
Jula - za kazdym razem (kyoto Frenchcore Remix)...

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Montag, 11. November 2024 at 22:07:26

Artist: Jula
Title: za kazdym razem (kyoto Frenchcore Remix) (Sped Up Ver.)
Tags: hardcore polish polski electronic never nevqr skolodojko the_law the law
BPM: 230
Filesize: 4520kb
Play Time: 02:57
Difficulties Available:
  1. d-_-b (7,38 stars, 1751 notes)
  2. easy (2,06 stars, 370 notes)
  3. hard (4,43 stars, 990 notes)
  4. never's expert (6,56 stars, 1548 notes)
  5. normal (3,1 stars, 696 notes)
  6. skolodojko's insane (5,54 stars, 1298 notes)
Download: Jula - za kazdym razem (kyoto Frenchcore Remix) (Sped Up Ver.)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

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