条一起感觉有点怪
00:25:963 (8) - 这个也是
00:36:796 (1) - 取消nc
00:51:796 (1) - 短1/4末尾用note?
00:59:088 (6) - 没叠好
00:59:296 (7,2) - blanket
01:08:880 (5) - 没叠好


:) :) :)
Topic Starter

[Twinkle] wrote:


[HW's Insane]
00:02:630 (1) - 00:05:963 (1) - 00:09:296 (1) - 感觉NC有点多..00:05:963 (1) -这个改了
00:13:463 (1) - 这里事先没听过歌的人打很容易断,速度变化太大了
00:13:463 (1,1) - 这里不做1下blanket吗?
00:25:130 (1,2,3,4) - 这里感觉可以做下DS渐增
01:57:838 (5) - 间距大一点?
02:26:171 (8) - 加NC 其他的没改
03:59:296 最后转盘到这里结束 后面已经完全没声音了,顺便转盘末尾可以降一下音量 fixed

00:07:629 (2,3,4,5) - 4和2的间距改成和3和2的一样,好看一点 这没关系的,本来就是两组
00:24:296 (3) - 放在左边也许好一点?现在这样和前面滑条一起感觉有点怪 flow啊
00:25:963 (8) - 这个也是
00:36:796 (1) - 取消nc 2小节nc
00:51:796 (1) - 短1/4末尾用note?简单点,insane可以这样
00:59:088 (6) - 没叠好,故意的,叠好就遮住了
00:59:296 (7,2) - blanket 反而会不好看的,早就是这样
01:08:880 (5) - 没叠好

这图看起来好挤,滑条速度有加快或者是加大DS 这样挺好的

:) :) :)
thanks for modding

AIR wrote:

  1. 00:55:963 (6) - 02:02:421 - 可以试下用1/2代替 试了下,然而效果并不是很明显
  2. 02:47:213 (2,5) - 不如也用单点,比较有力度 开始是怎么想的,想简单点,这个normal已经够难了
  1. 00:26:796 (1) - 这部分比n稍微近了点。。。
  2. 00:47:213 - 叠的有点eggpain,试下错开些 ok
  3. 02:25:130 - 并不十分顺手,试下两个三分折加个圈 02:25:963 - 早就想过了,然而这里是弱音,圈不好
  4. 03:23:046 - 03:29:713 - 加圈 不了
[HW's Insane]
  1. ar+1 insane要有点难度好吗
  2. 美丽
thanks for modding

if you are ready, pls call me back for mod.
[HW’s Insane]
  1. 最少也AR8吧,不過看上面回復低AR才是難的地方……不管了
  2. 02:12:525 - 漏了,你前面有加
    03:05:859 - ^
  1. hard的節奏應該是最滿的,總combo數比insane還多
  2. 00:26:796 - 到00:38:463 - 的音效應該再小聲點
    00:52:838 (2) - 這個不該加finish吧,你後面也沒加
    02:11:380 (3,4) - 3移左點blanket
    02:18:463 (4,5) - 互換會好點
    02:37:421 (2,3) - blanket
    03:15:546 (5,6) - blanket
  1. 00:52:838 (2) - 同樣normal這個不該加finish吧
    02:25:130 (4,5,6) - 5放4的前面吧,然後6移遠一點,接著02:26:796 (1) - 和02:27:630 (2) - ctrl+G
    03:53:046 (6,7) - 這兩個不要疊,因為你整個圖都沒疊過,不過我建議換成1/2滑條會更好
  1. nice diff

Overall Impression

Notice: If my understanding level is too low, I am not sure this mod will be really helpful.


HW's Insane
  1. My understanding level of you map: 80%
  2. My rating of you map: 85%
00:22:005 (1,3) - 对于我而言更倾向于3再进行flow的切断01:46:796 (1,2) - 交换
03:06:796 (1,2) - 之间flow还在,应该在03:07:629 (3,4) - 之间切断才对
03:14:296 (3) - x296y292
  1. My understanding level of you map: 100%
  2. My rating of you map: 90%
00:10:963 (2,3) - 可以做成锐角(切断flow)
00:13:463 - 这一段和之前一段竟然没有sv加速。。。你可以把之前的前奏换成0.8x
01:15:130 (4) - 没有NC的话看着有点违和
01:53:463 (1,2,3,4,5) - 02:34:088 (2,3) - 交换
03:03:463 (1,2) - 硬切flow?03:04:713 (4,5) - 这两个之间切更好
03:39:505 (8) - ctrl-J然后回原位
  1. My understanding level of you map: 100%
  2. My rating of you map: 95%
02:21:797 (4) - NC
02:25:130 (4,5,6) -
  1. My understanding level of you map: 100%
  2. My rating of you map: 95%
Topic Starter

ken2010123 wrote:

[HW’s Insane]
  1. 最少也AR8吧,不過看上面回復低AR才是難的地方……不管了
  2. 02:12:525 - 漏了,你前面有加
    03:05:859 - ^
  1. hard的節奏應該是最滿的,總combo數比insane還多
  2. 00:26:796 - 到00:38:463 - 的音效應該再小聲點
    00:52:838 (2) - 這個不該加finish吧,你後面也沒加ok
    02:11:380 (3,4) - 3移左點blanket
    02:18:463 (4,5) - 互換會好點34不能跳,56可以跳
    02:37:421 (2,3) - blanket
    03:15:546 (5,6) - blanket这图没用blanket风格
  1. 00:52:838 (2) - 同樣normal這個不該加finish吧ok
    02:25:130 (4,5,6) - 5放4的前面吧,然後6移遠一點,接著02:26:796 (1) - 和02:27:630 (2) - ctrl+G
    03:53:046 (6,7) - 這兩個不要疊,因為你整個圖都沒疊過,不過我建議換成1/2滑條會更好ok
  1. nice diff
thanks for modding

Shad0w1and wrote:


Overall Impression

Notice: If my understanding level is too low, I am not sure this mod will be really helpful.


  1. My understanding level of you map: 100%
  2. My rating of you map: 90%
00:10:963 (2,3) - 可以做成锐角(切断flow)ok
00:13:463 - 这一段和之前一段竟然没有sv加速。。。你可以把之前的前奏换成0.8x爷爷,前面是0.75
01:15:130 (4) - 没有NC的话看着有点违和 没有吧,三段都这样,整图都这样2小节1nc
01:53:463 (1,2,3,4,5) - 效果不是很明显,然而flow变差了02:34:088 (2,3) - 交换12不适合跳
03:03:463 (1,2) - 硬切flow?03:04:713 (4,5) - 这两个之间切更好问题不大
03:39:505 (8) - ctrl-J然后回原位不适合跳
  1. My understanding level of you map: 100%
  2. My rating of you map: 95%
[notice]02:21:797 (4) - NC2小节1nc
02:25:130 (4,5,6) - 改善不是很多,等有更好的办法再改
thanks for modding and star
注意BG右下角 似乎有类似签名和日期之类的东西 我觉得有可能造成不必要的麻烦

00:51:796 (4) - 建议减个速然后NC一下
01:58:462 (6) - ↑ 然后感觉减速后比01:57:838 (5)还短的话更好一些
02:19:713 (8) - 和02:18:880 (6,7)头部靠在一起如何
02:40:130 - 感觉这里最好还是放个circle
03:20:338 (2,1,2) - 有点莫名 03:20:755 和 03:21:588 空着感觉并不好

00:44:296 (4) - 锚点向右移动几个坐标 和00:44:921 (5)相对
02:22:422 (6,1) - 没叠好?
03:13:046 (8,2) - ↑

美丽 真心没啥可挑剔的 除了哨音
Topic Starter

KaedekaShizuru wrote:

注意BG右下角 似乎有类似签名和日期之类的东西 我觉得有可能造成不必要的麻烦
请允许我再一次庄严郑重地吐槽BG 慢慢找OTZ

我想说哨音用的简直……后面难度同 你肯定没更新音效
00:44:296 (4) - 锚点向右移动几个坐标 和00:44:921 (5)相对ok
02:22:422 (6,1) - 没叠好?这么明显,故意的啊,到处都是
03:13:046 (8,2) - ↑

美丽 真心没啥可挑剔的 除了哨音
thanks for modding

00:06:380 - 有个钢琴音没加

00:26:796 (1) - 这一段开始到00:38:880 (2) - 我觉得50%的音效听起来还是有点声音太大

00:39:088 (3) - 这个滑条的末尾感觉可以逐渐加大音量

00:38:463 (1,2,3,4,5) - 我觉得这里节奏这么下更好一点,00:39:296 - 这个地方是个重音,但是之前却只用了一个滑条尾,可能是缺少一点打击的感觉了,Rock里面可能表现的更加明显

00:47:838 (4) - 00:49:088 (3) - 00:49:713 (5) - NC?00:50:130 (1) - 这个取消NC?我更喜欢这样不知道你是不是,后面那两个一样的地方我也是一样的想法

00:51:796 (1) - 66666

00:59:088 (6) - (209,213)

01:06:171 (8) - 其实我觉得这里还可以拉一个类似问号形状的滑条来表现一下,不过也无所谓了

01:08:880 (5) - (177,149)

01:20:963 (3) - 要是我的话我会拉一个折返把1/2填满

02:01:171 (3) - 滑条的头似乎音量有点大?

02:22:213 (5,6,7,8,1) - 不知道你是不是故意错开一点的

02:40:130 - 这地方在加个note?

02:53:255 (4) - 这地方我觉得更适合和02:53:463 (1) - 叠一起,反正我打起来是这样更舒服,不管是开HR还是DT还是none

03:01:796 (4) - (331,273)

03:19:713 - 还是不喜欢把重音放在滑条尾,03:19:505 (4) - 改成两个circle 似乎不错

03:23:046 - 03:29:713 - 这两个地方我觉得加个note刚好,因为vocal 的音似乎是已经出来了,加上去可能会更加充实一点

03:55:963 - 我感觉这个地方的音量似乎比03:55:546 - 还要大一点,03:56:380 - 这里又突然小下去

Topic Starter

tm1209 wrote:


00:06:380 - 有个钢琴音没加

00:26:796 (1) - 这一段开始到00:38:880 (2) - 我觉得50%的音效听起来还是有点声音太大ok

00:39:088 (3) - 这个滑条的末尾感觉可以逐渐加大音量ok

00:38:463 (1,2,3,4,5) - 我觉得这里节奏这么下更好一点,00:39:296 - 这个地方是个重音,但是之前却只用了一个滑条尾,可能是缺少一点打击的感觉了,Rock里面可能表现的更加明显

00:47:838 (4) - 00:49:088 (3) - 00:49:713 (5) - NC?00:50:130 (1) - 这个取消NC?我更喜欢这样不知道你是不是,后面那两个一样的地方我也是一样的想法

00:51:796 (1) - 66666

00:59:088 (6) - (209,213)

01:06:171 (8) - 其实我觉得这里还可以拉一个类似问号形状的滑条来表现一下,不过也无所谓了

01:08:880 (5) - (177,149)

01:20:963 (3) - 要是我的话我会拉一个折返把1/2填满

02:01:171 (3) - 滑条的头似乎音量有点大?

02:22:213 (5,6,7,8,1) - 不知道你是不是故意错开一点的

02:40:130 - 这地方在加个note?

02:53:255 (4) - 这地方我觉得更适合和02:53:463 (1) - 叠一起,反正我打起来是这样更舒服,不管是开HR还是DT还是none

03:01:796 (4) - (331,273)

03:19:713 - 还是不喜欢把重音放在滑条尾,03:19:505 (4) - 改成两个circle 似乎不错

03:23:046 - 03:29:713 - 这两个地方我觉得加个note刚好,因为vocal 的音似乎是已经出来了,加上去可能会更加充实一点

03:55:963 - 我感觉这个地方的音量似乎比03:55:546 - 还要大一点,03:56:380 - 这里又突然小下去

thanks for modding and star
Aeonian Sonder
Yay~ JJ Lin~
I'm mapping right now 不死之身.
BPM : 72

參考 :

最近經常到用這個……儘管是事實然而無關緊要 ?

BG 找有女孩子的謝謝 :D



01:00:130 - 01:13:463 - 個人是建議用normal-clap 而不是soft-finish

00:52:630 - 01:59:296 - 後面用1/8的話這兩個也用上吧

02:24:713 (2,3) - 換成滑條降低後面1/3的難度 ?



把藍線去掉吧 orz ……

02:25:824 (1) - 去掉NC ?

00:00:130 - 關於開頭這片鋼琴,whistle我覺得跟高音或者跟右手比較好,也就是多加00:00:546 - 00:02:630 - 或者除了00:01:796 - 都加

00:25:963 (8,9) - 不要再複製了啦……是四個鼓

00:38:463 (1,2,3,4,5) - 應該都是白線起的節奏,我覺得用2個滑條表示鋼琴4個圈表示鼓點會合適的多

01:21:588 (4) - 對於滑條接圈,建議按照滑條頭離圈的距離考慮DS而不是面板上的DS,實際上這個位置常被用來下1/2

01:33:463 - 淡出的段落建議不要使用音效,或者用HW用的那種空靈型號的

03:23:046 - 個人是不建議有超過1/1的空拍,除了鼓什麼都都有我覺得可以加圈

03:28:046 - 03:29:713 - ^


01:33:463 - 按照你Easy的做法,你應該是計畫把這個break 拉到長白線的

01:45:130 - 各難度不統一逼死強迫症 …… easy 還特地拉到這……不如沒有 :D
Hollow Wings

ken2010123 wrote:

[HW’s Insane]
  1. 最少也AR8吧,不過看上面回復低AR才是難的地方……不管了 不改。
  2. 02:12:525 - 漏了,你前面有加 这里鼓点不一样。
    03:05:859 - ^

Shad0w1and wrote:

HW's Insane
  1. My understanding level of you map: 80%
  2. My rating of you map: 85%
[notice]00:22:005 (1,3) - 对于我而言更倾向于3再进行flow的切断01:46:796 (1,2) - 交换 不。
03:06:796 (1,2) - 之间flow还在,应该在03:07:629 (3,4) - 之间切断才对 在03:07:421 (2,3,4) - 是跟一整句lyric所以这么摆。
03:14:296 (3) - x296y292 不。

KaedekaShizuru wrote:

00:51:796 (4) - 建议减个速然后NC一下 这里就这样吧,没必要刻意做梗感觉,因为sv已经够低了。
01:58:462 (6) - ↑ 然后感觉减速后比01:57:838 (5)还短的话更好一些 ^
02:19:713 (8) - 和02:18:880 (6,7)头部靠在一起如何 organization锁死了,就这样吧。
02:40:130 - 感觉这里最好还是放个circle 不。
03:20:338 (2,1,2) - 有点莫名 03:20:755 和 03:21:588 空着感觉并不好 难得有那么特色的吉他轨,故意突出了一下。

Narcissu wrote:

BPM : 72 bpm144是对的,osu的bpm是翻倍的。


3.75星一般AR8 不。

01:00:130 - 01:13:463 - 個人是建議用normal-clap 而不是soft-finish 跟原曲而已。

00:52:630 - 01:59:296 - 後面用1/8的話這兩個也用上吧 可以,这个改了,01:59:270 (1) - 和02:52:630 (1) - 也改了。

02:24:713 (2,3) - 換成滑條降低後面1/3的難度 ? 不。
thx for modding!
Topic Starter

Narcissu wrote:

BPM : 72

參考 :

最近經常到用這個……儘管是事實然而無關緊要 ?

BG 找有女孩子的謝謝 :D 无所谓了


額,原來HW的音效是她自帶的,我建議你加編鐘【喂喂喂 本来就是照抄的不用改

把藍線去掉吧 orz ……

02:25:824 (1) - 去掉NC ?ok

00:00:130 - 關於開頭這片鋼琴,whistle我覺得跟高音或者跟右手比較好,也就是多加00:00:546 - 00:02:630 - 或者除了00:01:796 - 都加

00:25:963 (8,9) - 不要再複製了啦……是四個鼓

00:38:463 (1,2,3,4,5) - 應該都是白線起的節奏,我覺得用2個滑條表示鋼琴4個圈表示鼓點會合適的多 ok

01:21:588 (4) - 對於滑條接圈,建議按照滑條頭離圈的距離考慮DS而不是面板上的DS,實際上這個位置常被用來下1/2 稍微动了下

01:33:463 - 淡出的段落建議不要使用音效,或者用HW用的那種空靈型號的

03:23:046 - 個人是不建議有超過1/1的空拍,除了鼓什麼都都有我覺得可以加圈改了之后发现不太好,又改回去了

03:28:046 - 03:29:713 - ^


01:33:463 - 按照你Easy的做法,你應該是計畫把這個break 拉到長白線的ok

01:45:130 - 各難度不統一逼死強迫症 …… easy 還特地拉到這……不如沒有 :D
thanks for modding
Hollow Wings

Narcissu wrote:





而其他像什麼雨道啊 luv letter 在你“ownbeat在一个小节有两次而不是一次”的說法下是要翻倍的然而實際上都是使用了正確的BPM

BPM並非我定義的,而且我並不在意這個因為它一開始就是為了“方便”設定的,之所以用72而不是144是因為那樣簡潔,那麼看清事實的你知道到底為什麼作者用72嗎 ?


Hollow Wings

luv letter或者kanon那种只不过是没有适应osu采取不翻倍的措施而已,事实上如果那样做的话就导致了一半的downbeat没有被tick压到,此图如果用72也会造成这种情况。这类图就是少数那些没有被翻倍的图,然而大多数和翻倍后同bpm的图比较就会发现并无二致。

虽然,当然,怎么方便就怎么设定,然而如karen或者mallow flower那种才是正确的处理方式。

而且,你如果要坚持说144是错的,那么事实上几乎所有图的bpm对你来说等价是错的了,为什么不到所有pending map的thread挨个吼一遍呢。






Edit : 另外似乎你理解錯了我說的“為了方便而設定BPM”,我說的是五線譜下的設定而不是osu,然後方便也不是指隨心所欲,而是為了閱讀的人著想的“行方便之禮”。可以說,那是必然的數字而不是隨便你怎麼來的
Hollow Wings






Hollow Wings wrote:

然而我觉得144 是对的
Nice map
nice map
Aeonian Sonder
[HW's Insane]
00:26:796 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - Just suggestion, but don't base so many objects on the same point; it can get boring REAL quick
02:52:630 (1) - This is place on the beat differently from the previous two ( 00:52:603 (1) and 01:59:270 (1) )

00:24:296 (3) - Because this is not the hardest difficulty on the mapset, I'd avoid having a slider that come after another slider NOT under a slider unless the following slider longer it the situation is the other way around.

- There are several sliders in the regular maps that have normal hitsounds in both ends of the slider. I'm not sure if this was intentional, but if this wasn't, then please just have the hitsound on one end please. Double click on one of the ends of remove/add sound with the sample set.

Yeah, there's not much that I mod; I guess this map is ready, then.
I'll post again if I find more stuff.
Megurine Luka

EDIT: 144bpm是对的

Hollow Wings

-APXH wrote:

[HW's Insane]
00:26:796 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - Just suggestion, but don't base so many objects on the same point; it can get boring REAL quick lol that won't be boring if you have went through larger jumps before, those stack stuffs fit the quiet part very good imo.
02:52:630 (1) - This is place on the beat differently from the previous two ( 00:52:603 (1) and 01:59:270 (1) ) that's because the drum track's beats are different, too. listen to the original song carefully and you'll see.

Narcissu wrote:

Topic Starter

-APXH wrote:

00:24:296 (3) - Because this is not the hardest difficulty on the mapset, I'd avoid having a slider that come after another slider NOT under a slider unless the following slider longer it the situation is the other way around.ok

- There are several sliders in the regular maps that have normal hitsounds in both ends of the slider. I'm not sure if this was intentional, but if this wasn't, then please just have the hitsound on one end please. Double click on one of the ends of remove/add sound with the sample set.yes, this was intentional, like 01:03:463 (1) -

Yeah, there's not much that I mod; I guess this map is ready, then.
I'll post again if I find more stuff.
thanks for modding
Our Logs, let's hope for the best

2015-04-21 13:03 liangv587: hi`moenat, can you check bublled map?
2015-04-21 13:04 neonat: ?
2015-04-21 13:04 liangv587: yes :)
2015-04-21 13:07 liangv587: is your chinese pretty good?
2015-04-21 13:07 neonat: i can understand better than speak
2015-04-21 13:08 neonat: i dont mind if u want to speak chinese to me
2015-04-21 13:08 liangv587: lol
2015-04-21 13:08 neonat: i had to discuss with tm in chinese though lel
2015-04-21 13:09 neonat: unless u really want, i can try
2015-04-21 13:09 neonat: lol
2015-04-21 13:09 liangv587: can you understand the lyrics of this song
2015-04-21 13:09 neonat: yeh
2015-04-21 13:09 neonat: i listen to him
2015-04-21 13:09 neonat: 01:13:046 (4) - remove the whistle
2015-04-21 13:11 liangv587: same to 02:19:713 - ?
2015-04-21 13:11 liangv587: and 03:13:046 - ?
2015-04-21 13:11 neonat: yeh
2015-04-21 13:12 neonat: the drum stronger there, dont think whistle really fits
2015-04-21 13:12 neonat: if it appears in other difficulties you can do the same
2015-04-21 13:12 liangv587: ye
2015-04-21 13:12 liangv587: done
2015-04-21 13:17 neonat: 03:31:796 (4) - change rhythm? the beat at 03:32:838 - is really strong
2015-04-21 13:17 neonat: something like
2015-04-21 13:22 liangv587: done
2015-04-21 13:23 neonat: in normal i think better to shift 00:40:130 (1) - a little bit up, to around x:288 y: 40
2015-04-21 13:24 neonat: 00:47:213 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - this is quite dense compared to the rest lol
2015-04-21 13:26 neonat: i would recommend that you merge 00:47:421 (3,4,5,1) - into 2 sliders instead, but I'll leave it to you
2015-04-21 13:27 liangv587: 00:40:130 (1) - why shift this up
2015-04-21 13:27 neonat: would apply to 01:54:087 (3,4,5,1) - also
2015-04-21 13:27 neonat: feels better to move from previous object
2015-04-21 13:28 liangv587: low diff should distance snap
2015-04-21 13:28 neonat: i did use distance snap
2015-04-21 13:29 liangv587: 00:47:213 (2,3,4,5) - how about change them to sliders
2015-04-21 13:30 neonat: if u shift them to something like it should fit the distance
2015-04-21 13:31 liangv587: but it seems nothing changed
2015-04-21 13:31 neonat: i suggested 00:47:421 (3,4,5,1) - because if u switch to this it will still emphasize the right vovals
2015-04-21 13:31 neonat: but also reduce the density of that section
2015-04-21 13:32 liangv587: oh i see
2015-04-21 13:34 neonat: because that and 01:54:087 (3,4,5,1) - i think should have less clicks to balance out the Normal
2015-04-21 13:34 neonat: even denser than chorus lol
2015-04-21 13:34 liangv587: ok\
2015-04-21 13:34 neonat: that's all for Normal
2015-04-21 13:41 neonat: any reason for hitsounds to be different between 01:53:879 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - and 00:47:213 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - ? lol
2015-04-21 13:43 liangv587: are they different?
2015-04-21 13:43 neonat: ye
2015-04-21 13:43 liangv587: i copy the hitsound
2015-04-21 13:43 neonat: 00:48:671 (2) -
2015-04-21 13:44 neonat: and 01:55:338 (2) -
2015-04-21 13:44 neonat: one has whistle on end
2015-04-21 13:44 neonat: 00:49:088 (3) - and 01:55:755 (3) -
2015-04-21 13:45 neonat: 02:25:546 (5,6) - this? repeat slider i feel more comfortable
2015-04-21 13:46 neonat: well if it's intended the hitsounds to be different, then I understand
2015-04-21 13:46 neonat: I'm not sure so I ask you lol
2015-04-21 13:48 neonat: HW not online?
2015-04-21 13:48 liangv587: no
2015-04-21 13:48 liangv587: she went out
2015-04-21 13:49 neonat: today qualified maps all filled anyway
2015-04-21 13:49 neonat: lol
2015-04-21 13:52 liangv587: insane here02:25:963 (7,8,1) - -
2015-04-21 13:53 liangv587: should chenge to
2015-04-21 13:53 liangv587: i discussed with her
2015-04-21 13:53 neonat: 02:25:963 (7,8) - should be a bigger jump yeah lol
2015-04-21 13:53 neonat: shouldn't stack
2015-04-21 13:54 neonat: also shouldn't the NC be at 02:26:796 (2) - ?
2015-04-21 13:54 neonat: also since we're looking at the insane
2015-04-21 13:55 neonat: 00:05:963 (1) - i think this should be a circle instead of a slider, to be like the rest: 00:02:630 (1) - 00:09:296 (1) -
2015-04-21 13:55 liangv587: 00:05:963 (1) - i can understand
2015-04-21 13:56 neonat: 00:29:296 (3) - stack on slider end like 00:30:130 (1,2) - stacking on slider start feels weird imo
2015-04-21 13:56 liangv587: 这个起连接作用,前面2小节,后面两小节,这个是补充
2015-04-21 13:57 liangv587: 00:30:130 (1,2) - yes
2015-04-21 13:58 neonat: well if you want variety for the start then ok
2015-04-21 14:06 neonat: 02:19:297 (7,8,1) - this just example, but I think having them face different diection instead of always the same would be better
2015-04-21 14:08 liangv587: if should change this for her?
2015-04-21 14:09 neonat: u can ask her when she come back
2015-04-21 14:09 neonat: that's all
2015-04-21 14:09 liangv587: lol thanks a lot
2015-04-21 14:10 neonat: later just remind me to post
2015-04-21 14:10 neonat: also let me check the update
2015-04-21 14:10 neonat: later
2015-04-21 14:10 liangv587: olk
2015-04-21 14:10 liangv587: ok
2015-04-21 20:52 liangv587: hello
2015-04-21 20:52 neonat: hello
2015-04-21 20:53 liangv587: hw only changed one
2015-04-21 20:53 liangv587: 02:25:963 (7,8,1) -
2015-04-21 20:53 liangv587: others not
2015-04-21 20:54 liangv587: 00:05:963 (1) - 00:30:130 (1,2) - 02:19:713 (8) - not change
2015-04-21 20:55 neonat: reasong for no change for 02:19:713 (8) - ?
2015-04-21 20:59 liangv587: hw is onlie now
2015-04-21 20:59 neonat: k
2015-04-21 21:20 liangv587: is now ok? can i update?
2015-04-21 21:26 neonat: u can update if u want
2015-04-21 21:27 liangv587: ok
2015-04-21 21:27 liangv587: done
2015-04-21 23:38 neonat: 你还在吗?
2015-04-21 23:39 liangv587: zai
2015-04-21 23:39 liangv587: 在
2015-04-21 23:39 neonat: ok good haha
2015-04-21 23:39 neonat: in easy 03:32:630 (5,6) - better to be safe, cuz this is quite borderline in spacing
2015-04-21 23:39 neonat: probably the grid snap caused it but it's almost 1.15x
2015-04-21 23:40 neonat: everything else is 1.09~1.12x which is good
2015-04-21 23:40 liangv587: = =b all right
2015-04-21 23:44 neonat: can i clarify in Normal
2015-04-21 23:45 neonat: is the spacing difference here 00:23:463 (1,2) - intended
2015-04-21 23:45 neonat: it's 1.1x unlike the 1.2x of the rest
2015-04-21 23:46 liangv587: ok
2015-04-21 23:46 neonat: happens here too 01:23:463 (1,2) -
2015-04-21 23:54 liangv587: is that all?
2015-04-21 23:55 neonat: yeah
2015-04-21 23:55 liangv587: There will be no electricity, can i upload
2015-04-21 23:55 neonat: update if u can
2015-04-21 23:56 liangv587: done
2015-04-21 20:58 Hollow Wings: hi neonat
2015-04-21 20:58 Hollow Wings: i'm online to explain why i didn't change that part >.<
2015-04-21 20:59 Hollow Wings: 02:19:297 (7,8) - those two sliders are more like following the vocal track "oh... oh... " with decreased pitches, so i think they should be set in same directions
2015-04-21 21:00 Hollow Wings: and for that decreasement i think the ds should be shorter and shorter for both of those jumps after them
2015-04-21 21:00 Hollow Wings: so thou your idea is good in playing, i think my current version is better in fitting the song.
2015-04-21 21:00 Hollow Wings: that's all
2015-04-21 21:01 neonat: they are all 1.4x though, what do you mean by shorter and shorter
2015-04-21 21:01 Hollow Wings: just in tapping point level
2015-04-21 21:01 Hollow Wings: see those slider's head
2015-04-21 21:01 Hollow Wings: 7-8-1
2015-04-21 21:02 neonat: is it possible to have the angle of 02:19:297 (7,8) - less though
2015-04-21 21:02 Hollow Wings: let me see
2015-04-21 21:02 Hollow Wings: i think yes
2015-04-21 21:02 neonat: just suggesting
2015-04-21 21:03 Hollow Wings: sure
2015-04-21 21:04 Hollow Wings: adjusted a bit
2015-04-21 21:04 Hollow Wings:
2015-04-21 21:04 Hollow Wings: hope it's good to you now :#
2015-04-21 21:05 neonat: i mean yea i can see that the difficulty is about playing and not as much about looks
2015-04-21 21:05 neonat: yeah that's nice
2015-04-21 21:05 Hollow Wings: ok >.<
2015-04-21 21:05 Hollow Wings: anything else i should take care? maybe other suggesions?
2015-04-21 21:06 Hollow Wings: or i'll let 587 update my diff now
2015-04-21 21:06 neonat: well
2015-04-21 21:06 neonat: 00:31:796 (3,4,5,1) - would have preferred if this pattern didn't stack on each other
2015-04-21 21:06 neonat: felt very empty
2015-04-21 21:07 Hollow Wings: ok... well previous ones are good to me
2015-04-21 21:07 Hollow Wings: i'll just spread 00:32:630 (4,5) - out
2015-04-21 21:08 Hollow Wings:
2015-04-21 21:09 neonat: and one more last thing that i felt when i played....lemme find it
2015-04-21 21:09 Hollow Wings: ok
2015-04-21 21:10 neonat: i think it was that bass beat here 03:21:588 - which was left out
2015-04-21 21:11 Hollow Wings: ahh that part
2015-04-21 21:11 Hollow Wings: because of the really special electric guitar at 03:20:130 (1,2,1,2) -
2015-04-21 21:12 Hollow Wings: i wanna blank that tick to emphasis the guitar track
2015-04-21 21:12 Hollow Wings: rather than the bass one, and i think i'll be more fun than fill all those beats in
2015-04-21 21:12 Hollow Wings: so i didn't put anything there
2015-04-21 21:12 neonat: i see
2015-04-21 21:12 Hollow Wings: :3
2015-04-21 21:13 neonat: it was probably the stack that caught me the most off gaurd
2015-04-21 21:13 neonat: but yeh other than that, u can send the update to 587
2015-04-21 21:13 Hollow Wings: ok, thank you for modding! :D
Megurine Luka
迟到了, liang恭喜 ~
诗人?这飞的速度…… :o
不止osu 别的地方也是144 bpm是没问题的

we decided to pull this map out of the qualified section as for the following reason:


The map itself is, in our opinion, not really beginner-friendly. It contains lots of 1/2, and on top of that, not a clear rhythm to follow. We'd really like you to get rid off these, in order to create a more appropriate rhythm (since it's an easy diff after all). Don't get me wrong, red tick usage is allowed, but placing objects within a range of 1/2 isn't. Let me point up some quickly:

00:53:463 (1,2) - 00:56:588 (5,1) - 01:00:130 (1,2) - 01:01:796 (3,4) - 01:05:130 (4,5) -

Instead of having these, you should go with a simpler 1/1 rhythm.


Could I ask why you've used such a weird spacing for the whole diff? They overlapping is so small that it's noticable, yet can't be really count as overlapping. It's a personal suggestion, but we think that the map could really benefit of a slightly higher spacing. It will get less crampy overall, and so it will be more appealing to everyone.





Maybe you could ask HW, if you have problems with understanding why your map got DQ'd. I'm sure she will help you! Don't hesitate asking me further questions, whenever you need help.

Have a nice day.
Floating Cloud


1. 这首歌的速度就是72BPM
这首歌的曲风是偏摇滚的。对于这样的曲风,Wikipedia的Rock music 词条下有这样的描述:
Rock music is traditionally built on a foundation of simple unsyncopated rhythms in a 4/4 meter, with a repetitive snare drum back beat on beats two and four.



2. Osu!中大多数歌都不存在BPM翻倍的情况
先以著名的Only my railgun为例简单说一下吧。

这首歌本身的速度为143BPM,而Osu!里这首歌所有ranked map都将BPM标成了143。
1. 这首歌的鼓点是非常带感的“咚咚咚咚”。这就是在电子舞曲里面常用的four-on-the-floor,每一拍来一下底鼓。按照一下底鼓一拍的节奏打拍子的话,这首歌的速度自然是143BPM。
2. 百度一下“only my railgun 乐谱”或者google一下“only my railgun sheet music”,你会发现所有乐谱都标着120-150之间的速度。
3. 流行歌曲,尤其是年代不太久远的,BPM通常是个整数。
4. 你把Only my railgun和曹操放在一起听你不觉得Only my railgun快得多么╮(╯_╰)╭

好了,既然知道了Only my railgun的速度是143BPM,那么...

曲风相同的fripSide - Sister's noise怎么想都该是144吧
fripSide - Level5 - judgelight - 该是140吧
fripSide - Future gazer是138吧
fripSide - Black bullet是155吧
fripSide - Glow in the darkness是145吧
ALTIMA - I'll believe是142吧
ALTIMA - Burst the gravity是148吧


3. Osu!wiki里完全没有提及BPM翻倍
不管是Timing还是How to time songs都没有提到将BPM翻倍的事情。所以,BPM简单地填成72就好了。

4. BPM填成72有什么好处呢?
1. 在加hitsound的时候可以无脑地在2、4拍上加军鼓或者clap。
2. 有利于培养正确的节奏感。
3. 我不知道有什么理由不用72BPM。
Hollow Wings

1. 维基 and so on = nothing.
2. bpm确定通常由鼓点轨来决定,然而这种做法直接导致了忽略其他轨带来的影响。一首曲子的bpm更多的是由曲子本身音符快慢来确定一拍的时间为多长,而不是直接人为决定某条轨为决定bpm的标准,“歌本身的bpm”并不一定就是歌本身的bpm。←这点肯定很多人都不同意且无法理解,我只能摊手。
3. 通常曲子的真正bpm由1/16拍大小为多少决定(editor中的蓝线),鼓点轨的连打包含在这个范围。然而事实上真的能够做到全程1/16又保证downbeat有kick的曲子并不在多数,既然如此就不得不重新考虑1/16如何定拍。另外,此曲symbol和炮姐曲的kick速度别无二致,你对此曲的质疑全部可以套回你举的例子上。
4. 试想全程都是二分拍的曲子kick落在一三拍,全程都是二分拍的曲子kick只落在一拍,全程都是四分拍的曲子kick落在一三拍,全程都是四分拍的曲子kick只落在一拍,这四种曲子你得出的bpm结果能支持你的说法吗?你判断1/16音符的快慢仅仅只是靠kick的落点吗?
5. 我不想再继续解释了,浪费时间。下面还有人要来骂我或者当考据党来扇我脸的,请随意。
feel free to slap me and say i'm talking bullshit here, i don't care anymore, indeed.


to irre: i certainly agree with you that the lower diff's rhythm can be a issue, which need works to do. (maybe it's my bad for not checking it before asking for qualifying even as a gder) thou as for normal diff, that may be some kind of unique arrange style in structure, and i think it'll be fine even to noobs with those spacings.

to 587: 在最低难度里,所有gap尽量保持一致,也就是推荐全部1/1。我现在没在寝室,看不到你的图,不过我猜你现在最低难度一定是节奏比较复杂的,具体表现为:1/2的slider附近混杂着1/2和1/1的gap,这在目前的rank系统里是不允许的。你现在要做的就是将easy里所有1/2slider(包括折返slider)两边的gap都arrange成1/1,或是更大的gap。另外,注意不要让slider本身的节奏太复杂,包括红线起白线收的slider两边的gap一个1/1一个3/2前后又接不同长度的slider等。。。可能比较需要感性的判断。

p.s. bpm144不需要改。
稍微喽了一眼low diff, 有些部分最好的处理方法为slider拉到红线然后折返
Megurine Luka

Hollow Wings wrote:


1. 维基 and so on = nothing.
2. bpm确定通常由鼓点轨来决定,然而这种做法直接导致了忽略其他轨带来的影响。一首曲子的bpm更多的是由曲子本身音符快慢来确定一拍的时间为多长,而不是直接人为决定某条轨为决定bpm的标准,“歌本身的bpm”并不一定就是歌本身的bpm。←这点肯定很多人都不同意且无法理解,我只能摊手。
3. 通常曲子的真正bpm由1/16拍大小为多少决定(editor中的蓝线),鼓点轨的连打包含在这个范围。然而事实上真的能够做到全程1/16又保证downbeat有kick的曲子并不在多数,既然如此就不得不重新考虑1/16如何定拍。另外,此曲symbol和炮姐曲的kick速度别无二致,你对此曲的质疑全部可以套回你举的例子上。
4. 试想全程都是二分拍的曲子kick落在一三拍,全程都是二分拍的曲子kick只落在一拍,全程都是四分拍的曲子kick落在一三拍,全程都是四分拍的曲子kick只落在一拍,这四种曲子你得出的bpm结果能支持你的说法吗?你判断1/16音符的快慢仅仅只是靠kick的落点吗?
5. 我不想再继续解释了,浪费时间。下面还有人要来骂我或者当考据党来扇我脸的,请随意。
feel free to slap me and say i'm talking bullshit here, i don't care anymore, indeed.
1. 随便吧
2. 前面都说的没错,但是“‘歌本身的bpm’并不一定就是歌本身的bpm”这句话如果不加解释当然很多人都无法理解。
3. 此曲cymbal和炮姐曲的kick速度一样又怎么了?我之前根本没有提到cymbal啊...不过硬要提的话,这里提到“一般流行歌曲中镲片打的节奏都是八分音符”,正好符合72的BPM。
4. 用kick来判断节奏的前提是电子舞曲,这我之前提到过。而符合这四种情形之一的曲子我还暂时没找到。而在舞曲的范围内一拍一kick的节奏是相当普遍的,从小苹果到烂苹果,从最炫民族风到The fox,从Only my railgun到旋转吧雪月花都是这样。
5. 如果你不是BN的话我也不想写这么多的...我不希望更多的人被“Osu!的BPM是翻倍的”这样的言论误导。我如果说《雪人》和《七月七日晴》的速度是29BPM的话你自己也不会相信吧。
  1. 在”//Storyboard Sound Samples“下面手动填
  2. 或者用tick2,在tick上加音效

Hollow Wings wrote:

2. bpm确定通常由鼓点轨来决定,然而这种做法直接导致了忽略其他轨带来的影响。一首曲子的bpm更多的是由曲子本身音符快慢来确定一拍的时间为多长,而不是直接人为决定某条轨为决定bpm的标准,“歌本身的bpm”并不一定就是歌本身的bpm。←这点肯定很多人都不同意且无法理解,我只能摊手。


3. 通常曲子的真正bpm由1/16拍大小为多少决定(editor中的蓝线),鼓点轨的连打包含在这个范围。然而事实上真的能够做到全程1/16又保证downbeat有kick的曲子并不在多数,既然如此就不得不重新考虑1/16如何定拍。另外,此曲symbol和炮姐曲的kick速度别无二致,你对此曲的质疑全部可以套回你举的例子上。

bpm是X還是2X由“樂譜的簡潔程度” ,“拍號”還有“作曲家當時的心情”三者共同決定,和十六分音符還有其他什麼都沒有關係

4. 试想全程都是二分拍的曲子kick落在一三拍,全程都是二分拍的曲子kick只落在一拍,全程都是四分拍的曲子kick落在一三拍,全程都是四分拍的曲子kick只落在一拍,这四种曲子你得出的bpm结果能支持你的说法吗?你判断1/16音符的快慢仅仅只是靠kick的落点吗?


5. 我不想再继续解释了,浪费时间。下面还有人要来骂我或者当考据党来扇我脸的,请随意。




p.s. bpm144不需要改。

p.s. bpm144不需要改+1

cmn_891127 wrote:

  1. 在”//Storyboard Sound Samples“下面手动填 …… 這個快捷鍵是ctrl+shift+I
  2. 或者用tick2,在tick上加音效

Megurine Luka wrote:


中文歌因為字詞簡潔,常常幾個字就能表示英文一大串……所以記譜上面的BPM都會很低為了讓歌手在一節裏面看見更多字。如果你能理解 的BPM是160而不是80我想就能體會國界的差異,我最開頭就吐槽了”BPM“還分國界嗎然而HW沒能看懂我的冷笑話。我糾結的不是BPM用几,我糾結的是HW的邏輯和想法……

tutuhaha wrote:

而BPM144是更倾向于跟人声 …… 人聲BPM 72
这要看你作图的时候主要跟的是什么了 …… 所有音樂,大概。各音軌BPM相同
稍微喽了一眼low diff, 有些部分最好的处理方法为slider拉到红线然后折返

BakaHuang wrote:

不止osu 别的地方也是144 bpm是没问题的

額……比如? …… 我的人生都浪費在Gal上面了……對於音樂遊戲不是很了解
Fushimi Rio
Topic Starter

Irreversible wrote:


we decided to pull this map out of the qualified section as for the following reason:


The map itself is, in our opinion, not really beginner-friendly. It contains lots of 1/2, and on top of that, not a clear rhythm to follow. We'd really like you to get rid off these, in order to create a more appropriate rhythm (since it's an easy diff after all). Don't get me wrong, red tick usage is allowed, but placing objects within a range of 1/2 isn't. Let me point up some quickly:

00:53:463 (1,2) - 00:56:588 (5,1) - 01:00:130 (1,2) - 01:01:796 (3,4) - 01:05:130 (4,5) -

Instead of having these, you should go with a simpler 1/1 rhythm.


Could I ask why you've used such a weird spacing for the whole diff? They overlapping is so small that it's noticable, yet can't be really count as overlapping. It's a personal suggestion, but we think that the map could really benefit of a slightly higher spacing. It will get less crampy overall, and so it will be more appealing to everyone.





Maybe you could ask HW, if you have problems with understanding why your map got DQ'd. I'm sure she will help you! Don't hesitate asking me further questions, whenever you need help.

Have a nice day.
Very nice!! :cry:
Irc mod with mapper
2015-05-06 13:41 liangv587: 你看看呗
2015-05-06 13:41 liangv587: 那种复杂的1/2改了
2015-05-06 13:41 zj0924: 等下
2015-05-06 13:42 zj0924: ez确实不能有太多节奏变化
2015-05-06 13:43 zj0924: 00:44:921 (3,4) - 你确定1/2可以用?
2015-05-06 13:44 liangv587: 不知道
2015-05-06 13:44 zj0924: 不行的吧
2015-05-06 13:44 liangv587: 所以还得问下irre
2015-05-06 13:44 zj0924: 我看了下星数1.6我就觉得有问题
2015-05-06 13:44 zj0924: 曹操节奏又不复杂歌也不快
2015-05-06 13:45 zj0924: 我觉得还是别1/2滑条连在一起了
2015-05-06 13:45 zj0924: 对新手太不友好了
2015-05-06 13:45 zj0924: 后面挺多这样的地方
2015-05-06 13:45 liangv587: 那我全部拖开?
2015-05-06 13:45 zj0924: 不对啊
2015-05-06 13:45 zj0924: 你好像是跟的vocal对吧
2015-05-06 13:45 zj0924: 我明明没有听见复杂的鼓点
2015-05-06 13:46 zj0924: 我觉得现在这个版本可能qat还是不买账,节奏还是太复杂了
2015-05-06 13:46 zj0924: 00:56:796 (1,2,3,4) -
2015-05-06 13:46 liangv587: orz
2015-05-06 13:46 zj0924: 这个最明显……一会儿连在一起然后又分开,还是1/2短滑条
2015-05-06 13:46 zj0924: 我是新手的话这边肯定打起来不爽
2015-05-06 13:47 zj0924: 01:20:963 (2) - 这种滑条应该多用
2015-05-06 13:47 liangv587: 那我再re一遍
2015-05-06 13:47 zj0924: 毕竟是ez,折返多一点
2015-05-06 13:48 zj0924: 1/2滑条尽量别出现,同时不能出现1/2节奏
2015-05-06 13:48 zj0924: 正是由于你图里面1/2太多,所以星数到了1.6
2015-05-06 13:48 zj0924: 4分钟的歌如果你多用折返滑条1.5最多了
2015-05-06 13:49 zj0924: 03:38:463 (3,4) - 这种类型的请全部换成折返滑条
2015-05-06 13:50 zj0924: 偶尔来几个就够了,一直这样我觉得对新手太难了
2015-05-06 13:50 liangv587: 没法折返这个
2015-05-06 13:50 zj0924:
2015-05-06 13:50 liangv587: 3/2+圈?
2015-05-06 13:50 zj0924: 怎么没法折返
2015-05-06 13:50 zj0924: 对啊
2015-05-06 13:50 zj0924: 不是挺适合的吗
2015-05-06 13:50 zj0924: ez就是要多用这种滑条
2015-05-06 13:50 liangv587: 貌似可以
2015-05-06 13:50 zj0924: 否则和nm没区别了
2015-05-06 13:50 zj0924: 是肯定可以啦
2015-05-06 13:50 zj0924: 我一听就听出来了
2015-05-06 13:51 zj0924: 就觉得纳闷了你为啥不用折返滑条
2015-05-06 13:51 liangv587: 受教了
2015-05-06 13:51 zj0924: 嘛我觉得1/2问题用这个就解决了
2015-05-06 13:51 zj0924: 其他都挺好的
2015-05-06 13:51 liangv587: 00:41:588 (3) - 这种呢
2015-05-06 13:52 zj0924:
2015-05-06 13:52 zj0924: 这样
2015-05-06 13:52 zj0924: 中间的鼓用slidertick
2015-05-06 13:52 zj0924:
2015-05-06 13:52 zj0924: 发错了
2015-05-06 13:52 zj0924: 然后重复
2015-05-06 13:52 zj0924: 节奏重复,排列改改就行了
2015-05-06 13:52 zj0924: 不用slidertick也行
2015-05-06 13:54 zj0924: 这样重复挺好的我觉得
2015-05-06 13:55 zj0924:
2015-05-06 13:55 zj0924:
2015-05-06 13:55 zj0924: 这样
2015-05-06 13:55 zj0924: 折返滑条错了刚才
2015-05-06 13:55 zj0924: 鼓和bass都冲突的时候跟bass
2015-05-06 13:56 zj0924: bass更像是重音
2015-05-06 13:56 zj0924: 00:47:213 (2,3,4,5) -
2015-05-06 13:56 liangv587: 哪来的贝斯
2015-05-06 13:56 zj0924: 00:41:588 (1,1) -
2015-05-06 13:56 liangv587: 这个3/2
2015-05-06 13:56 zj0924: 开头部分
2015-05-06 13:56 zj0924: 没听到声音吗
2015-05-06 13:57 zj0924: 咚的一下
2015-05-06 13:57 zj0924: 00:47:213 (2,3,4,5) - 这里你跟了vocal
2015-05-06 13:57 zj0924: 所以就出现了这么多1/2,连续用是违反rc的lfj说过
2015-05-06 13:58 liangv587: 好
2015-05-06 13:58 zj0924: 不过有点难改
2015-05-06 13:59 zj0924: 会引起polarity problem
2015-05-06 13:59 zj0924: 还是跟vocal吧
2015-05-06 13:59 zj0924: 但是不能用1/2,让我想想
2015-05-06 14:00 zj0924: ok想出来了
2015-05-06 14:00 zj0924: 结果还是不用跟vocal
2015-05-06 14:00 zj0924:
2015-05-06 14:00 zj0924: 00:46:796 (1,2,3,4,5) -
2015-05-06 14:00 zj0924: 我觉得挺好这样
2015-05-06 14:00 zj0924: 单点你可以改成滑条
2015-05-06 14:04 liangv587: 01:05:130 (4,5) - 这个可以保留?
2015-05-06 14:05 zj0924: 就是不能出现1/2
2015-05-06 14:05 zj0924: 哪怕牺牲下一个重音
2015-05-06 14:05 zj0924:
2015-05-06 14:06 zj0924: 滑条换成单点
2015-05-06 14:06 zj0924: 你一定要重音的话
2015-05-06 14:06 zj0924: 淡点更好
2015-05-06 14:06 zj0924: 单
2015-05-06 14:08 zj0924: 上体育课去了待会再联系先撤了
2015-05-06 14:08 liangv587: 88
2015-05-06 14:09 zj0924: 8
2015-05-06 16:21 liangv587: 现在行了不
2015-05-06 16:21 liangv587: 那几个1/2怎么改
2015-05-06 16:21 zj0924: 1/2还是得改我觉得
2015-05-06 16:21 zj0924: 有几个折返滑条感觉很违和
2015-05-06 16:21 zj0924: 我再看看
2015-05-06 16:22 zj0924: 先去洗个手
2015-05-06 16:25 zj0924: 00:47:213 (2,3) - 有点奇怪
2015-05-06 16:25 liangv587: 怎么改
2015-05-06 16:25 zj0924: 不对你加了slidertick吗
2015-05-06 16:26 zj0924: 你觉得违和吗,不绝的话就算了
2015-05-06 16:26 liangv587: 没
2015-05-06 16:26 zj0924: 不觉得的话就算了
2015-05-06 16:26 liangv587: 不觉得啊
2015-05-06 16:27 zj0924: 加个slidertick好一点否则听不出鼓
2015-05-06 16:27 zj0924: 00:55:130 (3,4) -
2015-05-06 16:28 zj0924: 用这个滑条00:58:463 (3) -
2015-05-06 16:28 zj0924: 节奏要一致
2015-05-06 16:29 zj0924: 00:58:463 (3) -
2015-05-06 16:29 zj0924: 这样会好一点我觉得
2015-05-06 16:30 zj0924: 01:05:130 (4,5) - 这个肯定得该
2015-05-06 16:30 liangv587: 差不多
2015-05-06 16:30 zj0924: 之前我说过了
2015-05-06 16:30 liangv587: 这里不知道怎么改
2015-05-06 16:30 zj0924: 我没说过吗刚才……?
2015-05-06 16:31 zj0924: 再发一遍……
2015-05-06 16:31 liangv587: 3/2+圈吗
2015-05-06 16:31 zj0924: 对啊
2015-05-06 16:31 zj0924: 或者圈 换成滑条拖到下一节的重音
2015-05-06 16:31 zj0924: 我觉得这个diff可以多一点3/2滑条
2015-05-06 16:32 zj0924: 1/1太多了,可以在简化一些
2015-05-06 16:32 zj0924: 01:18:463 (4,5) - 这个同理
2015-05-06 16:32 zj0924: 反正不能出现连续1/2
2015-05-06 16:33 zj0924: 02:26:796 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
2015-05-06 16:33 zj0924: 全是1/1太枯燥了多一点折返或者3/2
2015-05-06 16:35 zj0924: 02:33:463 (1) - 我倒觉得可以加转盘
2015-05-06 16:35 zj0924: 虽然还是很无聊
2015-05-06 16:35 liangv587: 对
2015-05-06 16:36 zj0924: 如果不用转盘那就多一点长滑条来增加趣味性
2015-05-06 16:36 zj0924: 全是1/1节奏上说得过去,但是bg里面却不是1/1的鼓点
2015-05-06 16:38 zj0924: 算了就用转盘吧,你别的地方转盘时间也不比这个短
2015-05-06 16:39 zj0924: 总之别一直用1/1滑条会很无聊的
2015-05-06 16:39 zj0924: 其他都挺好

00:50:130 (1) - whistle
00:58:463 (3) - use this rhythm? More fitting:
01:56:796 (1) - 在Normal你用finish
02:05:130 (3) - 跟00:58:463 (3) 一样
02:50:130 (1) - finish
02:58:463 (3) - 跟00:58:463 (3) 一样


01:09:088 (5) - 这样放?
02:47:838 (3,4) - spacing
Topic Starter

neonat wrote:


00:50:130 (1) - whistle
00:58:463 (3) - use this rhythm? More fitting:
01:56:796 (1) - 在Normal你用finish
02:05:130 (3) - 跟00:58:463 (3) 一样
02:50:130 (1) - finish
02:58:463 (3) - 跟00:58:463 (3) 一样
add some 3clap


01:09:088 (5) - 这样放?
02:47:838 (3,4) - spacing
change 00:48:671 (5) - and 01:55:338 (5) - into1/1
all fixed, thanks for modding
Ok, good luck

如果星期一没有BN来,我可以查一下,你也问我来到你的图 xp
Topic Starter

neonat wrote:

Ok, good luck
thanks :cry:

Xinely wrote:

如果星期一没有BN来,我可以查一下,你也问我来到你的图 xp
thanks :cry:
Aeonian Sonder
Let's hope it's a keep this time.
wocao 草草
ok as your called here

  • General
  1. remove osb even this is rankable
  2. remove widescreen support in Easy diff

  • Easy
  1. 00:54:296 (2) - missing clap on head?
  2. 00:43:255 (1) - i'd say just use 1/1 slider start from 00:43:463 - as the stanza has loud music here
  3. 00:47:213 (2) - also this time i'd say use 1/1 slider and circle at 00:48:046 - since 00:47:630 - has loud drum and 00:48:046 - is pitch of vocal
  4. 00:48:463 (3) - literally reason same as above, 2/1 slider and then circle at 00:49:713 -
  5. 01:00:963 (2) - for the flow i'd say remove the middle curve (so just straight slider) since you have another curve slider for next rhythm which feels not really well if this slider has curve
  6. 01:46:692 - 00:40:025 - unused greenlines
  7. 01:53:880 (2,3) - literally they are same as previous part i told
  8. 02:09:296 (4) - same as 01:00:963 (2) -
  9. 02:19:712 (4) - so nazi, instead of a little bit curve for the flow, try make linear flow instead with move 196,132
  10. tbh the break feels better if you move to 02:40:130 - so it's same as Normal
  11. 02:47:213 (2,3) - same as 01:53:880 (2,3) - too
  12. 03:00:963 (2) - missing clap on head?
  13. 03:06:796 (1,2) - still can improve the blanket

  • Normal
  1. OD feels a little bit low here, how about 3,5 so it would give better spread to Hard and Easy
  2. 00:17:629 (2) - inconsistency spacing (1,2x) here
  3. 00:28:463 (2,1,2) - try keep 1,3x spacing here, it's possible
  4. 00:34:296 (2) - add whistle for emphasize the piano?
  5. 00:35:963 (4) - and 00:37:630 (6) - ^ if you agree since pianos are louder than each previous stanza here
  6. 00:39:713 (4) - from design, the 1,3x looks almost overlapped, i'd say move to 212,112 here, if you agree so move 00:40:130 (1) - 276,44
  7. 00:43:463 - here too, i'd say map this because the music is loud, same as i said in Easy
  8. 00:48:046 (4,5,6) - in here you mapped the drum but you skip drum at 00:47:630 - which feels confuse here for me. you may change 00:47:421 (3) - become 1/2 slider here
  9. 00:40:025 - unused greenline
  10. 01:03:463 (7) - 148,360 for keep the 1,2x spacing (dont worry still on screen here)
  11. 01:20:963 (2) - the 1,2x spacing looks so inconsistent here
  12. 01:23:463 (1) - 508,32 to keep the 1,3x spacing orz
  13. 01:54:088 (3) - same as 00:48:046 (4,5,6) -
  14. 02:26:796 (1) - keep 1,2x spacing here (current has 1,14x)
  15. 02:28:463 - 02:31:796 - 02:35:130 - 02:38:463 - since you didnt map drum here, i'd say add whistle for those times to give emphasize on hitsounds, current feel empty for me
  16. 03:39:088 (5) - for the flow i'd say arrange this slider becomes like

  • Hard
  1. 00:02:630 (7) - 00:05:963 (7) - 00:09:296 (7) - i'd hear whistle hitsound for them as they have piano musics there
  2. 00:24:296 (3) - missing clap on head?
  3. 00:27:630 - 00:29:296 - 00:34:296 - 00:35:963 - 00:37:630 - yep i'd say add whistle for them as the piano :<
  4. 00:43:255 (1) - whistle for repeat for the drum and piano here :<
  5. 01:02:838 (8,1) - a little bit close, im sure you still can increase a bit the spacing here
  6. 01:14:505 (3) - i still feel the jump a little bit far here, mind to reduce a bit?
  7. 01:53:254 (9) - add clap? it fits with the music (if you do so add for similar parts and all diffs here)
  8. 02:22:213 (5,7) - and 02:22:422 (6,1) - stack properly please
  9. 02:25:130 (4,5,6) - you can increase spacing become 1,3x to avoid the overlap for 1/3 rhythms here, i just trauma when see your map DQ'ed coz overlap in Normal lol
  10. 02:28:463 - the harmony and pitch music sounds at here, i'd say you map this, circle and then 1/2 slider works nicely for me
  11. 02:31:588 (4) - same as above
  12. 02:54:505 (3,4) - <3
  13. 03:14:505 (3) - yep the jump a little bit far for me, you can reduce it with curve the slider more example

  • Insane
  1. imo OD 6,5 feels better here since having 2 difference with Hard diff feels not really well for me
  2. 00:02:630 (1) - 00:09:296 (1) - may add whistle here as i mentioned on liangv587 before
  3. 00:25:963 (1,2,3,4,1) - tbh the spacings feel random for me here, i'd say use consistent instead to make easier to read
  4. 00:36:796 (1,2) - try increase the spacing? the overlaps look not really well for me
  5. 01:33:463 (1) - i'd say higher spacing here to emphasize the vocal's feel, hmm move to 340,200?
  6. 02:12:422 (4) - forgot whistle maybe? the music is drum too here
  7. 02:26:171 (8) - im sure with same spacing but different snap between 1/3 and 1/2 giving a little bit confuse to read. i'd say to stack this circle with previous note or make it a jump instead

i guess that's all
Topic Starter

Xinely wrote:

ok as your called here

  • General
  1. remove osb even this is rankable
  2. remove widescreen support in Easy diff

  • Easy
  1. 00:54:296 (2) - missing clap on head?
  2. 00:43:255 (1) - i'd say just use 1/1 slider start from 00:43:463 - as the stanza has loud music here can change, or it becom wierd
  3. 00:47:213 (2) - also this time i'd say use 1/1 slider and circle at 00:48:046 - since 00:47:630 - has loud drum and 00:48:046 - is pitch of vocal
  4. 00:48:463 (3) - literally reason same as above, 2/1 slider and then circle at 00:49:713 -
  5. 01:00:963 (2) - for the flow i'd say remove the middle curve (so just straight slider) since you have another curve slider for next rhythm which feels not really well if this slider has curve i don't like straight slider here, so changed
  6. 01:46:692 - 00:40:025 - unused greenlines
  7. 01:53:880 (2,3) - literally they are same as previous part i told
  8. 02:09:296 (4) - same as 01:00:963 (2) -
  9. 02:19:712 (4) - so nazi, instead of a little bit curve for the flow, try make linear flow instead with move 196,132
  10. tbh the break feels better if you move to 02:40:130 - so it's same as Normal
  11. 02:47:213 (2,3) - same as 01:53:880 (2,3) - too
  12. 03:00:963 (2) - missing clap on head?
  13. 03:06:796 (1,2) - still can improve the blanket blanket

  • Normal
  1. OD feels a little bit low here, how about 3,5 so it would give better spread to Hard and Easy
  2. 00:17:629 (2) - inconsistency spacing (1,2x) here
  3. 00:28:463 (2,1,2) - try keep 1,3x spacing here, it's possible
  4. 00:34:296 (2) - add whistle for emphasize the piano?
  5. 00:35:963 (4) - and 00:37:630 (6) - ^ if you agree since pianos are louder than each previous stanza here
  6. 00:39:713 (4) - from design, the 1,3x looks almost overlapped, i'd say move to 212,112 here, if you agree so move 00:40:130 (1) - 276,44changed
  7. 00:43:463 - here too, i'd say map this because the music is loud, same as i said in Easywhen we map with a track, it's not wise to change to another track suddenly
  8. 00:48:046 (4,5,6) - in here you mapped the drum but you skip drum at 00:47:630 - which feels confuse here for me. you may change 00:47:421 (3) - become 1/2 slider hereThe main song is mapped with vocal, so don't mind the drums
  9. 00:40:025 - unused greenline
  10. 01:03:463 (7) - 148,360 for keep the 1,2x spacing (dont worry still on screen here)
  11. 01:20:963 (2) - the 1,2x spacing looks so inconsistent here
  12. 01:23:463 (1) - 508,32 to keep the 1,3x spacing orz
  13. 01:54:088 (3) - same as 00:48:046 (4,5,6) - don'd mind
  14. 02:26:796 (1) - keep 1,2x spacing here (current has 1,14x)
  15. 02:28:463 - 02:31:796 - 02:35:130 - 02:38:463 - since you didnt map drum here, i'd say add whistle for those times to give emphasize on hitsounds, current feel empty for me
  16. 03:39:088 (5) - for the flow i'd say arrange this slider becomes like

  • Hard
  1. 00:02:630 (7) - 00:05:963 (7) - 00:09:296 (7) - i'd hear whistle hitsound for them as they have piano musics there
  2. 00:24:296 (3) - missing clap on head?
  3. 00:27:630 - 00:29:296 - 00:34:296 - 00:35:963 - 00:37:630 - yep i'd say add whistle for them as the piano :<1st and 2nd don't
  4. 00:43:255 (1) - whistle for repeat for the drum and piano here :<
  5. 01:02:838 (8,1) - a little bit close, im sure you still can increase a bit the spacing here
  6. 01:14:505 (3) - i still feel the jump a little bit far here, mind to reduce a bit? they are already reduced by your suggestions days ago
  7. 01:53:254 (9) - add clap? it fits with the music (if you do so add for similar parts and all diffs here)
  8. 02:22:213 (5,7) - and 02:22:422 (6,1) - stack properly please this is easier for players
  9. 02:25:130 (4,5,6) - you can increase spacing become 1,3x to avoid the overlap for 1/3 rhythms here, i just trauma when see your map DQ'ed coz overlap in Normal lol
  10. 02:28:463 - the harmony and pitch music sounds at here, i'd say you map this, circle and then 1/2 slider works nicely for me
  11. 02:31:588 (4) - same as above
  12. 02:54:505 (3,4) - <3
  13. 03:14:505 (3) - yep the jump a little bit far for me, you can reduce it with curve the slider more example

i guess that's all
others are all fixed. what a short mod, thanks
Topic Starter

Xinely wrote:

ok as your called here

  • Insane
  1. imo OD 6,5 feels better here since having 2 difference with Hard diff feels not really well for me
  2. 00:02:630 (1) - 00:09:296 (1) - may add whistle here as i mentioned on liangv587 before she used another whistle, it sounds loud, so don't change
  3. 00:25:963 (1,2,3,4,1) - tbh the spacings feel random for me here, i'd say use consistent instead to make easier to read
  4. 00:36:796 (1,2) - try increase the spacing? the overlaps look not really well for me some spacing
  5. 01:33:463 (1) - i'd say higher spacing here to emphasize the vocal's feel, hmm move to 340,200?ok
  6. 02:12:422 (4) - forgot whistle maybe? the music is drum too hereok
  7. 02:26:171 (8) - im sure with same spacing but different snap between 1/3 and 1/2 giving a little bit confuse to read. i'd say to stack this circle with previous note or make it a jump insteadincrease some spacing
i changed for her, thanks

Normal :
02:26:796 (1) - still inconsistency spacing here

Hard :
00:27:630 - well i can understand you rejected the 2nd i mention but this time has loud piano same as parts you added now
"02:22:213 (5,7) - and 02:22:422 (6,1) - stack properly please this is easier for players" <-- tbh i suggest not for make easier but to make cleaner for design

HW :
00:26:588 (4) - tbh not really problem but you still can move 236,356 for more consistent, and 00:26:171 (2) - this too for
02:12:595 (5) - liang did you move this slider? it was placed at 02:12:595 - (1/12) iirc before mod this, better ask HW to confirm first
Topic Starter

Xinely wrote:


Normal :
02:26:796 (1) - still inconsistency spacing here spacing is decreasing this part

Hard :
00:27:630 - well i can understand you rejected the 2nd i mention but this time has loud piano same as parts you added nowok, all added, same to Normal
"02:22:213 (5,7) - and 02:22:422 (6,1) - stack properly please this is easier for players" <-- tbh i suggest not for make easier but to make cleaner for design but i don't think so

HW :
00:26:588 (4) - tbh not really problem but you still can move 236,356 for more consistent, and 00:26:171 (2) - this too forit's better now
02:12:595 (5) - liang did you move this slider? it was placed at 02:12:595 - (1/12) iirc before mod this, better ask HW to confirm first but it's at 02:12:630
hope everything is fine

finally back to qualified, gratz
JJ 次奥次奥 233333

Hollow Wings wrote:


luv letter或者kanon那种只不过是没有适应osu采取不翻倍的措施而已,事实上如果那样做的话就导致了一半的downbeat没有被tick压到,此图如果用72也会造成这种情况。这类图就是少数那些没有被翻倍的图,然而大多数和翻倍后同bpm的图比较就会发现并无二致。

虽然,当然,怎么方便就怎么设定,然而如karen或者mallow flower那种才是正确的处理方式。

而且,你如果要坚持说144是错的,那么事实上几乎所有图的bpm对你来说等价是错的了,为什么不到所有pending map的thread挨个吼一遍呢。

其实按乐谱来说,72BPM才是最正确的BPM,当然144BPM也可以,但是玩家会觉得兴奋,原曲是很悲伤的。。。建议72BPM,不过它现在已经Rank了,现在也没什么可争的了。。。 ;) :D
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