
[resolved] Exception on osu! start

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Problem Details:
Attempt to start game, osu! logo shows then exception thrown for missing XNA framework resources..
Paste of full exception

Have tried the manual update, and as that seemed similar (using the old osume.exe updater) and neither have had any useful effect..

Contents of osu!.cfg below (if this helps find a mismatched file issue..):
_ReleaseStream = CuttingEdge
_UpdateFailCount = 0
u_UpdaterTestBuild = 1
h_avcodec-51.dll = b22bf1e4ecd4be3d909dc68ccab74eec
h_avformat-52.dll = 2e7a800133625f827cf46aa0bb1af800
h_avutil-49.dll = c870147dff89c95c81f8fbdfbc6344ac
h_bass.dll = d7f05d3fa5e745e02e1de41821ccccaf
h_bass_fx.dll = 3f6de1b4476dd77b42adab8cd8c1f7b5
h_d3dx9_31.dll = eea5e428ce63804f9b12d21c97b5968f
h_Microsoft.Ink.dll = a02ee61542caae25f8a44c9428d30247
h_Microsoft.Xna.Framework.dll = 45a786658d3f69717652fed471d03ee0
h_osu!.exe = 7374bc0f71ae6890b6a8bd65b8191f0d
h_osu!ui.dll = de26baf9525d7416fd67fe152b8f0e98
h_osu.dll = c400362e88d44b45cd4b019235f95ffd
h_pthreadGC2.dll = ce931021e18f385f519e945a8a10548e
h_x3daudio1_1.dll = 121b131eaa369d8f58dacc5c39a77d80
h_osu!gameplay.dll = 4c4844c046bc65dd5a27a0dcaa8ea479

osu! version: 20141122 (latest)
drum drum
Is there an error log perhaps? Not sure what is going on need more information
Topic Starter
There's nothing helpful in the osu! directory, and nothing in Windows' own logs.. that pastebin of the exception is all I've got too :(

Just tested installing fresh osu! in a new, empty, directory.. works fine. Ran osu!install.exe inside my old osu directory, and get the same exception as before.. something is definitely broken somewhere with my current copy of osu!
Further; even after deleting all the hidden files from my current copy (codecs, direct3d, MS libs, osu!*.dll files) still get the same..
Topic Starter
Removed osu!.cfg and osu!.name.cfg and suddenly all works again.. osu!.name.cfg as below;
# osu! configuration for Hiramiya
# last updated on 07 December 2014


keyOsuLeft = Z
keyOsuRight = X
keyFruitsDash = LeftShift
keyFruitsLeft = Left
keyFruitsRight = Right
keyTaikoInnerLeft = X
keyTaikoInnerRight = C
keyTaikoOuterLeft = Z
keyTaikoOuterRight = V
keyKeySpecial = LeftShift
keyKeySpecialAlter = LeftControl
keyKey1 = A
keyKey2 = S
keyKey3 = D
keyKey4 = F
keyKey5 = Space
keyKey6 = J
keyKey7 = K
keyKey8 = L
keyKey9 = OemSemicolon
keyPause = Escape
keySkip = Space
keyToggleScoreboard = Tab
keyToggleChat = F8
keyToggleExtendedChat = F9
keyScreenshot = F12
keyIncreaseAudioOffset = OemPlus
keyDecreaseAudioOffset = OemMinus
keyIncreaseSpeed = F3
keyDescreseSpeed = F4
keyToggleFrameLimiter = F7
keyVolumeIncrease = Up
keyVolumeDecrease = Down
keyDisableMouseButtons = F10
keyBossKey = Insert
keySelectTool = D1
keyNormalTool = D2
keySliderTool = D3
keySpinnerTool = D4
keyNewComboToggle = Q
keyWhistleToggle = W
keyFinishToggle = E
keyClapToggle = R
keyGridSnapToggle = T
keyDistSnapToggle = Y
keyNoteLockToggle = L
keyNudgeLeft = J
keyNudgeRight = K
keyHelpToggle = H
keyJumpToBegin = Z
keyPlayFromBegin = X
keyAudioPause = C
keyJumpToEnd = V
keyGridChange = G
keyTimingSection = None
keyInheritingSection = None
keyRemoveSection = None
keyEasy = Q
keyNoFail = W
keyHalfTime = E
keyHardRock = A
keySuddenDeath = S
keyDoubleTime = D
keyHidden = F
keyFlashlight = G
keyRelax = Z
keyAutopilot = X
keySpunOut = C
keyAuto = V
Skin = Default
SkinSamples = 1
UseTaikoSkin = 0
ComboFire = 0
Width = 1920
WidthFullscreen = 9999
HeightFullscreen = 9999
Offset = 0
Height = 1080
EditorTip = 4
MenuTip = 12
Fullscreen = BorderlessWindow
Video = 1
VideoEditor = 1
Username = Hiramiya
Password = nope ;)
NotifySubmittedThread = 1
AutoChatHide = 1
FrameSync = Unlimited
MouseDisableWheel = 0
MouseDisableButtons = 0
EditorBeatDivisor = 1
EditorGridSize = 32
DistanceSpacing = 0.8
MouseSpeed = 1.2
EditorSliderCurveType = 3
VolumeEffect = 80
VolumeMusic = 80
VolumeUniversal = 100
Ticker = 0
SnakingSliders = 1
Tablet = 1
Joystick = 0
ComboFireHeight = 3
ScreenshotId = 0
ScoreboardVisible = 1
HelpTips = 00000000000000000000
ChatSortMode = #b
Bloom = 1
BloomSoftening = 0
ComboBurst = 1
HoverSelect = 0
HoverReturn = 1
SkipTablet = 0
DisplayCityLocation = 0
ChatHighlightName = 1
Display = 1
Renderer = d3d
FpsCounter = 1
ProgressBarType = Pie
DistanceSpacingEnabled = 1
UserFilter = #a
FrameSyncGl = VSync
ShowSpectators = 1
MsnIntegration = 1
YahooIntegration = 0
LogPrivateMessages = 0
HighlightWords = Hira
IgnoreList =
HitLighting = 1
ScreenshotFormat = Png
LobbyShowPassworded = 0
LobbyShowExistingOnly = 0
LobbyShowInProgress = 1
ShowReplayComments = 0
LobbyShowFriendsOnly = 0
LobbyShowFull = 0
LobbyPlayMode = -1
ChatFilter = 0
ChatRemoveForeign = 0
ChatLastChannel = #userlog
PopupDuringGameplay = 1
Wiimote = 0
ChatAudibleHighlight = 1
ManiaSpeed = 7
ManiaKeyStyle = Symmetrical
SaveUsername = 1
SavePassword = 1
KeyOverlay = 1
LastVersion = b20141010.14cuttingedge
IgnoreBarline = 0
SpinnerSnap = 0
ScaleMode = WidescreenConservative
RankType = Local
RefreshRate = 60
CustomFrameLimit = 240
ShowUnicode = 0
BlockNonFriendPM = 0
BossKeyFirstActivation = 1
LastPlayMode = Osu
HighResolution = 0
LowResolution = 0
UpdatePending = 0
RawInput = 0
Language = en
ForceNewDefault = 0
FavouritesA =
FavouritesB =
ScoreMeter = Error
GuideTips = 1
ScoreMeterScale = 1
ChatChannels = #osu #announce #userlog #highlight
MyPcSucks = 0
NotifyFriends = 1
ConfirmExit = 0
UseSkinCursor = 0
PermanentSongInfo = 0
ForceSliderRendering = 0
AllowPublicInvites = 1
DimLevel = 30
ShowStoryboard = 1
IgnoreBeatmapSamples = 0
IgnoreBeatmapSkins = 0
AutomaticDownload = 1
TreeSortMode = Last_Played
TreeSortMode2 = Date
MenuSnow = 0
CursorRipple = 0
BeatmapDirectory = Songs
FastEditor = 0
LoadSubmittedThread = 1
ShowMenuTips = 1
AlternativeChatFont = 0
EditorDefaultSkin = 0
keyOsuSmoke = C
ComboColourSliderBall = 1
CursorSize = 1
SongSelectThumbnails = 1
MenuMusic = 1
MenuVoice = 1
UpdateStream = #b
@AutoSendNowPlaying = 1
AutomaticCursorSizing = 0
ShowInterface = 1
AutoSendNowPlaying = 1
keyDecreaseSpeed = F4
LastVersionPermissionsFailed =
UsePerBeatmapManiaSpeed = 1
ManiaSpeedBPMScale = 1
MenuTriangles = 1
Something broke with your osu!.exe. Try copying the executable over from your fresh osu! install.
Topic Starter

MillhioreF wrote:

Something broke with your osu!.exe. Try copying the executable over from your fresh osu! install.
the existing osu!.exe and the fresh one are identical - tried it anyway just in case but still the same exception. definitely seems to be that config file..but what/why is beyond me at the moment..
Topic Starter
After tirelessly going through every setting in the cfg file, figured this out. For some reason, height and width being set to 1080 and 1920 rather than both 9999 caused that exception. Bit of a weird exception to get considering the cause, but there we are..
drum drum
Marking resolved
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