
25-ji, Nightcord de. x MEIKO - Yoka ni Mitorete...

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Wednesday, 1 January 2025 at 3:00:39 pm

Artist: 25-ji, Nightcord de. x MEIKO
Title: Yoka ni Mitorete
Source: プロジェクトセカイ カラフルステージ! feat. 初音ミク
Tags: ena5 admiring the flowers hatsune miku: colorful stage! nightcode at 25:00 25ji ニーゴ ni-go niigo project sekai プロセカ proseka puroseka keeno ボカロ ボーカロイド vocaloid colourful 宵崎奏 yoisaki kanade 朝比奈まふゆ asahina mafuyu 東雲絵名 shinonome ena 暁山瑞希 akiyama mizuki 楠木ともり tomori kusunoki 田辺留依 tanabe rui 鈴木みのり suzuki minori 佐藤日向 sato satou hinata japanese pop jpop j-pop video rhythm mobile game 傷だらけの手で、私達は kizu darake no te de, watashitachi wa full version
BPM: 83
Filesize: 33871kb
Play Time: 04:30
Difficulties Available:
  1. Futsuu (2.57 stars, 701 notes)
  2. With Our Hands Covered in Wounds (4.14 stars, 1083 notes)
Download: 25-ji, Nightcord de. x MEIKO - Yoka ni Mitorete
Download: 25-ji, Nightcord de. x MEIKO - Yoka ni Mitorete (no video)
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