
AAAA Chazuke - Myosotis no Hanataba [OsuMania]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2024年11月24日 at 12:21:33

Artist: AAAA Chazuke
Title: Myosotis no Hanataba
Tags: 10dollar presents chiptune bitpop 8bit frenzy for friends frenz2019 umeboshi chazuke 梅干茶漬け electronic instrumental fa featured artist
BPM: 186
Filesize: 3674kb
Play Time: 03:12
Difficulties Available:
  1. A Bouquet of Cerulean Fragrance - 7Key (6.56 stars, 3978 notes)
  2. Extra - 7Key (5.6 stars, 3403 notes)
Download: AAAA Chazuke - Myosotis no Hanataba
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
RANKED #39<--RANKED #40-->RANKED #41

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