This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 26 ноября 2024 г. at 2:26:15
Artist: Slimane
Title: Mon Amour
Source: Eurovision Song Contest 2024
Tags: marvollo m_a_r_v_o_l_l_o esc french france pop Essentiels nattu feelthepain
BPM: 71
Filesize: 28550kb
Play Time: 02:59
Difficulties Available:
Download: Slimane - Mon Amour (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Te souviens-tu de nous?
Du premier rendez-vous?
C'était beau, c'était fou
hard by feelthepain
hitsounds by Nattu
video and mp3 by obvious dog
Artist: Slimane
Title: Mon Amour
Source: Eurovision Song Contest 2024
Tags: marvollo m_a_r_v_o_l_l_o esc french france pop Essentiels nattu feelthepain
BPM: 71
Filesize: 28550kb
Play Time: 02:59
Difficulties Available:
- feelthepain's hard (2,19 stars, 254 notes)
- normal (1,5 stars, 135 notes)
- tu n'entends pas ma peine? (3,06 stars, 299 notes)
Download: Slimane - Mon Amour (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Te souviens-tu de nous?
Du premier rendez-vous?
C'était beau, c'était fou
hard by feelthepain
hitsounds by Nattu
video and mp3 by obvious dog