
Im searching a taiko trainer!

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Hey taiko guys,

Sry for my grammar. Im german so dont expect good english.^^

Yeah, i'm searching a taiko training. He should be able to help me and train me a bit because i have big probs with hard maps and rly dont like these maps.

Nice if someone notify me.

Thanks for reading or requesting.

Stop playing converted maps, start playing taiko diffs.
That's pretty much all the guidance you'll need.
catch me in game... :D

i'll able too teach you some taiko
In my opinion this game is unteachable, the best person you've got is yourself. I think the only advice you can get from anyone is the right maps you should be playing to improve and you can find plenty of those threads on the forums. Playing Taiko difficulties will help you practice patterns a lot better than converts, while I think converts can help you get a hang of low/high SV. Remember that it's slow and gradual progression (some people have spent 5+ years playing and are still practicing) and there's no godmode tips that'll make you become Orukaa overnight. Just practice and develop good habits and everything will come to you naturally.

Good luck.
Just start play hard diffs, with time you'll learn.
Yeah at the start seems hard but not impossible, needs more experience.
Hope you learn something like i did.
Play them all until you can S them 5 times consecutively. If you miss once, your streak is broken and you have to start over :)
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