This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on lunedì 6 gennaio 2025 at 05:19:38
Artist: 96neko
Title: Engenya
Source: HoYoFair 2025
Tags: osuplayer111 Sekai Sekaii Sekai-nyan Enna Alouette Suimya Laurier Fuxi66 Fuxi Leomine LeomineXD Japanese Pop JPop J-Pop Genshin Impact 原神 원신 Video Game Videogame Kuroneko Female Vocals Inazuma
BPM: 147
Filesize: 33033kb
Play Time: 03:01
Difficulties Available:
Download: 96neko - Engenya (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My 375th Beatmap.
Special thanks to Leomine for the amazing hitsounds!
Background Source: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Nightmare - Done.
Sekai's Rebirth - Done.
Laurier's Insane - Done.
Fuxi's Hard - Done.
Normal - Done.
Artist: 96neko
Title: Engenya
Source: HoYoFair 2025
Tags: osuplayer111 Sekai Sekaii Sekai-nyan Enna Alouette Suimya Laurier Fuxi66 Fuxi Leomine LeomineXD Japanese Pop JPop J-Pop Genshin Impact 原神 원신 Video Game Videogame Kuroneko Female Vocals Inazuma
BPM: 147
Filesize: 33033kb
Play Time: 03:01
Difficulties Available:
- Fuxi's Hard (3,48 stars, 413 notes)
- Laurier's Insane (4,63 stars, 527 notes)
- Nightmare (5,56 stars, 625 notes)
- Normal (2,45 stars, 323 notes)
- Sekai's Rebirth (5,36 stars, 602 notes)
Download: 96neko - Engenya (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My 375th Beatmap.
Special thanks to Leomine for the amazing hitsounds!
Background Source: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Nightmare - Done.
Sekai's Rebirth - Done.
Laurier's Insane - Done.
Fuxi's Hard - Done.
Normal - Done.