
d4vd - Take Me To The Sun

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, November 16, 2024 at 12:00:31 PM

Artist: d4vd
Title: Take Me To The Sun
Tags: alternative alt indie pop english david anthony burke single male vocal vocalist vocals
BPM: 178.2
Filesize: 4904kb
Play Time: 02:31
Difficulties Available:
  1. extra (5.57 stars, 557 notes)
  2. hard (3.53 stars, 388 notes)
  3. insane (4.56 stars, 470 notes)
  4. normal (2.53 stars, 306 notes)
Download: d4vd - Take Me To The Sun
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
joshy / malphs

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