
Panic! at the Disco - Girls/Girls/Boys

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on domingo, 31 de agosto de 2014 at 23:31:05

Artist: Panic! at the Disco
Title: Girls/Girls/Boys
Tags: Too weird to live too rare to die synthrock alternative patd mancusojuanmattos
BPM: 145
Filesize: 5330kb
Play Time: 03:22
Difficulties Available:
  1. Calm! (1,52 stars, 168 notes)
  2. Nervous! (1,81 stars, 263 notes)
  3. Panic! (2,92 stars, 418 notes)
Download: Panic! at the Disco - Girls/Girls/Boys
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Yey! A new map, and this time.. Panic! at the Disco again! (I really like this band I've to say)
This is other great song from their last album ''Too Weird to Live Too Rare to Die''
I hope you all enjoy playing this map and listening this great song! :)

Special Thanks:
Krisom: For the BG!

Calm! (Easy): 100%
Nervous! (Normal): 100%
Panic! (Hard): 100%

PM request. Panic! at the Disco yay *-*

  1. Fine! ^-^


  • Mod
  2. 00:05:745 (4) - It's a bit weird to see the spacing increasing about 0,04 so rapidly. What I mean is that the gaps between 2 and 3 and 3 and 4 (00:02:435 (2,3,4) - ) look so inconsistent. I was kinda surprised since the spacing from 3 to 4 looked so huge compare to the previous ones xD
  3. 00:12:366 (2,3,1) - I would go for some symmetrical placements here. Just place 00:13:607 (3) - at 30|192; 00:14:021 (1) - at 80|277 and 00:15:262 (2) - at 334|260.
  4. 00:23:124 (3) - How about placing this at 42|218 and rotating it about 10° Selection centre to get a better transition between it and the previous object? It would also create an equal triangle with 2 and 1's end (00:20:642 (1,2) - ).
  5. 00:48:366 (2) - I'd do some adjustments to the spacing here because the gaps look a bit uneven here. That could be done nice *^*
  6. 00:53:745 (1) - You've mapped the following ones (e.g. 01:00:366 (1,2) - ) with 2/1 Sliders. Consider changing this one as well for consistency.
  7. 01:11:952 (3,4) - The stack feels out of place to me. The song isn't different from other sections so why are stacks in here? They can confuse players. You can just simply place it as an triangle but these stacks are a no-go. There are no other stacks in the whole map besides this one and 01:18:573 (1,2) - . Consider changing them ;w;
  8. 01:26:848 (4,1) - Hmm, maybe it's just me but I dislike the movement from 4 to 1 because you have to go so much to the left and then move slightly to the right and upwards again so rapidly. Consider placing 1 a bit more right.
  9. 02:03:262 (1) - ; 02:09:883 (1,2) - ; 02:23:124 (1,2) - All three of these are the same in the music. I dunno, but having them all the same rhythm would so much better to me. I guess it's just my opinion though :c
  10. 02:18:159 (2) - How about placing this at 429|364? It would make them oval between it and 02:16:504 (1) - a bit more....oval.
  11. 02:21:883 (3,4) - I'd go for an 2/1 Slider here as you did in the first Kiai to follow the Echo of the vocals and the slight fade a bit better. Also for consistency with the first and the third Kiai.
  12. 03:08:228 (2,3,1) - The transition could be better with 2 pointing at the following objects. Also the stack here bothers me. It isn't needed in the music because there's nothing different from other parts you've mapped without the stack. Another reason why I think the stack doesn't fit is that 1 is the start of a new section, so the 2 notes don't really belong together, why should they be stacked? My suggestion to fix everything is seen in the screenshot below.

    This was really clean and nice to play. Nice use of symmetry and super awesome slider shapes *-* Really nice flow and transitions the most times which should it make a nice Easy diff which is going to be enjoyable for many new players! The only thing bothering me are these 3 stacks which seem just for placement reasons but have nothing to do with the actual music >< You might want to change them for a better playability and consistency with the rest of the music. The rest seems pretty much fine to me. Good job! :D


  • Opinion
    You'll get my opinion to it first for this difficulty because I want to clear some stuff before you get to my mod. (I'll actually cover most of the issues here xD). Well, there are two main issues for me. Number 1 is the inconsistent spacing for 1/2. I mean it's reabale but it's so inconsistent. Sometimes you've used 1,05 (00:01:400 (2) - ), sometimes 0,70 (00:02:021 (3) - ) sometimes 1,00 (00:04:711 (2) - ) and sometimes even 0,64 (00:27:055 (4) - ). This is so weird to me since spacing is something that should be consistent in Normals and Easies, if you ask me. I mean, the problem isn't even the huge inconsistency, the only thing which is the problem is that I don't see any reason for an increase or a decrease of the spacing. It just seems random to me. I would personally go for the 0,70 spacing I guess because 1,00 looks weird to me because it touches the previous circle's broder so weirdly >< The second thing bothering me are the stacks. Sometimes you've used 1/2 Stacks and sometimes 1/1 stacks. That seems odd to me because it is hard to read for newbies. Players of these difficulties often read using the spacing which isn't given for these ones so that they maybe think that it's 1/1 but it's 1/2 and vice versa which ruins the experience while playing for them. I'd either go for 1/1 Sliders or for spacing at the 1/1 Stacks or just simply space the few 1/2 stacks you've got! It would be way better in terms of playability. The overall diff is pretty nice though, there aren't that many other issues but these two are pretty important and ruin the whole map for me ;w; The look of the map and the structure is pretty nice done though. Good job on this!

  1. 00:09:055 (4) - Move this around 222|90 too keep a fluent movement from the previous slider. So you can follow the curve of 00:08:021 (2) - smoother to get to 4. If you do it like it is right now, the player would have to stop at 3 and change the whole movement so that he can hit 4 which ruins the flow a bit for me.
  2. 00:27:055 (4) - Keep your spacing consistent for connected stuff. Here is 0,06 variation which is maybe a bit weird to play for Normal players.
  3. 01:06:986 (1) - The transition could be better in here. It could keep the movement of 01:06:159 (3) - to have a fluent cursor movement which is really important for newer players to enjoy the map imo. But this is easily fixed here. Just rotate it a bit. (About 25° Selection Centre)
  4. 01:38:021 (2,3,4) - This is a pretty snaky movement. This might be hard to play and to read for newbies. I'd go for a snaky movement as well, but what bothers me here is the mevemnt between 3 and 4. The player has to follow the curve but then go backwards and fowards fast again which breaks the flow for me. Take a look at the screenshot below for my suggestion (:
  5. 02:07:400 (2,3) - That gap feels a bit awkward, especially because you've mapped something in the gap in the first Kiai as well (00:57:055 (1,2,3,4) - ). Consider changing the rhythm here because of consistency with the first Kiai.
  6. 02:21:469 (4,5) - Whoa, why are these 1/1 Sliders? You've always used 1/1 stacks for this, but well even though I like this way better, I'd go for 1/1 Stacks here as well in terms of consistency since consistency is pretty important :/
  7. 02:30:573 (3,4) - Just a little suggestion here, because I don't agree with this since it doesn't fit the map that well imo. You didn't do something like this before and it doesn't look good to me here as well. I'd go for something like what I've showed in the Screenshot below.
  8. Not much to say here, I think most is already covered in my Opinion ><


  • Mod
  1. 00:10:297 (7,8,1) - The gap between 1 and 8 looks a bit uneven with the gap between 7 and 8. I mean it's just a little difference in the DS, but it is pretty noticeable here, due to the gaps looking different. Maybe you could do some adjustments here.
  2. 00:11:952 (4,1,2,3) - Maybe you could move that down for a bit to follow 00:11:331 (3) - 's curve a bit. If I play it, I personally prefer going that way because it stops me a little bit to go to 4 in a line and then continue the curve, so following the curve could make it smoother (:
  3. 00:19:607 (4,5) - These two sounds are from one and the same instrument which palys just for these two, so I think they belong thogether. Also Beat and Vocals are more emphasized on 00:20:228 (5) - , so I'd prefer it to be clicked. The sounds on it are so loud. (You've also mapped that instruemnt for 00:21:262 (2) - )
  4. 00:20:435 (6,7,1) - The spacing here is a bit uneven. I'd go for a consistent spacing in triplets. They look messy without imo ><
  5. 00:35:538 (1,2) - Just wanted to say, that you can see that your symmetry is messed up a bit here if you CTRL+G (2). I don't think this is on purpose though, since it's not consistent like that all over your map.
  6. 00:57:262 (2,3,4) - These three look a bit random together because they basically have no connection to each other. I'd rather go for smoething like you've done for the next ones at 00:58:917 (1,2,3) - . This looks actually way more structured. Here, you've used the same slider two times, for the first and for the third and one to "connect" them.
  7. 01:07:400 (2) - This being just so slightly curved feels a bit wrong to me here, since you've done placement like this before (e.g. 00:02:642 (2,3) - ), where you've just simply rotated the first slider 90°. I'd suggest you to do it here as well, it would look way cleaner and more consistent with the rest of your map ^-^
  8. 01:22:917 (1,2) - I would CTRL+G these timeline wise. So the red tick at 01:22:917 - would be clickable, as the slider there as before, but 01:23:124 - would be clickable as well. The reason for having this as a clickable action are the strong vocals and the strong beats at the ticks I've noted. The red tick before the big white one has such a soft sound on it. Why should it be clicked? Also rearranging the palcement wouldn't be that hard due to the break before it.
  9. 01:38:848 (5,6) - Hm, the gap feels a bit awkward due to the sounds on the red ticks are played by the same instrument and the vocals from 01:39:055 - to 01:39:262 (6) - . I'd either go for an object at 01:39:262 - to follow the vocals fade or put a 1/1 slider at 01:39:055 - to connect the two notes played by that background instrument, as you did at 01:35:745 (7) - .
  10. 01:57:055 (2) - How about CTRL+G'ing this? It would increase the flow due to a movement as shown in the Screenshot below and it would fit perfectly fine with 01:42:366 (4,5) - and the stronger vocals at 01:57:055 - .
  11. 02:27:055 (2,3) - Isn't this gap almost the same as 02:23:745 (2) - and 02:25:400 (2) - ? Imo, it's all the same here, just a bit increasing from 02:23:745 (2) - to 02:27:055 (2) - and especially because it's increasing, there shouldn't be a gap! I'd go for a 1/1 Slider here :D
  12. 02:49:193 - Here's a pretty strong beat of the instrument you've followed with the Sliders before. Consider adding a circle there.
  13. 02:49:607 (1,2,3,4) - These Sliders always come in a pair of 2 so how about changing them a bit so that they actually feel like they belong together? I mean if you listen to 02:49:607 (1,2) - you can hear similiar vocals, but for 02:51:262 (3,4) - you can hear a slight increase on the emphasis of the vocals. I'd go for placing them in pairs of the same sliders. Nothing to fix though, just a suggestion because I personally don't like the way you did it, it just doesn't feel right to me. (You've also done something like this in your Normal and it feels so awesome, please do it here as well, it would be so nice ;w;)
  14. 03:02:848 (1,2) - How about placing this as seen in the screenshot below? Reason is that the transition felt a bit odd ingame. You've got that oval movement from 3 and 4, which continue for 5 as well but then you have to go down and stop that movement, which feels a bit harsh to me here. If you do it as seen in the screenshot it would smoothly follow the moevemnt of the previous sliders and create an equal triangle with 3 and 5!

    Wow this is nice, the symmetrical big sliders remind me a bit of Gonzvlo's Maps, which is pretty awesome since I love them. Not much to fix here, the flow is very well done, so the rhythm and the look of the map. Everything fits together and plays really nice. It also creates a calming atmosphere while playing which is so amazing and fits the song perfectly! You've done an amazing job with this diff, I love it :D

Please reply! I hope it was helpful and good luck! :3
Hello mancuso_JM_ !
Here is my mod (it's my 7th mod :D) :

  1. Your hitcircleoverlay.png is not centered, here is a proof when you select a circle :
  2. mancuso_JM_ wrote:

    I'll probably change the bg later.. maybe not..
    Change this background please, I'm scared :?
[ Calm!]
  1. 02:36:780 (2) - Add a circle here ?
  2. 03:22:711 (2) - Modify hitsound here to : set "Sampleset" to Normal with a Whistle hitsound, i think it's better ;)

    GJ for that Easy, perfectly mapped ;)
[ Nervous!]
  1. 01:49:607 - Add a circle here ? with maybe a Clap hitsound on it ?
  2. 02:08:228 - imo, add a circle here because nothing here sounds weird here for me, please :?
  3. 02:18:780 - Add a circle here ?
  4. 02:36:159 - Add a circle here ?

    Good map too, wow your a pro ;)
[ Panic!]
  1. 00:27:159 - Add a circle here for a triplet like 00:20:435 (6,7,1) - here
  2. 00:40:400 - ^
  3. 00:53:642 - ^
  4. 01:00:262 - ^
  5. 01:06:883 - ^
  6. 01:13:504 - ^
  7. 01:23:435 - ^
  8. 01:36:676 - ^
  9. 01:49:917 - ^
  10. 02:03:159 - ^
  11. 02:09:780 - ^
  12. 02:16:400 - ^
  13. 02:23:021 - ^
  14. 02:29:642 - ^
  15. 03:02:745 - ^
  16. 03:09:366 - ^
  17. 03:15:986 - ^

    This is perfect too :P

That was my mod, i hope it will be helpful !

Good luck ! :)

+sorry for my bad english :/
Topic Starter

Mao wrote:

PM request. Panic! at the Disco yay *-* [color=#008000]Hey! :)[/color]

  1. Fine! ^-^


  • Mod
  2. 00:05:745 (4) - It's a bit weird to see the spacing increasing about 0,04 so rapidly. What I mean is that the gaps between 2 and 3 and 3 and 4 (00:02:435 (2,3,4) - ) look so inconsistent. I was kinda surprised since the spacing from 3 to 4 looked so huge compare to the previous ones xD I've fixed this a bit, but I've to say that around ±0.05 don't make a big difference during the gameplay.
  3. 00:12:366 (2,3,1) - I would go for some symmetrical placements here. Just place 00:13:607 (3) - at 30|192; 00:14:021 (1) - at 80|277 and 00:15:262 (2) - at 334|260. Looks nice! Fixed.
  4. 00:23:124 (3) - How about placing this at 42|218 and rotating it about 10° Selection centre to get a better transition between it and the previous object? It would also create an equal triangle with 2 and 1's end (00:20:642 (1,2) - ). Alright, that was my intention after all :P
  5. 00:48:366 (2) - I'd do some adjustments to the spacing here because the gaps look a bit uneven here. That could be done nice *^* Fixed this a bit.
  6. 00:53:745 (1) - You've mapped the following ones (e.g. 01:00:366 (1,2) - ) with 2/1 Sliders. Consider changing this one as well for consistency. Some of varieties in maps is a good thing too.. I prefer to keep that in this way.
  7. 01:11:952 (3,4) - The stack feels out of place to me. The song isn't different from other sections so why are stacks in here? They can confuse players. You can just simply place it as an triangle but these stacks are a no-go. There are no other stacks in the whole map besides this one and 01:18:573 (1,2) - . Consider changing them ;w; As I told you before, I want some of variety, and this ''got me'' in vocals gave the effect of a stack, that's why I've decided to stack this (in addition, the placement looks better I've to say but I didn't do that just for this reason)
  8. 01:26:848 (4,1) - Hmm, maybe it's just me but I dislike the movement from 4 to 1 because you have to go so much to the left and then move slightly to the right and upwards again so rapidly. Consider placing 1 a bit more right. Hmm.. I like how this flow, in addition, I'd like to keep the symetry in this pattern :P
  9. 02:03:262 (1) - ; 02:09:883 (1,2) - ; 02:23:124 (1,2) - All three of these are the same in the music. I dunno, but having them all the same rhythm would so much better to me. I guess it's just my opinion though :c As I've already told, I want variety in my difficulties, not the same thing in all the map, that's why I did that.
  10. 02:18:159 (2) - How about placing this at 429|364? It would make them oval between it and 02:16:504 (1) - a bit more....oval. Nice one :). Fixed.
  11. 02:21:883 (3,4) - I'd go for an 2/1 Slider here as you did in the first Kiai to follow the Echo of the vocals and the slight fade a bit better. Also for consistency with the first and the third Kiai. You know, variety xD.. Anyway, this makes more sense, I will consider it if somebody else mention that because I really like how these two objects play.
  12. 03:08:228 (2,3,1) - The transition could be better with 2 pointing at the following objects. Also the stack here bothers me. It isn't needed in the music because there's nothing different from other parts you've mapped without the stack. Another reason why I think the stack doesn't fit is that 1 is the start of a new section, so the 2 notes don't really belong together, why should they be stacked? My suggestion to fix everything is seen in the screenshot below. Fixed, but on my own, not according with your screenshoot, because I didn't like how your pattern flowed.

    This was really clean and nice to play. Nice use of symmetry and super awesome slider shapes *-* Really nice flow and transitions the most times which should it make a nice Easy diff which is going to be enjoyable for many new players! The only thing bothering me are these 3 stacks which seem just for placement reasons but have nothing to do with the actual music >< You might want to change them for a better playability and consistency with the rest of the music. The rest seems pretty much fine to me. Good job! :D


  • Opinion
    You'll get my opinion to it first for this difficulty because I want to clear some stuff before you get to my mod. (I'll actually cover most of the issues here xD). Well, there are two main issues for me. Number 1 is the inconsistent spacing for 1/2. I mean it's reabale but it's so inconsistent. Sometimes you've used 1,05 (00:01:400 (2) - ), sometimes 0,70 (00:02:021 (3) - ) sometimes 1,00 (00:04:711 (2) - ) and sometimes even 0,64 (00:27:055 (4) - ). This is so weird to me since spacing is something that should be consistent in Normals and Easies, if you ask me. I mean, the problem isn't even the huge inconsistency, the only thing which is the problem is that I don't see any reason for an increase or a decrease of the spacing. It just seems random to me. I would personally go for the 0,70 spacing I guess because 1,00 looks weird to me because it touches the previous circle's broder so weirdly >< The second thing bothering me are the stacks. Sometimes you've used 1/2 Stacks and sometimes 1/1 stacks. That seems odd to me because it is hard to read for newbies. Players of these difficulties often read using the spacing which isn't given for these ones so that they maybe think that it's 1/1 but it's 1/2 and vice versa which ruins the experience while playing for them. I'd either go for 1/1 Sliders or for spacing at the 1/1 Stacks or just simply space the few 1/2 stacks you've got! It would be way better in terms of playability. The overall diff is pretty nice though, there aren't that many other issues but these two are pretty important and ruin the whole map for me ;w; The look of the map and the structure is pretty nice done though. Good job on this! Uff.. so long.. Let's try to explain everything what I've used. The spacing that I normal use is 1.0x as you can see, I've used smaller spacing (0.70x) when I used 1/2 notes and the things that appear are notes, for example notes after sliders or single notes placed in 1/2, for example in 00:03:055 (6,7) - or 01:36:366 (7,8,1), maybe you're going to ask for me, why do you do that?.. Well, the answer is simple, my experience says that this is easier to follow to average players, in the past I've asked for a lot of testplays in other maps and in general they told to me that they didn't like these pattern with higher spacing, and the told me that the pattern looked a bit messy, that's why I started to used this kind of things in my maps, In addition, I think these patterns look neater than using the normal spacing, that was other point to use this kind of stuff in my maps. About the stacks, I used stacks in 1/2 and 1/1 in puntual cases. 1/1 stacks are following the ''ecos'' in the vocal, for example in 00:37:193 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - you can noticed that ''boyfriend'' repeats so many times, and I thought that some 1/1 stacks where the best thing to follow that (just a thing.. I've fixed those stacks that weren't following anything in the song), about 1/2 stacks, I usually used when after a note appear a slider over a red tick (or viceversa, first a note in a red tick and a slider in 1/1), I think if you understand my patterns, this won't be hard to follow, especially due to the ''not-that-low'' for the difficulty.

  1. 00:09:055 (4) - Move this around 222|90 too keep a fluent movement from the previous slider. So you can follow the curve of 00:08:021 (2) - smoother to get to 4. If you do it like it is right now, the player would have to stop at 3 and change the whole movement so that he can hit 4 which ruins the flow a bit for me. Fixed! I made something here.
  2. 00:27:055 (4) - Keep your spacing consistent for connected stuff. Here is 0,06 variation which is maybe a bit weird to play for Normal players. lol.. Fixed :P
  3. 01:06:986 (1) - The transition could be better in here. It could keep the movement of 01:06:159 (3) - to have a fluent cursor movement which is really important for newer players to enjoy the map imo. But this is easily fixed here. Just rotate it a bit. (About 25° Selection Centre) You ruin my blanket D: Meh.. this flow better, I've to agree with that xD, fixed.
  4. 01:38:021 (2,3,4) - This is a pretty snaky movement. This might be hard to play and to read for newbies. I'd go for a snaky movement as well, but what bothers me here is the mevemnt between 3 and 4. The player has to follow the curve but then go backwards and fowards fast again which breaks the flow for me. Take a look at the screenshot below for my suggestion (: I don't think so, you only have to move the mouse a little to the left, and this is not hard at all, in addition, visually, this looks much better.
  5. 02:07:400 (2,3) - That gap feels a bit awkward, especially because you've mapped something in the gap in the first Kiai as well (00:57:055 (1,2,3,4) - ). Consider changing the rhythm here because of consistency with the first Kiai. Hmm.. I don't so agree. I've used a long slider in the firsr kiai, so technically, is the same, there is not a heavy beat at this point. And as I told you, I want variety in my maps, consistency is important but in other terms. If the rhythm provided in both thing is good and follow the song properly, then player won't have problems to follow it.
  6. 02:21:469 (4,5) - Whoa, why are these 1/1 Sliders? You've always used 1/1 stacks for this, but well even though I like this way better, I'd go for 1/1 Stacks here as well in terms of consistency since consistency is pretty important :/ Same as before (in general, I've mapped the second kiai in a different way comparing with the other chorus).
  7. 02:30:573 (3,4) - Just a little suggestion here, because I don't agree with this since it doesn't fit the map that well imo. You didn't do something like this before and it doesn't look good to me here as well. I'd go for something like what I've showed in the Screenshot below. Sinced I didn't used it before, that's why I used now :P Is a nice variation, especially because the flow is correct, prefer to keep that in this way (aesthetically talking, looks much better as it is I've to say)
  8. Not much to say here, I think most is already covered in my Opinion >< I hope I've explained you everything correctly, it will help both of us that kind of comunication I think :)


  • Mod
  1. 00:10:297 (7,8,1) - The gap between 1 and 8 looks a bit uneven with the gap between 7 and 8. I mean it's just a little difference in the DS, but it is pretty noticeable here, due to the gaps looking different. Maybe you could do some adjustments here. I can't see it uneven, I just used the DS and the difference is 0.01x.. How can you notice that during the gameplay? haha xD
  2. 00:11:952 (4,1,2,3) - Maybe you could move that down for a bit to follow 00:11:331 (3) - 's curve a bit. If I play it, I personally prefer going that way because it stops me a little bit to go to 4 in a line and then continue the curve, so following the curve could make it smoother (: Fixed a bit.
  3. 00:19:607 (4,5) - These two sounds are from one and the same instrument which palys just for these two, so I think they belong thogether. Also Beat and Vocals are more emphasized on 00:20:228 (5) - , so I'd prefer it to be clicked. The sounds on it are so loud. (You've also mapped that instruemnt for 00:21:262 (2) - ) Fixed the rhythm as you told me, but fixed the placement on my own :P
  4. 00:20:435 (6,7,1) - The spacing here is a bit uneven. I'd go for a consistent spacing in triplets. They look messy without imo >< I don't agree.. This is a bit easier in a Hard, plays better and the consistent spacing in 3-plets looks just weird and I really dislike that kind of stuff in my maps.
  5. 00:35:538 (1,2) - Just wanted to say, that you can see that your symmetry is messed up a bit here if you CTRL+G (2). I don't think this is on purpose though, since it's not consistent like that all over your map. Nice catch.. Fixed.
  6. 00:57:262 (2,3,4) - These three look a bit random together because they basically have no connection to each other. I'd rather go for smoething like you've done for the next ones at 00:58:917 (1,2,3) - . This looks actually way more structured. Here, you've used the same slider two times, for the first and for the third and one to "connect" them. I've to say I really liked this.. Fixed!
  7. 01:07:400 (2) - This being just so slightly curved feels a bit wrong to me here, since you've done placement like this before (e.g. 00:02:642 (2,3) - ), where you've just simply rotated the first slider 90°. I'd suggest you to do it here as well, it would look way cleaner and more consistent with the rest of your map ^-^ Sure thing!
  8. 01:22:917 (1,2) - I would CTRL+G these timeline wise. So the red tick at 01:22:917 - would be clickable, as the slider there as before, but 01:23:124 - would be clickable as well. The reason for having this as a clickable action are the strong vocals and the strong beats at the ticks I've noted. The red tick before the big white one has such a soft sound on it. Why should it be clicked? Also rearranging the palcement wouldn't be that hard due to the break before it. Hmm.. Let me consider this later :P.. I'm doubting so much right now.
  9. 01:38:848 (5,6) - Hm, the gap feels a bit awkward due to the sounds on the red ticks are played by the same instrument and the vocals from 01:39:055 - to 01:39:262 (6) - . I'd either go for an object at 01:39:262 - to follow the vocals fade or put a 1/1 slider at 01:39:055 - to connect the two notes played by that background instrument, as you did at 01:35:745 (7) - . Great catch, this played pretty weird xD. Fixed.
  10. 01:57:055 (2) - How about CTRL+G'ing this? It would increase the flow due to a movement as shown in the Screenshot below and it would fit perfectly fine with 01:42:366 (4,5) - and the stronger vocals at 01:57:055 - . Hmm.. Ok.
  11. 02:27:055 (2,3) - Isn't this gap almost the same as 02:23:745 (2) - and 02:25:400 (2) - ? Imo, it's all the same here, just a bit increasing from 02:23:745 (2) - to 02:27:055 (2) - and especially because it's increasing, there shouldn't be a gap! I'd go for a 1/1 Slider here :D Sorry but.. I don't agree, is not the same :P. In this cases vocals and instrumental goes constantly, in this case instrumental has a little pause and the sliderslide would sound just useless, that's why I decided to use two notes instead.
  12. 02:49:193 - Here's a pretty strong beat of the instrument you've followed with the Sliders before. Consider adding a circle there. Alright, added a little (really tiny) jump between the notes to emphisize that sound :P
  13. 02:49:607 (1,2,3,4) - These Sliders always come in a pair of 2 so how about changing them a bit so that they actually feel like they belong together? I mean if you listen to 02:49:607 (1,2) - you can hear similiar vocals, but for 02:51:262 (3,4) - you can hear a slight increase on the emphasis of the vocals. I'd go for placing them in pairs of the same sliders. Nothing to fix though, just a suggestion because I personally don't like the way you did it, it just doesn't feel right to me. (You've also done something like this in your Normal and it feels so awesome, please do it here as well, it would be so nice ;w;) I love how the symetry pattern plays here :(.. I'll deny for now, but I'll consider if somebody else mention that (anyway, it won't make a great change during the gameplay)
  14. 03:02:848 (1,2) - How about placing this as seen in the screenshot below? Reason is that the transition felt a bit odd ingame. You've got that oval movement from 3 and 4, which continue for 5 as well but then you have to go down and stop that movement, which feels a bit harsh to me here. If you do it as seen in the screenshot it would smoothly follow the moevemnt of the previous sliders and create an equal triangle with 3 and 5! Fixed a bit!

    Wow this is nice, the symmetrical big sliders remind me a bit of Gonzvlo's Maps, which is pretty awesome since I love them. Not much to fix here, the flow is very well done, so the rhythm and the look of the map. Everything fits together and plays really nice. It also creates a calming atmosphere while playing which is so amazing and fits the song perfectly! You've done an amazing job with this diff, I love it :D

Please reply! I hope it was helpful and good luck! :3
Omg.. so long D:.. HAHAHA but really useful.
Well explained mod, giving always your fedback, I really liked how you've composed this mod :), You're on the right side, keep it up!


Angelo wrote:

Hello mancuso_JM_ ! Hi! :)
Here is my mod (it's my 7th mod :D) :

  1. Your hitcircleoverlay.png is not centered, here is a proof when you select a circle :
  2. mancuso_JM_ wrote:

    I'll probably change the bg later.. maybe not..
    Change this background please, I'm scared :?HAHAHA.. Used this one (at least for now xD)
[ Calm!]
  1. 02:36:780 (2) - Add a circle here ? There is a circle already :P
  2. 03:22:711 (2) - Modify hitsound here to : set "Sampleset" to Normal with a Whistle hitsound, i think it's better ;) I prefer the drum finish, sounds better in my opinion.

    GJ for that Easy, perfectly mapped ;) Thanks!
[ Nervous!]
  1. 01:49:607 - Add a circle here ? with maybe a Clap hitsound on it ? I prefer to follow just vocals here, doing that, the pattern will become pretty long for a Normal.
  2. 02:08:228 - imo, add a circle here because nothing here sounds weird here for me, please :? I don't feel this note necessary, since there is not a strong beat in there but it looks like you're the second mentioning that in the second mod that I've recived, so, I'll change it if somebody else meniton that.
  3. 02:18:780 - Add a circle here ? not really necessary as I mentioned before.
  4. 02:36:159 - Add a circle here ? Same thing that I've responded in the first point in this diff.

    Good map too, wow your a pro ;)
[ Panic!]
  1. 00:27:159 - Add a circle here for a triplet like 00:20:435 (6,7,1) - here
  2. 00:40:400 - ^
  3. 00:53:642 - ^
  4. 01:00:262 - ^
  5. 01:06:883 - ^
  6. 01:13:504 - ^
  7. 01:23:435 - ^
  8. 01:36:676 - ^
  9. 01:49:917 - ^
  10. 02:03:159 - ^
  11. 02:09:780 - ^
  12. 02:16:400 - ^
  13. 02:23:021 - ^
  14. 02:29:642 - ^
  15. 03:02:745 - ^
  16. 03:09:366 - ^
  17. 03:15:986 - ^ Sorry, but I don't agree in all of these points :(. I don't want to overmap, and I can't listen any sound in those points, is simple, if there is no sound a note is note necessary, that's why I'm denying all of these :(

    This is perfect too :P

That was my mod, i hope it will be helpful !

Good luck ! :)

+sorry for my bad english :/
Thanks for modding, even if I had rejected almost all in your mod. Even though, I've changed one important thing, the BG :D

Thanks a lot guys!
Where's the video!? (╯‵Д′)╯彡┻━┻

  1. That BG looks a bit weird. I would try to get a better one. You can pick one from my previous mod! :P
  2. Try to use more suitable colours? These colours do not look really nice and some of them look really weird (for example, the BRIGHT green colour!).
  3. 01:21:883 - try dragging the end of the break here. It may fit with the music a bit better.
  4. There no long breaks. I would recommend you to add at least one to the easier diffs since playing such a long may exhaust new players!
  1. 00:36:366 - I would map this beat in order to keep consistency and to follow the vocals closer. Previously you've used 2/1 gap to emphasize the parts without vocals only. :(
    Note: 01:41:331 - same here and a couple of similar patterns. Not a big deal, but filling these gaps would be awesome and make your map more consistent.
  2. 00:43:814 - a new lline of the lyrics starts there, it would be great to emphasize it with a beginning of a slider or with a circle. If you make 00:42:159 (3) - you'll be able to place a circle at 00:43:814. Try it!
  3. 01:03:262 (3,1) - minor - just a friendly reminder, that you can make an awesome blanket-slider there. Here's an example
    Note: my example is pretty ugly, but I'm sure that you'll be able to make a slider much better!
  4. 02:03:262 (1,1) - I like the way how it's done but some beginners may mistakenly hit 02:06:573 (1) - tail. Try to do something, so the pattern would get more readable.
  5. 02:06:573 (1,2,1) - minor - you can turn (2) into a blanket as well, so it'd look really amazing! example. It is not a big deal, bu I would REALLY like to see it this way!

    I love what you did with the diff, impressing stuff!
  1. 00:39:262 (6) - consider turning this one into an 1/1 slider to keep following the instruments and to make your rhythm a bit more playable.
    Note: 01:28:917 (6,7) - 01:35:538 (6) - this is quite clear tht the same patterns should be treated the same way. Please, do the same here in order to keep consistency.
  2. 01:00:366 (1) - the transition here does not feels smooth enough comparing to the rest of the map. It can be slightly improved to make the flow here more natural.
  3. 01:59:538 (5) - consider adding a new combo here. Without a new combo here your comboing gets a bit choppy and inconsistent.
    Note: perhaps you'll have to remove a NC from 02:02:228 (1) - tho.

    Apart from a couple of flow mistakes the diff was perfect! Great job!
  1. Since this is the hardest diff you can easily set OD/HP Drain to 7 to make it a bit more challenging. Also, it will make your diff a bit more balanced.
  2. 00:06:159 (2,3) - the jump here does not represent the song quite well and it feels pretty out of it's place. Also, you didn't have such jumps for the previous pattern with the same sound. Consider avoiding the jump here?
  3. 00:46:090 - the drum beat here is pretty loud and feels different, so I would try to emphasize it.
  4. 01:14:848 (3,1) - minor - a little transition issue here. It is not a big deal, but keeping your flow a bit more natural would be awesome! example!
    Note :01:26:435 (5,1) - exactly the same happens here. I'd fix them both for the sake of consistency!
  5. 02:33:469 - try to map the clap here, sounds kinda empy without it. Previously you had such beats mapped and it feels really confusing to see this one ignored!
  6. 02:49:607 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - brillian pattern! Love how it reflects the song! ♥

    Great as always!
A few minor flow-issues bugged me, but everything else is well done. You're doing a great job with those P!AtD maps, keep going! ♥


Best of luck!
Topic Starter

-Bakari- wrote:

Yo! You again haha

  1. That BG looks a bit weird. I would try to get a better one. You can pick one from my previous mod! :P Nah.. this fits perfectly with the song.
  2. Try to use more suitable colours? These colours do not look really nice and some of them look really weird (for example, the BRIGHT green colour!). Yeah.. those colours were selected really random, still I can't find better ones, probably Kenezz will give me nice combo colours in his mod hahahaha
  3. 01:21:883 - try dragging the end of the break here. It may fit with the music a bit better. Hmm.. Not really necessary I guess.
  4. There no long breaks. I would recommend you to add at least one to the easier diffs since playing such a long may exhaust new players! Meh.. I don't know where add them, this song was created to be full mapped without breaks hahahaha.
  1. 00:36:366 - I would map this beat in order to keep consistency and to follow the vocals closer. Previously you've used 2/1 gap to emphasize the parts without vocals only. :(
    Note: 01:41:331 - same here and a couple of similar patterns. Not a big deal, but filling these gaps would be awesome and make your map more consistent. Added notes in both places.
  2. 00:43:814 - a new lline of the lyrics starts there, it would be great to emphasize it with a beginning of a slider or with a circle. If you make 00:42:159 (3) - you'll be able to place a circle at 00:43:814. Try it! Really nice suggestion, fixed!
  3. 01:03:262 (3,1) - minor - just a friendly reminder, that you can make an awesome blanket-slider there. Here's an example
    Note: my example is pretty ugly, but I'm sure that you'll be able to make a slider much better! It was not my intention, but fixed this a bit.
  4. 02:03:262 (1,1) - I like the way how it's done but some beginners may mistakenly hit 02:06:573 (1) - tail. Try to do something, so the pattern would get more readable. Meh.. I thought so, but let's keep this awesome blanket :P
  5. 02:06:573 (1,2,1) - minor - you can turn (2) into a blanket as well, so it'd look really amazing! example. It is not a big deal, bu I would REALLY like to see it this way! haha.. nice one.. Fixed!

    I love what you did with the diff, impressing stuff!
  1. 00:39:262 (6) - consider turning this one into an 1/1 slider to keep following the instruments and to make your rhythm a bit more playable.
    Note: 01:28:917 (6,7) - 01:35:538 (6) - this is quite clear tht the same patterns should be treated the same way. Please, do the same here in order to keep consistency. I think the sliderslide is not necessary here, because I'm following the background.
  2. 01:00:366 (1) - the transition here does not feels smoo th enough comparing to the rest of the map. It can be slightly improved to make the flow here more natural. I did something different, but I've improved the transition.
  3. 01:59:538 (5) - consider adding a new combo here. Without a new combo here your comboing gets a bit choppy and inconsistent.
    Note: perhaps you'll have to remove a NC from 02:02:228 (1) - tho. Added a New Combo in 01:58:297 - instead for consistency with the 1st chorus (I kept the NC in 02:02:228 -)

    Apart from a couple of flow mistakes the diff was perfect! Great job!
  1. Since this is the hardest diff you can easily set OD/HP Drain to 7 to make it a bit more challenging. Also, it will make your diff a bit more balanced. Nah.. is a hard difficulty, there is no reason to increase the OD and HP
  2. 00:06:159 (2,3) - the jump here does not represent the song quite well and it feels pretty out of it's place. Also, you didn't have such jumps for the previous pattern with the same sound. Consider avoiding the jump here? I wanted to emphasize a little increase in the instrumental, after all the jump is not that big, same as the instrumental sound increase.
  3. 00:46:090 - the drum beat here is pretty loud and feels different, so I would try to emphasize it. Hmmm... k
  4. 01:14:848 (3,1) - minor - a little transition issue here. It is not a big deal, but keeping your flow a bit more natural would be awesome! example!
    Note :01:26:435 (5,1) - exactly the same happens here. I'd fix them both for the sake of consistency! Fixed on my own both patterns.
  5. 02:33:469 - try to map the clap here, sounds kinda empy without it. Previously you had such beats mapped and it feels really confusing to see this one ignored! I don't think so, especially because I'm ignoring other downbeats and stuff to follow vocals in this section.
  6. 02:49:607 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - brillian pattern! Love how it reflects the song! ♥ thx! :3

    Great as always!
A few minor flow-issues bugged me, but everything else is well done. You're doing a great job with those P!AtD maps, keep going! ♥


Best of luck!
Thanks a lot Bro!

Kenezz wrote:

Where's the video!? (╯‵Д′)╯彡┻━┻
asdasdhjasdjaksdasdsal.. Pesado! Despues veo si lo agrego xDD.. Gracias por las estrellitas xD

modding time

:arrow: the bg... yeah XD
:arrow: aggre with -Bakari-, weird combo colours. might try some dark-ish chocolate or grey

  1. 00:26:432 add a note with clap hitsounds sounds better for me
  2. 01:29:331 to this?
  3. 01:38:021 add a note
  4. 02:22:297 ^
  5. 02:24:366 and 02:26:021 ^
  6. 03:11:538 make a reversed slider

  1. 00:04:711(1,2) overlap
  2. 00:29:538 turn into this?
  3. 01:29:331 ^
  4. 01:30:573(1,2) overlap

  1. OD 7
  2. 00:42:676(4,5) overlap

sorry if my mod isnt helpful :?
love the song btw
Topic Starter

Celizavia wrote:


modding time

:arrow: the bg... yeah XD lol
:arrow: aggre with -Bakari-, weird combo colours. might try some dark-ish chocolate or grey I made this orange a bit darker, but still I need some other modders ideas, so let's wait for it :)

  1. 00:26:432 add a note with clap hitsounds sounds better for me I don't think so, I'm doing this pause in 1/1 to join into the new vocal section.
  2. 01:29:331 to this? Something as I said before, in this case I'm following drums, and this 1/1 pause is to join into the new vocals section.
  3. 01:38:021 add a note In this case is to emphasize the new vocals section as well :P
  4. 02:22:297 ^
  5. 02:24:366 and 02:26:021 ^
  6. 03:11:538 make a reversed slider Basically, in all the points is the same, in addition I don't want to map all the 1/1 because is an Easy, I think some pause is alright to new players.

  1. 00:04:711(1,2) overlap Yeah.. But this is intentional and it looks alright to me
  2. 00:29:538 turn into this? Nah.. Because this long slider is covering the long section in vocals.
  3. 01:29:331 ^ Here I'm following the ''ecos'' and not the instrumental, that's why I think this pattern won't fit here.
  4. 01:30:573(1,2) overlap Intentional and I like how it looks and flow.

  1. OD 7 Sure.. I did it in ''This is Gospel'' with similar settings, so why not doing it here as well? :)
  2. 00:42:676(4,5) overlap Intentional, this look and plays alright to me, so there is no necessary to change it.

sorry if my mod isnt helpful :?
love the song btw Excellent song :D
Thanks for modding, Sorry for deny a lot of things in your mod, I tried to explain everything so you can learn a bit more in terms of modding, I hope this can help you :)
Updating this later because I'm having some problems with the BSS
Hi~ From my modding queue :)
Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why to improve my futur mods.
If you've any question, ask me in-game.

- General :
  1. I hope there is no problem with diffs name.
- Panic! :
  • Maybe OD7 ?
  1. 00:20:538 (7)- This triplet is alone and for no real reason. So I suggest to remove this circle.
  2. 01:31:400 (3,4,5,1)- Make a square for these 4 ?
  3. 01:32:021 (1,3)- They have not the same y value (225,224).
  4. 01:36:780 (1,2,3)- Improve this blanket.
  5. 02:04:504 (3,1)- Maybe you can courbe (3) a little more to fit with (1) form.
  6. 02:22:917 (4,1,2)- I found weird the distance between (4,1) is different from (4,2). Also blanket is bad for (4,2). Maybe place 02:23:745 (2)- at x:332 / y:220 ?
  7. 02:26:021 (3,1)- Improve a little blanket here.
  8. 02:45:469 (1)- Would see more a stream here but it's just me.
  9. 02:58:917 (6)- Try to place it at 02:58:711- sounds better and fit well with music.
  10. 03:07:814- Maybe add a hitcircle ?
- Nervous! :
  1. AR6 and OD 5 ?
  2. 00:13:607 (4,1)- Blanket can be improve a little.
  3. 00:44:228 (4)- I would see it at x:444 / y:264 to blanket with (3) and get a better flow.
  4. 00:57:055 (1)- CTRL + J ?
  5. 02:11:952 (3,1)- Improve this blanket.
- Clam! :
  1. 00:45:469 (3,1)- Blanket can be improve a little.
  2. 00:47:124 (1,2)- ^
  3. 00:53:745 (1)- I would avoid more than 1 reverse slider. It's also create a different rhythm than 01:00:366- so maybe consider to change it.
  4. 01:45:469 (2,1)- Improve tis blanket.
  5. 02:03:262 (1)- Same as 00:53:745-
  6. 02:49:607 (1)- ^
  7. 03:21:469 (1)- Place it at x:220 / y:88 to blanket it.

Well, it's a really good mapset, and I hope my mod will help you a little.
Good luck.
Topic Starter

Nozhomi wrote:

Hi~ From my modding queue :) Hi!
Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why to improve my futur mods. Sure (I always do that after all xD)
If you've any question, ask me in-game.

- General :
  1. I hope there is no problem with diffs name. There is no problems, because they represent the difficult of each difficulty :P
- Panic! :
  • Maybe OD7 ? Hmm.. This is already OD7 (changed in the previous mod)
  1. 00:20:538 (7)- This triplet is alone and for no real reason. So I suggest to remove this circle. Listen that in 25/50% playback, you'll notice there is a sound over this beat.
  2. 01:31:400 (3,4,5,1)- Make a square for these 4 ? Is not really necessary, flows well as it is and looks nice as well.
  3. 01:32:021 (1,3)- They have not the same y value (225,224). Fixed now.
  4. 01:36:780 (1,2,3)- Improve this blanket. Made some tiny changes and fixed!
  5. 02:04:504 (3,1)- Maybe you can courbe (3) a little more to fit with (1) form. Fixed a bit.
  6. 02:22:917 (4,1,2)- I found weird the distance between (4,1) is different from (4,2). Also blanket is bad for (4,2). Maybe place 02:23:745 (2)- at x:332 / y:220 ? Sure thing.
  7. 02:26:021 (3,1)- Improve a little blanket here. Improved.
  8. 02:45:469 (1)- Would see more a stream here but it's just me. I don't think a stream after a break plays really well.
  9. 02:58:917 (6)- Try to place it at 02:58:711- sounds better and fit well with music. I don't think so, actually this pattern is following drums in a good way.
  10. 03:07:814- Maybe add a hitcircle ? I didn't add it in the other chorus, I don't see a reason to add one here.
- Nervous! :
  1. AR6 and OD 5 ? Increased only the OD for a better spread (increased the OD in Easy as well by 1 tick)
  2. 00:13:607 (4,1)- Blanket can be improve a little. Fixed a bit.
  3. 00:44:228 (4)- I would see it at x:444 / y:264 to blanket with (3) and get a better flow. Hmm.. Ok
  4. 00:57:055 (1)- CTRL + J ? Ok, and fixed a bit this Slider for a better looking.
  5. 02:11:952 (3,1)- Improve this blanket. Hmm.. I find this really nitpicking, I'll keep that, sorry :/
- Clam! :
  1. 00:45:469 (3,1)- Blanket can be improve a little.
  2. 00:47:124 (1,2)- ^ Hmm.. those points are pretty nazi and nitpick, but fixed anyway :P
  3. 00:53:745 (1)- I would avoid more than 1 reverse slider. It's also create a different rhythm than 01:00:366- so maybe consider to change it. But sounds fine and I want some variety in my maps.
  4. 01:45:469 (2,1)- Improve tis blanket. Hmm.. Prefer to keep this one
  5. 02:03:262 (1)- Same as 00:53:745-
  6. 02:49:607 (1)- ^ Same in both cases.
  7. 03:21:469 (1)- Place it at x:220 / y:88 to blanket it. Fixed on my own :)

Well, it's a really good mapset, and I hope my mod will help you a little.
Good luck.
Thanks! Sometimes you abused a bit with ''nazi'' stuff, but it helped me anyway :)
hi there!
mod from my queue ~
I doubt I can help you much, but I'll try..! >w<

everything fine so far. \:D/

really easy to play diff, what bothers me a bit are some blankets, but that's just me. xD
(I won't point them out, if you want me to do that pm me and I'll add them to this post. :3 )
  1. 00:05:745 (4) - I don't like the clap on the reverse. It sounds a bit too 'dominant' to me, especially in comparison to the objects before. maybe you can use some other hitsound.. I'm not much help here cause I suck with hitsounds. x:
  2. 00:32:228 (3,1) - they're visibly not entirely 'symmetrical', 1 should be placed slightly further down and to the left. (208|84?)
    I don't consider this nazi-blanketing.. that's just refining placement.. >:
  3. 00:53:331 (1,1) - I don't see any particualar reason for NC here. except for start of Kiai time and chorus.. okay, but the 1-1 NCing pattern is a bit confusing. especially cause you have a totally different pattern for the similar part here 01:00:366 (1,2,3) - . maybe you can split the reverse slider up? it doesn't have to be 100% the same as the other, but just a bit more consistent, maybe
  4. 01:26:021 (3,4,1) - imo the triangle pattern looks really nice, but totally doesn't work with the flow (from 4 to 1), I'd prefer if you place them differently
  5. 01:53:745 (1,2) - if you want to have them more 'symmetrical' as well, move 2 to 416|256
  6. 02:02:848 (1,1) - ^ similar to chorus part above
  7. 02:36:366 (1,2) - I'm not sure, but this feels wrong. I think it's because you manage to follow the beat while emphasizing the vocals most times, but the second circle doesn't emphasize anything.. merge them into one slider maybe? or removw the second circle.
  8. 02:38:848 - same pattern, I miss an object here that matches better with vocals. (maybe slider to next white tick and remove circle there)
  1. 00:00:780 (1,2,3) - it's just personal taste, but I don't like how 1+2 overlap. and taking into consideration that they are at the same distance from each other (on the timeline) as 2+3, you might want to have a more similar overlap
  2. 00:42:159 (3) - please shorten this and put a cirlce at 00:43:814. it'd work sooo much better with the vocals (and doesn't mess with the beat. only with your pattern. x: ..)
  3. 01:36:366 (7,8,1) - I can hear a sound where the second circle is.. buuut it still feels unnatural to play. I'd prefer if you remove it.
  4. 02:07:400 (2) - move to 408|164 for better symmetry with 02:06:573 (1) - (sorry, I just can't not mention this. >____<)
  5. 02:29:124 (1) - now this feels weird. a bit 'out of order'.. I'm missing the correct words. xD
    anyway, only a cirlce at 02:29:331 might work better here
  6. 02:47:124 (2,3,4,5) - variation of pattern seems ab bit too forced to me. chopped, so to say
    maybe you find a nicer way to aternate the part
I ddidn't catch anything even slightly wrong while playing this. great diff. >n<
  1. 00:02:435 (1,2) - there is this (I don't know what to call it sound) where the slider start, but since you don't follow it til the end it doesn't match 100%. I'd prefer if you remove both (1+2) and place a one-reverse slider here instead. or change the pattern to something more similar to 00:07:814 (1,2) - , maybe?
  2. 01:36:780 (1,2,3) - maybe a different rhythm you used before works better here, just remove 2? I know there's a beat at 01:37:814, but the vocals (or rather non-existing vocals here) are more dominant here, so this should be left blank, imo.
  3. 02:45:469 (1) - extend this to the next red tick? feels more natural if the next object starts right after this.. uhm, forgot what it's called. x:
  4. 02:46:297 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - the part directly afterwards feels so chopped off as well.I'm not sure wheter the alternative plays better, but you can improve the rhythm for sure! :3
that's really all I found.. sorry. ><

pretty balanced mapset, I like it. good luck to you. :3
and I hope I was at least of some help orz
Topic Starter

Squirrel wrote:

hi there! Hey!
mod from my queue ~
I doubt I can help you much, but I'll try..! >w<

everything fine so far. \:D/

really easy to play diff, what bothers me a bit are some blankets, but that's just me. xD
(I won't point them out, if you want me to do that pm me and I'll add them to this post. :3 )
  1. 00:05:745 (4) - I don't like the clap on the reverse. It sounds a bit too 'dominant' to me, especially in comparison to the objects before. maybe you can use some other hitsound.. I'm not much help here cause I suck with hitsounds. x: But I'm following the simple 2-4 to use claps, I'll leave it as is for consistency.
  2. 00:32:228 (3,1) - they're visibly not entirely 'symmetrical', 1 should be placed slightly further down and to the left. (208|84?) Hmm.. Ok, done!
    I don't consider this nazi-blanketing.. that's just refining placement.. >:
  3. 00:53:331 (1,1) - I don't see any particualar reason for NC here. except for start of Kiai time and chorus.. okay, but the 1-1 NCing pattern is a bit confusing. especially cause you have a totally different pattern for the similar part here 01:00:366 (1,2,3) - . maybe you can split the reverse slider up? it doesn't have to be 100% the same as the other, but just a bit more consistent, maybe I want some variation in my maps, that's why I did that here, If I do always the same, it'd be more ''consistent'' but too much repetitive because the chorus are similar.
  4. 01:26:021 (3,4,1) - imo the triangle pattern looks really nice, but totally doesn't work with the flow (from 4 to 1), I'd prefer if you place them Hmm.. Flows ok to me, especially for the velocity of the map. differently
  5. 01:53:745 (1,2) - if you want to have them more 'symmetrical' as well, move 2 to 416|256 It was not my intention to have them ''symmetrical'' at all :P
  6. 02:02:848 (1,1) - ^ similar to chorus part above Same.
  7. 02:36:366 (1,2) - I'm not sure, but this feels wrong. I think it's because you manage to follow the beat while emphasizing the vocals most times, but the second circle doesn't emphasize anything.. merge them into one slider maybe? or removw the second circle. Merged into a 1/1.
  8. 02:38:848 - same pattern, I miss an object here that matches better with vocals. (maybe slider to next white tick and remove circle there) (^)
  1. 00:00:780 (1,2,3) - it's just personal taste, but I don't like how 1+2 overlap. and taking into consideration that they are at the same distance from each other (on the timeline) as 2+3, you might want to have a more similar overlap
  2. 00:42:159 (3) - please shorten this and put a cirlce at 00:43:814. it'd work sooo much better with the vocals (and doesn't mess with the beat. only with your pattern. x: ..) Actually, I don't agree about this :(, I'm following the ''eco'' in the voice and I find this slider covering that in a good way.
  3. 01:36:366 (7,8,1) - I can hear a sound where the second circle is.. buuut it still feels unnatural to play. I'd prefer if you remove it. It feels so far ok for me, especially for the vocals pitch.
  4. 02:07:400 (2) - move to 408|164 for better symmetry with 02:06:573 (1) - (sorry, I just can't not mention this. >____<) :o.. Ok!
  5. 02:29:124 (1) - now this feels weird. a bit 'out of order'.. I'm missing the correct words. xD
    anyway, only a cirlce at 02:29:331 might work better here Why.. I'm following drums here :/
  6. 02:47:124 (2,3,4,5) - variation of pattern seems ab bit too forced to me. chopped, so to say Sorry, but I don't like how your pattern sounds, in addition drums goes in this way, so keeping this pattern as it is.
    maybe you find a nicer way to aternate the part
I ddidn't catch anything even slightly wrong while playing this. great diff. >n< :)
  1. 00:02:435 (1,2) - there is this (I don't know what to call it sound) where the slider start, but since you don't follow it til the end it doesn't match 100%. I'd prefer if you remove both (1+2) and place a one-reverse slider here instead. or change the pattern to something more similar to 00:07:814 (1,2) - , maybe? Maybe is not really consistent but I like how this play :/, I'll take it in consideration if somebody else mention that.
  2. 01:36:780 (1,2,3) - maybe a different rhythm you used before works better here, just remove 2? I know there's a beat at 01:37:814, but the vocals (or rather non-existing vocals here) are more dominant here, so this should be left blank, imo. I don't feel like removing this note, sounds weird to me and the sound in this beat is pretty easy to notice it if you ask me.
  3. 02:45:469 (1) - extend this to the next red tick? feels more natural if the next object starts right after this.. uhm, forgot what it's called. x: But drums starts over the white tick D:
  4. 02:46:297 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - the part directly afterwards feels so chopped off as well.I'm not sure wheter the alternative plays better, but you can improve the rhythm for sure! :3 Something that I've explained in the normal, your pattern sounds wrong to me, this is a slow section and you've added too much objects, in addition drums goes as I've mapped it, that's why I won't change that, sorry.
that's really all I found.. sorry. ><

pretty balanced mapset, I like it. good luck to you. :3
and I hope I was at least of some help orz
Thanks! :)
inb4 ranked in a week
Topic Starter
Oh well.. Let's try to rank this!
  1. 01:45:469 (2) - 2 grids right please. You can make a better blanket with the next symmetries.
  2. 02:10:297 - I'm not sure if there is somewhere adequete, but I feel this part was a little empty and adding a note would sound nice.
  3. 03:21:469 (1) - I personally think making this a symmetry at the y axis would make a stable end after the spinner.
  1. 03:02:848 (1,2,3,4) - Something similar with my comment over [Panic!]. Beat of 03:03:676 and 03:05:331 being ignored didn't felt happy enough..
  1. 01:00:159 (4) - Check your spacing!
  2. 01:40:090 (1) - I'm sure you can make a better shape on this~ The curve seems too sharp currently.
  3. 02:16:917 (2) - What do you think about a flow like this? Just a suggestion.
  4. 03:05:745 (3) - It's nazi but rotating 3º from selection centre seems to make a better blanket with (2).
  5. 03:22:711 (1) - I'm not against a hitsound being placed here, but this drum-finish feels somehow too loud.. Also can you consider making the rhythm consistent with 01:20:228? Though the situation of the song is slightly different, I think it is still something worth thinking.

    Something that was a little sad generally for the kiai parts, I was thinking that this rhythm would have reflected the song better since it is the second slider head where the vocal actually starts, and your current rhythm selection was ignoring that. I believe there was something you wanted to follow, but this is how I felt.
Topic Starter

Sonnyc wrote:

  1. 01:45:469 (2) - 2 grids right please. You can make a better blanket with the next symmetries. Fixed with some additional changes.
  2. 02:10:297 - I'm not sure if there is somewhere adequete, but I feel this part was a little empty and adding a note would sound nice. I don't think so, because I'm following ''Girls loves Girls and boys'' only, I'm not following any instrument in these kind of sections.
  3. 03:21:469 (1) - I personally think making this a symmetry at the y axis would make a stable end after the spinner. I personally like how it is, in addition it gives the map other variation.
  1. 03:02:848 (1,2,3,4) - Something similar with my comment over [Panic!]. Beat of 03:03:676 and 03:05:331 being ignored didn't felt happy enough.. Since i'm doing a variation between vocals and instrumental in this section (you can notice that with the drum whistle addition), I don't think those beats need to be emphasized, that was the best way to follow all the components in the song and I've to say I liked this.
  1. 01:00:159 (4) - Check your spacing! lol... Checked and fixed! :P
  2. 01:40:090 (1) - I'm sure you can make a better shape on this~ The curve seems too sharp currently. I haven't did a great change I've to say but still, the curve doesn't look that sharp now.
  3. 02:16:917 (2) - What do you think about a flow like this? Just a suggestion. I personally don't like this kind of flow/pattern, that's why I always try other variety.
  4. 03:05:745 (3) - It's nazi but rotating 3º from selection centre seems to make a better blanket with (2). so nazi, but ok xD.
  5. 03:22:711 (1) - I'm not against a hitsound being placed here, but this drum-finish feels somehow too loud.. Also can you consider making the rhythm consistent with 01:20:228? Though the situation of the song is slightly different, I think it is still something worth thinking. Reduced the volume in this note, used 45% instead, but I didn't add a note in 01:20:228 -. At this point the instrumental section changes, starts a new section as you can listen and the drum doesn't sound that high in there, but at the end of the map i find the addition of this note really necessary because this drum at the end needs to be emphasized (sounds higher than the one in 01:20:228 - and it is the end of the map) that's why I did that.

    Something that was a little sad generally for the kiai parts, I was thinking that this rhythm would have reflected the song better since it is the second slider head where the vocal actually starts, and your current rhythm selection was ignoring that. I believe there was something you wanted to follow, but this is how I felt. Explained that in ''Nervous!'' already.
Thanks for this random mod, it was unexpected! :P (thanks for the star as well!)
Hi Hi (haré el mod en inglés :3)

·The background feels kinda weird, like, that cut in his body makes me go like "whaaaat?" hy don't you try this one instead?
·Shouldn't the tag for this be p!atd instead of patd?

Suprised you didn't use tickrate 2
01:13:607 (1,2) - D'aaaw I love you too <3 Btw, I really like how these flow if you rotate both in 9 degrees selection center.
01:40:090 (1) - The red anchor makes this look a tad rigid, why not replace it with two white ones?
02:10:504 (2) - 02:35:331 (5) - 02:56:228 (1) - 03:17:745 (1) - Same^
02:16:297 (4,1) - I never really liked much different combocolor stacks. Also, you don't use these much in this map. Why not unstack or move the new combo to (4)?
02:54:366 (7,1) - Same thing about color stacks (tho these colors are not that different)
03:19:814 (3,4) - You can make a perfect square with (1,2) if you move these a tad right

At some points, I felt I was playing one of my maps. Like, I don't know if it is the song, the skin or the style, but you did great.

00:07:400 (1,2,3) - Why is the distance uneven within these three?
00:40:090 (7,1) - Ugh, purple over green x_x
01:00:366 (1) - Mentioned this on Panic! too, but at least here is not TOO noticeable.
01:03:676 (1) - 02:26:435 (1) - Can't you give this slider a little bit more of air? It feels too claustrophobic
01:49:814 (8,1) - Welp, yeah, I think I'm gonna mention these again, so you can check em on your own if you decide to get rid of these
02:59:538 (1) - Don't change this one, this one is ok.

Not much to say here. Quite clean!

00:00:780 (1,2,3) - Either you remove (2)'s finish or add one to (3) to make this consisten mister!
00:14:021 (1) - Again~ You can pick 'em up yourself I think.
02:59:538 (1) - 03:06:159 (1) - Ok, first, the sliderticks look weird as hell. Second, I normally dont do these sliders on easy diffs, they tend to make begginner's brains go "Boom!" and then you killed someone out of confusion ;_;. I'd remove the loop, or at least give it air in the middle.
03:22:711 (2) - You ended this note with a NC on every diff. Maybe add one here? Maybe it's too much, I dunno, it's just an idea :P

This is so clean I wont wash my hands ever again!

This has a Krisom seal of approval.
Topic Starter

Krisom wrote:

Hi Hi (haré el mod en inglés :3) Ok :P

·The background feels kinda weird, like, that cut in his body makes me go like "whaaaat?" hy don't you try this one instead? Yeah.. Looks great :D.. Used.
·Shouldn't the tag for this be p!atd instead of patd? I've used ''patd'' in my previous maps because I think you can't find the map online with this exclamation sign in the middle.

Suprised you didn't use tickrate 2 Hmm.. too much ticks for this song I've to say xD.. I Prefer to keep the STR in 1.
01:13:607 (1,2) - D'aaaw I love you too <3 Btw, I really like how these flow if you rotate both in 9 degrees selection center. It looks really nice, I like it. Fixed!
01:40:090 (1) - The red anchor makes this look a tad rigid, why not replace it with two white ones? Hmm.. I've changed only the one in
02:10:504 (2) - 02:35:331 (5) - 02:56:228 (1) - 03:17:745 (1) - Same^ Hmm.. I've changed only the one in 02:35:331 -, Sincerely I like how the others look
02:16:297 (4,1) - I never really liked much different combocolor stacks. Also, you don't use these much in this map. Why not unstack or move the new combo to (4)? Hmm.. I would change the comboing but it would be inconsistent with the rest of the combos, at the same time I wanted to mix this phrase in this stack because I think the new lyrics section starts in some way here, so, I'll keep it for now. Still, I'll see if I can change the comboing later but not now.
02:54:366 (7,1) - Same thing about color stacks (tho these colors are not that different) Something that I said before.. the new section in the instrumental starts here, but sounds lower than the rest of the combo that's why I think they shouldn't be in the same combo but this stacks is representing what I said.
03:19:814 (3,4) - You can make a perfect square with (1,2) if you move these a tad right Done!

At some points, I felt I was playing one of my maps. Like, I don't know if it is the song, the skin or the style, but you did great. Glad to listen that :D.. Well, I started playing this game with your and Gonzvlo's maps xD, I probably gained some aspects of your and Gonz' style :P

00:07:400 (1,2,3) - Why is the distance uneven within these three? Generally, I use 0.7x in DS between notes and sliders, and normal spacing between sliders and sliders, I think is easier to read.
00:40:090 (7,1) - Ugh, purple over green x_x LOL, this is too random xD, fixed.
01:00:366 (1) - Mentioned this on Panic! too, but at least here is not TOO noticeable. I see :P
01:03:676 (1) - 02:26:435 (1) - Can't you give this slider a little bit more of air? It feels too claustrophobic Let it be pls :(.. It looks awesome to me xD.. I don't feel like changing this xD.
01:49:814 (8,1) - Welp, yeah, I think I'm gonna mention these again, so you can check em on your own if you decide to get rid of these You know.. explained in Panic!
02:59:538 (1) - Don't change this one, this one is ok. lol.. Ok haha.

Not much to say here. Quite clean!

00:00:780 (1,2,3) - Either you remove (2)'s finish or add one to (3) to make this consisten mister! lol.. that was a little copy/paste issue :P, removed.
00:14:021 (1) - Again~ You can pick 'em up yourself I think. Fixed this.
02:59:538 (1) - 03:06:159 (1) - Ok, first, the sliderticks look weird as hell. Second, I normally dont do these sliders on easy diffs, they tend to make begginner's brains go "Boom!" and then you killed someone out of confusion ;_;. I'd remove the loop, or at least give it air in the middle. I kept the first one because the pattern is based in this loop, and I don't want to change the structure of this chorus really much, because I really like how is mapped. Changed the second one (and I promise I won't make this again in Easy difficulties :P)
03:22:711 (2) - You ended this note with a NC on every diff. Maybe add one here? Maybe it's too much, I dunno, it's just an idea :P I think a new combo hereis too much :P, this was mapped a bit different, due to this spinner in the middle, so I think I don't need to be consistent in here :P

This is so clean I wont wash my hands ever again! hahaha!

This has a Krisom seal of approval.
Oh.. I think this is your first mod in one of my maps xDD..
Thanks a lot bro!
Mancuso is back :D
Intentaré modearlo , es dificil encontrar cosas malas en tus mapas u.u

EDIT: Para no hacer doble post! :) Aun soy pésimo modeando D:


  1. 01:11:952 (3,4) ¿No crees que los objetos apilados podrían ser un poco difícil de leer para los principiantes?. Talvez podrías desapilarlos pero no veo donde moverlos para no romper el flujo D:
  2. 01:18:573 (1,2) (^). Aquí podrías mover (1) a x:264 y:32
  3. 01:33:055 (3) ¿Qué hay acerca de un CTRL+H aqui?. Fluiría mejor con (2) en mi opinión
  4. 01:38:021 (x) Sentí un poco extraño que aqui no pusieses ninguna nota y que si lo hagas en 01:41:331. Sabiendo que es la misma parte (música y voz). Talvez podrías agregar un circle ahi
  5. 02:18:159 (2) No sé si seré solo yo , pero la curvatura del slider se sale un poquito del área de juego. Talvez solo podrías intentar moverlos algunos grids más arriba
  6. 03:01:607 (2,3,1) En mi opinión este patrón podría ser algo confuso para los principiantes porque (2) y (1) se siente muy cerca y aparecen casi al mismo tiempo , lo cual es jugador hará click erróneamente en (1). Además que el flujo va mejor de (2) a (1) que de (2) a (3). Talvez podrías cambiar un poco el patrón para prevenir un poco esto , pero el problema sería que podría malograrse el blanket con 02:59:538 (1). Bueno lo dejo a tu criterio!
  7. 03:02:848 (1,2,3) |Comentario Random| Esto no fluye nada bien para mi :(

  1. 00:12:366 (3) Podrías mover este slider a x:348 y:324 para mejorar el flow con (2) y (4) en mi opinión
  2. 00:16:297 (x) Yo siento que aqui una nota podría sentirse bien , ya que la voz es bien notoria. Además es una normal y puedes hacer uso de notas 1/2
  3. 01:00:366 (1) |Comentario Random| No luce muy bien comparado a tus otros slider lel. Talvez podrías mejorarlo un poco
  4. 01:10:711 (2) Yo siento que el slider no se siente muy bien porque no va mucho con el ritmo aqui. Una 1/2 se siente mejor , talvez un slider con reverse o un 1/2 slider y un circle en 01:11:124(x). Ejemplos:
  5. 01:11:952 (1) No es innecesario este NC (?. Rompe con tu patrón de combos
  6. 01:41:745 (4) Yo siento que el whistle del cuerpo del slider se siente un poco mal y no muy necesario que digamos ya que la voz no resalta mucho tampoco. Talvez podrías removerlo
  7. 01:58:297 (1) Estas poniendo los NCs cada dos downbeats asi que deberías remover este por consistencia!. Además se siente extraño que sea el tan corto

  1. 00:32:228 (3) En mi opinión fluiría mejor si mueves el segundo sliderpoint a x:428 y:160
  2. 01:59:538 (6,1) Para mi el flujo entre estas dos notas no se siente muy bien , ya que la dirección de la curvatura de (6) no favorece a la transicion que se da con (1). Talvez podrías cambiar (6) por dos circles e intertarlos mover un poco para mejorar el flow. Ejemplo:
  3. 02:46:297 (2) Un NC aqui se sentiría bien en mi opinión. Inicio del cambio de ritmo
Simplemente perfecto!. Muy buen mapa mancuso!
Estrellado ~
Topic Starter

XinCrin wrote:

Mancuso is back :D
Intentaré modearlo , es dificil encontrar cosas malas en tus mapas u.u
Gracias! Yo se que tu puedes! :D Futuro BAT!

Edit: Probablemente arregle el mod mañana :). Gracias Xin!

Edit 2: Veamos :3

XinCrin wrote:

Mancuso is back :D
Intentaré modearlo , es dificil encontrar cosas malas en tus mapas u.u

EDIT: Para no hacer doble post! :) Aun soy pésimo modeando D:


  1. 01:11:952 (3,4) ¿No crees que los objetos apilados podrían ser un poco difícil de leer para los principiantes?. Talvez podrías desapilarlos pero no veo donde moverlos para no romper el flujo D: No tan dificil, creo que unos ''newbies'' pueden resisitir a un stack :P
  2. 01:18:573 (1,2) (^). Aquí podrías mover (1) a x:264 y:32 Igual que arriba.
  3. 01:33:055 (3) ¿Qué hay acerca de un CTRL+H aqui?. Fluiría mejor con (2) en mi opinión Siento que arruinaria el flow entre (3,4) y creo que se siente mas ese cambio que entre (2,3).
  4. 01:38:021 (x) Sentí un poco extraño que aqui no pusieses ninguna nota y que si lo hagas en 01:41:331. Sabiendo que es la misma parte (música y voz). Talvez podrías agregar un circle ahi Hice unos pequeños cambio, en lugar de agregar una nota, agregue un slider que empieza en 01:37:607 - y termina en 01:38:021 -
  5. 02:18:159 (2) No sé si seré solo yo , pero la curvatura del slider se sale un poquito del área de juego. Talvez solo podrías intentar moverlos algunos grids más arriba Lo jugue y para mi queda adentro, muy cerca del final de la pantalla pero adentro :P, de todas manera lo movi un par de grids hacia arriba.
  6. 03:01:607 (2,3,1) En mi opinión este patrón podría ser algo confuso para los principiantes porque (2) y (1) se siente muy cerca y aparecen casi al mismo tiempo , lo cual es jugador hará click erróneamente en (1). Además que el flujo va mejor de (2) a (1) que de (2) a (3). Talvez podrías cambiar un poco el patrón para prevenir un poco esto , pero el problema sería que podría malograrse el blanket con 02:59:538 (1). Bueno lo dejo a tu criterio! Puede que tengas razon, igual no quiero arruinar este patron, es algo medio parecido a lo que le dije a Krisom, prometo no hacerlo a futuro xDD.
  7. 03:02:848 (1,2,3) |Comentario Random| Esto no fluye nada bien para mi :( Quizas (2) algunos grids a la izquierda fluiria mejor si, pero igual que arriba :/, no quiero cambiar mucho la estructura de este mapa porque me gusta como esta y ya hace unos meses que lo hice.

  1. 00:12:366 (3) Podrías mover este slider a x:348 y:324 para mejorar el flow con (2) y (4) en mi opinión Me gusta! Hecho.
  2. 00:16:297 (x) Yo siento que aqui una nota podría sentirse bien , ya que la voz es bien notoria. Además es una normal y puedes hacer uso de notas 1/2 Hmm.. sinceramente no se siente tan notorio aca, creo que el 1/1 sigue mejor la cancion aca, a lo mejor soy solo yo xD.. Veamos si alguien mas lo recomienda.
  3. 01:00:366 (1) |Comentario Random| No luce muy bien comparado a tus otros slider lel. Talvez podrías mejorarlo un poco Saque el punto rojo del medio como me habia dicho krisom, se ve mejor ahora (creo :P)
  4. 01:10:711 (2) Yo siento que el slider no se siente muy bien porque no va mucho con el ritmo aqui. Una 1/2 se siente mejor , talvez un slider con reverse o un 1/2 slider y un circle en 01:11:124(x). Ejemplos: Creo que tienes razon. Hecho!
  5. 01:11:952 (1) No es innecesario este NC (?. Rompe con tu patrón de combos Cierto.. Removido.
  6. 01:41:745 (4) Yo siento que el whistle del cuerpo del slider se siente un poco mal y no muy necesario que digamos ya que la voz no resalta mucho tampoco. Talvez podrías removerlo Me gusta como sigue ese ''wheeeere'' en el lyric. Lo dejo por ahora.
  7. 01:58:297 (1) Estas poniendo los NCs cada dos downbeats asi que deberías remover este por consistencia!. Además se siente extraño que sea el tan corto Cierto, se ve feo e inconsistente xDD!

  1. 00:32:228 (3) En mi opinión fluiría mejor si mueves el segundo sliderpoint a x:428 y:160 No estoy de acuerdo :/
  2. 01:59:538 (6,1) Para mi el flujo entre estas dos notas no se siente muy bien , ya que la dirección de la curvatura de (6) no favorece a la transicion que se da con (1). Talvez podrías cambiar (6) por dos circles e intertarlos mover un poco para mejorar el flow. Ejemplo: Tampoco estoy de acuerdo, creo que la curva que le doy a (6) es para que sea un movimiento continuo con la curva que le doy a (1), el patron con notas que me das lo hace a este mas cortante imo.
  3. 02:46:297 (2) Un NC aqui se sentiría bien en mi opinión. Inicio del cambio de ritmo Se me hace raro ese slider solo en 1 combo, pero bueno, tiene sentido lo que me dices, asi que lo cambio!
Simplemente perfecto!. Muy buen mapa mancuso!
Estrellado ~
Mil gracias Xin! :D
Muy buena Mancuso, temón & muy buen mapa.
Ojalá se rankee, abrazoh! 8-)
Topic Starter

darck360 wrote:

Muy buena Mancuso, temón & muy buen mapa.
Ojalá se rankee, abrazoh! 8-)
Gracias vieja! ;)
Haré lo posible para rankearlo!

  1. First off, I did the mod before I changed the offset so I think it's best to first fix the mod and then fix the offset;
    The offset is slightly early, I've tested around a bit and found that -12ms should fix it. Easiest way to do this is selecting all the timing lines and moving them by -12ms > . After that you select all notes and move them slightly to make them snap

    1. 00:06:159 (2) - For the sake of looks you could create a ''triangle with 00:05:331 (4,1,2) - You could either move (2) a bit to the right or move (1) a bit to the left
    2. 00:16:297 (3,1) - This overlap looks like a mistake, either get rid of the overlap or make it overlap more so it looks like it's on purpose
    3. 00:44:435 (2) - The note isn't perfectly on the slider
    4. 00:56:021 (2) - Give it slightly less curve to make it go along the previous slider a bit smoother
    5. 01:57:055 (2,3) - Would look a lot better if (3) was a better blanket
    6. 03:00:159 (2) - This slider is far out of the mapping area, might even be partly out of the screen for 4:3 screens, it should be put more to the right
    7. 03:13:607 (3) - Little more curve for a better blanket?

      This is so damn clean I couldn't come up with anything other than a few nazi things, love it
    1. 00:00:780 (1,2) - Personally I think this tiiiny overlap looks a bit ugly, either no overlap or a bigger overlap would look better, right now just the borders are touching a bit
    2. 00:20:228 (7) - I think instead of a note it'd fit the music to start a 1/2 slider at 00:20:021 - , wouldn't be too hard to fix
    3. 01:03:676 (1) - Nothing wrong with this, but imo it looks better if the start and end are a bit longer, and the loop a bit smaller
    4. 01:16:917 (1) - You don't have to use so many anchors for a slider like this, just 3 will do and it also looks better:
    1. CS2.5 maybe for a better spread?
    2. 01:18:986 (2) - A liiittle less curve to make it fit the other slider better would be cool
    3. 01:32:228 (2) - Also slightly out of the mapping area, move it a bit to the left
Awesome, no other words for it, I love the slider art you've put into this.
Call me back after you've fixed it.
Topic Starter

Kyshiro wrote:

Hai Heyo! :D

  1. First off, I did the mod before I changed the offset so I think it's best to first fix the mod and then fix the offset;
    The offset is slightly early, I've tested around a bit and found that -12ms should fix it. Easiest way to do this is selecting all the timing lines and moving them by -12ms > . After that you select all notes and move them slightly to make them snap Yeah.. sounds good.. Fixed (but at the time to re-snap the notes I've used ''resnap all notes'' because I'm lazy hahah xD)

    1. 00:06:159 (2) - For the sake of looks you could create a ''triangle with 00:05:331 (4,1,2) - You could either move (2) a bit to the right or move (1) a bit to the left Sincerely, I don't find a big difference :/, and a triangle it was not my intention before.. and.. I like how this look, so I prefer to keep that.
    2. 00:16:297 (3,1) - This overlap looks like a mistake, either get rid of the overlap or make it overlap more so it looks like it's on purpose Oh well, this little overlap was not my intention xD.. Fixed then.
    3. 00:44:435 (2) - The note isn't perfectly on the slider I think I catch what you mean.. Done!
    4. 00:56:021 (2) - Give it slightly less curve to make it go along the previous slider a bit smoother Alright.. Moved the middle point some grids up (2 or 3 I guess :P)
    5. 01:57:055 (2,3) - Would look a lot better if (3) was a better blanket Made (2) more curved.
    6. 03:00:159 (2) - This slider is far out of the mapping area, might even be partly out of the screen for 4:3 screens, it should be put more to the right Moved a bit to the right!
    7. 03:13:607 (3) - Little more curve for a better blanket? Ok! xD

      This is so damn clean I couldn't come up with anything other than a few nazi things, love it Glad to listen that! :3
    1. 00:00:780 (1,2) - Personally I think this tiiiny overlap looks a bit ugly, either no overlap or a bigger overlap would look better, right now just the borders are touching a bit But.. I prefer to keep the DS here, this tiny overlap doesn't look that bad for me
    2. 00:20:228 (7) - I think instead of a note it'd fit the music to start a 1/2 slider at 00:20:021 - , wouldn't be too hard to fix I prefer the single note here, because I'm following just the vocals in this ''combo'' as you can notice. In addition, this single note remark this ''sometimes'' in lyrics (some would start in (7) and times ends in (1))
    3. 01:03:676 (1) - Nothing wrong with this, but imo it looks better if the start and end are a bit longer, and the loop a bit smaller Fixed this one a bit :3
    4. 01:16:917 (1) - You don't have to use so many anchors for a slider like this, just 3 will do and it also looks better: Pls.. let me keep that! I like how it looks and I wanted to make it as symetric as I could, this is the best option for me xD.
    1. CS2.5 maybe for a better spread? Nahh.. I thought this with CS 3, I've mapped this before the decimals appears, so I prefer to keep this a bit ''old'' xD
    2. 01:18:986 (2) - A liiittle less curve to make it fit the other slider better would be cool Hmm ok.. But made it just a liiitle :p
    3. 01:32:228 (2) - Also slightly out of the mapping area, move it a bit to the left Fixed!
Awesome, no other words for it, I love the slider art you've put into this.
Call me back after you've fixed it.
Thanks a lot man! :D
recheck, no kd

  1. 00:00:147 (1,2) - unsnapped (which is why i don't like the ''snap all objects'' button)
  1. Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
    01:01:207 - snap to 01:01:181 -
    01:09:069 - snap to 01:09:043 -
    01:58:724 - snap to 01:58:699 -
    02:23:966 - snap to 02:23:940 -
    03:18:586 - snap to 03:18:561 -
  1. Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
    00:54:586 - snap to 00:54:561 -
    02:04:104 - snap to 02:04:078 -
    02:10:724 - snap to 02:10:699 -
Copied the snapping things from AiBAT, since most/some of the green lines are after the objects it's necessary to fix them

call me back once more hueh
Topic Starter
lol.. I'm baka xD.. Snapped the notes! hehe

About the snap, all they are snapped in 1/16 (I don't know why AiBAT don't recognise that already :/), this is the effect that I wanted, to don't have any sound over those sliderslides.

Oh well.. saying that.. Updated!
Alrighty, everything else seems fine to me, good luck :3
Rank Log:

Folder: Ok
Skin: Ok
Background: Ok
AiMod: Ok
Metadata: Ok
Timing: Ok
Song Setup: Ok

Spread: Ok


03:19:388 (1) - Can we turn this into a long slider? The spinner is kind of short and the following beat might be a tad too close to the spinner for the easiest diff.

Nothing I could point out

Nothing I could point out

Don't kudosu, this would be all, tell me what you'll do and I'll rank.
Topic Starter
Fixed Krees!
Horrible map. The song is shitty, the spacing is counter-intuitive. Panic! is overmapped. The spread sucks. The BG looks like it was made by the most retarded person ever. The rhythms chosen are terrible. Panic! is undermapped.

Ranked ~

Map something in spanish next time and SHEESH BE A BAT ALREDY.
Congrats mancuso

Nice map as always <3

Congrats mancu :D

Vuelve al BAT ._.
Vamos hacer una campaña para que vuelva al BAT hehe

Gratz mancuso :)
Felicidades mancu :D

por cierto, deberías regresar ya al BAT i miss u
Congrats :3
Topic Starter
lol.. Los de #spanish me trollean :(.. Algun dia volvere al BAT eso dicen xD!

Thanks a lot for the support, guys! :D
Congratulation ;)
Llegue tarde a la hora del trolleo :(
Congrats mancu o/

Topic Starter
Thanks guys! :D
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