
Alya (CV: Uesaka Sumire) - World is Mine (TV Si...

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 6 ธันวาคม 2567 at 12:11:21

Artist: Alya (CV: Uesaka Sumire)
Title: World is Mine (TV Size)
Source: 時々ボソッとロシア語でデレる隣のアーリャさん
Tags: -[_peachy_]- peachy ezmmr roshidere ロシデレ Аля иногда кокетничает со мной по-русски alya sometimes hides her feelings in russian tokidoki bosotto russiago de dereru tonari no alya-san 白戸佑輔 yusuke shirato naotoshi alisa mikhailovna kujou アリサ・ミハイロヴナ・九条 Алиса Михайловна Куджо masachika kuze 久世政近 anime ed ending japanese pop jpop j-pop ryo supercell hatsune miku 初音ミク cv01 vocaloid ボーカロイド crypton future media
BPM: 165
Filesize: 16979kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy - 4Key (1.35 stars, 317 notes)
  2. eZmmR's Hard - 4Key (2.64 stars, 648 notes)
  3. My World - 4Key (3.53 stars, 893 notes)
  4. Peachy's Normal - 4Key (2.03 stars, 486 notes)
Download: Alya (CV: Uesaka Sumire) - World is Mine (TV Size)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Storyboard is Mine | Metadata

Original (Supercell): Hatsune Miku (Cut Ver.)


Drum-Hitnormal | Ihram

Modder & Check

eZmmR | SB load
zyletinee | about tags
keksikosu | snare patterns


Peachy's Normal

eZmmR's Hard

My World

Hitsound and Storyboard by me
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