Aireunaeus wrote:
Based artist ur listening.
The dlp series are just out of the world. So far dlp 4 might be my favorite lel
really like how quickly that one decays, just a few minutes in it's already struggling to keep itself together and near the end it's like the musical equivalent of a death rattle. easily the starkest progression of them all. if the series ever comes up in conversation I use that one to show what the premise is. 3's my fav, to me it sounds like a last stand. triumphant to the bitter end.
as much as I dislike how he connected this to 9/11 ("lots of people were listening to music when 9/11 happened. some of them were listening to Wham!, dude" - chris ott), it's incredible process music. how he's able to make music
this fucking sad is beyond me.
saw him in los angeles last december and it was basically indescribable, never seen anything like it.