
Chou Huei - Bing Kuai

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Peachtrees wrote:

tm1209 wrote:

Please add "周蕙" to tags , the artist's name in Chinese .
done, thanks! (not sure if I should kds for this, if this is not worth a kds can someone removie/deny it?)
it's obviously not worth but someone can deny it like BN .
Topic Starter
allright that should be fine! Thank you anyways >3<
Hier ist meine Mod :)

Da du eine Mod von ähnlicher Qualität wie deiner wolltest hab ich mir nicht ganz so viel Mühe gegeben (Das war ein Scherz!). :D

Ich hoffe wirklich ich kann dir weiterhelfen, obwohl ich immernoch ein totaler noob im modding bin (Übung macht den Meister, oder?).

Ich bin nur wirklich geringfügig auf die Ästhetik eingegangen und gar nicht auf dein Mapping Style, einfach nur weil jeder einen anderen hat und es da kein richtig/falsch oder gut/schlecht gibt. Muss auch ehrlich zugeben, dass deine Map schon in einem sehr fortgeschrittenem Stadium ist und fast perfekt ist.


Du machst viele an sich richtige Blankets die aber hin und wieder den darauf folgenden oder den davor kommenden Circle nur unschön umschließen (Hier mal zwei Beispiele: 00:36:175 (4,1) - und 00:15:388 (1,3) - Wenn ich dir noch weitere oder alle schicken soll die mir aufgefallen sind, schreib mich einfach an). Natürlich ist das nur reine Ästhetik aber in meinen Augen sehr wichtig. Entweder richtig oder gar nicht xD (Und sei mir jetzt nicht böse für meine Ehrlichkeit :D)

DS und SV ist immer schön gleich und das Lied hat durchgängig einen guten Flow.


00:45:624 (1) - Sehr problematische Stelle. Du hast die Polarity da gut umgesetzt über einen Slider ( von Roten 1/1 zu weißen 1/1 Lücken ) aber könnte dennoch grade für Neulinge schwierig werden, weil du plötzlich nichtmehr den Gesang durch deine Map betonst, sondern den Beat. Das eigentliche Problem ist, dass du quasi in Mitten von einem der Sätze wechselst und dazu noch den Slider auf keinen hörbaren Beat enden lässt. Bei den Gesang-zu-Beat wechsel davor in dem Lied ( bspw. 00:33:340 (1,2) - Hier lässt du den Slider auf einen direkt hörbaren Beat fallen wo kein Gesang ist wodurch direkt klar wird, dass jetzt der Beat als Rhythmus verwendet wird ).
Ich würde dir hier raten (und ich bin mir 100%-ig sicher das dir meine Idee überhaupt nicht gefallen wird D: ) durch einen Circle den Beat wechseln zu lassen (sprich so ähnlich wie in der [Normal] diff), auch wenn es eventuell nicht ganz im Stil deiner Map ist. Und da der Circle und der Slider-Anfang direkt aneinander sind können auch unerfahrene Spieler diese Stelle gut spielen. (Hier ein Beispielbild: Klick mich, du geile Sau!)

01:51:766 (1) - Was genau hast du mit diesem Slider versucht? Ich würde dir raten, die komplette Lila-Combo mit dem Gesang als Rythmus zu verwenden (So wie du es beim ersten Mal auch vor der Kiai Time gemacht hast). Hier: Diesmal bisschen fester klicken! oder Oh ja, das war perfekt geklickt! *sabber* (Es geht nur um den Rythmus in der Timeline, die Objekte sind einfach nur irgendwie plaziert).


Genauso wie bei Easy gibt es viele Slider, die nur um ca. ein Kästchen verschoben werden müsste um den Circle perfekt zu umschließen. Ich verlinke dir an dieser Stelle mal ein sehr gutes Tutorial (HowToBasic-Kanal). Ich schreibe dir hier wieder nur 2 Beispiele aus deiner Map, wenn du alles haben möchtest, schreib mich einfach Ig an (01:06:175 (4,1) - oder 00:51:057 (4,1) - ).

01:11:372 (3) - Mach diesen Slider zu der neuen Combofarbe und 01:13:498 (3) - diesen dann auch.

DS ist durchgehend gut und die SV Änderungen wirken intuitiv das Lied hat durchgängig einen guten Flow. ( sprich wie in Easy-diff auch )

Wichtige Dinge:

00:41:608 (2,3,4,5) - versuche mehr Abwechslung in diese Stelle zu bringen. 4 mal hintereinander exakt den selben Slider ist etwas monoton. Nutze eventuell abwechselnd grade und kurvige Slider.

01:38:301 (1,2) - Ändere die Slider länge zu der länge deines... . Das gibt der Stelle einen deutlich besseren Flow!

02:51:293 (2,1) - Genau so muss ein perfekter Blanket aussehen!! * starts to f*p *

Das wars auch schon von mir. Bin mal wieder überhaupt nicht zufrieden mit meiner Mod, liegt wohl aber auch daran, dass ich noch nie mit etwas von mir zufrieden war. Ich denke die Punkte die ich habe können dir weiterhelfen, da sie meiner Meinung nach doch schon sehr wichtig sind. Bei Fragen bitte mich sofort anschreiben! :)

Wünsche dir noch viel Erfolg mit deiner Beatmap und hoffe, sie bald als Ranked spielen zu dürfen :)

P.S: Die Easy Mod ist noch zu der Map bevor du sie grade eben geupdated hast.
Topic Starter

Bakuenjin wrote:

Hier ist meine Mod :)

Da du eine Mod von ähnlicher Qualität wie deiner wolltest hab ich mir nicht ganz so viel Mühe gegeben (Das war ein Scherz!). :D

Lass dich doch hier nicht so nervös machen man man man

Ich hoffe wirklich ich kann dir weiterhelfen, obwohl ich immernoch ein totaler noob im modding bin (Übung macht den Meister, oder?).

Ich bin nur wirklich geringfügig auf die Ästhetik eingegangen und gar nicht auf dein Mapping Style, einfach nur weil jeder einen anderen hat und es da kein richtig/falsch oder gut/schlecht gibt. Muss auch ehrlich zugeben, dass deine Map schon in einem sehr fortgeschrittenem Stadium ist und fast perfekt ist.


Du machst viele an sich richtige Blankets die aber hin und wieder den darauf folgenden oder den davor kommenden Circle nur unschön umschließen (Hier mal zwei Beispiele: 00:36:175 (4,1) - und 00:15:388 (1,3) - Wenn ich dir noch weitere oder alle schicken soll die mir aufgefallen sind, schreib mich einfach an). Natürlich ist das nur reine Ästhetik aber in meinen Augen sehr wichtig. Entweder richtig oder gar nicht xD (Und sei mir jetzt nicht böse für meine Ehrlichkeit :D)

Das haben wir glaub ich via Chat nochmal besprochen, das muss ich glaub ich jetzt hier nicht nochmal aufführen oder?:P (wenn doch bescheid sagen)

DS und SV ist immer schön gleich und das Lied hat durchgängig einen guten Flow.


00:45:624 (1) - Sehr problematische Stelle. Du hast die Polarity da gut umgesetzt über einen Slider ( von Roten 1/1 zu weißen 1/1 Lücken ) aber könnte dennoch grade für Neulinge schwierig werden, weil du plötzlich nichtmehr den Gesang durch deine Map betonst, sondern den Beat. Das eigentliche Problem ist, dass du quasi in Mitten von einem der Sätze wechselst und dazu noch den Slider auf keinen hörbaren Beat enden lässt. Bei den Gesang-zu-Beat wechsel davor in dem Lied ( bspw. 00:33:340 (1,2) - Hier lässt du den Slider auf einen direkt hörbaren Beat fallen wo kein Gesang ist wodurch direkt klar wird, dass jetzt der Beat als Rhythmus verwendet wird ).
Ich würde dir hier raten (und ich bin mir 100%-ig sicher das dir meine Idee überhaupt nicht gefallen wird D: ) durch einen Circle den Beat wechseln zu lassen (sprich so ähnlich wie in der [Normal] diff), auch wenn es eventuell nicht ganz im Stil deiner Map ist. Und da der Circle und der Slider-Anfang direkt aneinander sind können auch unerfahrene Spieler diese Stelle gut spielen. (Hier ein Beispielbild: Klick mich, du geile Sau!)

Verstehe was du an dieser Stelle erzielen willst, aber wie du selber sagst ist es halt eher Normal als Easy. An nur EINER Stelle in der ganzen map plötzlich auf 1/2 zu mappen ist denke ich keine gute Idee. Hatte bei vielen Testplays auch nie jemanden, der an dieser Stelle gescheitert wäre also denke ich mal es kann erstmal so bleiben.

01:51:766 (1) - Was genau hast du mit diesem Slider versucht? Ich würde dir raten, die komplette Lila-Combo mit dem Gesang als Rythmus zu verwenden (So wie du es beim ersten Mal auch vor der Kiai Time gemacht hast). Hier: Diesmal bisschen fester klicken! oder Oh ja, das war perfekt geklickt! *sabber* (Es geht nur um den Rythmus in der Timeline, die Objekte sind einfach nur irgendwie plaziert).

Auch das haben wir ja im Chat nochmal besprochen ;) Vocals eher dominant ja, aber den Drum sound einfach liegen lassen viel zu komisch (kurze version)


Genauso wie bei Easy gibt es viele Slider, die nur um ca. ein Kästchen verschoben werden müsste um den Circle perfekt zu umschließen. Ich verlinke dir an dieser Stelle mal ein sehr gutes Tutorial (HowToBasic-Kanal). Ich schreibe dir hier wieder nur 2 Beispiele aus deiner Map, wenn du alles haben möchtest, schreib mich einfach Ig an (01:06:175 (4,1) - oder 00:51:057 (4,1) - ).

01:11:372 (3) - Mach diesen Slider zu der neuen Combofarbe und 01:13:498 (3) - diesen dann auch. Verstehe leider nicht wirklich warum..

DS ist durchgehend gut und die SV Änderungen wirken intuitiv das Lied hat durchgängig einen guten Flow. ( sprich wie in Easy-diff auch )

Wichtige Dinge:

00:41:608 (2,3,4,5) - versuche mehr Abwechslung in diese Stelle zu bringen. 4 mal hintereinander exakt den selben Slider ist etwas monoton. Nutze eventuell abwechselnd grade und kurvige Slider.

Muss dir hier leider wiedersprechen. Ich finde (persönliche Meinung inc.) das der Song an der Stelle auch eher langsam und monoton ist (von den Vocals her), sodass ich der Meinung bin das ein oder zwei Rotationen da als Abwechslung genügen

01:38:301 (1,2) - Ändere die Slider länge zu der länge deines... . Das gibt der Stelle einen deutlich besseren Flow!

Hab das an dieser Stelle einfach mal umgesetzt, kann verstehen was du hier erzielen willst. Den weißten Tick tatsächlich als objekt und nicht als Slidertail zu haben find ich garnicht schlecht, gibt dem ganzen etwas mehr Power. Bin zwar noch nicht 100% sicher was die Stelle angeht, aber das werden dann zukünftige Mods hoffentlich klären :P

02:51:293 (2,1) - Genau so muss ein perfekter Blanket aussehen!! * starts to f*p *

Das wars auch schon von mir. Bin mal wieder überhaupt nicht zufrieden mit meiner Mod, liegt wohl aber auch daran, dass ich noch nie mit etwas von mir zufrieden war. Ich denke die Punkte die ich habe können dir weiterhelfen, da sie meiner Meinung nach doch schon sehr wichtig sind. Bei Fragen bitte mich sofort anschreiben! :)

Wünsche dir noch viel Erfolg mit deiner Beatmap und hoffe, sie bald als Ranked spielen zu dürfen :) Hoffnung...TAT

P.S: Die Easy Mod ist noch zu der Map bevor du sie grade eben geupdated hast.
Topic Starter
To potential future modders: I'll be hospitalized for a week, so I won't be able to immediatly apply your mods (sorry!) ;w;

They will NOT be ignored and I'll take my time to individually repsond to each of them after I'm back c:
from queue

  1. If you don't have a storyboard, widescreen support should be off
  2. Also delete the osb file in the folder since it's unused
    Well these don't apply if you have storyboard that is a WIP :>
  1. 00:19:167 (1) - The finish is completely out of place here, just use a whistle
  2. 00:22:947 (1) - ^
  3. 00:26:726 (1) - ^
    The vocals alone aren't enough to justify a finish, it doesn't fit the instruments at all
  4. 00:22:947 (1,2) - Try this rhythm instead, or at least make them start and end on white ticks only to make the rhythm easier
  5. 00:31:451 (2) - Use a whistle on the tail instead
  6. 00:40:899 (1) - ^
  7. 01:03:577 (4) - Eh just use a clap on the head, doesn't fit instruments either
  8. 01:05:466 (2) - Whistle on the end
  9. 01:08:301 (1) - Now this should have a finish on the head :c
    Okay you probably get the idea, hitsound patterns for the most part should be based on instruments, I mean the hitsounds are made from instruments =w=
  10. 02:27:671 (1) - Curve this to blanket with 02:29:561 (3), also to avoid the overlap on the head of 02:29:561 (3)
  11. 02:35:703 (1) - Try to have the tail end more around the middle of the playfield so new players can get into spinning here easier
    This difficulty is actually pretty nice and simple, but the hitsounds need work
  • 1.40 SV is too high compared to easy (1.00), it should be around 1.20 or 1.10 to be balanced, also AR and OD should probably be decreased.
    Once again, I recommend just following instruments for hitsounds. Another thing is that you're mapping to vocals too much, it's fine in kiai but in other parts it's a bit unnecessary. This actually makes the rhythm a bit difficult for a normal since usually it would just be a bunch of onbeat 1/1 and some 1/2 notes.
    Other than that this is a nice map and song~
Topic Starter

sukiNathan wrote:

from queue

  1. If you don't have a storyboard, widescreen support should be off >< I always forget things like that...thanks for reminding me!
  2. Also delete the osb file in the folder since it's unused donnnee!
    Well these don't apply if you have storyboard that is a WIP :> uuuh I have no idea how to SB so they do apply ~
  1. 00:19:167 (1) - The finish is completely out of place here, just use a whistle It does seem very unfitting during the slow beginning..I guess I was just hesitating to use too many whistles in a row..I need to work on my hitsounding ><
  2. 00:22:947 (1) - ^ the same applies for this one
  3. 00:26:726 (1) - ^ aaand this one
    The vocals alone aren't enough to justify a finish, it doesn't fit the instruments at all This is where I was wrong. I thought emphasizing the vocals with hitsounds was a good things to do :c
  4. 00:22:947 (1,2) - Try this rhythm instead, or at least make them start and end on white ticks only to make the rhythm easier done!
  5. 00:31:451 (2) - Use a whistle on the tail instead aAaAaAaaaannd done
  6. 00:40:899 (1) - ^ yeah this one too
  7. 01:03:577 (4) - Eh just use a clap on the head, doesn't fit instruments either done + applied for all the similar patterns too c:
  8. 01:05:466 (2) - Whistle on the end whistleee
  9. 01:08:301 (1) - Now this should have a finish on the head :c oki
    Okay you probably get the idea, hitsound patterns for the most part should be based on instruments, I mean the hitsounds are made from instruments =w= again, I kind of got this wrong...I reworked the hitsounds (mostly removing finishes that I used to emphasize vocals =.=)
  10. 02:27:671 (1) - Curve this to blanket with 02:29:561 (3), also to avoid the overlap on the head of 02:29:561 (3) this should look a lot nicer now! (ended up making 3 a straight slider)
  11. 02:35:703 (1) - Try to have the tail end more around the middle of the playfield so new players can get into spinning here easier made the slider blanket around the head of 5 c:
    This difficulty is actually pretty nice and simple, but the hitsounds need work
  • 1.40 SV is too high compared to easy (1.00), it should be around 1.20 or 1.10 to be balanced It's 1.4 but uses x0.9 SV so doesn't that techincally make it 1.26?

    , also AR and OD should probably be decreased. done! not sure if using decimals is the way to go for the ar, I'm willing to change this though

    Once again, I recommend just following instruments for hitsounds. again, I re-did some of the hitsounding (mostly removing loooots of unneccesarry finishes to make it less noisy)

    Another thing is that you're mapping to vocals too much, it's fine in kiai but in other parts it's a bit unnecessary.This actually makes the rhythm a bit difficult for a normal since usually it would just be a bunch of onbeat 1/1 and some 1/2 notes. I played around with the rythm especially during the part after the second break to have the sliders start on the white ticks for the most part. I did some changes to the slow part too. Some of the still start on the red ticks though as I doon't feel like they're all confusing/unfitting ><

    Other than that this is a nice map and song~

Thanks a bunch for your mod ~
Here is the mod, sorry for the delay but you know what happened to me fucking drunk ladies on buses cough cough
I didn't find big mistakes, seriously. I just pointed out important stuff, so please go through the map and fix all ugly blankets and nazi stuff xD


01:15:624 (1) - This spinner is too near to the slider, which is wrong for an Easy diff, start it at 01:15:860 -
02:03:104 (3,4) - I don't like these... they look a bit random, I'm sure you can re-arrange them in another shape
02:24:836 - This clap brakes your hitsounds pattern! it should be in this tick: 02:24:364
You also need a clap here 02:26:254 and here 02:28:144
02:36:884 (1) - Same as before, let it start in 02:37:120 -
02:52:002 and 02:53:892 - What are these sectinos for? xD
03:09:010 (1) - You know


01:36:057 - This. Why did you put HS on three ticks? I think it's a mistake and you didn't do it on purpose
02:35:703 (1,2) - Uhm, unstack these elements because they're hard to read by newbies
02:51:293 (2,1) - These elements are too near and they look ugly in play mode... I don't usually get nazi about this kind of stuff but this is definitely ugly, sorry!

I really like this song, and this is strange. Good luck for ranking :D
Topic Starter

RikiH_ wrote:

Here is the mod, sorry for the delay but you know what happened to me fucking drunk ladies on buses cough cough Was the guy still blocking the doors so you couldnt get off the bus haha?

I didn't find big mistakes, seriously. I just pointed out important stuff, so please go through the map and fix all ugly blankets and nazi stuff xD went through the whole thing again and fixed a bunch of stuff c:


01:15:624 (1) - This spinner is too near to the slider, which is wrong for an Easy diff, start it at 01:15:860 - done ~
02:03:104 (3,4) - I don't like these... they look a bit random, I'm sure you can re-arrange them in another shape ummm uuh I kinda rearranged the short slider a little bit to make them flow a bit nicer, I like their shape though ><
02:24:836 - This clap brakes your hitsounds pattern! it should be in this tick: 02:24:364 yeaaah idk what happened there
You also need a clap here 02:26:254 and here 02:28:144 uuuh yes
02:36:884 (1) - Same as before, let it start in 02:37:120 - this whole part was messed up dafuk
02:52:002 and 02:53:892 - What are these sectinos for? xD TO MAKE THE TIMELINE LOOK VISUALLY APPEALING OK
03:09:010 (1) - You know oh ya


01:36:057 - This. Why did you put HS on three ticks? I think it's a mistake and you didn't do it on purpose yeah lets just say this was an accident
02:35:703 (1,2) - Uhm, unstack these elements because they're hard to read by newbies done!c:
02:51:293 (2,1) - These elements are too near and they look ugly in play mode... I don't usually get nazi about this kind of stuff but this is definitely ugly, sorry! dw i got u, found a really nice way of remapping this *_*(making those two straight sliders instead felt great)

I really like this song, and this is strange. Good luck for ranking :D
Thanks a bunch for your mod ~
00:26:254 (5,1) Maybe you should move (1) up so it blanks with (5)
00:42:553 (2,3) I think they should start on the white tick
01:37:592 (4) You should move this one, its too close to the hp bar

00:20:348 (3,4,5) Too hard for a normal. Try one 1/2 slider and 1 circle there instead
00:34:994 (3) Move this one a bit up
00:41:608 (2,4) Im unsure about this overlap
00:45:624 (1) - 00:56:962 (1) That part is a bit more like a Normal. Delete some circles, then it should be okay
01:00:742 (1) - 01:10:191 (1) ^
01:26:962 (8) Delete this one for a little break
01:28:380 (2,3,4) Same as 00:20:348 (3,4,5)
01:53:655 (1) - 02:04:994 (1) Too hard
02:08:773 (1) - 02:36:884 (1) ^
02:53:892 - 03:07:829 ^
Topic Starter

Come[Back]Home wrote:

00:26:254 (5,1) Maybe you should move (1) up so it blanks with (5) I'd like to not have them blanket as I feel like that'd make it look a bit too crowded
00:42:553 (2,3) I think they should start on the white tick I'm following the vocals with those so starting them on the red tick should be fine
01:37:592 (4) You should move this one, its too close to the hp bar moved the whole section down a bit c:

00:20:348 (3,4,5) Too hard for a normal. Try one 1/2 slider and 1 circle there instead
00:34:994 (3) Move this one a bit up done c:
00:41:608 (2,4) Im unsure about this overlap I honestly don't think that this one is too ugly, though I'd agree that having stuff overlap is not optimal
00:45:624 (1) - 00:56:962 (1) That part is a bit more like a Normal. Delete some circles, then it should be okay
01:00:742 (1) - 01:10:191 (1) ^
01:26:962 (8) Delete this one for a little break great idea!
01:28:380 (2,3,4) Same as 00:20:348 (3,4,5)
01:53:655 (1) - 02:04:994 (1) Too hard
02:08:773 (1) - 02:36:884 (1) ^
02:53:892 - 03:07:829 ^

I'm just gonna shorten this down a bit by saying that I disagree with the 'too hard' part of your mod. I do realise that the not density is quite high for a normal, essentially making it a Normal+ but I'm fine with that. I had looooots of people testplay this (including very new players too) and none of them had a problem with the note density.
a lot of this feels like me nitpicking
01:25:309 (3) - make this a kick slider?
01:37:592 (4) - ^
02:11:608 (4) - ^
02:17:277 (2) - ^ and split this up

normal diff
AR, HP, and (especially) OD 4.0?
00:26:726 (1) - I feel like this slider should end on a white tick not red
01:26:254 (7) - kick slider here, perhaps?
01:35:466 (2) - this note feels unnecessary
02:00:978 (4) - this feels like a slider for a hold that doesn't exist in the music
02:35:703 (1) - this note is really high (not that it really matters)
02:52:238 (1) - why is this a really long slider?

I love your blanketing sliders
Topic Starter

LinearFaze wrote:

a lot of this feels like me nitpicking
01:25:309 (3) - make this a kick slider?
01:37:592 (4) - ^
02:11:608 (4) - ^
02:17:277 (2) - ^ and split this up

I'm sorry but I don't think I'll change anything for the easy diff as I feel like it is fine rythm-wise. ><

normal diff
AR, HP, and (especially) OD 4.0? but the AR and the OD to 4, I felt like the HP should be a tad bit lower though as it is quite hard for a Normal
00:26:726 (1) - I feel like this slider should end on a white tick not red this is following the vocals, so having this end on a red tick is fine
01:26:254 (7) - kick slider here, perhaps? while I don't think that a repeatslider would neccessarily be unfitting, I'd rather have this as a 1/1. I tried using that little 'bump' instead of making it a kickslider c:
01:35:466 (2) - this note feels unnecessary agreed!
02:00:978 (4) - this feels like a slider for a hold that doesn't exist in the music remapped this to look like the first kiai, feels a lot nicer!
02:35:703 (1) - this note is really high (not that it really matters) it's that high because I'd like it to form a triangle =w=
02:52:238 (1) - why is this a really long slider? too go along with the vocals c:

I love your blanketing sliders
Thanks a bunch! You should pm me your map so I can mod back c:
m4m via #modreqs

  1. 00:17:986 (4) - can improve this blanket.
  2. 00:24:600 (1) - remove NC, you NC per 2 stanza but didn't for this.
  3. 00:29:561 (1,2) - switch NC is really more fit with song and to be consistent with other as well.
  4. 00:33:340 (1) - i know this nc also reasonable to add but I think switch NC with 2 is more fit?
  5. 00:37:120 (1,3) - switch NC, same reason.
  6. 00:40:899 (1,2) - ^
  7. 00:52:710 (3,4) - you missing to map cymbal sound, I suggest you to change 3 to 1/2 slider and start 4 on 00:53:183. oh and, add NC on the note you add on big white tick and remove NC on 00:53:892 (1) indeed.
  8. 00:54:836 (4,1) - switch NC?
  9. 01:13:970 (5,1) - switch NC, reason: beginning of stanza and to make player (or FL as well) to see that follow point to notice next note.
  10. 01:30:270 (7) - add finish on tail? I heard cymbal sound there.
  11. 01:36:884 (1) - no reason to NC this. hmm to explain, as you see, you add NC per 2 stanza.
  12. 01:47:041 (1,3) - switch NC.
  13. 01:48:931 (1,3) - ^
  14. 01:50:348 (1,4) - ^
  15. 01:52:947 (1) - remove NC.
  16. 02:00:742 (3,4) - same as 00:52:710 (3,4).
  17. 02:22:002 (1,2) - use drum-clap on tail instead?
  18. 02:27:435 (4,1) - switch NC.
  19. 02:29:325 (4,1) - ^
  20. 02:35:703 (1) - i don't know if this is touch something or ouf of field, it's questionable. there have just only a few note then spinner so I suggest you to move this down to be safe.
  21. 02:37:002 (1) - add whistle.
  1. 00:15:388 (1,3,1,3) - add whistle on tail? I think it's fit and you did like this on 00:24:836 (3,4,5,1,2)
  2. 00:22:947 (1) - add whistle on tail?
  3. 00:26:726 (1) - can be blanket.
  4. 00:34:758 (2) - remove whistle like you always did? too much whistle can be annoying sometimes.
  5. 00:44:443 (4) - questionable. i know you want it to end on white tick to make newbie easier to read but the rhythm... well let's BN or pro take care for this.
  6. 00:48:458 (1,2) - swap NC to follow all of you did on the following (including other kiai)
  7. 00:51:293 (4) - improve blanket.
  8. 00:51:293 (4) - finish on tail.
  9. 00:51:293 (4,1) - switch NC.
  10. 01:14:915 (1) - remove NC, same as I mentioned, let player/FL player see the follow point and you add NC per 2 stanza so that's the other reason to remove this.
  11. 01:39:482 (5,1) - switch NC.
  12. 01:42:317 (2) - add NC.
  13. 01:59:325 (3) - finish on tail.
  14. 03:04:994 (1,2) - switch NC.
  15. 03:08:301 (1) - same reason as i mentioned before.
really nice song, If I was BN, I was waiting to bubble this :D good luck!
Topic Starter

P A N wrote:

m4m via #modreqs

  1. 00:17:986 (4) - can improve this blanket. I didn't really want these two to look like a blanket, I was just trying to have them both go parallel to each other uwu
  2. 00:24:600 (1) - remove NC, you NC per 2 stanza but didn't for this.
  3. 00:29:561 (1,2) - switch NC is really more fit with song and to be consistent with other as well.
  4. 00:33:340 (1) - i know this nc also reasonable to add but I think switch NC with 2 is more fit?
  5. 00:37:120 (1,3) - switch NC, same reason.
  6. 00:40:899 (1,2) - ^
  7. 00:52:710 (3,4) - you missing to map cymbal sound, I suggest you to change 3 to 1/2 slider and start 4 on 00:53:183. oh and, add NC on the note you add on big white tick and remove NC on 00:53:892 (1) indeed. done! feels better than the long, holding thingy I had put there previously
  8. 00:54:836 (4,1) - switch NC?
  9. 01:13:970 (5,1) - switch NC, reason: beginning of stanza and to make player (or FL as well) to see that follow point to notice next note.
  10. 01:30:270 (7) - add finish on tail? I heard cymbal sound there. I feel like a finish might be a liiiitle bit too strong here hmmm..I'll add this if more people come up with the same suggestion c:
  11. 01:36:884 (1) - no reason to NC this. hmm to explain, as you see, you add NC per 2 stanza.
  12. 01:47:041 (1,3) - switch NC.
  13. 01:48:931 (1,3) - ^
  14. 01:50:348 (1,4) - ^
  15. 01:52:947 (1) - remove NC.
  16. 02:00:742 (3,4) - same as 00:52:710 (3,4).
  17. 02:22:002 (1,2) - use drum-clap on tail instead? yes! feels appropriate for the build-up
  18. 02:27:435 (4,1) - switch NC.
  19. 02:29:325 (4,1) - ^
  20. 02:35:703 (1) - i don't know if this is touch something or ouf of field, it's questionable. there have just only a few note then spinner so I suggest you to move this down to be safe. moved the whole traingle section down a little bit
  21. 02:37:002 (1) - add whistle. yus
I didn't know if you wanted me to reply to every individual NC change, so I'm just gonna shorten this down by saying that I applied every single one of those since they were obviously very reasonable c:

  1. 00:15:388 (1,3,1,3) - add whistle on tail? I think it's fit and you did like this on 00:24:836 (3,4,5,1,2) done! great suggestion
  2. 00:22:947 (1) - add whistle on tail? done!
  3. 00:26:726 (1) - can be blanket. I was a bit hesitant about adding a blanket here, it doesn't look as crowded as I thought though so I'll add one!
  4. 00:34:758 (2) - remove whistle like you always did? too much whistle can be annoying sometimes. done!
  5. 00:44:443 (4) - questionable. i know you want it to end on white tick to make newbie easier to read but the rhythm... well let's BN or pro take care for this. yeah this one was a bit tricky...I was hoping that having this end on a white tick would help newer plays with the transition between the two sliders
  6. 00:48:458 (1,2) - swap NC to follow all of you did on the following (including other kiai)
  7. 00:51:293 (4) - improve blanket. done uwu
  8. 00:51:293 (4) - finish on tail. yus
  9. 00:51:293 (4,1) - switch NC.
  10. 01:14:915 (1) - remove NC, same as I mentioned, let player/FL player see the follow point and you add NC per 2 stanza so that's the other reason to remove this.
  11. 01:39:482 (5,1) - switch NC.
  12. 01:42:317 (2) - add NC.
  13. 01:59:325 (3) - finish on tail. yuhus
  14. 03:04:994 (1,2) - switch NC.
  15. 03:08:301 (1) - same reason as i mentioned before.
I'm going to lazy out on this one again by saying that I ended up applying all the NC changes you suggested, as they were all very reasonable!

really nice song, If I was BN, I was waiting to bubble this :D good luck!
Thanks a bunch 030
Posted here for reference

10:00 EscapeReality: 00:20:348 (3,4,5,6) - you could get these in a line
10:03 EscapeReality: 00:58:852 (3) - you could try a reverse slider, i think it builds up the tension for the long reverse slider after
10:05 EscapeReality: 01:15:860 (1) - maybe put another circle here? and start spinner on blue tick
10:05 EscapeReality: feels empty to just spin on the white tick
10:08 EscapeReality:
10:08 EscapeReality: 01:29:088 (5) - maybe try something like this here
10:09 EscapeReality: 01:29:797 (6,7) - this gap messed me up a few times so i thought it would be tricky for lower level players
10:09 EscapeReality: 01:33:577 (6,7) - same here
10:10 EscapeReality: but since you keep it consistent
10:10 EscapeReality: i think it might be okay
10:10 EscapeReality: idk
10:10 EscapeReality: yeah ignore what i just said, it's fine
10:14 EscapeReality: 01:35:703 (2) - this slider here is too long
10:14 EscapeReality: i don't know if 1/4 repeat sliders are allowed for normal tho
10:14 EscapeReality:
10:14 EscapeReality: else i would try something like this
10:14 EscapeReality: but that slider feels too static
10:15 EscapeReality: 01:37:592 (3) - same with this one
10:15 EscapeReality: feels too long
10:15 EscapeReality:
10:15 EscapeReality: maybe lead in with a circle
10:15 EscapeReality: like in the screenshot above
10:17 EscapeReality: 01:47:750 (1) -
10:18 EscapeReality:
10:18 EscapeReality: try a rhythm like this? ^
10:19 EscapeReality: and shift the clap to the circle
10:22 EscapeReality: 01:51:529 (4,1,2) - gaps here feel weird
10:22 EscapeReality: especially with the insistent drum beat
10:22 EscapeReality: going on in the background
10:22 EscapeReality: idk what to do with it without making it beyond normal tho
10:24 EscapeReality: 02:36:884 (1) - circle on red tick
10:24 EscapeReality: begin spinner immediately after
10:25 EscapeReality: 02:52:238 (1) - feels too long
10:25 EscapeReality:
10:25 EscapeReality: try something like this^
10:28 EscapeReality: around here
10:28 EscapeReality: 03:00:978 (3) -
10:28 EscapeReality: try something like this?
10:28 EscapeReality: 03:00:978 (3) -
10:28 EscapeReality: feel like pressing something on this sliderend
10:28 EscapeReality: 03:09:246 (1) - consider putting a circle here, starting spinner on blue tick
10:29 EscapeReality: i think that's all, like i said not good with normals lol
Topic Starter


The offset on the beginning 00:00:270 - 00:45:624 because the piano is not consistent, but I can help with other timings.

  1. Add - 00:45:624 - BPM 127,05 ; Offset: 45.624
  2. Add - 01:38:516 - BPM 127,00 ; Offset: 98.516
Don't forget to resnap all notes


An advice for this diff: try to not end sliders on a big white tick, like you did with 00:29:561 (1) - , specially when the strong beat is on that tick. It ruins the emphasis. You can keep them on this diff because you used a lot, just try to remember this next time you map!

00:39:010 (2) - You were following a completely different rhythm. Starting on the white tick before the big white tick and ending there, here you added a repeat and ended on a red tick. I'd recommend to keep the rhythm and consistency. Plus, this is the only part you used this rhythm.

00:42:553 (2,3,4) - Here you follow the vocal, but previously you were following the beat. It's a bad inconsistency for an Easy difficulty. It's really better to follow the beat here instead of the vocal, it's really confusing to new plays this rhythm change.


An advice for this diff: on Easy you didn't use 1/2 at all, except for a 1/2 slider, but here you used a lot and with a really high DS if you compare with the 1/1s on Easy. Would be really better to put a smaller DS on this diff.

00:20:348 (3,4,5) - This pattern full of circles is really heavy for a calm section like this, and even on kiai you didn't use a pattern like this. Would be better to remove then and put sliders.

01:28:380 (2,3,4) - Again with the same thing I've mentioned above. It's a calm part, don't use a lot of circles D:

01:52:947 (2) - This part is really strong, with 1/4 and all. You should use a 1/2 slider or circles before the kiai starts. Would put a big emphasis on this part, and that would fit. You didn't use on first kiai, but there wasn't emphasizing sound at all, this is why I'm recommending this.

Good luck on this!
Topic Starter
thanks a bunch for the mod ><

Will aplly/reply after getting back from work c:
Topic Starter

Near wrote:



The offset on the beginning 00:00:270 - 00:45:624 because the piano is not consistent, but I can help with other timings.

  1. Add - 00:45:624 - BPM 127,05 ; Offset: 45.624
  2. Add - 01:38:516 - BPM 127,00 ; Offset: 98.516
Don't forget to resnap all notes

According to the ranked version of this song, this is 127 throughout the whole map without any inconsistencies. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that you're neccessarily wrong, I'd just like to think that 'following' the ranked version here is the right thing to do. If it turns out that changing this is a must, I won't hesitate to do it so thanks for pointing this out!


An advice for this diff: try to not end sliders on a big white tick, like you did with 00:29:561 (1) - , specially when the strong beat is on that tick. It ruins the emphasis. You can keep them on this diff because you used a lot, just try to remember this next time you map!

While I would generally agree that downbeats should most likely have something clickable on them, I think they can occassionally work really well on sliderends especially for these somewhat 'fading' sounds (like the one you pointed out) where the slider workes as some kind of build-up with the downbeat + hitsound as the highlight...sort of. Just my two cents ><

00:39:010 (2) - You were following a completely different rhythm. Starting on the white tick before the big white tick and ending there, here you added a repeat and ended on a red tick. I'd recommend to keep the rhythm and consistency. Plus, this is the only part you used this rhythm.

I've actually used this rythm 4 times during the map to emphasize vocals, and I honestly don't see how having a single repeat end on a red tick is too much of an inconsistency ><. I mean it does end on a white tick so it's not like it suddenly forces the player to play 1/2. I also didnt feel like anyone had a problem with these while playing the map, so I don't think that changing them is neccessary x.x

00:42:553 (2,3,4) - Here you follow the vocal, but previously you were following the beat. It's a bad inconsistency for an Easy difficulty. It's really better to follow the beat here instead of the vocal, it's really confusing to new plays this rhythm change.

wasn't I actually following the vocals previously too with the sliders? atleast that's what I was going for...well anyways, I guess that having something start on a red tick is quite the inconsistency mhhh...I remapped this using white ticks only c:


An advice for this diff: on Easy you didn't use 1/2 at all, except for a 1/2 slider, but here you used a lot and with a really high DS if you compare with the 1/1s on Easy. Would be really better to put a smaller DS on this diff.

I do realize that this defintely is a Normal+ due to it's high not density, I still think that this is well within the borders of a Normal Diff though. I had a fair amount of people test this and they all said that this did indeed feel like a Normal Diff, a 'harder' Normal Diff but still a Normal Diff (so much Normal lol). I'd like to keep the settings as they currently are.

00:20:348 (3,4,5) - This pattern full of circles is really heavy for a calm section like this, and even on kiai you didn't use a pattern like this. Would be better to remove then and put sliders.

Hmm while I don't necessarily think that the pattern itself is bad, you're right that it does stand out as a spike in difficulty during the rather slow part. I removed 4 and 5 and replaced them with a slider to nerf the pattern since I feel like this is easy to hit AND easy to follow in terms of the rythm that is used c:

01:28:380 (2,3,4) - Again with the same thing I've mentioned above. It's a calm part, don't use a lot of circles D:

Same thing as above, I'm willing to nerf this by replacing most of the cicles c: I actually really like how this turned out too ><

01:52:947 (2) - This part is really strong, with 1/4 and all. You should use a 1/2 slider or circles before the kiai starts. Would put a big emphasis on this part, and that would fit. You didn't use on first kiai, but there wasn't emphasizing sound at all, this is why I'm recommending this.

remapped this part + the first few secs of the kiai to go along with the rytm (white ticks) using 1/2 sliders leading into a reverse 1/2 for the buildup section c:

Good luck on this!

Thanks a bunch for your mod 030
Placeholder for a mod
This mod was requested in bigfeh's 24h Modding Queue.

Modding Easy diffs is hard for me since I never played them, but here we go
(also, love the song choice. Cheers! and are you accepting guest Hard diffs? :P)


• 00:15:388(1) - Following the vocals with the beginning of the slider, but not the end, feels very weird. Maybe consider revisiting?
• 01:39:482(1) - The return of the slider doesn't coincide with the vocals. Consider cutting the slider in two as in pic related
• 01:39:482(2) - Ending doesn't coincide with the vocals either. Maybe make the slider a 1/2th note shorter, as in pic related?
• 02:16:332(2) - Return is great because it coincides with the cymbals. The ending, however, does not - Consider making another note and removing the return altogether, as in pic related
• 03:01:687(2) - Exact same as above


• Overall, this diff is pretty solid. You should, however, consider making it a bit harder since the gap between this and the Easy difficulty is too small imo
• 00:26:726(1) - Recommend cutting 1/2 note from slider end to sync with vocals
• 01:27:199(5,6) - Consider adding note inbetween, as in pic related
• 02:54:128(1) - Making this a return slider should probably be a good idea, since there's a percussion hit right in the middle of it (as seen in pic related™)

Sorry for making so few observations on your maps, but they're pretty decent and don't need many changes. I love this song as well (why do the best songs keep popping up on my queue?) and I'd be delighted to map a Hard diff for this.
Topic Starter

bigfeh wrote:

This mod was requested in bigfeh's 24h Modding Queue.

Modding Easy diffs is hard for me since I never played them, but here we go
(also, love the song choice. Cheers! and are you accepting guest Hard diffs? :P)

I'll pm you about this in-game if you don't mind uwu


• 00:15:388(1) - Following the vocals with the beginning of the slider, but not the end, feels very weird. Maybe consider revisiting? Following the vocals with this one slider and then suddenly switching to mapping the background music would feel inconsistent ><
• 01:39:482(1) - The return of the slider doesn't coincide with the vocals. Consider cutting the slider in two as in pic related mapping blue ticks in easy Diffs is out of the question I think...even mapping on red ticks would require a larger break to help the player adjust :P
• 01:39:482(2) - Ending doesn't coincide with the vocals either. Maybe make the slider a 1/2th note shorter, as in pic related? Same as above. suddenly having something end on a red tick would be a rather big inconsistency I think
• 02:16:332(2) - Return is great because it coincides with the cymbals. The ending, however, does not - Consider making another note and removing the return altogether, as in pic related This honestly is the best I can do while sticking to white ticks only c:
• 03:01:687(2) - Exact same as above ^

This is something that I should've put into the 'consideration' field during my request, the fact that I think the easy Diff should be white ticks only ;w;


• Overall, this diff is pretty solid. You should, however, consider making it a bit harder since the gap between this and the Easy difficulty is too small imo The problem with this is that while the Easy Diff is only white ticks, the Normal Diff uses loooots and looooots of 1/2 with a kind of high DS, so making it even harder would eventually mean turning it into an easy Hard Diff ><
• 00:26:726(1) - Recommend cutting 1/2 note from slider end to sync with vocals How in the sh*t did I miss this. nice
• 01:27:199(5,6) - Consider adding note inbetween, as in pic related I'd like to keep this little break and have the slider follow the vocals
• 02:54:128(1) - Making this a return slider should probably be a good idea, since there's a percussion hit right in the middle of it (as seen in pic related™) not neccessarily a bad suggestion, though I would like this to be consistent with the other kiai stars as well to avoid confusion. I'll keep this in mind though and watch for similar suggestions in other mods

Sorry for making so few observations on your maps, but they're pretty decent and don't need many changes. I love this song as well (why do the best songs keep popping up on my queue?) and I'd be delighted to map a Hard diff for this.
Thanks a bunch 030

From modding queue

Red - Unrankable
Blue - Highly recommended
Black - Suggestion

  1. You might add Where Chou (respectively now only Where, because Chou is already there) to tags, because her albums are sold under this name out of Asia.
  2. Remove 周蕙 from tags as it is an artist, thus it has no function.
  3. Rewrite Zìjǐ De Fángjiān to ziji de fangjian. The reason is, these are tags, which are used for searching. If you can write Chinese, you will just write it in that language, if you are not, you will search by romanization. However, not everyone likes to find a shortcut for a marcoon and so on, he will be looking for it without special characters, because most probably he cannot even write it. Most people would really look for ziji de fangjian instead of Zìjǐ De Fángjiān, thus they won't find the map. We don't use special characters in romanised artist or title, so it is also wrong in tags.
  4. Add 盧文韜 (Lu Wentao) to tags as he composed this song and definitely deserves it.
  5. Also add 張逸帆 (JerryC, Thang Yifan, Jerry Chang) as it is arranger of the song.
  6. I really recommend to change the hitsounds a bit. For example you are using snare for few slider ticks, while the rest of song are just claps, which really don't fit to the song. You might try these, which would make it more consistent and fitting to the song:


  1. Not like that really is unrankable, but it breaks guidelines, which might only be broken only in really special cases, which this isn't. The kiai times are not consistent between normal and easy, AND kiai start out of a downbeat on normal, what seemed to be really insensible. You probably have to do this:
    00:45:388 - Remove the kiai and put it on 00:45:624
    01:14:679 - Move this timing point on 01:14:915, so the kiai ends more sensibly and so it's consistent with easy.
    02:23:892 - Move this timing point on 02:23:892 for the same reason as above.
    02:53:892 - Remove the kiai and put it on 02:54:128
    03:08:065 - Move this timing point on 03:08:301 for same reason as the previous ones.
    It is important to be on downbeat as it determines when the star fountain will start (and on taiko it afflicts score). This does not seem to be sensible at all, just make it same as easy difficulty.
  2. All settings seems to be fine and making a fine gap for 2-diff map, but you should change the circle size to 4. The reason is, it's a 2-diff map, so it should be something like normal+, when the song is such a lively one. But the main reason is this combination of AR and CS makes it harder to read, as an example, you can play some AngelHoney's maps (rog-unlimitation), you will clearly notice the difficulty is increased by using a small circle size and high AR. If the circles are too big, objects seem to be near each other and when the AR is too big in comparsion, newbie might start to panic. Basically if there is bigger visual gap between objects, it is easier to read with this AR and also your patterns are quite often well-places, you use some nice blankets and that looks slightly smoother with smaller CS.
  3. These changes are about hitsounds
    00:58:144 - Use slidertick2 there, so it is consistent with 01:00:270. There is also a drum in song, so it should be hitsounded if you already did on some places.
    00:59:088 - Same as above
    01:07:120 (2) - You should remove claps on 01:07:120 and 01:07:592 as there are none in a song and use slidertick2 on 01:07:829, because there is a snare in a song.
    01:36:175 - Use slidertick2, there is a snare in a song
    01:51:057 - Same as above
    02:06:175 - Same as above
    02:07:120 - Same as above
    02:15:151 (2) - Remove clap on 02:15:151 and 02:15:624, there is a no snare again and use slidertick2 on 02:15:860.
    02:21:057 - Use a slidertick2, because it is in a song, and you did exactly on the same drum on 02:21:529
    03:01:451 - Remove the clap because there is none in the song.


  1. You should use CS 3 for similar reasons as Normal. Current CS is a bit worse to read and objects also seem to be too near, thus the patterns don't look that well. As an example, 00:45:624 (1,2,3) - Seems really weird, because the gap is inconsistent, but if you use CS 3, the gap looks more consistent and that all makes the patterns better.
  2. 01:03:577 - Remove the clap, it sounds really weird, becuase there is nothing in a song.
  3. 01:39:955 - Use a slidertick2 as there is a snare in a song
  4. 01:47:514 - Same as above
  5. 02:11:608 - Same as 01:03:577, the clap is not supposed to be on this place
  6. 02:34:758 (5) - Would be fine with clap on start and end as it is also in a music
  7. 02:50:821 - Don't use the slidertick2, as there is nothing in a song
  8. 03:00:270 - Use slidertick2 here and remove clap from 03:00:506 to be correct with the song
  9. 00:39:010 (2) - and 01:39:482 (1) - are not really a good choice for easy difficulty, because they ignore the downbeat, which is in this place more significant than the voice was, thus the only thing this can lead into is a confusion of newbies.

Conclusion: Rankable

This map seems to be really smooth, just needs some hitsound correction and improvement, but the patterns and rhytm was just all quite fine. Just the last thing on easy bothered be quite a lot, because that's was almost only wrong rhythm in the mapset.
Good luck, have a star when I have it. (If I was a BN, personally I'd maybe give that bubble)~
Topic Starter

Wafu wrote:

From modding queue

Red - Unrankable
Blue - Highly recommended
Black - Suggestion

  1. You might add Where Chou (respectively now only Where, because Chou is already there) to tags, because her albums are sold under this name out of Asia. Done!
  2. Remove 周蕙 from tags as it is an artist, thus it has no function. Yeah you're right. Removed!
  3. Rewrite Zìjǐ De Fángjiān to ziji de fangjian. The reason is, these are tags, which are used for searching. If you can write Chinese, you will just write it in that language, if you are not, you will search by romanization. However, not everyone likes to find a shortcut for a marcoon and so on, he will be looking for it without special characters, because most probably he cannot even write it. Most people would really look for ziji de fangjian instead of Zìjǐ De Fángjiān, thus they won't find the map. We don't use special characters in romanised artist or title, so it is also wrong in tags. Yeah I kinda felt like this was wrong but was waiting for someone to point it out as I did not feel too confident about removing this
  4. Add 盧文韜 (Lu Wentao) to tags as he composed this song and definitely deserves it. oh yes he does
  5. Also add 張逸帆 (JerryC, Thang Yifan, Jerry Chang) as it is arranger of the song. I didn't even know..uwu
  6. I really recommend to change the hitsounds a bit. For example you are using snare for few slider ticks, while the rest of song are just claps, which really don't fit to the song. You might try these, which would make it more consistent and fitting to the song:
Oh my, I feel like just adding these increased the quality of the maps hitsounds by 10000%. I was trying to find custom ones to use but failed, thank you SO MUCH for finding these


  1. Not like that really is unrankable, but it breaks guidelines, which might only be broken only in really special cases, which this isn't. The kiai times are not consistent between normal and easy, AND kiai start out of a downbeat on normal, what seemed to be really insensible. You probably have to do this:


    00:45:388 - Remove the kiai and put it on 00:45:624
    01:14:679 - Move this timing point on 01:14:915, so the kiai ends more sensibly and so it's consistent with easy.
    02:23:892 - Move this timing point on 02:23:892 for the same reason as above.
    02:53:892 - Remove the kiai and put it on 02:54:128
    03:08:065 - Move this timing point on 03:08:301 for same reason as the previous ones.
    It is important to be on downbeat as it determines when the star fountain will start (and on taiko it afflicts score). This does not seem to be sensible at all, just make it same as easy difficulty.

    I wasn't aware of that, thanks for telling me! I never really tried playing anything but Standard so I wasn't thinking about how these things might affect different modes.

  2. All settings seems to be fine and making a fine gap for 2-diff map, but you should change the circle size to 4. The reason is, it's a 2-diff map, so it should be something like normal+, when the song is such a lively one. But the main reason is this combination of AR and CS makes it harder to read, as an example, you can play some AngelHoney's maps (rog-unlimitation), you will clearly notice the difficulty is increased by using a small circle size and high AR. If the circles are too big, objects seem to be near each other and when the AR is too big in comparsion, newbie might start to panic. Basically if there is bigger visual gap between objects, it is easier to read with this AR and also your patterns are quite often well-places, you use some nice blankets and that looks slightly smoother with smaller CS.

    Seems like a very reasonable suggestion. I like how you went out of your way to actually justify why these changes should be made instead of simply writing 'cs 4 pl0x', so I feel MUCH better about applying these changes!
  3. These changes are about hitsounds
    00:58:144 - Use slidertick2 there, so it is consistent with 01:00:270. There is also a drum in song, so it should be hitsounded if you already did on some places. Done. Also works nicely as a build-up :P
    00:59:088 - Same as above yeah this one too
    01:07:120 (2) - You should remove claps on 01:07:120 and 01:07:592 as there are none in a song and use slidertick2 on 01:07:829, because there is a snare in a song. Done!
    01:36:175 - Use slidertick2, there is a snare in a song yep
    01:51:057 - Same as above yusss
    02:06:175 - Same as above aaand this one too
    02:07:120 - Same as above well uuh yeah this one as well
    02:15:151 (2) - Remove clap on 02:15:151 and 02:15:624, there is a no snare again and use slidertick2 on 02:15:860. Changed this just like I did with the pattern above
    02:21:057 - Use a slidertick2, because it is in a song, and you did exactly on the same drum on 02:21:529 nice catch!
    03:01:451 - Remove the clap because there is none in the song. sure thing


  1. You should use CS 3 for similar reasons as Normal. Current CS is a bit worse to read and objects also seem to be too near, thus the patterns don't look that well. As an example, 00:45:624 (1,2,3) - Seems really weird, because the gap is inconsistent, but if you use CS 3, the gap looks more consistent and that all makes the patterns better.

  2. 01:03:577 - Remove the clap, it sounds really weird, becuase there is nothing in a song. Done!
  3. 01:39:955 - Use a slidertick2 as there is a snare in a song The only reason I couldnt apply this is because I got rid of the slider just like you suggested :P
  4. 01:47:514 - Same as above yup
  5. 02:11:608 - Same as 01:03:577, the clap is not supposed to be on this place yeah it really does.. uwu
  6. 02:34:758 (5) - Would be fine with clap on start and end as it is also in a music This sounded a bit strange and unfitting with my old hitsounds, but much better now that I'm using yours!
  7. 02:50:821 - Don't use the slidertick2, as there is nothing in a song hitsound be goonnee
  8. 03:00:270 - Use slidertick2 here and remove clap from 03:00:506 to be correct with the song yep
  9. 00:39:010 (2) - and 01:39:482 (1) - are not really a good choice for easy difficulty, because they ignore the downbeat, which is in this place more significant than the voice was, thus the only thing this can lead into is a confusion of newbies.

    Got rid of these two and replaced them with a shorter repeat and a circle, I feel like this nicely catches the downbeat + it's easy to hitsound properly c:

Conclusion: Rankable

This map seems to be really smooth, just needs some hitsound correction and improvement, but the patterns and rhytm was just all quite fine. Just the last thing on easy bothered be quite a lot, because that's was almost only wrong rhythm in the mapset.
Good luck, have a star when I have it. (If I was a BN, personally I'd maybe give that bubble)~

Thank you for your OUTSTANDING mod! I should be starring you for this ;w;
from modding queue

※my english is poor, I hope your understanding

wow good song but I don't understand the meaning of the lyrics

AIBat wrote:

Inconsistency in Kiai Times:
- [Easy] :
Kiai #3: Starts on 02:54:128, ends on 03:08:301
- [Normal] :
Kiai #3: Starts on 02:53:892, ends on 03:08:301
It's purposely?

  1. I think this mapset needs CS3~3.5 Normal.
    Normal diff is CS4, it's rankable, but I think this mapset have huge difficulty gap between Easy-Normal for 2diff(E-N) mapset.
  1. 01:45:151 (1,3) - switch NC
  2. 01:47:986 (1) - remove NC
  3. 03:09:364 (1) - add whistle?
Topic Starter

fuyuyu- wrote:

from modding queue

※my english is poor, I hope your understanding

wow good song but I don't understand the meaning of the lyrics

AIBat wrote:

Inconsistency in Kiai Times:
- [Easy] :
Kiai #3: Starts on 02:54:128, ends on 03:08:301
- [Normal] :
Kiai #3: Starts on 02:53:892, ends on 03:08:301
It's purposely?

Nope. Apparantly missed this for some reason, thanks for pointing it out!

  1. I think this mapset needs CS3~3.5 Normal.
    Normal diff is CS4, it's rankable, but I think this mapset have huge difficulty gap between Easy-Normal for 2diff(E-N) mapset.
The gap between Easy and Normal is pretty reasonable imo, + I think that having a Normal+ is better for a Set that has two Difficulties only, this should not be a problem

  1. 01:45:151 (1,3) - switch NC done
  2. 01:47:986 (1) - remove NC done!
  3. 03:09:364 (1) - add whistle? hmmm this feels kind weird imo..might consider adding a whistle if this gets pointed out again
Thanks a bunch o3o
  1. 00:49:876 (5) - Add new combo for consistency.
  2. 00:51:293 (1) - Remove new combo for consistency.
  3. 00:53:655 (2) - Add new combo for consistency.
  4. 00:58:852 (4) - Add finish instead of whistle on slider's start. cymbal sound exists there.
  5. 01:12:081 (1) - Same as above.
  6. 01:14:915 (2) - I think it would be not bad that adding whistle on slider's start.
  7. 01:51:766 (3) - Add clap instead of whistle on slider's end.
  8. 02:06:884 (4) - Same as 00:58:852.
  9. 02:22:002 (3) - Same as above.
  10. 02:23:892 (1) - Why don't you add finish on slider's start?
  1. Hitsound volume is too low. i'd recommend increasing hitsound volume like as Easy difficulty.
  2. 00:16:096 (2) - Remove whistle on slider's end for consistency.
  3. 00:32:159 (4,5) - Why is this distance 1.5x?
  4. 00:58:852 (3) - Add new combo for consistency.
  5. 01:13:970 (1,2) - Same as 00:32:159. i don't know why this distance is 1.6x.
  6. 01:40:427 (4) - is this finish necessary? I think it would suffice that using whistle.
  7. 02:06:884 (3) - Add new combo for consistency.
  8. 02:20:112 (1) - Add finish instead of whistle on slider's start for consistency.
  9. 02:25:781 (1) - Same as 01:40:427.
I don't know meaning. but this song is good <3
Topic Starter
Thanks a bunch for your mod!<3

Will apply/reply (mostly apply since all of your suggestions seem veeerrry reasonable) as soon as I get back from work! o3o
Topic Starter

Underflow wrote:

  1. 00:49:876 (5) - Add new combo for consistency.
  2. 00:51:293 (1) - Remove new combo for consistency. done!
  3. 00:53:655 (2) - Add new combo for consistency. aaand done!
  4. 00:58:852 (4) - Add finish instead of whistle on slider's start. cymbal sound exists there. hmm I guess I was being a bit to hesitant when i comes to using finishes
  5. 01:12:081 (1) - Same as above. yeah
  6. 01:14:915 (2) - I think it would be not bad that adding whistle on slider's start. yeah, feels better to atleast have some sort of feedback on this
  7. 01:51:766 (3) - Add clap instead of whistle on slider's end. yes
  8. 02:06:884 (4) - Same as 00:58:852. done!
  9. 02:22:002 (3) - Same as above. aaanndddd done
  10. 02:23:892 (1) - Why don't you add finish on slider's start? idk why :c
  1. Hitsound volume is too low. i'd recommend increasing hitsound volume like as Easy difficulty. done, didnt want the hitsounds to overpower the song, though I guess having them consistent between the Diffs is the right thing to do c:
  2. 00:16:096 (2) - Remove whistle on slider's end for consistency. nice catch!
  3. 00:32:159 (4,5) - Why is this distance 1.5x? aaaah idk why
  4. 00:58:852 (3) - Add new combo for consistency. done!
  5. 01:13:970 (1,2) - Same as 00:32:159. i don't know why this distance is 1.6x. the slider somehow jumped to 1.6 spacing when it tried moving it...weird. fixed ofc
  6. 01:40:427 (4) - is this finish necessary? I think it would suffice that using whistle. yeah..also used whistles for other, similar spots
  7. 02:06:884 (3) - Add new combo for consistency. done!
  8. 02:20:112 (1) - Add finish instead of whistle on slider's start for consistency. dun
  9. 02:25:781 (1) - Same as 01:40:427. fixed!
I don't know meaning. but this song is good <3

Thanks a bunch for the mod AND the star o3o
Hi, you tried to solve my puzzle and your attempt was good enough to be worth a mod!


The drum sample might be a bit too loud, especially in the beginning (1st Kiai). I'd suggest to lower the volume of that specific sound by using a program like audacity to adjust the sound file's volume. If you don't have any access to such a program, call me ingame and I'll do it for you.


|01:15:860 (1) - Might be too short. What about extending it to 01:19:640 - ?

I would say that you could improve the cursor movement flow a bit by replacing some sliders, but that might kill the maps structure. Anyway, let me suggest them real quick, maybe there is something valuable.

00:47:514 (3) - Ctrl+H, rotate by ca. 30° and move it to the previous circle's left
02:09:718 (2,3,4) - Those could form a bit cleaner circle shape altogether.

The rest was quite fine, no dramatic rhythmical errors, placement is a bit disagreeable, but fine.


|I have mentioned this already, I don't like that the vocals are followed in the beginning. It's not a bad idea, as you would use the most obvious stressable reference, but due to that, the map starts lacking of structure. To be honest, I think there is less of a problem with the vocals, but with the rhythmical usage of objects together with their placement and shape. For example: 00:22:947 (1,2) - These aren't connected in any way whatsoever, because 1 doesn't really lead to 2 in an intuitive way. Especially for slow songs, it's pretty important to keep everything fluent.

|00:19:640 (2,5) - These make the pattern look somewhat unclean. The straight lines don't work together with the curves of the other ones. I suggest some different shapes and maybe a different placement.

I guess all other things in the intro don't cause any problems, even though things look a bit weird.

|02:35:703 (1,2,3) - Rhythmically interesting. But I think this could be improved, things don't look or feel connected. Can you try to use some better sliders or sliders instead of circles? I hope this doesn't make the whole thing too hard to call it a normal, but it would definitely improve the flow.

Again, probably arguable slider shapes and minor problems with object placement, but those are less of a problem in general and don't cause any rankability inconveniences.

Good luck!
Topic Starter

Sala- wrote:

Hi, you tried to solve my puzzle and your attempt was good enough to be worth a mod!


The drum sample might be a bit too loud, especially in the beginning (1st Kiai). I'd suggest to lower the volume of that specific sound by using a program like audacity to adjust the sound file's volume. If you don't have any access to such a program, call me ingame and I'll do it for you.

I feel like lowering the hitsound volume during the first kiai works just as well.


|01:15:860 (1) - Might be too short. What about extending it to 01:19:640 - ?

It feels a bit weird to keep spinning when the vocals have already faded out :/ I might do this if it turns out that this actually is too short

I would say that you could improve the cursor movement flow a bit by replacing some sliders, but that might kill the maps structure. Anyway, let me suggest them real quick, maybe there is something valuable.

00:47:514 (3) - Ctrl+H, rotate by ca. 30° and move it to the previous circle's left maybe I somehow failed followed your instructions correctly, but this kinda ended up looking weird. I get why you felt this flowed badly though so I remapped it
02:09:718 (2,3,4) - Those could form a bit cleaner circle shape altogether. moved 2 up to straighten out 3, should look cleaner now

The rest was quite fine, no dramatic rhythmical errors, placement is a bit disagreeable, but fine.


|I have mentioned this already, I don't like that the vocals are followed in the beginning. It's not a bad idea, as you would use the most obvious stressable reference, but due to that, the map starts lacking of structure. To be honest, I think there is less of a problem with the vocals, but with the rhythmical usage of objects together with their placement and shape. For example: 00:22:947 (1,2) - These aren't connected in any way whatsoever, because 1 doesn't really lead to 2 in an intuitive way. Especially for slow songs, it's pretty important to keep everything fluent.

mhmm basically remapped most of the slow part to feel more nicer and flow better!

|00:19:640 (2,5) - These make the pattern look somewhat unclean. The straight lines don't work together with the curves of the other ones. I suggest some different shapes and maybe a different placement.

I guess all other things in the intro don't cause any problems, even though things look a bit weird.

|02:35:703 (1,2,3) - Rhythmically interesting. But I think this could be improved, things don't look or feel connected. Can you try to use some better sliders or sliders instead of circles? I hope this doesn't make the whole thing too hard to call it a normal, but it would definitely improve the flow.

considering the high note density of this Diff, I don't think using a slider feels overdone or too hard.

Again, probably arguable slider shapes and minor problems with object placement, but those are less of a problem in general and don't cause any rankability inconveniences.

Good luck!
Thanks a bunch o3o
Hi, as requested.

00:22:947 (1) - How about this?

00:39:010 (2) - Ctrl+J and place it on x:456; y:332
01:49:876 (1) - It's my personal preference but I would remove the redpoint and make a blanket.

That's all I found.
This map/song is awesome <3
Good Luck!
Topic Starter

Pjecoo wrote:

Hi, as requested.

00:22:947 (1) - How about this? Done! though I'm not 100% sold on this, it looks a bit nicer than mne

00:39:010 (2) - Ctrl+J and place it on x:456; y:332 I like it in it's current position :c
01:49:876 (1) - It's my personal preference but I would remove the redpoint and make a blanket. Hmm I will consider doing this if more people point it out, though I think that this currently plays nicely and looks decent

That's all I found.
This map/song is awesome <3
Good Luck!
Thanks a bunch o3o
Placeholder :3
I like the song, and the map is well done. I hope to see her soon in the ranking.
00: 52: 002 (2) -Only a recommendation. You might want to move the slider and (, I feel it is more "playable". The grid points are:
x: 308 y: 188
x: 369 y: 188
x: 416 y: 148

01:15:978 (1) - Add whistle?
03:09:364 (1) - ^

01: 15: 860 (1) - Add whistle?
02: 36: 884 (1) - Add whistle
Sorry, it's all I could find D:
The map is very solid. :) Good job!
Topic Starter

_HydeSama_ wrote:

I like the song, and the map is well done. I hope to see her soon in the ranking.
00: 52: 002 (2) -Only a recommendation. You might want to move the slider and (, I feel it is more "playable". The grid points are:
x: 308 y: 188
x: 369 y: 188
x: 416 y: 148

Not sure if I'm doing it wrong, but placing it like this messes up the DS ><

01:15:978 (1) - Add whistle? done
03:09:364 (1) - ^ added one on the second spinner instead as it actually felt a llot more fitting

01: 15: 860 (1) - Add whistle? yeah adding those as a few people have pointed those out already. lets see how it goes
02: 36: 884 (1) - Add whistle same as above c:
Sorry, it's all I could find D:
The map is very solid. :) Good job!
Thanks a bunch for your mod!~
From ✞Kuki and Moph's Modding Q✞

  1. 03:09:246 - Try changing this to something like It sounds nicer and also suits the normal difficulty.
  1. 01:14:915 (2) - Extend this slider to 01:15:860 (3) and remove the hitcircle there.
  2. 02:06:884 (1,2) - Change to something more like this to set up for the red tick slider.
hi there!
from my reverse m4m queue! t/304087/start=60
00:24:600 (3,4) - fix blanket
00:46:332 (2) - NC
00:48:458 (3) - this wave is to fat witch cause the wave a little sharpness try this (i just got closer the middle two anchors)
01:01:687 (3,4) - fix blanket
01:02:159 (4,1) - ^^ a little
01:06:175 (4,1) - ^^ a little
01:30:742 (7,1) - swap NC
01:34:521 (8,1) - ^^
01:54:364 (2) - NC
01:55:073 (4,1) - fix blanket
01:56:490 (3) - about the last wave (the same problem)
02:00:742 (3,1) - fix blanket
02:09:482 (2) - NC
02:10:191 (4,1) - fix blanket a little
02:11:608 (3) - the wave
02:15:151 (2,1) - fix blanket
02:19:640 (4,1) - ^^
02:55:545 (4,1) - ^^
02:56:962 (3) - the wave
02:59:797 (1,2) - fix blanket
03:04:285 (2) - x224
Topic Starter

Kuki wrote:

From ✞Kuki and Moph's Modding Q✞

  1. 03:09:246 - Try changing this to something like It sounds nicer and also suits the normal difficulty.
Done! You're right about the consistency too

  1. 01:14:915 (2) - Extend this slider to 01:15:860 (3) and remove the hitcircle there. uuh I honestly feel like this already feels rather fitting? idk might I might consider doing this if more people point it out, though I kinda doubt it.
  2. 02:06:884 (1,2) - Change to something more like this to set up for the red tick slider.
    Hmm I'm honestly not quite sure how changing it like this would help setting up for a red tick slider.
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