
Scoutellite - Surprise Buttsecks

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Gabe wrote:

@ColdTooth: isn't it oriented into electronic?

you're right

ty bby
Topic Starter

Fatfan Kolek wrote:

mod mod mod mod mod <3

Why let the kiai time end on 02:24:571 - ? I'd suggest to let it end on 02:37:997 - , but yeah.

you make a good point

  1. 02:37:578 (1) - Too confusing for new players unfortunately.
I'll ask a BAT if it's ok

Solid Easy although i missed some things in terms of style like cool blankets or w/e.

  1. 00:24:151 (1,2) - Mmh, it sounds a bit odd here when the second slider ends on a strong beat. Try to place a circle between so that (2) starts on the big white. :D Follows the soft vocal in the backgroun so no
  2. 00:48:067 (2) - I suggest to make the slider like this to make it look better! fixed
  3. 01:00:235 (4) - Same reason as said in Easy. Although it might be ok here, but ask someone who knows more about it. this is okay
  4. 01:57:298 (2) - ^ ^
  5. 02:17:858 (1,2) - Make this look better. The curve feels odd from (2) this is good?
  1. 00:09:886 (3) - I'd correct the curve of 00:09:466 (2) - here and make it's direction to (3).no thanks its okay
  2. 00:30:025 (4,1,2) - That spacing here feels weird while playing, because it appears too suddenly. I personally think this is okay. It's perfect for a hard, and its not too insane.
Nice use of stacks here! :3

  1. 00:37:578 (2,3) - This straight line looks a bit weird to me. I'd make it a bit curvier. :p These are not straight lines. But I'll make them curvier.
  2. 01:15:760 (1) - That overlap doesn't look good to be honest. I'm not quite sure how you can fix this tho. :c I did this because it looked pretty okay.
  3. 01:40:515 (1,1,1,1) - NC spam doesn't make sense here since it's not a special part. B-But... but... :c
  4. 02:10:725 (6,7,8) - Why lowering the spacing here? :D fixed
Good luck sir~ :3
thank you sir
I think the [Insane] diff should be called [Buttsecks](Since, you know the map should F*** you up ;)). Would mod if I knew anything about mapping.

~GL with ranking~
I'm late orz

  1. 00:27:088 (1,2,3) - Transition can be much better !
  2. 00:32:123 (3) - Go blanket !
  3. 00:37:158 (1) - Same as above !
  4. 01:11:144 (1) - I'd put that note here : x:316 y:212
  5. 02:08:627 (2) - Out of the screen ! It can be weird readable for players who have short screens!
  1. 00:06:948 (1,3) - Reduce curv !
  2. 00:08:207 (3,1) - You can better stack !
  3. 00:17:438 (1) - Blanket this please !
  4. 00:33:382 - I'd add a note here !
  5. 00:38:837 (3,1) - You can better stack !
  6. 01:08:627 (3,4) - Blanket can be a little bit better ! :D
  7. 01:38:837 (2,3) - Blanket sir !
  8. 02:01:074 (1) - I'd put that note here : x:132 y:288
  9. 02:05:270 (2) - I'd blanket this !
  10. 02:11:983 - I'd add a circle here for following the rhythm !
  11. 02:22:893 (3) - I'd Ctrl+G this (feeling)
  12. 02:22:473 (2,1) - Maybe stack'em ?
  13. 02:37:578 (4) - I'd blanket this !
  14. 02:37:997 (5) - NC ?
  1. 00:08:627 (1) - Blanket please !
  2. 00:09:886 (3) - Put this note here : x:88 y:260 ! It's more straight imo !
  3. 00:33:382 - I'd add a note here !
  4. 01:33:802 (4) - blanket this note !
  5. 01:59:816 (2) - maybe like this ?
  6. 02:06:109 (1,2,3) - Improve readeability it !

  1. 00:35:480 (1) - Blanket please
  2. 00:45:410 (6,1,2) - Shape could be much better
  3. 00:51:564 (5) - Blanket on tail can be better !
  4. 01:15:340 (5,1) - This overlap <.< Fix it !
  5. 02:31:704 (2) - 02:31:704 (2) - You can make a better shape !

Great mapset overall !
Good luck !
modding by request

probably wont find anything too bad

  1. 00:58:976 - I would raise the volume in parts like these, because the hitsounds are so soft it actually makes it harder to read believe it or not!
  1. 00:06:948 (1,2,3) - this pattern seems a bit forced, try and make the curves smoother so the play is better
  2. 00:18:697 (3) - This goes a bit too high, touches my life bar. Move the pattern down a bit
  3. 00:23:732 (1) - ^
  4. 00:28:767 (3) - Will look better if this is just a straight slider going up and down, play will be nicer too
  5. 00:43:872 (1) - Goes down offscreen, move it up or lessen the curve
  6. 00:45:550 (3) - ^
  7. 00:53:941 (1) - Sweet mother of god
  8. 01:01:494 (2) - Touches my life bar again, move it down a tad. I actually think this will look nicer as a straight slider or something
  9. 02:37:578 (1) - Eh this is kinda stressful for an easy, I suggest changing this to something else. A 1/1 slider can do the trick
  1. 00:11:983 (3,4,1) - Make this a perfect blanket please. You can use 1's approach circle to help you fix all of them
  2. 00:17:858 (2,3) - Blanket can be improved, use 3's approach circle to help you out with this
  3. 00:46:389 (5) - Maybe just make this a straight slider, seems a bit forced the way it is
  4. 01:37:158 (4,1) - You are off your blanket game today mate, use 4's approach circle to help you fix this
  1. HP +1 or something, your combos are pretty short so the way it stands now players don't really need to worry about the drain
  2. 00:09:886 (3) - I suggest stacking this underneath of 00:09:466 (2) - . Since you haven't introduced the 1/3 spacing yet its better to ease players in to it. Players will be able to read the distance better
Looks good

wait it needs more mods first :(
/me slaps Desperate-kun*

Mod by ingame Request~ Dat Song, kill me ;_;

  1. Unrankable Issue/Highly Suggested
  2. Comment/Minor

  1. Consider to add Team Fortress 2 to the Tags as well since people searching for the Set wouldn't find it like this :p
  2. Disable Widescreen Support and Letterbox in Breaks since you have no Storyboard.
  3. This might be my personal opinion but I feel like the dark blue combo bolor is way too bright compared to the other colors. Perhaps you can try something not that "shiny" like this:
    Combo3 : 160,170,100
  4. You've got two inherited sections at the same time at 00:47:228 - in E/N/H. Please remove the unfitting one since this is unrankable and causes audio bugs.
  5. Your Volume in the diffs feels sometimes too loud and sometimes too quiet. Also the transitions between the volumes feel weird in some cases since the gaps are just simply so big. I suggest you to get the Volume higher for Parts like 00:58:976 - and lower for the Kiai Time since 100% feels just simply too much which ruins the transition to the following part which uses 60%. Therefore I recommend you to use 80% in the Kiai.
  6. Meh, your difficulty settings feel kinda unbalanced and you've played around too much with the decimal stuff which isn't really needed here IMO. Especially in terms of HP and OD it's weird to see these decimal settings. Also the Easies's OD feels way too high which makes the gap between Normal and Easy a bit too low. My suggestions to get that cleaner are:
    OD: 2/4/6/8 ~ 2,3/4,3/6,3/8,3
    HP: 1~1,5/3/5/7

  1. Some of your objects are hitting the HP-Bar. I guess you want to check your map again and avoid it where it's possible.
  2. 00:28:767 (3) - Perhaps you could replace this with a straight Slider since the flow from the previous object into this feels a bit harsh. The straight Slider would support both the flow into it as well as the flow into the following objects in my opinion.
  3. 01:28:767 (2) - Even out your spacing a bit since it's pretty uneven o3o
  4. 02:37:578 (1) - /Highly Suggested/ - You didn't do this anywhere else in the map and you didn't even do this in this spot in the Normal. Please, how are Easy players supposed to read this when it's not even good readable in Normal? Please replace it with two Circles with a 1/1 gap inbetween.
  5. Not much to say here, I like the diff a lot. Especially this one symmetrical Slider. The flow seems fine for most parts even though some transitions between the objects could be better.

  1. The biggest problem I've got with this diff is that many of your Sliders end on the big white tick which is totally fine if the note on it isn't strong. But here in this diffiulty you have sometimes Slider end on big white ticks that lead in completely new Sections of the song (e.g. 02:22:893 (3) - ) which feels kinda wrong to me.
  2. Be a bit more careful with your flow in the Kiai time as your transitions sometimes feel pretty harsh due to a not fluent movement (e.g. 01:58:137 (1,2) - ) which can feel and play not so good for newbie players.
  3. Try to avoid using more than one repeat arrow for Sliders like 01:00:235 (4) - since that might be confusing for normal players. Using 1 repeat and a Circle or 2 1/3 Sliders would be way better.
  4. 00:26:249 (4) - I'm not sure if it's just me but a CTRL+J'd and about 15° ritated version would make the flow here a lot better since it would give the player a more intuitive feel from the previous curve into the slider and also into the following straight Sliders. Example
  5. 00:42:193 (3) - /Comment/ - Was this intended to be symmetrical? You maybe want to put it right so that it looks like it is. That would fit your structure well if you ask me.
  6. 00:58:976 (3) - Meh, the flow would be much better if you'd place it lower like this by giving the player a smoother transition.
  7. 01:07:368 (1) - Nothing you have to apply but I'd find it pretty cool if you could move this more right to get a cool zigzag movement with the previous object. That would play pretty nice :3
  8. 01:14:081 (1) - I don't really agree with your rhythm here because you've ignored the rather strong vocals at 01:14:501 - and 01:15:340 - and instead mapped a rather quiet beat. I would go for something like this in order to get this more natural. (Same applies for 01:17:438 (1) - )
  9. 02:06:809 - /Comment/ - This might be my personal opinion but I think this shape looks a bit forced and is just there for not to use a straight Slider. If you don't want a straight slider move the red anchor point more left otherwise just simply use a straight one.
  10. 02:37:997 (5) - You forgot the NC added in all other diffs here o/
  11. I feel like the song has more potential as was covered here since you've almost just mapped white ticks even though there are so many important notes on the 1/3 Ticks as well :/ Also some parts of your flow as well as your aesthetics could be better. Otherwise it's a pretty solid diff.

  1. 00:32:543 (2,3) - The flow feels a bit odd here due to the movement from 2 into 3. How about trying something like this? That would give the player a much more natural feeling when aiming 3 if you ask me (:
  2. 01:04:011 (1) - Perhaps you can try to move this to 420|380 in order to get the flow from 01:03:592 (3) - into it much smoother. Like this you would also get a nice triangle with3's tail and 01:01:914 (4) - 's head :3
  3. 01:38:417 (2) - Maybe it's just me but mapping the big white tick with the Slider's Tail doesn't work well here since the note on it is pretty strong and already belongs to the following part of the song. Consider to do something like this.
  4. 01:56:879 (1) - I doubt that a 1/1-Slider is a good choice here since there is basically nothing inbetween them which makes the Slidertrack sound weird. Also having a gap between them would feel more natural to divide the "Butt" and "secks". Example
  5. 02:03:592 (4,5,6,7,1) - Well, these patterns play a bit cramped if you ask me. It would be much more intuitive if you keep increase the spacing between the objects before and next to the pattern with the low Distances (Example)
  6. 02:23:732 (4,5,6,7,1) - /Minor/ - Getting the curve here smoother would make the pattern play much better for the players since such long tapping should have a fluent route to follow for the players in order to be aimed well. Example
  7. Some little flow issues but nothing tio big here. The overall diff is well done. Good job! :p

  1. Same as I've said for Easy, try to avoid stuff overlapping the HP-Bar.
  2. I feel like you should be a bit more careful with your aesthetics. Not completely ignoring blankets and stuff would help a lot. Also at the end some Slidershapes feel untidy (e.g. 02:09:466 (1) - , 02:11:564 (2) - ) due to their curves not being centered. I don't know if this is intentional since it would fit the song*s atmosphere but in case it isn't, I wanted to mention it.
  3. 00:22:893 (3,4,5,6) - Meh, this feels really bad when playing due to the movement being pretty unstable. You can either place them in a line or in a curve like this in order to improve the flow here a lot.
  4. 00:29:466 - This note being ignored feels really weird if you ask me. The sound in the music is pretty strong and was mapped for all the other ones (e.g. 00:26:109 (2) - , 00:31:983 (7) - ) which makes this feel unnatural. Consider to add a Circle here.
  5. 00:33:662 - If you listen to the music closely you can heare a pretty loud drums sound here. Ignoring this here feels kinda unintuitive to me and therefore I suggest you to either add a note here or to do do something like this to fill the gap in order to improve the rhythm as well as the playability here.
  6. 00:49:326 (2,3,4) - Hm, it would feel much more natural if you'd space them like this since these "ah" sounds are all the same without increasing or decreasing in any terms which would make the consistent spacing more intuitive.
  7. 01:15:760 (1) - The 1/1 doesn't work well here in my opinion. If we take a closer look at the music here we can hear that the vocals start on the white tick the Slider ends on which is the first unnatural thing here as they would need a clickable action since they are so strong. The second thing bothering me is the drum at 01:16:039 - being ignored even though it was mapped for the others as well. So for the sake of consistency and more natural rhythm I suggest you to do this.
  8. 01:18:697 (5,1,2) - Consider to reduce the spacing here a bit. It feels too much compared to the other jumps in the section which makes it play weird. Toning the DS down would help a lot. Example
  9. 01:36:739 (4,5) - The huge spacing here doesn't really work and feel overdone to me even though it's symmetry. But this section is just simply calmer than the rest and uses a pretty consistent low spacing which makes these feel surprising.
  10. 02:03:872 - I'm not sure if it's just me but it would sound better if you would add a note here as the instrument already starts playing here which makes the 1/1 gap feel empty.
  11. 02:20:235 (3,4) - The flow from 3 into 4 feels pretty harsh due to the rapid transition which gives the player a low range to aim 4's track. Please consider to move 4 higher like this to improve the flow a lot here. (You still have to rearrange the following objects in some way)
  12. As I've already said some of your stuff looks really untidy which ruins the map a bit in terms of aesthetics. However the flow is pretty good and the aesthetics fit the song. Overall it's a pretty nice diff. Good job :3

Please reply! I hope it was helpful and good luck! :3
WHY ISN'T THIS RANKED D; gdfsadojwigokhjrowogfwkjoafck

still. Awesome work
Topic Starter

Secretpipe wrote:

I'm late orz

  1. 00:27:088 (1,2,3) - Transition can be much better !
  2. 00:32:123 (3) - Go blanket !
  3. 00:37:158 (1) - Same as above !
  4. 01:11:144 (1) - I'd put that note here : x:316 y:212
  5. 02:08:627 (2) - Out of the screen ! It can be weird readable for players who have short screens!
mostly fixed

  1. 00:06:948 (1,3) - Reduce curv !
  2. 00:08:207 (3,1) - You can better stack !
  3. 00:17:438 (1) - Blanket this please !
  4. 00:33:382 - I'd add a note here !
  5. 00:38:837 (3,1) - You can better stack !
  6. 01:08:627 (3,4) - Blanket can be a little bit better ! :D
  7. 01:38:837 (2,3) - Blanket sir !
  8. 02:01:074 (1) - I'd put that note here : x:132 y:288
  9. 02:05:270 (2) - I'd blanket this !
  10. 02:11:983 - I'd add a circle here for following the rhythm !
  11. 02:22:893 (3) - I'd Ctrl+G this (feeling)
  12. 02:22:473 (2,1) - Maybe stack'em ?
  13. 02:37:578 (4) - I'd blanket this !
  14. 02:37:997 (5) - NC ?
mostly fixed

  1. 00:08:627 (1) - Blanket please ! Wouldn't feel right
  2. 00:09:886 (3) - Put this note here : x:88 y:260 ! It's more straight imo ! SureLust had a better idea
  3. 00:33:382 - I'd add a note here ! Nah
  4. 01:33:802 (4) - blanket this note ! Fixed
  5. 01:59:816 (2) - maybe like this ? Sure
  6. 02:06:109 (1,2,3) - Improve readeability it !somewhat fixed

  1. 00:35:480 (1) - Blanket please tried to fix
  2. 00:45:410 (6,1,2) - Shape could be much better Fixed
  3. 00:51:564 (5) - Blanket on tail can be better ! Fixed
  4. 01:15:340 (5,1) - This overlap <.< Fix it ! I actually think this overlap fits fine :<
  5. 02:31:704 (2) - 02:31:704 (2) - You can make a better shape ! somewhat fixed

Great mapset overall !
Good luck !

Lust wrote:

modding by request HI LUST

probably wont find anything too bad

  1. 00:58:976 - I would raise the volume in parts like these, because the hitsounds are so soft it actually makes it harder to read believe it or not!sure
  1. 00:06:948 (1,2,3) - this pattern seems a bit forced, try and make the curves smoother so the play is better fixed
  2. 00:18:697 (3) - This goes a bit too high, touches my life bar. Move the pattern down a bit Aye, fixed
  3. 00:23:732 (1) - ^ far as i can go without screwing up spacing
  4. 00:28:767 (3) - Will look better if this is just a straight slider going up and down, play will be nicer too Alright
  5. 00:43:872 (1) - Goes down offscreen, move it up or lessen the curve fixed
  6. 00:45:550 (3) - ^ ^
  7. 00:53:941 (1) - Sweet mother of god what are you talking bout, this shape fits the rhythm, the edges mark the 2nd and 4th beat
  8. 01:01:494 (2) - Touches my life bar again, move it down a tad. I actually think this will look nicer as a straight slider or something fixed
  9. 02:37:578 (1) - Eh this is kinda stressful for an easy, I suggest changing this to something else. A 1/1 slider can do the trick Fixed
  1. 00:11:983 (3,4,1) - Make this a perfect blanket please. You can use 1's approach circle to help you fix all of them Fixed
  2. 00:17:858 (2,3) - Blanket can be improved, use 3's approach circle to help you out with this somewhat fixed
  3. 00:46:389 (5) - Maybe just make this a straight slider, seems a bit forced the way it is I used a slight curve slider
  4. 01:37:158 (4,1) - You are off your blanket game today mate (how2blanket), use 4's approach circle to help you fix this There, fixed
  1. HP +1 or something, your combos are pretty short so the way it stands now players don't really need to worry about the drain I put it at 5.5, hopefully people are happier
  2. 00:09:886 (3) - I suggest stacking this underneath of 00:09:466 (2) - . Since you haven't introduced the 1/3 spacing yet its better to ease players in to it. Players will be able to read the distance better I guess.
Looks good

Mao wrote:

Mod by ingame Request~ Dat Song, kill me ;_;

  1. Unrankable Issue/Highly Suggested
  2. Comment/Minor

  1. Consider to add Team Fortress 2 to the Tags as well since people searching for the Set wouldn't find it like this :p will do, but there is already a tf2 tag soo.. i guess i can add it
  2. Disable Widescreen Support and Letterbox in Breaks since you have no Storyboard. fine
  3. This might be my personal opinion but I feel like the dark blue combo bolor is way too bright compared to the other colors. Perhaps you can try something not that "shiny" like this:
    Combo3 : 160,170,100

  4. You've got two inherited sections at the same time at 00:47:228 - in E/N/H. Please remove the unfitting one since this is unrankable and causes audio bugs. fixed
  5. Your Volume in the diffs feels sometimes too loud and sometimes too quiet. Also the transitions between the volumes feel weird in some cases since the gaps are just simply so big. I suggest you to get the Volume higher for Parts like 00:58:976 - and lower for the Kiai Time since 100% feels just simply too much which ruins the transition to the following part which uses 60%. Therefore I recommend you to use 80% in the Kiai. I'll consider it.
  6. Meh, your difficulty settings feel kinda unbalanced and you've played around too much with the decimal stuff which isn't really needed here IMO. Especially in terms of HP and OD it's weird to see these decimal settings. Also the Easies's OD feels way too high which makes the gap between Normal and Easy a bit too low. My suggestions to get that cleaner are:
    OD: 2/4/6/8 ~ 2,3/4,3/6,3/8,3
    HP: 1~1,5/3/5/7

I understand that the difficulty decimals are not needed, but it still feels really bland with just a single digit number, there it adds that "Oh, 2 feels too low, and 3 feels a little bit high, therefore you got 2.1 - 2.9. 2.5 can be a good feeling for an OD. I'll take a look at them again. It also adds a challenge, so therefore a bit higher CS and AR on insane difficulty.

  1. Some of your objects are hitting the HP-Bar. I guess you want to check your map again and avoid it where it's possible. Most already fixed
  2. 00:28:767 (3) - Perhaps you could replace this with a straight Slider since the flow from the previous object into this feels a bit harsh. The straight Slider would support both the flow into it as well as the flow into the following objects in my opinion. Already fixed
  3. 01:28:767 (2) - Even out your spacing a bit since it's pretty uneven o3o oops, fixed
  4. 02:37:578 (1) - /Highly Suggested/ - You didn't do this anywhere else in the map and you didn't even do this in this spot in the Normal. Please, how are Easy players supposed to read this when it's not even good readable in Normal? Please replace it with two Circles with a 1/1 gap inbetween.

    Already fixed
  5. Not much to say here, I like the diff a lot. Especially this one symmetrical Slider. The flow seems fine for most parts even though some transitions between the objects could be better.

  1. The biggest problem I've got with this diff is that many of your Sliders end on the big white tick which is totally fine if the note on it isn't strong. But here in this diffiulty you have sometimes Slider end on big white ticks that lead in completely new Sections of the song (e.g. 02:22:893 (3) - ) which feels kinda wrong to me. I'll look into it.
  2. Be a bit more careful with your flow in the Kiai time as your transitions sometimes feel pretty harsh due to a not fluent movement (e.g. 01:58:137 (1,2) - ) which can feel and play not so good for newbie players.
  3. Try to avoid using more than one repeat arrow for Sliders like 01:00:235 (4) - since that might be confusing for normal players. Using 1 repeat and a Circle or 2 1/3 Sliders would be way better. It's not too hard imo
  4. 00:26:249 (4) - I'm not sure if it's just me but a CTRL+J'd and about 15° ritated version would make the flow here a lot better since it would give the player a more intuitive feel from the previous curve into the slider and also into the following straight Sliders. Example Fixed
  5. 00:42:193 (3) - /Comment/ - Was this intended to be symmetrical? You maybe want to put it right so that it looks like it is. That would fit your structure well if you ask me. not really intended to be symmetrical
  6. 00:58:976 (3) - Meh, the flow would be much better if you'd place it lower like this by giving the player a smoother transition. I fixed a couple things around here
  7. 01:07:368 (1) - Nothing you have to apply but I'd find it pretty cool if you could move this more right to get a cool zigzag movement with the previous object. That would play pretty nice :3 I think it's fine now
  8. 01:14:081 (1) - I don't really agree with your rhythm here because you've ignored the rather strong vocals at 01:14:501 - and 01:15:340 - and instead mapped a rather quiet beat. I would go for something like this in order to get this more natural. (Same applies for 01:17:438 (1) - ) I wasn't really focusing on a strong vocal section right here.
  9. 02:06:809 - /Comment/ - This might be my personal opinion but I think this shape looks a bit forced and is just there for not to use a straight Slider. If you don't want a straight slider move the red anchor point more left otherwise just simply use a straight one. Fixed
  10. 02:37:997 (5) - You forgot the NC added in all other diffs here o/ Already fixed
  11. I feel like the song has more potential as was covered here since you've almost just mapped white ticks even though there are so many important notes on the 1/3 Ticks as well :/ Also some parts of your flow as well as your aesthetics could be better. Otherwise it's a pretty solid diff.
True. I'm really horrible at making normal difficulties, and it comes to me to think if I should make a couple 1/3 slider repeats or not, because it should be a more difficult than easy

  1. 00:32:543 (2,3) - The flow feels a bit odd here due to the movement from 2 into 3. How about trying something like this? That would give the player a much more natural feeling when aiming 3 if you ask me (: I think it's fine for now
  2. 01:04:011 (1) - Perhaps you can try to move this to 420|380 in order to get the flow from 01:03:592 (3) - into it much smoother. Like this you would also get a nice triangle with3's tail and 01:01:914 (4) - 's head :3 Sure.
  3. 01:38:417 (2) - Maybe it's just me but mapping the big white tick with the Slider's Tail doesn't work well here since the note on it is pretty strong and already belongs to the following part of the song. Consider to do something like this. Eh, no thanks
  4. 01:56:879 (1) - I doubt that a 1/1-Slider is a good choice here since there is basically nothing inbetween them which makes the Slidertrack sound weird. Also having a gap between them would feel more natural to divide the "Butt" and "secks". Example Fixed
  5. 02:03:592 (4,5,6,7,1) - Well, these patterns play a bit cramped if you ask me. It would be much more intuitive if you keep increase the spacing between the objects before and next to the pattern with the low Distances (Example) This shouldn't be challenging, therefore i put them at low distantces
  6. 02:23:732 (4,5,6,7,1) - /Minor/ - Getting the curve here smoother would make the pattern play much better for the players since such long tapping should have a fluent route to follow for the players in order to be aimed well. Example I'll look into it, but for now this is the only major spacing for 1/3rds needed
  7. Some little flow issues but nothing tio big here. The overall diff is well done. Good job! :p

  1. Same as I've said for Easy, try to avoid stuff overlapping the HP-Bar. some fixed
  2. I feel like you should be a bit more careful with your aesthetics. Not completely ignoring blankets and stuff would help a lot. Also at the end some Slidershapes feel untidy (e.g. 02:09:466 (1) - , 02:11:564 (2) - ) due to their curves not being centered. I don't know if this is intentional since it would fit the song*s atmosphere but in case it isn't, I wanted to mention it. Agreed. I try to go as fluently as possible
  3. 00:22:893 (3,4,5,6) - Meh, this feels really bad when playing due to the movement being pretty unstable. You can either place them in a line or in a curve like this in order to improve the flow here a lot. No thanks.
  4. 00:29:466 - This note being ignored feels really weird if you ask me. The sound in the music is pretty strong and was mapped for all the other ones (e.g. 00:26:109 (2) - , 00:31:983 (7) - ) which makes this feel unnatural. Consider to add a Circle here. Added
  5. 00:33:662 - If you listen to the music closely you can heare a pretty loud drums sound here. Ignoring this here feels kinda unintuitive to me and therefore I suggest you to either add a note here or to do do something like this to fill the gap in order to improve the rhythm as well as the playability here. Added a circle instead
  6. 00:49:326 (2,3,4) - Hm, it would feel much more natural if you'd space them like this since these "ah" sounds are all the same without increasing or decreasing in any terms which would make the consistent spacing more intuitive. No thanks.
  7. 01:15:760 (1) - The 1/1 doesn't work well here in my opinion. If we take a closer look at the music here we can hear that the vocals start on the white tick the Slider ends on which is the first unnatural thing here as they would need a clickable action since they are so strong. The second thing bothering me is the drum at 01:16:039 - being ignored even though it was mapped for the others as well. So for the sake of consistency and more natural rhythm I suggest you to do this. Somewhat fixed. If it doesn't work I'll try something else
  8. 01:18:697 (5,1,2) - Consider to reduce the spacing here a bit. It feels too much compared to the other jumps in the section which makes it play weird. Toning the DS down would help a lot. Example Done
  9. 01:36:739 (4,5) - The huge spacing here doesn't really work and feel overdone to me even though it's symmetry. But this section is just simply calmer than the rest and uses a pretty consistent low spacing which makes these feel surprising. Lessen'd the spacing
  10. 02:03:872 - I'm not sure if it's just me but it would sound better if you would add a note here as the instrument already starts playing here which makes the 1/1 gap feel empty. Added a circle
  11. 02:20:235 (3,4) - The flow from 3 into 4 feels pretty harsh due to the rapid transition which gives the player a low range to aim 4's track. Please consider to move 4 higher like this to improve the flow a lot here. (You still have to rearrange the following objects in some way) Will consider. For now, it's fine
  12. As I've already said some of your stuff looks really untidy which ruins the map a bit in terms of aesthetics. However the flow is pretty good and the aesthetics fit the song. Overall it's a pretty nice diff. Good job :3

Thanks. I will consider a lot more flow in the future.

Please reply! I hope it was helpful and good luck! :3
jesus christ im late ;s;
nazi modder incoming
inb4 response full of "No, thanks" 8-)

  1. Current Color3 looks too similar to background and it's annoying to play this map without dim. Try to change this to R133,G154,B188, it fits way better to that BG. Also, maybe try to replace that red color with something brown? Like R116,G102,B86. But it may make colors in overal too monotonous.
  2. This BG is really bad quality, you didn't tried to find one without these compression artifacts? Or replace current BG with something other related to... this thing?
  1. Check some doubled inherited timing points! Also, you can remove some unused points...
  2. 00:20:375 (1,2) - You can improve flow with previous notes when you move down these sliders, to x452 y104, I guess. But you can get problems with spacing with next patterns, hah
  3. 00:32:123 (3) - What about to move this slider to x112 y368?
  4. 00:37:158 (1) - Dat blanket... Make this curve with 2 points please and make it better
  5. 01:11:144 (1,2,3) - This pattern looks flattened, but I see thay you wanted to make straight line from cirles. It doesn't look good with curved sliders like this imo. Try to make this pattern more circular
  1. 00:14:920 (2) - Due to slider shapes, move it down for nicer pattern with (1)...
  2. 00:26:249 (4) - Same here.
  3. 00:42:193 (3) - Use symmetry here?
  4. 01:10:725 (1) - Try to change this slider like this to make smoother movement.
  5. 02:11:144 (1,2,3,4) - I suggest you to polish these circles, they actually don't look good.
  6. 02:37:578 (4) - Move to x272 y336.
  1. About NCs: In patterns like 02:00:934 (4,1) (when (4) is stacked with (1) and (1) has NC) Isn't it better to have New Combo at (4) instead of (1)?
  2. 00:07:788 (3,1) - This transition plays bad... I'd suggest to move 00:06:948 (1,2,3) to x24 y356, but dunno if you accept
  3. 00:21:074 - Add note here? Just to make consistency with 00:20:235 (4,1).
  4. 00:26:669 (4) - I suggest to change this slider into 2/3 slider + circle with new combo, cause there's a "new part" of song at 00:27:088.
  5. 02:24:151 (5,6,7) - Try to make this patten more circular, now it doesn't look good.
  1. See that thing about NCs in Hard diff.
  2. AR 8.5-8.8 please (yeah, for me, current approach rate is quite fun, but... it's just a kind of overuse for easy map like this)
  3. You can fill the gap by adding note at 00:29:466 (stack with next slider). It fits melody quite good!
  4. 00:11:564 (5) - Mirrored slider fits really better here (and flows with next notes). Just move 2nd point of slider to x212 y112. This should be smoother than current solution.
  5. 00:13:242 (5) - Same here o3o
  6. 00:22:893 (3,4,5) - Not really good pattern, it looks quite messy...
  7. 00:51:844 (6) - What about to make nice flow using this slider and reverse it? 00:51:004 (3,4,5) - They even need you to do this, really. Also, nice blanket is nice.
  8. 01:40:655 (1,1,1) - There's nothing special in this part, so you can remove these NCs. It would be OK if you use it on repeated similar parts, but here it looks just bad imo.
  9. 01:57:298 (2) - I suggest to change it to 2 circles, it better follows drums here
  10. 01:59:396 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - omnomnom I love this :D
  11. 02:02:753 (1,2) - Why no hitsounds here? Just because no vocals?
  12. I didn't liked transition between 02:06:109 (1,2,3,4,5,6) and 02:06:948 (7,8). These sliders should be rather horizontal or curved like this
  13. 02:15:620 (4) - This circle looks a bit random even with blanket, try to move it to ~x352 y368. Also, it will flow much better.
Nice map, but that song choice... /me runs
Hey, mod here~

  1. 00:36:739 (4,1) - It would look better if a larger portion of 4 was blanketted, like this:
  2. 00:43:032 (4) - The extra whistle on the end of this slider is unnecessary, it just breaks consistency and sounds bad tbh. Consider removing it.
  3. 01:29:186 (3) - Add a clap on this reverse arrow? It'd help keep the clap pattern consistent since 01:28:767 (2,4) - have claps too.
  4. 02:29:606 (3,4,1) - You should rearrange these notes a bit so that they are perfectly aligned with one another.Doing this would make the pattern look and flow nicer.
  5. 02:36:319 (4) - How about adding a clap to the start of this slider? I think this is better because it will improve consistency. The start of 02:34:641 (1) - had one as well.
    02:37:578 (1) - There's no need for the NC here, it's not on a downbeat and it generally doesn't fit. Removing it would make the combos become more consistent.
  1. 00:20:795 (1) - I suggest adding a whistle here to improve consistency. In your pattern, similar notes like 00:22:473 (3) - and the start of 00:24:151 (1) - have whistles, so why not this one?
  2. 00:54:361 (1) - You should remove the finish on the slider end, it breaks consistency with your finish hitsounds.
  1. 00:35:480 (1) - Move this to x:479 y:206 so it is in line with 00:35:760 (2,3) - . This will make your beatmap seem more organised and nicer.
  1. The difficulty spike going into the kiai seems to be quite high to be honest.
  2. 00:32:962 (3) - This slider feels so out of place since it ends on a 1/6th and I don't hear an audible note there. Try this rhythm instead:

Well that's it from me! It's a great map, good luck with rank!
Topic Starter

wa_ wrote:

nazi modder incoming
inb4 response full of "No, thanks" 8-)

  1. Current Color3 looks too similar to background and it's annoying to play this map without dim. Try to change this to R133,G154,B188, it fits way better to that BG. Also, maybe try to replace that red color with something brown? Like R116,G102,B86. But it may make colors in overal too monotonous.
  2. This BG is really bad quality, you didn't tried to find one without these compression artifacts? Or replace current BG with something other related to... this thing?
honestly, this is as best as i will go

  1. Check some doubled inherited timing points! Also, you can remove some unused points... o
  2. 00:20:375 (1,2) - You can improve flow with previous notes when you move down these sliders, to x452 y104, I guess. But you can get problems with spacing with next patterns, hah nah
  3. 00:32:123 (3) - What about to move this slider to x112 y368? fixed a lot of stuff
  4. 00:37:158 (1) - Dat blanket... Make this curve with 2 points please and make it better fixed
  5. 01:11:144 (1,2,3) - This pattern looks flattened, but I see thay you wanted to make straight line from cirles. It doesn't look good with curved sliders like this imo. Try to make this pattern more circular fixed
  1. 00:14:920 (2) - Due to slider shapes, move it down for nicer pattern with (1)... k
  2. 00:26:249 (4) - Same here. alright
  3. 00:42:193 (3) - Use symmetry here? No. I don't wanna use a symmetrical shape here
  4. 01:10:725 (1) - Try to change this slider like this to make smoother movement. isn't this already smooth?
  5. 02:11:144 (1,2,3,4) - I suggest you to polish these circles, they actually don't look good. fixed
  6. 02:37:578 (4) - Move to x272 y336. i literally had this spot before and someone told me to make a blanket of it FINE
  1. About NCs: In patterns like 02:00:934 (4,1) (when (4) is stacked with (1) and (1) has NC) Isn't it better to have New Combo at (4) instead of (1)? you do prove a point
  2. 00:07:788 (3,1) - This transition plays bad... I'd suggest to move 00:06:948 (1,2,3) to x24 y356, but dunno if you accept ill find something later
  3. 00:21:074 - Add note here? Just to make consistency with 00:20:235 (4,1). sure
  4. 00:26:669 (4) - I suggest to change this slider into 2/3 slider + circle with new combo, cause there's a "new part" of song at 00:27:088. no thanks
  5. 02:24:151 (5,6,7) - Try to make this patten more circular, now it doesn't look good. tried
  1. See that thing about NCs in Hard diff. yeah yeah
  2. AR 8.5-8.8 please (yeah, for me, current approach rate is quite fun, but... it's just a kind of overuse for easy map like this) NO
  3. You can fill the gap by adding note at 00:29:466 (stack with next slider). It fits melody quite good! ahah what i have a note there already
  4. 00:11:564 (5) - Mirrored slider fits really better here (and flows with next notes). Just move 2nd point of slider to x212 y112. This should be smoother than current solution. wouldn't feel right :c
  5. 00:13:242 (5) - Same here o3o ^
  6. 00:22:893 (3,4,5) - Not really good pattern, it looks quite messy... somewhat fixed
  7. 00:51:844 (6) - What about to make nice flow using this slider and reverse it? 00:51:004 (3,4,5) - They even need you to do this, really. Also, nice blanket is nice. why?
  8. 01:40:655 (1,1,1) - There's nothing special in this part, so you can remove these NCs. It would be OK if you use it on repeated similar parts, but here it looks just bad imo. it is special because it's a good tone of music here
  9. 01:57:298 (2) - I suggest to change it to 2 circles, it better follows drums here sure
  10. 01:59:396 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - omnomnom I love this :D ikr
  11. 02:02:753 (1,2) - Why no hitsounds here? Just because no vocals? Da
  12. I didn't liked transition between 02:06:109 (1,2,3,4,5,6) and 02:06:948 (7,8). These sliders should be rather horizontal or curved like this but this is okay
  13. 02:15:620 (4) - This circle looks a bit random even with blanket, try to move it to ~x352 y368. Also, it will flow much better. sure
Nice map, but that song choice... /me runs

Fluttershy03 wrote:

Hey, mod here~

  1. 00:36:739 (4,1) - It would look better if a larger portion of 4 was blanketted, like this:

    fixed in other mod
  2. 00:43:032 (4) - The extra whistle on the end of this slider is unnecessary, it just breaks consistency and sounds bad tbh. Consider removing it. fine
  3. 01:29:186 (3) - Add a clap on this reverse arrow? It'd help keep the clap pattern consistent since 01:28:767 (2,4) - have claps too. oops fixed
  4. 02:29:606 (3,4,1) - You should rearrange these notes a bit so that they are perfectly aligned with one another.Doing this would make the pattern look and flow nicer. eh... i think this is fine already
  5. 02:36:319 (4) - How about adding a clap to the start of this slider? I think this is better because it will improve consistency. The start of 02:34:641 (1) - had one as well. fine
    02:37:578 (1) - There's no need for the NC here, it's not on a downbeat and it generally doesn't fit. Removing it would make the combos become more consistent. its fine
  1. 00:20:795 (1) - I suggest adding a whistle here to improve consistency. In your pattern, similar notes like 00:22:473 (3) - and the start of 00:24:151 (1) - have whistles, so why not this one? its fine
  2. 00:54:361 (1) - You should remove the finish on the slider end, it breaks consistency with your finish hitsounds. its fine
  1. 00:35:480 (1) - Move this to x:479 y:206 so it is in line with 00:35:760 (2,3) - . This will make your beatmap seem more organised and nicer. im sure this is okay for now
  1. The difficulty spike going into the kiai seems to be quite high to be honest. #insane
  2. 00:32:962 (3) - This slider feels so out of place since it ends on a 1/6th and I don't hear an audible note there. Try this rhythm instead:
nice catch

Well that's it from me! It's a great map, good luck with rank!

  • General
  1. Add "Team Fortress" to the Tags? People might search for the full term. Also, just for clarification: what is the meaning of "blue" as a tag?
  2. Delete the unnecessary green lines in the lower diffs. Although it's not unrankable, these still are pretty useless and there is quite many of them, so please get rid of them.
  3. It might be a good idea to add an 18+ warning into the description of the map, so that the players are warned.

  • Easy
  1. 02:17:858 (1,2,3) - Try to use ctrl+g on the rhythm here! It fits much better to the song and to your previous rhythms.
  2. 02:37:578 (1) - Make it two circles instead of one slider. Otherwise, the last beat of the song is not stressed enough with a slidertail ;w; Don't forget to change the NCing.

  • Normal
  1. 01:00:235 (4) - Please don't use multiple-reverse sliders in Normal. The players can't be able to see the multiple repeats fast enough. Try this instead: Don't forget to change the NCing when you apply this.
  2. 01:57:298 (2) - Same.

  • Hard
  1. 00:32:823 (3) - You could reverse this slider for rhythm consistency with the Insane.
  2. 01:39:396 - Missing NC

  • Insane
  1. 01:40:515 (1,1,1,1) - This NC-spam messes up the HP-drain heavily and it's completely unnecessary since a clean pattern like this looks good without NCs too ;w; Just change it like this:
  2. 01:57:298 (2,3,4) - This is the first pattern that uses such a high spacing for 1/4, but you introduce it in a bad way imo. The player is not used to the faster mood of the chorus yet so most people will probably be very surprised (heheh) by this pattern. I'd recommend you to reduce the spacing a bit atleast, so that bigger spacings are introduced later:
  3. 02:06:109 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - The transition from the back-and-forth pattern to (7) is not really the best. I'd go for something more smooth here, since the back-and-forth pattern itself is already quite difficult to play. When you delete some circles, it looks like this: So it would improve the flow if you either continue the back-and-forth movement in some way, like this: Or just make it more straight-forward, like this: Nothing you have to change, but a recommendation from my side to make this play better overall.
  4. 02:16:599 (2,3,4,5) - And again, the transition from the pattern to the silder is quite broken. My idea would be to move (4) in this way: It plays really nice and fits your style, try it out!

You need one (or more) (high-quality) hitsound mods before this is good to go. The hitsounding is really inconsistent and also sounds empty at some parts. If you can't find someone who is willing to do a full hitsound-mod, you could ask some mappers / modders with experience ingame for help with it.

Otherwise, this is almost ready to go! If you improved the hitsounding, feel free to call me back! :3
Topic Starter
Fixed everything from Desperate's mod, re-did hitsounds

think this is ok to go, might need one more mod and im good to get it wanke- ranked.
10/10 would rank again 8-)
Topic Starter

TBLKitten wrote:

10/10 would wank again 8-)

sorry i had to
I'll recheck it soon..

Omg still tooo much to do AHHH AH AH AH AH A-A EXCELLENT
After some minor tag changes + removing a NC in Insane, this seems ready to go for me.

Bubbled (ノ 'ω')ノ
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Finally, one of my AR9 maps gets bubbled

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#selfpop WOOOOO
Rebubbled :3
-thumbs up-
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re-thank you <3
Internal discussion occurring regarding the rankability of this mapset's song. Sit tight!
If this does get ranked. I will then say the BATS would top this and would be seconded to Kyshiro's weed map
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I re-self-popped the bubble


14:19 *Lust is editing [ Scoutellite - Surprise Buttsecks [Easy]]
14:20 Lust: 01:40:095 (4) - instead maybe have a slider and then a circle at the end
14:20 Lust: so the finish hitsound is accented by an active object
14:20 ColdTooth: oki
14:20 Lust: 1/1 slider followed by a circle on the next white tick
14:20 Lust: and then be sure to add an NC on that circle to be consistent with the rest of the diffs
14:21 ColdTooth:
14:21 ColdTooth: so will this work
14:22 Lust: yeah thats swood
14:33 Lust: 02:11:144 (1) - you will need to unstack the slider end from 02:10:165 (4) -
14:34 Lust: this is unrankable
14:34 Lust:
14:34 *Lust is editing [ Scoutellite - Surprise Buttsecks [Insane]]
14:34 Lust: btw
14:34 ColdTooth: Wouldn't it be rea-
14:34 Lust: other than that you should be good to go
14:34 ColdTooth: ooooh ok i see
14:38 Lust: last thing
14:38 *Lust is editing [ Scoutellite - Surprise Buttsecks [Easy]]
14:38 Lust: 02:37:578 (1) - remove the NC and add it to 02:37:997 (2) - for consistency to the other diffs

What we fixed:
  1. Changed a rhythm in the easy to better reflect the hitsounding scheme and accent the song better
  2. Removed and added an NC in the easy to maintain consistency with the rest of the diffs
  3. Changed an unrankable pattern in the insane

Call me back when you are satisfied with everything.
Topic Starter
We also fixed another unrankable pattern in insane

To those who are concerned about the content of the song, I've consulted many people and they all said it was fine. There is even a warning in the map description so it should be okay.
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Congratz <3
Gratz \o/
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Thank you all <3
congratz :3
The rank <3
congrats :>
i love you

congrats :)
Topic Starter

TBLKitten wrote:

i love you
Sorry I'm taken
Congrats \o/
Topic Starter

AlpacaCokelat wrote:

Gabe would be proud.

Sulker wrote:

Gabe would be proud.
for surprise buttsecks, anytime.

Topic Starter

Okoratu wrote:

Why not :D
This is my most played beatmap
like wtfiretruck
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