
Junichi Masuda, Go Ichinose - Victory Lies Befo...

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on dimanche 10 novembre 2024 at 15:22:34

Artist: Junichi Masuda, Go Ichinose
Title: Victory Lies Before You!
Source: ポケットモンスターブラック・ホワイト
Tags: video game instrumental gym leader last final Pokémon pokemon pocket monsters black and white Super Music Collection freak nintendo Creature Inc. TPCi derandom otaku ren yumerios fuxi fuxi66 sytho
BPM: 162
Filesize: 3331kb
Play Time: 00:55
Difficulties Available:
  1. Final Battle! (4,93 stars, 246 notes)
  2. Fuxi's Hard (3,2 stars, 162 notes)
  3. Ren's Normal (2,15 stars, 111 notes)
  4. Sytho's Insane (4,61 stars, 246 notes)
Download: Junichi Masuda, Go Ichinose - Victory Lies Before You!
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

background source

this map was commissioned by Andy Raikou, thank you!
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