
overmapped maps appreciation club

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i really feel as though they add flavour and colour to my life
anyone else agree?

Fr33z3R wrote:

Green Platinum
Maps can be plenty difficult, unique and enjoyable without being overmapped.
I find myself enjoying overmapped maps more than proper "good" maps, because only overmapped maps tend to be challenging

thelewa wrote:

I find myself enjoying overmapped maps more than proper "good" maps, because only overmapped maps tend to be challenging
I hear your fan club going wild
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thelewa wrote:

I find myself enjoying overmapped maps more than proper "good" maps, because only overmapped maps tend to be challenging
i think you are in the minority of osu players who find themselves struggling to find challenging maps

thelewa wrote:

I find myself enjoying overmapped maps more than proper "good" maps, because only overmapped maps tend to be challenging
Not enough LeaF songs to map...
rank 5 digits and complaining about overmapped maps

ok then
Vuelo Eluko
i enjoy overmapped maps on a daily basis
I think they're fun as impossible as they are, but sometimes, no.
I personally think we need another Big Black and Airman map.
Vuelo Eluko

Xayne wrote:

I personally think we need another Big Black and Airman map.
but those arent overmapped
This thread might be a little more constructive if people shared their favorite overmapped maps. Otherwise this is basically just shit posting.

Riince wrote:

Xayne wrote:

I personally think we need another Big Black and Airman map.
but those arent overmapped
Your face isn't overmapped.

I don't really care if a map is 'overmapped' or considered bad, they're good maps to train reading.

Riince wrote:

Xayne wrote:

I personally think we need another Big Black and Airman map.
but those arent overmapped
They could definitely be called shitmaps at the least. If they were submitted today instead of back when they were, I doubt they would've gotten ranked.
"omg map 2 hard tefore shit!!!!!!!!"

buny wrote:

"omg map 2 hard tefore shit!!!!!!!!"
A fraction of osu! players in a nutshell
shitmaps =/= a map that is shit

Fr33z3R wrote:

buny wrote:

"omg map 2 hard tefore shit!!!!!!!!"
A fraction of osu! players in a nutshell
Could literally say anything and have this be true. 0 is a rational number you know.
Vuelo Eluko

Fr33z3R wrote:

buny wrote:

"omg map 2 hard tefore shit!!!!!!!!"
A fraction of osu! players in a nutshell
I appreciate maps that are too hard for me more than maps I can play
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buny wrote:

rank 5 digits and complaining about overmapped maps

ok then
ROFL thx for ur input no.1 kiwi in osu
i could be 8 digits and still be allowed to complain about absolutely anything

cheezstik wrote:

shitmaps =/= a map that is shit
Do you mind elaborating on that a little bit, I'm kinda lost.
E m i
I walk the lewa path of accuracy, and therefore maps I deem overmapped are useful for training accuracy and reading.
For example, trying to 'rhytmically comprehend' a repeating slider in 1/16
or when a 3/4 slider appears but nothing in the song has changed
or when HanzeR

Kaienyuu wrote:

cheezstik wrote:

shitmaps =/= a map that is shit
Do you mind elaborating on that a little bit, I'm kinda lost.
shitmap = a map with elements that are usually unrankable, or excessively difficult for the sake of it, or excessive overmapping, for example, hollow wings maps, or 2B maps like IOSYS - Endless Tewi-ma Park.

A map that is shit = Maps that are badly mapped, off time, weird rhythms, or doesn't suit the song etc. A good example is many really old maps.

randylek wrote:

buny wrote:

rank 5 digits and complaining about overmapped maps

ok then
ROFL thx for ur input no.1 kiwi in osu
i could be 8 digits and still be allowed to complain about absolutely anything
What I was trying to imply is that at that rank you're hardly going to run into any overmapped maps since most maps that are so overmapped that it matters are in the higher difficulty stars of what you would play

maps that are overmapped at lower stars to such an extent are weeded out by the ranking system or become high difficulty in star rating
You guys don't even know what overmapping is. It has nothing to do with star rating. It doesn't necessarily make a map harder, either.

Lach wrote:

You guys don't even know what overmapping is. It has nothing to do with star rating. It doesn't necessarily make a map harder, either.
overmapping raises the star rating because it raises the note density
overmapping doesn't follow the actual beat of the song. So technically it SHOULD make the map harder, as silent/quiet notes are very unpredictable
overmapping usually means it's mapped to two beats in the song, causing utmost confusion and becomes a button mash

of course, the definition of overmapping is subjective. But looking at it objectively as "over mapping" or excessive mapping, then generally overmapped maps are maps that have had too many objects mapped than it should

I know I'm going to receive a lot of hate for this, but most overmapped ranked maps are either very old, or are skystar maps

Lach wrote:

You guys don't even know what overmapping is. It has nothing to do with star rating. It doesn't necessarily make a map harder, either.
Tell us, Master.
i'd rather have an oppai appreciation club

this club sucks
flat is justice
Fk oppai, kneesocks is the shit now. (inb4 synchrostar)

cheezstik wrote:

Fk oppai
i'd love to

winber1 wrote:

cheezstik wrote:

Fk oppai
i'd love to
Just out of curiosity, could we get a link to your myhentaianimelist?
inb4 lock
What is an "overmapped map" ???
Never mind... Guess I was just too damn lazy to read posts above ._.
I want someone to make a beatmap of Universes.

(I'm doing it right now but I'm too lazy)

cheezstik wrote:

Just out of curiosity, could we get a link to your myhentaianimelist?
implying i even have one
implying i am weeaboo

ha you sir are funny

okay maybe i'm weeaboo but i sure as hell don't have a mal hue

cheezstik wrote:

They could definitely be called shitmaps at the least. If they were submitted today instead of back when they were, I doubt they would've gotten ranked.
what :DDDD
I Give Up
Would someone kindly link me an overmapped map? I want to see one for myself.

KukiMonster wrote:

Would someone kindly link me an overmapped map? I want to see one for myself.
Just head to the graveyard and search for it, every time I played one I'd rage quit and delete the map right away

KukiMonster wrote:

Would someone kindly link me an overmapped map? I want to see one for myself.
With the exception of "Merry Christmas", the other difficulties are ridiculously overmapped.

Generally, the graveyard is full of overmapped maps, just search around.
Vuelo Eluko

Gigo wrote:

KukiMonster wrote:

Would someone kindly link me an overmapped map? I want to see one for myself.
With the exception of "Merry Christmas", the other difficulties are ridiculously overmapped.

Generally, the graveyard is full of overmapped maps, just search around.
wow flashlight players are almost as bad at mapping as they are at the game

I Give Up
So basically maps that have either non bpm notes, or notes that have little to no relation to the music. I also turned on auto and listened to the hitsounds and it was so anti-climactic and made no sense.
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[MY] yummy90 XP wrote:

KukiMonster wrote:

Would someone kindly link me an overmapped map? I want to see one for myself.
Just head to the graveyard and search for it, every time I played one I'd rage quit and delete the map right away
theres also ranked ones too
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