
Camellia feat. Nanahira - Tsukitourou

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 15 ноября 2024 г. at 14:02:59

Artist: Camellia feat. Nanahira
Title: Tsukitourou
Tags: japanese rock jrock j-rock female vocals かめるかめりあ confetto りぷれい! Replay! kamelcamellia fa featured artist kujinn reform -azumi parad0xa paradoxa daaanni kxlman
BPM: 191
Filesize: 8605kb
Play Time: 04:49
Difficulties Available:
  1. -AzuMi & Parad0xa's Insane (4,97 stars, 1128 notes)
  2. Lost (6,68 stars, 1419 notes)
  3. Reform's Extra (6,1 stars, 1315 notes)
Download: Camellia feat. Nanahira - Tsukitourou
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
finally i finished this map, proud of this one

-azumi x paradoxa ins d
reform ex d

muchin / joshy
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