
Most important skill

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In your opinion what's the most important skill / something that interests you most in this game?
Aim. stream,acc etc etc I suppose the correct answer would be accuracy but what would you prefer?

Aim for me I would happily just play this game with relax if I could dance everything
Prolly the ability to fc maps and maintaining good accuracy. I can't fc maps for the life of me atm .-.
probably the skill of being able to see and move one's limbs
Vuelo Eluko
Aiming is whatever. I'd like accuracy because tapping is definitely the hardest part of this game. I went as far as using my dominant hand to tap so i can have some extra brain power on it but i still struggle with acc

i think it's a playstyle problem like im too visual not enough rhythm
All of them, since one wouldn't work without the use of others.

Bassist Vinyl wrote:

Aiming is whatever. I'd like accuracy because tapping is definitely the hardest part of this game. I went as far as using my dominant hand to tap so i can have some extra brain power on it but i still struggle with acc

i think it's a playstyle problem like im too visual not enough rhythm
I see where you're getting your thoughts on accuracy being the most important, however I want to disagree.

Accuracy and aim come naturally, that's how I've seen it for the plethora of players that I've spectated as they've improved. Speed imo should be the most important, since it is the hardest to build (I'd say), and takes months of training before getting remotely decent.
getting a fullcombo, but accuracy is most important after that, imo

The above link contains the opinions of two players. One of them (the one asking the question) is bad at osu, so his opinion doesn't matter that much. The other one (the one giving the answer) is one of the best players in the game, so his opinion carries a lot more weight.

At the end of the day, it's all subjective (like everything else).
What skill interests me in osu?


pielak wrote:

The most important skill is speed by far. Accuracy is easy unless you're spamming your keyboard mindlessly. Aiming is stupid easy with every map getting huge circles and the ability to retry a map 1000 times until you get it right. Speed on the other hand actually requires you to train and retrying a bunch can break your hands.
Everyone will have different opinions on this based on their own playstyle.

As for me, if you don't have the aim, then speed wouldn't even matter.
Perseverence and optimism.
[ Stellar ]
Most important skill is speed.
You have to be like sonic, or else you will bite dust.
If you don't win, you lose.

Vuelo Eluko

- [ U z z I ] - wrote:

Bassist Vinyl wrote:

Aiming is whatever. I'd like accuracy because tapping is definitely the hardest part of this game. I went as far as using my dominant hand to tap so i can have some extra brain power on it but i still struggle with acc

i think it's a playstyle problem like im too visual not enough rhythm
I see where you're getting your thoughts on accuracy being the most important, however I want to disagree.

Accuracy and aim come naturally, that's how I've seen it for the plethora of players that I've spectated as they've improved. Speed imo should be the most important, since it is the hardest to build (I'd say), and takes months of training before getting remotely decent.
aim comes naturally, accuracy not so much, at least not for me.

i think all the nofail spamming i did when i was still new damaged me too much
speed, anytime I feel like my speed increases everything else just gets better by default, way less 100s because you can actually keep up and snapping just feels easier...
speed, acc, jumps which goes with acc, and streaming since every single "revolutionary" map just has tons of those most often.

pielak wrote:

The most important skill is speed by far. Accuracy is easy unless you're spamming your keyboard mindlessly. Aiming is stupid easy with every map getting huge circles and the ability to retry a map 1000 times until you get it right. Speed on the other hand actually requires you to train and retrying a bunch can break your hands.
Speed is indeed the most difficult to train, but saying accuracy and aim are stupid easy imo is exaggerating it. Yes, speed is now the most rewarding factor in the game, but that still doesn't mean accuracy and aim should be disregarded as stupid easy, though, because they aren't. Example off the top of my head - Pluto.

OT- most important skill is w/e you enjoy improving the most, because you'll spend the most time on it and it'll be your biggest source of PP.
Reading, speed and aim come out of good reading.

Both have their physical factor but reading makes them better, I am fast but there are specific tricky maps I can't do because of my "lack of speed" (my fingers get tired) but it's actually just because I misread and get stuck/confused/etc.
If you want to consider what's the most important skill for getting PP... it's speed.

Although, after much deliberation over the years, I feel that speed is probably the most important anyway, but that refers to speed as a whole... your finger speed, aim speed, reading speed. Aim becomes a problem when the speed is too fast... eg. tapping hand goes out of sync, can't reach notes, etc. So I'd say aim is a factor of speed, whereas precision would just refer to how accurately you can aim, which is not very important with big circles.

Accuracy might be very important, but to call it the most important skill, would be like saying "having 20/20 vision is the most important skill" - it's something that you need to have, but it's very hard to improve.

It's good to be able to play slow stuff and be accurate no matter what you play, but the fact is that lesser players can par with you on those maps, while not being able to match up at all on faster maps for a long time to come.
speed > aim > accuracy

silmarilen wrote:

probably the skill of being able to see and move one's limbs
just wanted to add the skill to not get nervous when you're about to fc
Speed >>> acc > aim

Theoretically, aim is the most important, but imo without any acc you're looking at B rank DT FC scores, no HR scores of any value etc
Vuelo Eluko

silmarilen wrote:

silmarilen wrote:

probably the skill of being able to see and move one's limbs
just wanted to add the skill to not get nervous when you're about to fc
So then the skill to remain focused or alternatively stay zoned out [I guess it depends on the player]
I think it's a lot easier to not get nervous by using the zoned out technique
All I will say is that all best players ever have always excelled at one category only: reading/aim. Even said by Cookiezi himself, a lot of fast/good streamers showed up these last months, yet no players with very good aim.

He was the best because of his ridiculous aim, so was rrtyui when the other guy quit, he had dat aim, it's not that hard to get fast, you just need to get serious about it and practice, but am.. ugh that's hard man way more complex than alternating two buttons.
consistency -> aim/reading -> accuracy -> speed

ks- wrote:

Was gonna post this. The only important skill is patience, with it you can get good but without it you're going to get nowhere.
Well i enjoy playing fast maps that i can barely / can't pass the most so it should be speed.
"You've gotta have heart!"
Tamako Lumisade
Aim > Accuracy > Speed

Some of people have syndrom of "Why can't I fc this, it's so easy". I think they glorify speed over the consistence and aim, so they left it behind.

I've made a simple graph, which will summarize my opinion.

Why focusing on speed is bad? Because it dissapears faster than your aim. Muscle memory isn't infinite, but it lasts long, so any breaks from osu wouldn't hurt your skill that much.

Let's say that person A, who had skills showed in my previous graph would make a half-year break from osu. His graph would like something like that:

Having a great muscle memory, which leads to excellent aiming allows us to rebuild our speed very quickly.
Every pro players knows that. That's why they are in top100.

But that's only an opinion from 5k random player. :lol:
Vuelo Eluko
reflexes dont seem to play much of a role unless it's incredibly high ar.. I mean the MS delay even at AR10 is a relatively long 450 ms
but i think you're right with the general idea but it might just be that speed takes the longest to warm up.. remember when cookiezi took a huge break then came back and 1x100'd FD?
Tamako Lumisade
Well, I sometimes watch livestreams from random people around 1k-5k rank. In fact, their speed is quite good, but their hands shake a lot. It just looks like it was unnatural to play with that speed to them. However, when I was watching Niko livestream quite time ago, his moves were clear, confident, smooth. Hard training consisting in spamming DT all the time? Genetic reasons? Longer practice? Or something more?
Tamako Lumisade

GoldenWolf wrote:

That's the easiest way of explaining, which everyone repeats like lemmes :I. We always can philosophize a bit.

Husky wrote:

Hard training consisting in spamming DT all the time? Genetic reasons? Longer practice? Or something more?

It really is the only thing is there to it, play a lot, then play a lot more, then some more, and when you're done, play even more, and eventually you'll also give this confidence feeling when playing
Vuelo Eluko
the shaky cursor kind of looks cool though
Shaky cursor is just nerves. Some people get more nervous than others.

It also only really applies to hovering tablet players and it depends on your area/grip. What about the others...

RaneFire wrote:

Shaky cursor is just nerves. Some people get more nervous than others.
Sometimes, it's because you're desesperately trying to keep up a stream that is too fast for you
Being able to not go on tilt. I don't know how many people actually tilt as much as I do but it makes it so that some days I just can't set good scores at all.
Vuelo Eluko

GoldenWolf wrote:

RaneFire wrote:

Shaky cursor is just nerves. Some people get more nervous than others.
Sometimes, it's because you're desesperately trying to keep up a stream that is too fast for you
Eh, most peoples cursors wobble at least a bit on streams
They shake a little bit on everything since they hover, not exclusively on streams

By shaky cursor over stream I mean something like this
Determination, if you give up then there is 0% chance of getting that score you want xD
Vuelo Eluko

GoldenWolf wrote:

They shake a little bit on everything since they hover, not exclusively on streams

By shaky cursor over stream I mean something like this
yeah true, i guess it's just slightly more noticeable on streams since it has to be such a relatively slow and precise motion
As some people said determination and practice are far more important than the other skills. imo enjoying the game is even more important than that.

Accuracy is crap. It might get you some top 1's but it won't get you the really hard FC's.

There is no point discussing whether aim or speed is more important. If you lack one but have the other you're gonna be mediocre either way.
Vuelo Eluko
but in the modern world of CS4 aim isn't quite as important as speed. that is, a huge amount of speed and pretty good aim are preferred to the other way around
Actually aim is getting harder on the high level maps.

The problem is that most ranked maps have all the aim moderated out of them.
Reading is the most important skill
If you're trying to FC airman then aim is far more important than speed
If you're trying to FC ascension then speed is far more important than aim
If you're trying to SS murmur twins then the only thing you're going to care about is accuracy

when will people get it already
whichever one is more important is entirely up to you
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