This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 9 января 2025 г. at 21:37:44
Artist: kessoku band
Title: Love Song ga Utaenai
Source: ぼっち・ざ・ろっく!
Tags: anime 喜多郁代 kita ikuyo japanese jrock j-rock bocchi the rock! zaq i can't sing a btr gotoh hitori gotou 後藤ひとり yamada ryo ryou 山田リョウ ijichi nijika 伊地知虹夏 female vocals vocalists yuinn kohei tsukada 塚田耕平 akkin
BPM: 185
Filesize: 5887kb
Play Time: 03:04
Difficulties Available:
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Platter - yuinn
Rain - me
Overdose - me
hs - yuinn
Verti / BlackBN
I need more funny pictures...
Artist: kessoku band
Title: Love Song ga Utaenai
Source: ぼっち・ざ・ろっく!
Tags: anime 喜多郁代 kita ikuyo japanese jrock j-rock bocchi the rock! zaq i can't sing a btr gotoh hitori gotou 後藤ひとり yamada ryo ryou 山田リョウ ijichi nijika 伊地知虹夏 female vocals vocalists yuinn kohei tsukada 塚田耕平 akkin
BPM: 185
Filesize: 5887kb
Play Time: 03:04
Difficulties Available:
- Overdose (5,29 stars, 661 notes)
- Rain (4,34 stars, 611 notes)
- yuinn's Platter (3,09 stars, 614 notes)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Platter - yuinn
Rain - me
Overdose - me
hs - yuinn
Verti / BlackBN
I need more funny pictures...