
Gavin G - Climax

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Call me when you've got the bubble~

You can use your ticket anytime~
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thanks pipe :3
Hi from #ModReqs. I like this song,
Only doing the lower ones.

00:29:579 add cirlce ?
00:35:226 add circle ?
00:40:873 add circle ?
00:56:402(6,7) make no sound then clap
00:56:755 add note
01:02:402 add note(clap)
01:30:285 this slider seems pretty short for a beginner player, consider replacing it with a slider

00:43:696 extend until 00:45:814?
01:25:343 make this slider longer (so no repeating)

Only suggestions, so have fun with them :)
Topic Starter
I appreciated your help, but actual stuff fits better, so no changes for me :3

EDIT: Updated all diffs and resized the BG.
  2. 00:35:226 (1) - Podrías conciderar aquí hacer en haya algo qué golpear en 00:35:579 - dado que ahí comienza el grito.
  3. 00:40:873 (1) - por qué no hacer un jump sencillo con este?
  4. :arrow: Casi que todos los triples son overmap xD y es chistoso que por ejemplo, en 00:52:079 (6) - si el triple estuviera es en 00:51:902 - va mejor con la música. Igual en 00:54:902 (6) - .
    Casualmente en 00:56:138 (4) - hiciste el triple tal que concuerda con el patrón que te acabo de decir.
    Es decir, el triple no va para terminar en el comienzo del compas, sinó en el pedaso anterior a este:

    En muchos está bien puesto, pero en otros no. Por favor corregelos.
  5. 00:46:696 - aquí va un golpe lo bastante fuente como para ignorarlo, imo.
  6. 00:52:343 - ^
  7. 01:02:932 - ^
  8. 01:14:226 - ^
  9. 01:09:108 (1) - podrías conciderar acelerar este slider a 1.1x, y aumentarle es espaciado a 01:09:991 (3) - y a 01:10:167 (4,5,6) -
  10. 01:26:049 (1) - Bueno, quizás podrías conciderar algo como esto:
No hablé de nada nazi, pero sí debes darle una checkeada a los stacks (ya sabes como soy con eso xD)

  1. 00:29:402 (3) - No siento cómodo el flow aquí. Por favor, muevelos un poco para que quede más suave:
  2. 00:51:814 (3) - stack
  3. 00:52:873 (3) - es un poco brusco el flow aquí. (Nota el intento de blanket cuadrado xD)
  4. 01:03:108 (5,6) - En estos el flow tampoco lo siento tan cómodo como me gustaría. Pienso que lo ideal sería hacer stack de los dos sobre 01:01:343 (2) - , de forma que quede un jump a 2.1, lo cual pienso que es aceptable para un Hard.
  5. 01:09:108 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - Ctrl+H pls. Ya sabes... todo está en el mismo sentido de movimiento ( xDD ), y esta es la sección perfecta para cambiar de orientación :D
  6. 01:15:991 (5) - No siento el flow comodo aquí, pls, subelo un poco:
  7. 01:30:285 (1) - Aquí un jump quedaría muy bien. podrías espaciarlo a 1.5x.

  1. 00:23:932 (1,2,3,4) - Por que el comienzo es tan aburrido D:
  2. 01:18:991 (3,4) - La inclinación de estos no me parece la adecuada, mejor así:
[Easy Box]
01:21:814 (2) - pls, delete it and copy/paste->Ctrl+H to 01:22:520 (3) - ... looks more clean:

Good Luck!
Topic Starter

ErunamoJAZZ wrote:

  1. ->
  2. 00:35:226 (1) - Podrías conciderar aquí hacer en haya algo qué golpear en 00:35:579 - dado que ahí comienza el grito. prefiero dejarlo así
  3. 00:40:873 (1) - por qué no hacer un jump sencillo con este? miraré de hacer un pequeño jump xD
  4. :arrow: Casi que todos los triples son overmap xD y es chistoso que por ejemplo, en 00:52:079 (6) - si el triple estuviera es en 00:51:902 - va mejor con la música. Igual en 00:54:902 (6) - .
    Casualmente en 00:56:138 (4) - hiciste el triple tal que concuerda con el patrón que te acabo de decir.
    Es decir, el triple no va para terminar en el comienzo del compas, sinó en el pedaso anterior a este:

    En muchos está bien puesto, pero en otros no. Por favor corregelos.
  5. 00:46:696 - aquí va un golpe lo bastante fuente como para ignorarlo, imo. no es tan fuerte xD
  6. 00:52:343 - ^ ^
  7. 01:02:932 - ^ ^
  8. 01:14:226 - ^ ^
  9. 01:09:108 (1) - podrías conciderar acelerar este slider a 1.1x, y aumentarle es espaciado a 01:09:991 (3) - y a 01:10:167 (4,5,6) - para nada, no veo por qué acelerar ESE slider justo AHÍ xD
  10. 01:26:049 (1) - Bueno, quizás podrías conciderar algo como esto: los cambios respecto a ese ritmo... no sé, prefiero dejarlos así xD
No hablé de nada nazi, pero sí debes darle una checkeada a los stacks (ya sabes como soy con eso xD)

  1. 00:29:402 (3) - No siento cómodo el flow aquí. Por favor, muevelos un poco para que quede más suave: fixed
  2. 00:51:814 (3) - stack buena xD
  3. 00:52:873 (3) - es un poco brusco el flow aquí. (Nota el intento de blanket cuadrado xD) blanket? ugu? lo hice por simetría owo
  4. 01:03:108 (5,6) - En estos el flow tampoco lo siento tan cómodo como me gustaría. Pienso que lo ideal sería hacer stack de los dos sobre 01:01:343 (2) - , de forma que quede un jump a 2.1, lo cual pienso que es aceptable para un Hard. nah me parece exagerado
  5. 01:09:108 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - Ctrl+H pls. Ya sabes... todo está en el mismo sentido de movimiento ( xDD ), y esta es la sección perfecta para cambiar de orientación :D y esto del final qué? ese flow se rompe ;_; es buena idea pero no encaja aquí...
  6. 01:15:991 (5) - No siento el flow comodo aquí, pls, subelo un poco: sure
  7. 01:30:285 (1) - Aquí un jump quedaría muy bien. podrías espaciarlo a 1.5x. supongo

  1. 00:23:932 (1,2,3,4) - Por que el comienzo es tan aburrido D: no lo es xD piensa que es el comienzo (?
  2. 01:18:991 (3,4) - La inclinación de estos no me parece la adecuada, mejor así: maldito nazi
[Easy Box]
01:21:814 (2) - pls, delete it and copy/paste->Ctrl+H to 01:22:520 (3) - ... looks more clean:

Good Luck!
aaaah debo irme, miraré el resto cuando pueda. Haré recheck a los triples y stacks, promise.

updated some stuff, I'll continue asap ~

Ok so, waiting for Box now.
Good song! Well beat mapped! Good job hope this one joins the ranked list
Topic Starter
Thanks a lot, I'm glad to hear that~

Edited previous post with complete check =w=
Hi. Random mod. It's only ideas!


00:28:520 (2) - Move here: x: 224, y: 40? Looks better when you move up.

Good symmetry:
00:34:167 (2) - move here: x: 102, y: 267.
00:34:520 (3) - x: 364, y: 312
00:34:873 (4) - x: 410, y: 117
00:49:255 (6) - Delete circle. There is no clearly audible sound.
00:52:079 (6) - ^
00:54:902 (6) - ^
00:54:814 (5,1) - x: 432 y: 168. Perfect stack.
00:56:138 (4) - Delete circle. Same as 00:49:255 (6) -
00:56:226 (5) - Stack here: 00:56:402 (1) - (move circle: x: 124 y: 88
00:57:726 (5) - Delete circle. Same as 00:49:255 (6) -
01:01:785 (5) - ^
01:01:873 (5) - Move circle here: x: 454 y: 131
01:10:255 (5) - Delete circle. Same as 00:49:255 (6) - and move 01:10:343 (5) - circle here: x: 219 y: 82
01:11:843 (8) - Same as 00:49:255 (6) - Delete circle. there is no emphasized sound.
01:13:079 (5) - ^
01:15:638 (4,5,6,7,8) - Don't use stream! Not clearly heard beat/sound...
01:17:226 (4,5,6,7) - ^
01:17:579 (1,2,3,4) - Please, fix the symmetry.
01:23:138 (5) - Same as 00:49:255 (6) -
01:24:373 (4) - Same as 00:49:255 (6) - 01:24:461 (5) - = stack circle here: x: 320 y: 324


AR: Change to 7.

01:10:520 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Hmm hmm. Use this:

Okay, Good.


00:35:226 (1) - Better blanket? Move 3rd white ticjk here: x: 129 y: 150
01:29:579 (2) - CTRL - G, and move slider here: x: 367 y: 179.



01:22:520 (3) - Blanket fix! 2rd white tick: x: 180 y: 43

Ok, Really good Mapset. :3 Only the insane left something to be desired.
Topic Starter

Kazuya wrote:

Hi. Random mod. It's only ideas!


00:28:520 (2) - Move here: x: 224, y: 40? Looks better when you move up. I prefer actual little jump because it's pretty calm =w=

Good symmetry:
00:34:167 (2) - move here: x: 102, y: 267.
00:34:520 (3) - x: 364, y: 312
00:34:873 (4) - x: 410, y: 117
00:49:255 (6) - Delete circle. There is no clearly audible sound.
00:52:079 (6) - ^ not here, play with 25% playback rate and listen better
00:54:902 (6) - ^
00:54:814 (5,1) - x: 432 y: 168. Perfect stack. o.o they are perfectly stacked
00:56:138 (4) - Delete circle. Same as 00:49:255 (6) -
00:56:226 (5) - Stack here: 00:56:402 (1) - (move circle: x: 124 y: 88
00:57:726 (5) - Delete circle. Same as 00:49:255 (6) - not here, same reason as before
01:01:785 (5) - ^ not sure about this, as long as it fits I think it's ok
01:01:873 (5) - Move circle here: x: 454 y: 131
01:10:255 (5) - Delete circle. Same as 00:49:255 (6) - and move 01:10:343 (5) - circle here: x: 219 y: 82 same as before
01:11:843 (8) - Same as 00:49:255 (6) - Delete circle. there is no emphasized sound.
01:13:079 (5) - ^ not here, same as before
01:15:638 (4,5,6,7,8) - Don't use stream! Not clearly heard beat/sound...
01:17:226 (4,5,6,7) - ^
01:17:579 (1,2,3,4) - Please, fix the symmetry. I didn't use symmetry here
01:23:138 (5) - Same as 00:49:255 (6) -
01:24:373 (4) - Same as 00:49:255 (6) - 01:24:461 (5) - = stack circle here: x: 320 y: 324

everything not mentioned means fixed


AR: Change to 7. nah, since the bpm is a bit high I prefer something between 7 and 8

01:10:520 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Hmm hmm. Use this: thanks but I prefer actual pattern

Okay, Good.


00:35:226 (1) - Better blanket? Move 3rd white ticjk here: x: 129 y: 150 orz fixed
01:29:579 (2) - CTRL - G, and move slider here: x: 367 y: 179. it's nice but I prefer to avoid that stack ><



01:22:520 (3) - Blanket fix! 2rd white tick: x: 180 y: 43

Ok, Really good Mapset. :3 Only the insane left something to be desired.
Thanks a lot! Just waiting for Box to check this.
Hi, M4M?

00:40:873 (1) - not a fan of sliders like these (3 points)
00:41:579 (3) - ^
00:43:873 - from this part i suggest you just put 1/2 circles and 00:45:108 - you put vocal sliders with silenced end.
01:10:873 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - looks really dull
01:18:991 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - everyone hates circles, make it something like this: Looks more fun to me
01:21:814 (1) - consider doing 1/2 sliders in this part instead? If you're not sure why i suggested this place, pm me in game i'll explain.
01:22:520 (3) - ^

00:30:814 - circle maybe?
01:26:049 (1) - these sliders are icky
01:26:755 (2) - ^

I'm really bad with easier difficulties so I'll skip them because I haven't found anything that catches my eye there.

(If you accept the m4m:)

Topic Starter
That request was totally sudden for me, I wonder if you came from my queue or something o.o

Anyway, thanks for your time, but no changes ><

  1. Uncheck widescreen support.
  2. All CC is quite similar, it would be good to have some variety.
[Box's Easy]
  1. 00:29:932 (1) - Should start from 00:29:579 () like 00:23:932 (1) It's more rhythm-wise to start from background music not lyrics here.
  2. ^ Also applies to:
    00:35:579 (1) // 00:41:226 (1) -
  3. 00:32:049 (3,4) - Maybe flow this?
  4. 00:46:520 (1) - This slider shape will be confusing for the very beginning players (Easy difficulty is supposed to be played by them) because it doesn't have visible clear path. More suitable for normal and higher.
  5. 00:45:814 (2,1) - This overlap is also arguable for easiest difficulty.
  6. 01:30:285 (1) - 1.3 sec. spinner may be not enough for easy, though I'm not sure, better to ask QAT member about before pushing this to qualify.
  1. 00:40:873 (1) - Place this with more 00:39:461 (2) interaction like No point in stacking with 00:38:049 (1) - because AR is rather low.
  2. 01:03:461 (1) - Maybe curve this, such long straight slider looks not so good noting bad tho.
  1. 01:11:226 (3,4,5,6,1) - More rounded flow can work better here.
  1. 01:29:755 (6,7,8,1) - Think about reducing this jumps, atm it's quite a big difficulty spike considering that this happens in the very end of the map this won't be appreciated by players even with so low darning time. Example:
Not much. Mapset is definitely ready to go forward. Good Luck!
Topic Starter
Unchecked Widescreen Support in all diffs, fixing Combo Colours a bit and fixed everything except second point in Normal -since I wanted to make parallel sliders (at least a try)- and the suggestion in Hard, because although I appreciated and liked your idea, I want to keep, at least for now, the star pattern. But I'll consider this if someone else says the same ><

Thanks a lot :3 Let's see if Box is going to check this... u.u
Thanks for the mods guys! Here are the replies ~


ErunamoJAZZ wrote:

[Easy Box]
01:21:814 (2) - pls, delete it and copy/paste->Ctrl+H to 01:22:520 (3) - ... looks more clean: Fixed


Kazuya wrote:



01:22:520 (3) - Blanket fix! 2rd white tick: x: 180 y: 43 Do you even nazi? Fixed xD


Sieg wrote:

[Box's Easy]
00:29:932 (1) - Should start from 00:29:579 () like 00:23:932 (1) It's more rhythm-wise to start from background music not lyrics here.
^ Also applies to: Although I see what you mean here, this cannot be done since there is no sounds on the background to follow.
00:35:579 (1) // 00:41:226 (1) -
00:32:049 (3,4) - Maybe flow this? I like the current one
00:46:520 (1) - This slider shape will be confusing for the very beginning players (Easy difficulty is supposed to be played by them) because it doesn't have visible clear path. More suitable for normal and higher. This made my heart broke since it looks so nice, but since its suggested twice now I changed it
00:45:814 (2,1) - This overlap is also arguable for easiest difficulty. Fixed
01:30:285 (1) - 1.3 sec. spinner may be not enough for easy, though I'm not sure, better to ask QAT member about before pushing this to qualify. We will have to wait and see
Topic Starter
Updated :3

  1. Make more complicated hitsound pattern in kiai, preferably including some soft-hitnormals instead of normals on not strong beats, reduce volume level in kiais and get at least one good hitsound mod. Then call me back.
Topic Starter
I don't really think hitsounds need to be improved or something. I've tested and actual ones fit better for me, and the same goes for volume level in kiais >< We can talk better about this in-game if you want and you can explain me why should I reduce volume.

Anyways, I'll wait for a hitsound mod :3
had a small HS mod with moe-inyus o3o

the hitsounding in KIAI is fine to me, i see what sieg means, but i think adding soft-hitnormals (or drum sampleset) at some parts would sound really weird, and i think it's more a mappers style/preference

anyway, good luck !
no kds
15:42 Inyuschan: could I request a hitsound mod?
15:42 Inyuschan: D:
15:43 appleeaterx: uhh sure i guess?
15:43 Inyuschan: well it's a map you already modded o3o
15:43 *Inyuschan is editing [ Gavin G - Climax [Normal]]
15:43 Inyuschan: but if you think you can mod hitsounds or give some suggestions
15:43 Inyuschan: would be nice
15:44 Inyuschan: I need a hitsound mod before bubbling
15:44 Inyuschan: orz
15:50 appleeaterx: there is a whistle in hard, but not insane at 00:44:226 (2) -, make consistent owo?
15:51 Inyuschan: omg true
15:52 appleeaterx: optional but 00:45:991 (2) - has the same sound as (1) if you listen closely, so maybe a double whistle?
15:53 Inyuschan: yeah
15:53 Inyuschan: done too :3
15:58 appleeaterx: i think what sieg is trying to say is to emphasize strong bass beats at for example 00:47:402 (4) - better
15:59 appleeaterx: but tbh, a soft-normal is too silent for it
16:01 Inyuschan: ugh, already tested and doesn't fit imo
16:01 Inyuschan: I know what he's trying but ;_; soft-hitwhistle sounds bad in kiai
16:01 Inyuschan: also soft-hitclap
16:01 Inyuschan: maybe I can add more variety before kiai
16:01 Inyuschan: adding more whistles
16:01 Inyuschan: however, I'm not really good at hitsounding ><
16:02 appleeaterx: well you already have a consistent whistle pattern so dunno
16:02 Inyuschan: me neither xD but I've added your suggestions :3
16:02 Inyuschan: anything else?
16:03 appleeaterx: erhmm still have to check the 2nd kiai
16:03 Inyuschan: okay o3o
16:06 appleeaterx: 00:48:638 (3) - 01:12:638 (3) - should be the same imo
16:07 Inyuschan: what do you mean?
16:07 Inyuschan: adding whistle at 01:12:814 (3)?
16:07 appleeaterx: on the slider end of (2) maybe
16:08 appleeaterx: for consistent HS, but it's on a slider end so it might sound weird o_o
16:09 Inyuschan: but which diff o3o
16:09 appleeaterx: Insane
16:10 Inyuschan: yeah slider's end has whistle o3o
16:10 Inyuschan: I guess
16:12 appleeaterx: try adding an extra whistle on the spinner end at 01:31:696 (1) - , since it's basically the same as 00:23:932 (1) -
16:13 Inyuschan: sure o3o
16:14 appleeaterx: i think it's okay, you should ask someone else as well since im okay with almost everything you throw at me o3o
16:14 appleeaterx: maybe box wants to apply some stuff as well
16:16 Inyuschan: if I have to apply hitsounds stuff I can do it, it's not like applying patterns or whatever, anyway hitsounds don't need to be consistent at all >w<
16:16 Inyuschan: post this if you can
16:16 Inyuschan: to make Sieg see I had a hitsounds mod
16:16 Inyuschan: x)
Topic Starter
Big thanks for your suggestions <3 And basically I wanted to say the same as appleeaterx did.

Updated all diffs ~
Recheck ~

(NO KD) well it's obvious

Normal :
01:08:402 (3) - You should maybe use 2 circles instead, then we won't hear the sliderslide.

Hard :
00:37:520 (4,1) - The blanket isn't perfect, you should move the last construction point of (1) 1 or 2 grid(s) left.

Insane :
00:55:696 (3,4) - I think it's a bad idea to stack it under the slider. I think it'll make a lot of people miss with Hidden mode, so I think you should better stack it on 00:56:402 (1) instead.

Call me back after you fixed it :3 (there are just suggestions, but it's important for the map quality in my opinion)
Topic Starter
Fixed everything :3

EDIT: Kenterz suggested something for Box's Easy, I've talked with him and now everything is ready, here's the log just in case it's needed.

12:51 *Inyuschan pokes
12:51 Inyuschan: I need you to apply something in Gavin G map o3o
12:51 ProfessionalBox: Heey
12:51 ProfessionalBox: sure
12:51 Inyuschan: 01:07:696 (1,2,3) - Kenterz suggest to change the two circles by a slider
12:52 Inyuschan: because the vocals, but adding 4 circles only maybe it's too hard for an easy
12:52 Inyuschan: so two sliders maybe o3o
12:53 ProfessionalBox: well sure why not
12:53 Inyuschan: just change it and give me the code, I was afraid to changing it instead of you
12:53 Inyuschan: >.<
12:53 Inyuschan: then I waited for you o3o
12:54 ProfessionalBox: Ill do that for you
12:54 ProfessionalBox: and thank you for waiting
12:54 ProfessionalBox: I really appreciate that
12:54 Inyuschan: nya :3
12:55 ProfessionalBox: Sent you a forum pm
12:56 Inyuschan: yay c:
I don't see anything else, I think it's ready :3

BUBBLED (╯°□°)╯
Topic Starter
Thank you for checking and rechecking and helping me to improve the map <3

Now it's Secretpipe time!

p/3464832 o3o
00:56:755 (2) - Imo moving 2 grids up will give a balanced spacing between (1,2,3).

Hope this can be considered before getting ranked.
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Yeah, I agree, I'm so noob </3

I'll wait for Secretpipe's check to apply that and new Easy's code, since it's the only diff that was checked.
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Sorry for doublepost, I have to say Secretpipe told me that he has some issues so he won't check ><

Anyway, for the next BAT: take care of I have to update what @Sonnyc said and new Easy code, so poke me when you checked / modded other stuff.
I'll check this this afternoon. I'm sorry for the delay >//<
Topic Starter
Oh, finally you decided to check this o3o I'll wait then c:

Anyway, for the next BAT: take care of I have to update what @Sonnyc said and new Easy code, so poke me when you checked / modded other stuff.

Again , sorry for the delay!

  1. Preview point isn't snapped in ALL diff. Consider to put it at 00:46:520 -

[Box's Easy]
  1. I found a placement issue but it already has been fixed via IRC with Box~ Otherwise it's perfect!

  1. 00:23:932 (1,2) - The beginning sounds a bit weird. I'd love to see an aligned pattern like : you can rotate them by -22 degrees and see the result !
  2. 00:26:755 (1) - Same here. I guess you could try to rotate that slider to make it toward 00:28:167 (2) -. Also , you can try to polish that pattern cause the flow is really decent here.
  3. 00:40:873 (1) - you missed a good blanket over there >~<
  4. 00:46:520 (1,3) - This pattern is bothering me a bit cause you missed some important sounds and some kick are passive
  5. 00:48:991 (4,1) - The pattern could be a lot neater right ?
  6. 00:53:579 (3) - I can't see why you decided to put a sliderwave ? Why didn't you continue 00:52:167 (1) - ? In my opinion you can do it in this way but I'm not sure cause I rushed XD :
  7. 00:54:638 (4,1) - Same here , it could be a lot neater!
  8. 00:57:461 (4) - This object is breaking the rhtyhm imo. I'd suggest you to delete this slider and add a circle at 00:57:285 - and one at 00:57:461 - . It better fills the timeline !
  9. 00:59:579 (4,5,1) - Come on , do you think that that transition is really neat and flawless ? In my opinion , this is not rankable for flow reason actually ! ><
  10. 01:01:343 (2) - Here, you used to add some symmetry for esthetic but you didn't well followed the rhythm here
  11. 01:07:696 (1,2,3,4,1) - You miss a star shaped pattern maybe ?
  12. 01:11:932 (1,2,3) - Triangle ?
  13. 01:14:755 (1,2,3) - Rhythm issue here too ! The first part of 01:14:755 (1) - ( between 01:14:755 - and 01:15:461 - ) is really following the rhythm but after that , I can't understand the rhythm. Consider to listen carefully the song with 01:16:873 (3) - and you'll see !
  14. 01:17:932 (1) - Blanket missed though.
  15. 01:20:226 (5) - A bit hard for a Normal maybe ?
  16. 01:22:873 (4,1) - Esthetic strikes again ;~;
  17. 01:29:579 (2) - In my opinion , you could reverse it but I'd suggest you to CTRL+G this it'll be a looooot better :p

    • Same CS as Insane ? There's a problem LOL. Maybe put 3.6/3.8 ?
  1. 00:30:285 (2) - CTRL+H + CTRL+G would be better for a nice symmetrical !
  2. 00:44:226 (2,3) - I wouldn't recommand a stack like this because it's not good for cursor movement and the player want move the cursor instead of letting it on a stack imo.
  3. 00:44:755 - You missed an important beat here I guess.
  4. 01:06:285 (1,2) - Not gonna critic shapes here but you could gave them a neater look!
  5. 01:30:373 (1) - Spinner is starting a bit earlier. Maybe consider to start it on a red tick : 01:30:461 -

  1. 00:23:932 (1,2,3,4) - Can't see a linearity here and feels like you added some random circles.
  2. 00:35:226 (1,3) - you missed a cool symmetry pattern out there xD
  3. 01:01:696 (4,5,6) - I don't feel like it's in the rhythm but well , it's up to you !
  4. 01:10:167 (4,5,6) - Same thing as above~
  5. 01:12:991 (4,5,6) - Same thing as above~
  6. 01:15:638 (4,5,6) - Same thing as above~
  7. 01:20:226 (8) - I guess you could stack it on 01:20:049 (7) - it'd be better and there's an overlap with 01:19:167 (2) -

The Normal is a bit bothering me cause of rhythm issues and placement issues cause some pattern could be a lot better. Except that , the mapset is nice overall . Fix this and find 1/2 mod on Normal and call me afterwards!
Topic Starter

Secretpipe wrote:

Again , sorry for the delay!

  1. Preview point isn't snapped in ALL diff. Consider to put it at 00:46:520 - It's snapped, in a blue tick but it is :/ It's fine.

[Box's Easy]
  1. I found a placement issue but it already has been fixed via IRC with Box~ Otherwise it's perfect!

  1. 00:23:932 (1,2) - The beginning sounds a bit weird. I'd love to see an aligned pattern like : you can rotate them by -22 degrees and see the result ! B-But the next blanket :c I don't see any problem here.
  2. 00:26:755 (1) - Same here. I guess you could try to rotate that slider to make it toward 00:28:167 (2) -. Also , you can try to polish that pattern cause the flow is really decent here. I don't really understand here o.o But pattern is fine.
  3. 00:40:873 (1) - you missed a good blanket over there >~< It wasn't my intention :3u
  4. 00:46:520 (1,3) - This pattern is bothering me a bit cause you missed some important sounds and some kick are passive Hm, fixed.
  5. 00:48:991 (4,1) - The pattern could be a lot neater right ? Probably, but I prefer to keep the current one.
  6. 00:53:579 (3) - I can't see why you decided to put a sliderwave ? Why didn't you continue 00:52:167 (1) - ? In my opinion you can do it in this way but I'm not sure cause I rushed XD : Fixed.
  7. 00:54:638 (4,1) - Same here , it could be a lot neater! Same as before, I prefer actual pattern o3o
  8. 00:57:461 (4) - This object is breaking the rhtyhm imo. I'd suggest you to delete this slider and add a circle at 00:57:285 - and one at 00:57:461 - . It better fills the timeline ! Well, I don't really agree, I see more important the music I'm following actually.
  9. 00:59:579 (4,5,1) - Come on , do you think that that transition is really neat and flawless ? In my opinion , this is not rankable for flow reason actually ! >< Did something different.
  10. 01:01:343 (2) - Here, you used to add some symmetry for esthetic but you didn't well followed the rhythm here It's ok here, maybe not all the rhythm but it follows well enough.
  11. 01:07:696 (1,2,3,4,1) - You miss a star shaped pattern maybe ? It wasn't my intention but I'll take care about it next time o3o
  12. 01:11:932 (1,2,3) - Triangle ? Sure.
  13. 01:14:755 (1,2,3) - Rhythm issue here too ! The first part of 01:14:755 (1) - ( between 01:14:755 - and 01:15:461 - ) is really following the rhythm but after that , I can't understand the rhythm. Consider to listen carefully the song with 01:16:873 (3) - and you'll see ! Uh, I've tried.
  14. 01:17:932 (1) - Blanket missed though.
  15. 01:20:226 (5) - A bit hard for a Normal maybe ? Nah, I think not this ><
  16. 01:22:873 (4,1) - Esthetic strikes again ;~; Well, I've fixed it a bit.
  17. 01:29:579 (2) - In my opinion , you could reverse it but I'd suggest you to CTRL+G this it'll be a looooot better :p k

    • Same CS as Insane ? There's a problem LOL. Maybe put 3.6/3.8 ? Yep.
  1. 00:30:285 (2) - CTRL+H + CTRL+G would be better for a nice symmetrical ! wtf
  2. 00:44:226 (2,3) - I wouldn't recommand a stack like this because it's not good for cursor movement and the player want move the cursor instead of letting it on a stack imo. Cursor movement? uh should be fine
  3. 00:44:755 - You missed an important beat here I guess. Since I added one note in Insane I wanted more variety o3o
  4. 01:06:285 (1,2) - Not gonna critic shapes here but you could gave them a neater look! I don't really know something better ><
  5. 01:30:373 (1) - Spinner is starting a bit earlier. Maybe consider to start it on a red tick : 01:30:461 - k

  1. 00:23:932 (1,2,3,4) - Can't see a linearity here and feels like you added some random circles. 00:24:285 (2,4) - symmetry, that's it, I could improve it though
  2. 00:35:226 (1,3) - you missed a cool symmetry pattern out there xD 00:35:755 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - here is the symmetry
  3. 01:01:696 (4,5,6) - I don't feel like it's in the rhythm but well , it's up to you ! As long as it fits is ok. And same to the others.
  4. 01:10:167 (4,5,6) - Same thing as above~
  5. 01:12:991 (4,5,6) - Same thing as above~
  6. 01:15:638 (4,5,6) - Same thing as above~
  7. 01:20:226 (8) - I guess you could stack it on 01:20:049 (7) - it'd be better and there's an overlap with 01:19:167 (2) - Maybe, but... not really sure, also the overlap is not a big problem for me.

The Normal is a bit bothering me cause of rhythm issues and placement issues cause some pattern could be a lot better. Except that , the mapset is nice overall . Fix this and find 1/2 mod on Normal and call me afterwards!
Rip bubble :(

17:30 Inyuschan: can I ask for mod for only one diff?
17:30 Inyuschan: D:
17:30 Yuzu-: how long
17:31 Inyuschan: length? 1:31
17:32 Yuzu-: show me
17:32 Inyuschan:
17:33 Inyuschan: Normal diff >< Secretpipe told me to find 1/2 mod before ranking
17:33 Inyuschan: orz
17:33 *Yuzu- is editing [ Gavin G - Climax [Normal]]
17:34 Yuzu-: 00:26:579 (5) - remove, the previous instances have the sound too and it's not mapped
17:35 Inyuschan: adding some of them at the beginning it's fine imo o3o but I guess it's for consistency =w=
17:37 Yuzu-: 00:23:932 - 00:29:932 - you might want to start your sliders here instead
17:37 Yuzu-: and map the downbeats with circles, so that you can map the start of the vocals with clicking them
17:39 Yuzu-: 00:32:226 (6) - same as before
17:39 Yuzu-: 00:30:991 (3,4) - it was mapped previously with a slider, decide on one or another
17:39 Yuzu-: 00:35:226 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - same as before
17:39 Yuzu-: 00:40:873 (1,2,3,4,5) - again the same
17:39 Inyuschan: you mean this?
17:40 Inyuschan: (well ignore that (7))
17:40 Yuzu-: I guess it could work yes
17:41 Inyuschan: okay
17:41 Yuzu-: aaa
17:41 Yuzu-: your rhythm changes a lot throughout the diff
17:41 Yuzu-: I can't really mod it all, but I'd at least ask you to keep lower density to constant parts
17:44 Inyuschan: uh, I see o.o
17:45 Yuzu-: looks can be polished
17:46 Yuzu-: but it shouldn't be taken into account into ranking unless it's critical
17:46 Yuzu-: so patch up your rhythms I guess
18:21 Yuzu-: should I like
18:21 Yuzu-: have posted something
18:21 Inyuschan: better
18:21 Inyuschan: xD
Topic Starter
Let's see if everything is fine now :> !summon Secretpipe
I have to ask another BAT for the Normal. Sorry for the delay but it seems that you denied all importants suggestion for Normal ;;
Topic Starter
No problem. Anyways I want to leave clear that I've chosen this rhythm for Normal and I'll mostly keep it due the BPM so I didn't want to make a Normal a bit difficult, hope you understand.
I agree with Secretpipe, the normal difficulty has a very strange rhythm in my opinion and actually has some pretty questionable patterns that can be improved yet, so my recommendation would find a few mods before thinking qualify it.
Topic Starter
I've made some changes in Normal, I hope rhythm is good enough now...
The Normal is much better indeed !

We fixed also :

  1. 4/5 Rhythms Issues
  2. A minor stack!
It should be good to go now~

Ranked ~
Topic Starter
Posting log if somehow is needed
13:52 Secretpipe: o3o
13:52 Inyuschan: o3o/
13:52 Secretpipe: I was right ? :D/
13:52 Secretpipe: it's much better indeed
13:53 Inyuschan: yeah, you guys were right, I've tried to improve it
13:53 Inyuschan: ><
13:53 Secretpipe: nice o3o
13:53 Secretpipe: just fix the stack
13:53 Secretpipe: and I'll rank !
13:53 Inyuschan: which stack
13:53 Inyuschan: o3o
13:53 Secretpipe: sec
13:53 Secretpipe: Also
13:53 Secretpipe: Found a rhythm issue
13:53 Secretpipe: 01:10:520 (4,5) -
13:54 Secretpipe: you can improve by placing the slider before the circle
13:54 Secretpipe: it better follows the synth
13:54 Inyuschan: k
13:54 Inyuschan: and which stack
13:55 Inyuschan: o.o
13:57 Secretpipe: 00:33:814 (2) -
13:57 Secretpipe: 00:32:049 (6) -
13:57 Secretpipe: hehe
13:58 Secretpipe: 00:47:932 (4,5) - also same thing for rhythm
13:58 Secretpipe: 00:53:579 (4,5) - Same
13:58 Secretpipe: slider before circle :3
13:58 Inyuschan: it's a not a big problem imo :(
13:58 Inyuschan: it follows well the rhythm
13:59 Secretpipe: nah
13:59 Secretpipe: not really
13:59 Secretpipe: The synth is actually louder
13:59 Secretpipe: so it bothers me if it's not well followed ><
13:59 Inyuschan: k I'll fix them...
13:59 Secretpipe: 01:21:814 (4,5) - same
14:00 Secretpipe: and then u^date !
14:00 Secretpipe: update
14:00 Secretpipe: I'll be able to rank
14:00 Secretpipe: brb , I'm making a cake with my gf owo
14:00 Inyuschan: k~
14:01 Secretpipe: also , soon BAT :P
14:01 Inyuschan: I know k
14:01 Inyuschan: XDD
14:01 Inyuschan: well I don't have 1200 points yet
14:01 Inyuschan: I guess
14:01 Secretpipe: xD*
14:02 Inyuschan: uptaed
14:02 Inyuschan: updated
14:02 Inyuschan: fhsikdhfs
14:02 Inyuschan: I don't know how to write (?)
14:03 Inyuschan: orz, I need to improve a lot at mapping
14:05 Secretpipe: back~
14:05 Secretpipe: Your mapping is nice owo
14:06 Inyuschan: thanks then :3
14:06 Secretpipe: you just had some rhythm issues , it's minor
14:06 Secretpipe: I have this too !
14:06 Inyuschan: okay ><
14:07 Secretpipe: Amazing!
14:07 Secretpipe: Lemme recheck the others diff
14:07 Secretpipe: hope there wont be unrankable issues XD
14:08 Inyuschan: sure, go ahead :3
14:08 Secretpipe: kk
14:08 Secretpipe: I can rank I guess owo
14:09 Inyuschan: I'll check too just in case lol
14:09 Inyuschan: wait Normal is ok, right?
14:09 Inyuschan: updated and all
14:10 Secretpipe: yeah
14:11 Inyuschan: k all fine I guess
14:11 Inyuschan: :3u
14:12 Secretpipe: :3

Thank you!
Congrats :)
congrats inyus o3o/
If it weren't secretpipe who rank the map. I wouldn't understand. :>
Topic Starter
I'd rank/bubble DnB maps if I ever become a BAT xD

Inyuschan wrote:

I'd rank/bubble DnB maps if I ever become a BAT xD
Baka xD, anyways congrats Inyus.
Inyus deserve to be my daughter huehuehue *shot*
Topic Starter
Yay, DnB family :'D
Cerulean Veyron

Inyuschan wrote:

I'd rank/bubble DnB maps if I ever become a BAT xD
^ OMG yes pls

Gratz btw \:D/

Inyuschan wrote:

Yay, DnB family :'D
yay :'D, gratz~ baka inyus
peep clap peep clap peep clap peep clap

For future maps, I recommend trying out custom samples for hitsounding (or even the built-in drums sample set)
Topic Starter
Yeah I know, I didn't know which hitsounds use here... Anyways thanks for the advice @Charles445
o.o gratz Inyus~
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