
Hatsune Miku - Silent Night

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, December 17, 2009 at 8:34:43 PM

Artist: Hatsune Miku
Title: Silent Night
Tags: Christmas Vocaloid enameru-P 3D PV 3DPV Dusty FuukoLover
BPM: 100
Filesize: 15737kb
Play Time: 01:49
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.24 stars, 81 notes)
  2. Fuuko's Star (2.34 stars, 111 notes)
  3. Normal (2.36 stars, 107 notes)
  4. Sweet (0.38 stars, 19 notes)
Download: Hatsune Miku - Silent Night
Download: Hatsune Miku - Silent Night (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
A traditional Christmas song sung by Hatsune Miku.


Special thanks to Dusty for mapping Sweet and providing custom hitsounds.

If anyone knows the source for this song, please tell me.

Thanks to all the people who modded the map.

11/28: arken1015 edits + finished easy
11/28 2: Shinxyn edits
11/29: Crimson_SoulZ edits
11/30: Derekku Chan edits
12/5: Dusty edits + new diff
12/6: Shinde edits
12/8: EEeee edits
12/13: JarJarJacob edits
12/14: haisha_ edits
12/15: FuukoLover's diff added
12/16: ErufenRito edits
12/17: ztrot edits
00:32:12(4) - [Suggestion] How about move 1 grid left?

01:15:91(5) - [Suggestion] How about move 1 grid left and down to make curve pattern (3,4,5,6,7,8,1)?

Not much issues as I saw.
Good luck.

Here's my star.
And don't give kudosu for this reply :3...
Topic Starter

arken1015 wrote:

00:32:12(4) - [Suggestion] How about move 1 grid left?

01:15:91(5) - [Suggestion] How about move 1 grid left and down to make curve pattern (3,4,5,6,7,8,1)?

Not much issues as I saw.
Good luck.

Here's my star.
And don't give kudosu for this reply :3...
Used both suggestions, so I gave a kds for your mod.
Thanks for modding.
List of nazi suggestions-
Please disable the Countdown
I feel the claps don't have to be there, oh well, whats done is done, you don't have to adjust them, but the map could have gone fine without em
Finish hitsound.... no, don't use those, even as quiet as you made 'em.
Silence (use blank custom hitsounds)the slider-slide and spinner-spin and spinner-bonus please, and maybe, just maybe, increase the volume for the slider tick sound?
Linear sliders don't match this song Dx (or just straight sliders in general)

Easy- Remove those claps from start please
hmm NAZI!~
01:12:032 (3) - remove whistle
01:15:032 (2) - add whistle?
01:15:092 (3) - remove whistle
01:19:052 (3) - ^
01:21:092 (3) - ^
01:29:012 (6) - ^
01:36:092 (6) - add whistle?
01:37:052 (7) - remove whistle
01:47:072 (3) - remove whistle slider slide!!
01:49:052 (1) - silence the whole thing, if you don't wanna silence the whole thing, then end on 01:51:031 instead

Normal- Hmm, okay, the claps give the map a certain feel, I guess
00:19:051 (1) to 00:26:041 (5) - this part -doesn't- match the overall diff, the rest of the map does though, if you do keep this, increase the overall diff OR just use this pattern for a harder(ish) diff
01:42:031 (5) - even you should know this is unrankable (cuz you don't know which way the slider goes)
01:49:052 (1) - same as Easy's Nazi

Make something slightly harder, cuz "Normal" (aside from the start) is way too easy, but... it could literally end up a note on EACH beat.. hmm
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
this is my first time on modding so i dont know if this is good or not


00:44:071 (6) - new combo
00:51:031 (5) - new combo
01:27:091 (6) - new combo
01:34:051 (5) - new combo


00:51:092 (3) - could use a new combo
01:35:012 (5) - could use a new combo

have a star since this is good
Topic Starter

Crimson_SoulZ wrote:

this is my first time on modding so i dont know if this is good or not


00:44:071 (6) - new combo
00:51:031 (5) - new combo
01:27:091 (6) - new combo
01:34:051 (5) - new combo


00:51:092 (3) - could use a new combo
01:35:012 (5) - could use a new combo

have a star since this is good
Did all of the suggestions and 2 other corresponding changes in easy.
Thanks for your input and modding.
*Move to Pending
*Harder difficulties please.
*This song is in 3/4, not 4/4. Change ALL timing sections to reflect this.
*More tags could be added if you want like "Vocaloid"
*Source is lasdkjf not sure. One website said enameru-P, but I think he's just the person that made a 3D PV for the song. I'll keep looking in a bit to see if I can find anything.

00:26:072 (1,2) - Sounds awkward. Add a circle where 2 starts and then start that slider a white tick later.
01:06:032 (1) - Extending one white tick would sound better.
01:49:051 (1) - Ends at an awkward spot. Extend to the white tick and silence the whole spinner with a 0 volume soft section.

*Raise overall diff and drain
*Perhaps smaller circles?
01:06:031 (1) - Extending one white tick would sound better.
01:49:051 (1) - Ends at an awkward spot. Extend to the white tick and silence the whole spinner with a 0 volume soft section.

EDIT: Whoops, I meant "Move to WIP/Help"
Topic Starter

Derekku Chan wrote:

*Move to Pending
*Harder difficulties please. I do not want to add a harder diff for this song.
*This song is in 3/4, not 4/4. Change ALL timing sections to reflect this. Done.
*More tags could be added if you want like "Vocaloid" Done.
*Source is lasdkjf not sure. One website said enameru-P, but I think he's just the person that made a 3D PV for the song. I'll keep looking in a bit to see if I can find anything. Done, also added enameru-P as a tag. I also do not know who the source is.

00:26:072 (1,2) - Sounds awkward. Add a circle where 2 starts and then start that slider a white tick later. Done.
01:06:032 (1) - Extending one white tick would sound better. Done.
01:49:051 (1) - Ends at an awkward spot. Extend to the white tick and silence the whole spinner with a 0 volume soft section. Done.

*Raise overall diff and drain Done.
*Perhaps smaller circles? I like large circles.
01:06:031 (1) - Extending one white tick would sound better. Done.
01:49:051 (1) - Ends at an awkward spot. Extend to the white tick and silence the whole spinner with a 0 volume soft section. Done.

EDIT: Whoops, I meant "Move to WIP/Help" Done.
Thanks for modding. I really need to make sure I have all my tags and sources next time.
Source: lasdkjf
Noooooo that was just me key smashing XD

blissfulyoshi wrote:

]I do not want to add a harder diff for this song.
I don't know if it can be ranked in its current state then. Sure, songs would be ranked with only 1-2 diffs when osu! started, but nowadays there are higher standards. If you don't want to MAKE a harder diff, then type that in your OP and maybe someone can make one.

EDIT: Also, it might not be a bad idea to add the 3D PV as a video for this, but that's completely up to you.
Topic Starter

Derekku Chan wrote:

Source: lasdkjf
Noooooo that was just me key smashing XD T_T I have been interpreting things way too literally.

blissfulyoshi wrote:

]I do not want to add a harder diff for this song.
I don't know if it can be ranked in its current state then. Sure, songs would be ranked with only 1-2 diffs when osu! started, but nowadays there are higher standards. If you don't want to MAKE a harder diff, then type that in your OP and maybe someone can make one. It is true that it is very rare for a song to have only 2 diffs these days, but the rules state you must have more than 1 diff not 2. Also, I don't feel a hard diff was very appropriate for the song since it is supposed to be nice and peaceful. As a result, I want to rank this song with the current 2 diffs.

EDIT: Also, it might not be a bad idea to add the 3D PV as a video for this, but that's completely up to you. Done.
Thanks for checking my reply.
nice :3
Select all the sliders that are supposed to be straight lines and make their slider curve type Linear.

Slider nazi!
00:28:051 (3)
00:32:011 (3,1) - I like the end of one slider to "point towards" the next slider (math way: tangent line at the endpoint intersects next note)
00:35:071 (3) - Lopsided on the left
00:44:071 (1) - I like the red sliderpoint to be inside the slidertick (make it longer but shorter)
00:59:011 (5) - Strange-looking.
01:42:031 (5) - Slider Curve Type: Linear? It might take a lot of time to make it look good if you do it that way though. I think this is a good way to do that

Derekku Chan wrote:

blissfulyoshi wrote:

]I do not want to add a harder diff for this song.
I don't know if it can be ranked in its current state then. Sure, songs would be ranked with only 1-2 diffs when osu! started, but nowadays there are higher standards. If you don't want to MAKE a harder diff, then type that in your OP and maybe someone can make one.
Well, if it needs three...

*star + diff

Download: 10890 Hatsune Miku - Silent
Topic Starter

Dusty wrote:

Select all the sliders that are supposed to be straight lines and make their slider curve type Linear.

Slider nazi!
00:28:051 (3)
00:32:011 (3,1) - I like the end of one slider to "point towards" the next slider (math way: tangent line at the endpoint intersects next note)
00:35:071 (3) - Lopsided on the left
00:44:071 (1) - I like the red sliderpoint to be inside the slidertick (make it longer but shorter)
00:59:011 (5) - Strange-looking.
01:42:031 (5) - Slider Curve Type: Linear? It might take a lot of time to make it look good if you do it that way though. I think this is a good way to do that
I tried to fix everything. Hopefully, you like the results.

Derekku Chan wrote:

I don't know if it can be ranked in its current state then. Sure, songs would be ranked with only 1-2 diffs when osu! started, but nowadays there are higher standards. If you don't want to MAKE a harder diff, then type that in your OP and maybe someone can make one.
Well, if it needs three...
Thank you, added your diff and hitsounds.
If you may, I have one suggestion. Please remove all of the slider whistles since they don't fit the song.

*star + diff
Thanks for modding and adding your diff.

Dusty wrote:

Well, if it needs three...
I actually meant a harder diff, not "more than two" in general. After talking to a couple of people, it seems like a harder diff isn't required, but I guess we'll see. :o

PS: You can move this back to Pending if you think it's okay, I suppose. :oops:
Topic Starter

Derekku Chan wrote:

Dusty wrote:

Well, if it needs three...
I actually meant a harder diff, not "more than two" in general. After talking to a couple of people, it seems like a harder diff isn't required, but I guess we'll see. :o

PS: You can move this back to Pending if you think it's okay, I suppose. :oops:
Thanks for doing research and replying.
If people really want a harder diff, I guess I will map one, but in my belief, a hard opinion ruins the mood set by the song.
Minor timeline problem on Normal.

00:44:071 (1) - Extend 1/4
00:46:051 (3) - ^
Maybe turn Kiai off after the Star slider is done? Don't feel strongly about this either way, both would be fine.

I don't know what the 3DPV looks like, but if you include a video, a falling snow SB isn't really necessary, and a star2 would suffice nicely.

All the technical stuff seems to check out. You turned hitcircle size down one on Dusty's right? I think it'll look much better.

I think that's it. Star.
Topic Starter

Shinde wrote:

Minor timeline problem on Normal.

00:44:071 (1) - Extend 1/4 Fixed.
00:46:051 (3) - ^ ^
Maybe turn Kiai off after the Star slider is done? Don't feel strongly about this either way, both would be fine. I was planning to do this but forgot, thanks for reminding me.

I don't know what the 3DPV looks like, but if you include a video, a falling snow SB isn't really necessary, and a star2 would suffice nicely. Star 2 is coming.

All the technical stuff seems to check out. You turned hitcircle size down one on Dusty's right? I think it'll look much better.

I think that's it. Star.

blissfulyoshi wrote:

Thanks for doing research and replying.
No problem. :)

blissfulyoshi wrote:

If people really want a harder diff, I guess I will map one, but in my belief, a hard opinion ruins the mood set by the song.
If done right, a hard diff could be made and still keep the mood of the song. A too-crazy one would obviously ruin it. I won't force or ask you (again) to make one, so I'll leave the decision up to you. :P
aww, sweet, maybe map a little more, but i don't really know, since you'll be mapping to the same stuff probably :P

looks good

offset is different in this one? fix that

awww, song is so :3
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EEeee wrote:

aww, sweet, maybe map a little more, but i don't really know, since you'll be mapping to the same stuff probably :P

looks good

offset is different in this one? fix that How did I do that? Fixed.

awww, song is so :3
Thanks for modding.
i couldn't find anything n_n star~
+10 offset.


00:48:032 (1,2) - These are ugly >:|
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JarJarJacob wrote:

+10 offset. Fixed.


00:48:032 (1,2) - These are ugly >:| I'll ask for Dusty's opinion on this.
Thank you for modding.

JarJarJacob wrote:


00:48:032 (1,2) - These are ugly >:|
fixed, I think.

Download: Hatsune Miku - Silent Night (blissfulyoshi) [Sweet].osu
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Dusty wrote:

JarJarJacob wrote:


00:48:032 (1,2) - These are ugly >:|
fixed, I think.
The fix looks good to me. Thanks.
Sorry, was triping. >o<'

Check if you like my diff till now. <3

Download: Hatsune Miku - Silent Night (blissfulyoshi) [Fuuko's Star].osu
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Finally...It needs modding...and it's just boring.
So, tell me if you have anything new to it in mind, bliss.

Download: Hatsune Miku - Silent Night (blissfulyoshi) [Fuuko's Star].osu
Nice map...

Umm all i can say is that i can see many note that are kinda offmap, and from my own experience i have always been asked to move them to be more in map... so yeah, im suggesting the same thing as well...

Also in the fuuko star difficulty, maybe it can use more whistles like the other difficulties... i liked them
And also in that same difficulty, this particular star 01:42:031 (1), i dont really like it. I get confused on which direction it goes, maybe that was the intention or i dont know.... but i never liked those sliders. The normal difficulty star is fine to me though...
Topic Starter

ErufenRito wrote:

Nice map...

Umm all i can say is that i can see many note that are kinda offmap, and from my own experience i have always been asked to move them to be more in map... so yeah, im suggesting the same thing as well... I think the current diffs are snapped to a followable pattern, so I don't think I need what the notes are snapped to. Thanks for the warning though.

Also in the fuuko star difficulty, maybe it can use more whistles like the other difficulties... i liked them
And also in that same difficulty, this particular star 01:42:031 (1), i dont really like it. I get confused on which direction it goes, maybe that was the intention or i dont know.... but i never liked those sliders. The normal difficulty star is fine to me though... Fixed the star and added some whistles to Fuuko's diff.
Thanks for modding. Sorry for the late reply.
offset fix and a bubble
"sweet" and short!

great christmas song bliss

im gonna thanks for this song :) got Ranked 31 on Sweet , 21 On Easy , 6 on Fuuko's Star (Osu!Mania)
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