
Unknown Artist - Idol (TV Size) [Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on martes, 4 de febrero de 2025 at 18:09:17

Artist: Unknown Artist
Title: Idol (TV Size)
Source: 【推しの子】
Tags: AC16 太鼓の達人 Taiko no Tatsujin Drum Master ニジイロver. Nijiiro Version YOASOBI "Oshi no Ko" Cover コラボパック Collaboration Collab. Pack -Anime Edit- TVアニメ『【推しの子】』より TV Anime ""Oshi no Ko"" yori Electronic Japanese Video Game バンダイナムコアミューズメント Bandai Namco Amusement
BPM: 166
Filesize: 2320kb
Play Time: 01:29
Difficulties Available:
  1. Oni (3,8 stars, 368 notes)
Download: Unknown Artist - Idol (TV Size)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
this version is from taiko no tatsujin, uses different vocals and slightly different instrumental
i don't know who made this specific cover, so i'm slapping an unknown artist for the time being

tried to do something weird
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