
ginkiha - Lakeside [OsuMania|Osu]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Wednesday, August 07, 2024 at 7:35:26 PM

Artist: ginkiha
Title: Lakeside
Tags: A Tribute -One Heart- Electronic Instrumental MÚSECA MUSECA M3-2018 M3-42 Fall KLAMNOP NEXT NEXT-PIX GRAPHICA MEMORIAL BOOK Hinsvar FA Featured Artist MG MPG Mappers' Guild
BPM: 188
Filesize: 6970kb
Play Time: 03:03
Difficulties Available:
  1. Admirability - 4Key (4.31 stars, 2167 notes)
  2. Advanced - 4Key (2.41 stars, 1295 notes)
  3. Hard - 4Key (3.25 stars, 1743 notes)
  4. Hinsvar's Easy (2.04 stars, 232 notes)
  5. Hinsvar's Hard (3.85 stars, 508 notes)
  6. Hinsvar's Insane (5.17 stars, 602 notes)
  7. Hinsvar's Normal (2.52 stars, 325 notes)
  8. Normal - 4Key (1.76 stars, 880 notes)
Download: ginkiha - Lakeside
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
This one is for Multi-Mode Enthusiast Priority MG quest.
Collab working together with Hinsvar, Thank you a lot!

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