
Shota Kageyama - Sentou de Pinch!

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on dimanche 4 août 2024 at 19:41:32

Artist: Shota Kageyama
Title: Sentou de Pinch!
Source: ポケットモンスターブラック・ホワイト
Tags: nebuwua a tight spot during battle critical pokemon pokémon black and & white 2 nintendo game freak company creatures pocketmonsters pocket monster monsters hp unova satoshi tajiri 田尻 智 junichi masuda 増田順一 reshiram レシラム zekrom ゼクロム gen5 generation 5 five fifth instrumental electronic video
BPM: 170
Filesize: 1643kb
Play Time: 00:38
Difficulties Available:
  1. LOW HEALTH EXPERT! (5,55 stars, 174 notes)
  2. LOW HEALTH EXTRA! (5,97 stars, 274 notes)
  3. LOW HEALTH HARD! (3,37 stars, 114 notes)
  4. LOW HEALTH INSANE! (4,44 stars, 139 notes)
  5. LOW HEALTH NORMAL! (2,29 stars, 73 notes)
  6. nebuwua's LOW HEALTH EXTREME! (6,28 stars, 311 notes)
Download: Shota Kageyama - Sentou de Pinch!
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Normal, Hard, Insane, Expert & Extra - Sotarks
Extreme - nebuwua
Hitsounds - Sotarks


bn fu xuan/shmiklok
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