
96Neko & Len Kagamine - Kuro Len Romantic Night

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Mira tenia pensando modear tu mapa, pero me siento muy incomodo por no decir inhabilitado cuando son mapas de vocaloid asi que, siento decirte que me perdones por no poder modearlo y que lo unico que puedo hacer es darte un kudouso, no siendo mas te deseo suerte con tu mapa y animo.

Edit: Tenia pensando darte el kudousu pero noto que tu mapa esta en el cementerio y por estar alli no se me permite realizar tal accion, cuando lo revivas mandame un PM para darte el kudosu, si deseas buscar mas mods visita esta pagina: 60 ; pero debes ser atento

La verdad estoy impresionado con este mapa, aunque tiene cosas por pulir, esta "decente" para ser el primero que subes. Consigue más mods!

  1. Lamentablemente no se pueden tener nombres personalizados en las dificultades. Debes de renombrarlas con nombres comunes (Normal, Hard, e Insane). Lee esto: t/178700
  2. Lamentablemente no tienes una dificultad que se pueda conciderar fácil. Debes de hacer una diff Easy tal que tenga menos de 2.0 en la puntuación de estrellas. (El normal que tienes actualmente es de 2.37 estrellas). Sin esta dificultad no te pueden rankear el mapa.
    Hasta el AiMod lo dice:
  3. Por favor, lee detenidamente el ranking Criteria. Algunas cosas que están ahí escritas se te pasaron por alto ->
  4. En la carpeta del mapa tienes los count.wav, pero en el mapa no estás utilizando el count down para nada. Elimina esos 3 archivos.
  5. El background (fondo) que estás usando no cumple el ranking criteria... debería ser de 1024x768, ó de 1366x768. Así que tienes dos opciones: 1)Buscar la misma imagen con esa resolución. 2) buscar otra imagen que le quede bien al mapa, y que cumpla con la resolución.
  6. Creo que ya. Aun así, leyendo el ranking criteria es posible que notes alguna cosa qué mejorar que se me haya pasado a mi.

Es interesante cómo le hiciste el SB al mapa, es sencillo, pero te quedó chevere :D
Aunque el inicio es aburrido... pasan tantas cosas en el audio, pero dejas solo el fondo negro... si le hicieras algo divertido al inicio, a cualquiera le darían ganas de quedarse a ver qué sucede en vez de darle skip para jugar directamente xDD
El final también es un poco abrupto.. podrías poner algo más destellante ;).

  1. Creo que de los stats, deberías poner tanto el HP como el OD en 4.
  2. 00:34:150 (4) - NC
  3. 00:37:077 (4) - ^
  4. 00:40:003 (4) - ^
  5. 00:32:503 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - mm... selecciona todos estos, y muevelos de tal forma que 00:34:150 (1,2,3) - quede en el centro:
    No olvides corregir el espaciado de las notas que hagan falta.
  6. 00:38:357 (1,2,3) - algo parecido a lo de antes, haciendo simetría con:
  7. 00:40:552 - Evita hacer estos sliders que se repiten más de una vez. Son dificiles de leer, y en general, no son aceptados ahora, y menos en dificultades normales o faciles.
    Un ritmo como este quedaría mejor, y cumple bien con la canción:

    Además, los usaste en todo el mapa, no los nombraré más, pero espero que los cambies :)
  8. 00:52:625 (1) - Same here, quizás algo así funcione mejor:
  9. 00:54:455 (1,1) - Esto es unrankable. El espacio de una nota después de un spinner depende de la dificultad. Siendo en los niveles fáciles el equivalente a un compas, en los normales a medio compas, y en los hard a 1/4 de compas... Un compas es lo que hay entre un Tick blanco grande al siguiente.
    De esta forma, la nota después del spinner debería empezar en 00:56:650 - y... esto no sigue muy bien la canción.... Pienso que lo mejor sería eliminar el spinner y mapear alguna cosa ahí, como un slider largo o algo así.
  10. 00:57:564 (2) - el flow con esta nota es confuso... arreglalo de forma que quede más suave.
  11. 01:01:406 (1) - debiste de dejar algo para golpear en la nota fuerte. es decir, al inicio de compas. Esto se sentiría mejor:

    Esto sucede en muchas partes del mapa. Lo mejor es que les prestes atención y procura siempre tener algo para golpear en las notas fuertes.
  12. 01:07:625 (3,1) - Dos sliders irían mejor.
  13. Algunas veces te descachas con los blankets, Por ejemplo en 02:30:308 (3) -

    Me da pereza listar todos los lugares, así que fijate en donde puedes mejorar los blankets!
  14. 03:10:003 (1,1,2) - Patrones como este son dificiles de leer. Considera cambiarlo (también fijate si hay otros similaes que sean dificiles de leer).
De los tres niveles que tienes, este es el que menos listo está. Debes trabajarle a la consistencia, y a hacer las cosas más legibles, todo sin descuidar el espaciado. Encarecidamente te pido que le des una leía a esto: t/208596 Para que tengas más ideas de cómo colocar los sliders... para que queden más bonitos. Trata de hacer patrones simétricos cuando veas que los puedes hacer (hace ver más limpio el mapa), y por supuesto, echale ganas ;)

  1. Pon el OD en 6.
  2. 00:54:637 (1,2,3,4,5) - La mayor queja la tengo con esto. Se hace muy dificil de leer, y aunque sea un hard, deberías procurar acomodarlos de una forma que sea más legible...
  3. 01:28:479 (2,4) - En el normal no hable mucho de los stacks, pero, aunque no lo nombré, es algo que es aplicable en todas las diffs.
    Este stack no es perfecto. Para acomodarlo, hazle Ctrl+G a 01:28:479 (2) - , deshabilita el Grid Snap, y mueve 01:29:394 (4) - hasta que quede bien puesto sobre (2), y hazle Ctrl+G de nuevo.
    Finalmente arregla el blanket en de 01:29:028 (3) - .
  4. Hay muchos, muchos blankets por pulir... son tantos que no me voy a poner a normbrarlos uno por uno. Pero si espero que los corrijas. Para que te queden perfectos deshabilita el Grid Snap, y con eso podrás moverlos libremente. También cuida que los espaciados queden bien. ejemplo en 02:09:455 (8) - y un laaaargo etc, ehehe
  5. 02:13:113 (4) - lo mismo de las notas fuertes... no me fijé mucho en esto para esta dificultad, pero hazlo tú :)
  6. 02:25:918 (7,1) - Stack
  7. 03:09:637 (6,8) - ^
Esta es la diff que más me gustó, Es un poco desordenada, y tiene demasiados sliders apeñuscados (sería bueno que los variaras, aveces quedan muy espameados xD), pero me parece que está bastante cool. Obvio necesita más nazi mods, pero no tantos como el normal :D

  1. Puedes subirle el HP a 6 o 7, y OD a 8.
  2. En cuanto a consistencia, excelente. Mantuviste el espaciado bien en todo el mapa, y eso es de agradecer, porque el los utimos tiempos todos los novatos creen que los insanes son llenar un mapa de jumps sin sentido xDD
    Obviamente tambien se estraña que no hayas puesto ningun jump, pero, tienes lo fundamental que es la consistencia ;)
  3. En cuanto a los jumps, la idea es colocarlos cuando haya una parte intensa de la canción, así por ejemplo en 01:13:479 (1) - pudiste aumentar el espaciado un poco para anticipar que se viene algo grande (el kiai). 02:00:308 (2) - También podría haber uno... con jumps me refiero a un espaciado de 1.5x por ejemplo.
  4. Algo en lo que fallas en que los blankets ( xD!! ), y los stacks, aunque seguramente luego de que corrijas las otras dos diffs, quedarás siendo un master en eso >=)

ufff.. vaya muro hahaha.
Creeme, aunque es muy largo, todo es con la intención de que mejores y el mapa sea rankeado. Me alegra que te este quedando bien en las cosas que normalmente los nuevos se equivocan. Echale ganas, y no te desanimes.

Topic Starter

ErunamoJAZZ wrote:


La verdad estoy impresionado con este mapa, aunque tiene cosas por pulir, esta "decente" para ser el primero que subes. Consigue más mods! Gracias :3, por cierto si es el primer mapa completo, antes intente hacer otros y quedaron un poco feos y sin terminar (?))

  1. Lamentablemente no se pueden tener nombres personalizados en las dificultades. Debes de renombrarlas con nombres comunes (Normal, Hard, e Insane). Lee esto: t/178700 Corrección lista :3
  2. Lamentablemente no tienes una dificultad que se pueda conciderar fácil. Debes de hacer una diff Easy tal que tenga menos de 2.0 en la puntuación de estrellas. (El normal que tienes actualmente es de 2.37 estrellas). Sin esta dificultad no te pueden rankear el mapa.
    Hasta el AiMod lo dice: Oke, me pondré a crearla en cuanto termine las clases :3
  3. Por favor, lee detenidamente el ranking Criteria. Algunas cosas que están ahí escritas se te pasaron por alto -> Oke :3
  4. En la carpeta del mapa tienes los count.wav, pero en el mapa no estás utilizando el count down para nada. Elimina esos 3 archivos. Corrección lista
  5. El background (fondo) que estás usando no cumple el ranking criteria... debería ser de 1024x768, ó de 1366x768. Así que tienes dos opciones: 1)Buscar la misma imagen con esa resolución. 2) buscar otra imagen que le quede bien al mapa, y que cumpla con la resolución. Todavía no decido que hacer con esto, a si que lo dejare pendiente de momento
  6. Creo que ya. Aun así, leyendo el ranking criteria es posible que notes alguna cosa qué mejorar que se me haya pasado a mi.
Es interesante cómo le hiciste el SB al mapa, es sencillo, pero te quedó chevere :D
Aunque el inicio es aburrido... pasan tantas cosas en el audio, pero dejas solo el fondo negro... si le hicieras algo divertido al inicio, a cualquiera le darían ganas de quedarse a ver qué sucede en vez de darle skip para jugar directamente xDD
El final también es un poco abrupto.. podrías poner algo más destellante ;). Lo del principio lo pensé en su tiempo, pero todavía no se que poner y tendré en cuenta lo del final también :3

  1. Creo que de los stats, deberías poner tanto el HP como el OD en 4. Listo
  2. 00:34:150 (4) - NC Corrección lista
  3. 00:37:077 (4) - ^ Corrección lista
  4. 00:40:003 (4) - ^ Corrección lista
  5. 00:32:503 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - mm... selecciona todos estos, y muevelos de tal forma que 00:34:150 (1,2,3) - quede en el centro:
    No olvides corregir el espaciado de las notas que hagan falta.
  6. 00:38:357 (1,2,3) - algo parecido a lo de antes, haciendo simetría con:
    intente algo parecido, porque no pude lograr hacerlo :c
  7. 00:40:552 - Evita hacer estos sliders que se repiten más de una vez. Son dificiles de leer, y en general, no son aceptados ahora, y menos en dificultades normales o faciles.
    Un ritmo como este quedaría mejor, y cumple bien con la canción:

    Además, los usaste en todo el mapa, no los nombraré más, pero espero que los cambies :)
  8. 00:52:625 (1) - Same here, quizás algo así funcione mejor:
  9. 00:54:455 (1,1) - Esto es unrankable. El espacio de una nota después de un spinner depende de la dificultad. Siendo en los niveles fáciles el equivalente a un compas, en los normales a medio compas, y en los hard a 1/4 de compas... Un compas es lo que hay entre un Tick blanco grande al siguiente.
    De esta forma, la nota después del spinner debería empezar en 00:56:650 - y... esto no sigue muy bien la canción.... Pienso que lo mejor sería eliminar el spinner y mapear alguna cosa ahí, como un slider largo o algo así. Arreglado, creo que ahora esta mejor (?)
  10. 00:57:564 (2) - el flow con esta nota es confuso... arreglalo de forma que quede más suave. Arreglado :3
  11. 01:01:406 (1) - debiste de dejar algo para golpear en la nota fuerte. es decir, al inicio de compas. Esto se sentiría mejor:

    Esto sucede en muchas partes del mapa. Lo mejor es que les prestes atención y procura siempre tener algo para golpear en las notas fuertes.
  12. 01:07:625 (3,1) - Dos sliders irían mejor. Oke
  13. Algunas veces te descachas con los blankets, Por ejemplo en 02:30:308 (3) -

    No se como te das cuenta tan fácil de esto, creo que solo me doy cuenta que me sali cuando queda muy deforme :c (?)
    Me da pereza listar todos los lugares, así que fijate en donde puedes mejorar los blankets! Oke
  14. 03:10:003 (1,1,2) - Patrones como este son dificiles de leer. Considera cambiarlo (también fijate si hay otros similaes que sean dificiles de leer).
De los tres niveles que tienes, este es el que menos listo está. Debes trabajarle a la consistencia, y a hacer las cosas más legibles, todo sin descuidar el espaciado. Encarecidamente te pido que le des una leía a esto: t/208596 Para que tengas más ideas de cómo colocar los sliders... para que queden más bonitos. Trata de hacer patrones simétricos cuando veas que los puedes hacer (hace ver más limpio el mapa), y por supuesto, echale ganas ;) de momento solo tengo las correcciones de esta dificultad, porque el tiempo no me da para más y seguire pensando en que más puedo mejorarlo, luego arreglare las demás >-<

Pd: gracias por modear mi mapa \o/

  1. Pon el OD en 6. OD Cambiado a 6
  2. 00:54:637 (1,2,3,4,5) - La mayor queja la tengo con esto. Se hace muy dificil de leer, y aunque sea un hard, deberías procurar acomodarlos de una forma que sea más legible... Ami tambien se me hace dificil de leer pero lo dejare pendiente mientras pienso como cambiarlo >-<
  3. 01:28:479 (2,4) - En el normal no hable mucho de los stacks, pero, aunque no lo nombré, es algo que es aplicable en todas las diffs.
    Este stack no es perfecto. Para acomodarlo, hazle Ctrl+G a 01:28:479 (2) - , deshabilita el Grid Snap, y mueve 01:29:394 (4) - hasta que quede bien puesto sobre (2), y hazle Ctrl+G de nuevo. lel no sabia esto, lo tendré en cuenta
    Finalmente arregla el blanket en de 01:29:028 (3) - . listo
  4. Hay muchos, muchos blankets por pulir... son tantos que no me voy a poner a normbrarlos uno por uno. Pero si espero que los corrijas. Para que te queden perfectos deshabilita el Grid Snap, y con eso podrás moverlos libremente. También cuida que los espaciados queden bien. ejemplo en 02:09:455 (8) - y un laaaargo etc, ehehe intente corregir todos los blankets que pude luego seguiré :3
  5. 02:13:113 (4) - lo mismo de las notas fuertes... no me fijé mucho en esto para esta dificultad, pero hazlo tú :) De momento lo mantube porque la forma en que lo quería cambiar sonaba raro >-<
  6. 02:25:918 (7,1) - Stack Corregido
  7. 03:09:637 (6,8) - ^

Esta es la diff que más me gustó, Es un poco desordenada, y tiene demasiados sliders apeñuscados (sería bueno que los variaras, aveces quedan muy espameados xD), pero me parece que está bastante cool. Obvio necesita más nazi mods, pero no tantos como el normal :D

  1. Puedes subirle el HP a 6 o 7, y OD a 8. OD Cambiado a 8 y Hp a 7
  2. En cuanto a consistencia, excelente. Mantuviste el espaciado bien en todo el mapa, y eso es de agradecer, porque el los utimos tiempos todos los novatos creen que los insanes son llenar un mapa de jumps sin sentido xDD
    Obviamente tambien se estraña que no hayas puesto ningun jump, pero, tienes lo fundamental que es la consistencia ;) Ty, no quería agregar jumps porque me quedan feos y en esta canción se me hacen raros (?)
  3. En cuanto a los jumps, la idea es colocarlos cuando haya una parte intensa de la canción, así por ejemplo en 01:13:479 (1) - pudiste aumentar el espaciado un poco para anticipar que se viene algo grande (el kiai). 02:00:308 (2) - También podría haber uno... con jumps me refiero a un espaciado de 1.5x por ejemplo. Vere si se me ocurre alguna forma de colocar algún jump que me guste :3
  4. Algo en lo que fallas en que los blankets ( xD!! ), y los stacks, aunque seguramente luego de que corrijas las otras dos diffs, quedarás siendo un master en eso >=)
lo se .c

ufff.. vaya muro hahaha.
Creeme, aunque es muy largo, todo es con la intención de que mejores y el mapa sea rankeado. Me alegra que te este quedando bien en las cosas que normalmente los nuevos se equivocan. Echale ganas, y no te desanimes.

ty, por el mod
Hi! From my modding queue :)

- Tags are separated with spaces, not commas
- Remove "Len" and "96Neko" from the tags, since those words already are in the artist and title fields
- Source field should be empty. Use it only for movies, games or similar (
- If you want to skin the reverse arrow, then you need to skin the rest of the hitcircles too, since they may look awkward with some skins otherwise.

03:53:723 - Maybe add a flash in the SB here? (like at 02:41:284)

[Kuro Len! Easy]
- In it's current state, this is definetly a Normal and not an Easy. I'd suggest renaming this and making another, easier diff (the spread needs one anyways in my opinion)
00:30:857 (4,5) - Stacking a note with a sliderend is pretty much unreadable for newer players
02:32:503 (1,2) - ^
03:52:808 (4,5) - ^
01:20:796 (1,1) - Don't place these on top of each other (doesn't look that good)
02:14:942 - Add a spinner from here to 02:17:137
02:24:455 (3) - Sliders like this are probably too confusing for newer players, change them so they don't overlap themselves
02:36:894 (1) - ^
03:14:942 (1) - ^
03:38:357 (1,2,3,1) - DS should be consistent in Easy/Normal, space these farer apart

[Kuro! Normal]
01:04:698 (1,2,3) - Same as in the Easy, DS should be consistent
01:42:016 (1,2,3,4,1) - ^
02:40:552 (1,2,3,4,1) - ^

[Len! Hard]
00:54:637 (1,2,3,4,5) - This part feels off, maybe try something like this? (1/4th sliders without reverse arrows)

[Romantic Night!]
02:33:967 (1,2,3) - This feels really off, try this instead:

Really fun map overall, couldn't find much in the harder diffs. Good luck with the mapset! ^w^
Topic Starter
Hi /o/

ReallyFastCat wrote:

Hi! From my modding queue :)

- Tags are separated with spaces, not commas Fixed
- Remove "Len" and "96Neko" from the tags, since those words already are in the artist and title fields Fix
- Source field should be empty. Use it only for movies, games or similar ( Fixed
- If you want to skin the reverse arrow, then you need to skin the rest of the hitcircles too, since they may look awkward with some skins otherwise. Thanks, Fixed

03:53:723 - Maybe add a flash in the SB here? (like at 02:41:284) Fix

[Kuro Len! Easy]
- In it's current state, this is definetly a Normal and not an Easy. I'd suggest renaming this and making another, easier diff (the spread needs one anyways in my opinion) sorry, but i like my beatmap with 5 difficulty, i can try to make more easy this difficulty
00:30:857 (4,5) - Stacking a note with a sliderend is pretty much unreadable for newer players Fix
02:32:503 (1,2) - ^ Fixed
03:52:808 (4,5) - ^ Fixed
01:20:796 (1,1) - Don't place these on top of each other (doesn't look that good) Fixed
02:14:942 - Add a spinner from here to 02:17:137 Fix
02:24:455 (3) - Sliders like this are probably too confusing for newer players, change them so they don't overlap themselves i like that slider :c, but if another person say change that slider, i will change
02:36:894 (1) - ^ Not Fixed, for the same reason
03:14:942 (1) - ^ Fixed /o/
03:38:357 (1,2,3,1) - DS should be consistent in Easy/Normal, space these farer apart Not Fixed, I like that part. (I don't believe that part go to kill easy players) :c

[Kuro! Normal]
01:04:698 (1,2,3) - Same as in the Easy, DS should be consistent Fixed
01:42:016 (1,2,3,4,1) - ^ Not fixed, because i don't believe that change is necessary, the distance snap whit x0.5, feel good for that part
02:40:552 (1,2,3,4,1) - ^ Not Fixed, for the same reason

[Len! Hard]
00:54:637 (1,2,3,4,5) - This part feels off, maybe try something like this? (1/4th sliders without reverse arrows) Fixed /o/

[Romantic Night!]
02:33:967 (1,2,3) - This feels really off, try this instead: Fixed, but i try to use another pattern in that part

Really fun map overall, couldn't find much in the harder diffs. Good luck with the mapset! ^w^
Thanks! for mod my map
Here is a requested from modding queue, sorry it took long to get back to you :o


Basically use a distinct DS it ranges from 1.0-1.2 and it throws consistency away. Usually spacing in hard can have a little jumps here and there but when it's notes that follow a continuous pattern like you have, it's always best to stick with 1 DS point; I would prefer using 1.1 since it fits best with how you mapped it
00:30:308 (3) - DS this note
00:35:064 (8,1) - Move it to something like this for balance with 1.1 Snap
00:39:455 (3) - Snap
00:43:845 (4) - Whistle isn't necessary, still feels the same with just the sound in the BG being played
00:45:491 (5) - Snap correctly for consistency
00:54:637 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Not sure about all those 1/2 there being on hard. Especially since it's DTable still feels awkward to have that many; my suggestion would be to have repeat sliders followed into the 1/2 that you have because it flows better
01:37:259 (2) - Move slider end a little more to the left for a better blanket
01:41:101 (1) - Move down 1 click to be parallel to the previous slider
02:22:076 (4,5) - Create the blanket a little better
02:22:991 (7,8,1,2) - This sequence makes notes hidden from play. I suggest spreading them out but still form the dynamic circle you had when playing it.
02:37:808 (1,2,3,4) - Same; you can make millimeter adjustments so the notes to don't as much and isn't hidden from play 02:39:272 (5,6,7,8) - Something like this, it forms the necessary things needed but doesn't make it hard for players to read
02:41:284 (1) - Best to continue pattern and move the note to x284:y240
03:05:522 (1) - Notes on blue tick, not sure if you realized but the sound being played on blue tick is correct. Move to quite please

Some things are still wrong with the hitsounds. You don't have any hitsounds from the start to the end of the kiai. Then all of a sudden that last kiai has hitsounds. So inconsistency is off there. Also the volume control changes are a bit wack to me. There at everything that ends with a 2. I would suggest rounding them all down or up considering what the volume is. 2% change in volume wouldn't make a difference especially with how the song is playing out. It's only used for hitsound effects or changes in tempo/vocals. For Example soft-slow = low volume so it's not loud and vice versa. Hope I could have been good help to you lad. Hope you have a wonderful time in the beatmap world :)
Topic Starter
Well I'm back /o/, Thanks for modding and sorry for the delay.

Kocari wrote:

Here is a requested from modding queue, sorry it took long to get back to you :o


Basically use a distinct DS it ranges from 1.0-1.2 and it throws consistency away. Usually spacing in hard can have a little jumps here and there but when it's notes that follow a continuous pattern like you have, it's always best to stick with 1 DS point; I would prefer using 1.1 since it fits best with how you mapped it
00:30:308 (3) - DS this note Fixed
00:35:064 (8,1) - Move it to something like this for balance with 1.1 Snap Fix
00:39:455 (3) - Snap Fix
00:43:845 (4) - Whistle isn't necessary, still feels the same with just the sound in the BG being played Fix
00:45:491 (5) - Snap correctly for consistency Fix
00:54:637 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Not sure about all those 1/2 there being on hard. Especially since it's DTable still feels awkward to have that many; my suggestion would be to have repeat sliders followed into the 1/2 that you have because it flows better Not Fixed, I prefer that part whit the slider 1/4 and sound well with the song
01:37:259 (2) - Move slider end a little more to the left for a better blanket Fix
01:41:101 (1) - Move down 1 click to be parallel to the previous slider how can you see that (?) thanks and fix
02:22:076 (4,5) - Create the blanket a little better Fix
02:22:991 (7,8,1,2) - This sequence makes notes hidden from play. I suggest spreading them out but still form the dynamic circle you had when playing it. I Try another pattern for that part
02:37:808 (1,2,3,4) - Same; you can make millimeter adjustments so the notes to don't as much and isn't hidden from play 02:39:272 (5,6,7,8) - Something like this, it forms the necessary things needed but doesn't make it hard for players to read Fixed
02:41:284 (1) - Best to continue pattern and move the note to x284:y240 Fix
03:05:522 (1) - Notes on blue tick, not sure if you realized but the sound being played on blue tick is correct. Move to quite please

Some things are still wrong with the hitsounds. You don't have any hitsounds from the start to the end of the kiai. Then all of a sudden that last kiai has hitsounds. So inconsistency is off there. Also the volume control changes are a bit wack to me. There at everything that ends with a 2. I would suggest rounding them all down or up considering what the volume is. 2% change in volume wouldn't make a difference especially with how the song is playing out. It's only used for hitsound effects or changes in tempo/vocals. For Example soft-slow = low volume so it's not loud and vice versa. Hope I could have been good help to you lad. Hope you have a wonderful time in the beatmap world :)

Ok :3 When I have more free time I'll give more consistence on the hit sound, Thanks for modding /o/

Mod here
I think this mapset is very nice , storyboard and skin is also very nice ^^

Some are a little hard for Normal difficulty , but I think is fine~
00:50:796 (2) - Maybe this slider similar to 00:49:698 (1)
01:39:820 (4) - Maybe NC this
03:01:772 (1,2,3,4,1) - Make a small shape with this 5? A little boring , maybe a small star ^^

Why not hitsound the same for all 3 kiai instead of the last only? Or maybe save best for the last? ~

I think this map is very good , not much mistake for me to spot , keep up the good work and will definitely ranked ^^
Topic Starter

Chocox wrote:

Hello~ Hi and thanks for modding

Mod here
I think this mapset is very nice , storyboard and skin is also very nice ^^ Ty :3

Some are a little hard for Normal difficulty , but I think is fine~
00:50:796 (2) - Maybe this slider similar to 00:49:698 (1) Fix
01:39:820 (4) - Maybe NC this Fix
03:01:772 (1,2,3,4,1) - Make a small shape with this 5? A little boring , maybe a small star ^^ Fixed, but I try a similar pattern with the star

Why not hitsound the same for all 3 kiai instead of the last only? Or maybe save best for the last? ~ I really like the last kiai time, but the hit sound on this part is on all notes for that reason, I dont want to hit sound the others kiai time with the same pattern and for me is boring to listen the same hit sound on all kiai

I think this map is very good , not much mistake for me to spot , keep up the good work and will definitely ranked ^^
Ty, and thanks for your time /o/
oh boy a beatmap skin
from my modding queue
short mod for this map

add eurobeat to the tags
tfw no preview point
delete ready.wav since u dont have countdown enabled anyway lmao
01:07:991 (1) - x:124 y:152
01:36:258 - add circle and place it at the same place as 01:35:064 (2) -
03:12:747 (2) - stack on slider
not much to say tbh though it feels like a map from 2009 rip
00:59:759 (3,1) - pls stack them perfectly
01:08:906 (1) - remove
01:19:333 (1,2) - make them identical
01:42:016 (1,2,3,4,1) - tbh i would make this 2 sliders and 1 circle instead
02:20:247 (1,3) - remove
02:40:552 (1,2,3,4,1) - same with the 2 slider 1 circle thing agen
02:58:845 (1,2) - i wouldn't stack these becuase the circles before were stacked
03:18:784 (1,3) - remove
03:51:528 (1) - Ctrl+J and x:120 y:48
00:38:906 (2) - move the end of the slider a little up so it's blanket much more nicely
01:19:333 (1) - x:346 y:134
01:24:455 (7,1) - x:169 y:177
01:27:381 (3,1) - perfectly stack pls
01:39:637 (2) - x:264 y:280
02:17:869 (1,1) - idr if this is unrankable but just yea
02:35:064 (8) - x:28 y:312
03:01:955 (8,10) - stack them perfectly
03:06:711 (4) - x:320 y:164
03:26:467 (6) - x:384 y:216
03:32:686 (4) - x:220 y:168
01:02:869 (5) - move tail end to x:216 y:168
01:03:235 (6) - stack perfectly
01:20:979 (5) - x:304 y:80
dam the insane is well made
unromantic mornings
01:01:040 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - 2 triple stacks pls
01:07:625 (3) - nc
01:07:808 (1) - remove nc
01:19:698 (2) - x:352 y:184
02:04:698 (3) - x:176 y:312
02:34:333 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - 2 triple stacks pls
02:58:479 (7) - stack on slider
03:21:619 - add circle
for some reason this took a long time 2 mod because this map on editor made me drop to like 13 fps for some reason rip

good luck!
Topic Starter
Hi, and thanks for modding :3!

VINXIS wrote:

oh boy a beatmap skin
from my modding queue
short mod for this map

add eurobeat to the tags Fix
tfw no preview point Sorry, but I didn't understand this x-x
delete ready.wav since u dont have countdown enabled anyway lmao Fix
kgood /o/
01:07:991 (1) - x:124 y:152 Fix
01:36:258 - add circle and place it at the same place as 01:35:064 (2) - I think you write wrong the time, blue tick is too hard for a easy >.<
03:12:747 (2) - stack on slider I prefer stack with circle sound good with the voice
not much to say tbh though it feels like a map from 2009 rip Why (?) :c
00:59:759 (3,1) - pls stack them perfectly Fix
01:08:906 (1) - remove Fix
01:19:333 (1,2) - make them identical Fix
01:42:016 (1,2,3,4,1) - tbh i would make this 2 sliders and 1 circle instead I prefer with 5 circles :c
02:20:247 (1,3) - remove Fix
02:40:552 (1,2,3,4,1) - same with the 2 slider 1 circle thing agen no :c
02:58:845 (1,2) - i wouldn't stack these becuase the circles before were stacked the stack feels good with the voice
03:18:784 (1,3) - remove I like the pattern for the last kiai, If another person say change it, i will change >-<
03:51:528 (1) - Ctrl+J and x:120 y:48 Fix
00:38:906 (2) - move the end of the slider a little up so it's blanket much more nicely Fix /o/
01:19:333 (1) - x:346 y:134 Fix
01:24:455 (7,1) - x:169 y:177 Fix
01:27:381 (3,1) - perfectly stack pls fix
01:39:637 (2) - x:264 y:280 I change the pattern
02:17:869 (1,1) - idr if this is unrankable but just yea >.<
02:35:064 (8) - x:28 y:312 Fix
03:01:955 (8,10) - stack them perfectly Fix
03:06:711 (4) - x:320 y:164 Not, Fixed
03:26:467 (6) - x:384 y:216 I move the slider to X: 384, Y: 316
03:32:686 (4) - x:220 y:168 Fix
01:02:869 (5) - move tail end to x:216 y:168 Fix
01:03:235 (6) - stack perfectly Fix
01:20:979 (5) - x:304 y:80 Fix
dam the insane is well made ty :3
unromantic mornings
01:01:040 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - 2 triple stacks pls Why (?) I like the pattern when I play the beatmap and is not hard too play >-<
01:07:625 (3) - nc I don't think this is necesary
01:07:808 (1) - remove nc I put the new combo here for the change of the rhythm in the beatmap
01:19:698 (2) - x:352 y:184 I don't think this change is necessary, but I keep it in my mind, maybe, I change this later
02:04:698 (3) - x:176 y:312 Fix
02:34:333 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - 2 triple stacks pls The same >-<
02:58:479 (7) - stack on slider I think is better in the circle, sorry :c
03:21:619 - add circle Fix /o/
for some reason this took a long time 2 mod because this map on editor made me drop to like 13 fps for some reason rip

good luck! Ty and thanks for your time :)
hey there!
mod from my queue :3

  1. cause you're using widescreen storyboard, you should try to find 16:9 background image. yours is 4:3 and therefore gets resized.. looks really pixelated. '-'
    here is your current background image - 1366x768px
  2. your skin misses some files to be complete, and according to Ranking Criteria you have to skin full sets, so you should add:
    -SliderBorderColour value in osu files
    I might have missed some, so make sure to check the list for yourself! >
  3. I'd be nice if you could a some kind of glow to sliderfollowcircle.png, cause the brown is kind of hard to see
  4. I seriously don't get what 'Kuro' and 'Len' are doing in the difficulty names..?
Kuro Len! Easy
I kind of like the diff, unfortunately tho, it's a little too hard for an Easy. I'll list below what you should avoid in Easy -
  1. SV changes. beginners can't read them so I'd advise you to remove all SV changes from this diff.
  2. stacks like 00:58:845 (2,3,4) - 01:14:942 (1,2) - etc. this is hard to read and makes beginners panic, they'll miss because it's still confusing for them. you should unstack all objects and provide a very clear and obvious path players can follow
  3. for the same reason you should avoid overlaps of any kind, like 03:01:406 (1,2,3) -
  4. 01:39:455 (1,1) - recovery time for Easy diffs after spinners is ~1500ms / 4 beats. you should shorten the spinner here or remove the circle
    same here 02:14:942 (1,1) - probably best here to remove the spinner and map it instead because a long break feels weird
    and 02:37:991 (1,1) - same as the first one
  5. 02:55:918 (1,1) - and 03:03:235 (1) - sliders like this is unreadable for beginners, don't use more than 1 reverse, please
  6. you need consistent spacing in Easy (and usually in Normal, too). = turn distance snap on and NEVER turn it off. different spacing makes the diff unreadable
  7. AR5 is waaaay too high for an Easy. how should beginner players be able to notice them when they appear that fast? reduce this to 4
    you might want to take a look here - ... y_elements
    that should give a good overview about what you can use/should avoid in Easy.
    because you have to restructure your diff for huge parts IM going to leave it at this for now. feel free call me back for a proper mod once you've fixed the above!
Kuro! Normal
a lot of what I said about Easy applies here, too
  1. your NCs should be a little more consistent. what's with all the 1-combos throughout the diff? they're unnecessarily confusing
  2. 00:40:918 (3,2,3) - avoid overlaps like this
  3. 00:48:601 (2,1) - I wonder why you're using patterns like this constantly to break flow. I mean, it's okay, but it's not comfortable to play
  4. 01:00:674 (3,1) - DS should be as consistent as possible in Normal, too. try to stick to 1.4 - 1.5, cause that's the spacing you use most in this diff
    this for example - 01:42:016 (1,2,3,4,1) - is totally unreadable. jumps and anti-jumps aren't suitable for Normal diff, players don't have the skill yet to play this. (minor spacing inconsistencies are fine, but this is too much. it's less than 1/3 of the standard distance). ame for 02:40:552 (1,2,3,4,1) - ofc
  5. 02:55:918 (1,2,3) - I don't think you should stack reverse sliders below circles, the reverse is hidden that way und players can drop the combo really easily
    here, too. once you've fixed tzhe spacing feel free to pm me ~
Len! Hard
this diff plays pretty nice, just some suggestions -
  1. 00:42:747 (1) - don't hide this below 00:41:833 (2) - . even if players can assuem that there's a reverseon this too, it'd be nice if that's visible, example:
  2. 00:55:735 (7) - imo you could emphasize the downbeat this ends on way better. it's clearly louder than the other sounds, so you should try to make it clickable (eg remove the reverse and add a circleinstead)
  3. 01:16:040 (6,2) - also try to avoid 'small' overlaps. they're not as confusing as in E/N, but just don't look good. and they can be easily avoided by moving one of the objects a few pixels
  4. 01:24:820 (8,1,2) - this would flow slightly better if you reverse 1+2 like this:
  5. as I said, looks good overall, you could work on your flow a bit, maybe reading helps you a little?
welp, I'm getting a headache while listening to this, sorry. x-x
hope I could help you, tho. if you have any questions about the mod feel free to ask me c:
Well, took me a while to make it, because I don't really like the song, but here's the you requested in the queue anyways~
And like every mod, these are just suggestions, so ignore them or correct me, if you think I'm wrong with something.

You should make Easy and Normal easier.

  • Kuro Len! Easy

    01:10:552 (1) - Move that slider to X188 Y180 and - 01:11:650 (1) - to X284 Y204 so the spacing between them is correct.
    01:14:576 (2) - Move to X280 Y184 for better blanket with - 01:16:406 (1)
  • Kuro! Normal

    Please lower the AR to 5 -
    01:28:113 (2) - Move to X224 Y160 so it's symmetrical with the star pattern.
    01:30:308 (2) - Move to X264 Y56 so it blankets better with - 01:28:845 (4)
    02:14:942 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Could you make this symmetrical, like this?
    02:38:722 (3) - Move to X232 Y176 and - 02:39:088 (4) - to X448 Y168 so it looks better and the spacing is more accurat.
  • Len! Hard

    Didn't found anything to criticize in this difficulty! Well done!
  • Kuro Len! Insane

    Didn't found anything to critizice here too! Awesome!
  • Romantic Night!

    Same as Len! Hard and Kuro Len! Insane! 8-)
Topic Starter
Hi and sorry for the delay :c

I read all of your mod, and I think you are correct in all, for this reason I think is better to remap the difficulties easy and normal, but this need a lot of time that I don't have now, so this took me some time to finish. Thanks for the mod, I learned a lot.

Squirrel Mod

Squirrel wrote:

hey there!
mod from my queue :3

  1. cause you're using widescreen storyboard, you should try to find 16:9 background image. yours is 4:3 and therefore gets resized.. looks really pixelated. '-'
    here is your current background image - 1366x768px
  2. your skin misses some files to be complete, and according to Ranking Criteria you have to skin full sets, so you should add:
    -SliderBorderColour value in osu files
    I might have missed some, so make sure to check the list for yourself! >
  3. I'd be nice if you could a some kind of glow to sliderfollowcircle.png, cause the brown is kind of hard to see
  4. I seriously don't get what 'Kuro' and 'Len' are doing in the difficulty names..?
Kuro Len! Easy
I kind of like the diff, unfortunately tho, it's a little too hard for an Easy. I'll list below what you should avoid in Easy -
  1. SV changes. beginners can't read them so I'd advise you to remove all SV changes from this diff.
  2. stacks like 00:58:845 (2,3,4) - 01:14:942 (1,2) - etc. this is hard to read and makes beginners panic, they'll miss because it's still confusing for them. you should unstack all objects and provide a very clear and obvious path players can follow
  3. for the same reason you should avoid overlaps of any kind, like 03:01:406 (1,2,3) -
  4. 01:39:455 (1,1) - recovery time for Easy diffs after spinners is ~1500ms / 4 beats. you should shorten the spinner here or remove the circle
    same here 02:14:942 (1,1) - probably best here to remove the spinner and map it instead because a long break feels weird
    and 02:37:991 (1,1) - same as the first one
  5. 02:55:918 (1,1) - and 03:03:235 (1) - sliders like this is unreadable for beginners, don't use more than 1 reverse, please
  6. you need consistent spacing in Easy (and usually in Normal, too). = turn distance snap on and NEVER turn it off. different spacing makes the diff unreadable
  7. AR5 is waaaay too high for an Easy. how should beginner players be able to notice them when they appear that fast? reduce this to 4
    you might want to take a look here - ... y_elements
    that should give a good overview about what you can use/should avoid in Easy.
    because you have to restructure your diff for huge parts IM going to leave it at this for now. feel free call me back for a proper mod once you've fixed the above!
Kuro! Normal
a lot of what I said about Easy applies here, too
  1. your NCs should be a little more consistent. what's with all the 1-combos throughout the diff? they're unnecessarily confusing
  2. 00:40:918 (3,2,3) - avoid overlaps like this
  3. 00:48:601 (2,1) - I wonder why you're using patterns like this constantly to break flow. I mean, it's okay, but it's not comfortable to play
  4. 01:00:674 (3,1) - DS should be as consistent as possible in Normal, too. try to stick to 1.4 - 1.5, cause that's the spacing you use most in this diff
    this for example - 01:42:016 (1,2,3,4,1) - is totally unreadable. jumps and anti-jumps aren't suitable for Normal diff, players don't have the skill yet to play this. (minor spacing inconsistencies are fine, but this is too much. it's less than 1/3 of the standard distance). ame for 02:40:552 (1,2,3,4,1) - ofc
  5. 02:55:918 (1,2,3) - I don't think you should stack reverse sliders below circles, the reverse is hidden that way und players can drop the combo really easily
    here, too. once you've fixed tzhe spacing feel free to pm me ~
Len! Hard
this diff plays pretty nice, just some suggestions -
  1. 00:42:747 (1) - don't hide this below 00:41:833 (2) - . even if players can assuem that there's a reverseon this too, it'd be nice if that's visible, example: Fix
  2. 00:55:735 (7) - imo you could emphasize the downbeat this ends on way better. it's clearly louder than the other sounds, so you should try to make it clickable (eg remove the reverse and add a circleinstead) Not Fixed, I think is too hard to play with a circle and I don't think is a big issue hidden the downbeat in this case
  3. 01:16:040 (6,2) - also try to avoid 'small' overlaps. they're not as confusing as in E/N, but just don't look good. and they can be easily avoided by moving one of the objects a few pixels Fix
  4. 01:24:820 (8,1,2) - this would flow slightly better if you reverse 1+2 like this: Fix
  5. as I said, looks good overall, you could work on your flow a bit, maybe reading helps you a little?
Ty /o/

welp, I'm getting a headache while listening to this, sorry. x-x
hope I could help you, tho. if you have any questions about the mod feel free to ask me c:

Well, in this case, I fix all but now I remap easy and normal, for another part you teach me to create a star without Ctrl+Shift+D Thanks, I think you deserve a kudo although technically I will not change anything now >.< Thanks /o/

G3m4sSt4ffLP Mod

G3m4sSt4ffLP wrote:

Well, took me a while to make it, because I don't really like the song, but here's the you requested in the queue anyways~
And like every mod, these are just suggestions, so ignore them or correct me, if you think I'm wrong with something.

You should make Easy and Normal easier.

  • Kuro Len! Easy

    01:10:552 (1) - Move that slider to X188 Y180 and - 01:11:650 (1) - to X284 Y204 so the spacing between them is correct.
    01:14:576 (2) - Move to X280 Y184 for better blanket with - 01:16:406 (1)
  • Kuro! Normal

    Please lower the AR to 5 -
    01:28:113 (2) - Move to X224 Y160 so it's symmetrical with the star pattern.
    01:30:308 (2) - Move to X264 Y56 so it blankets better with - 01:28:845 (4)
    02:14:942 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Could you make this symmetrical, like this?
    02:38:722 (3) - Move to X232 Y176 and - 02:39:088 (4) - to X448 Y168 so it looks better and the spacing is more accurat.
  • Len! Hard

    Didn't found anything to criticize in this difficulty! Well done!
  • Kuro Len! Insane

    Didn't found anything to critizice here too! Awesome!
  • Romantic Night!

    Same as Len! Hard and Kuro Len! Insane! 8-)

Thanks for modding, I really appreciate that and sorry for my bad english (?)
A Mystery
Hello! From my queue (/late)


  1. I don't see this kind of mapping style often anymore lol
  2. The easy has a slightly higher star rating than 2, but it should be 2 or lower (unrankable issue)
Romantic Night!

00:40:003 (1,2) - You are using on-beat slider until here, where you suddenly made off-beat sliders. I don't think they fit and you should stay consistent.
00:50:613 (3,4) - Switch the slider and circle on the timeline (and reposition ofc) to make more sense with the music :)
00:56:101 (1,2) - Same here. Basically you are mapping either to the background music (in which on-beat sliders would better imo) or to the voice, and in that case you should make sure that the slider head is on the start of the vocals
00:57:381 (5) - Is this slider supposed to be the same as 00:56:650 (3) - ? because then you should adjust it a bit
00:58:845 (11) - NC?
00:59:942 (1) - Remove the NC
01:00:308 (2) - and place it here
01:04:698 (11) - NC
01:05:613 (14) - Move this 1 pixel up for a perfect stack
01:07:625 (3) - Start the NC here instead of 01:07:808 (1) - because it's a new part in the song
01:11:650 (6) - if you would move this slider half a beat later it would play perfectly with the voice. (and place a circle before the slider ofc)
01:13:845 (2) - I don't get this one. It might look nice but there isn't really something in the music that changes so this slider would have a use to be there. I suggest just replacing it by a slider+circle :P
01:21:162 (7,8) - Swap them so the rhythm would fit better with the vocals
01:23:357 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I think this stream is overmapped, because there is nothing in the music that would create this stream :(
01:42:016 (1) - Was it your intention for the entire slider to have a whistle sound? :P
01:57:381 (3) - Why not start the NC here instead of 01:56:650 (1) - , and here 02:00:308 (3) - instead of here 01:58:479 (1) - or here 01:59:942 (1) - Even if the combos are becoming too long, use one every 4 beats instead of making it feel like they are put randomly
02:03:235 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - overmapped stream?
02:06:162 (3) - NC because same reason as 01:07:625 (3) -
02:10:186 (1) - The vocal changes in the middle of the slider, I don't see why you would use a 1/1 slider here, because there isn't really a reason for it to be. replace with a circle+slider maybe?
02:13:296 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - overmapped again? Why not stay consistent with 02:11:833 (1,2,3,4,5) -
02:14:942 (2) - NC here instead of 02:14:759 (1) -
02:16:223 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - Again. :( There aren't streams in the music so don't map them eithe. Also this is a nice place to make a little stop 02:17:137 (11) - because the BG music stops there for a second or so
02:19:516 (8) - You shouldn't map a strong vocal on a slider end, I suggest just using 2 circles instead, or a slider on the current slider end if you feel like it
02:24:455 (1) - unnecessary NC
02:25:186 (5) - Why? Again it may look nice but it goes through the nice 1/2 of the music and the vocal itself
03:20:613 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Again a bit overmapped with this one
03:25:918 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - This one as well. You could use a spinner instead for example
03:37:442 (6) - Nice streamy patterns in this part but then suddenly a 1/1 slider. You should just map the synth in the BG

Len! Hard

General thing here: Avoid using slider ends or returns on downbeats if there is not a special reason to do that.

00:37:077 (4,5) - Offbeat slider which don't really sound good
00:40:369 (6) - Replace this with a circle and a slider
00:47:503 (4) - A slider and a circle (or 2 circles and a slider) would make more sense and would fit the vocals
00:56:101 (1,2) - Same as 00:37:077 (4,5) -
01:04:698 (9) - NC
01:07:808 - Why is this empty? You should place a circle here
01:18:235 (2) - Don't let the slider return, just let it end before the "let's go"
01:38:906 (4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - This whole part are offbeat sliders for no real reason, it's doesn't represent the vocals well and I think you should here
02:11:833 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This whole rhythm may seem nice, but it causes stronger beats to be ignored by slider ends and returns (slider return of 02:13:113 (4) - and slider end of 02:14:211 (6) - )
02:15:125 (7) - NC
02:15:857 (1) - and remove here
01:07:625 (3) - NC because same reason as in the insane
02:06:162 (3) - ^
02:37:808 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Same as 01:38:906 (4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) -
03:01:955 (8) - NC
03:10:552 (1,2) - It is confusing to stack sliders right on top on each other, either move them a bit further away from each other or replace them somewhere else
03:12:930 (4,1,2,3,4,5) - Same as (4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) -
03:24:272 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^
03:39:820 (1) - Just map w/e is left, because a long break right before the end is rather weird.

The Normal and the Easy look pretty fine actually, and I got a bit lazy and skipped the other insane because the issues are pretty much the same (offbeat sliders, combos,..) I think if you work on that this map will be a lot better

Good luck!
Topic Starter
Hi, and sorry for the later, this mods took my a lot of time, but you give me a lot of help with my beatmap, I change some issues in all difficulties and im very (Grateful), I don't know if is the correct word sorry my english is not good with some things.


A Mystery wrote:

Hello! From my queue (/late)

  1. I don't see this kind of mapping style often anymore lol
  2. The easy has a slightly higher star rating than 2, but it should be 2 or lower (unrankable issue)
Romantic Night!

00:40:003 (1,2) - You are using on-beat slider until here, where you suddenly made off-beat sliders. I don't think they fit and you should stay consistent. I think is not a big issue, and really doesn't sound bad with the song, but I keep this in my mind for a future change, if I need to fix it
00:50:613 (3,4) - Switch the slider and circle on the timeline (and reposition ofc) to make more sense with the music :) Fix
00:56:101 (1,2) - Same here. Basically you are mapping either to the background music (in which on-beat sliders would better imo) or to the voice, and in that case you should make sure that the slider head is on the start of the vocals Fix
00:57:381 (5) - Is this slider supposed to be the same as 00:56:650 (3) - ? because then you should adjust it a bit Fix
00:58:845 (11) - NC? Fix
00:59:942 (1) - Remove the NC Fix
01:00:308 (2) - and place it here Fix
01:04:698 (11) - NC Fix
01:05:613 (14) - Move this 1 pixel up for a perfect stack Fix
01:07:625 (3) - Start the NC here instead of 01:07:808 (1) - because it's a new part in the song Fix
01:11:650 (6) - if you would move this slider half a beat later it would play perfectly with the voice. (and place a circle before the slider ofc) Ok :3
01:13:845 (2) - I don't get this one. It might look nice but there isn't really something in the music that changes so this slider would have a use to be there. I suggest just replacing it by a slider+circle :P I don't think this change is necessary and the slider sound good with the rythm
01:21:162 (7,8) - Swap them so the rhythm would fit better with the vocals Fix
01:23:357 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I think this stream is overmapped, because there is nothing in the music that would create this stream :( Yes xD, but I like and is for give more variety to the map, because the insane is the same difficulty without streaming, triplets and some jumps (?)
01:42:016 (1) - Was it your intention for the entire slider to have a whistle sound? :P Nope, fail (Fixed Now) thanks x3
01:57:381 (3) - Why not start the NC here instead of 01:56:650 (1) - , and here 02:00:308 (3) - instead of here 01:58:479 (1) - or here 01:59:942 (1) - Even if the combos are becoming too long, use one every 4 beats instead of making it feel like they are put randomly Fix
02:03:235 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - overmapped stream? Yes (?) I didn't know what I supposed to answer here, but If you suggest is change this part the answer is no, I like some overmap in the song because the background in 80% is the same and really I don't think they feel bad in the song (?)
02:06:162 (3) - NC because same reason as 01:07:625 (3) - Fix
02:10:186 (1) - The vocal changes in the middle of the slider, I don't see why you would use a 1/1 slider here, because there isn't really a reason for it to be. replace with a circle+slider maybe? I don't know why I use this pattern, but is not too bad, well maybe I change latter (?)
02:13:296 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - overmapped again? Why not stay consistent with 02:11:833 (1,2,3,4,5) - because is too similar to insane and the overmap is not bad in this song
02:14:942 (2) - NC here instead of 02:14:759 (1) - Fix
02:16:223 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - Again. :( There aren't streams in the music so don't map them eithe. Also this is a nice place to make a little stop 02:17:137 (11) - because the BG music stops there for a second or so but the stream follow kuro voice and here voice finish in 02:17:503 :c
02:19:516 (8) - You shouldn't map a strong vocal on a slider end, I suggest just using 2 circles instead, or a slider on the current slider end if you feel like it Not Fixed
02:24:455 (1) - unnecessary NC
02:25:186 (5) - Why? Again it may look nice but it goes through the nice 1/2 of the music and the vocal itself because kuro voice start in red tick and finish in red tick ~ but that slider doesn't sound good for this reason I start the slider in the white tick
03:20:613 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Again a bit overmapped with this one
03:25:918 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - This one as well. You could use a spinner instead for example But I don't like that part whit a spinner sorry :c
03:37:442 (6) - Nice streamy patterns in this part but then suddenly a 1/1 slider. You should just map the synth in the BG Fix and I Fix 03:44:942 for the same reason too

Len! Hard

General thing here: Avoid using slider ends or returns on downbeats if there is not a special reason to do that.

00:37:077 (4,5) - Offbeat slider which don't really sound good I prefer this part whit offbeat slider :c
00:40:369 (6) - Replace this with a circle and a slider Fix
00:47:503 (4) - A slider and a circle (or 2 circles and a slider) would make more sense and would fit the vocals Fix
00:56:101 (1,2) - Same as 00:37:077 (4,5) - Fix
01:04:698 (9) - NC Fix
01:07:808 - Why is this empty? You should place a circle here Fix
01:18:235 (2) - Don't let the slider return, just let it end before the "let's go" Fix
01:38:906 (4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - This whole part are offbeat sliders for no real reason, it's doesn't represent the vocals well and I think you should here Fix
02:11:833 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This whole rhythm may seem nice, but it causes stronger beats to be ignored by slider ends and returns (slider return of 02:13:113 (4) - and slider end of 02:14:211 (6) - ) Fix
02:15:125 (7) - NC I put the new combo but in 02:14:942
02:15:857 (1) - and remove here Fix
01:07:625 (3) - NC because same reason as in the insane Fix
02:06:162 (3) - ^ Fix
02:37:808 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Same as 01:38:906 (4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - Fix
03:01:955 (8) - NC why (?) I don't think a new combo is necessary for that part >.<
03:10:552 (1,2) - It is confusing to stack sliders right on top on each other, either move them a bit further away from each other or replace them somewhere else
03:12:930 (4,1,2,3,4,5) - Same as (4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - Fix
03:24:272 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^ Fix
03:39:820 (1) - Just map w/e is left, because a long break right before the end is rather weird. not fix, I like the break in that part :c

The Normal and the Easy look pretty fine actually, and I got a bit lazy and skipped the other insane because the issues are pretty much the same (offbeat sliders, combos,..) I think if you work on that this map will be a lot better

Good luck!

Thanks! /o/
Hi! From my queue.
Kuro Len! Easy
00:29:942 (2) - Move this circle three times down, and one time to the left, so it could form a better triangle pattern.
00:44:942 (2) - Move this from its current location to x:92 / y:284, it gets easier and looks better imo, it's and easy anyway.
01:25:552 (2,4) - The stacking here might be a bit tough for the new players, I'd rather change it up a bit so there won't a stack.
01:28:113 (1,2,3,4,5) - You can decrease the spacing here, all they seem again a bit hard for new players.
01:32:503 (4) - Move this circle 3 times to the right ( x:288 ) and also you can move both the circle and the slider closer to the previous ones, like 4 times up.
02:10:552 (3,4) - The stacking here ;//
Whee this is all I could find, I think it is a little bit hard for an Easy, but it's fine.
Kuro! Normal
03:10:918 (2) - Move this circle a bit to the right top to form a triangle pattern with 1, 4?
03:17:137 (3) - Ah, this one, I personally think it won't be that easy to read.
Welp, couldn't find anything else.
Len! Hard
00:54:637 - Ugh this part is bit, idk confusing? : o
01:23:723 (5) - Here, if you curve the slider like this, you get a better looking blankets from the top and the left.
02:34:698 (7,8) - Ctrl+C slider 7, and place it instead of slider 8, then ctrl+H,J it and move it down there again. Looking better.
03:25:918 (5,6) - To the same as above, copy slider 6, place it instead of 5 and ctrl+H,J so it looks smoother.
This diff is well done!
Kuro Len! Insane
Weeeell, I couldn't find anything here.
Romantic Night!
01:23:357 - It doesn't sound good when the stream starts from here, make it start from 01:23:723 instead, in the empty space you can put a slider or something.
03:53:723 (4) - NC ? xD
So, I'm sorry if my mod isn't that good, the thing is that I couldn't find any timing etc etc issues, which is actually good , because it means that your map apparently is pretty fine! Good luck!
Hi, I want to mod this because you have modded my map. Also, because I like the singer, and the song, and the singer again.

  • Easy
  1. Your Easy difficulty is categorized as Normal because the Star Rating is not below 1.5. Try reducing it, maybe by deleting some notes.
  2. If you can't bring the Star Rating to below 1.5, at least reduce it to below 2.0 as it is one of the ranking criteria.
  3. 01:25:552 (2) - This note gets stacked with 01:26:650 (4) - this is too difficult for an Easy, because the player might think that 01:25:552 (2) - is a slider. You should reposition it. For example, open the easy.osu, and try changing this:
    to this:
  4. 02:09:820 (2) - This slider hides 02:11:284 (4) - this is also too difficult for an Easy. You should reposition it. For example, try changing this:
    to this:

  • Normal
  1. Your Normal difficulty is categorized as Hard because the Star Rating is not below 2.25. Try reducing it, maybe by deleting some notes, or replacing short sliders with a hit circle.
  2. 03:16:406 (1) - This slider hides 03:17:137 (3) - I think this is too difficult for a Normal. Since repositioning it without breaking the distance snapping is difficult, you can replace the slider 03:17:137 (3) - with a hit circle.

  • Storyboard
  1. Nice.
  2. The "96Neko - Kuro.png" which appears from 02:58:845 to 03:04:698 has the "96" number mirrored on his arm. I suggest to not flip this image horizontally. Make it appear from the right side of the screen and move it to the left. As a consequence, you should make the "Len Kagamine.png" appear on the left side of the screen. Do it by opening the .osb and change this:
    Sprite,Foreground,Centre,"Len Kagamine.png",320,240
    Sprite,Foreground,Centre,"96Neko - Kuro.png",320,240
    to this:
    Sprite,Foreground,Centre,"Len Kagamine.png",320,240
    Sprite,Foreground,Centre,"96Neko - Kuro.png",320,240

  • Everthing Else
  1. Nice.

  • Summary
  1. The Easy and Normal are too difficult.
  2. Nice storyboarding, only one "mirrored" issue.
  3. Nice beatmap.
Good luck!
Topic Starter
Hi, and sorry for the later :c

Exote wrote:

Hi! From my queue.
Kuro Len! Easy
00:29:942 (2) - Move this circle three times down, and one time to the left, so it could form a better triangle pattern. I don't understand, but 2 is symmetrical with 4 now :3
00:44:942 (2) - Move this from its current location to x:92 / y:284, it gets easier and looks better imo, it's and easy anyway. Fix
01:25:552 (2,4) - The stacking here might be a bit tough for the new players, I'd rather change it up a bit so there won't a stack. Fix
01:28:113 (1,2,3,4,5) - You can decrease the spacing here, all they seem again a bit hard for new players. Fix
01:32:503 (4) - Move this circle 3 times to the right ( x:288 ) and also you can move both the circle and the slider closer to the previous ones, like 4 times up. I try but I don't understand this, sorry :c
02:10:552 (3,4) - The stacking here ;// I don't think this stack is a issue for new player :c
Whee this is all I could find, I think it is a little bit hard for an Easy, but it's fine.
Kuro! Normal
03:10:918 (2) - Move this circle a bit to the right top to form a triangle pattern with 1, 4? I prefer this pattern, not fixed
03:17:137 (3) - Ah, this one, I personally think it won't be that easy to read. but, the pattern is cute, I prefer not fixed :c
Welp, couldn't find anything else.
Len! Hard
00:54:637 - Ugh this part is bit, idk confusing? : o yes, but I changed this part 2 or 3 times, and this pattern is not too bad with the rhythm
01:23:723 (5) - Here, if you curve the slider like this, you get a better looking blankets from the top and the left. I can't see the image but I fix the blanket /o/
02:34:698 (7,8) - Ctrl+C slider 7, and place it instead of slider 8, then ctrl+H,J it and move it down there again. Looking better. Fix /o/
03:25:918 (5,6) - To the same as above, copy slider 6, place it instead of 5 and ctrl+H,J so it looks smoother. Fix
This diff is well done!
Kuro Len! Insane
Weeeell, I couldn't find anything here.
Romantic Night!
01:23:357 - It doesn't sound good when the stream starts from here, make it start from 01:23:723 instead, in the empty space you can put a slider or something. not fixed, I prefer the start in 01:23:357 (because len voice start soft and then is more loud) but I keep it in my mind for a future change :3
03:53:723 (4) - NC ? xD I think is not necessary, not fixed
So, I'm sorry if my mod isn't that good, the thing is that I couldn't find any timing etc etc issues, which is actually good , because it means that your map apparently is pretty fine! Good luck!
Thanks for modding my map /o/

12345g wrote:

Hi, I want to mod this because you have modded my map. Also, because I like the singer, and the song, and the singer again.

  • Easy
  1. Your Easy difficulty is categorized as Normal because the Star Rating is not below 1.5. Try reducing it, maybe by deleting some notes.
  2. If you can't bring the Star Rating to below 1.5, at least reduce it to below 2.0 as it is one of the ranking criteria.
  3. 01:25:552 (2) - This note gets stacked with 01:26:650 (4) - this is too difficult for an Easy, because the player might think that 01:25:552 (2) - is a slider. You should reposition it. For example, open the easy.osu, and try changing this: Fix
    to this:
  4. 02:09:820 (2) - This slider hides 02:11:284 (4) - this is also too difficult for an Easy. You should reposition it. For example, try changing this:
    Not Fixed
    to this:

  • Normal
  1. Your Normal difficulty is categorized as Hard because the Star Rating is not below 2.25. Try reducing it, maybe by deleting some notes, or replacing short sliders with a hit circle.
  2. 03:16:406 (1) - This slider hides 03:17:137 (3) - I think this is too difficult for a Normal. Since repositioning it without breaking the distance snapping is difficult, you can replace the slider 03:17:137 (3) - with a hit circle. I try to fixed, but I don't know how >.<

  • Storyboard
  1. Nice.
  2. The "96Neko - Kuro.png" which appears from 02:58:845 to 03:04:698 has the "96" number mirrored on his arm. I suggest to not flip this image horizontally. Make it appear from the right side of the screen and move it to the left. As a consequence, you should make the "Len Kagamine.png" appear on the left side of the screen. Do it by opening the .osb and change this:
    Sprite,Foreground,Centre,"Len Kagamine.png",320,240
    Sprite,Foreground,Centre,"96Neko - Kuro.png",320,240
    to this:
    Sprite,Foreground,Centre,"Len Kagamine.png",320,240
    Sprite,Foreground,Centre,"96Neko - Kuro.png",320,240

  • Everthing Else
  1. Nice.

  • Summary
  1. The Easy and Normal are too difficult. Ok, I try to reduce the difficult >.<
  2. Nice storyboarding, only one "mirrored" issue. About this you are right, but I thing I can change that issue in the image but if I can't, I change that part in the storyboard. Thanks
  3. Nice beatmap. ty :3
Good luck!
Thanks for modding :3
Reply of mod reply

xChangJo wrote:

12345g wrote:

  • Normal
  1. 03:16:406 (1) - This slider hides 03:17:137 (3) - I think this is too difficult for a Normal. Since repositioning it without breaking the distance snapping is difficult, you can replace the slider 03:17:137 (3) - with a hit circle. I try to fixed, but I don't know how >.<
  2. You can do it by finding the slider 03:17:137 (3) - in the timeline, double click it, and then add a hit circle on top of the start of that slider. It should replace the slider with a hit circle.
  3. If it doesn't work, you can open the normal.osu and change this:
    to this:
Topic Starter
Thanks And Fixed :3
Hi from my modding queue~
Also the skin is very beautiful~
Kuro Len! Easy
  1. slider tick rate should be 1, not 2 on easy
  2. 00:48:601 (2) - consider putting a NC here
  3. 01:07:625 (1) - take off NC
  4. 01:08:357 (2) - NC
  5. 02:00:308 (3) - ^
  6. 03:14:942 (3) - ^
  7. 03:39:820 (1) - take off NC
Kuro! Normal
  1. slider tick rate should be 1, not 2 on normal
  2. 02:57:381 (4) - NC
Len! Hard
  1. 01:18:967 (3) - NC
  2. 03:21:528 (7) - NC
  3. 03:29:759 (1) - NC
Kuro Len! Insane
  1. 00:33:967 (7) - NC
  2. 00:37:077 (8) - ^
  3. 00:40:003 (8) - ^
  4. 01:29:576 (1) - ^
  5. 01:35:247 (6) - ^
  6. 02:28:479 (8) - ^
  7. 03:41:284 (8) - ^
  8. 03:53:723 (6) - just a suggestion, maybe put this in the center of the playfield
Romantic Night!

Looks Fine
Topic Starter
Hi :3

mrturtle99 wrote:

Hi from my modding queue~
Also the skin is very beautiful~ Ty :)
Kuro Len! Easy
  1. slider tick rate should be 1, not 2 on easy Why (?) I preffer to use the same tick rate for all difficulties :c
  2. 00:48:601 (2) - consider putting a NC here Fix
  3. 01:07:625 (1) - take off NC Fix
  4. 01:08:357 (2) - NC Fix
  5. 02:00:308 (3) - ^ Fix
  6. 03:14:942 (3) - ^ Fix
  7. 03:39:820 (1) - take off NC Not fixed
Kuro! Normal
  1. slider tick rate should be 1, not 2 on normal Why (?) :c
  2. 02:57:381 (4) - NC Fix
Len! Hard
  1. 01:18:967 (3) - NC Not fixed
  2. 03:21:528 (7) - NC Not fixed
  3. 03:29:759 (1) - NC Not fixed
Kuro Len! Insane
  1. 00:33:967 (7) - NC Not fixed
  2. 00:37:077 (8) - ^ Not fixed
  3. 00:40:003 (8) - ^ Not fixed
  4. 01:29:576 (1) - ^ Fix
  5. 01:35:247 (6) - ^ Fix
  6. 02:28:479 (8) - ^ Not fixed
  7. 03:41:284 (8) - ^ Not fixed
  8. 03:53:723 (6) - just a suggestion, maybe put this in the center of the playfield Oke :3
Romantic Night!

Looks Fine Yay /o/
your request! came from my queue

  • Easy
  1. 01:04:698 (1) - i think need to changing this slider's degree or remodeling cause objects position is too down.
  2. 01:13:479 (1) - add hitfinish at the slider's head
  3. 01:37:259 (2,3) - fix blanket (place to x184y252 01:37:259 (3) this sliders last point)
  4. 02:01:406 (4,1) - ^
  5. 02:02:503 (2,3) - ^
  • Kuro! Normal
  1. 03:03:235 (4) - i'm unsure this reverse slider is right.
  • Len! Hard
  1. 01:13:113 (9) - add hitfinish at the slider's tail
  • Kuro Len! Insane
  1. 01:13:479 (1) - add hitfinish at the slider's head.
  2. 01:33:418 (7) - add hitfinish at the slider's reverse arrow.
  3. 01:36:528 (5) - add hitfinish and changing NC.
  4. 01:39:272 (7) - place this note x340y248 for better triangle flow?
  5. 02:29:211 (10) - add hitfinish at the slider's head.
  6. 03:40:918 (7) - NC
  • Romantic Night!
  1. 00:45:674 (7) - NC
  2. 00:50:064 (1) - add hitfinish at the slider's head.
  3. 00:55:185 (7) - NC
  4. 00:55:551 (11) - ^
  5. 01:03:235 (6) - ^
  6. 01:13:479 (1) - ^
  7. 01:25:186 (1) - add hitfinish at the slider's head.
  8. 02:14:211 (10) - NC
  9. 02:20:430 (13) - add hitfinish at the slider's head.
i think your sets are almost perfect!

its very cool and nice map! > <

good luck with it!
Topic Starter

Euny wrote:

your request! came from my queue Hi and thanks :)

  • Easy
  1. 01:04:698 (1) - i think need to changing this slider's degree or remodeling cause objects position is too down. Fix
  2. 01:13:479 (1) - add hitfinish at the slider's head Fix
  3. 01:37:259 (2,3) - fix blanket (place to x184y252 01:37:259 (3) this sliders last point) I make that blankets intentioned because when the hit circle es big, I don't like the blanket, but I fixed a little :3
  4. 02:01:406 (4,1) - ^ The same
  5. 02:02:503 (2,3) - ^ The same
  • Kuro! Normal
  1. 03:03:235 (4) - i'm unsure this reverse slider is right. I think the same, but that slider sound good with the song and is not hard to play
  • Len! Hard
  1. 01:13:113 (9) - add hitfinish at the slider's tail Fix
  • Kuro Len! Insane
  1. 01:13:479 (1) - add hitfinish at the slider's head. Fix
  2. 01:33:418 (7) - add hitfinish at the slider's reverse arrow. Fix
  3. 01:36:528 (5) - add hitfinish and changing NC. I don't think that new combo is necessary, Not Fixed
  4. 01:39:272 (7) - place this note x340y248 for better triangle flow? Oke :3
  5. 02:29:211 (10) - add hitfinish at the slider's head. Not Fiex
  6. 03:40:918 (7) - NC Not Fixed
  • Romantic Night!
  1. 00:45:674 (7) - NC Fix
  2. 00:50:064 (1) - add hitfinish at the slider's head. Fix
  3. 00:55:185 (7) - NC Not Fixed
  4. 00:55:551 (11) - ^ Not Fixed
  5. 01:03:235 (6) - ^ Not Fixed
  6. 01:13:479 (1) - ^ Fix
  7. 01:25:186 (1) - add hitfinish at the slider's head. Not Fixed
  8. 02:14:211 (10) - NC Not Fixed
  9. 02:20:430 (13) - add hitfinish at the slider's head. Fix
i think your sets are almost perfect!

its very cool and nice map! > <
Ty /o/

good luck with it!Thanks for Modding my Map :3!
[Len! Hard]
00:54:637 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - IMO this is too hard for a hard (Irony?)
01:06:345 (4) - This is very hard to read for beginners.
01:28:113 (1) - Same as above.
02:22:991 (7,8,1,2,1) - These sliders coincide with each other too much.
03:14:576 (10) - NC.(New Combo)

[Kuro Len! Insane]
01:27:564 (7) - Pretty much unreadable.
01:35:247 (6) - NC.
Other than that, good job on both diffs! On to Romantic Night!

[Romantic Night!]
00:31:955 (5) - Just remove it, it sounds better.
02:54:455 (4,5,6) - This is a calm part, so consider removing.
03:00:308 (3,4,5) - Same as above.

Topic Starter
Hi and thanks for modding /o/

Osuology wrote:

[Len! Hard]
00:54:637 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - IMO this is too hard for a hard (Irony?) Well I think this is hard but I like
01:06:345 (4) - This is very hard to read for beginners. Fix
01:28:113 (1) - Same as above. Fix
02:22:991 (7,8,1,2,1) - These sliders coincide with each other too much. I don't think this is a issue >.<
03:14:576 (10) - NC.(New Combo) Why (?)

[Kuro Len! Insane]
01:27:564 (7) - Pretty much unreadable. Fix
01:35:247 (6) - NC. Not Fixed
Other than that, good job on both diffs! On to Romantic Night!

[Romantic Night!]
00:31:955 (5) - Just remove it, it sounds better. Oke :3
02:54:455 (4,5,6) - This is a calm part, so consider removing. Not Fixed
03:00:308 (3,4,5) - Same as above. Not Fixed

Thanks! :3

NM request from my above queue. Please leave me a vote in my queue after applying my mod.
So let's get started~

Note: Everything in bold is highly suggested.
Everything in red is unrankable.

  1. This is a new ranking requirement. If you have a custom skin, you have to add this line right under your combo colours in the [colours] section. Just add it right after the last combo colour in your .osu file:
     SliderBorder : 255,255,255
  2. Why does your diffs have different names the whole time: Kuro! Normal and Len! Hard? Rather name it just one name. For example: Kuro! Easy, Kuro! Normal, Kuro! Hard, etc.
  3. Add these two soundfiles into your song’s folder to get rid of that annoying sliderslide sound:

Kuro Len! Easy:
  1. 00:33:601 (2,1) –Try to avoid this overlap please. It’s very unnecessary. Just move 00:35:430 (1) –a bit upwards.
  2. 00:39:820 (1) –I don’t really like this wave shape. Maybe try something like this instead:
  3. 00:43:113 –I think a circle here will work very nicely and will give you a nice flow.
  4. 00:44:211 (1,2) –Hm, I really think a rhythm like this will work better.
    Your current rhythm/pattern just feels like the old mapping style version.
  5. 00:47:137 (1) –Ctrl+G this to improve the flow with 00:48:601 (1,2,3) –
  6. 00:48:601 (1) –I suggest rather removing new combo here.
  7. 00:48:601 (1,2,3) –Not a fan of this kind of rhythm. This rhythm is much better in my opinion and flows nicely.
  8. 00:54:455 (1,2) –Not a good idea for flow purposes. Try to keep the rhythm going. So try something like this:
    Try something similar to my suggestion above. It’s important in an Easy to maintain a nice, stable rhythm to prevent confusion for beginners.
  9. 00:58:113 –Keep the flow going by adding a note here please. That current gap is quite awkward and ruins the flow in my opinion.
  10. 01:01:772 (1,2) –Similar to my previous suggestions: This isn’t a good rhythm. Try something like this instead:
  11. 01:06:894 (1,2,3) –Rather change these three circles into a slider and a single circle since the current rhythm is a bit too difficult for an Easy in my opinion.
  12. 01:07:991 –Hm, start mapping again from here. Something like this:
  13. 01:11:650 –Add a note here to help with flow. The gap is pretty awkward in my opinion.
  14. 01:16:040 –Add a note. There’s a clear beat here.
  15. 01:19:333 -Oh my! Why did you change the slider velocity here? I suggest never ever changing the slider velocity in any easy diff. Your Easy is already quite hard in my opinion and unrankable because of that too. Please maintain the same slider velocity throughout the entire diff. Don’t make the sliders faster just because it’s the chorus.

I’m rather gonna stop modding this diff before my mod gets too long. The most important thing you’ll have to fix here is that slider velocity change and definitely a lot of that rhythms. Try to maintain a nice and solid flow throughout the diff. Also try to get mods that will help you with the rhythm and patterns specifically.

Kuro! Normal:
  1. 00:29:577 (1,2,3,4,5) –Yikes! This spacing is pretty far apart. Try using a different distance snap please to prevent such big spacings.

    Actually, this diff looks so much like a Hard instead of a Normal. You have very big spacings that should never be used in Normals in my opinion. So the first thing you should definitely do, is lower your distance spacing please. Try a DS of 0.7X. I think you maybe made the DS high to prevent these notes from touching: 00:32:503 (1,2,3) – but in a Normal notes like these will always touch. You shouldn’t be afraid of that.

Len! Hard:
  1. 00:32:137 –Why not add a note here to emphasize that “Whoa” sound?
  2. 00:32:503 (1) –Try to use more elegant sliders here please. Something like this:
  3. 00:42:747 (1) –Ctrl+G. Nice pattern in my opinion. Also take note that you may have jumps in Hard. Not everything must be distanced snapped.
  4. 00:51:894 (6) –Add new combo here since this combo is quite long when you compare it to previous combos.
  5. 00:54:637 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) –I testplayed this part but I couldn’t play it at all. It’s very confusing. Try to use a different pattern or rhythm there please. What about this?
  6. 01:10:186 (3,5) –Hm, maybe make these two sliders look similar?
  7. 01:13:479 –Since this is a very important beat please rather add a circle here. So something like this:
  8. 01:42:016 (1,2,3,4,1) –Half circle pattern?
  9. 02:37:991 (6) –Ctrl+H
  10. 03:14:942 (11) –Add new combo here and remove new combo here: 03:15:125 (1) –
  11. 03:16:406 (1,2,1) –Hm, check this spacing again please. It’s not consistent and it looks quite untidy.
  12. 03:26:650 (7) –Add new combo here and remove new combo here: 03:26:833 (1) –
  13. 03:36:528 (7) –Ctrl+J and place it like this:
  14. 03:52:808 (4) –Try to place the tail of this slider more in the middle of these two notes: 03:51:893 (2,3) –
  15. 03:53:723 –Try to end this strong beat with a circle to emphasize it more. Like this:

Overall, all the diffs still require much improving especially your easy diffs (Easy and Normal). Try to lower that star difficulty on the easy and please fix that spacing in the Normal. This map still has a lot of potential though. Please try to get it ranked, cuz I love Len!~
Good Luck!~ :D
Topic Starter
Hi , very sorry for the latter I don't like to fix my mapset when I don't have enough time to check all the mod, but with the university and my grandfather going to the hospital for a cerebral accident, my free time has been cut down dradically , well I finish this mod like 3 week before but my memory is not the better and I forget to post the mod >.<, Here the answer /o/ don't be angry with me please :c

-Nya- wrote:

NM request from my above queue. Please leave me a vote in my queue after applying my mod.
So let's get started~

Note: Everything in bold is highly suggested.
Everything in red is unrankable.

  1. This is a new ranking requirement. If you have a custom skin, you have to add this line right under your combo colours in the [colours] section. Just add it right after the last combo colour in your .osu file: Fix and thanks for the information /o/
     SliderBorder : 255,255,255
  2. Why does your diffs have different names the whole time: Kuro! Normal and Len! Hard? Rather name it just one name. For example: Kuro! Easy, Kuro! Normal, Kuro! Hard, etc. Ok, Fix
  3. Add these two soundfiles into your song’s folder to get rid of that annoying sliderslide sound: I don't know what I need to do >.<

Kuro Len! Easy:
  1. 00:33:601 (2,1) –Try to avoid this overlap please. It’s very unnecessary. Just move 00:35:430 (1) –a bit upwards. Not fixed, because when playing the overlap is a little bit second when the hit burst dissapears
  2. 00:39:820 (1) –I don’t really like this wave shape. Maybe try something like this instead: Not, Fixed I don't think this change is necessary and I like the other form
  3. 00:43:113 –I think a circle here will work very nicely and will give you a nice flow. Oke, Fix
  4. 00:44:211 (1,2) –Hm, I really think a rhythm like this will work better. Fix
    Your current rhythm/pattern just feels like the old mapping style version. ok :c
  5. 00:47:137 (1) –Ctrl+G this to improve the flow with 00:48:601 (1,2,3) – Fix
  6. 00:48:601 (1) –I suggest rather removing new combo here. Not Fixed, I don't know why tou suggest this
  7. 00:48:601 (1,2,3) –Not a fan of this kind of rhythm. This rhythm is much better in my opinion and flows nicely. Fix
  8. 00:54:455 (1,2) –Not a good idea for flow purposes. Try to keep the rhythm going. So try something like this: I don't like that pattern I think I preffer to maintance the pattern that the map have for the moment
    Try something similar to my suggestion above. It’s important in an Easy to maintain a nice, stable rhythm to prevent confusion for beginners.
  9. 00:58:113 –Keep the flow going by adding a note here please. That current gap is quite awkward and ruins the flow in my opinion. Fix
  10. 01:01:772 (1,2) –Similar to my previous suggestions: This isn’t a good rhythm. Try something like this instead: Fix
  11. 01:06:894 (1,2,3) –Rather change these three circles into a slider and a single circle since the current rhythm is a bit too difficult for an Easy in my opinion. I don't think that 3 circles going to kill newbie player, not fixed
  12. 01:07:991 –Hm, start mapping again from here. Something like this: Fix
  13. 01:11:650 –Add a note here to help with flow. The gap is pretty awkward in my opinion. Not fixed
  14. 01:16:040 –Add a note. There’s a clear beat here. Not fixed, the slider follow kuro voice >.<
  15. 01:19:333 -Oh my! Why did you change the slider velocity here? I suggest never ever changing the slider velocity in any easy diff. Your Easy is already quite hard in my opinion and unrankable because of that too. Please maintain the same slider velocity throughout the entire diff. Don’t make the sliders faster just because it’s the chorus.
but I wan't to be consistent with the slider speed in all the mapset :c

I’m rather gonna stop modding this diff before my mod gets too long. The most important thing you’ll have to fix here is that slider velocity change and definitely a lot of that rhythms. Try to maintain a nice and solid flow throughout the diff. Also try to get mods that will help you with the rhythm and patterns specifically.

Kuro! Normal:
  1. 00:29:577 (1,2,3,4,5) –Yikes! This spacing is pretty far apart. Try using a different distance snap please to prevent such big spacings.

    Actually, this diff looks so much like a Hard instead of a Normal. You have very big spacings that should never be used in Normals in my opinion. So the first thing you should definitely do, is lower your distance spacing please. Try a DS of 0.7X. I think you maybe made the DS high to prevent these notes from touching: 00:32:503 (1,2,3) – but in a Normal notes like these will always touch. You shouldn’t be afraid of that.
I don't think the distance snap is a big issue, I don't like when the circle make a overlap but maybe I can evaluate a remap for this beatmap >.<

Len! Hard:
  1. 00:32:137 –Why not add a note here to emphasize that “Whoa” sound? Because a note here sound a little weird
  2. 00:32:503 (1) –Try to use more elegant sliders here please. Something like this: I little fix
  3. 00:42:747 (1) –Ctrl+G. Nice pattern in my opinion. Also take note that you may have jumps in Hard. Not everything must be distanced snapped. Not Fixed
  4. 00:51:894 (6) –Add new combo here since this combo is quite long when you compare it to previous combos. Fix
  5. 00:54:637 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) –I testplayed this part but I couldn’t play it at all. It’s very confusing. Try to use a different pattern or rhythm there please. What about this? mm... I remake this pattern like 6 times and I think this is the better form, maybe I change to this in the future
  6. 01:10:186 (3,5) –Hm, maybe make these two sliders look similar? Fix
  7. 01:13:479 –Since this is a very important beat please rather add a circle here. So something like this: Fix
  8. 01:42:016 (1,2,3,4,1) –Half circle pattern? Oke :3
  9. 02:37:991 (6) –Ctrl+H Not Fixed
  10. 03:14:942 (11) –Add new combo here and remove new combo here: 03:15:125 (1) – Yup, fixed my fail :P
  11. 03:16:406 (1,2,1) –Hm, check this spacing again please. It’s not consistent and it looks quite untidy. Fixed, But the pattern don't change >.<
  12. 03:26:650 (7) –Add new combo here and remove new combo here: 03:26:833 (1) – Fix
  13. 03:36:528 (7) –Ctrl+J and place it like this: Fix
  14. 03:52:808 (4) –Try to place the tail of this slider more in the middle of these two notes: 03:51:893 (2,3) – Fix
  15. 03:53:723 –Try to end this strong beat with a circle to emphasize it more. Like this: Not fixed sounds too weird >.<

Overall, all the diffs still require much improving especially your easy diffs (Easy and Normal). Try to lower that star difficulty on the easy and please fix that spacing in the Normal. This map still has a lot of potential though. Please try to get it ranked, cuz I love Len!~
Good Luck!~ :D
Thanks! /o/
Hi, DahplA here posting from Jloughman14's and DahplA's Modding team. This is a response in regards to this request. Please be sure to vote here on how helpful our mod was.

Romantic Night!
  1. 00:38:906 (6) - NC here 00:39:455 (11) - and here. Just to break it up
  2. 00:40:003 (1,2) - These red tick sliders don't match the instrumentals. Maybe something like this
  3. 00:46:406 (3,4,5) - There is no sound on 4, so remove that note.
  4. 00:57:381 (5) - I wouldn't stack this completely on top like that. Maybe move it a bit to the right or down
  5. 00:57:747 (6,7,8) - Same thing about the other triple
  6. 01:57:381 (1,2,3) - ^
  7. 01:58:113 (5,6,7) - ^
  8. 02:12:747 (4) - Fix blanket slightly
  9. 02:13:296 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - This stream doesn't belong here
  10. 03:08:723 (7) - Fix stack
Len! Insane
  1. 00:33:967 (7,8,9) - Same note about red tick sliders
  2. 00:37:077 (8,9) - ^
  3. 00:40:003 (8,9) - ^
  4. 00:49:150 (8) - Fix stack
  5. 01:07:991 Ok...why are there so many kick sliders (sliders with reverse). It gets to the point where is very predictable what the next note will be. I would highly suggest re-mapping this part. It looks very lazy.
  6. 02:16:223 (6,7,8,9) - Red tick sliders
  7. 03:05:430 (1) - Same thing about stacking it completely under the other note
  8. 03:11:284 (1) - ^
  9. 03:15:674 (8) - ^
  10. 03:22:991 (1) - Instead of putting NC here, just fix the stacking
  11. 03:24:820 (1) - Remove NC
  12. I think overall, this map could be better. There are a lot of 1/2s compared to Romantic Night. Not very much variation and a lot of repetitiveness.
Len! Hard
  1. 00:37:077 (4,5) - Red tick slider
  2. 00:54:637 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I would advise against using this sort of pattern on a Hard difficulty
  3. 00:57:016 (4) - Space this out a bit more from the previous slider
  4. 01:14:942 This part also has quite a lot of kick sliders
  5. 01:28:113 (1) - Fix stack
  6. 03:22:625 (2) - Move it so it's not completely stacked under
Len! Normal
  1. 01:09:820 (5) - Fix stack, other than that I don't see any other errors
Len! Easy
  1. The lowest difficulty in any ranked mapset must be less than 2 stars difficulty.
  2. 02:28:113 (1,2,3,4) - I would fix this pattern up slightly so 2 and 4 are further away

Nice map and storyboard. Good luck ^_^
Topic Starter
Hi u.u sorry for the delay here the answer to your mod :3


DahplA wrote:

Hi, DahplA here posting from Jloughman14's and DahplA's Modding team. This is a response in regards to this request. Please be sure to vote here on how helpful our mod was.

Romantic Night!
  1. 00:38:906 (6) - NC here 00:39:455 (11) - and here. Just to break it up I preffer to keep the actual combo, not fixed
  2. 00:40:003 (1,2) - These red tick sliders don't match the instrumentals. Maybe something like this Fix
  3. 00:46:406 (3,4,5) - There is no sound on 4, so remove that note. Fix
  4. 00:57:381 (5) - I wouldn't stack this completely on top like that. Maybe move it a bit to the right or down u.u I preffer that slider stacked, not fixed
  5. 00:57:747 (6,7,8) - Same thing about the other triple Fix
  6. 01:57:381 (1,2,3) - ^ I think they sound good, not fixed
  7. 01:58:113 (5,6,7) - ^ The same u.u
  8. 02:12:747 (4) - Fix blanket slightly Ty :3
  9. 02:13:296 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - This stream doesn't belong here
  10. 03:08:723 (7) - Fix stack Fix x3
Len! Insane
  1. 00:33:967 (7,8,9) - Same note about red tick sliders Fix
  2. 00:37:077 (8,9) - ^ Fix
  3. 00:40:003 (8,9) - ^ Fix
  4. 00:49:150 (8) - Fix stack Fix
  5. 01:07:991 Ok...why are there so many kick sliders (sliders with reverse). It gets to the point where is very predictable what the next note will be. I would highly suggest re-mapping this part. It looks very lazy. u.u sorry I don't persive that, fixed :3
  6. 02:16:223 (6,7,8,9) - Red tick sliders Fix
  7. 03:05:430 (1) - Same thing about stacking it completely under the other note But I prefer that notes stacked :c
  8. 03:11:284 (1) - ^ the same
  9. 03:15:674 (8) - ^ the same
  10. 03:22:991 (1) - Instead of putting NC here, just fix the stacking Fix
  11. 03:24:820 (1) - Remove NC Fix
  12. I think overall, this map could be better. There are a lot of 1/2s compared to Romantic Night. Not very much variation and a lot of repetitiveness.
Len! Hard
  1. 00:37:077 (4,5) - Red tick slider Fix
  2. 00:54:637 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I would advise against using this sort of pattern on a Hard difficulty u.u I don't like the new pattern but a lot of modder think this is a wrong pattern for hard u.u Fixed
  3. 00:57:016 (4) - Space this out a bit more from the previous slider Fix
  4. 01:14:942 This part also has quite a lot of kick sliders Fix
  5. 01:28:113 (1) - Fix stack Fix
  6. 03:22:625 (2) - Move it so it's not completely stacked under nope :c
Len! Normal
  1. 01:09:820 (5) - Fix stack, other than that I don't see any other errors ty :3
Len! Easy
  1. The lowest difficulty in any ranked mapset must be less than 2 stars difficulty. I know I trying to make this difficultie more easy >.<
  2. 02:28:113 (1,2,3,4) - I would fix this pattern up slightly so 2 and 4 are further away Fixed

Nice map and storyboard. Good luck ^_^
Thanks for mod my beatmap yay /o/
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