
THE SIXTH LIE - Shadow is the Light (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on środa, 13 listopada 2024 at 18:21:41

Title: Shadow is the Light (TV Size)
Source: とある科学の一方通行
Tags: anime japanese rock アクセラレータ A Certain Scientific Accelerator ray reiji tsuyoshi sato To Aru Majutsu no Index Gaiden toaru Kagaku Ippou Tsuukou op opening Perfect Lies jrock j-rock Arata Ryusei emuhq inae majk00 kuki1537 FreezingAnimenz stompy_
BPM: 188
Filesize: 4423kb
Play Time: 01:29
Difficulties Available:
  1. Collab Normal (2,41 stars, 206 notes)
  2. Freezing's Hard (3,54 stars, 231 notes)
  3. Inae's Black Shadow (5,89 stars, 346 notes)
  4. Insane (4,58 stars, 288 notes)
  5. Kuki's Expert (5,47 stars, 365 notes)
  6. Stompy's Easy (1,8 stars, 112 notes)
Download: THE SIXTH LIE - Shadow is the Light (TV Size)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing


Expert by Inae
Expert by Kuki1537
Hard by FreezingAnimenz
Collab Normal by me & Inae
Easy by Stompy_

(inae didnt feel like ranking it and i wanted my gd ranked so i hosted it)
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