
Within Temptation - Stairway To The Skies

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2018年8月16日 at 20:59:03

Artist: Within Temptation
Title: Stairway To The Skies
Tags: the unforgiving Sharon Robert Jeroen Martijn Ruud Stephen 384059043
BPM: 81
Filesize: 5775kb
Play Time: 05:05
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (2.88 stars, 510 notes)
  2. Normal (1.76 stars, 369 notes)
  3. Unrequited (4.34 stars, 704 notes)
Download: Within Temptation - Stairway To The Skies
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Old style, enjoy plz! (The highest difficulty was mapped in 2014)
00:50:592 (4,5,1) - 或许可以考虑间距大点?
01:02:814 (1) - 这个好难看哦
01:30:221 (3) - 这个slider什么鬼..
02:27:999 (3,4,5,6) - 间距大点?
04:06:517 (1) - 这个可以和之前的4重叠下(?
04:17:258 (2,3,4) - 应该是1/4吧
04:19:295 (4,5,6) - 应该没音吧(还是我听错了?
04:42:073 (1) - 这个是激霸吗
Topic Starter

liaoxingyao wrote:

00:50:592 (4,5,1) - 或许可以考虑间距大点? :arrow: 递进的
01:02:814 (1) - 这个好难看哦 :arrow: fixed
01:30:221 (3) - 这个slider什么鬼.. :arrow: nbnb
02:27:999 (3,4,5,6) - 间距大点? :arrow: 与后面形成衬托
04:06:517 (1) - 这个可以和之前的4重叠下(? :arrow: manual stacking
04:17:258 (2,3,4) - 应该是1/4吧 :arrow: nb,我以为是1/3
04:19:295 (4,5,6) - 应该没音吧(还是我听错了? :arrow: 为了后面节奏需要
04:42:073 (1) - 这个是激霸吗 :arrow: 是啊
谢谢 :)


四个combo color感觉太接近了


[Skies of Symmetry]

01:30:221 (3) - 这歌看上去有点破坏气氛,前后全都是对称的话感觉可以直接贴着y轴做直线滑条了

03:03:184 (2,3) - 这blanket贴的太紧似乎就不是特别好看了,我觉得blanket的两个地方差的远一点反而效果更好,而且03:03:554 (3) - 的最后的直线部分最好也能和03:03:184 (2) - 的曲线做出blanket的效果来,这样可能效果更加明显

03:42:814 (1,2,1) - 这里也是感觉贴的有点太紧了,反而是HR之后效果更好了

04:52:443 (1,5) - 如果严格的按照对称来的话这里应该换位置的

另外我觉得整首歌可以做到05:17:629 - 再结束

Topic Starter

T-Mac wrote:



四个combo color感觉太接近了

另外滑条静音这种就不用我多说了,文件夹里面居然一个自定义音效都没有 :arrow: 默认音效多好

[Skies of Symmetry]

01:30:221 (3) - 这歌看上去有点破坏气氛,前后全都是对称的话感觉可以直接贴着y轴做直线滑条了 :arrow: 不追求完全严格的对称,这里flow会好一些

03:03:184 (2,3) - 这blanket贴的太紧似乎就不是特别好看了,我觉得blanket的两个地方差的远一点反而效果更好,而且03:03:554 (3) - 的最后的直线部分最好也能和03:03:184 (2) - 的曲线做出blanket的效果来,这样可能效果更加明显 :arrow: fix

03:42:814 (1,2,1) - 这里也是感觉贴的有点太紧了,反而是HR之后效果更好了 :arrow: 动不了

04:52:443 (1,5) - 如果严格的按照对称来的话这里应该换位置的 :arrow: 只要看上去对称就好了哇 .-.

另外我觉得整首歌可以做到05:17:629 - 再结束 :arrow: 在渐弱的地方做不合适

384sfjiodvhufiasogvhbuiyosfqaqgyufdsghiuoggafshyugadeuiyfgiaqefgaqe :arrow: tm9128479899847918749821749721947982147
00:30:221 (5) - 放正中间nerf下距离会不会更合曲 这个对称感觉不用强行留
01:17:999 (1,2) - 呼唤峰哥
01:40:036 (4) - 这个圈感觉多余 弱化了对vocal的强调 何况本来就没声音
02:26:888 (4,1) - 有点太顺了 1和2全部ctrl+g感觉也行
03:16:147 (1) - 这几个滑条真的意义不明 好歹搞成384招牌滑条啊 拉成这样是个啥哟
03:32:258 (4) - 这下跳的是不是太远了 到03:32:629 (6) - 还算合理不过五角星大概得换个顺序跳
03:42:814 (1) - 这四个玩意绝了
04:44:666 - 这个1/2空的有点不舒服 可能这就是old style特点之一吧
05:06:703 - 转盘来做渐弱?

Topic Starter

Ametrin wrote:

00:30:221 (5) - 放正中间nerf下距离会不会更合曲 这个对称感觉不用强行留 :arrow:
01:17:999 (1,2) - 呼唤峰哥 :arrow:
01:40:036 (4) - 这个圈感觉多余 弱化了对vocal的强调 何况本来就没声音 :arrow:
02:26:888 (4,1) - 有点太顺了 1和2全部ctrl+g感觉也行 :arrow:
03:16:147 (1) - 这几个滑条真的意义不明 好歹搞成384招牌滑条啊 拉成这样是个啥哟 :arrow: 这可是我四年前的招牌滑条
03:32:258 (4) - 这下跳的是不是太远了 到03:32:629 (6) - 还算合理不过五角星大概得换个顺序跳 :arrow:
03:42:814 (1) - 这四个玩意绝了 :arrow: 觉了
04:44:666 - 这个1/2空的有点不舒服 可能这就是old style特点之一吧 :arrow: 四年前的黑历史
05:06:703 - 转盘来做渐弱? :arrow: 不太合适

hey! from my queue even tho you were late I just like within temptation so

Honestly I got nothing, I really love the combination of the old symmetry aesthetic with some newer mapping concepts. <3

02:47:629 (3) - I don't really understand why this is placed so closely, just doesn't make sense to me.

03:58:369 (2,3) - Love these stacks

04:45:406 (1,2) - Same as above, why so close?

Surprise nothing

Very nice map! I would absolutely push this for rank if I was BN but I'm not :( so I wish you good luck with this set!

I assume the SB is a work in progress? It seems like you don't have anything in the map yet.
Topic Starter

Osuology wrote:

hey! from my queue even tho you were late I just like within temptation so

Honestly I got nothing, I really love the combination of the old symmetry aesthetic with some newer mapping concepts. <3

02:47:629 (3) - I don't really understand why this is placed so closely, just doesn't make sense to me. :arrow: also weird to me, fixed!

03:58:369 (2,3) - Love these stacks :arrow: <3

04:45:406 (1,2) - Same as above, why so close? :arrow: fixed as well

Surprise nothing

Very nice map! I would absolutely push this for rank if I was BN but I'm not :( so I wish you good luck with this set!

I assume the SB is a work in progress? It seems like you don't have anything in the map yet. :arrow: i feel that i lack ideas about the SB so this time i won't make the SB ;w; will delete it later if I really can't come up with any idea
thank you for your mod! :)
Within Temptation真好听


  1. 00:47:629 (4) - 这部队称啊,强迫症死人哇(

  2. 01:19:110 (3,1,2,3) - 这里我不懂怎么表达但是还是对这个停顿有些担心

  3. 01:21:332 (2,3) - 虽然在歌曲方面宏大了起来不过这间距在玩家的角度来看貌似有点毫无征兆的间距变大


  1. 01:53:925 (3,5,6,1) - 不得不说这几个滑条转变的时候有点丑了( 01:53:925 (3,5) - 这两个滑条突然急转弯了一下,顺便这个overlap 01:54:666 (5,1) -

  2. 04:38:369 (3,6) - aa overlap

just some quick things on the insane

  1. 01:17:443 - Move this to 01:17:629 - . As of right now, nothing plays on the sliderhead, and the actual beat is on the sliderend, creating a somewhat awkward slider.
  2. 01:20:221 (6) - Turn this into 2 circles, and have a jump. You are mapping it as if 01:20:221 - is the same as 01:19:666 - , but it isn't. The first slider has a sort of drag emphasis, while the second emphasizes both ticks, so by having the same slider represent both.. I think you can see the issue,

05:05:776 - Normal (05:06:517 - 可以在这里补一个note)
05:06:517 - Hard
05:06:517 - Emancipation

01:01:332 (4) - 这个应该是没叠好
01:24:851 (3,4,5,6,7) - 这里可以这么放,打起来更顺手也更好看些:
01:40:221 (4,1) - 4和1 vocal上差不多的,所以可以做对称,然后后面可以改一下,给一个参考:
02:00:221 (2,3) - 02:01:332 (4,5) - 这个ds有些小了,音也比较重,可以考虑拉大一些
02:06:888 (5) - 推荐加一个NC,这样前后的梗会更有区分度一些
03:33:925 (1,2,3) - 这边ds也偏小了,可以考虑两个slider往外弯
04:02:999 - 加个note?

00:28:740 (2,3) - 3做对称也没事吧
04:06:332 (4) - 这可以放到2的尾叠起来的

00:38:369 (3,1) - normal应该避免这种2-3 2-4ds视觉上相差不大的摆法,新手会有一定的困扰
00:42:073 (1,2,1) - ^
00:59:666 (1) - 我觉得跟鼓点,这个滑条从白线开始就可以了,可以把00:59:110 (4) - 延长1/4,这样还能和前面保持一致
01:02:073 (4,1) - ^(后面类似的不说了)
01:20:221 (4) - 这个打的时候实际上因为堆叠效果的影响,ds是小于1.0x的,0.93左右,建议手动把它调到开堆叠之后也是1.0x
Howdy! I'm from queue and gonna try my best even if I am low experienced.

Oh it's perfect! I will mark here some blanket issues you can fix (or ignore):
03:19:110 (1,1) | 04:14:295 (4,1) | 04:20:592 (4,1) | 04:32:443 (4,1)


• 03:42:814 (1,1,1,1) - sliders follow the music very fine, but maybe is better to make them more varied?
• 04:05:777 (3,4) - maybe is better to move this circle somewhere else.
• 04:57:999 (2,1,2) - make a regular triangle from their tails?


• 00:12:443 (1) - I don't think such a shape suits for this kind of music. It's 200% imho
• 01:01:332 (4,5,6) - I think spacing here isn't consistent (check it with turning Distance Snap off)
• 01:05:406 (5,1) - blanket?
02:56:888 (1) - Ctrl+J it, but leave at the very same place to keep the flow better.

MAAAN I LOVE THIS MAPSET! Also your hitsounding is damn impressive. I can't find anything critical and... ah... overall, just good luck with ranking!
Topic Starter

Suzuki_1112 wrote:

Within Temptation真好听


  1. 00:47:629 (4) - 这部队称啊,强迫症死人哇( :arrow: 这里没打算对称

  2. 01:19:110 (3,1,2,3) - 这里我不懂怎么表达但是还是对这个停顿有些担心 :arrow: fix

  3. 01:21:332 (2,3) - 虽然在歌曲方面宏大了起来不过这间距在玩家的角度来看貌似有点毫无征兆的间距变大 :arrow: 实际上打起来不会有这种感觉


  1. 01:53:925 (3,5,6,1) - 不得不说这几个滑条转变的时候有点丑了( 01:53:925 (3,5) - 这两个滑条突然急转弯了一下,顺便这个overlap 01:54:666 (5,1) -
    :arrow: fix
  2. 04:38:369 (3,6) - aa overlap :arrow: 应该不影响

thank you!!!

JenHideo wrote:

just some quick things on the insane

  1. 01:17:443 - Move this to 01:17:629 - . As of right now, nothing plays on the sliderhead, and the actual beat is on the sliderend, creating a somewhat awkward slider. :arrow: fixed by changing into 2 circles
  2. 01:20:221 (6) - Turn this into 2 circles, and have a jump. You are mapping it as if 01:20:221 - is the same as 01:19:666 - , but it isn't. The first slider has a sort of drag emphasis, while the second emphasizes both ticks, so by having the same slider represent both.. I think you can see the issue, :arrow: fixed

Gust wrote:


05:05:776 - Normal (05:06:517 - 可以在这里补一个note)
05:06:517 - Hard
05:06:517 - Emancipation
:arrow: 实际上rankable

01:01:332 (4) - 这个应该是没叠好 :arrow: dui
01:24:851 (3,4,5,6,7) - 这里可以这么放,打起来更顺手也更好看些: :arrow: 调整了3
01:40:221 (4,1) - 4和1 vocal上差不多的,所以可以做对称,然后后面可以改一下,给一个参考: :arrow: ok
02:00:221 (2,3) - 02:01:332 (4,5) - 这个ds有些小了,音也比较重,可以考虑拉大一些 :arrow: 有道理
02:06:888 (5) - 推荐加一个NC,这样前后的梗会更有区分度一些 :arrow: 似乎不是很有必要
03:33:925 (1,2,3) - 这边ds也偏小了,可以考虑两个slider往外弯 :arrow: fixed in another way
04:02:999 - 加个note? :arrow: ok

00:28:740 (2,3) - 3做对称也没事吧 :arrow: 会没感觉
04:06:332 (4) - 这可以放到2的尾叠起来的 :arrow: flow会别扭

00:38:369 (3,1) - normal应该避免这种2-3 2-4ds视觉上相差不大的摆法,新手会有一定的困扰 :arrow: 这里因为AR的缘故不会有这个问题
00:42:073 (1,2,1) - ^
00:59:666 (1) - 我觉得跟鼓点,这个滑条从白线开始就可以了,可以把00:59:110 (4) - 延长1/4,这样还能和前面保持一致 :arrow: 这里还是有意跟vocal的
01:02:073 (4,1) - ^(后面类似的不说了)
01:20:221 (4) - 这个打的时候实际上因为堆叠效果的影响,ds是小于1.0x的,0.93左右,建议手动把它调到开堆叠之后也是1.0x :arrow: 有道理
thank you!!

WizardNaiJi wrote:

Howdy! I'm from queue and gonna try my best even if I am low experienced.

Oh it's perfect! I will mark here some blanket issues you can fix (or ignore):

03:19:110 (1,1) | 04:14:295 (4,1) | 04:20:592 (4,1) | 04:32:443 (4,1) :arrow: slightly adjusted some

• 03:42:814 (1,1,1,1) - sliders follow the music very fine, but maybe is better to make them more varied? :arrow: well I think it's better to keep them consistent to imitate the stairway while do variety on the last long slider

• 04:05:777 (3,4) - maybe is better to move this circle somewhere else. :arrow: I found this place for the circle generate the best flow imo

• 04:57:999 (2,1,2) - make a regular triangle from their tails? :arrow: ok

• 00:12:443 (1) - I don't think such a shape suits for this kind of music. It's 200% imho :arrow: good idea, fixed

• 01:01:332 (4,5,6) - I think spacing here isn't consistent (check it with turning Distance Snap off) :arrow: slightly adjusted

• 01:05:406 (5,1) - blanket? :arrow: doesn't suit here I think

02:56:888 (1) - Ctrl+J it, but leave at the very same place to keep the flow better. :arrow: good idea!

MAAAN I LOVE THIS MAPSET! Also your hitsounding is damn impressive. I can't find anything critical and... ah... overall, just good luck with ranking!
thanks!! :)
  1. 03:04:295 (1) - 有点违和的停顿,建议滑条压一下鼓点
  2. 03:25:036 (1) - 对于这个难度来说滑条轨迹不太清晰,我不怎么了解现在这方面的规则总之提醒一下
  1. 01:52:814 (4) - 我觉得可以用弧形也很美观
  2. 03:25:036 (1) - 尾部没围好(强行水一个)
  1. 00:43:925 (5,6,7) - 我觉得可以分别调头搭配节奏
  2. 00:59:110 (6) - 可以稍稍调整角度改善对称
  3. 02:42:443 (1,2,1,2) - 看上去有点随意了,感觉可以有更帅的摆放
Topic Starter

AIR wrote:

  1. 03:04:295 (1) - 有点违和的停顿,建议滑条压一下鼓点 :arrow: k
  2. 03:25:036 (1) - 对于这个难度来说滑条轨迹不太清晰,我不怎么了解现在这方面的规则总之提醒一下 :arrow: k
  1. 01:52:814 (4) - 我觉得可以用弧形也很美观 :arrow: 有道理
  2. 03:25:036 (1) - 尾部没围好(强行水一个) :arrow: 噗 改了
  1. 00:43:925 (5,6,7) - 我觉得可以分别调头搭配节奏 :arrow: 似乎不是很必要
  2. 00:59:110 (6) - 可以稍稍调整角度改善对称 :arrow: ?这里原来就是对称的ww
  3. 02:42:443 (1,2,1,2) - 看上去有点随意了,感觉可以有更帅的摆放 :arrow: 好,改了

  1. You could use sliderslide with lowered volume level, atm it sounds a bit noisy in the calm parts.
  2. Also set will benefit from custom clap more similar to the real snare because it will fit more to the song's style.
  1. Difficulty name - I don't think 'emancipation' term is going well with the song theme, it's more related to social rights and stuff..
  2. 00:14:666 (3) - Prob. make this start point symmetrical to 00:12:443 (1)
  3. 00:38:369 (4,5) - Should be reversed to follow guitar properly here.
  4. 00:56:518 (5) - Consider to rearrange 00:55:777 (3,4,5) pattern to make 5 into 2 circles because of strong drum fill in the background.
  5. 01:30:962 (1) - ^ This one will benefit from this either.
  6. 01:42:814 (1) - ^ Similar. etc
  7. 01:35:221 (1) - Not actually landing on vocals, prob. you should use 01:35:036 or 01:35:406 as active hitobject here.
  8. 02:09:295 (4) - Consider to replace with circle on 02:09:480 - to follow background music structure better.
  9. 02:37:073 (6) - That's a quite frequently point where you sacrifice following music line to the symmetry, consider to use partial symmetry for this instead to follow music more properly, e.g. 02:36:888 - as slider start here or 02:37:258 - as circle instead of 6 // - This is a general idea of your start on blue tick sliders, not all of them but the ones that doesn't have any noticeable supportive beats in the music.
  10. 02:42:258 (2) - I think should be skip here instead to stress contrast on 02:42:073 (1) - and 02:42:443 (1)
  11. 04:40:592 (1) - 1/4 - in hard too
  12. In general it's nice but imo you should reconsider usage pattering spots where symmetry goes over the song rhythms.
Topic Starter

Sieg wrote:


  1. You could use sliderslide with lowered volume level, atm it sounds a bit noisy in the calm parts.
  2. Also set will benefit from custom clap more similar to the real snare because it will fit more to the song's style.
  1. Difficulty name - I don't think 'emancipation' term is going well with the song theme, it's more related to social rights and stuff..
  2. 00:14:666 (3) - Prob. make this start point symmetrical to 00:12:443 (1)
  3. 00:38:369 (4,5) - Should be reversed to follow guitar properly here.
  4. 00:56:518 (5) - Consider to rearrange 00:55:777 (3,4,5) pattern to make 5 into 2 circles because of strong drum fill in the background.
  5. 01:30:962 (1) - ^ This one will benefit from this either.
  6. 01:42:814 (1) - ^ Similar. etc
  7. 01:35:221 (1) - Not actually landing on vocals, prob. you should use 01:35:036 or 01:35:406 as active hitobject here.
  8. 02:09:295 (4) - Consider to replace with circle on 02:09:480 - to follow background music structure better.
  9. 02:37:073 (6) - That's a quite frequently point where you sacrifice following music line to the symmetry, consider to use partial symmetry for this instead to follow music more properly, e.g. 02:36:888 - as slider start here or 02:37:258 - as circle instead of 6 // - This is a general idea of your start on blue tick sliders, not all of them but the ones that doesn't have any noticeable supportive beats in the music.
  10. 02:42:258 (2) - I think should be skip here instead to stress contrast on 02:42:073 (1) - and 02:42:443 (1)
  11. 04:40:592 (1) - 1/4 - in hard too
  12. In general it's nice but imo you should reconsider usage pattering spots where symmetry goes over the song rhythms.
fixed everything. Also rename the highest difficulty to "Unrequited" to show the theme of the song and use some new custom hitsounds. Thank you!!! :)
you know, there are some spots still left with fake emphasis
01:06:888 (2,3) - it wont ruin anything just to reverse them but will provide proper music reflection, where in most cases significant beat on red tick in the music and nothing that deserves to be represented on following blue
01:08:740 (1,2) - ^
01:28:740 (4,1) - 02:01:332 (4,5) - etc etc

^ this is basically only issue i have with this map
Topic Starter

Sieg wrote:

you know, there are some spots still left with fake emphasis
01:06:888 (2,3) - it wont ruin anything just to reverse them but will provide proper music reflection, where in most cases significant beat on red tick in the music and nothing that deserves to be represented on following blue
01:08:740 (1,2) - ^
01:28:740 (4,1) - 02:01:332 (4,5) - etc etc

^ this is basically only issue i have with this map
So I've gone through the map to find more issues like this since it was mapped a long time ago and I nearly forgot some details about why I put them there at that time lol :)
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