
ayumi hamasaki - Song 4 u (Original mix)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2014年11月30日 at 19:09:16

Artist: ayumi hamasaki
Title: Song 4 u (Original mix)
Tags: テイルズ オブ エクシリア2 Love Again TOX2 HINATAspring Yuta Nakano short ver
BPM: 128
Filesize: 19703kb
Play Time: 02:02
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.29 stars, 107 notes)
  2. Hard (2.58 stars, 236 notes)
  3. Insane (3.43 stars, 331 notes)
  4. Normal (1.55 stars, 145 notes)
Download: ayumi hamasaki - Song 4 u (Original mix)
Download: ayumi hamasaki - Song 4 u (Original mix) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
MY first rabk ranked map
THX CDFA for bubble
THX Hinsvar for rank
and every one who modded this map :)

a slightly higher quality version of the op by blissfulyoshi

from m4m

Title : Song 4 U (Short ver.) → Song 4 u (Orizinal mix) (Short ver.)
Source : Tales of Xillia 2 → Tales Of Xillia2

I think you should be taught Japanese Metadata Queue

  1. 00:25:981 (3,4) - there is other pattern
  2. 00:28:324 (3) - rotate by -90
  3. 00:54:340 (3) - Ctrl+G
  4. 01:09:106 (2) - ^
  5. 01:09:574 (3) - ^
  6. 01:34:418 (1,2) - blanket
  7. 01:38:871 (2) - other slider pattern
  8. 01:43:324 (3,1) - this jump is very awkward jump. so I suggest example.
  9. 01:53:168 (1) - Ctrl+G
  10. 02:02:074 (7,8) - (7)x180 y132 (8)x120 y354

  1. 00:13:793 (1) - Ctrl + J . stack 00:13:090 (2) -
  2. 00:13:090 (2) - Ctrl + G
  3. 00:15:668 (1) - ^ (if you change above)
  4. 01:00:668 (1) - more curve
  5. 01:03:949 (4) - suggestion
  6. 01:22:465 (2) - x210 y247
  7. 01:25:746 (2) - suggestion

  1. 00:56:449 (2) - not fit rhythm , but difficult...I think good in 00:56:215 ~ 00:56:684 slider
  2. 01:26:449 - add note
  3. 01:26:684 (1) - note + slider the best. 01:26:684 - note 01:26:918 - 01:27:387 slider
  4. 01:49:887 (1) - this spinner is very short in Normal diff

  1. 01:46:606 (4) - curve slider

That's all :)
Topic Starter

PuttyoU wrote:


from m4m

Title : Song 4 U (Short ver.) → Song 4 u (Orizinal mix) (Short ver.)
Source : Tales of Xillia 2 → Tales Of Xillia2

I think you should be taught Japanese Metadata Queue :arrow: yea.. I will go and ask for sure if the queue opens

  1. 00:25:981 (3,4) - there is other pattern :arrow: music prob same so wont change it
  2. 00:28:324 (3) - rotate by -90 :arrow: now better
  3. 00:54:340 (3) - Ctrl+G :arrow: maybe better but im trying to make a small jump here so maybe other mod says i will change it
  4. 01:09:106 (2) - ^ :arrow: now better
  5. 01:09:574 (3) - ^ :arrow: ^
  6. 01:34:418 (1,2) - blanket :arrow: fixed
  7. 01:38:871 (2) - other slider pattern :arrow: if other mod says will change it
  8. 01:43:324 (3,1) - this jump is very awkward jump. so I suggest example. :arrow: fixed
  9. 01:53:168 (1) - Ctrl+G :arrow: now better
  10. 02:02:074 (7,8) - (7)x180 y132 (8)x120 y354 :arrow: now better

  1. 00:13:793 (1) - Ctrl + J . stack 00:13:090 (2) - :arrow: now flow better
  2. 00:13:090 (2) - Ctrl + G :arrow: how.. lol
  3. 00:15:668 (1) - ^ (if you change above) :arrow: ^
  4. 01:00:668 (1) - more curve :arrow: maybe not a good idea to curve here
  5. 01:03:949 (4) - suggestion :arrow: :arrow: sure
  6. 01:22:465 (2) - x210 y247 :arrow: sure
  7. 01:25:746 (2) - suggestion :arrow: sure

  1. 00:56:449 (2) - not fit rhythm , but difficult...I think good in 00:56:215 ~ 00:56:684 slider :arrow: ok
  2. 01:26:449 - add note :arrow: ok
  3. 01:26:684 (1) - note + slider the best. 01:26:684 - note 01:26:918 - 01:27:387 slider :arrow: sure
  4. 01:49:887 (1) - this spinner is very short in Normal diff :arrow: deleted

  1. 01:46:606 (4) - curve slider :arrow: I think now is fine

That's all :)
nice mod :) Thx

  1. 00:09:106 (2,3) - 柑橘叠着不好,为什么我也书不出来HH
  2. 00:25:043 (3,4) - 折返和单点在时间上换一下比较好(我觉得lol)
  1. 01:26:449 (3) - suggest remove(just a suggestion)
  2. 01:34:418 (1,2) - 感觉不太好看lol
  1. 00:26:449 (4) - 建议改作两个单点
  2. 00:41:918 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 感觉对hard来说有些难(可以无视lol)
  3. 00:43:793 (1) - 唔感觉怪怪的,这个折返太快了,音乐没有这么激烈
  4. 01:20:590 (2,3) - 四个yiyeyiye只有这里有个跳,怪怪的T.T
  5. 01:52:699 (5) - 中间那个描点往下一点就包好辣
  1. 00:10:512 (3) - remove this?
  2. 00:50:590 (2) - ctrl+g
  3. 00:54:340 (3) - ^
  4. 02:04:669 (3) - 我觉得这个短折返的头应该在02:04:851 - 这里
Topic Starter

spring wrote:


  1. 00:09:106 (2,3) - 柑橘叠着不好,为什么我也书不出来HH :arrow: 遮挡大发好
  2. 00:25:043 (3,4) - 折返和单点在时间上换一下比较好(我觉得lol) :arrow: 打击感更强要打的地方都是finish
  1. 01:26:449 (3) - suggest remove(just a suggestion) :arrow: k
  2. 01:34:418 (1,2) - 感觉不太好看lol :arrow: nm怎么美观你能叔叔吗
  1. 00:26:449 (4) - 建议改作两个单点 :arrow: 不好看
  2. 00:41:918 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 感觉对hard来说有些难(可以无视lol) :arrow: 改了顺序
  3. 00:43:793 (1) - 唔感觉怪怪的,这个折返太快了,音乐没有这么激烈 :arrow: 咦我没有滑条变速
  4. 01:20:590 (2,3) - 四个yiyeyiye只有这里有个跳,怪怪的T.T :arrow: 爷爷这不跳
  5. 01:52:699 (5) - 中间那个描点往下一点就包好辣 :arrow: 好惹
  1. 00:10:512 (3) - remove this? :arrow: 这里有鼓,而且不难
  2. 00:50:590 (2) - ctrl+g :arrow: 不好看
  3. 00:54:340 (3) - ^ :arrow: 这里要跳
  4. 02:04:669 (3) - 我觉得这个短折返的头应该在02:04:851 - 这里 :arrow: 你耳机坏了
thx for modding
00:12:856 (4) - 这个我觉得可以00:12:739 - 这里开始
00:13:793 (1) - 还是红线结尾然后在白线上加note吧...这边去掉个节奏感觉很奇怪
00:41:098 (x) - +note?
00:55:746 (2,3) - 我真的觉得这个是unranked的....这个难度觉得做的正正经经的非要在这里来这么一下........
01:48:715 (4) - ...我的话还是觉得把这个和01:49:184 (6) - 换一下然后再把6和5换一下这个调调比较好.....

00:54:106 (2,3) - ....难道现在这种排放不unranked了?!
00:42:856 (5,6,7,8) - 我不是一个很好的player,所以私心...为了自己!我会希望你把这俩变成slider!!像是这样!
02:01:840 (4) - 和5换一下玩起来会比较开心O(∩_∩)O~~

00:25:981 (3) - 我不确定某些比较二的权限会说这个太遮了或者怎样....好自为之
01:39:574 (3,1,2) - .......太靠上了...在以前是一定要改的...现在不太清楚

Topic Starter

tutuhaha wrote:

00:12:856 (4) - 这个我觉得可以00:12:739 - 这里开始 :arrow: 跟的钢琴
00:13:793 (1) - 还是红线结尾然后在白线上加note吧...这边去掉个节奏感觉很奇怪 :arrow:
00:41:098 (x) - +note? :arrow: k
00:55:746 (2,3) - 我真的觉得这个是unranked的....这个难度觉得做的正正经经的非要在这里来这么一下........ :arrow: 这个抄的某张最近rank的图里的梗啊
01:48:715 (4) - ...我的话还是觉得把这个和01:49:184 (6) - 换一下然后再把6和5换一下这个调调比较好..... :arrow: 那样卡手啊

00:54:106 (2,3) - ....难道现在这种排放不unranked了?! :arrow: hard可以啊
00:42:856 (5,6,7,8) - 我不是一个很好的player,所以私心...为了自己!我会希望你把这俩变成slider!!像是这样! :arrow: changed
02:01:840 (4) - 和5换一下玩起来会比较开心O(∩_∩)O~~ :arrow: QwQ卡手

00:25:981 (3) - 我不确定某些比较二的权限会说这个太遮了或者怎样....好自为之 :arrow: changed
01:39:574 (3,1,2) - .......太靠上了...在以前是一定要改的...现在不太清楚 :arrow: 删了个滑条

..........我说吧....蛮正规的图.....没啥可摸得...赶紧凑够mod去找BAT吧 :arrow: 哪那么容易狗都不认识我QAQ
No Kds


  1. 图很整洁,基本上没什么弄摸的,,
  2. 基本上ez normal hard 都有转盘 拍数的问题,其他也就~ 没什么是我能摸的了。
  3. Widescreen Support 下了吧
  4. Letterbox during break ^

  1. 00:04:418 (1,2,3) - normal,这里我感觉这个遮挡会有点难
  2. 01:15:668 (1,1) - normal ,2拍
  1. 01:38:871 (2,3) - 这个我没听到重音(可能是耳聋,感觉像是跳了。

00:26:918 (1) - 这4个小节应该用s音效好些吧
00:51:293 (1) - 这段绿线用s音效


00:20:590 (2,3) - 右上移动一点点,2跟滑条的距离与3相等
00:25:512 (2) - 取消finish


00:34:301 - 加个圈吧
00:44:262 (3) - 有点远了,容易误解
01:40:043 (1) - 这样试试?
02:04:729 - 如果按照我的timing,这里是一个1/12的三连
Topic Starter

SoGa wrote:

No Kds :arrow: yes kds


  1. 图很整洁,基本上没什么弄摸的,,
  2. 基本上ez normal hard 都有转盘 拍数的问题,其他也就~ 没什么是我能摸的了。
  3. Widescreen Support 下了吧
  4. Letterbox during break ^

  1. 00:04:418 (1,2,3) - normal,这里我感觉这个遮挡会有点难 :arrow: 可以看得见
  2. 01:15:668 (1,1) - normal ,2拍 :arrow: 改了
  1. 01:38:871 (2,3) - 这个我没听到重音(可能是耳聋,感觉像是跳了。 :arrow: vocal
Topic Starter

liangv587 wrote:

最后那点timing :arrow: wow thx

00:26:918 (1) - 这4个小节应该用s音效好些吧 :arrow: 有鼓
00:51:293 (1) - 这段绿线用s音效 :arrow: 没感觉


00:20:590 (2,3) - 右上移动一点点,2跟滑条的距离与3相等 :arrow: 改了3
00:25:512 (2) - 取消finish :arrow: bgm有


00:34:301 - 加个圈吧 :arrow: 不好打
00:44:262 (3) - 有点远了,容易误解 :arrow: 没人会误解吧
01:40:043 (1) - 这样试试? :arrow: k
02:04:729 - 如果按照我的timing,这里是一个1/12的三连 :arrow:
thx for modding!


-(p.s. for easy; raise AR to 3 for a better consistency)
- I suggest doing a NC every 2 measures so they are a bit longer
- 00:10:043 (1) - remove whistle; sounds really random
- 00:23:871 (2) - here i suggest not to follow the vocals but to have a 1/1 slider starting here 00:24:106 - so your hitsounds will have a better consistency
- 00:43:793 (1) - this slider is questionable, it overlaps itself in a way that its almost unrankable; try this just to be safe - 01:10:043 (1) - extend this so its a 1/1 slider?
- 01:17:074 (2) - remove NC
- 01:30:668 (3) - if you didnt follow what i said about having an NC every second measure then remove this NC for consistency
- 01:46:137 (2) - add clap on tail
- 01:55:043 (1,2) - a 1/2 slider would work better since the beat on (2) is weak


try to keep a consistent distance; dont keep changing it and some of your jumps are just too much
- 00:00:668 (1) - add whistle
- 00:03:949 - start a 1/4 repeat slider here; it works better because the 'sound' starts at 00:03:949 - but you only map starting 00:04:184 (1) - - 00:10:746 (2,3) - add 1 more repeat to both of these; you are missing a sound; remember to re-adjust the rhythm after
- 00:15:668 (1,3) - stack is off, move (3) to x221 y202
- 00:19:418 (1,2,3) - um this is a very random change of distance
- 00:23:871 (2,1) - please keep jumps under x2 for hard
- 00:43:324 (6) - please fix this distance; jump is unnecessary
- 00:43:793 (1) - try this instead; cause what you have doesnt match the music
- 00:46:840 (1) - move this out a little so the distance is more readable - 01:14:496 (2,3) - try this instead; matches the music better

nice mapset; though just needs a bit of tuning up~ good luck!
Topic Starter

kakifly wrote:



-(p.s. for easy; raise AR to 3 for a better consistency) :arrow: ar3 ok ill do that
- I suggest doing a NC every 2 measures so they are a bit longer :arrow: fixed
- 00:10:043 (1) - remove whistle; sounds really random :arrow: there is whistle on other diffs so cant fix
- 00:23:871 (2) - here i suggest not to follow the vocals but to have a 1/1 slider starting here 00:24:106 - so your hitsounds will have a better consistency :arrow: the hit sound doesn't matter lol ;)
- 00:43:793 (1) - this slider is questionable, it overlaps itself in a way that its almost unrankable; try this just to be safe :arrow: did something else- 01:10:043 (1) - extend this so its a 1/1 slider? :arrow: :arrow: following vocal here
- 01:17:074 (2) - remove NC :arrow: anti jumps y not nc?
- 01:30:668 (3) - if you didnt follow what i said about having an NC every second measure then remove this NC for consistency
- 01:46:137 (2) - add clap on tail :arrow: k
- 01:55:043 (1,2) - a 1/2 slider would work better since the beat on (2) is weak :arrow: ok


try to keep a consistent distance; dont keep changing it and some of your jumps are just too much
- 00:00:668 (1) - add whistle :arrow: k
- 00:03:949 - start a 1/4 repeat slider here; it works better because the 'sound' starts at 00:03:949 - but you only map starting 00:04:184 (1) - :arrow: used streams here- 00:10:746 (2,3) - add 1 more repeat to both of these; you are missing a sound; remember to re-adjust the rhythm after :arrow: ahh,maybe too hard?
- 00:15:668 (1,3) - stack is off, move (3) to x221 y202 :arrow: k
- 00:19:418 (1,2,3) - um this is a very random change of distance :arrow: changed back
- 00:23:871 (2,1) - please keep jumps under x2 for hard :arrow: there are some ds3 jumps in some ranked hard so i think thats fine
- 00:43:324 (6) - please fix this distance; jump is unnecessary :arrow: ^
- 00:43:793 (1) - try this instead; cause what you have doesnt match the music :arrow: k
- 00:46:840 (1) - move this out a little so the distance is more readable :arrow: thats not really beautiful - 01:14:496 (2,3) - try this instead; matches the music better :arrow: dont like blu lines sliders sey

nice mapset; though just needs a bit of tuning up~ good luck!
very nice modding, thx alot
Hello from m4m!


No problems found!


00:45:785 to 00:46:840 I would add more notes or remove 00:46:840 (1)
01:03:364 (2) - should start on 01:03:364 and end on 01:03:949
01:05:121 (4) - same here slider starts on the blue tick and ends on the white
01:28:559 (1) - replace slider with a note and make a slider from 01:28:793 to 01:29:262


02:02:607 (1,2,1,2,1) - the end here looks bad, and sv change might be confusing since it slows down so suddenly. change plz


00:30:082 (2,3) - change to slider
00:45:668 (1,2,1,2) - stack both of these
01:04:184 (4,5,1) - shouldnt be a triple
02:04:717 (1,2,3) - was gonna complain about this but i realized its technically timed correctly

thats all, good luck on the rank! :D
Topic Starter

_WinRAWR wrote:

Hello from m4m!


No problems found!


00:45:785 to 00:46:840 I would add more notes or remove 00:46:840 (1) :arrow: following the piano
01:03:364 (2) - should start on 01:03:364 and end on 01:03:949 :arrow: maybe too hard for blue lines hit point
01:05:121 (4) - same here slider starts on the blue tick and ends on the white :arrow: ^
01:28:559 (1) - replace slider with a note and make a slider from 01:28:793 to 01:29:262 :arrow: fixed


02:02:607 (1,2,1,2,1) - the end here looks bad, and sv change might be confusing since it slows down so suddenly. change plz :arrow: did something here,but sv stays


00:30:082 (2,3) - change to slider :arrow: ok
00:45:668 (1,2,1,2) - stack both of these :arrow: doesn't like to stack notes lol
01:04:184 (4,5,1) - shouldnt be a triple :arrow: triple dosen't fit
02:04:717 (1,2,3) - was gonna complain about this but i realized its technically timed correctly :arrow: yea thanks to liangv587

thats all, good luck on the rank! :D
thx for modding
irc mod
2014-10-11 18:18 Julie: hii xD
2014-10-11 18:18 Alex Li: hi
2014-10-11 18:18 Julie: um, you want me to mod the map now?
2014-10-11 18:18 Alex Li: sure
2014-10-11 18:18 Alex Li: u can irc
2014-10-11 18:18 Julie: um can you np which one was it? >,<
2014-10-11 18:18 Julie: ohh oki sure :D
2014-10-11 18:19 Julie: that'll make it easier :3
2014-10-11 18:19 Alex Li: ACTION is listening to [ Hamasaki Ayumi - Song 4 U (Original Mix)]
2014-10-11 18:19 Alex Li: this one
2014-10-11 18:19 Julie: ohoho tales of xilia <3
2014-10-11 18:19 Julie: oki
2014-10-11 18:25 Julie: 00:20:473 (4) -
2014-10-11 18:25 Julie: remove clap
2014-10-11 18:25 Julie: 00:20:356 (3) - clap instead
2014-10-11 18:26 Alex Li: removed but didnt add
2014-10-11 18:26 Julie: oki
2014-10-11 18:33 Julie: 01:31:606 (3) - remove finish
2014-10-11 18:34 Alex Li: ok
2014-10-11 18:35 Julie: oki for hitsound really nice :D
2014-10-11 18:36 Alex Li: thx XD
2014-10-11 18:36 Julie: oki now lets get to pattern um, I might be kinda perfectionnist on some part haha
2014-10-11 18:37 Alex Li: ok
2014-10-11 18:37 Julie: 00:06:528 (2) - x:96 y:336, is just one grid to the right, so it has perfect spacing from 1 and 3
2014-10-11 18:38 Julie: 00:06:762 (3) - this one too move one grid to the right x:88 y :248
2014-10-11 18:39 Alex Li: did the first one though
2014-10-11 18:41 Julie: 00:43:793 (1,2,3) - the spacing here might be confusing
2014-10-11 18:42 Julie: 00:44:262 (3) - this one to far
2014-10-11 18:42 Julie: mostly in ar8, idk if I can actually see that
2014-10-11 18:42 Julie: you can change those slider into circle if you want~ anyway your map your choice :3
2014-10-11 18:43 Alex Li: ok, did something here
2014-10-11 18:44 Julie: 00:46:840 (1) - um just a suggestion, remove whistle in the begining of slider so it has a sound effect like what you did here 02:02:607 (1,2,3,1,2,3) -
2014-10-11 18:44 Julie: but nothing wrong here so can also keep it
2014-10-11 18:44 Alex Li: will keep it because both are diffrent
2014-10-11 18:45 Julie: okii ^^
2014-10-11 18:47 Julie: 01:03:246 (2) - remove clap
2014-10-11 18:47 Alex Li: there is a clap here though
2014-10-11 18:48 Julie: 01:05:121 (2) - this one too?
2014-10-11 18:48 Alex Li: yea
2014-10-11 18:49 Julie: hmm ok if you say so, everyone hear differently :3
2014-10-11 18:49 Alex Li: maybe
2014-10-11 18:50 Julie: 01:13:793 (1,2,3) - perfect triangle 01:14:028 (2) - x:28 y:189 | 01:14:262 (3) - x:120 y:210
2014-10-11 18:51 Julie: 01:21:293 (1) - improve blanket here will be nice :3
2014-10-11 18:51 Julie: OMG I LOVE TALES OPENING <3
2014-10-11 18:51 Alex Li: fixed the triangle
2014-10-11 18:52 Alex Li: blanket fixed
2014-10-11 18:52 Julie: 01:34:418 (1) - blanket here too will look more nice
2014-10-11 18:52 Julie: 01:38:168 (1) - this slider could be improve matching the voice more xD
2014-10-11 18:53 Alex Li: lol
2014-10-11 18:54 Julie: 01:57:856 (3,4) - that is one huge jump
2014-10-11 18:54 Julie: mostly 01:58:090 (4) - I can barely here this one
2014-10-11 18:54 Alex Li: all fixed
2014-10-11 18:55 Alex Li: uh for jumps
2014-10-11 18:55 Julie: um you coule make a triple with 01:57:973 , but no jump for this part o.o
2014-10-11 18:55 Alex Li: go see some fycho's map
2014-10-11 18:55 Julie: oki
2014-10-11 18:56 Julie: 02:01:606 (5) -
2014-10-11 18:56 Julie: NC?
2014-10-11 18:57 Alex Li: ok
2014-10-11 18:57 Julie: really nice insane :3
2014-10-11 18:58 Alex Li: thx :D
2014-10-11 19:00 Julie: 00:54:106 (2,3) -
2014-10-11 19:00 Julie: might be a bit too confusing for hard
2014-10-11 19:00 Julie: don't suggest
2014-10-11 19:01 Alex Li: umm
2014-10-11 19:01 Alex Li: fixed
2014-10-11 19:02 Julie: 01:28:324 (3,1) - overlap
2014-10-11 19:03 Alex Li: oh you know what?
2014-10-11 19:03 Alex Li: i just love overlaps like this
2014-10-11 19:03 Julie: LOL
2014-10-11 19:03 Julie: 01:30:199 (3,1) - this one is a nice overlaps
2014-10-11 19:03 Julie: but 01:28:324 (3,1) - idk about this one xD
2014-10-11 19:03 Julie: welp your choice your map :3
2014-10-11 19:04 Julie: 01:35:824 (3,1) - like this one is nice too :D
2014-10-11 19:04 Alex Li: spined the slider
2014-10-11 19:04 Alex Li: should be fine now
2014-10-11 19:04 Julie: okii
2014-10-11 19:06 Julie: Normal now~
2014-10-11 19:06 Julie: um
2014-10-11 19:06 Julie: 00:25:043 (3,4,5) - flow should be improve here
2014-10-11 19:08 Alex Li: did something here
2014-10-11 19:09 Julie: omg I swear I love your map LOL
2014-10-11 19:10 Alex Li: lol
2014-10-11 19:10 Alex Li: thx :D
2014-10-11 19:11 Julie: sorry osu update crashed me x,x
2014-10-11 19:11 Alex Li: 0.0
2014-10-11 19:12 Julie: force update ;w;
2014-10-11 19:12 Alex Li: QwQ
2014-10-11 19:12 Julie: guess what before finishing modding imma already shoot a stars
2014-10-11 19:12 Julie: I honnestly love it xD
2014-10-11 19:13 Alex Li: thx alot :D
2014-10-11 19:13 Julie: np, you deserve it, nice map :3
2014-10-11 19:13 Alex Li: thank you
2014-10-11 19:16 Julie: 01:25:981 (2,3) - nice overlap but maybe not suggested in easy
2014-10-11 19:16 Julie: might click on slider instead of circle
2014-10-11 19:17 Alex Li: acctully acceptable
2014-10-11 19:17 Julie: okii :3
2014-10-11 19:17 Julie: imma testplay the insane once >,<
2014-10-11 19:18 Alex Li: okai
2014-10-11 19:18 Alex Li: lol did some change cant spec
2014-10-11 19:20 Julie: yeah xD
2014-10-11 19:20 Julie: well overall really nice :3
2014-10-11 19:20 Julie: gj
2014-10-11 19:20 Julie: I really cant find much
2014-10-11 19:20 Alex Li: thanks for the mod
2014-10-11 19:20 Alex Li: and star also
2014-10-11 19:20 Julie: np, thanks for your mod as well :3
2014-10-11 19:20 Alex Li: np
beautifull map <3! Need more tales opening map!!


01:03:246 - move the clap to 01:03:012 - please
01:05:121 - ^

00:10:746 (2,3,4,5) - 这里的节奏十分诡异。。建议把2停在00:11:215 - 然后3换成circle在00:11:449 -
00:50:590 - 00:48:715 - same as Normal,不过这里我仔细听了下,好像现在这样也行,所以都不改也可以把
01:16:606 - 建议这里取消NC,因为跟前面的01:16:020 (1,2) - 是一组
02:03:899 (2) - unsnapped slider

00:28:793 (1,2) - 这个spacing有点小,很容易把2读成在00:29:965 - 开始,建议弄大点spacing不要stack
01:15:434 (8,1) - ^
02:02:607 - 这里最好不要stack在原来的note上,容易读成开始在02:02:543 - ,顺带我建议这里用slider开始,全是circle的话突然减速感觉比较违和


P.S. 我看到你用了多个bg,虽然不知道你需不需要,不过我还是介绍一下关于如何保持每个diff对应的bg不变的情况下修改map下载页显示的bg缩略图的方法吧
  1. 首先备份所有diff
  2. 之后选择一个你想要显示在下载页的bg,留下对应的diff,其他所有diff都删掉(当然不要把备份的也删了)
  3. 上传,成功后bg应该会显示正确,然后只有一个diff
  4. 把其他diff拷贝回来,上传,成功后bg不变,diff都在
Shohei Ohtani
I need to come up with more creative openings to these mods

00:23:168 (1) - Clap on end of slider
00:41:098 (2) - Clap
00:42:856 (1,2,1,2) - It'd be nice if this got gradually larger rather than getting smaller.
00:45:668 (1,2,1,2) - I don't know why, but this felt really awkward to play
00:55:746 (2,3,4,5) - This is a really cramped pattern
01:02:543 - Fix the hitsounding here so it's on 2 and 4 of every measure. Right now it you sped it up to the red ticks for whatever reason. Just do what you've been doing
01:38:168 (1) - Clap on end of slider
01:39:574 (3,4,5,1) - Jump is a little bit large
01:40:746 (2) - Having a note head under a slider like this doesn't look nice or play nice :(
01:55:512 (2) - W. . . why soft?
02:01:137 (3,4,1) - It's awkward to jump, then go to normal spacing, then jump again without rhyme or reason

00:23:168 (1) - Clap on end of slider
01:02:543 - Same as insane
01:39:574 (3) - It's kind of scary how I'm getting the same points for the same parts in insane as in hard. This jump is way too big compared to the rest of the map
01:40:043 (1) - Clap on repeat
01:51:176 (1,2,3) - Not enough space between the end of the slider and the next note. Should be one full beat
02:02:607 (1) - You should space this out a little father since it doesn't land in quite the same time as the previous notes.

01:08:168 (4) - Would prefer to have something that makes it clear that this repeats on a blue tick

01:13:793 (1,1) - This was unrankable for a while, since easy diffs needed a full measure of space, but there's been discussion about it, so I can figure out where it stands if you want to keep it like this.

Topic Starter
thx for modding, all fixed except this

CDFA wrote:

01:51:176 (1,2,3) - Not enough space between the end of the slider and the next note. Should be one full beat :arrow: I think it should be okay,because there is a piano rhythm here
Shohei Ohtani
Well I get the rhythm, but like, it's a rankability thing, where there needs to be enough space between the end of the spinner and the next note :(
Shohei Ohtani
Fixed over PM. It's time.

Going based off the first post for metadata.
Topic Starter

CDFA wrote:

Fixed over PM. It's time.

Going based off the first post for metadata.
Thx for bubble!
Not a big deal but artist order should probably be Ayumi Hamasaki (maybe even without caps if you want to be pedantic).

See her official website:

I can't find one instance where it's listed Hamaski Ayumi but maybe you know of somewhere where the artist has used this name order?
14:51 Alex Li: hi
14:51 Alex Li: do u accept check req?
14:52 Hinsvar: Quick check yes; no for mod.
14:53 Alex Li: QWQ
14:53 *Alex Li is listening to [ Hamasaki Ayumi - Song 4 u (Original Mix)]
15:01 Alex Li: hi ru still there?
15:01 Hinsvar: Oh yeah sorry lol
15:01 Hinsvar: Downloading.
15:02 Alex Li: lol ok
15:02 Alex Li: such a slow internet
15:02 Hinsvar: Well not really; just started downloading :D
15:03 Alex Li: :l
15:13 Hinsvar: ...You should've told me you wanted a bubble check lol
15:13 Alex Li: its bubbled
15:14 Hinsvar: Only saying check makes me put it on low priority.
15:14 Alex Li: lol
15:14 Hinsvar: Well let's see... I might actually rank this.
15:14 Hinsvar: But lemme check first.
15:16 Hinsvar: Insane: 01:07:114 (3,4) - Make (3) not overlap (4)?
15:17 Hinsvar: It'd look neater that way.
15:17 Alex Li: ok
15:17 Hinsvar: 01:12:387 - Did you forget a clap?
15:17 Alex Li: yep
15:18 Hinsvar: Oh, you might want to begin the kiai from 01:02:543 - instead.
15:18 Hinsvar: The song already gets strong from there.
15:19 Alex Li: oh but i think the kial is 01:17:543
15:19 Alex Li: because its stronger than most of the song
15:20 Hinsvar: I believe that 01:02:543 - 01:17:543 - is as strong as the kiai... up to you though :P
15:21 Alex Li: i did kial at 1:17 mostly because of 01:16:606 - 01:17:543
15:21 Hinsvar: Hmm okay then, I can accept the reason.
15:23 Hinsvar: 02:04:717 (1,2) - These are overmapped and don't really fit the song...
15:23 Hinsvar: Just remove them and let the last slider be alone lol
15:23 Alex Li: ok
15:24 Alex Li: i did the same in hard, should i remove it too?
15:25 Hinsvar: Yeah.
15:33 Hinsvar: Hard: 00:11:918 (1,2,3) - What's with the spacing inconsistency?
15:34 Alex Li: oh
15:34 Alex Li: the music on 00:13:090 starts get lower
15:34 Alex Li: so i lowed the ds
15:35 Hinsvar: Why does the DS lowering have to begin at 00:13:324 (3) - though?
15:36 Hinsvar: If it weakens from there, the DS should be 1.2x already starting from 00:11:918 (1,2) - .
15:36 Hinsvar: Right now, it doesn't really make sense IMO lol
15:36 Alex Li: hmm
15:37 Alex Li: will low the ds at 00:11:918 (1,2) -
15:37 Hinsvar: Okay then, cool.
15:41 Hinsvar: Moving on to Normal.
15:41 Hinsvar: 00:22:465 (4,1) - Inconsistent spacing.
15:42 Alex Li: fixed
15:46 Hinsvar: 01:13:793 (6,1) - Swap NC to follow the stanza in the song correctly?
15:47 Alex Li: ok
15:49 Hinsvar: 01:40:512 - You forgot a clap.
15:50 Alex Li: added
15:51 Hinsvar: Just realized something: Why don't you add a clap at 00:12:387 - and 00:14:262 - in all diffs?
15:51 Hinsvar: I don't think there's anything different here.
15:51 Alex Li: oh ok ill add the clap
15:53 Hinsvar: Easy: 01:03:949 - add a clap so it'll be consistent with 01:05:824 (4) - ?
15:54 Alex Li: added
15:54 Hinsvar: 01:15:199 - Also add a clap here since you have it in all the other diffs.
15:54 Alex Li: added
15:58 Hinsvar: 01:40:512 - Once again, forgot a clap? lol
15:59 Alex Li: lol
15:59 Alex Li: maybe im retarded
15:59 Alex Li: when im adding clap
15:59 Hinsvar: lol don't worry
16:00 Hinsvar: Also.
16:00 Hinsvar: Last thing.
16:00 Hinsvar: [ Ayumi
16:00 Hinsvar: uh
16:00 Alex Li: ?
16:00 Hinsvar: shit wait
16:00 Hinsvar: The official website used "Song 4 u (Original mix)' for the title.
16:00 Hinsvar: You have "Original Mix" right now :P
16:00 Alex Li: oh
16:00 Alex Li: ok
16:01 Hinsvar: Hmm don't update yet...
16:01 Alex Li: and the artist order too?
16:01 Hinsvar: I'll find a BAT to talk about the artist's name.
16:01 Hinsvar: That one's kinda confusing.
16:01 Alex Li: find 3 ranked maps with diffrent artist order
16:02 Alex Li: lol i need to change that
16:02 Hinsvar: lol
16:03 Alex Li: ok all changed
16:03 Alex Li: can i uploud now? QWQ
16:06 Hinsvar: Hmm...
16:06 Alex Li: O_o
16:07 Hinsvar: Wait, finding a Japanese BAT right now.
16:07 Hinsvar: Please wait for, maybe, 15 minutes or something lol
16:07 Alex Li: ok fine
16:07 Alex Li: ill wait
16:17 Hinsvar: Well uh, just update for now.
16:17 Hinsvar: I might rank tomorrow lol
16:17 Hinsvar: Will ask Melophobia for confirmation.
16:17 Alex Li: lol ok
16:17 Hinsvar: lol
16:18 Alex Li: should i uploud now?
16:18 Hinsvar: He said he was busy and no other Japanese BAT can be contacted.
16:18 Hinsvar: Yep, just update for now.
16:18 Alex Li: wait
16:18 Alex Li: it says new map
16:18 Hinsvar: Just update; it won't be duplicated.
16:19 Hinsvar: osu! is kinda weird when it comes to artist/title change.
16:19 Alex Li: lol
16:19 Hinsvar: lol

Did an IRC mod. Asking Melophobia about how the artist should be written in osu!.

Once we're done with that, I'll rank this map.
No kds!

Artist: ayumi hamasaki | Seemingly this is the only romanization she's using so far, it's safe to say it's her preferred romanization.
Artist Unicode: 浜崎あゆみ | Remove the inbetween space.
Source: TALES OF XILLIA2 | I'm not 100% sure about this one, you might as well use テイルズ オブ エクシリア2

That's all. This is confirmed by me, Gamu and KSHR.
@Melo (+ Gamu and KSHR): Thanks for the help o/

Cool map; enjoy your deserved heart \o/
Topic Starter

Hinsvar wrote:

@Melo (+ Gamu and KSHR): Thanks for the help o/

Cool map; enjoy your deserved heart \o/
Congratz on getting the map qualified.

Since I had some extra time, I created a slightly higher quality version of the op (avi, not flv sorry)
现在新人都这么叼 真是受不了
Topic Starter

Zero__wind wrote:

现在新人都这么叼 真是受不了
Yumeno Himiko
congrats~! :)
maya, 恭喜恭喜!
oh hey!

恭喜啦~ (。´∀`)ノ
你都有rank图了 我要不要考虑把那个彼岸花for rank
Hakurei Yoru

liaoxingyao wrote:

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