
osu!std Tapping Dan Course

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Hello everyone,

I've recently created a tapping-based Dan Course for osu!standard here:

Part 1 (1st to 5th Dans) here.
Part 2 (6th to 10th Dans) here.
Part 3 (ALPHA to ZETA Dans): here.
Part 4 (ETA Dan): here.

I'd love to hear any feedback and comments you guys may have on it!

Order: 1-10th Dan -> ALPHA -> BETA -> GAMMA -> DELTA -> EPSILON -> ZETA -> ETA

What is a Dan Course?
Inspired by o!m4k's REFORM and Shoegazer courses, a Dan (段) Course acts as a benchmark to measure a player's skill at a specific skillset. Players attempt to play through a compendium of 4 charts that consists of a flow map, a finger control map, a speed map, and a stamina map. In between each map is around 5-10 seconds of break time to allow your hands to rest a bit.

In this specific course, a successful CLEAR of the course means getting 95%+ accuracy on it.

There are currently 10 low-level Dans and 7 high-level Dans.
Rules (copied and slightly edited from Shoegazer's post)
1. You are not allowed to use any mods other than Hidden, Hard Rock, Sudden Death, Flashlight, Double Time or Nightcore.

2. You are also not allowed to pause midway through the map. 5-10 seconds is enough break for you to rest your hands, pausing through the course defeats the purpose of having a marathon to begin with.

3. Don't cheat, there's nothing to really gain from this aside from self-achievement.

Feel free to also post scores in this thread.
here before this gets popular

waiting for the low diffs so i can finally learn streams

Lp9 wrote:

here before this gets popular
A dan system for std has long been a discussion, hopefully this one will catch on(?)
I'll give the 8.1* one a shot later. Can't imagine I'll clear it, though.
Topic Starter

6-10th Dans are now completed. However, due to size set limit, I have decided to separate the courses into 3 different upload links:

Part 1 (1-5th Dans): WIP
Part 2 (6-10th Dans): beatmapsets/2315888#osu/4957644
Part 3 (ALPHA-ETA Dans): beatmapsets/2315697#osu/4957643

I could probably only play these with HT on, but it's still nice to see.

Do you need map suggestions for the lower-SR maps, by chance? Or do you already have a general idea of what you want?

Also, how low is 1st Dan going to be? 3*? 3.5*? 4*? To me, I would think the lowest Dan should be at the lowest possible point that anything resembling the techniques you're grading appears, but that's just me.
Topic Starter

Voidedosu wrote:


I could probably only play these with HT on, but it's still nice to see.

Do you need map suggestions for the lower-SR maps, by chance? Or do you already have a general idea of what you want?

Also, how low is 1st Dan going to be? 3*? 3.5*? 4*? To me, I would think the lowest Dan should be at the lowest possible point that anything resembling the techniques you're grading appears, but that's just me.
1st Dan is planned to be around 4.9* to 5*. It's probably a little bit above when you start forming "technique", but I didn't want the jump between each map to be too large

I have half of the early dans done, but you are welcome to provide suggestions (especially ones that are iconic/classic) and I'll definitely take a look at them!

lolol234 wrote:

Voidedosu wrote:


I could probably only play these with HT on, but it's still nice to see.

Do you need map suggestions for the lower-SR maps, by chance? Or do you already have a general idea of what you want?

Also, how low is 1st Dan going to be? 3*? 3.5*? 4*? To me, I would think the lowest Dan should be at the lowest possible point that anything resembling the techniques you're grading appears, but that's just me.
1st Dan is planned to be around 4.9* to 5*. It's probably a little bit above when you start forming "technique", but I didn't want the jump between each map to be too large

I have half of the early dans done, but you are welcome to provide suggestions (especially ones that are iconic/classic) and I'll definitely take a look at them!
What about lower than that? Not so much for forming technique but for actually displaying the techniques in question. I could be misunderstanding the purpose of the Dans, but to me it just doesn't feel complete if you aren't going from the lowest general point where all the techniques appear up to whatever is the highest-level benchmark you can put.

To be fair, at the 3* level you aren't really going to see much flow aim (or really speed), but imo you could get to about 4.5* and see at least proto-versions of those four skills. Honestly, I'd even prefer to see a sort of "beginner" or "pre-" Dan of 3* maps that offer at least some semblance of each of those, to whatever extent you can find 3* maps that do so.

But again, that's just how I conceptualize it.


As for map suggestions, I think maps like Lionheart, the og Tower of Heaven (You are Slaves), Catastrophe [Insane] are pretty iconic. I know there's maps like Encounter - X which I think would fall into finger control or stamina, and I know there are 4* maps with, like, 140bpm-ish stamina maps--I saw one posted in the Bragging thread but I lost the map to a D-Drive wipe and I haven't tried to find it again.

Voidedosu wrote:

I know there are 4* maps with, like, 140bpm-ish stamina maps--I saw one posted in the Bragging thread but I lost the map to a D-Drive wipe and I haven't tried to find it again.
could be one of these ?
last two are two short, and the other one isn't it.

I...THINK it was Higurashi no Nako Koro Ni related?
Topic Starter
Another Update:

1-5th Dans are now completed. They range from 5* to 6.5*

Here are the full links:

Part 1 (1-5th Dans): beatmapsets/2316877#osu/4960916
Part 2 (6-10th Dans): beatmapsets/2315888#osu/4959582
Part 3 (ALPHA-ETA Dans): beatmapsets/2315697#osu/4959576

lolol234 wrote:

Another Update:

1-5th Dans are now completed. They range from 5* to 6.5*

Here are the full links:

Part 1 (1-5th Dans): beatmapsets/2316877#osu/4960916
Part 2 (6-10th Dans): beatmapsets/2315888#osu/4959582
Part 3 (ALPHA-ETA Dans): beatmapsets/2315697#osu/4959576
Did you have any thoughts about lower Dans (whatever those might be classified as) down to 4*?

I was also hoping people might've chimed in here with thoughts about the first couple of sets, too.

lolol234 wrote:

Another Update:

1-5th Dans are now completed. They range from 5* to 6.5*

Here are the full links:

Part 1 (1-5th Dans): beatmapsets/2316877#osu/4960916
Part 2 (6-10th Dans): beatmapsets/2315888#osu/4959582
Part 3 (ALPHA-ETA Dans): beatmapsets/2315697#osu/4959576
if you're still open to feedback, i think it would be good to trade spacing for stamina on the 2nd dan, a lot of streams up until crazy hot could be much longer at the same star rating that way, which I feel would lead better into the 3rd. This F.I is a good example of what i mean beatmapsets/887111#osu/2185879
Topic Starter

Voidedosu wrote:

lolol234 wrote:

Another Update:

1-5th Dans are now completed. They range from 5* to 6.5*

Here are the full links:

Part 1 (1-5th Dans): beatmapsets/2316877#osu/4960916
Part 2 (6-10th Dans): beatmapsets/2315888#osu/4959582
Part 3 (ALPHA-ETA Dans): beatmapsets/2315697#osu/4959576
Did you have any thoughts about lower Dans (whatever those might be classified as) down to 4*?

I was also hoping people might've chimed in here with thoughts about the first couple of sets, too.

Edit: Also, I forgot that star rating is skewed towards spaced streams. So it's probably a bit inflated anyways
Currently no plans of doing lower Dans. 4.5-5* range is probably when players start to get a sense of technique, and that's right when they can start attempt 1st Dan. Keep in mind that you don't have to ONLY play this when you think you can clear it, it's a good benchmark for any type of progress as well.

Djemovampire wrote:

lolol234 wrote:

Another Update:

1-5th Dans are now completed. They range from 5* to 6.5*

Here are the full links:

Part 1 (1-5th Dans): beatmapsets/2316877#osu/4960916
Part 2 (6-10th Dans): beatmapsets/2315888#osu/4959582
Part 3 (ALPHA-ETA Dans): beatmapsets/2315697#osu/4959576
if you're still open to feedback, i think it would be good to trade spacing for stamina on the 2nd dan, a lot of streams up until crazy hot could be much longer at the same star rating that way, which I feel would lead better into the 3rd. This F.I is a good example of what i mean beatmapsets/887111#osu/2185879
Good find, I think this F.I (even the lowest diff) may be too hard for players though. I think the idea of multiple streams over 32+ notes is still foreign for players looking to clear 2nd Dan, where instead of struggling on stamina, they start to struggle to keep technique on the last 8 notes or so (I could be totally wrong about this though, which is why more feedback would be helpful)

Though I do agree crazy hot's spacing is a bit high. If you have any other maps around the same bpm that has slightly less longer streams, I can take a look at it
I'm in history I guess
dimas podpivas
finally someoone did that
Thanks for making the Standard Dan Course! Just some feedback. After playing the 5th Dan course, it seems like the finger control map and the stamina map a bit harder than the 6th Dan course. I'm not entirely sure if it's just skill issue or it's supposed to be that way.
u have to sneak in Painters somehow, maybe in the stamina part of gamma?
it's real
cool stuff, furthest i cleared by your definition is 9th.

will note that i think ascension to heaven 1.0x is a bit easy relative to the rest, honestly blue zenith had more stamina despite being marked as the flow map. considering 10th dan jumps all the way to 236, i think the stamina map in 9th could use a bump upwards in bpm
Miku Hatsune
imo 4th Dan is *way* easier than *3rd* (probably just mephisto sped up is way harder than the other maps in 3rd dan (honestly it shouldnt even be sped up))

also song list on part 1 (1st - 5th dan) are those from part 3 (i.e. song list is missing for 1st-5th dan)
Topic Starter

captin1 wrote:

cool stuff, furthest i cleared by your definition is 9th.

will note that i think ascension to heaven 1.0x is a bit easy relative to the rest, honestly blue zenith had more stamina despite being marked as the flow map. considering 10th dan jumps all the way to 236, i think the stamina map in 9th could use a bump upwards in bpm
Thanks for the feedback. I redid the progression of 8-10th dans because, as you said, the bpm's don't align well. I switched some maps up as well, so it should be more smooth now

decaykets wrote:

Thanks for making the Standard Dan Course! Just some feedback. After playing the 5th Dan course, it seems like the finger control map and the stamina map a bit harder than the 6th Dan course. I'm not entirely sure if it's just skill issue or it's supposed to be that way.
You're totally right! Changed o'er the flood to be 1.05x and blend s to be 170 bpm.

Really thanks for testing!
Looks very cool. Sadly i can't tap at all. But I think 95% is too low for pass

lolol234 wrote:

captin1 wrote:

cool stuff, furthest i cleared by your definition is 9th.

will note that i think ascension to heaven 1.0x is a bit easy relative to the rest, honestly blue zenith had more stamina despite being marked as the flow map. considering 10th dan jumps all the way to 236, i think the stamina map in 9th could use a bump upwards in bpm
Thanks for the feedback. I redid the progression of 8-10th dans because, as you said, the bpm's don't align well. I switched some maps up as well, so it should be more smooth now

decaykets wrote:

Thanks for making the Standard Dan Course! Just some feedback. After playing the 5th Dan course, it seems like the finger control map and the stamina map a bit harder than the 6th Dan course. I'm not entirely sure if it's just skill issue or it's supposed to be that way.
You're totally right! Changed o'er the flood to be 1.05x and blend s to be 170 bpm.

Really thanks for testing!
o7 glad to be of help!
mule kick
looks great, gives me something to benchmark my current skill at :D

just wanted to say the offset tower of heaven part on 9th dan and the mirai nikki part on beta dan could use +10ms because it feels a bit early right now
the dan brainrot is spreading..... excellent
raise my sword section is really bad, hopefully can get some better mapping in that part. other than that it's really cool i hope more of these are made. though idk why there's such a strong emphasis on spaced streams when it's supposed to be tapping. seems weird to get skillchecked by aim in this.
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