This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on воскресенье, 24 ноября 2024 г. at 20:51:14
Artist: Kenshi Yonezu
Title: Shinigami
Tags: fuju japanese rock jrock pop jpop lost corner pale blue classical rakugo the reaper a traditional comic storytelling art form 6th album sixth 6 six j-rock j-pop
BPM: 119
Filesize: 5254kb
Play Time: 02:58
Difficulties Available:
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
taken from fuju beatmapsets/1557937#osu/3182503
Artist: Kenshi Yonezu
Title: Shinigami
Tags: fuju japanese rock jrock pop jpop lost corner pale blue classical rakugo the reaper a traditional comic storytelling art form 6th album sixth 6 six j-rock j-pop
BPM: 119
Filesize: 5254kb
Play Time: 02:58
Difficulties Available:
- FuJu's Insane (4,01 stars, 530 notes)
- Hard (3,05 stars, 456 notes)
- Insane (4,14 stars, 534 notes)
- Normal (2,32 stars, 307 notes)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
taken from fuju beatmapsets/1557937#osu/3182503