
La priere - Evo [OsuMania]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at 7:28:14 PM

Artist: La priere
Title: Evo
Tags: ihram ihram-san ezmmr meis clauson chinozo 棗いつき natsume itsuki 藍月なくる aitsuki nakuru nayuta japanese pop jpop j-pop group female voice hybrid long notes ln py-chan
BPM: 174
Filesize: 6667kb
Play Time: 02:59
Difficulties Available:
  1. eZmmR don't want to be 4 yo. | Hard - 4Key (2.74 stars, 1465 notes)
  2. Ihram suddenly become 2 yo. | Easy - 4Key (1.7 stars, 769 notes)
  3. Now they're turning 3 yo. | Normal - 4Key (2.14 stars, 1153 notes)
  4. They're going to turn 5 yo. | Insane - 4Key (3.68 stars, 1918 notes)
  5. Today they turn 1 yo. | Beginner - 4Key (1.13 stars, 407 notes)
Download: La priere - Evo
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
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Don't use Mirror mod on top diff for the easter egg

Update Log
  1. 03/30/2024 : Uploaded the mapset
  2. 06/04/2024 : Added eZmmR's and Normal diff, changed diff name, and self-mod
  3. 06/20/2024 : 1545940348's mods
  4. 10/25/2024 : Added Ihram's diff and bunch of self mod
  5. 10/29/2024 : Self mods on polyrhythm section
  6. 12/17/2024 : 1st BN mods
  7. 12/21/2024 : Leftover mods
  8. 01/06/2025 : 2nd BN mods
  9. 01/07/2025 : Addition suggestions
  10. 01/08/2025 : Qualified
  11. 01/15/2025 : Ranked

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