
Sayuri - Hana no Tou (nenpulse bootleg remix) [...

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2024年12月5日 at 20:44:10

Artist: Sayuri
Title: Hana no Tou (nenpulse bootleg remix)
Source: リコリス・リコイル
Tags: lycoris recoil japanese anime Tower of Flower 酸欠少女 Sanketsu-girl 宮田'レフティ'リョウ Ryo 'Lefty' Miyata ED ending full ver. version リコリコ LycoReco 錦木 千束 Nishikigi Chisato 井ノ上 たきな Inoue Takina electronic jcore j-core hardcore
BPM: 175
Filesize: 10341kb
Play Time: 06:47
Difficulties Available:
  1. Flower of Love - 4Key (6.22 stars, 5451 notes)
Download: Sayuri - Hana no Tou (nenpulse bootleg remix)
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AelSan Maxus
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